Remove large gaps between words. How to remove gaps in the Word between words? Changing the scale of the text horizontally

Sometimes when editing text in Word, an unresolved problem is up before the user: how to reduce the interval between words? If we possess this skill, you can convert text to any pleasant look.

detailed instructions

To understand this difficult question, we will need to consider each action in detail.

Step 1: Text Formatting Check.

It is worth seeing which text alignment is chosen. To do this, go to the tab "Home" and see section "Paragraph". If worth it "Align in width", it is not surprising that the gaps have become long. In this mode, the beginning and end of each row will coincide with the previous one.

The fact is that the editor automatically stretches the text in those places where the signs are missing.

Step 2: Change text alignment.

In order to remove too long intervals between words, it is necessary on the tab "Home", In chapter "Paragraph" choose "Align on the left edge".

Compared with the previous state, it can be seen that the distance between the words was the standard size.

If you do not want to go to different tabs, you can use key combinations. Use a combination to highlight text Ctrl + A.. To perform alignment to the left edge, click Ctrl + L..

Step 3: Checking the presence of tabs.

Often it turns out that instead of spaces a tab was used. To check, you must enable non-printable characters. Click the tab "Home". In chapter "Paragraph" There is a button "Display all signs". Conventional gaps will be marked with raised points, and tabs - arrow to the right.

Replacing the tabs of the tab.

In order to remove the tab and put ordinary gaps instead, you need to tab "Home" in field "Editing" Press the button "Replace".

Copy one of the tabs in the search window, and put a regular space in the replace line. Please note that the fields will remain empty, as they will be filled with only spaces.

If everything is done correctly, Word will notify you about the number of such substitutions.

Replacing double gaps single.

There are cases when the user puts a double gap error. In order to remove such blots, you need to use the replacement, as in the last paragraph.

In the search field, copy the double space, put the single one in the replacement window. Click on the button "Replace everything".


Despite the large number of checks of all the causes of long intervals, it must be done. Owning such a function is great when editing documents of any type. We hope that in this article you will find answers to all questions. Good luck.

In the words there are too large intervals that can not be removed in the usual way. This often occurs when the text is downloaded from the Internet, when the width alignment appears due to unnecessary formatting, or between the words there are really too many spaces inserted manually. About how to get rid of them, today and will go a conversation in our material.

How to remove extra gaps between words in Word 2003?

id \u003d "A1"\u003e

After that, we carry out the automatically in the method above, by copying manually in the "Find" field the word separator from the text.

Now let's see how things are concluded with eliminating unnecessary gaps in later versions of Word.

How to remove extra gaps between words in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016?

id \u003d "A2"\u003e

The liquidation algorithm for large distances between words in more modern versions of the Microsoft software product is fully similar to those described earlier. The only difference is where the menu items are located (by the way, now they are replaced with buttons on the toolbar).

To find the Auto Press Tool, on the Home tab, we sum up the cursor to the right upper part of the screen and click on the "Replace" graphics icon. Further, we do everything, as described before.

On the same tab, the "Display All Signs" button is located (now the "Unprintable Signs" item is called).

Well, all that concerns the basic methods of getting rid of large intervals between the words. We hope that our instruction will be useful for you.

Hello, dear guests.

I want to tell you how to remove a long distance between the words in the Word. I am sure that you have repeatedly come across such a situation when aligning a document on width, copying it from other sources, etc.

I will share with you in several ways to eliminate it depending on the causes of the appearance that are suitable for any version of Word.

Correct the leveling errors

Aligned text in width and got the abyss between words? If the design is not too fundamentally, return the alignment on the left edge - it will be faster.

So fundamentally? Then you have to modify the beauty manually. As a rule, large spaces appear not so much, so even in a voluminous document it will not take a lot of time.

You need to allocate every abyss and put a space instead, clamping it simultaneously with the Ctrl and SHIFT keys.

When large gaps a lot

Suppose you copied the text from another source and found that in the Word it looks not so neatly, but Pampit is long distances between words. Try to reduce them in this way:

  • Select the contents of the document fully combination Ctrl + A. keys.
  • Find the "Markup / Page Parameters" area. It can be located in the tab of the same name or in the "layout". In the old versions of Word, instead you need to enter the "Service - language".
  • Click on the "Movement" option.
  • Select the option "Auto".

Cause - Interlocked Intervals

Distance between words increased due to rows with a break? Here, how can I fix it:

  • Go through the "File - Parameters - Advance" menu;
  • Set the mark in the "Do not expand interval intervals in the row string".

Elimination of repetitive gaps

Your problem is the abundance of double gaps? It is solved in this way:

  • Put the cursor at the very beginning of the text.
  • On the Home tab, at the very end there must be a "Editing" area, and in it - the "Replace" option. Click it.
  • A small window will open. In the top line "Find", press the spacebed twice, and in the bottom "replace on" - one.
  • Click the "Replace All" button.

The program will replace repeating gaps single and notify you how many times it did it. Most likely, from the first attempt, all errors will not be corrected. After all, if you, for example, copied the text from somewhere, then it may not only have two spaces nearby, but also three, and four. So repeat this procedure until you are satisfied with the result.

Other signs under the guise of spaces

It happens that the gaps in the text appear due to the tabs of the tab or the inseparable space. To calculate them, on the main panel in the paragraph area, click the "Display All Signs" button.

Next, you need to repeat the operation with a replacement from the previous instruction, but only in the "Find" string copy the stopping sign. Or you can press the "More" button in the same window, and then the "special" button, and choose, for example, a tab sign or other that spoils the picture.

While aligning may increase the distance between paragraphs when they were made with the Shift key, which means moving to another string. When you press the "Display All Signs" button, the curved left arrow, located at the end of the rows, indicates such a case. If such signs are a bit, delete them manually by installing the cursor before them and clicking Delete.

Here are such uncomplicated ways, we quickly dealt with the problem.

Very often occurs such a problem among users of the Microsoft Word text editor, as huge gaps between words that disfiguring outdoor type of document. Let them be thesis, an abstract or accounting report, in any document such an emboss will immediately rush into the eyes. There are several grounds for the occurrence of this problem, consider below on visual examples, as in the Word, remove large spaces between words, relying on a certain reason for the appearance of huge indents.

Leveling text in width - error number 1

In the Word Text Editor, users are often working with text alignment in the center, on the right or left edge. But the most frequent formatting of the text is - alignment in width, from where and stretching all rows across the entire width of the sheet, thereby creating huge long intervals between words.

This situation is easy to correct if the format is not available when the document is delivered. Make text without wide spaces in the following way:

There is another simple option, as you can get rid of the huge distance between the words - it is a replacement of a large gap to the usual standard space. It is necessary to take such steps:

There is another way, but quite grave and long. This is a combination of such keys as: Ctrl + Shift + Space. In this case, you need to highlight each wide indent and press the specified key combination. The big indent will be replaced by small. If a small number of pages in the document, then this method will probably be relevant.

Error №2: Unprintable symbol

When using such keys as "ENTER" and "SHIFT", go to the next line. If the document is still installed in the width function, then too long passages will appear. It is possible to correct the situation, followed.

It is worth tuping such a question how to remove the gap between words in Word. It should be noted that large intervals are capable of occupying for various reasons. This includes improper formatting, as well as the use of special characters.

Often, such a problem occurs in certain parts of the text, but it may be observed throughout the document.

Formatting check

At first it is recommended to make sure that the leveling is active in width. When the parameter is enabled, the editor must format the document in automatic mode. With the help of equalization by width, the first and recent letters of the rows are placed on a common vertical. As is known, it is impossible at equal intervals between the words, so they increase. As a rule, the visual perception of such text is complicated.

On one side

To resolve the question of how to remove a large gap between words in "Word", it is proposed to use the Level Alignment feature. This makes it possible to set an equal distance. Thus, the following actions are performed:

1. The text that requires processing is allocated (you can press the Ctrl + A keyboard, if you need to change the formatting throughout the document).
2. The transition to the "Home" tab, posted in the editor control panel.
3. The section "Paragraph" opens.
4. A special feature for alignment is used or the corresponding CTRL + L key combination is activated.

Removing special characters and tabs

To solve the question of how to remove a large interval between words in the "Word", it is necessary to make sure whether the Tab button is not used in the text. To do this, you need to activate the specification of non-printable characters. It will be necessary to visit the section "Paragraph". When using this feature, you can see how small points will appear on the site of spaces. Where the tab is used, the arrow is located. To resolve the problem in several text fragments, the Backspace key applies. If we are talking about mass formatting, you will need to use other methods.


To eliminate the gap between words in the "Word" you need to copy any of the tabs. Then you need to activate the search and replacement function by pressing the Ctrl + H key combination. After that, in a new window, go to the Replace tab. Next, it will be necessary in the "Find" column column, which was copied earlier and in the "Replace to" enter one gap.

At the next step, you must click on the "Replace All" button. After the required action is executed, you need to activate the mode of non-selected characters. If an indication is observed that the cause of large gaps consists in unnecessary gaps, it is worth acting in a similar way. In this case, the search and replacement function is used. You must enter two spaces in the "Find" column and search. Then you need to specify three spaces and implement the same actions. In the future, you should continue to increase the number of indents until the solution to the problem is obtained.

When using DOC or DOCX files, you can use extended editing. This opens the document in the "Word" and the required settings are performed. It is worth noting that the implementation of a similar operation in web documents does not cause difficulties. In their code, there is a special Word-Spaction feature. It allows you to set the desired interval between words in the document. In addition, it is proposed to make changes to the interbust interval if there is such a need.