Responsibilities of the head of the post office. Memo Chief of Postal Communication

Sample form (example template) Instructions:

(Company name, institution, organization)

Job Instructions Communication Branch



(Head of the Institution, Organization, Other Official,


commissioner assert


working Instructions)

_________ ____________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

"___" ____________ ____

I. General provisions

1. The head of the Communications Department refers to the category "Officers".

2. Appointment to the position of head of the branch of communication and exemption from it is carried out by order ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ in compliance with the requirements of the Code of Labor Law on Proceedings and the current labor legislation.

3. The head of the Communication Department is subordinated directly __________________________________________________________________.

II. Official duties

Head of Communication Department:

1. Provides a qualitative provision of postal services to the population, enterprises, institutions, organizations.

2. Organizes the workplaces of workers to provide postal services, bring revenue plans to workers and controls their implementation.

3. Provides the preservation of cash mailing, material values, goods and documentation.

4. Responsible for the correct charges and timely and full charge of the payment for the postal service, receipt of cash reinforcements, delivery and sending over-free money balances to the Main Cassum Post Office (communication node).

5. Provides timely delivery of mail, pensions and monetary assistance to recipients.

6. It is responsible for timely and high-quality reporting, for the accuracy of statistical data, for the proper maintenance of cash transactions.

7. Provides high-quality and uninterrupted work of means of mechanization of postal and electronic complexes located in the post office.

9. Responsible for the exchange of mail with postal transport.

10. Exercising an analysis of the quality of the work of the department and the execution of the income plan.

11. Participates in the development and implementation of activities aimed at fulfilling the income and exchange plan, improving the quality of work and the creation of additional facilities to consumers of postal service.

12. Heads the employees of the department, and if necessary, employees attached to it of clauses and mobile post offices.

13. Quality control of the processing of incoming and outgoing mail.

14. Accounting for working time and fulfillment by employees of the rules of development.

15. _____________________________________________________________

III. Rights

The head of the Communication Department has the right to:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the fulfillment of his duties.

3. To make proposals for improving work related to the obligations provided for by this Instruction.

4. Within its competence, report to its direct supervisor about all activities identified in the process, and make proposals to eliminate them.

5. Attract specialists of all structural units to solve problems assigned to it.

6. Make proposals on the promotion of workers who distinguished themselves as well as attracting workers subordinate to the material and disciplinary responsibility that do not comply with their official duties.

7. Require from the leadership of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their official duties.

8. Within its competence, sign and sight documents.

9. ______________________________________________________________

IV. Responsibility

The head of the Communication Department is responsible

1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of its official duties, as well as for non-use or directly to its rights provided for by this official instruction - within the limits defined by the current legislation of Ukraine.

2. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of Ukraine.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor legislation on labor of Ukraine.

4. ______________________________________________________________

V. The head of the Communications Department should know:

1. Resolutions, orders, orders of management bodies.

2. Methodical, regulatory documents on the organization of postal service.

3. Postal Rules; Rules for the use of postal services.

4. Administrative and territorial division of Ukraine.

5. Rules of operation of electronic complexes.

6. Means of postal communication.

7. Tariffs for postal services.

8. Regulation on wages.

9. Experience of advanced postal enterprises.

10. Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection".

11. Basics of the economy, organization of production, labor and management.

12. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

13. Rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire protection and environmental protection.

14. _____________________________________________________________

Vi. Qualification requirements

For postal departments I - III Groups - basic higher education (technical) education, advanced training and work experience in the field of postal service for at least 3 years.

For post office sections IV - V groups - Basic higher education (technical) education, advanced training and work experience in the field of postal service at least 1 year or full secondary secondary education, training directly in production, advanced training and work experience in the field of postal service Not less than 2 years.

- _______________________________________________________________

VII. Relationships (communication) by position

1. In the absence of the head of the Communications Department, his obligation is performed by the Deputy (in the absence of the last - the person appointed in the prescribed manner), which acquires relevant rights and is responsible for the proper execution of duties assigned to it.

2. To fulfill duties and implement rights, the head of the Communications Department interacts:

2.1.3 _________________________________ on questions:

2.2.3 _________________________________ on questions:

2.3.3 _________________________________ on issues:

2.4.3 _________________________________ on issues:

2.5.3 _________________________________ on questions:

Structural unit


(surname, initials)

"___" __________ ____

Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)

"___" __________ ____

The instructions are familiar with:


(surname, initials)

"___" __________ ____

Like? Like!

Chief Responsibilities Opening High Quality and Cultural Services
customers of postal services, financial and banking services
as well as reception
utility payments, special projects,
Insurance services. Perform planned tasks, provide services in
accordance with the rules and instructions. Be competent to know
Production, technique, software
security. Be able to work with
team and customers. Proper to organize work in the OPS.

Start of the working day of the branch of the department
Postal service
The head of the postal office must personally (in turn with
Deputy) attend before the start of the day.
Open the storerooms together with the communication operator
Conduct the operation "Start of the day" on PKT and Szputch, PKD.
Note on the workstations of POS, production documents and
Operational materials.
Put reinforcement on the cashier (cash)
Note names
Check the outtreet of calendar stamps. (Under the painting)
Availability from workers uniforms, bagekov.

Conduct instruction on quality standards Check the preparedness of the operating room for the cultural service of customers. Part B.

Conduct instruction on quality standards
Check the preparedness of the operating room for cultural
client service.
Part of the time during the working day must be in
operating room for direct communication with customers,
Immediately respond to all oral statements and complaints
Special attention to focus clarity and service culture
Carry out production control over the operation of operators
Postal and postmen.

Completion of the working day
Preparation and sending mail and collection from post office
together with postal operator
Prepare information on PPO to send to information
Take a report on insurance postal departments and goods
folk consumption, seal the storage room
Accept balance on cash reference
SDO (consolidated money report)
Close the working day at the main ticket office.
Check for entries in the book of complaints and suggestions.

Analyzes the execution of the plan and performance per working day
Plans to improve quality indicators, creating conditions
To provide services and attract new customers.
Efficiency indicators are aimed at motivating employees,
Definition of "leaders" and "outsiders", distribution
Positive experience.

Organizational work in the OPS

The head of the post office must be able to organize
Work in the OPS.
If necessary, act as a manager of the hall adjusting
queue, providing practical assistance to operators, serving
customers in an additional window.
It is good to know your subordinates to help them help.
Observe corporate etiquette
Be able to clearly organize your own work and the work of the OPS
Plan your work for a month

Sample work plan of the head of the OPS

Name of works
and I
Check the working conditions on the delivery sites
postmen. (Ivanova T, and. Sidorova E.N.)
2. Conduct a production assembly on the basis of work for
June and 2 quarters of 2014. Tasks for the 3rd quarter of 2014
3. To familiarize the team with new LNA, changes in
postal rules.
4. Studying in the SDO Theme "Quality Standards" "WinPost"
"Promotion by subscription"
5. Bring a plan for subscription at the first half of the year. Conduct work
with population
6. Production Meeting in Post Office
7. Support to provide services using
bank card links bank. (shopping acquiring)
8. bring the "personal" plan to each operator and
Postman ops
Mark O.

This job instruction is translated automatically. Note, the automatic translation does not give 100% accuracy, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Preface to the job instruction

0.1. The document comes into force from the date of approval.

0.2. Document Developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document is agreed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is made with an interval not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Position "Head of Postal Communication" refers to the category "Officers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - full or basic higher education of the appropriate direction of training (specialist or bachelor). Work experience in professional areas: for a specialist - at least 2 years, bachelor - at least 3 years.

1.3. Knows and applies in activities:
- decisions, orders, orders of government bodies and regulatory documents that relate to postal communications;
- prospects for the development of the industry and branch;
- Rules and procedure for the reception, processing, transportation, delivery and safety of mailing and periodic publications;
- postal rules;
- rules for the use of postal services;
- technological processes of processing, transportation and delivery of mail;
- automation and postal mechanization tools;
- Rules for subscribing periodic publications;
- procedure for conducting production documentation;
- experience of advanced domestic and foreign postal enterprises;
- Basics of the economy, organization of production;
- Laws of Ukraine "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", "On Citizens Appeals";
- Fundamentals of labor legislation.

1.4. The head of the postal office is appointed and exempt from office by order for the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The head of the post office is subordinate directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.6. The head of the postal department manages the work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.7. The head of the postal office during the absence is replaced by the person appointed in the prescribed manner, which acquires relevant rights and is responsible for the proper fulfillment of duties assigned to it.

2. Characteristics of works, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Organizes and coordinates postal service according to existing rules and instructions.

2.2. Provides reliable and high-quality postal work on the provision of services to consumers.

2.3. Participates in the development of promising and annual plans for the industrial activity of the branch.

2.4. Controls the implementation of the plan for the development of the postal network and the fulfillment of the branch plans for the provision of postal services, tasks for subscription and implementation in retail of periodicals, the organization of processing, direction and transportation of mail (postage and periodic publications) by all types of transport.

2.5. Develops and implements measures for timely and high-quality processing, transportation and delivery of mail, postage storage and cash, improving the quality and culture of service.

2.6. He studies and summarizes the demand of the population on newspapers and magazines and organizes a subscription and distribution of them in parts.

2.7. Organizes the inspection of the production activities of the branch divisions on the organization of the provision of services, analyzes the performance indicators within their competence and, if necessary, has practical assistance.

2.8. Participates in the development and implementation of new technologies, new techniques and in developing proposals for improving production processes.

2.9. Provides timely consideration of complaints and consumer statements regarding the provision of postal service and develops proposals to eliminate the causes of their occurrence.

2.10. Collaborates with the marketing service on advertising all types of postal services, the introduction of new types of services, the procedure and conditions of subscription to periodicals and providing information on publications that are implemented in retail.

2.11. Controls the provision of branch subdivisions with registered things necessary for benefits, instructions and references.

2.12. Organizes jointly with the authorities of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy work on the payment of pensions and monetary helped through the postal branches.

2.13. Organizes work on the provision of banking services in branches of communication.

2.14. Takes part in the organization and conduct of professional skill competitions among postal communication specialists.

2.15. Controls the presence of a complete range of postal payment signs in structural units.

2.16. He knows, understands and applies existing regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.17. He knows and fulfills the requirements of regulations on labor protection and the environment, complies with norms, methods and techniques for safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The head of the Postal Communication Department has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The head of the Postal Communication Department has the right to receive social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The head of the Postal Communication Department has the right to demand assistance in fulfilling its duties and the implementation of rights.

3.4. The head of the Postal Communication Department has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The head of the Postal Communication Department has the right to get acquainted with draft documents regarding its activities.

3.6. The head of the Postal Communication Department has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill their job responsibilities and orders of management.

3.7. The head of the Postal Communication Department has the right to increase its professional qualifications.

3.8. The head of the postal office has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the process of its activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The head of the postal department has the right to be familiar with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The head of the Postal Communication Department is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfill the obligations entrusted with this official instruction and (or) non-use of the rights provided.

4.2. The head of the Postal Office is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of the internal labor regulation, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The head of the postal office is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise / institution) relating to a commercial secret.

4.4. The head of postal office is responsible for non-performance or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise / institution) and legitimate managing orders.

4.5. The head of the Postal Communication Department is responsible for the offenses committed in the process of its activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil law.

4.6. The head of postal service is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by applicable administrative, criminal and civil law.

4.7. The head of the Postal Communication Department is responsible for the unlawful use of the official authority provided, as well as their use for personal purposes.

0.1. The document comes into force from the date of approval.

0.2. Document Developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document is agreed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is made with an interval not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Head of Communication Department" refers to the category "Officers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - for postal departments I-III groups - basic or incomplete higher education (bachelor or junior specialist). Work experience in the postal service industry is at least 3 years. For post office of IV-V groups - basic or incomplete higher education (bachelor or junior specialist). Work experience in the postal service industry is at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in activities:
- decisions, orders, orders of government bodies;
- Methodical, regulatory documents on the organization of postal service;
- postal rules;
- rules for the use of postal services;
- administrative and territorial division of Ukraine;
- rules of operation of electronic complexes;
- Means of postal communication;
- tariffs for postal services;
- Regulation on wages;
- experience of advanced postal enterprises, the basis of the economy, organization of production;
- the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Consumer Rights";
- Fundamentals of labor legislation.

1.4. The head of the Communications Department is appointed and dismissed by the order for the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The head of the Communication Department is subordinated directly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.6. The head of the Communication Department manages the work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.7. The head of the branch of communication during the absence is noticed by the person appointed in the prescribed manner, which acquires relevant rights and is responsible for the proper fulfillment of responsibilities assigned to it.

2. Characteristics of works, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Provides a qualitative provision of postal services to the population, enterprises, institutions, organizations.

2.2. Organizes employee jobs to provide postal services, income plans to workers and controls their execution.

2.3. Provides preservation of cash mail, material values, goods and documentation.

2.4. It is responsible for the correct tariffing and timely and full charge of the payment for postal services, receipt of cash reinforcements, delivery and sending super-luminous remnants of the Main Cassian post office (communication node).

2.5. Provides timely delivery of mail, pensions and cash benefits to the addressee.

2.6. Responsibility is responsible for timely and high-quality reporting, the accuracy of statistical data, the proper maintenance of cash transactions.

2.7. Provides high-quality and uninterrupted work of means of mechanization of postal and electronic complexes in the post office.

2.9. Responsible for exchange mail with mail transport.

2.10. It analyzes the quality of the work of the department and the execution of the income plan.

2.11. Participates in the development and implementation of activities aimed at fulfilling the income and exchange plan, improving the quality of work and the creation of additional amenities to consumers of postal service.

2.12. Manages the department's employees, and if necessary, employees attached to it points and mobile post offices.

2.13. Controls the quality of the processing of incoming and outgoing mail.

2.14. He accounts for accounting time and executing employees of the rules.

2.15. He knows, understands and applies existing regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.16. He knows and fulfills the requirements of regulations on labor protection and the environment, complies with norms, methods and techniques for safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The head of the Communications Department has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The head of the Communications Department has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The head of the Communications Department has the right to demand assistance in the performance of its duties and the implementation of rights.

3.4. The head of the Communications Department has the right to demand the creation of the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The head of the Communications Department has the right to get acquainted with draft documents regarding its activities.

3.6. The head of the Communications Department has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill their job responsibilities and managerial orders.

3.7. The head of the Communications Department has the right to increase its professional qualifications.

3.8. The head of the Communications Department has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the process and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The head of the Communications Department has the right to be familiar with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The head of the Communications Department is responsible for non-fulfillment or late fulfillment of the obligations assigned to this official instruction and (or) non-use of the rights provided.

4.2. The head of the Communications Department is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of the internal labor regulation, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The head of the Communications Department is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise / institution) relating to a commercial secret.

4.4. The head of the Communications Department is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the Organization (enterprise / institution) and legitimate managing orders.

4.5. The head of the Communications Department is responsible for the offenses committed in the process of its activities within the limits established by applicable administrative, criminal and civil law.

4.6. The head of the Office of Communication is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil law.

4.7. The head of the Communications Department is responsible for the unlawful use of the official authority provided, as well as their use for personal purposes.

The National Operator provides the population with a variety of postal services and ensures the successful functioning of financial and commercial services. On the basis of post offices, MFCs, which provide the population of state and municipal services on the principle of "one window". Communication enterprises closely cooperate with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Emergencies Ministry units. By agreement of the Post of Russia and Russian Railways between Moscow and Vladivostok daily runs the mail train. Significantly updated park of baggage-post wagons.

Organizational form and structure of mail

"Russian Post" unites 41.5 thousand branches. Organizational structure four-level:

  1. The enterprise management apparatus, as part of which directs for commercial operations and postal services.
  2. Branches:
  • feld-Steherer Node;
  • international Express Delivery Service for Postal Correspondence;
  • the main office of the main transport of mail.
  1. Post Offers providing sorting and sharing mail with the centers of sorting other regions.
  2. Post Office.

Post Office (OPS): Characteristics, Functions, Location by region

OPS provide the most important stages of the postal service cycle:

  • acceptance of applications for the provision of services;
  • issuing service results.

Post offices are characterized by their classity, which is determined by the number of residents and the size of the service zone. Select five classes:

  • The villages are located 4-5 class departments. There are only a few people in their state: chief, 1-2 operators and postmen.
  • 3 class OPS is located in residential areas of the city. The insurance department issues pensions, accepts and sends translations, accepts and gives letters and parcels. The second department is the center of issuing and receiving parcels.
  • Large software, working around the clock, have category 2 classes.
  • Grade 1 is assigned to sorting shops and round-the-clock OPS, working without days off and holidays. The main task of this separation is the direction of incoming departures from this region to different parts of the country and the world. Only in such a department can send a parcel or transfer money even on New Year's Eve.

The higher the classification of the OPS, the wider the staff of its employees. In addition, the classification of the post office affects the salary of employees.

In 2018, 41788 OPS operated on the territory of Russia. The busiest network of post offices was created in the Central Federal District. There are 10,800 compartments here. In regions with a smaller population density, the PS branch was distributed in numbers:

  • in Volga FO - 8.98 thousand
  • in Siberian FO - 5.93 thousand
  • south FO - 5.93 thousand.
  • north-West FO - 4.02 thousand
  • in the Ural FO - 2.88 thousand
  • in the Far Eastern FD - 2.09 thousand

The income of "Mail of Russia" from operating activities last year exceeded 190 billion rubles. Net profit of the company amounted to 2.7 billion rubles. Employees received such a result due to reduced costs, increasing income from calculations with foreign postal services, increase the effect of retail. The yield has also increased due to the activities of "Post Bank".

The average salary in the company "Post of Russia" is 17.5-24 thousand rubles.

Rooms and Equipment OPS

Over the entrance to each department of the PS hangs the inscription "Russian Post" and its corporate sign. In the client halls in prominent places there are instructions and information stands. Operators work beyond the tables that are combined with special barrier racks. Their workplace is provided with reference books of indexation, subscription directories, tariffs for services; seals, stamps, strict reporting magazines, saviff for storing money and electronic computing equipment and necessary software products. For weighing mailings there are electronic scales.

Visitors using cash terminals can pay postal services or tax collecting, make a payment for utilities, repay the loan or mortgage.

The number of mail employees exceeds 350,000 people. List of posts big. The most common posts' professions: communication operator and postman.

The duties of the telecom operator "Post of Russia" enters the provision of postal, financial and civil service. They do:

  • subscription Organization;
  • selling and promoting various services;
  • reception, processing, delivery of mailing, payments and transfers, payment of pensions.

The specialist performs cash transactions, works with primary documentation, enters information to the database.

The work of the postman special education does not require. Even schoolchildren can get on this position. The duties of the Postman "Post of Russia" includes receiving and delivery of letters, parcels, parcels, telegrams. You can distribute contact correspondence only after sorting and designing relevant documentation.

Every year, about 2 billion letters, 60 million parcels, 80 million transfers are being processed and delivered to the operation of Russia.

The law prohibits to open the postal departures of citizens. Therefore, mailers are on guard of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation. The search for postal shipments, checks on the claims of federal and corporate clients, the correspondence and controversial correspondent conducts an inspector of the control and reference site. Heavy work of inspectors is estimated at 11310 rubles.

Jobs for work in Russian Post

Analysis of employment sites showed that today in the "Russian Post" remains free 10755 jobs.

Sophisticated specialty: team leaders, managers, lending specialists, financial analysts and consultants, heads of branches and their deputies. Specialists with higher economic education that have experience in business management in federal or national companies, with experience in the commercial sphere on a leadership position of 5 years there is a chance to receive the highest possible salary of 150 thousand rubles. To do this, it is necessary to apply and pass a competitive selection for the post of deputy director of the branch on postal business in "Russian Post" (Siberia).

In the postal service there is a need for postmen, communication operators, cashiers and dispatchers. However, the level of their salaries remains low - 14.5-22 thousand rubles.

You can find a job in the OPS without qualifications. The vacancy of workers in the "Russian Post" are relevant: movers, storekeners and sorters.

General Employment Rules

To get a job in Russian Post, it is enough to find a vacancy on the employment site and send your resume. Next will be aware of the employer. There you need to provide the necessary documents: a document on education, an employment record, a medical certificate.

The beginners are assigned a trial period. Before geting a permanent place of work, they will have to undergo training or internship.

Part-time job in the company Post Russia

"Mail of Russia" does not provide the opportunity to citizens who wish to work at home. If such a vacancy is found, most likely placed scammers.

The size of the wages of the mailers depends on the following factors:

  • Place of work and location of the OPS. Earnings of employees are determined by the classroom of separation. Thus, the telecom operator operating on the 4th grade OPS in rural areas receives a month from 11.3 thousand rubles. His colleague in Moscow makes an average of 24.5 thousand rubles. Salary of telecom operator in Noyabrsk - 18.6 thousand rubles.
  • Position. The highest salaries on the "Russian Post" from employees of the management office. Head of Russian Post N.R. The diamonds receive a monthly 380 thousand rubles for its work. The salary of the division of the unit in a large post office is 28.9-33.7 thousand rubles. Monthly sorting sorters, postal hall administrators, customer service operators range from 24.7 to 32.4 thousand rubles.

The salary of the manual depends on the average salary of the employees of this organization. The average monthly income of the Director-General is 500 medium salary, deputy heads - 350, the chief accountant - 150.

Less other mailers earn correspondence delivery. The postman's salary in the Russian Federation fluctuates between 11.3-19.8 thousand rubles.

For high planning and economic indicators of postal service workers are charged awards: monthly, quarterly and year. From July 1, 2016, Russian Post has introduced a new bonuse system. Its founded is the implementation of key performance indicators. The maximum size of the monthly premium is 30% of the salary.

Management and personnel problems

"Mail of Russia" works on the principle of corporate governance, which meets the requirements of Russian legislation and foreign practices.

Official representatives of the unitary enterprise announced the need to reorganize regional offices. Improving the quality of the branches will create conditions for the growth of postage income and improving the quality of services. FSUE managers promise to eliminate duplicate functions. Since 2019, the company plans dense interaction with trade unions and regional authorities, which will make the whole process as transparent as possible.

The postal workers had an alarming expectation of a quick reduction. However, the management of Russian Post assured that only the managerial apparatus will be shrinkled. The salary on "Russian Post" remains extremely low.

Another problem of the enterprise is an incomplete staffing staff of post offices. This creates problems associated with the distribution of the load of working time and the employment functions of each FSUE officer. Officers of small branches of communication often combine the function of the operator. The postal men have to unload postcases when the mail team is mostly female.

The audits of the State Labor Inspectorate, held in the regional branches of the Russian Post, systematically record numerous violations of labor legislation:

  • employees are forced to trade with products, although in employment contracts this duty is not provided;
  • the procedure for learning and testing knowledge of labor protection is violated;
  • vacation schedule, procedure for medical examinations;
  • violated the rights of women who have a chance of a child up to one and a half years.

Solutions of the personnel problem can be achieved only by attracting young qualified specialists.

One of the main benefits of work, employees call good relations in labor collectives. It is a warm friendly relationship and support of colleagues - the main reason why they work in the "Russian Post".

Work in Russian Post guarantees:

  • fast road from home to place of service;
  • the possibility of career growth and professional development;
  • stable wages and regular additional payments (monthly, one-time bonuses);

Employees of the State Enterprise are provided with social package, hospital, annual leave are paid, discounts and compensation for recreation in children's camps and sanatoriums are provided.

The main points of work among negative in the "Russian Post" are high loads and weak money supply.

The need of the capital region in postal workers is 17% of the total need for the Russian Federation. Great prospects Receive the post of Consultant Consultant "Mail Bank" have applicants with secondary special or unfinished higher economic education, having experience with clients in sales. They are waiting for work on the territory of the department of FSUE "Mail of Russia" on a convenient schedule 2/2 and with a salary from 45,000 rubles.

Specialists with higher education, work experience from 3 years in a large company in the direction of compensation and benefits that can work in multitasking mode with analytical and communicative abilities may receive the position of head of the compensation group and benefits with payment at 130,000 rubles.

The wages of postmen in the Moscow region is 13.8-22.4 thousand rubles. This work is searched for responsible, friendly workers with an active life position and readiness for a long stay on their feet.

In the departments of the post office of St. Petersburg remain vacant 450 jobs. There is a need for managers (30-80 thousand rubles), credit consultants (21-70 thousand rubles), Kashira (19-21 thousand rubles).

Movers are required to work in the OPS (23-35 thousand rubles), freight forwarders drivers (40-44.8 thousand rubles) and telecom operators (12.1-17.3 thousand rubles).

Without work experience, you can get a job as a sorter with sn 26300 rubles. The applicant must own the computer at the user level, be ready to raise weights (parcel to 30 kg) and monotonous work.

Work in the "Post of Russia": employee reviews

Determine all the pros and cons of service help staff reviews. Among the positive moments, a good relationship in the labor collective is noted, the close location of the work to the house and an adequate, understanding leadership.

As negative moments, the reviews indicate:

  • excess duties by the head and its deputies;
  • huge areas of service;
  • high planned sales performance, office supplies and household chemicals;
  • interaction with a large flow of clients who file complaints express their discontent and behave aggressively.

The user "Sivagon" expressed the opinion that the work in the mail is the most ungrateful and low-paying. The people complains that the leadership "to not care", the main thing is to perform overestimated plans. It is also noted that the promised increase in the salary never happened, they did not pay anymore.