What is Louise in VK. Loyas - this is a new-fashioned measure of success

In order to express its positive attitude, it was earlier to pick up the right words. Today you can cope with this challenging task using one click computer mouse. Knowing what is like is, you can not waste time on writing long comments.

What is like and repost?

Modern social networks cannot be submitted without approval buttons (less often - disapproval) of one or another content. Such functionality is called " like"- From English Like (" Like "). It can be found not only on the pages of social networks, but also on other sites that voluntarily embed this mechanism of social interaction.

The main functions of the "I like" button:

  • Users express sympathy or complicity of a particular event;
  • The author of the post is able to determine a splash of popularity to a specific message and adjust its work in accordance with visitors' preferences;
  • Third-party sites embedding huskies in their functionality can show targeted advertising aimed at a specific portal audience.

Most sites created on the concept of Web 2.0 are still the possibility of repost (from English Repost - "republishing"). Thereby material you like will be displayed in the user's tape. In some cases, Repost can be used as an alternative to adding browser to "bookmark".

The history of the creation of Laika

The ability to express your attitude to the material published on the site was back in 1998. She was provided by the Dutch SurfBook website created by the programmer Josef van der Meer. People on it could exchange messages with each other and transfer some of the content to their ribbon.

However, in a modern understanding, the story of the Like button is associated with the American social network "Facebook":

Other sites

Being the most popular project of its kind, Facebook has a huge impact on the international industry.

Not for several years, as almost every resource has acquired its own LIKE:

  • "Class!" - option from Odnoklassniki;
  • "YouTube" presented simultaneously and "Likes" and "Dyslaika" so that the assessment of the video was more objective;
  • "+1" - on Google+;
  • "SERF" - such a name has a form from the SurfingBird Search Recommendation Site, which is located on third-party resources.

In the absolute majority of cases, the icon under which one or another Like clone is hidden, performed in the form of a heart, a star or brush hands with a raised up with a thumb (like "Facebook").

Often, the functionality contains the opportunity to tell the message to friends or send it to his news feed.

What is Loyce in VK?

The brainchild of Pavel Durov has implemented similar functionality a year after its appearance on Facebook - in 2010. Despite the fact that the button in VKontakte is called "I like", the multi-millionth army of the site by habit calls it like, and the process of expressing approval is "like".

Teenagers, koi make up the lion's share of users VK, soon and at all began to use oblique " loyce».

The versions of the origin of the name are several:

  • The word succeeded by multistage and gradual distortion of the word. Similar games with words are not uncommon. So, the "Padonkov language" was popularly popular, where instead of the usual "hello" was used "Prev";
  • It is a random error when setting words by Russian letters on the phone;
  • Special slang users MDK - the scandalous community "VKontakte". The audience is calculated in several million people, so everything that originates on its expanses, very quickly becomes mainstream in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

Over time, "Loys" embroidered "VKontakte" and began to enter the lexicon of visitors to other sites: "Odnoklassniki", "Pikabu" and others.

How to put like?

The invention of Joseph van der Meera today has an insane variety of versions. However, the general principles of use are practically universal:

  1. Most often, a shape with a heart raised upwards or any other intuitive symbol is directly under the record;
  2. In some cases, web designers can move away from the unsuistent rules and arrange the functions of expressing social preferences at the top or side of the post. But this happens extremely rarely;
  3. Just press the button once once to show your post location;
  4. In order to take advantage of such an opportunity, you must have an account in the relevant social network. Without the presence of an account "Like" is impossible;
  5. Everything that was noted as "Liked" is added to the Special Social Network section to be able to return to the post after a while. So, in "VKontakte" these are "bookmarks" at the address

1 Many Internet users love to communicate in social networks, on forums and chat rooms. Periodically, some of them pay attention to the strange jargon "Loyce". What does Loyce mean? Read some more of my new items on the topic of Internet Jargon, for example, what trolling is, which means Trabl, how to understand the abbreviation of the TP, who is such a top tan, etc. It is often possible to find a proposal to leave the buttercups under the photo or under the video. Of course, "advanced" users probably guessed, which means Loyce, but for others it remains a mystery. The term "Loyce" is derived from the word "like"who in turn occurred from the English language " Like".

Like won great popularity in social networks, because how convenient, one "click" of the mouse to express its location to a specific information, message or image. For the first time, he began to be used in the Facebook social network. Since then, many are truly liking hunters, they began to call "Laikodroch".

So, Loyce, what it is, and where did it come from? First, the term appeared " Like", then he became Russian-speaking" Like"It was this simple button that was the main driving force of the World Wide Web. Subsequently, for earnings on the Internet, it became necessary as much likes as possible. Therefore, they gave a significant impetus to the fact that people voluntarily began to spread a huge amount of information.

In the Russian Federation, "Laika" appeared their analogues: button "I like", "class!", "+1" other. However, recently, "Loyce" went to the "Mount". Some suggest that their origin "Loyce" is obliged to stupid schoolchildren who wrote this term with an error. However, this is not quite the case, such a typo was done quite consciously.

There is a very popular social network VKontakte, it can create communities on various topics, one of these communities has become " Memchiks and Funny Squares"Who painted funny parodies for comics on the Internet. In this community developed its special style of communication. Creative people tried to take a fresh word on various words and jargonisms. At first they didn't like" Like ", it was proposed to write it like" Laik.", then he smoothly" a flour "in" Layc.". After that, the torturing thought of loafers from this community did not stop, and they continued to experiment further. The following were words "LAYS", "LOYS" and "Loyc", and finally happened, after long and painful search, "Loyc" smoothly turned into "Loyce"that in Russian and will be " Loyce"After some time, time the fruits of creativity" Memchiks and Funny Squares "spread throughout the runet due to popularity among

"I came to the conclusion that my magazine still look, the contents of the magazine like it, and the comments often just just write.

What would somehow keep "accounting" how many my visitors liked this or that topic or photography, I wondered (thanks But not canon_girl For the idea) - " Why not add to the currently created themes Likelike on a FB or instagram, if people do not have enough time to comments, i.e. hope that visitors of my magazine will at least click on Like and the meter indicator will inspire me to new messages and photos".

But it turned out not so simple, as it seemed at the very beginning. It turned out that LiveJournal"Oil Code lJ-Like has nothing to do with the function Lykov And, according to the idea should be called lJ-Share.Since when adding this code, icons appear to add a link to LJ "with a topic in FB, G +, classmates and so on.

Why there is no normal button in LJ Like? I think it was done (or rather "not done") intentionally, so that the people would communicate more by comment, since LJ is still " Livejournal". But, it seems to me, now the need for a button Like - Since people often do not have enough time to comments, it will be so at least some "response" from visitors of the magazine.

After spending a few hours on the Internet in search of something suitable for this function, nothing was found and what am I doing in such cases? That's right, I program myself ... and programming exactly what I need and in the volume of I needed and with the functionality I need.

I fucked by computers and programming in the 6th grade school (it was 85 years old) when we started the Code of Criminal Procedure (Educational Combmnat). There were old huge EU machines, magnetic ribbons and chapels. Programmed on assembler. In the 9th grade in our Physical and Mathematical School No. 63 of the city of Frunze (now Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) appeared class of personal IBM "OK, which I installed two friends and set up. Then he began to study Basic. Later, learning in Polytech, went Pascal , C ++, Algol, then FoxPro associated with databases.

In the mid-90s, when the Internet began to "conquer" the expanses of the CIS, I decided to engage in programming under Web.. Then the developing language was Perlon which is programmed CGI- scripts. I "took it to armared" and suffered !!! The first serious scripts during the pair of programming on PERL "E became Encrypted Chat & Encrypted Forum, then the meters of visiting Web pages and boot counters that I still use.

Already living in Germany, my wife and We open in 2008 opened an online store " EKIP-DE."For the sale of moto-equipment and sending it to Russia and the CIS countries. All score I have programmed from zero to Perl "E, it took about a month of work to create the first working version, which then" improved "within the next 4 years of work.

Well, now it became necessary to make a script for counting Like"OS, which I gladly implemented in 3 evenings in front of the computer.

The script "sharpened" to work exclusively in LiveJournal, it supports a lot of user regime (thought that such a chip maybe it would be more interesting to someone) and works in all browsers (only the update of the graphics indicator LIKE "OB in chrome is a little inhibits, it is associated with chromium cache and here I don't do anything smog).

I would like to have the opportunity to add LIKE donkey buttons to your magazine?

With all your "old" LiveJournal "with friends, I am ready to make an account in the counter in exchange for a promise, if you treat me with beer and at the same time to act as a" beta tester "(although I have already tested it). If you are a desire for me somehow "Thank", you can click on the button below and give me 10 tokens ... a trifle, but nice!

All the rest of the counter will "cost" (loudly said, of course) a little more - 200 Zhetonov (This is 2 euros). There will be a desire to give more, I will not be offended ;-) for this go here and in the field " Recipient"Specify alexey_soloviev. You can also send money through PayPal.

All you need to do is try the button Like At the end of this topic, see how it works, think if you need such an option in your journal and if you decide, write here "application". I will contact you in a personal, ladies read more detailed information on the meter's work and if everything is satisfied, I will create a new account for you.

If there are some ideas for improving work or functional counter Like."OV - write!

Thank you all for your attention!

Consciousness of own elegance gives you a feeling of confidence. It is important for you to be "well dressed", tightened, solid. Sometimes your appearance can serve you a kind of shield, allowing you to get angry from people, communicating with which at the moment for you for some reason is undesirable. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes quite colorful, but always correct, has no sympathy to you.

Compatibility named Lais, manifestation in love

Lises, you know how to love sincerely, deep and tremble. With your characteristic maximalism, you give your feelings of paramount importance. And if the partner is ready to answer you reciprocity and at the same time meets all your requirements - both with its external appearance and internal content - love can mostly master all your creature, to become a meaning of life. At the same time, your desire to dominate with the inability or reluctance to demonstrate the depth of your senses, can greatly complicate relations for your partner: you are passionately in love, but cold and closed; You are ready to worship, but at the same time constantly "put in place."


The basis of motivation for you is the desire for an independent position. That is why you always choose the path for which no one has ever walked. If the direction is not mastered, it means there are no "authorities", and no one can adjust your actions, indicate how and where you need to move.

As a result, you do not recognize the right to argue that your opinion is wrong, but the choice is not justified enough. Collapse you on the way, make doubt in your abilities - almost impossible. On the contrary, any criticism spurs you, provoking even more decisive steps.

Definitely in your favor, the fact that you never try to "translate" responsibility for your actions for someone else. Wanting to succeed exactly "in a single discharge", you are ready for the fact that, in case of failure, you will blame you.

However, the clear mind and courage, which, as is known, "takes the cities", make a similar outcome unlikely. Therefore, they believe in you and willingly go after you follow.