Who is the director of the TNT channel. Who owns and how the Channel TNT is decrypted

Brand: TNT

Tagline: Feel our love, the most powerful television brand (from September 23, 2015)

Industry: Television broadcasting

Product: TV channel

Company-owner: Gazprom Media Holding

Start of broadcasting: 1998

Headquarters: Russia

Performance performance

Audience coverage: more than 104 million people. (2012)

Broadcasting area: 975 cities.

The average daily share of the canal: 13,1 % (2013)

Data on Gazprom-Media Holding

Turnover: 52.3 billion rubles. (2012)

Operating profit: 12.2 billion rubles. (2012)

Net profit: 7.7 billion rubles. (2012)

Gazprombank (Gazprom-Media Owner):

Net profit

Amount of assets

2016 29,0 5,534 494,5
2017 33,8 4,879 576,8

The channel is an absolute leader in the country's youth audience.

Share of youth (100% - TV viewers of all TV channels 18-30 years old): 14.5%.
The share of the audience is 18-45 years (100% - TV viewers of all TV channels 18-45 years old): 10.9%.
The share of the audience is 6-54 years old (100% - TV viewers of all TV channels of 6-54 years): 9.6%.
The main core: 18-30 years.
The share of viewers with medium and higher education: 77%.
The share of viewers with the average and above average income: 69%.

TNT technical penetration is 95%, and the potential audience of the channel is more than 100 million people.

Source: RBC

According to the youth audience, TNT remains the most affinative from the federal TV channels: according to TNS Russia in 2012, its affinity index amounted to 143 against 103 U STS, 53 at the "first" and 38 in Russia 1 (Afphinity 18-30 / 4+).

For TNT, a high solvency of the audience is characterized: incomes of 74% of the viewers of the TV channel - "middle and above." The most effective audience of 25-54 years is a little less than 60% of the entire channel audience in the region, 32% of the audience TNT are managers, specialists and employees.

Content channel - transmission and TV series "Battle of psychics", "House-2", "happy together", "Comedy Club", "Our Russia", "Interns", "University", "Real boys" and others who are leading in His times, leaving behind the software products of other TV channels.

Men's and women's audience TNT TV channel

Age Auditorium TNT Channel

Social statuses of the audience TV channel TNT

history of the company

TNT TV channel was founded in September 1997 and belonged to Holding "Media-Bridge". At the invitation of Igor Malashenko, Sergey Skvortsov became the General Director of TNT, the former general director of the CTC.

Essential broadcast began on January 1, 1998. His name the creators decrypt as "your new television." Initially, the channel did not have a tendency to growth and could stop his existence at any time, without preparing a competitive struggle, but the powerful growth of the regional audience tied to regional networks and popular television series of the 90s "Streets of broken lamps" and "National Security Agent" led to A sharp increase in the audience of viewers.

On the TNT-TV channel until the 2002--2003 season, there was no definite concept of ether, the channel was focused on a wide range of television viewers, the topic was attended by documentary, cartoons, television series.

In 2000, Moscow informational broadcast was launched. On August 27, 2000, due to the fire on the Ostankino television, the channel temporarily transferred part of his airtime NTV channel to display the information program "Today" of the NTV channel. In 2000-2001, the channel along with other media "Media Bridge" (NTV, NTV-Plus, the publishing house "Seven Days") was on the verge of liquidation. In 2001, during the capture of the NTV television company, TNT showed NTV programs. After the capture and redistribution of property on NTV, most of the journalists were temporarily transferred to TNT to the proposal B. A. Berezovsky E. A. Kiselev, heading TV-6.

In the spring of 2001, a leadership was changed on the TV channel, instead of Paul Korchagin, Andrei Skutin became the general director. The Canal itself became the property of Madephalding Gazprom-Media. In 2002, the channel included in the Gazprom Media Holding was determined by the concept of "TNT helps!" which exhausted himself. In the same year, the canal claimed the 6th button in Moscow. There were also prospects for republicing TNT into a sports channel. In the fall of 2002, this idea was partially implemented - the "TNT-Sport" program was added to the broadcast grid, which was created with the participation of the NTV-Plus Sport television company.

In the autumn of 2002, the TNT audience significantly increased - from 2.7% to 5.4%, largely due to the launch of the Tok show Dmitry Nagiyev "windows" and other new gears launched with the participation of the new team of managers with Roman Petrenko, former CSTS CEO.

From February 1, 2003, the channel completely changed its topics, and became aimed at the "Realistic Show" and a variety of alternative entertainment programs. In the first half of February 2011, the broadcast of Russian TV channels of the DTV and TNT was discontinued in Uzbekistan. From June 1, 2011, the broadcasting of the TNT TV channel was discontinued in the capital of Belarus in Minsk. There are versions that the TV channel stopped broadcasting due to jokes in the direction of the President of the country Alexander Lukashenko in the humorous TV show Comedy Club, and possibly due to the broadcast of the film forbidden from 2009 in Belarus - it means Vendetta, who broadcast on TNT for a couple days before stopping broadcasting. In mid-January 2012, the broadcasting of the TV channel was terminated throughout the territory of the Republic at the request of the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus in connection with the lack of permission from the TV channel for broadcasting on the territory of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 17, 2008 on the media. The broadcast will be resumed after receiving foreign media (TNT TV channel) of the relevant permit in the republican body of public administration in the field of the media.

In 2011, TNT-TV OJSC became the co-owner of the Samara Regional Channel OJSC TRC "Skat" bought 26% of the shares from its owners. On November 2, 2011, FAS included "TNT" to the list of federal channels.

February 6, 2012 on numerous requests of viewers began broadcasting in the Raduga-TV package on the ABS-1 satellite in the hour version +2. On April 1, 2012, Tricolor TV translated the TV channel from a free package to a paid one. On April 4, the TV channel interrupted the signal to the operator, and 11 he returned already in a free package. From September 1, 2012, the logo during advertising is not cleaned, but only becomes gray. On December 14, 2012, the TV channel entered the second multiplex digital television of Russia.

In July 2013, Igor Goyakhberg became the new CEO of TNT, Roman Petrenko becomes Chairman of the Board of Directors of TNT-TV OJSC.

From September 1, 2013, TNT TV channel ceased to broadcast in Ukraine. The reason for this was the signing of the MEDIA Group Ukraine Holding Agreement with Comedy Club Production Production Center for the exclusive law of the Content of the TNT television channel on the Ukrainian channels of the TRC Ukraine and UFO TV, which are held in Holding.

On September 1, 2014, the relative TV channel "TNT-Comedy" was launched, replacing the satellite TV channel "Comedy TV", as well as the launch of the international version of TNT under the same name.

In February 2016, changes were carried out in the corporate structure. As a result of their aspect of the Director-General, Subholding "GPM Entertainment TV" (CEO - Arthur Janibekyan), and was also introduced the position of director of the TV channel, which Igor Mishin was reassigned (left this post on June 15, 2016).

Some TNT projects become objects for criticism. The accusations mainly sound about the propaganda of immorality among young people, vulgarities, obscenities, sexual subjects and dubious values \u200b\u200bin the series.

On January 1, 2016, on the basis of the TV channel "TNT-Comedy" and on the former air frequencies of the TV channel 2x2, the TNT4 channel started, fully built on the TNT archive.

On February 8, the Ether TNT went quite traditional on execution, but noticeable at the subject of Sitka "Island". For the first time, the rating product TNT paroded another, even the cult, product of the same channel, a reality show with a 12-year history "Dom-2", and in the postmodern key.

TNT - entertainment television, the ethereal line is built on the principle "to translate all that other TV channels do not broadcast, or translated in insufficient volume." The television program consists mainly of special TNT projects (humorous, documentary, on household topics, focused on young people, reality shows, serials), comedy cartoons and films of foreign production.

Brand history

For its history, TNT changed 2 logo, the current one - the 3rd account

Third logo TNT from December 25, 2009 to the present
(From March 15, 2011, the animation of the patterns is accelerated and they became golden color)

What is common between Kovalchuk, Rothenberg and Sherlock Holmes? Battle for the "first button"

"Real Time" analyzed information about the owners of the largest channels in Russia, Tatarstan and in Russian millionth cities. The televisional of Russia belongs to major media groups, including Gazprom. Tatarstan canals are almost completely divided between Tatmedia and the head of Ether Andrei Grigoriev. In Russian million paintings, the channels are owned or people from the city hall, or a large business.

Scandalous beginning of the year for the first channel

I did not have time to start a year, as the chief Russian channel - the first one - it turned out to be drawn immediately into several scandals. First on the Internet, on the Change.org platform, a petition appeared, in which from the first channel in the face of Konstantin Ernsta, demanded to improve the New Year's show. Ernst, a few days later, arranged a conference on which he spoke about his vision of the problem: the main audience of New Year's show - 45+, and the creators in pursuit of ratings are focused on this category of viewers.

Nevertheless, the petition has signed more than 160 thousand people. However, later the author of the petition apologized to Alla Pugacheva. The show was particularly criticized with her participation.

Literally a few days later, in the open access, the final series of the fourth season of the popular series "Sherlock" in the voice of the first channel turned out to be the final series. The premiere was supposed to take place only two days later. The source of "plum" was one of the staff of the first channel.

These facts accepted representatives of some media on the theory that these events are nothing more than a planned attack on Konstantin Ernsta, the general director of the first channel. Journalists suggested that the attack is based on the conflict between Arkady Rothenberg and Yuri Kovalchuk, who owns the channel control package.

Against the background of all this confusing and politicized history, "real-time" decided to find out who owns Russian TV channels.

Block package of the first channel - at the National Media Group, Yuri Kovalchuk. Photo FB.ru.

We divided the ether: Abramovich, "Sogaz" and NMG

The chief Russian channel is the first channel - a whole series of owners and managers and managers who have survived over the past two decades, is now working under the legal entity of the First Channel JSC.

According to open sources, a 38.9% channel belongs to the state represented by the Federal Property Management Agency. Another 24% of ORT-KB LLC Roman Abramovich, and the block package at the National Media Group, Yuri Kovalchuk. Immediately it can be noted that in the Federal Property Management Agency, in addition to the share in the "first button", there are TV channel RUSSIA TODAY (through RIA Novosti).

For the sign "National Media Group" (NMG), if you believe the official site of the company, the association of media assets of the Metallurgical King, Alexei Mordashov (Severstal), who has fallen under the sanctions of the Bank "Russia" Yuri Kovalchuk, a mysterious and rich representative of the Russian TEK of JSC Surgutneftegaz and the Sogaz Insurance Group (the subsidiary of Gazprom).

The Empire of the National Media Group includes another rating federal channel Ren TV (it is believed to be formed on behalf of its creator of Irena Lesnevskaya). Located on the 11th button, the channel received special glory among Russians due to their love for the theory of conspiracy and strange investigations.

Legal entity channel - Acceptance LLC. The share of the media group is 82% here, and the remaining 18% belong to Sogaz Tower JSC (as expected is the one hundred percent daughter of Sogaz JSC).

Among the media active "National Media Group" also "Fifth Channel" (72.4%), "Russian News Service" (100%), Izvestia newspapers (98.32%), "Sport Express" (75%) and "Metro-Petersburg" (100%). In addition, NMG belongs to Discovery Communications Media Alliance, which manages Russian versions of Discovery and Eurosport channels.

In the portfolio of the gas monopolist

It is clear that the mansion is the State Holding of VGTRK, which controls the whole family of various TV channels. Among them are two of the most popular Russian television channels - Russia 1 and Russia 24.

One of the most rating channels, known to the viewer with loud investigations (as not to recall the "scandals, intrigues, investigations") and endless criminal TV shows on the teeth) and infinite criminal TV shows of NTV (NTV JSC). Now the channel belongs to 86% JSC Gazprom-Media Holding (35% - directly, by 51% - through Aura-Media LLC).

NTV now belongs to 86% of Gazprom-Media Holding JSC. Photo mediasat.info.

Among the asses of Gazprom-Media Holding are the entertainment channels "TNT", "TNT4", "TV 3", "Friday", "2x2", sports TV channels "Match", Avtoradio radio station, "Children's radio", Comedy Radio, Like FM, Relax FM, Radio Romance, NRJ, Echo of Moscow, Humor FM, Logs "Seven Days TV Program", "Caravan Stories". In addition, Gazprom Media owns Production companies Comedy Club Production, Good Story Media, Distributors of Central Partnership and Red Media, Internet services 101.Ru, Rutube, N.R.ru, Zoomby, Vokrug.tv, Satellite TV operator NTV Plus "

"Rain" of Wives of Vinokurova and "Star" of the Ministry of Defense

The sixth of the quotability of the TV channel of Russia is "rain" (LLC "TV channel Rain") belongs to 95% Natalia Sideyeva, by 5% - Belchevskaya. Sdeeva is also one of the creators and co-owner of the Silver Rain radio station, as well as other projects included in the rain media holding - this, in particular, the magazine "Big City" (previously belonged to the publishing house "Poster") and the website republic (former Portal Slon.ru).

Note that the investor of all projects is called Alexander Vinokurov, one of the founders of the company "Kit Finance" is the husband of Sindeeva. The second founder of "Rain" is Vera Krichevskaya, a journalist and a televiser. Known by the fact that the director of the Anthropology program with Dmitry Dibrov on NTV, the producer of the Freedom of speech project with Savik Schuster (first on NTV, then launched a project in Ukrainian ICTV). Also launched the project "Citizen Poet" with Mikhail Efremov at the "Rain".

Natalia Sdeeva and Alexander Vinokurov. Photo by Peter Antonova (Forbes.ru)

The seventh place in the cite index occupies the "Star" TV channel. The legal entity of the channel - OJSC "TRC of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" Star ". The owner is 99.99% - JSC "TK Red Star", 100% owned by the "daughter" of the Ministry of Defense, JSC "Red Star". Another 0.01% of the television channel, the Ministry of Defense Own directly.

The Ninth Cathedral Cathedral of Russia - "TV Center" - works under the same name (in the form of a joint-stock company). Since the time of Yuri, Luzhkov, the channel is the main ruger of the Moscow City Hall. Little has changed now.

Data on owners vary depending on the source of information. In particular, the company itself discloses the owner only 21.02% is JSC TsTK ("Central Fuel Company"). According to Rosstat, this company owns only 18.21% of the shares. Another 0.47% belongs to Promtorgcenter JSC, and 81.32% - GKU "Department of the City Property of the city of Moscow". JSC TsTK, according to the EGRUL, belongs to 16.02% by the same department of the property of Moscow, and Promtorgcenter - Andrei Ryabov and Nikolay Mikhailov.

Closes the top ten of the most cited channels European EuroNews TV channel. Back in 2004 it was reported that one of the owners of the channel shares was VGTRK. She received 16% of EUROnOws shares. Among other owners of the television company - France Televisions, Italian RAI, Turkish TRT, Swiss SSR.

Channel owners: Russia
TV channel Legal name Founders Share Founders Share
First channel JSC "First Channel" Rosimushchestvo 38,90%
Raster-2002, LLC 25% 100%
ORT-KB, LLC 24% Abramovich Roman Arkadievich 100%
Russia 24 VGTRK
RT. Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "TV-News" RIA Novosti, FSUE RAMI Rosimushchestvo
Russia 1 GTK "TV channel" Russia " VGTRK
Ren TV LLC "Acceptor" (television channel Ren TV) National Media Group, CJSC 82%
Sogaz Tower, JSC 18% SOGAZ, AO 100%

Tatarstan: 16 State District Channels

When preparing the rating, the most amazing discovery for us was the fact that more than 60 TV channels were registered in Tatarstan! Moreover, more than half of them - 32 - registered in Kazan. However, a significant part of them is related to the capital of the RT only indirect.

So, of them, almost two dozen, even in the title it is seen, broadcast not in Kazan. For example, "Ether Chistopol", "Bavlin television and radio", "Challes-TV" and others. 16 channels are registered at one address - ul. Academic, 2. It is explained to it easily: at this address registered the Owner's owner - JSC "Tatmedia". Accordingly, the founder of them has one - the republic (the Ministry of Astimet of Tatarstan, to be more accurate). The list of channels is most of the "district tabs" to federal channels, the Tatarstan-New Century Channel or Tatarstan-24.

The mansion is worth the TV channel Tatarstan-24, which became the joint brainchild of the Kazan private media million of Andrei Grigorieva (LLC "Ether UK") and "Tatmedia". He combined the "Etirevtsev" and the team of the already cleaned "KZN". It is for this joint project that the Tatarstan authorities lay great hopes.

Andrei Grigoriev is the founder of nine channels. Photo efir24.tv

Nine "Esters" Andrei Paramonovich

If we talk about Andrei Grigoriev, then, according to open data, he is the founder of nine channels. The main one is, in fact, the broadcast "Ether", partially relaying "Ren TV", and all its regional legal entities in Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Leninogorsk, Bugulma, Chistopol and Almetyevsk. In all these Jurlitsy, Andrei Grigoriev belongs to 97.23%. Among the remaining Minorityarians, Grigoriev-Jr. and Ilshat Aminov, who worked with the founder of Ether before arriving on TNV. In addition, Andrei Grigoriev is fully owned by the TV channel "Ether-24 Relax", and LLC "UK Ether" by 31.58% - Lion-Almetyevsk television company. The remaining shares are plus management (63.16%), Alexey Baganov (2.63%), Alexey Sobolev (2.63%).

Grigoriev, in addition, owns 50% of Ether-transit LLC, 34% of MDG COLITS LLC, 50% of Radiotelecom LLC, 25% in LLC "DTV-Kazan", 76% in Chop LLC "Rubezh Ether." In total, he is a founder in 33 companies and director in RENT LLC (deals with the import of real estate, registered to Gladlov, 17).

As a Chelin builder turned out to be media magnate

Three channels - Ilnar Gaisin. He belongs to 26% of the Three Chelny Channels - "GTS", Ren Tv-Naberezhnye Chelny, "Chelny-24". All three channels are represented by one legal entity - LLC Intertelecom. Another 19% owns Galina Hanmurzina, 18.5% have Abdulhak Batyushov, Yuri Gorbunov and Maria Himushin. The company was founded in 2002.

In total, Ilinar Gaysin owns 17 construction companies. But the basis of its empire is Eurostil LLC. It is engaged in the construction of the Cabin Plant for the Joint Enterprise "Daimler Kamaz Rus", as well as the buildings of the BSMP, the Ice Palace, Buildings of the Business Center 2.18 in Naberezhnye Chelny, as well as the Chelin IT Park. Also "Eurostil" built on the order of GISU school building in Naberezhnye Chelny. Regarding this order, Ivan Klimov activist in September 2016 filed a complaint: the school began to be built before the publication of the tender.

As for the director and one of the founders of InterTelecom - Abdulhak Batyushov, he is the founder and director also in Radio Mendeleevsk LLC (former LLC ELKOM), as well as the Chairman of the Council in the Chelinic Territorial Department of the Republican Public Movement "Tatarstan-New Century. He is headed by two more companies - Trio Plus LLC and "Modern Technologies", in which the founder with equity in 18.5% is also. The main shares belong to Ilinar Gaisin.

Batyushov - deputy of the City Council of Naberezhnye Chelny, member of the United Russia party. The site of the local branch of the party is said that it is still a general directorist of the Holding "GTV-Media".

Note, Abdulhak Batyushov is one of the most famous media managers in Naberezhnye Chelny. Until 2001, he was the director in the municipal "Challa TV", but later he left his position because of the conflict with the former mayor of the city of Hamadeev. In 2002, he registered Intertertelecom, and in 2004 the broadcasting of the TV channel began. At the moment, in the assets of "InterTelecom" (Holding "SVT-MEDIA") - Chelning versions of Ren-TV and "Fifth Canal", as well as "Autoradio", NRJ, "Humor FM", "Radio 7", "Radio Cottage "and Comedy Radio.

Abdulhak Batyushov is one of the most famous media managers in Naberezhnye Chelny. Photo Nabchelny.ru.

Teleclocks but small

More than a third of the package of two Almetyevsky canals working under one legal entity (Almetyevsk Radiotelek LLC) - "Video Set" and "RTC" belong to Lydia Maslova. He heads LLC RTKA, by the way, Gennady Maslov. Together with Lydia, they also own another local channel - VEGA-TV-Almetyevsk LLC. As you managed to learn from the open, Gennady Maslov is the director of local branches "Autoradio", NRJ and Humor FM.

As for other RTC owners, 25% belong to Irina Samoylova, 20% - Marina Rumovoy, 10% - Alexander Panyut and Ahmat Salimov.

Chelning LLC TV-7 is engaged in relaying two channels "Seven TV" and "Ru.TV". The company in equal shares belongs to Elsa Kabrova (also heads Radio Record LLC, LLC "Googlepro", LLC Bureau of Good Services, LLC "Chelna Telecom") and Fanzyl Field.

Two more channels - "Chtals" and "Sktts-Plus" - are registered on the Teleradiocompany of Chtals LLC from Chistopol. 40% of the company - Rafgata Kamalova, 20% - Gulnara Hamaeva, 10% - at Arthur, Ildar, Zaudat, Arthur and Albert Camalov. Interestingly, Albert Kamalova also owns 27% of the Ether 12 channel from Chistopol. The channel relayes Ren-TV, another 27% - Hamzi Kashapova, 26% - from Andrei Mikheeva, 20% from Rafgata Kamalov. Interestingly, in 2012 between the owners of the Ether 12 channel, the conflict was broke out - Kashapov conducted an extraordinary meeting of shareholders and handed over the property of the company to confidential administration.

Large Federal Holding - LLC "STS Holdingz" - owned two channels. This is "Che" and, in fact, "First Entertainment CTS". Both canals work under the Juralle CJSC Channel 6, registered in Kazan, Gladlov, 34. Another 29.98% of the company belongs to JSC STS, and 21.04% - JSC "STS region". Holding owns the channels "STS", "home", "Che".

"Tatarstan-New Century" and the satellite version of the channel "TNV Planet" belong to Taif and the Ministry of Health Property of Tatarstan.

In addition, in the similarity of the holding "fired" and the Executive Committee of the Bugulmin district. He is the sole founder of two channels - "51 MTV" (MUT "MTV") and the "Elabuga News Service" (the autonomous institution of the Elabuzhsky municipal district "Elabuga News Service").

"Tatarstan-New Century" and the satellite version of the channel "TNV Planet" belong to Taif and the Ministry of Health Property of Tatarstan. Photo Maxim Platonov

One canal

The remaining Tatarstan canals belong not to the holding, but separate individuals and legal entities. For example, "YU-TV" (Jurlso - LLC "Information Systems Plus") belong to Gabdulgazis and Fires bikmulline (27% and 24%), Vyacheslav Dolpopolova (23%), Nikolay Korchagin (2%) and TV-service JSC "(24% - Holding also owns Muz-TV, turned into a cable channel," home "," Che ", Disney channel). We note that there is also information systems, the chairman of the board of directors of which is Marat Gabdulgazisovich Bikmullin, deputy of the Kazan City Duma. Note that it is the founder of Bim Radio. The current head of the radio station, Vyacheslav Dolgopolov, is 100% owned by the cable music and entertainment TV channel "Bim-TV".

There is a Channel of the Kazan Federal University. He is represented by the university himself, respectively, the founder can be considered the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

From the channels with a fully owned broadcasting grid, another "First City Channel" and "Tatar Music TV channel Maidan" can be allocated. The "first urban" in Kazan was established by Maxim Solodunkin (50%), Vadim Skopin (33.33%), Vladimir Suvorov (16.67%).

The Tatar Music TV channel Maidan is established by Ruslan Khalilov (51%), Damir Damir Damir (37%), Eduard Utyaganov (12%).

The remaining channels, and their 11 pieces, are district "tabs" in the broadcast of federal channels. You can note the Nizhnekamsky television channel "Neftekhim", the founder of which is PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, and the Almetyevsky Canal "Alma" - He established him by the son of Shafagat Takhautdinov, the former head of Tatneft - Rustem Takutdinov.

Among the remaining channels are most located in Almetyevsk: this is "Family TV-Almetyevsk" (owned by Valentina Zinovieva), "Gambit" (owner of Vasily Ipatiev), "TV River" (owner Rinat Mirgaliev), "Region-TV" (belongs to Anis Yamaliyeva ).

Two more channels are based in Elabuga - this is "home-elabuga" (belongs to Nicholas Gordeyev and Marat Muhamedzynzyna) and "TNT Elabuga" (belongs to Alexander Kozlov). In addition, another channel is based on Aznakaevo ("Aznakaev radio and television" Ilkama Gazizyanova, Marat Basarieva, Naila Ishakova, Ramil Islamova, Igor Rodionova, Naja Hamzina and Farhat Yusupova), Urussu ("KTV-Urussu" Alexander Koschenko) and Bavlach (TV-Fortuna »Rishat Yunusov, Olga Lyamina, Rashita Samarahanova).

Channel owners: Tatarstan
Name (name) of the distributed media Brand name and legal form of a legal entity Founder Share Founder Share
Yu-TV Limited Liability Company "Information Systems Plus" Bikmullin Gabdulgaziz Shamsivaleevich 27,00% Bikmullina Faruza Barievna 24%
TV and radio company "Aznakaev radio and television"; TNT Limited Liability Company TV and Radio Company "Aznakaevskoy Radio and Television" Gazizyanov Ilkam Magsimamovich 70,00% Basariev Marat Nalievich 15,00%
Television company Petersburg - 5 Channel Limited Liability Company "Trio Plus" Gaysin Ilinar Lenarovich 26,00% Batyushov Abdulhak Mustafovich 18,50%
Ren - TV - Naberezhnye Chelny; Ren-TV channel Gaysin Ilinar Lenarovich 26,00% Batyushov Abdulhak Mustafovich 18,50%
Chelny 24. Limited Liability Company InterTelecom Gaysin Ilinar Lenarovich 26,00% Batyushov Abdulhak Mustafovich 18,50%
Home-elabuga; Home Limited Liability Company "Pressmedia" Gordeev Nikolai Ivanovich 50,00% Muhamedzynov Marat Azatovich 50,00%
Ether Nizhnekamsk; TNT Limited Liability Company TV-Kamask Grigoriev Andrey Paramonovich 97,23% Aminov Ilshat Yunusovich 1,70%
TNT; Ether Naberezhnye Chelny Limited Liability Company "Fortuna TV" Grigoriev Andrey Paramonovich 97,23% Aminov Ilshat Yunusovich 1,70%
Ether Leninogorsk; TNT Primem TV Limited Liability Company Grigoriev Andrey Paramonovich 97,23% Aminov Ilshat Yunusovich 1,70%

Russian million paintings: Local major business and officials

As for the Russian cities million of millions, then in most regions the first place on the ratings, according to TNS, Russia is occupied by the regional representative offices of VGTRK. Such regions include St. Petersburg (rating of 1.3%), Ekaterinburg (1.4%), Omsk (1.3%), Volgograd (1.6% rating), Ufa (0.9%), Nizhny Novgorod (1%), Samara (2%), Novosibirsk (1.7%), Chelyabinsk (1.6%), Rostov-on-Don (1.7%), Voronezh (1.3%), Izhevsk (0 , 8%), Saratov (1.2%).

Interestingly, in Russian cities with a population more than a million only in four cases, the first places on the ratings did not occupied the branch of VGTRK, but other channels. These regions include Kazan, Perm, Krasnoyarsk and Moscow (in the latter case, we are talking about channels broadcast exclusively to Moscow).

As for the Perm Canal "Rife-Perm" - then its rating, like the Ether, is 2.1%. The actual audience "Ether" at the same time - 24 thousand people against 20 thousand. At the moment, the sole founder of the company is Rife-Invest LLC, which belongs to Alexei Bodrov. According to the service "Card Self", he established eight companies, including Real Estate Management LLC, LLC EXT management LLC, LLC E.K.S. INTERNOSHNL. " According to the company's site, Alexey Bodrov is the Deputy Director for Corporate and Legal Ensuring. The company itself is engaged in construction and development, including discovered the Family TRC in Perm and in Ufa, the company is engaged in the production of food under the brand "Whales of Food", Family Choice. Bodrov, in addition, is a deputy of the Smbilization of the Perm Territory from the United Russia party.

It should be noted that the Rife-Perm television company itself belongs to the assets of the former governor of the Perm Territory of Oleg Chirkunova, the vocabulary is called the deputy close to Chirkunov. Chirkunov, according to Kommersant, was the owner of the "Family" network, but in February 2015 he conveyed his share of new owners, however, still close to the ex-governor.

The Rife-Perm television company refer to the assets of the former governor of the Perm Territory Oleg Chirkunova. Photo Medialeaks.ru.

The third regional TV channel, which occupies a place in its region above VGTRK - Krasnoyarsk "TVK". Channel rating 1.6%, the audience is 16 thousand people. The legal entity of the company - LLC "Krasnoyarsk Information Television (TVK-6 channel)". The company belongs to two legalities - by 64% of LLC "Shares" and at 35% of Form Media LLC. "Shares" belong to equal shares of Marina Dobrovolskaya, Vadim Vostros and Natalia Korbanoy. "Forms of Media" belongs to Pavel Yazubov (through JSC "Tensor" and LLC Polaron). The last company, according to RBC, previously belonged to Oleg Deripaska earlier, and Yazubes are called the son of the State Duma deputy from United Russia Alexei Yezubova - Brother Mother Deripaska. The company manages television and radio stations, also in Bratsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Abakan, Sayanogorsk and Nizhny Novgorod. This is due to the first company, the only person from the founders participating in other companies is Vadim Estra - former director of TVK-6 channel ", In 2001-2006, he was a deputy of the Krasnoyarsk Region.

In the capital among regional channels, the information channel "Moscow-24" occupies the first place on the rating. Channel rating is only 0.2%, but the actual audience is quite large - 27 thousand people. Jurlso Company - Moscow Media JSC (it also includes the "Moscow. Trust" channel with the same rating). The company's founder is "TV Center". The company itself was created by VGTRK. Igor Shestakov became the director, the author of the morning canal "Good Morning, Russia!" On the RTR channel (subsequently "Russia 1"), the former producer of the news channel "Vesti" (now Russia 24), the chief editor of the Russia-2 channel, as well as the main producer of the Russia-1 channel. One of the leading channel, we recall, is the former leading channel "Ether-24" Ksenia Sedunova. Sedunova also works the leading corporate houses - for the New Year's event with its participation, 200 thousand rubles must be paid.

As for the most rating channels that do not belong to VGTRK, in other regions, then the key figures are most often associated with the urban leadership. In St. Petersburg, however, the first place on the rating after GTRK St. Petersburg is occupied by the Life 78 channel with a rating of 0.2%. Jurlso Company - TV-Doming LLC, whose general director - Aram Gabrelyanov, President of the publishing holding News Media, which includes the newspaper "Life", TV channel LifeNews, Radio "RSN", Portal Life.ru. Yurlitsa Life 78 belongs to News Nov St. Petersburg, established by Ikar LLC and Aram Gabrolyanov. "News SPb" belongs to Sergey Rudnov and Marina Kotelnikova. Rudnov - Son Oleg Rudnova, who died in 2015, the head of the Baltic Media Group. After the death of Oleg Rudnova, the NEWS Media received control over the Baltic Media Group.

For LIFE 78, however, difficult times have come. In mid-January, in particular, it became known that the channel will stop broadcasting from February 1. At the same time, according to the Flashnord agency, about 70-80% of almost half-thousand employees were already fired. At the same time, in the middle of 2016, News Media lost control over the newspaper "Izvestia" - "National Media Group" did not extend the agreement with Gabrolyanov, and at the end of 2015 there was a reduction in third employees in News Media due to the difficult financial situation in the country and The crisis in the advertising market.

"TNT Saratov", the most rated local TV channel after VGTRK, officially belongs to Sergei Vasilyev and Oleg Chistyakov, but local media connect it with the mayor of Saratov Oleg Grishchenko.

The most rated non-state channels with its own news in Yekaterinburg - "41 home", earlier "Studio 41". Channel rating 0.5%. The channel belongs to the LLC "NVF" Copyright Technologies ", CJSC" Intourist-Ekaterinburg ", Uralstinol CJSC and CJSC Autopromomplex. NVF "Copyright Technologies", the largest shareholder belongs to Denis Levanov. In 2006, Kommersant called the owners of the canal close to the city hall of Yekaterinburg.

In mid-January, it became known that LIFE 78 will stop broadcasting from February 1. Photo Pantv.LiveJournal.com

The Omsk TV channel "Antenna 7" with a rating of 0.6% by 80% belongs to Valery Kokorina, deputy of the Smbrances of the Omsk Region and the director of the construction company ASK. It is also called the owner of ASK with the cost of assets in 6 billion rubles. According to the site of the company, it built the Christ Cathedral in Omsk, the surgical corps of the oncological dispensary, the Continent hypermarket, the Cascade Trade and Exhibition Complex. In addition, the company built a temple in Khanty-Mansiysk in the name of the Resurrection of Christ, in Novosibirsk - Gorskiy City Hotel.

The Izhevsk Canal "New Region" with a rating of 0.7% belongs to Tatyana quickly (she has an Inn Perm region), and the Novosibirsk Canal "NTK" belongs to VGTRK and TV Development LLC Gennady Uvorkina. He is the founder of the Moscow Corporate Legal Protection Center LLC, as well as the director of the Omega Legal Bureau LLC. The latter appeared as a performer of "dubious state promenes", in the opinion of the All-Russian Popular Front: in particular, the company performed in 2014 the order of the Ministry of Communications on the analysis of the law enforcement of the Russian legislation in the field of media and the implementation of research work on the development of recommendations in the regulation of sound signals in television and radio broadcasting . The ONF was strange that the implementation of various services was carried out by one company. Regarding this situation, Gennady Uvorkin informed RBC that "the company specializes in the implementation of research and research and analytical work on orders of federal executive bodies and enterprises of the field of media and telecommunications. Among the clients of the company TV channels "Russia Today", "Euronews", public television of Russia and many others. For us, participation in research work for the needs of the Ministry of Communications and the opportunity to demonstrate their qualifications in our specialization. "

In Volgograd, the second on the ratings (0.1%) is municipal television. In Ufa, the TV channel "BST" with a rating of 0.2% is GUP. The Nizhny Novgorod television company "Volga" with a rating of 0.5% belongs to Sergey Kondrashov, deputy of the city duma and brother of the ex-head of the administration of Nizhny Novgorod Oleg Kondrashov.

Samara TV channel "Skat" with a rating of 0.6% belongs to LLC Interfax-TV, as well as Elena and Georgy Limansky. Georgy Limansky - the former chairman of the Samara City Duma and the head of the city district of Samara, and Elena is his wife, a well-deserved worker of the culture of the Russian Federation and the composer.

The Chelyabinsk Channel "STS-Chelyabinsk" with a rating of 0.6% (LLC "Enterprise" Info-TV ") belongs to Elena Silava. It is called the relative of a member of the Board of Directors of the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Combine Aleksey Silav. The Voronezh Canal "TNT-province" with a rating of 0.3% belongs to the Department of Property of the region.

Channel owners: Russian million pins
Place by rating in the city City Channel name Name of a legal entity Lecture hall* Rating,% *
1 Kazan. Ether (Kazan) LLC "Ether" 24 066 2,1
2 Kazan. GTRK Tatarstan (Kazan) FL FSUE VGTRK GTRK Tatarstan 8 604 0,8
3 Kazan. Tatarstan New Century (Kazan) OJSC "Teleradiocompany" New Century " 1 023 0,1
1 Izhevsk GTRK "Udmurtia" (Izhevsk) FL FSUE "VGTRK" GTRK Udmurtia " 4 882 0,8
2 Izhevsk New region (Izhevsk) LLC "HP" 4 466 0,7
3 Izhevsk My Udmurtia (Izhevsk) GUP of the Udmurt Republic "Television and Radio Company" Udmurtia " 2 510 0,4
4 Izhevsk STS-Izhevsk (Izhevsk) INFO LLC 2 328 0,4
1 Permian Rife-Perm (Perm) LLC "TV company" Rifey - Perm " 20 140 2,1
2 Permian PGTRK "T7" (Russia 1) (Perm) FL FSUE "GTRK" Perm "FSUE" VGTRK " 10 503 1,1

Maxim Matveyev, Fal Gathaulin

Gazprom-Media Holding, which includes TV channel, acquired 75% minus 1 Promotion of the Comedy Club Production Production Center (SSR) for 10.27 billion rubles ($ 350 million). The amount of the transaction revealed Gazprombank in the reporting for 2011.

The fact that Gazprom Media will acquire the main supplier of content for TNT, has become known in December 2011, but then the company refused to disclose the amount of the transaction.

Based on the cost of 75% of the shares of the SSR, the entire producer company customers rated at $ 460 million.

According to the terms of the transaction, most of the amount - 7.48 billion rubles - was paid to the shareholders of the SSR in December 2011, and the remaining 2.78 billion rubles will be paid over three years, the amount of payments will depend on the ratings of programs that the SSR produces.

Comedy Slub and its key producers signed agreements with TNT, according to which they must provide a certain number of rating programs and serials.

The SSR, founded in 2007, produces and produces programs and serials for TNT: "Comedy Club", "Comedy Women", "Comedy Battle", Realities of the "House-2" show, comedy TV series "Interns", "University", " Univer - new dorm "and" Our Russia ". According to the Federal Antimonopoly Office, the share of TNT channel in the advertising market in 2009-2010 is 9.38%. At the end of last year, TNT reported an increase in profits from advertising by 22% for 2011.

Market participants are surprised by the amount of the transaction. "It is unprecedented - there was no such thing in the history of modern Russia. This amount can be equated to buying a whole channel, "says Vyacheslav's general producer of" STS Media ".

In 2011, the structures bought a 25% of the shares of the first channel for $ 150 million, estimating the entire business channel of $ 600 million, spoke sources on the media school.

"The Content of the TNT TV channel consists mainly of the programs that the SSR produces, the transaction is justified. If you look separately on the production business in Russia, I do not think that there will be other manufacturing companies that would have achieved such a high cost, "said Murugov.

According to him, the SSR and TNT are interdependent: "The transaction gives a predictable number of ratings for TNT television channel in the next three years and a clear future for the manufacturing company."

"It's time to aggressively control the content in the Russian market," says Murugov. He brings an example of the deal of CTC channel for the acquisition of Costilm, which produces such series as the "Cadet", "Ranetki", "6 frames", "father's daughters". "We acquired the producer center for $ 23 million. This purchase was very beneficial for the TV channel, and for three years the deal fully paid off," he says.

According to Spark Interfax, CCP revenue in 2010 amounted to 1.6 billion rubles, net profit - 154.6 million rubles. Taking into account the production company 7 ART ("Interns", "University"), the indicator was $ 130 million (3.9 billion rubles), Janibekyan said.

The SSR was estimated at about three annual revenues. "This is a lot for the producer company - usually this is as evaluated by companies that will bring very big income after the transaction," says from "Finama", adding that there is no standard multiplier for manufacturing companies in the Russian market. The usual estimate for the manufacturing company is about two annual revenues, noticed Murugov.

"The transaction amount could be determined not only by the indicators of the yield of the SSR, but also a potential reduction in the purchase costs of the procurement of content," explains the source close to. "TNT solved the problem of payment of the CCR content."

Alexander Vegranovich from "Opening" does not consider the transaction appropriate for the TV channel. "The allocation of such a significant amount for the purchase of the SSR, which also produces most of the content for them, seems to be an inappropriate act," the expert notes. "On the other hand, a desire may be present to protect yourself from the possible departure of the SSR to other television channels." In any case, it was the solution to the main shareholder of the TV channel - Gasmprom-Media, he noticed.

Director of TNT Igor Mishin will leave the position in the coming days, learned "Vedomosti". He led the TV channel from the beginning of 2014

Director of the TNT TV channel Igor Mishin (PHOTOS: Gleb Nutkalov / Kommersant)

The director of the TNT television channel will leave his post, the newspaper "Vedomosti" reported on May 31 with reference to several employees of other media companies, as well as the Gazprom-Media Holding, which owns the TV channel.

The representative of Gazprom-Media Irina Zidchaya refused comment. Mishin did not answer RBC request. Later, he confirmed information on his facebook.

The post of Director TNT Mishin served since January 2014. As follows from the data of the "Spark-Interfax" base, the net profit of TNT - Telseet, according to the results of 2014, amounted to 4.8 billion rubles, revenue - 16.8 billion rubles. According to the sources of "Vedomosti", in 2015 TNT became the second to revenue by the Russian television channel after the "first", with revenues of 16.5 billion rubles. (minus 2% compared to 2014) bypassing "Russia 1", NTV and STS.

Mishin from 1990 to 2007 was led by the "Fourth Channel" holding founded by him in Yekaterinburg. In 2006-2007, he also headed AMEDIA film company. Mishin is known as the producer of films and serials, among his projects - the film "Ovatsyki" Alexey Fedorchenko. In 2008, he united regional media actives with the assets of the businessman Ivan Tavrin to the Media-1 holding, which later became part of the HUVT Holding Tavrina and Alisher Usmanova.

The head of TNT Mishin changed Igor Goyakhberg, who worked on the TV channel of only six months. Mikhail Lesin was invited to TNT "to build a share of the TV channel", at that time, the chairman of the Gazprom-Media Board (Lesin left the post in January 2015 and died in November of the same year), sources of "Vedomosti". According to the publication, in February-April 2016, TNS data indicate that the share of TNTs in comparison with the same period last year decreased (among the audience 14-44 years).

According to the "Kommersant", in February 2016, the position of Mishin from the "Director General" was renamed simply "director": this measure was allegedly needed due to the presence of the Mishina of Greek citizenship - in accordance with the amendments to the law on this year Media persons with foreign citizenship cannot occupy the position of the Director-General and the Chief Editor in the Russian media.

After Mishin officially became director of TNT, the position of the general director took the management company "Entertainment TV". Sources of "Vedomosti" believe that such an alignment will continue in the future, and the channel will be managed by the general director of the Entertainment Television, Arthur Janibekyan, his deputy Vladimir Chopov and the General Directurer TNT Alexander Dulerain.

In addition to TNT, Gazprom-Media Holding includes NTV television channels, "Match TV", "Friday", 2x2, TV3, Production Company Comedy Club Production and other assets. On May 31, the new music channel of the TNT Music holding, which was created on the basis of A-One.

    TNT periviatura is decrypted as Your new television. The channel was launched in 1998 and at the moment a controlling stake in 2001 officially prehensile Gazprom-Media Holding Founder Canal - Vladimir Gusinsky.

    TNT TV channel, founded in 1997, initially belonged to Holding Media-Bridge But, in 2001, after the change of leadership and other backstage intrigues became the property of Gazprom-Media

    And to decipher this abbreviation follows as your new television.

    Your new television That's how the abbreviation of TNT is decrypted.

    This channel began broadcasting in 1998. At the moment, Holding Gazprom-Media is owned. This also includes NTV channels, NTV-Plus, the radio station Echo of Moscow and other media.

    TNT is the federal channel of Russia with entertainment topics. Deciphering TRX letters in the name of the channel - your new television. It is included in the 5th of the most popular TV channels of Russia. This channel appeared in 1998, previously was the property of the Holding Media Bridge. Perhaps the most rated transmission on this channel is the battle of psychics.

    The TNT channel was originally conceived with Your new television. Channel has existed since 1998 as a TV channel (the company was based on a year earlier), the founder is Vladimir Gusinsky. Since 2001, the TV channel officially belongs to the organization Gazprom-Media Holding

    To whom I do not know, but Your new television.

    The TV channel belonged (in the late 90s) Holding of the Media Bridge, and the creators themselves decipher the abbreviation as your new television. But I remember very well how at the beginning of my existence on this TV channel flagean Your independent television. It then seemed to me that it was independent of it called himself as at that time, on the TNT channel there was no advertisement.

    From the moment of its creation to this day, the TNT channel changed 3 such logo

    tNT TV channel was launched in 1998 and was presented by the Media Bridge, the name was decrypted as transnational television. Since 2001, TNT joined the QUOT Holding; Gazprom Media And it began to use it called Your new television.

    Channel TNT is decrypted as T.in N.ooo T.elevidence. This television project was formed in September 1997 and belonged to Holding Media Bridge, now companies - Gazprom-Media Holding . On the air appeared on January 1, 1998. From January 28, 2014, the TNT channel appeared a new director, whose name is Igor Mishin.

    As far as I know, currently channel TNT He is the private property of the famous Russian financial corporation Gazprom-Media Holding. By the way, abbreviation TNT Literally means Your new television.

    From its own creation in September 1997. The channel is fevering as in terms of changing directors and subjects. Its essential broadcasting channel TNT (your new television) began on January 1, 1998. And his first director was Sergey Skvortsov. The channel on had its target audience and earned a reputation at the show of popular TV series Streets of broken lamps and National Security Agent. ...