Xiaomi Yi Action Camera Firmware. How to update Xiaomi Yi Action Camera firmware to the latest version

Xiaomi Yi 4K. The reviews were already, therefore, I would not particularly go into the technical characteristics and so on, but I will tell about the firmware, as I asked about the differences in the Chinese and international version more than once, and how from the first to do international, and is it possible now. Also from the moment of release, I have a camera Yi of the first version, so also compare the new chamber with it.
For review, I was given a discount - therefore, paragraph 18, to whom it is important.

Equipment for action Camera is certainly poor. As in the first version, only the Cable for charging and instruction.

Bottom battery compartment. Battery capacity 1400 mAh (in the first version of 1000 mAh).

There is also a slot for a memory card slot.

The first inclusion of the Camera of the Chinese version - and it is expected to meet us with hieroglyphs.

We go on and download the last firmware. Rename the file to "firmware.bin" and throw on the USB flash drive.

Insert it into the camera, turn on, and after a couple of seconds the camera itself will offer to upgrade. Click OK, and wait for the result.

After a couple of minutes, the camera reboots and the interface meets us already in English. Congratulations, you have an international version. Although, when I now did the screenshots from the site, I saw a new firmware 1.6.10 (and I put it recently 1.6.1) in which the Russian language is now officially added! Also added some new buns, such as shooting video tilaps in 1080p and 960p, the ability to shoot photos (timelps) in DNG format, optimized SD card compatibility and so on.

Comparison with the first version of Yi.
In the first version of the Ambarella A7LS processor against Ambarella A9SE in the second, Sony IMX206 VS Sony IMX377 sensor, respectively.
Even in appearance it becomes immediately clear which of them flagship and who is a budget version. In the Yi2 chamber, the plastic is smooth absolutely everywhere, in Yi1 the side faces of the ribs - keep it in the hands more pleasant, you feel that it will not slip away. Weight yi1 - 73 g., Yi2 - 89 g ... In my hands, this difference is felt slightly for me. The new chamber added a display that was so lacked in the first, as well as a stereo microphone.

Photos on the new chamber are obtained clearer, color more contrasting.



With artificial light:


Evening, almost night




DNG file created with JPG (when the option is enabled in the settings) can be easily edited and tighten into the editor.

Nightly naturally in the picture a bunch of noise that will not join also easily and quickly like a photo

Modes photo and video cameras:

Switching modes is quite convenient, one tap from the bottom in the center - and the mode menu opens. After the first chamber, where for the mode, in addition to photo / video, it is necessary to include Wi-Fi, connect to the chamber and so on.

A small video comparing image from the first and second camera / I didn't really like the work of the stabilizer, but I do not exclude my guilt - I kept both cameras just in my hands, the stabilizer here is not a panacea from any shaking.
1080, 60 FPS

Screenshots with video:



Here is another example with the enabled stabilizer, the evening, shooting from the rest

Already much better, the stabilizer is not so floating. Here for example, the shooting is another camera in the same way - the camera in the hands, with a focus on the torpedo:

2,7K mode

Timelapse in 4K.

I was pleased with the Slow-Mo mode. That is, you do not need to set a greater frame rate in the video mode, and then in the editor, slow down the video to the desired number of times, based on the frame rate. And they just clicked on the Slow-Mo mode, and the camera already issues a video in slow motion. Depending on the presets - at 2, 4, or 8 times. Exposing 60, 120, or 240 frames per second, respectively.

A pair of examples (1280 × [Email Protected] FPS):

Also, for comparison, I will give a video with a cutting Slou-Mo shot to the Sony HDR-PJ10E camera, in which there is a similar function, took a long time ago, but under the same conditions, even in the same apartment, i.e. In the same conditions of illumination

As a result, of course, the camera from the first version stepped forward, but also about shoals also without forgetting. On the forums they write about the appearance of cracks from below in plastic, even with gentle use. I have no camera for a month, I don't have any covers and aquaboxes, it is just in a bag, often change fasteners, constantly twisting while no cracks. There was also a problem with a memory card (which herself is certainly not ahti - Oltramax 32GB UHS-I), a rather well-known "Slow Card" but after optimization (there is such an item in the menu) began to work normally in 60fps modes, but on Slow-MO 120 / 240 periodically scatters a message, but it removes.
The rest of the camera left completely positive emotions. Very convenient menu and quick access to modes change. For a long time of work - about 1:45 minutes in mixed mode (4k, 2.7k, slow motion, photo), without using Wi-Fi. Cards on 32 GB for Camera calculations are enough for 40 minutes 4K video, 53 minutes 2. Each, 67 minutes FullHD. Really good video quality. Excellent stereo sound, microphones are very sensitive. Stabilization of video from a strong shaking certainly will not save, but if you take off at least from a monopod (or any other holding) then your video is obtained quite smooth. Full support for the Russian language in the new firmware. The price of the international and Chinese version is different, it is quite essential, so, as we see, it is not necessary to overpay for international.
Remove photo / video about each mode Yes, in specific conditions, yes with specific superstructures - O100500 photos and video will be released, so if you are interested in something specific, write, I will take off. Original files.

Sometimes for various reasons before the user comes to changing the device firmware. For example, for the purposes of Russification. The camera is by no means exception. Many users are stereotypically addressed to various workshops, where workers, using the inexperience of the client, allow themselves to overestimate prices. Others are trying to flash on their own, trusting instructions from the Internet.

We understand that the truly qualified people are responsible for their compilation, therefore, they compiled instructions independently, focusing on more advanced users, as well as their own gained experience. In it we tried to explain all the most accessible languages \u200b\u200bto facilitate the setup process.

The first thing to be done is to make sure that you are not the owner of the camera model with 17cn index. The model is reset on the sticker of the IP camera itself. Unfortunately, the firmware change for this camera option is not available. If you have found another numerical indicator, then it's time to go to the next step.

We will look at the example of the firmware on the model 12, for 22 models the process is identical!

  • In parallel reading this instruction, you need to download one of the branded applications to the smartphone (Xiaomi Mihome or Yi Ants) and with the firmware.

  • After the download is completed, it is necessary to produce unzipping. The folder in the archive is transferred to the microSD card, previously formatted in FAT32 format.

  • Next, the flash card is required to insert the camera slot and turn on the device.
  • After switching on, automatic installation of the firmware starts. The device will publish characteristic clicks and flash LED indicators. This process takes 4-5 minutes during which the device is prohibited from disconnecting and restarting to avoid failures during installation.
  • After the expiration time, the camera utters a welcoming phrase already on the usual Russian language.

Then follows the software configuration process using the application pre-installed on the smartphone (according to the instructions on the screen). For example, first you need to connect the camera with a smartphone and configure the network access. It is worth mentioning that this process we managed to complete correctly only with branded software in English.

The application includes an entrance to the MI system account. To do this, you need to connect to WiFi network, which provides communication between gadgets, and then enter a login and password. After the input is performed, the QR code appears on the smartphone screen, and Yi Ants 2 will ask to bring the smartphone to the lens. To facilitate the completion of the setup, the screen will also withdraw and detailed synchronization instructions. After short-term expectation, the change of firmware is complete, and the device is almost ready for full work. Residents of the regions remain only manually set the time zone.

Hello everyone! Today there will be a small post that will not ride some server / software topics. Today we will learn English Chinese Automotive Video Registrar Xiaomi Yi Dashboard!

What can I tell about this piece of iron?
Xiaomi Yi Dashboard is neatly assembled, inexpensive, seemingly reliable video recorder for a car that can write video Full HD 1080p 60fps). A detailed description and characteristics can be viewed for example on a scam, the reviews of how he writes can be found on the Internet.
The only minus is Chinese! And from this it follows that all his menus in Chinese, that I did not particularly please.
As a result, it was decided to make it English-speaking to be easier to manage it.

But the Chinese are not so simple. As it turned out, the result of the firmware also depends on which serial number of your device, and therefore - what a revision. I got a registrar with serial numbers starting on Cabaa ...

The device's firmware itself is also not convenient. To flash the recorder to the English version, you need to change the serial number in which you need to replace the regional affiliation (CN \u003d\u003e US).

After a two-hour reading of flooding on w3bsit3-dns.com..ru was found a solution that I will describe below (decision took).

The solution works with devices whose serial numbers begin on CA21L., CA21W., CA18L, CA21B., Cabaa., CA31A. (Except for a completely black model).

The firmware version must be starting from Version: V-1.03.023 and above!
If your version is lower, you first update, and then we flash the registrar. If the V-1.03.023 version and above - proceed to the firmware!

Important 3!

Recorder update to topical version

  1. Download the firmware at http://www.xiaoyi.com/dash/firmware/download/ for recovery EMERGENCY AID)under your SN. The file will be called FWCARC10.
  2. We put this file on a pre-formatted flash drive by this registrar.
  3. We install a flash drive to the registrar, the recorder is connected to the power and waiting. During the firmware, the recorder will show a picture, and then goes out. Yellow indicator will flash. Wait, you will have to wait from 2 to 5 minutes, then it will turn on it yourself.
  4. Take out the USB flash drive, connect it to the computer and delete the firmware file

The firmware of the registrar before the English version

In my case, the firmware was V-1.03.025, so I missed the update and immediately started changing the serial number and the firmware of the registrar.

  1. On the flash drive, which is connected to the computer you need
    • create a blank file AAA22CCC.txt (not aaa222ccc.txt.txt namely aaa22ccc.txt);
    • next, you need to create a SN.TXT file and enter your serial number to it (you can find the first 14 characters, but I entered the whole - everything is fine). The serial number itself needs to edit, on my example it looks like this: it was Cabaacn C01650012000. Need to rename B. Cabaaaus C01650012000.
    • next, create a file named eNGMODE. (without expansion, it is ENGMODE, not ENGMODE.TXT);
  2. Next, set the flash drive to the recorder, and connect it to the power. The registrar, after loading, on a blue background will show an updated serial number, while the recorder will not turn on, since we made an Englishman from it, and in the brains he is still a Chinese;
  3. Connect the map to the computer, delete the created files with the serial, AAA222CCC.txt and Engmode
  4. Next, go to https://www.yitechnology.com/support/firmware_dash/id/3, in which you choose your serial number (otherwise the recorder will not turn on) and emergency Aid, swing the English firmware file (fwcarc10.bin)
  5. Put the firmware file on the USB flash drive, install it in the registrar and turn it on
  6. In the firmware process, the yellow indicator will flash. We are waiting until the latter, while the registrar does not turn on and does not greet you in English . Everything is ready, almost ...
  7. Next, connect a flash drive to a computer and delete the firmware file. After it can be connected to the recorder and use it!

So, we, we, living people in Russia, launched a Chinese registrar into English :)

If you break something - I'm not here. Everything is done at your own risk and the author of this post, as the authors of this decision is not responsible!

  • Source here: https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic\u003d710768&st\u003d6180#entry57263908
  • Firmware here: https://www.yitechnology.com/support/firmware_dash/id/3
  • All information about the recorder here:

Xiaomi IP cameras are deservedly enjoy high popular among users. They are distinguished by balanced technical characteristics, are offered at affordable prices and are suitable for building a high-quality video surveillance system, including within the SMART home. At the same time, the devices support ZigBee Siaomi's company protocol, which is designed specifically for combining all XiaMom products into one network.

However, for correct and efficient configuration of video surveillance, not only to connect to them correctly, but also to make the Xiaomi IP camera firmware. The main goal of the event is to translate the interface into Russian, since initially all menus are displayed in the form of hieroglyphs or at best in English. Installing the new firmware also allows you to update the software, correct various errors, add new features, such as open access to streaming online broadcasting, etc.

Instructions for firmware Siaomi camcorder

To work with products, the manufacturer offers two branded applications - Yi Ants (created specifically for IP video cameras) and MI Home, with which you can control all the devices that have a Wi-Fi module and the XiaMom smart home system. Both programs apply to free and download them without problems with "Google Play Market".

  • Downloading the firmware archive, which then in the unzipped form moves to the MicroSD card formatted in Fat32 format;
  • Flash card is inserted into the camera slot, after which the device is activated;
  • If everything is done correctly, the installation of the firmware should start automatically. This will be evidenced by the blinking of LED indicators, as well as characteristic clicks. The process may take up to five minutes, during which it is forbidden to restart or disconnect the device.