Posts about yourself calling my name. Text about yourself

In this article we will talk about how to create posts that will read and repost. The material will be useful to anyone who writes in social networks: bloggers, SMM specialists and community owners.

Features of posts in social networks

High competition. Posts in the news feed are a solid stream. We scroll through the tape and stop only on what interests us. It is difficult to stand out in this stream.

News feed is not Yandex or Google. In social networks, the reader is looking for information, and the information is the reader.

Smart tape. All posts pass through the values \u200b\u200bof smart ribbon. It is needed to filter useful and interesting for the user content. The more likes, comments and repost will type publishing in the first hour, the higher it will be in the ribbon of friends and subscribers.

Short posts read more

In 2016, Popsters learned how people in different social networks interact with the content of different volumes. There are no studies in open access, but some results are posted in the article on This is what it turned out:

In VKontakte, people prefer short posts that contain text or photos.

Facebook is also short records, and priority from posts with video.

Instagram more often interacts with posts, where the volume of the text is medium or large (about 1000 characters and more).

Maximum text volume in instagram - 2000 characters.

In general, short posts read more often - and more often read.

In bulk publications, most of the text is hidden under the cut. This is a line "Show completely ..." in Vkontakte and "More" on Facebook.

Therefore, in the first lines of a person, it is necessary to interest, "tighten" to the publication. Tell us in several sentences than the post is interesting and what useful learns the subscriber by reading it completely.

In Instagram read long posts.

Contact reader personally

The social network is a place to interact a man-man. Therefore, Eva Katz (the founder of the studio Digital Bandito) advises in the instructions for maintaining communities in Facebook to write from the first person. Instead of "company", "office", "management" - "I", "we", "our".

Personal appeal to the reader on "You" works well. Of course, this is not always permissible. But the appeal to "you" without familiarity creates trust and makes the post more alive, like a friendly conversation.

When the tone is correctly selected, the appeal to "you" brings closer, and does not push

Consultant Andrei Zakharians in the article about copywriting warns that in this case you need to follow the endings of the male and female family (if you write for the male and women's audience at the same time). Use neutral wording. The phrase "You must (should) follow ..." It is better to replace on "you need to follow." Contact a man as a woman is a failure.

Write as talking

Write a light, simple, spoken language. This is the perfect style for social networks: people here communicate, they do not want to read official appeals from companies.

Spoken language - not necessarily spatty. You do not need to try to become "your own on the board," because it looks false and pushes the reader. Be sure to read the finished text out loud - if it sounds unnaturally, edit again.

Some "hardcores" insert the text of the mat. The solution is extreme and is not suitable for each audience, but can work.

Possess feedback

Feedback is comments, huskies, reposites. What they are more, the higher the post algorithms of the smart ribbon are evaluated. The Academy of Lidogeneration The article about the smart ribbon advises to add a call at the end of the post:

    Call to make a repost or deliver like. It may be a banal phrase: "If it was useful - put like!"

    Call for discussion. Let people share their opinions in the comments. Ask them what they think about this, whether something like something similar to them, how they solve certain problems. Cunning: the first comment can write you yourself. So readers will be easier to join the discussion.

The survey is also a way to collect feedback. True, posts with polls are always gaining less likes. People rarely make more than one target action - so or a voice in a survey, or like.

Add images and videos

Photos and rollers perform two tasks: complement the post and increase its visibility in the tape. Usually, people first look at the picture, then a look at the title and only then look through the post itself.

Maximum attention attracted photos of people (author of the post, company employees, etc.). Go to the pages of several of your friends VKontakte - posts with their photo are always gaining more likes.

Ideal if images and videos show what you are talking about in the post. You tell you that we moved to a new office - show the photo of the office. They took interviews from a famous person - lay out Selfie with him. Speak about the product - attach a video review.

Here is what platform specialists for creating Tilda sites talk about optimal image sizes:

    For Facebook Optimal ratio - 1200 x 630. You can use square photos, and vertical - undesirable.

    For VKontakte - 700 x 500 or square 510 x 510. Horizontally oriented photos look good.

    For instagram - Square 1: 1 with parties 1080 x 1080.

Detailed guide on how to make images specifically for social networks, read Texterra blog.

By the way, on Facebook, short posts can be placed on a graphic background. It turns out the text-text.

Typography: do posts more convenient for reading

Andrei Zakharians in his course "Armored copywriting" recommends alternating "light" and "heavy" paragraphs. Lightweight consist of one or two short sentences. Heavy - maximum of four. This makes the rhythm of the text alive, dynamic. In addition, light paragraphs are a good analogue of the subheadings.

Roy Clark in the book "50 letters" is advised to alternate long, short and medium-sized proposals. They complement each other well, and the text sounds better.

Other important elements:

Large and small paragraphs with intervals, some relevant emoticons - and the text is perceived without effort

What posts become popular

It is impossible to generate a post, which will drop thousands of likes and hundreds of reposts. You never know which record will become popular, and what will disappear away in the tape. But you can make a publication potentially viral - and then how lucky.

Jona Berger in the book "Cable"\u003e allocates several reasons why people share content or tell each other about goods, services and companies.

    Social capital.People are divided by what helps them look better (smarter, modern, more interesting) in the eyes of other people. Fashionable guy makes the replacement of Barbershop recording to show: I am stylish, modern and with money. Girl-Vegan will repost an invitation from a vegetarian restaurant to demonstrate his beliefs.

    Triggers.This is what a person is constantly on the mind: thoughts about the morning traffic jams, self-self-self-spell, high percentage of mortgage or features of photography on a rainy day. If you write exactly what is worried about man, he recognizes himself in your record and reacts to her.

    Powerful emotions. People will repaint what they are delivering, pleases or makes trembling from hatred. Therefore, so many reposts in some records from Publications

Sergey Eduardovich Flowers. I am writing books. And here - different things that do not collect under one cover.

Born and grew up in a family of military personnel, I live in Moscow. I served, and I love my military business. But it turned out that the main interests were in the sphere of history, literature, art.
By education, I am a historian. He started with the fictional biographies that I would call "portraits on the background of the era." One of them - "Alexander I" - in 2006 was nominated for the All-Russian historical and literary premium "Alexander Nevsky".
Among my scientific publications, the most extensive labor is devoted to the history of ancient Russia - "Stories in Russian History". Currently, four books come out, covering the period from ancient times before the beginning of the XIII century.
Historian is difficult to be an optimist. Because he knows the price that society has to pay for progress. Only in rare cases, it can be called justified or, at least reasonable. For the history of history, you need to have a certain strength of the Spirit. Standal was not without reason: "To know the truth, you need to have the courage to look at her face."
Therefore, literature is a natural outlet. Art does not discharge indulgescies, and beauty will not save the world. Is that some of us?
Occasionally I allow yourself to be exercised in the genre of a historical story. I write poems. In 2010, he was awarded the diploma magazine "Moscow" for the poetic cycle "On clear times".
From 2006 to 2010, a number of historical and literary programs created for radio stations "Our Radio" and "Best-FM": "Historical Moment", "Russian Pantheon", "Strokes to a portrait", "Words", "Russian cities" and others .
He performed the historical consultant in the TV cycle "Victory Days of Russia" (TV channel "Star"): Movie "Minin and Pozharsky", "Poltava Battle", "Borodino Battle".
In 2016 issued labor on the history of the First World War "The Last War of the Russian Empire".
At the end of 2016, the production center "Cinema Directorate" was brought to the creation of a deployed historical comment to the film "Viking" (see "Viking. Historical guide for the era of Prince Vladimir" in the listed list).
In 2016-2018, he worked as a scientific editor in the magazine "Problems of the National Strategy".

On the territory of my blog there are generally accepted norms of the literary Russian language and culture of communication. Matermia and personal insults to anyone will be stopped without warning. Comments that have no meaningful value are deleted.

My books and articles :

Series "Stories in Russian History"
. Flowers S. E. The beginning of Russian history. From ancient times to Oleg. M.: Centerpolygraph, 2011.
. Flowers S. E. Russian Earth. Between paganism and Christianity. From Prince Igor to his son Svyatoslav. M.: Centerpolygraph, 2012.
. Flowers S. E. Epoch of the unity of ancient Russia. From Vladimir Saint to Yaroslav Wise. M.: Centerpolygraph, 2012.
. Flowers S. E. Ancient Russia: Epoch of civil engineering. From Yaroslavichi to Vsevolod a big nest. M.: Centerpolygraph, 2013.

. Flowers S. E. Alexander First, 1777-1825. - M.: Centerpolygraph, 2005. - 589 p.
. Flowers S. E. Alexander Suvorov, 1730-1800: Belletriz. BioGr. - M.: Centerpolygraph, 1999. - 503 s.
. Flowers S. E. Ivan Grozny, 1530-1584: Belletriz. BioGr. - M.: Centerpolygraph, 2000. - 586 c.
. Flowers S. E. Peter I, 1672-1725: Belletriz. BioGr. - M.: Centerpolygraph, 2000. - 583 p.
. Flowers S. E. Tsarevich Dmitry. Son of Grozny, 1582-1606. Marina Mnishek. - M.: Centerpolygraph, 2005. - 444 c.
. Flowers S. E. Karl XII. Last Viking. 1682-1718. - M.: Centerpolygraph, 2005. - 476 p.

Other books
. Flowers S. E. Great Unknown. Magnum Ignotum: books and fate. Forgotten stories: East. Miniatures. - M.: Centerpolygraph, 2002. - 508 c.
. Roads, uniting capitals: [album]. - M.: A2-A4, 2008. In collaboration with S.G.ANTONENKO (preface and introductory texts to chapters).
. Sergey Flowers. Episodes of history in habits, weaknesses and vices of the Great and famous. - AST, Astrel, VKT, 2011. - 448 p.
. Sergey Flowers. The last war of the Russian Empire. - M.: Editorial Publishing Center "Classic", 2016.- 496 p., Ill.
. Sergey Flowers. Dwarf Peter the Great: Sat. historical essays and stories. M.: Politkniga, 2016.
. Sergey Flowers. Viking. The historical guide to the Epoch of Prince Vladimir. M.: Eksmo, 2016.
. Sergey Flowers. Prince Vladimir - the Creator of Unified Rus. M.: Eksmo, 2017.

Articles and stories
. Flowers Sergey. Peter Arkadievich Stolypin // Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. M., 1992. No. 2, No. 3.
. Flowers Sergey. Gentleman in Blue Frace // Kommersant. - № 018 (20. 05. 1998).
. Flowers S. E. Apollo is exposed // New World. - 1998, No. 11.
. Flowers S. E. Iron Mask // Science and Life. - 2007.
. Flowers S. E. Who prevented Bastille // Science and Life. - 2007.
. Flowers S. E. Fischy Vasily Kurbatov: a small story (about the embassy of Prince P. I. Potemkin to Spain and France in 1680) // New World. - 2000.
. Flowers S. E. Fucking Vasily Kurbatov. - sign. - Shots on Calvary. - Apollo exposed // Moscow. - 2007. № 3.
. Flowers S. E. once distressed (Prince Kurbsky. - Battle of young. - Heinrich Stadan, or Ochrichnik Memoirs) // Moscow. - 2011. № 9.
. Flowers S. E. Prince Yaroslav Wise: the creation of the future // Science and Life. - 2011. № 10.
. Flowers S. E. Venndsky Falcon (Rüric problem) // Science and Life. - 2011. № 12.
. Flowers S. E. Killed and Obolgan // Moscow. - 2012. number 5.
. Sergey Flowers. Felt boots. Military priest. Monsieur Kaye House. Story // Literary Study. - 2012. № 3.
. Sergey Flowers. Titled Dmitry ... Identification: Pro ET Contra. // Science and life. - №2, 2013
. Sergey Flowers. Patriarch Filaret, sovereign parent. // amateur. - №4 (16) 2013.
. S. E. Flowers. Great Spirit for Fatherland. Patriarch Hermogen. // Humanitarian sciences. - №3 (11) and №4 (12) 2013.
. Flowers S. E. Birth of a Russian idea // "Russian statehood and modernity: problems of identity and historical continuity." - M., Rici, 2012. P. 75-80.
. Sergey Flowers. Birth of a Russian idea (Prince Yaroslav Wise and Metropolitan Hilarion) // Russian field. - №2. 2012.
. S. E. Flowers. As the "real" XX century began (to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War) // Humanitarian sciences. - №2-4 (14-16), 2014.
. S.E. Flowers. Idea aspects of the Vinuzea Yaroslav Wise Templement // Actual issues of Orthodox Templed Architecture: History and Modernity: Materials of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference (Yoshkar-Ola, August 25-28, 2014) / Scientific. ed. S.V. Borisov, N.I. Drunken. - Yoshkar-Ola: Volga State Technological University, 2014.
. Sergey Flowers. Staircase power // Amateur. - № 11 (35), 2014.
. Sergey Flowers.Rus Vladimir as Prince Vladimir from the zealous pagan turned into a zealous Christian // Amateur. - №2 (38) February 2015.
. Sergey Flowers. Princess Olga: revenge in Russian // Amateur. - №5, May 2015.
. Sergey Flowers. Nadezhda Lamanova (1861-1941): the history of the fashion designer // Annual Report of the Franco-Russian Analytical Center Observatory "Russia-2015".
. Sergey Flowers. Catherine II and Didro: the history of one philosophical and political novel // Annual Report of the Franco-Russian Analytical Center Observatory "Russia-2016".
. Sergey Flowers. Nikolay Venenin - Russian Hero of French Resistance // Annual Report of the Franco-Russian Analytical Center Observatory "Russia-2017".

Acquaintance is the mandatory stage of communication with the surrounding people. Of course, contact with old buddies is easier: these people are informed of your character, habits and other individual features. And the new one has to talk again. Well still, if we are talking about a relaxed conversation in the company of friends! But it often has to tell about yourself in writing, sometimes even in official documents. All sorts of questionnaires, summaries, accounts and clubs for interest are waiting for no reason when you inform them of information about yourself. For some, this is a judicial formality limited by a pair-triple standard offers. But it happens that much depends on your description. In this case, you need to write about yourself not just honestly and competently, but it is more interesting that your story is not lost among other similar autobiographies.

A story about yourself, oral or written, not everyone is given easy. There are people for whom self-presentation - the case is familiar and even pleasant, they willingly share the facts of their biography and are fascinating them as a literary work. But for most, it is necessary to write about yourself, and even in a special, non-standard style, is a serious test of their natural impactivity, creative fantasy, and just a writer talent. For such people, we have prepared a kind of "crib" with prompts and small advice on how to start, build and arrange our work so that readers it was interesting to read about you even if there were no outstanding events in your life, the description of which can Become the basis of the adventure novel. In fact, everything is much easier: even the biography of the average person leading the most calm and peaceful life can be read, if it is written interesting.

Story about yourself: Rules, nuances and advice
An interesting feature of the autobiography as a genre is that the same person can have any descriptions of his life. Moreover, life also remains one, and all the events that happened in it, truthful. But, depending on style, destination, the conditions of writing these works are obtained completely different. As in any text, with the preservation of one fabul, almost an infinite number of options for the development of the plot is possible, where the narrative will be chronologically consistent or artistically distorted, logically correct or creatively adapted. As they say, everything has its place and time, and autobiography when taking work has little common with self-sustained when entering the theater school. The only unifying factor is you, or rather, the actual events of your life. Therefore, let's first decide why and for what purpose you needed to write about yourself. The most common options are:

  1. When taking to work, admission to study or service. This is the brief, essentially formal and therefore the easiest option. It is easy to cope with it and without special tips, especially since in such cases autobiography, as a rule, is written by, right up to filling the Count questionnaire. But even if you are a clean sheet of paper, you are only required to set out the basic information about the time and place of your appearance of education, educational, professional experience and in short, marital status. More formal autobiographies do not require. The exception can be biographies of representatives of creative professions: journalists, copywriters, editors. They make more requirements in terms of the vocabulary used and, possibly, examples of work. But the portfolio is a separate task and it is also formed by its own, independent of autobiography, standards.
  2. Upon joining the thematic organization / circle / section More detailed information about the candidate may be required. Depending on the direction of the institution, turn on the corresponding data into the list of data. For example, tell about the conquered sports awards, diplomas, medals and diplomas for participation and victories in the Olympiads, intellectual games and contests. If we are talking about a creative workshop, it will not be superfluous to tell about its preferences and tastes, favorite genres and techniques, idols and images for imitation. The task of your lives in this case is to reveal its own character in front of people who still do not know anything about you, and to join their formed team. Therefore, the more friendly and open will be your written story, the sooner he will find a response, and you are more likely to receive an invitation to a personal interview.
  3. When registering on a social network / on a dating site No, there can be no hard rules. But there are certain techniques with which you can make your story about yourself interesting and attractive to other users. For example, many fine-sex representatives use verses, texts of favorite songs or quotes from literary works, which, in their opinion, correspond to their nature and worldview. This tactic should be recognized quite witty, because, in the absence of confidence in his own literary talent, you can take advantage of the win-win creation of a recognized genius. One way or another, your task is to create strangers in the eyes, and even invisible to you, the people you need. And for this not necessarily adhere to documentary accuracy. Allow yourself a little fiction, Dorisite in the imagination your own image so that you like it - then it will appeal and the rest, whose tastes coincide with yours. But do not be fond of fantasy - you write it all about yourself, and do not create a fictional image of the perfect, but, alas, a non-existent person.
  4. When creating your own blog and / or literary work It is interesting to write about yourself easily and difficult at the same time. On the one hand, for a professional writer, a story about himself is not even a job, but a pleasant rest, bordering a subtle intellectual pleasure. And, since you dare to become an independent "parent" of the whole book or the media (and the blog can be fully equity to the information publication), then writing the original and fascinating autobiography should not be a problem for you. On the other hand, it is a story about himself and finds many professionals by surprise. Because one thing is to analyze and express information within the framework of well-studied and the topic of interest. And quite another - to reveal to readers as a person, to demonstrate them not only their fundamental knowledge, erudition and talent, but also features characteristic of simple mortals, sometimes far from the qualities of the perfect creator. Plus, not all creative personalities are the same in their desire to speak publicly. And in writers, unlike actors and musicians, it causes a lot of internal obstacles: constraints, fear of excessive frankness, etc. In this case, you can advise to call for help a sense of humor. A successful joke is able to carry out unsightly facts and even turn them into advantage, and it can simply fill in a pause or fill the content to an unexpected meaning.
These recommendations were invented not yesterday and not even last week, according to such canons, their lives were created at all times, starting with the most ancient events in the history of mankind. Depending on the incidents and cultural values \u200b\u200bof that time, not only and not so much the facts of personal life were documented as social achievements. Thus, the Eastern Tsari recorded the narratives about their military victories, the antique military leaders took the relay, and Julius Caesar later created the "notes about the Gallic War", which are simultaneously a benefit on an increasing case and an exciting story about the events of those times.

Medieval philosophers, travelers and even skillful artisans described their lives for students and descendants. The genre of autobiography then acquired such popularity that even became an independent literary direction, a classic and ingenious parody of which, for example, the "Adventures of Baron Münhgausen" Rudolph is remained. It is difficult to remember at least one writer, who in his books did not publish a description of his own life. Even the most mysterious personalities managed to learn a lot of details with their personal diaries and correspondence. By the way, the epistolary genre is an inexhaustible source of inspiration when writing a story about himself. After all, in letters, people try to be sincere, trust the addressees a lot of intimate. For you it can serve as a good school and a storehouse of ideas. Therefore, do not be lazy to read the biographies of famous people, feel free to borrow interesting techniques and speech turns.

An example of an interesting story about yourself
So, with the theoretical aspect of writing a story about myself, we figured out, it's time to go to practice. Because no one, besides you, will not write about you a biography so as to reveal the readers all the faces of your character and bright personality. Do not forget that the most difficult thing is to start, overcome the resistance of the empty sheet of paper. And then the word for the word, the story is poured by itself if you make yourself surrender to creativity. It is possible to find such a relationship and gradually, to do this, start with simple: write a formal autobiography first, then expand it at the expense of introductory phrases and artistic vocabulary, and then bloody beautiful images and literary techniques altogether. And save each other option separately, it will be useful to you with the appropriate situation. Thus, you will get a blank at once several stories about yourself and you can use and refine them as needed.

Example of a formal autobiography:

"I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, was born on June 13, 1980 in Kiev. In 1987 he was adopted in the first class SS No. 13, which he graduated in 1997 with a red diploma. In the same year he entered the Kiev National University. T.G. Shevchenko at the Faculty of Philosophy with the specialty "Political Science". During the training in the university, a full preparation of the program of training officers was held, received the title "Junior Lieutenant". He graduated from the university in 2002, received a diploma of a political science specialist. Immediately after graduation, began working in the information agency as an analyst and consultant of the editor-in-chief. In 2008, he took the position of editor of the Policy Department, which takes to this day.

Married, bring up a son of 7 years and daughter for 2 years. Wife, Ivanova Anna Valentinovna, born in 1986, on education journalist, works in a monthly edition. I fond of photo art and painting, I love to travel. I lead a healthy lifestyle, we regularly attend the gym and make a ride by bike. There are no harmful habits, I prefer to spend your free time with your family and on an active holiday. "

And now let's imagine that this, already a little familiar to us, a person decided to enter into the ranks of the club photo-corporate travelers. The club is virtual, the main communication between its participants occurs on its own forum on the Internet. And now our friend will have to register and greet the old-timers of the club, at the same time explaining them who he, why and why came to the forum. The text of the story about yourself will be significantly different from the above. It may be, for example, such:

An example of an interesting autobiography:

"Dear friends, let me introduce yourself! My name may seem like you at first glance, but believe me: it is present. That is how, thanks to their sense of humor, parents called me, and it was written in my passport - and this is, by the way, the official document! In general, my name is Vanya, My last name - Ivanov. You can begin to make fun. But it's even easier to remember me j

I am fond of photography for a long time, seven years have already been. But I learned about your collaboration, unfortunately, recently. I really hope that the grandfathers you do not have, and the entrance to the club is not ordered. Because your work and accumulated experience was extremely interested in me. I had a courage to view the photo gallery presented on the site, and is ready to remove the hat to the authors of these pictures. Very impressive and accuracy of reports, and the quality of the pictures, and the artistic sense of photographers. For our part, I promise that I will make every effort to fit this high level and worthy to present your creativity.

As for me personally, I am the most ordinary person and practically nothing outstanding. I earn up for life in that I love most and best I know: build hypotheses and make forecasts about the political situation in our country and beyond. The case is troublesome and ungrateful, but someone must do it J But at home there is almost an adult son-first grader, a sweetheart-daughter and, of course, the beloved and the only wife of Anya. They are all three, by the way, also know a lot about travel and beautiful pictures.

In general, if I have not yet tired you with my life way and can be at least something is useful to the respected community, I will be very happy to be adopted in his ranks. I promise to be disciplined, polite and obedient to fulfill all the rules of the club. All Kievans are a separate hello and invitation to Sunday cycardes. All the rest - just my immeasurable location and best wishes J »

Do you feel the difference between the first and second text? It is fully justified and caused by the specifics of communicating and appointing a story about himself. Analysis of the features of these texts will help to deal with the nuances of information feeding and in the future you can be used by writing your own biography:

  1. In both cases, the author did not surveal against the truth and informed the truthful information about himself. But in the second story, he deliberately lowered those facts that are not related to the case. But carried in the first paragraphs what could be interesting directly to this team of readers. Very correct tactics from the point of view of self-presentation - it takes into account the interests and features of the perception of the audience.
  2. The same applies to the style of presentation and vocabulary. In the first case, it is dry and official, as required by documents. In the second - replete with integral expressions, figurative turns and other means of language, invalid in business correspondence. But for the company of buddies for interests, this language will be the most understandable and pleasant.
  3. Unlike the first, strict text, in the second story the author uses Humor and personal charm, expressed by the means of language. It verbally draws the image of a kind of pugenura and a light man who has placed before readers. This is a great way to make a story about yourself interesting, because he grows the roughness of the written speech due to the ease of the friendly chatter.
  4. In the second story the author constantly supports communication with readers. Talking about themselves, he managed not to buy her beloved on himself, and all the time turn to the audience. Use this technique to interest the reader, because each person is nice when he is paying special attention.
  5. The author even learned that his story about himself would be perceived not on rumor, but visually, and at the site intended for interactive communication. That is why he allowed himself to use graphic symbols, invalid in printing or writing from hand. You can do the same: if you need to write about yourself on the Internet, then boldly apply emoticons and symbols of Unicode. But use them dosed, do not overload the text, because the excessive number of pictures annoys the reader.
As you can see, with the right setting and preliminary theoretical preparation, it is not difficult to write about yourself and is not dry at all. Finally, let me give you another, final advice. Before the start of your story, make a list for yourself in which list several of your most vivid and characteristic features. It may be characteristics of character, outstanding achievements or just funny facts of the past. Describing each of them, you are passionate about the memories and involuntarily make the text fascinating and expressive. Yes, and readers will be much more interesting to learn about non-standard situations, rather than the average "born / studied / worked." In general, write so that you are very interested to read about yourself, as if you had a biography of some other, unfamiliar, but witty, cheerful and friendly man.

How to make an account interesting for competitors to stay behind, subscribers are satisfied, and the activity is high? One of the key aspects is originality. But what to do, if no idea is in mind, or does not go beyond the usual publications? Today we offer topics for posts in Instagram. Feature the best and relevant to the blog or business, fill with your highlight and feel free to send subscribers.

We have prepared another interesting article -. Want to news community, incl. and instagram, and get maximum return? Read!

Diverse posts in form

  1. Instruction. Information flows rapidly grow, and readers need a simple and understandable explanation: like what and why. Give them an impetus for the start, and they will not forget you.
    a) DIY. Separate video type for needlework and just create things for yourself. Maybe you have Lifehaki, for example, how to cook this particular salad or do so that the shoes do not rub? Pick over the subject of your page and please users. At the end, you can organize a competition, who walked to cope better than all. Inspiration subscribers upload photos and discuss results, increasing their involvement.
    b) a detailed explanation. Comes with some situation and know the way out of it? For example, they answered wrong, but managed to quickly correct and not spoil the business meeting? Tell me the story and give some tips that helped you avoid trouble. Readers will certainly thank for a detailed farewell.
  2. Analysis. What success achieved in a week? What figures talk about increasing popularity of products? What new achievements can be recorded in the personal or corporate book of records?
    a) Quote is one of the options. Write an expression of a famous person or employee, or a friend and leave a comment on this. Be sure to ask the followers' opinion to develop a discussion and increase the involvement.
    b) review with the assessment. Have you taken advantage of a commodity or service? Have something to tell? Understand the readers to warn or rejoice with them. Take into account the tastes of the audience. If you enter the page of the car themes, then buying from Fikspais will be inappropriate.
  3. List. Make a personal top: "The best books on gardening", "Music that inspires our team", "the qualities that we appreciate in the employees", "films for a Sunday evening". Structured information attracts attention, and high-quality filling leaves subscribers with you.
  4. Statistics. Give numbers. From scientific research, from own or company results. Remember: Monday or Weekend are not the best days for analyzing serious information. Subscribers these days will not break their heads over the importance of this information.
  5. Check list. "Traveler's backpack in nature", "Office for convenient study", "What to do if we bite the tick."
  6. Series posts. Do you have a long story? Slide it into several records and post regularly at intervals.
  7. This item will be a good solution when there is too much information in the profile, and it would be nice to dilute it with simpler photographs. Take a snapshot of something simple (but still in your color scheme), whether it is a textured wall, a glass of your favorite cafe, sand on the beach or water in the pool. For this kind of images, there is your hashtheg: #photosinbetween.


New ideas for instagram posts are easy to generate, knowing the main trends in learning. Watch out for research, how to remember the information correctly and use these methods in your posts. Subscribers will certainly thank you and remember you.

  1. Study learning. Choose skills from your subject and create programs for learning. First for those who are barely familiar with your area.
  2. Programs for continuing - who studied the initial level and are ready to go further.
  3. For professionals. Programs for advanced differ in depth. Show yourself as an expert in your area, raising your authority.
  4. Lifehaki for the audience on your topic in the form:
    a) advice;
    b) experience;
    c) articles;
    d) video in the story or in the post.
  5. Publish your own articles within the selected direction.
  6. Create scientific reflections with a support for life stories.
  7. Talk about your career tools, for example:
    a) books;
    b) applications;
    c) services;
    d) description;
    e) cost;
    e) Office.
  8. Share the learning process, inspiring and supporting. Show:
    a) desktop (computer or real);
    b) classes in nature;
    c) getting skills in the office;
    d) process in steps.


Who can be your guest:

  1. bloggers;
  2. employees;
  3. experts;
  4. customers.

In form it may be:

  1. interview;
  2. expert opinion;
  3. reviews;
  4. offers;
  5. forecasts on the current issue;
  6. contests and draws;
  7. support for projects or challenge.

Share information

  1. What do you read in your direction?
  2. What are listening on the subject of the profile?
  3. What skills are needed in your work?
  4. How long have you been dedicated to a particular destination in your career?
  5. How to establish personal relationships?
  6. How to attract an audience?

And many other questions "How?", "Why?", "Why?", "What?".

Communicate with the audience

  1. FAQ. Analyze the often arising questions from the audience and collect them in one post. Periodically update them so that the information remains always relevant.
  2. Make a publication with questions that would need to ask, but no one is solved.
  3. Discussions. Create them for any reasons. According to instagram algorithms, posts with a large number of comments have greater audience coverage. In addition, find fresh ideas for publications or quality in reviews that people like / do not like.
  4. Games. For example, ask questions "What would you spend a million?", "What would you do all day without light?" Or ask to continue the phrase "Happiness is ...". Turn on the fantasy and enjoy the results.
  5. Marathons. The goal is to learn something new. For example, you will lead an account with your work in the technique of gouache. Spend a weekly marathon - publish simple tasks by which subscribers will pump up their skills and achieve the goal. Every day they unsubscribe in the comments on the work done. Winners get a portrait as a gift.
  6. Flashmobes. Connect creativity and ease for the subscriber: posted a photo, signed up - participant.
  7. Competitions. Another option to expand the audience and increase the involvement. All love bonuses and gifts.
  8. Post-acquaintance. When the audience is growing rapidly, periodically publish a welcome entry to make newcomers to learn more about you: who are you, what goals and your progress.

Imagination and fiction

  1. Future: close and distant. Fantasize together with subscribers: Martian in the chapter of the company, traveling with teleportation. Imagination gusts can suggest a fantastic, but implemented by the idea that will become the key in solving problems.
  2. Ideals. "What is your perfect day," "perfect journey", etc. You can how to strive for yourself on this topic, so ask to make this subscribers.
  3. And what if ... Extract any associations that come to mind and will fit your profile.
  4. Come up with a fantastic situation with humor.

Popular topics

Lovely posts in Instagram are obtained on topical topics (examples can be viewed on popular hashtags).


  1. Your favorite trips.
  2. Map with marked items of desired travel.
  3. Bought tickets or collected suitcases for the nearest cruise.
  4. Stories from the tour.
  5. Lifehaki traveler.


  1. Funny stories with your pets.
  2. Do you have the most happy dog \u200b\u200bor a cat in your office, which is smitted for good luck?
  3. Tell us about your favorite animals that they mean in your life.
  4. Who do you want to start: cat, dog, parrot, ostrich?
  5. Pictures with humor about animals. They raise the mood at any time of the day.


  1. Experiments.
  2. Favorite dishes.
  3. Useful information about the kitchens of the world.

About myself

  1. Plans.
  2. Hobby.
  3. A typical day.
  4. Letter to everyone.
  5. Letter to yourself.
  6. The process of creating posts.
  7. The process of creating contests.

Formats and ideas for video

To create videos in Instagram, you do not always need a large budget or professional equipment. It is enough to find ways to involve people. Part of the ideas are easy to move from photos to the video.

  1. A good start to start is the main series that represent your brand and its activities.
  2. Instagram stories and stored stories - perfect places for training programs. In teaching aids, it is possible to consider packing, colors and product sizes, as well as useful tips and recommendations for use.
  3. Want to demonstrate the individuality of the brand, amazing team members and production process? Make a video clip.
  4. Pass the camera an interesting person who represents the values \u200b\u200bof the company: an employee, friend, influential person. Partnership can lead to mutually beneficial offers.
  5. Subtitles are necessary for some rollers, as people often look without sound. Instagram Stories for text signatures has several fonts to choose from, but you can also publish photos with text or use a template with text fields. Thanks to the company template, the company can really produce a fantastic material for a week.
  6. The slideshow does not need video. They are great for step-by-step instructions, lists, company progress.
  7. You worry about a new product and expect the date of implementation - so why not attract and not disturb your friends and subscribers? You can also raise the product expectation by counting.
  8. Music is an economical way to express the company's individuality. It causes instant emotions. Text or long story is not required. Music completes the video, complementing or contrasting with the tempo of movement on the screen.
  9. Some trends in social networks are easy to plan, because they follow the calendar, year after year, for example, holidays. Think up a strategy and pay attention to the most important to customers. This will make it possible to create high-quality content and be on the same wave with subscribers.


  1. Congratulations on traditional dates.
  2. The birthdays of subscribers.
  3. Congratulations on successes.

On February 14th

  1. Interesting couples.
  2. Recognition in love yourself.
  3. Examples of congratulations.
  4. Love books.
  5. Places for lovers.
  6. Lifehaki for dates.
  7. Love attribute for business.

On February 23.

  1. Ideas gifts.
  2. The process of creating gifts.
  3. Stories.
  4. Music.
  5. Films.
  6. Books.
  7. Facts about February 23.
  8. Male qualities.

On March 8.

  1. Presents.
  2. Flowers.
  3. Interesting facts about March 8.
  4. Women's qualities.
  5. Competitions.
  6. Collages.
  7. Collections:
    a) music;
    b) movies;
    c) books.

For new year

  1. Promises.
  2. Tree.
  3. New Year decoration.
  4. Winter photo.
  5. Homemade comfort.
  6. Congratulations.
  7. Photo from the holiday.


  1. Scientific.
  2. Own.
  3. Problem - Search for solutions.


  1. The best publications.
  2. Current entries.
  3. Old posts.
  4. About the blog / company.
  5. Information posts.
  6. Selections of interesting people.
  7. Selection of interesting places.

Inspirational posts

  1. Sport.
  2. Caring for yourself.
  3. Combat mood.
  4. Successful story.
  5. What's in your bag?
  6. What is your breakfast?
  7. The first thoughts after sleep.
  8. Your workplace.
  9. Stories of subscribers.
  10. Why do you do that.
  11. Clothing for all occasions: important events, dates, meetings with friends.
  12. The best find for the month.
  13. Positive forecast.

Ideas for business posts in instagram

  1. You have a project, the grandmarket of which is boiled with a blue flame, but are you still ready to show the results of your work? Share the fragment, create a mystery - a favorite thing in Instagram. It may be a list of cases, a map with destination or work materials.
  2. Bonuses. There is nothing better than flipping Instagram to find free products or services after dinner.
  3. Showcases.
  4. Comparison posts.
  5. Team photos.
  6. Updates in production or in assortment.
  7. Unusual application of goods or service.
  8. Trends.
  9. Themes on which competitors argue.
  10. Properties of goods.
  11. Exterior office.
  12. Cameras.

Ideas in personal blog

  1. History of personalities.
  2. Inspiration for employees.
  3. Admiration for anyone in your field.
  4. Mentors.
  5. Desired cooperation.
  6. People with whom we already cooperate.

Movement to action

Tell subscribers why well ...

Record any topics for instagram posts that come to mind. Later, you can fly unsuccessful and arrange the most attractive. Do not forget about the imagination: even a serious business profile can be diversified with an increase in the involvement of the audience.

No one wants to spend a lot of time for writing one article. Usually I want to do it quickly, beautiful and informative. Especially if in fact it is not the main job. For example, you must write at least a few posts in a corporate blog, because this requires the management of the company. Or at least sometimes remind of yourself in the mass media some interesting news.

That is, you need to do, but there is no time for it. You can write something non-omnant only in a corporate blog for a tick in the hope that no one will read it. But for all the rest, the option "Tip-Lump" is unlikely to suit. Jim Estill, CEO General Director of Synnex and the author of the book "Time Leadership" is divided by its solution to this problem.

So how to write an informative and readable post in 20 minutes?

1. Keep a list of ideas always at hand

It may be a paper version or electronic records - anyway, if only you would be comfortable. If you write about your work, it certainly in the whole day may come to the head quite a lot of interesting ideas. Because the search for the topic for the article sometimes takes longer than its writing. Such a list will help to avoid this headaches and you can always choose something interesting.

2. Let your ideas grow up

It is wonderful if a brilliant idea came to your head. But do not rush immediately write about her post. Record it into your list and let me stretch a little, reach the desired condition. Perhaps you will have more ideas that complement the main, and in the end at the exit you will get a full-fledged post.

3. Edit the list before starting

If you collect your list for a week before sitting on writing the article - edit. Perhaps some ideas or topics will no longer seem like shiny and relevant. Cut off everything too much, you remember that you have only 20 minutes for writing? Less water, more information on the topic.

4. Use label lists

A short post should not only read, but also look. You do not have the opportunity and time to smoothly move from one topic to another. Therefore, the marked lists are suitable for creating thoughts as it is impossible. Everything is clearly decomposed on the shelves without excess chatter and the eye is for what to catch.

5. Short - Sister Talent

Do not write text long to life. Try to fit the basic information not in 2,000 words, and in 500. Article for 20 minutes long in 500 words - yes. An article in 20 minutes by length of more than 2,000 words is practically unrealistic. You remember that during this time it needs to not only write, but also reread, correct and arrange?

6. Do not slide

If you chose the topic, and it does not go, do not stick on it. Save what you have already written, and go to the new topic. And the saved document is used the next time. After all, you have a whole list of topics, right?

7. Do not postpone good ideas.

Option Leave the most interesting ideas for then it looks tempting, but it does not work. That is, of course, you can constantly postpone the interesting topics "on Sweet", but why? You must save your time "It is now," and not "it is later"! In the same and consists of the main meaning. Then you will have a huge number of new topics. I am sure that if you love your work and you are interested in you, such ideas appear with packs - only time to record;)

I hope that these simple rules will get rid many of the unnecessary headaches, and perhaps they will even teach to love what was so annoyed.