Drawing programs of our time. Almost everything that man has created - the keys to the house we wear in your pocket, cars in which we go beyond the city, boilers that carry warmly, street lights, which illuminate the park, wrought staircase at home, in which

To date, drawing programs for computers have been greatly distributed in engineering circles. They are also called automated design systems (CAD).

They help to quickly prepare drawings and withdraw them with the help of a plotter on Watman Sheet. If you make a comparison between two engineers, one of which is draws with the help of a pencil line and Kulman, and the second computer and drawing programs, the latter will get the finished drawing at times faster. Today in many enterprises of the engineer make drawings using drawing programs. Let's look at the most popular.

Autocadus for engineer

The most popular engineering program in Russia is autocadged. It is a bit difficult to master, but has a number of opportunities to automate the drawing in the design of the designer, which makes it necessary. To qualitatively master such a drawing program as an autocadus, you need to find a manual and consistently study and try out all sections. The program of autocades is different from other engineering programs next to the benefits. After studying it, you will appreciate it. It can very quickly make any corrections. For example, you made a drawing for coursework or diploma and the teacher found several errors. You can fix them in a few minutes and again go to defense. In addition, autocadus has automatic construction of geometric shapes in its functionality in a short time. You will need only score the desired size values. Also, the autocadus makes it possible to quickly put in the ready-made drawings. In addition, with its help, it is easy and quick to create 3D details. If you need to see visually some transitions of casting parts, then the autocadus will help you with this. It allows you to build models of any complexity. In a word, the autocadus is an indispensable assistant of any engineer.

Compass for student

Another equally popular program is a compass. Many users of engineering programs consider a compass, the best. To some extent they are right. This program uses most students for drawing drawings any complexity. The compass has a very simple functionality and is easily learning. Fix the size or line in the compute is simpler simple. Edit any flaws in the compass very simple and fast. All menus readable and understandable, you can easily find any function. In addition, with the help of a compass, you can make 3D details, which makes this engineering program more valuable. The compass is the most simple program for drawing drawings, both for study and large organizations and enterprises. Therefore, this engineering program is very popular.

Other engineering programs

In addition to the listed programs in the Russian market there are still a large number of engineering programs. This is Teflex, Progressor and Solidvorks. All of them are quite complex in training and have a few minuses for the manufacture of drawings. They are very difficult to rule the drawings, many do not have the ability to prostate the size and elements according to GOST, but everyone allows you to make complex details and builds in 3D. With the help of these engineering programs, you can easily make multimedia videos of the principles of the work of products and their repair. All of them work with electronic document management programs that make it possible to more from paper drawings and run production based on 3D models.

Select the program for everyone will have to personally. It all depends on what you want from it from it. If you plan to draw 2D drawings, then you should choose between auto-channel and compass, if you need to make 3D parts, then you need to choose the best between the teflex, the contractor and solidvork. All engineering programs are good in their own, the choice is yours.

Creating drawings is one of the final stages of the design of the product. The engineer transmits drawings to other people who have been working with drawings. It is very important to create a competent drawing on all the rules for creating design documentation, prevent errors when building the necessary species and cuts, to the most accurately display the features of the product.

Creating drawings. Work with drawings

In the modern world, industrial enterprises seek to speed up the process of designing each product, which entails reducing the time of operation of each engineer. People have to perform a larger amount of work in a shorter period. Today's automated design systems allow you to significantly reduce the load per person, facilitate its work, create information in electronic form, convenient for storage and printing.

3D compass allows you to create drawings both in manual mode and build species automatically on previously created 3D models. Creating a drawing on the finished 3D model significantly saves time, allows you to quickly and unmistakably build projection views, cuts, scale image. Plus the drawing on the finished model is an automatic image change, after changing the model. Manual mode does not differ in high productivity, accuracy and ease of drawing and more suitable for designing simple parts. The advantage is the lack of the need for a 3D model. The method of obtaining the drawing chooses the engineer directly.

In independence from the drawing method, the user faces a mass of questions that will be in detail in our lessons to create and work with drawings.

Design Engineer Tools

Engineer of any industry as its main tool applies head - if, of course, this is a real engineer.

In addition, there are many (innumerable) devices that ensure the possibility and convenience of performing this type of activity.

In the course of its intellectual work, the designer engineer uses both real and lovely tools. Extremely conditionally, they can be divided into the main stages of the design process:

  • processing information and adoption of constructive technological solutions. The creative part of the process where intangible resources are involved. Of the real things - this is the engineering calculator.
  • design of technical solutions, the main toolkit for this is drawing.

A quick breakthrough and changing the current leaders and rules in the design (new Gosty appeared already with amendments to the issue of documentation, drawings using a computer, and changed engineer tools) and the work of engineers of designers and developers has made an appearance of computers. About computer capabilities, which, due to its versatility, is a successful alternative to many design tools. Properly selected CAD will saves working hours significantly, improves labor efficiency and speeds up the "release" of the drawing.

Automated Designer Workplace (AWA)

The modern automated designer workplace (AWC) includes a single computers and graphic devices to perform various images, both input and output - from the printer (plotter), to a professional interactive feathery display and flipchart.

Computer graphics are the process of creating, processing, transferring, storing and practically using graphic images using a computer. Having created a spatial model on the computer (monitor) screen, it can be rotated and modified at your request, which provides good conditions for the creative process when designing.

One of the most important advantages of performing a drawing to a computer - convenience of correction: Easily "wash" extra lines, while the corrections made are invisible; You can freely move images by field, "reflect" and duplicate them. Another advantage is to obtain color drawings, on which, for example, thin lines are made in one color, solid thick - other, etc. Color drawings are easily read.

It is convenient to store in the computer's memory, transmit to almost any point of the globe (whereas for the transfer of paper drawings requires considerable time). Electronic drawings are easy to multiply (replicate).

Measuring tool

The past goes and already practically does not apply to the adaptation, such as a logarithmic line or drawing accessories (which are still used at intermediate stages).

We note only some of the relevant and material instruments of the designer, in particular measuring instruments.

Today, the measuring instrument of the Soviet samples can only be found in the design bureaus, which for any reason did not rise on the rails of modernization or do not perform urgent nires and windows, operational and urgent orders, it is practically no possible to perform on Watman. Here are just some types of old-type measuring equipment.

Geometric Sizes Meters: Roulette (Folding Metr, Role, etc.), Electronic rangefinder, caliper (applied to markup), caliper (although it has been digital replaced successfully), Kronzirkul, depth hencer, nutrometer (cavity width definition), micrometer, end Measures of length for calibration and control.

Corner meters: Corologer.

Electronic equipment: thickness gauge, metal detector, 3D scanner

Geodesic equipment: theodolite, level, tacheometer, Kurvimeter.

Also: Threaders, probes and template sets, dynamometric key, Kashkarov or Fiztele hammer.

Consider some of them in more detail.


We are ready to call a set of drawing tools laid in the case. The drawing cigrough is consistent with circles and arcs, a marking circulation, which serves to transfer and postpone the sizes, a raysfededer for the drawing stroke.


The extension can be made to the drawing circulation, the storage pencils for storing spare needles and graphite rods for the drawing circulation, centrity and other tools.

Drawing Circul

CHC consists of a long leg with a needle and short for a pencil insert. The insert in the leg is fixed by the clip (screw with a circular nut).

A graphite rod of medium hardness is pressed into the pencil insert. It is sharpened to the cone or in the form of a flat cut.

The line you measured the distances and spent straight lines on it. In the drawing, another line is used in connection with a transverse head-head. Such a ruler is called a raisine.

Set of lines for drawing

When working, the pilot head is pressed against the left edge of the drawing board. With the help of the pilots, there are horizontal lines.

Drawing paper

For the drawing, a dense white unrecorded paper (Watman) is used. For sketches, apply and paper in a cage.

Paper in Cage and Watman in Roll


Pencils are needed for drawing and stroking drawings. They are solid (T), soft (m) and medium hardness (TM and ST). Solid pencils: T, 2T, ZT, etc.; Soft: m, 2m, zm, etc.

The greater the number standing on the face of the pencil next to the letter, the harder or softer this pencil.

Set of pencils KOH-I-NOOR

Feather display

One of the modern gadgets that appeared to help the engineer became a feature display. It is difficult to overestimate it, the device is very useful to a novice engineer, a student, it is very convenient to make sketches and sketches of future developments. Functional features of interactive feathers. Displays Consider on the example below. The size of the screen (A, accordingly, the working area of \u200b\u200bthe tablet) of this device is on average 20 inches diagonally and resolution - 1600x1200 pixels. The screen is protected by a special plastic coating that protects the LCD panel from mechanical damage - unlike conventional monitors.

The texture of the protective coating surface prevents the excess free slip of the pen tip, allowing you to mimic the tactile sensations similar to the usual pencil on paper occurring during the drawing process.

Feather display

As a rule, graphic tablets are designed for use in a horizontal position, while the monitor screen is almost vertically installed in most cases. An interactive display is installed on the desktop on a special stand, the design of which allows you to smoothly change the angle of inclination of the screen relative to the reference surface.

By design, the stand resembles the sketch.: Adjusting the tilt of the screen is carried out by changing the angle between the two supports connected at the top point by the hinge. The rear support is equipped with rollers that provide smooth movement almost on any surface. The locking mechanism captures the supports in the position corresponding to the selected corner of the screen tilt.

Almost everything that man has created - the keys to the house we wear in your pocket, cars in which we go beyond the city, boilers that carry warmly, street lights, which illuminate the park, wrought staircase at home in which we live, products from metal profiles - All this was developed according to the drawings.

The fruits of labor of engineers-designers can easily see the naked eye: everything that is not created by designer engineers, or Uncle Igor in the workshop - created by designers in drawings and three-dimensional models. The drawing for the engineer is not only a means of communication with colleagues, it is idealized, but at the same time set in a clear match with practice, the picture of the expression of his thoughts. That is why engineers prefer drawing products, conduct calculations or make up the operation documentation. While the people of art can create their own works with anything and nothing to do with anything, the engineer is forced to act within the framework of the real world, regulations, GOST, and even with restrictions in time, means and in accordance with the desires of people who control the project From the outside. Engineers are forced to seek solutions to such problems to which it is initially even unknown from which side to approach. Unlike the artist, the graphic space serves as an engineer not for the artistic mapping of the surrounding world in order to cause aesthetic pleasure, but to detail and concretize the engineering idea to the unfolded chain, scientific justification and mathematical calculation, so that it is possible to fulfill work drawings to subsequently - a document worker to implement it Currencies: Create a competitive product.

As part of this article, I will try to tell about the basics of reading the designations in the drawing. Attentive reading of drawings will help you not only consider part on it, allowing you to accurately present the future form of the product already in the finished form, but also learn the mass of the product, the number of identical parts, the name, to present every stage of the processing and production of the product on all cycles, and also analyze As this item or product will be applied in the final product or node, according to which principle will work, in what conditions will be operated, and what the purpose will be executed. But in the usual life, these skills are simply necessary: \u200b\u200bmany sooner or later want to build something elementary with their own hands. How to do without drawings?

How to do without drawings?

Drawings and designations on them transmit the ideas of developers exactly as text - thoughts in the works, only for the regulations and more accurately. Drawings of metal products can not be read differently, they should be known how to read and understand, equally all people who take part in the manufacture of products according to drawings, repair equipment, its operation.

The product drawing is its graphic image performed on a certain scale, indicating the size and conditionally pronounced technical conditions, which must be ensured in the manufacture of the product. The drawings are performed according to the unified rules established in the Gostakhs of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ECCD).

Detail is a product manufactured from homogeneous on the name and material brand, without the use of assembly operations. For example: shaft, sleeve, cast case, rubber cuff (unmarked). Details include also products subjected to coatings (protective or decorative), or made with the use of local welding, soldering, gluing. For example: the case made by casting metal, coated with primer; steel nut exposed to zinc; A box made by welding from one metal sheet, and the like. For destination Details There are fasteners: Nut, washer, bolt, screw, screw, nail, nail): Granurers: shaft, key, pulley, belt, star, gear, etc. Details are divided into simple details: nut, keypad and complex parts: Crankshaft, gearbox case, machine bed.

Detail. Case made by metal casting method.

The standard sets six basic species that are obtained by projection of the subject placed inside the cube, the six faces of which are taken for the plane of projections.

Six basic species that are obtained by projection the subject placed inside the cube.

Name of types of drawing

The scan is a flat figure obtained by combining the surface of the geometric body with one plane (without imposing faces or other surface elements on each other). Over the image of the expandment, they put a special circle sign with an arrow below to the right.

Scanners are applied to make machine housings, machine tools, ventilation devices, pipelines where it is necessary to cut their sweep from the sheet material and bend through the drawing.

The drawing standard may be ANSI, ISO, DIN, JIS, BSI, GOST (ESKD) or GB. More often in practice, I make up the drawings on the ECCD, that is, the ECCD is applied on a voluntary basis, unless otherwise provided by the contract, contract, individual laws, the decision of the court, etc. The main purpose of ESD standards is to establish uniform optimal rules, requirements and rules of implementation , design and appeal design documentation. ESCD standards are distributed to engineering and instrument making products.

The work drawing of the detail contains:

  • Images with scale indication, if it differs from the drawing specified in the main inscription (types, cuts, section) (GOST 2.305-68). The number of images should be minimal, but sufficient to complete the geometric shape of the part. The letter designation of the databases to which the tolerances of the form and location of the surfaces of the part are. The use of letters th, o, b, s, b is not allowed. Additional view can be rotated relative to the specified view direction, while maintaining the position taken for this item on the main image. In this case, a special circle sign is added to the arrow down the down arrow to the left "⟲", which replaces the word "rotated" "indicating the degree of rotation if it is not to share an integer 90 degrees. Dissected by the secular plane of the wall of the product must (stroke ▧ ▨) to be applied with a slope to the left or right, but in the same side on all sections related to the same part according to the material material. The rules for applying hatching and graphic designation of materials, depending on their species, is determined by GOST 2.306-68. If the item is complicated, then for clarity I add axonometry details (3D image).

Aconsonometry Details (3D image) on the drawing for the clarity of the grooves of the wheel.

Images (types, cuts, sections) (GOST 2.305-68)

  • Dimensions Linear 30, ⃞30, ◠70 or radial (Ø12 - hole diameter / shaft, circle with crossed out line at an angle) with admission alphabetically digital (combination of the letter basic deviation Both numbers for example: Ø12H12 for hole) (GOST 2.307-68), as well as numeric values \u200b\u200b(for example: 15 + -0.1). The dimensional numbers of linear and radial sizes that determine their shape and dimensions that determine the mutual arrangement of the elements are indicated in millimeters without reference to the unit of measurement, the angular dimensions are indicated in degrees (examples: 12 °; 30 ° 15 " ; 1 ° 0. " 19"" ). If the holes in the details of a large amount advise to look in GOST 2.318-81 the rules of simplified application of the holes. General tolerances of linear and angular sizes according to GOST 30893.1: "H14, H14, +- IT14 / 2 »are indicated in the specifications for the drawing. An alphabetic designation "General tolerances GOST 30893.1-M can also be applied, where the letter corresponds to the accuracy class. Also may additionally specify thread type (stubborn S28x10, metric M30., pipe cylindrical G1⅜ ",trapezoidal TR30X6. and etc) , mIN. and max Size, the number of grooves, champers, holes on the details of the same or the presence of the sphere of Ø 18 sphere. Simple flat details are depicted in the form of one projection. In these cases, its thickness is denoted by the letter S. And the inscription in the drawing is performed by type " S5."And located on the shelf of the lifting line. The length of the subject indicates the letter L..
  • Images and the designation of threads are applied according to (GOST 2.311-68)

Conditional image of a thread in the drawings.

  • Shape tolerances and location of the details of graphic symbols (GOST 2.308-68). The common tolerances of the shape and location of the surfaces are not individually regulated by GOST 30893.2, indicate technical requirements for the drawing for example: "General tolerances GOST 30893.2-K.", where the letter corresponds to the accuracy class. If the tolerance of the location or form is not specified as dependent, it is considered independent. For independent tolerances, the "S" symbol can be used although its indication is optional. Independent tolerances are used for responsible compounds when their value is determined by the functional purpose of the part. Dependent tolerances must be indicated by the symbol of the dependent base "M" or stipulated by text in specifications. Dependent tolerances are set for parts conjugated simultaneously on two or more surfaces, for which interchangeability is reduced to ensuring collections on all mating surfaces (the connection of the flanges with bolts). After the value of the tolerance, the symbol "L" can be specified, and the part of this symbol denotes the site relative to which the deviation is determined. The main norms of interchangeability and tolerances of the axes of the holes for fasteners are regulated by GOST 14140-81.

Shape tolerances and location of the surfaces in the frame, the value of the tolerance in mm

  • Roughness (GOST 2.309-68) is measured in micrometers (microns), parameter RA It is preferred. Indicate the permissible values \u200b\u200bof microelectrics for individual surfaces and common to all other surfaces (the right upper handle of the drawing), ensuring the performance of the part in connection with others. Depending on the surface conditions of the surface, the roughness parameter is assigned in the design of machine parts, there is also a link between the limiting deviation of the size and roughness.

Designation of surface roughness

A number of numerical surface roughness values

  • Designation of coatings, thermal and other types of treatment (GOST 2.310-68).

Mechanical processing designation

  • Instructions on the labeling and branding (GOST 2.314-68). Graphically indicates a reference to the technical requirements of the drawing, for example, paragraph 3.

Marking and Marking Instructions

  • Text inscriptions (GOST 2.316-68). If additional data, clarifications or instructions that are not given in to the drawing, which are not amenable to graphical display and display with the help of symbols, are taken out to the text part of the drawing. They are divided into a text part consisting of technical requirements and technical specifications; inscriptions with the designation of images, as well as related to individual items of the product; Tables with dimensions and other parameters, symbols, etc.

Drawing of the gear wheel. Table in drawing with dimensions and other parameters for monitoring and manufacturing.

All necessary information for making parts or products should be presented in the drawing. This means that it is necessary to specify not only the geometric forms and dimensions of the product, but also the requirements for heat treatment, the accuracy of manufacture, coating, setting, test methods. This information is indicated in specifications (TT). The "Technical Requirements" title is written only if the "Technical Specifications" table is present in the drawing. In all other cases, the "Technical Requirements" header is not written.

✍ Example of technical requirements for Drawing Details:

1. General tolerances according to GOST 30893.1: H14, H14, + -IT14 / 2.

2. * Dimensions are provided with a tool.

3. ** Dimensions for references.

4. On the surface and the center hole is allowed not more than A5 GOST 14034-74.

5. In areas K, the transitional hardness of the TWH and the overestimation of diameter by 0.015 mm is allowed.

6. An unspeakable tolerances of the surfaces of GOST 25059-81.

7. *** Sizes up to TWH.

If the material of the part can be replaced, it is also indicated in TT.

Material-substitute 30хs GOST 4543-71.

If the heat treatment is required, the coating, then the hardness is indicated in the specifications.

Rail: 1078-1274 MPa (110-130 kgf / mm).

Coating: Chem. OX. PRM.

The main inscription indicates: the name of the part (assembly unit), its designation, the material of the part, the mass in kilograms ㎏, the changes made to the drawing, who and when the drawing, enterprise, etc., was performed.

An example of drawing design details. Cap

The task of the developer is not only to come up with a detail, but also in the head to present a full cycle of its manufacture in production.

Detail manufacturing operations.

Operation Processing Details on CNC machine.

Production operations Details.

The assembly unit is a product consisting of two or more compound parts, connected among themselves at the manufacturer with assembly operations (crosslinking, swing, welding, soldering, cream, flared, gluing, with metal brackets, etc.).

For example: machine, conveyor, casting bucket, gear motor, welded body, etc.

Assembly unit. Reservoir - a provider for liquids and gases.

Assembly drawing is a document containing an image of the assembly unit and the data necessary for its assembly and control.

The reference sizes of the assembly drawing are dimensions that are not subject to execution on this drawing and indicated for greater use of the drawing. Reference size in the drawing mark "*" sign, and in specifications record: "* sizes for references."

Reference sizes on the assembly drawing include:

➤ Dimensions transferred from the drawings of parts and used as installation and attachments;

➤ Overall dimensions transferred with drawings of parts or the sum of the sizes of several parts.

The assembly drawing must contain:

➤ An image of the assembly unit;

➤ necessary executive and connecting dimensions;

➤ Mass center, center of gravity, if necessary;

➤ Guidelines for assembly operations (crosslinking, screwing, welding, soldering, cream, roller, bonding, compound with metal brackets, etc.). GOST 2.313-82 "Conditional images and notation of all-point connections", GOST 2.312-72 "Conditional images and designations of welded joints";

The designation of the seam in the drawing according to GOST, if the seam is not regulated, then the size of the weld is indicated.

Signs of designation of welds.

Most often in my work I had to use the following regulations on the seams.

  1. GOST 11534-75 "Manual arc welding compounds welded under sharp and blunt angles. Main types, structural elements and dimensions."
  2. GOST 14771.-76 "Arc welding in protective gas. Compounds welded. Main types, structural elements and sizes. "
  3. GOST 16037-80 "Compounds welded steel pipelines. Main types, structural elements and sizes. "

If the seam is not regulated, then in a separate form you can see its dimensions, such cases happened to me when designing elements of nuclear power plants. If there are many seams of welded different, they are recorded in the table on the assembly drawing. Standard welds can be applied to the drawing with the designation, the GOST technical document can be specified in specifications, for example:

  1. Welded compound II class under STB 1016-96.
  2. Welded seams according to GOST 14771-76. Welding wire SV-08GS or SV-08G2C GOST 2246-70. It is allowed to perform weld seams according to GOST 5264-80. E-42 electrodes GOST 9467-75.

Conditional images and designations of different deline connections.

Guidelines for assembly operations in the drawing.

➤ Position numbers - By position number on the assembly drawing, you can find the name, designation of this part, as well as the quantity;

Position numbers on assembly drawing

➤ Technical requirements are grouping in uniformity (for example, the quality of the product, conditions and methods of testing, the rules for transportation and storage, the special operating conditions of the TP);

➤ Technical characteristics of the product (if necessary).

Technical characteristics of the product on the assembly drawing.

01. Requirements that are presented to the assembly of the product. Dimensions and their limit deviations.

02. Requirements made to the quality of surfaces that are applied to them to coatings, guidelines for finishing;

03 Location of various design elements, gaps between them;

04. Adjustment and configuration of products, as well as requirements for it;

05. Other requirements for high-quality product characteristics (silent, self-absorption, vibration resistance, etc.);

06. Methods and test conditions;

07. Guidelines for branding and marking;

08. Rules for storage and transportation;

09. Special conditions for use;

✍ Example of technical requirements for assembly drawing:

1. * Dimensions for references.

2. General tolerances according to GOST 30893.1: H14, H14, +- IT14 / 2.

3. Welding wire 1.2SV-08G2C GOST 2246-70.

4. Non-standard welds No. 9 perform semiautomatic in carbon dioxide.

5. Coating primer GF-021-VI-U3 GOST 25129-82.

6. Label on the tag

An example of the design of the assembly drawing. The loading section.

Marking Products are needed on products, and institutions that will be transported, implement and store products. The application of marking provides the ability to protect yourself from fakes and significantly simplifies the course of tracking the transportation of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. Not to mention the simplification of control and accounting for the implementation of the marked product. Marking designation and / or node name.

According to GOST 2.104 "ECCD. Main inscriptions ", paragraph 6 - the order of filling in the main inscription and additional graph:

The product name must comply with the accepted terminology and be brief as possible. The product name is recorded in the nominative case of the only number. In the name, consisting of several words, in the first place is placed the name of the noun, for example: "Boot section". Select the appropriate name Details from the listbelow.

Each product in accordance with GOST 2.101-68 should be assigned a designation. The designation of the product and its design document should not be used to indicate another product and design document. Products and design documents retain the designation assigned to them regardless of which products and design documents they apply.

Types and completeness of design documents are regulated by GOST 2.102-2013 Unified system of design documentation.

Example. Designation on the drawing details.

it is assigned to the developer organization codifier.

assign the product and design document on the ECC classifier. To assign the code to the constructor enough to answer five questions. The code structure should include a class, subclass, group, subgroup and product type:

When classifying parts, the sign "geometric shape" is defining, as the most stable and objective when describing the part.

assign according to the classification characteristic from 001 to 999.

it should consist of the designation of the product and the cipher of the document established by ECCD standards (for example, Sat "," Way ", MCH, etc.).

Stigma They call a sign indicating the compliance of the part or the assembled node (assembly unit) specifications for responsible parts. Stamp puts on the node after checking or a collector or a technical control worker.

Specification - Document that determines the composition of the assembly unit.

An example of design specification. Boot section

The specification for assembly drawings, as a rule, includes the following sections:

  1. Documentation;
  2. Complexes;
  3. Assembly units;
  4. Details;
  5. Standard products;
  6. Other products;
  7. Materials;
  8. Kits.

The name of each section is indicated in the "Name" column, emphasized with a thin line and is highlighted by empty lines.

The section "Documentation" make design documents on the assembly unit. This section fits the "assembly drawing" and other types of design documents according to GOST 2.102 - 68.

The "Assembly units" and "details" sections make the components of the assembly units that are directly included in it. In each of these sections, the composite parts are written by their name.

The "Standard Products" section record products used in state, sectoral or republican standards. Within each category of standards, the record is made by homogeneous groups, within each group - in alphabetical order names of products, within each name - in order of increasing the designations of standards, and within each designation of standards - in order of increasing the main parameters or dimensions of the product.

The "Other Products" section makes a set of products that are not included in other sections, it can be purchased products included in the assembly unit.

The "Kits" section record a set of products that have a general operational purpose of auxiliary nature, for example, a set of spare parts, a set of tools and accessories, a set of measuring equipment, and the like.

In the section "Materials" make all materials directly included in the assembly unit. Materials are recorded by types and in the sequence specified in GOST 2.108 - 68. Within each type, the materials are written in the alphabetical order of materials, and in the limit of each name - ascending the size and other parameters.

In the column "Number" indicate the number of components on one specified product, and in the "Materials" section - the total amount of materials on one specified product with an indication of the measurement units - (for example, 0.2 kg). Units of measurement is allowed to record in the "Note" column.

Engineering schedule has become my favorite subject, for which thanks to teachers of college and university, they learned me perfectly with their subject. In many sensitive dictionaries and reference books, the word "engineer" is defined as a specialist with higher technical education. However, education gives him the right to call himself an engineer when he is actually incorporated into engineering activities, creatively applies his knowledge acquired by him at the university, as well as after his end, when he becomes the Creator of the new technology, a designer, tester, finally, the skillful production organizer . The engineer should be able to know something that it is impossible to express in one word "knows", he must also have a special type of thinking, characterized from both ordinary and scientific.

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