Polypropylene water cartridges: dimensions, micronism, purpose.

Now we'll figure it out in microns ... or also called micronage ...

Micron is a unit of measuring the particle size that passes / does not pass through the curses in the cartridges ... By the way, the human hair in the cut is 40 microns ...

The following are the following microns in cartridges: 1 μm, 5 microns, 10 microns, 20 microns (some manufacturers 25 microns), 50 microns, 100 microns ...

To 100 microns, the cartridges are mainly reusable (or washing) cartridges, disposable are a maximum of 50 micron.

The greater the microns (50 μm), the more garbage it will skip ... respectively, the less, the less garbage ...

it is also worth noting that only mechanical cartridges are essentially different from microns, organic (coal) and deferrals (ion exchange resins, CDF, etc.) for the most part there are 5 micron. But it is for mechanical that it is essential !!! Since the rest are intended for other purposes other than polling the garbage through themselves ...

And now, what you will never tell you about anywhere !!! In most (almost 99%) cases, they differ only on the label !!! Almost all of our customers ordered absolutely identical cartridges (in cheaper, naturally) and asked to simply invest a different label ... And we did not work with Sharacken offices, but quite decent and well-known brands, so to speak ... Although, justice, it is worth saying that all There were those who were ready to pay exactly the quality - but in their times less !!! You know, it was even ridiculous to read how people on the forums discussed the issue of microns in specific trademarks, and at the same time they were produced ... and perfectly understood that they are absolutely no difference, but our people are inclined to self-sufficiency, because it is paid for it, but So you can always find positive distinctive features !!!

I can also say that the lion's share of all cartridges also has a Chinese origin, which label would not be concerned about it ...

The only company, with the fakes of which I personally did not come across at all ever - this is akvaphor Russian and the Atlas of Italian ... Although for them, many and kost, but at least changing the name ...

and now a small secret. Will be repelled from logic and physics with arithmetic. Imagine there are some three products, they have absolutely the same dimensions, but at the same time they must have a different degree of filtration, i.e. Micronism. What does this mean? With their production, more raw materials should be used, which is simply more tightly rolled or compressed, so that the slit between the threads were less ... and therefore it should have more weight !!! That is, the cartridges differ in microns must be different by weight !!! Accordingly, 1 μm should weigh more than 5 microns, 10 microns, 20 μm and 50 μm, especially !!!

But in fact, it is a huge rarity!

You can also check the cartridge using the lantern of the usual, because it will pass the light in the same way as water !!! If he is too lit like a lamp, then rely on that it will be well filtered - too!

Another trick! Many brands are chitryat, gluing on the cartridge from above the self-stile label, in which the microns can be staped with a typical handle or a marker (do not confuse with the label embedded inside the cartridge under the package, there is a micron, the micronism is allowed there). They sell them at all without marking, but the retail seller, on your question about the cartridge, for example, 5 microns, you certainly will say - of course there !!! And quickly under the welcome will put the bird on the desired line with a 5 microme sign)))

Honestly, so wanted to prove all the time that we were not worse, but even better than the Chinese, what we want our compatriots to receive high-quality products, and not rubbish with socks in the mix ... but alas ... the buyer is standing on his ... because we are have already used to believe in this divorce that comrades are perfectly owned, for example, on the drum))) without a sucker, how to yield ... So I want to even you, my girlfriends, save, from this divorce))) if there are any then additional questions - ask, I will answer with pleasure, because it's not real to cover everything in the posts !!!

in the next post, let's talk about coal cartridges))

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How much is 5 microns?

What would such a question tell you?

What does he have to do with water?

Actually - the same thing direct. If you have a little faced with water purification or thought about choosing filters, most likely this question you asked yourself. About microns are written on cartridges, water purification from chlorine. About microns tell track sellers. About microns are speaking when technology is described, nanofiltration or.

And how after that, do not ask yourself a question - "How much is it - 5 microns?"?

In fact, everything is simple. But simply mathematically. Micron - a thousandth fraction of a millimeter. That is, if the millimeter is divided into 1000 parts, then we get 1 micron, or micrometer (This is another name, more scientific).

Respectively, nanometer (Another unit of measure, found in water region) - one thousandth micrometer .

As I said, mathematically everything is simple. But how to imagine it? Here it is necessary to picked up a bit. Strange, but it is usually not very good to represent small segments of space. Mentally millimeter decide divided into 2 parts, on 4 parts, on 10 parts (which is already quite difficult). We get, respectively, 100 microns. But it would be necessary to imagine the distance, the smaller of it is 100 times ...

In the case of small distances come to the help of comparison. So, we can easily compare elephant and mosquito. By the way, this is just our case. If a elephant It has a length of 5 meters (we will imagine a very large prehistoric elephant), and mosquito - 5 millimeters (medium of such a mosquito), then ratio will be just 1: 1000, like a micron and millimeter. Or micron and nanometer (only in this case, on the contrary, the micron is an elephant, and the nanometer is a mosser).

But if the nanometer is a mosquito, and the micrometer is an elephant, then how does it look in our case millimeter?

Well, at least, in length, this something should be 5 kilometers (5,000 meters), 1: 1000 ratio. This is the height of the mountain of medium complexity (not the Crimea and not the Carpathians; closer to the Alps, Cordillera and Himalayas). This is the distance you pass in an average step. In general, quite a few.

By the way, in connection with the introduced units of measure - Elephant, middle mountain and mosquito, you can imagine a variety of impurities that are found in water.

So that exist such things like mechanical impurities. They are cleaned by filters of mechanical cleaning. Their dimensions (impurities) are conditionally determined by the range from 1 millimeter to 1 micron. That is, mechanical cleaning filters, conventionally speaking, clean the water from the mountains, slides, hills, holmikov, hillocks, high-rise buildings, bridges and other items, large gigantic elephant long 5 meters. That is, from waters are removed Sand, pipeline particles, large slices of rust, large algae, etc.

Now go to K. UltrafiltrationWhen particles from 100 nanometers up to 10 nanometers are conditionally removed. Respectively, via ultrafiltration apparatus do not pass Cats, small dogs, small children, toys, books, cups, spoons and even metal hryvnias. By the way, the cigarette can slip. Actually delay Small bacteria, bacteria disputes, viruses, colloidal impurities, suspended particles, large organic molecules.

Next Cleaning Stage - nanofiltration, Filtration Range - from 10 nanometers up to 1 nanometer. That is, through this filter, flies, spiders, small fish, snails, little things. In this case, the cigarette will definitely won't pass. But the match - can try. If you look in reality, then remove Salts of heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, etc.), pesticides, herbicides, salts of rigidity (calcium and magnesium), partially can pass potassium salts, sodium, chlorides, nitrates, nitrites.

And last stage hyperfiltration, or reverse osmosis. Less than 1 nanometer.

Mosquitoes do not pass, fleas, matches, dust, large salt and sugar, not ground black pepper, cereals, beads, rings, small seelings and other ever lost small things. Accordingly, because waters are removed Potassium salts, sodium, chlorides, nitrates, nitrites. All, harmful substances in water are not :)

By the way, it turns out that water molecule In our scale, commensurate with finely fused salt or semi. That's all.

Length Converter Length Converter Mass Converter Volume Resume Products and Food Converter Square Converter Volume and Units Measurement In Culinary Recipes Temperature Converter Converter Pressure, Mechanical Voltage, Module Jung Converter Energy and Operation Converter Power Converter Power Converter Time Converter Linear Speed \u200b\u200bFlat Angle Converter Heat Efficiency and Fuel Engineering Converter Numbers in Different Systems Systems Converter Units Measurement Quantity Currency Currency Dimensions Women's Clothing Sizes Men's Clothing And Shoe Corner Speed \u200b\u200bConverter and Rotation Converter Speed \u200b\u200bConverter Corner Acceleration Converter Density Converter Specific Specification Converter Moment Inertia Moment Moment Converter Rotary Converter Converter Specific heat combustion (by weight) Energy density converter and specific heat combustion (by volume) Temperature converter Converter coefficient Heat expansion Converter thermal resistance Converter specific thermal conductivity Converter specific heat converter Energy exposure and thermal radiation power converter Heat flux density converter Masse consumption converter Converter Mass flow converter Mass density converter Mass converter Mass converter Mass converter Converter Mass concentration converter Dynamic converter Absolute) Viscosity Cinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Parry Permeability Converter Water Steam Flow Converter Sound Converter Microphones Sound Pressure Level Converter (SPL) Sound Pressure Converter Light Converter Light Converter Light Converter Resolution Converter Light Converter Frequency converter and wavelength optical power in diopters and focal Distance Optical Power in Dioptia and Increasing Lenza (×) Converter Electrical Charge Converter Linear Density Charge Surface Density Converter Charge Survection Density Converter Electrical Current Converter Linear Current Converter Surface Current Converter Electrical Fields Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Electrical Resistance Converter Converter Specific electrical resistance Converter Electrical conductivity Specific electrical conduction converter Electrical capacity Inductivity converter Converter American wire wire valve levels in DBM (DBM or DBMW), DBV (DBV), watts, etc. Units Magnetotorware Converter Magnetic Field Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Induction Radiation. Power converter absorbed dose of ionizing radiation radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter radiation. Converter exposure dose radiation. Converter absorbed dose converter decimal consoles data transmission converter units typography and image processing converter units of measurements of the volume of timber calculation of the molar mass Periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 Nanometer [nm] \u003d 0.001 microns [μm]

Source value

Transformed value

meter Exammeter Petametre Terameter Gigameter Megameter Kilometer Hectarette Decameter Decimeter Santimeter Millimeter Micrometer MICROON Nanometer Pitchometer Femmetometer Attometer Mega Parteek Keloparsk Parsek Light Year Astronomical Unit League Marine League (Brit.) Sea League (International) League (Stattering) Mile Mile (Brit.) Sea Mile (international) mile (statutory) mile (USA, geodesic) mile (Roman) 1000 yards Farlong Farlong (USA, geodesic) Chein Chain (USA, geodesic) Rope (English Rope) genus Rod (USA, geodesic) Perch Paul (English . Pole) Sea Sausage, Fata Salah (USA, Geodesic) Elbow Yard Foot Foot (USA, Geodesic) Link Link (USA, Geodesic) Elbow (Brit.) Hend Page Finger Neil inch (USA, Geodesic) Barley Grain (English. Barleycorn) Matchy Microad Angstrom Atomic Unit of Fermi Fermi Fermi Fermi Length Sweetheart Typographic Point Twip Elbow (Swedish) Marine Salad (Swedish) Caliber Santiduim Ken Arshin Actus (Dr. Rome) Vara de Tarea Vara Conu Quera Vara Castellana Elbow (Greek) Long Reed Reed Long Elbow Palm "Finger" Plank Length Classic Electron Radius Borovsky Radius Equatorial Earth Radius Polar Earth Radius Distance from Earth to Sun Radius Sun Light Nanosecond Light Microsecond Light Millies Light Speed \u200b\u200bLight Speed \u200b\u200bLight Day Light Week Light Billion Light Years Distance from Earth to Moon Cable Cables (International) Cables (British) Cables (USA) Sea Mile (USA) Light Minute Shirty Unit Horizontal Pitch Cicero Pixel Line Inch (Russian) Hell Pig Foot Southene Decoration Salad Merchand

Converter feet and inches in meters and back

foot inch


X-ray radiation

Read more about Length and Distance


Length is the greatest body measurement. In three-dimensional space, the length is usually measured horizontally.

The distance is the value that defines how much two bodies are removed from each other.

Distance and length measurement

Units of distance and length

In the system, the length is measured in meters. Derived values \u200b\u200bsuch as kilometer (1000 meters) and centimeter (1/100 meters) are also widely used in the metric system. In countries where they do not use the metric system, for example, in the United States and the UK, such units are used as inches, feet and miles.

Distance in physics and biology

In biology and physics, the length is often measured by a much less than one millimeter. For this, a special value is adopted, micrometer. One micrometer is 1 × 10 × meter. In biology in micrometers, the magnitude of microorganisms and cells is measured, and in physics - the length of infrared electromagnetic radiation. The micrometer is also called microns and sometimes, especially in English literature, denote by the Greek letter μ. Other derivatives are widely used: nanometers (1 × 10 × meter), Pitchometers (1 × 10⁻⁻² meter), femometters (1 × 10 ⁻⁻ × meter and attometers (1 × 10 ⁻ ⁻ ⁸ π).

Distance to Navigation

Sea miles use shipping. One sea mile is 1852 meters. It was originally measured as an arc in one minute by meridian, that is, 1 / (60 × 180) meridian. This facilitated the latitude computation, since 60 maritime miles were one degree of latitude. When the distance is measured in marine miles, speed is often measured in marine nodes. One sea knot is equal to the speed of movement into one marine mile per hour.

Distance in Astronomy

In astronomy, long distances are measured, therefore special values \u200b\u200bare adopted to facilitate computation.

Astronomical unit (a. e., Au) is equal to 149,597,870,700 meters. The magnitude of one astronomical unit is a constant, that is, a constant value. It is believed that the land is from the Sun at a distance of one astronomical unit.

Light year equal to 10 000 000 000 000 or 10¹ ³ kilometers. This is the distance that lights in Vacuum for one Julian year. This value is used in popular science literature more often than in physics and astronomy.

Parsec Approximately equal to 30 856 775 814 671 900 meters or approximately 3.09 × 10¹³ kilometers. One parsec is the distance from the Sun to another astronomical object, such as planets, stars, moon, or asteroid, with an angle of one angular second. One angular second is 1/3600 degrees, or approximately 4.8481368 MKRD in radians. Parsek can be calculated using pararallax - the effect of visible change in the position of the body, depending on the observation point. When measuring the segment E1A2 (on the illustration) from the Earth (point E1) to a star or another astronomical object (point A2) is packed. Six months later, when the sun is on the other side of the Earth, they launch a new segment E2A1 from the new position of the Earth (point E2) to the new position in the space of the same astronomical object (point A1). At the same time, the sun will be on the intersection of these two segments, at the point S. The length of each of the segments of E1S and E2S is equal to one astronomical unit. If you postpone the segment via the point S, perpendicular E1E2, it will pass through the intersection point of E1A2 and E2A1 segments, I. The distance from the Sun to the point I - Si segment, it is equal to one partare, when the angle between the segments A1i and A2i are two angular seconds.

On the picture:

  • A1, A2: Visible Star Position
  • E1, E2: Earth's position
  • S: Sun position
  • I: intersection point
  • IS \u003d 1 parse
  • ∠P or ∠xia2: parallax angle
  • ∠p \u003d 1 angular second

Other units

League - An outdated unit of length used earlier in many countries. In some places it is still used, for example, on the Yucatan Peninsula and in rural areas of Mexico. This is the distance that a person passes in an hour. The maritime league is three nautical miles, about 5.6 kilometers. League is an approximately equal to the league. In English and Lie, and leagues are called the same, League. In the literature, Lie is sometimes found in the name of books, such as "20,000 Lei under water" - the famous Roman Julie is true.

Elbow - an old value equal to the distance from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow. This value was widespread in the ancient world, in the Middle Ages, and before the new time.

Yard Used in the British imperial system of measures and is equal to three feet or 0.9144 meters. In some countries, for example, in Canada, where the metric system has been adopted, yards are used to measure the tissue and the length of the pools and sports fields and sites, such as golf courses and football.

Meter definition

The meter definition changed several times. Initially, the meter was determined as 1/10,000,000 distances from the North Pole to the equator. Later meter was equal to the length of platinumridium reference. Later, the meter was equal to the wavelength of the orange line of the electromagnetic spectrum of the crypton atom ⁸⁶kr in vacuo multiplied by 1 650 763.73. Today the meter is determined as a distance traveled by light in Vacuum for 1/299 792 458 seconds.


In geometry, the distance between two points, A and B, with coordinates A (X₁, Y₁) and B (X₂, Y₂) are calculated by the formula:

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Nowadays, the words "mining", "blockchain", "bitcoins" are distributed literally from everywhere: from passengers tram to serious businessmen and deputies of the State Duma. Understand all the subtleties and submarine stones of these and related concepts is difficult, however in the database on our site You will quickly find comprehensive information regarding all aspects.

We are looking for additional information in databases:

What is less micron

Databases of online projects:

Data from exhibitions and seminars:

Data from registries:

Wait for the search for the search in all bases.
Upon completion, a link will appear to access the materials found.

In short, all the necessary knowledge will be set forth in this article.
So, it is worth starting with the blockchain. Its essence is that computers are combined into a single network through a set of blocks containing automatically encrypted information that has occurred there. Together, these blocks form a database. Suppose you want to sell the house. After issuing documents, you need to go to the notary, then in the presence of it, assuring the transfer of my signature, you will give money. It is long, and besides you need to pay a duty.

Thanks to the technology of the blockchain enough:

  1. Reach an agreement.
  2. Find out the recipient's account.
  3. Transfer money to the recipient's account.

And not just money. You can make an electronic signature and send documents, any other information, including confidential. Again, notaries and other officials are not needed: it is enough to identify to you and the recipient (be it a private person or government) in your computer.

The transaction passes through a protected communication channel, no one sees (including banks and the state), who has been translated.

The ability to hack excluded due to the huge number of blocks described above. For a hacker, you need to pick up the cipher for each block, which is physically unrealistic.

Other features of the blockchain:

  • Insurance;
  • Logistics;
  • Payment fines
  • Registration of marriages and much more.

The concept of cryptocurrency is closely connected with the blockchain. Cryptovaya is a new generation of decentralized digital currency created and operating only on the Internet. No one controls it, the emission of the currency occurs through the work of millions of computers around the world, using the program for calculating mathematical algorithms.

Briefly it looks like this:
1. You intend to translate someone's money.
2. The mathematical code is generated by the blocks already known to you.

3. Many computers (often representing the combination of them, with powerful processors and as a result of greater bandwidth) process digital information by passing them to the following blocks, getting a remuneration for this (some transactions can be done free of charge)
4. The mathematical code comes to the electronic wallet of the recipient, money appears on its balance.

Again, as in the case of the blockchain, the translations of cryptocurrency are not controlled by anyone.

Although the database is open, with all addresses of translating and receiving money, but the owner of a particular address from which the translation is carried out, no one knows if only the owner wants to tell.

What is less micron

Working for a similar currency currency. The most famous is, of course, Bitcoin. Etherium, ritle, lightcoins, numits, neumbins and many others are also popular. The difference in them in different types of encryption, processing and some other parameters.

Earn on the technology of transferring money miners.

These are the people who have created the above set of computer video cards, which generates new blocks transmitting digital information - bitcoins (or ritles, or any other cryptocurrency). For this, they receive remuneration in the form of the same cryptocurrency.

There is a competition between maneers, because The technology from each transaction is constructed complicated. At first, it was possible to Maja from one computer (2008), now such a currency as bitcoin to individuals is already simply unprofitable: you need a lot of video cards (they are all called farm), with huge computing capacities. For this, individual rooms are removed, the cost of electricity to work is comparable to the costs of industrial enterprises.

But you can earn on other, less popular, but developing cryptocurrencies. Also distinguish solo mining and pool mining. Solo is the creation of your own farm, the profit is climbing. The pool combines other people with the same goals. You can earn much more, but you will have to share with everyone.

The prospects for using the blockchain technology in general and cryptocurrency in particular, both individuals and entire states are interested.

In Japan, cryptocurrency legalized. In Russia, next year, regulatory and legal acts on the legalization of the blockchain, cryptocurrency and mining transfers are collected. The translation of some operations in the blockchain framework is planned. It makes sense to study it in more detail, and, if desired, start earning. Obviously, information technologies will now develop and enter our lives more and more.

Navigating on records

Polypropylene cartridges are consumables for water purification filters. They are also called replaceable modules or simply filtering elements.

Cartridges are made from food polypropylene - synthetic material that does not affect the color and chemical composition of water. They are designed for mechanical water purification and differ from each other in size, microns, assignment and type of polypropylene.

The size

In the height of the cartridges usually have two types: ten-levy and twenty-one. A standard cartridge for 10 inches has a height of 250 mm, a cartridge is 20 inches - twice as much.

In width, they are also divided into two types: Slim Line (Slimine, SL) and Big Blue (Bigblu, BB). Slimine standard cartridges are narrower, because they have a diameter of ~ 60-65 mm. Bigblu cartridges are wider, since their diameter is ~ 110-115 mm.

If we talk about performance, then at the same height of 10 inches, the Bigbli cartridges have a greater resource, that is, they can delay more contaminants.


The micronism of polypropylene depends on the size of the microkers, which are designed to delay pollution. It is different: 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100 microns. Micron, or a different micrometer - this is a unit of length, which is abbreviated indicated by the letters of the ICM. In fact, it is one millionth of meter (1 μm \u003d 0.001 mm).

The higher the microns, the larger pollution is capable of delaying the cartridge and the longer time it can work. And vice versa than it is less, the smallest pollution detains the filter and the faster it is clogged with large particles in the water. That is why cartridges with greater microns are used as coarse cleaning filters: they will detain large particles, and smaller will be deleted in the filtering system and a fine cleaning filter, which is installed in the minimum microns.

In drinking systems of flow and reverse osmotect type, the polypropylene cartridge is placed in the first step, protecting the subsequent filters from the middle and small insoluble particles in them. Therefore, if in water, for example, from a well, there is sand, then a trunk filter of coarse cleaning must be put even before water flow into the house.

There are also cartridges with gradient porosity, which serve longer than ordinary, because they work according to the same scheme: first detain large particles, and then smaller.


By purpose, polypropylene cartridges are divided into three groups: for cleaning cold water, for cleaning hot water and universal - for cold and hot.

If a special impregnation has been added to polypropylene, its additional purpose can be purified water from a small amount of iron, manganese or stiffery salts.

Type polypropylene

Replaceable modules are made of foamed polypropylene or polypropylene thread. The cartridge from the polypropylene thread is practically no different from the foamed, but it is better to hold large particles, especially with a slight pressure. It consists of polypropylene fibers assembled into the rope. The manufacture of such modules is a more time-consuming process, so they are more expensive.

Separately, it is worth saying about petal corrugated cartridges. They consist of a plastic core and "petals" - thin sheets of foamed polypropylene or non-flairm cellulose. The advantages of such modules are that they provide good bandwidth and do not reduce the pressure in the system. Some of them can be rinsed and reused.

Important: Polypropylene cartridges need to be replaced by new one every 3-6 months (depending on the degree of water pollution and its use intensity). Such a replacement of modules is included in