Filmstrips for children and modern slide projectors. Which filmoscope or slide projector to choose? So what is a filmscope

The question was sorted out in the previous article. Now I will tell you about what are the filmoscopes and slide projectors... Based on this, you can already conclude which filmscope or slide projector you need. But first, let's see how a filmoscope differs from a slide projector. is a projection device for demonstration of transparencies (slides) and other media on a transparent basis with magnification. Those. the main purpose of an overhead projector is a slide show. But slide projectors were produced with the additional function of showing filmstrips. is a projector designed only for viewing filmstrips made on 35 mm photographic film with a frame size of 18x24 mm. It is wrong to call the modern Regio and Firefly models overhead projectors, since they are intended only for viewing filmstrips and are essentially filmoscopes.

Personally I am everything filmoscopes and slide projectors I divide into 3 large categories depending on the lamps used in them.

1 - budget category with 6V lamps. These filmoscopes use lamps or It is the most widespread category of filmoscopes produced in the USSR. Filmoscopes in this category were simple, inexpensive, and affordable. Their cost ranged from 5 to 14 rubles. Filmoscopes belong to this category Zarnitsa, Znayka, Kvant, Ogonyok (MF-80), Firefly, Fairy Tale, FMD-1 (Gena, Petrushka, Cheburashka, Chipollino), F-5, F-7, F-9, FGK-49, FD, FD- 2, FD-2M, F-68, F75-1M, FP-3 and other inexpensive models. The lenses of these filmoscopes are one or two lenses, and in some models they are plastic. By the way, the F75-1M (photo on the left), the only classmate, has a slide show function. The best of this category for picture quality and ease of use filmoscopes (photo on the right)
produced by the Novosibirsk Instrument Making Plant (refinery). These filmoscopes have a high-quality lens with thick lenses, which give the image quality good and clear throughout. A very good option, only slightly inferior to the leader, would be filmoscopes and. If finances allow, then you should pay attention to a rare filmoscope. This model was produced in the 50s-60s, has an interesting appearance and a fairly high-quality picture. It will delight not only with its work, but also with its appearance. But in good condition it costs more than any other filmoscope. There are also obvious outsiders in this category, in the production of which they saved up to the point that they simply cannot be used without tears. I do not recommend to buy filmoscopes and Rainbow.

2 - This category includes small ones with lamps of 90 and 100W. They surpass their six-volt comrades in brightness and color of the picture. They use lamps or , as well as a high-quality triplet lens. Their price was 2-3 times higher than that of six-volt models and amounted to 27-40 rubles, so they were not so popular. And the models of such overhead projectors were much smaller. These are different modifications Light, Screen, Etude, and Sputnik, Sputnik-2... All overhead projectors in this category can show photographic film, etc. For this, special replaceable frames are used, which were supplied with the overhead projector. Thus, these are the most versatile projectors that can be used not only for viewing fairy tales with children, but also for viewing and even digitizing a home photo archive. Conventionally, all models can be divided into two types: with and without a transformer. Models without trance are more compact and lighter. In the photo on the left is a transformer model of an overhead projector Svet DM-2 with a frame for showing filmstrips. Almost all models have a bottom thread for mounting on a tripod. The design and principle of operation of all overhead projectors from this category are the same. They also use the same optics, so the image quality is good for all models. They differ a little only in appearance and in some trifles, so it cannot be said that some of them are worse or better. Only two models can be singled out in particular:
- Folding were the most inexpensive, so now they are most common;
- has a plastic casing and looks more modern and stylish in comparison with other brothers;
I would also like to mention the Etude slide projector. Despite the 100-watt lamp, this is the smallest overhead projector of all the models produced (in the photo on the right it is in the middle). A sort of pocket multimedia of the Soviet era. But Etude did not come with a frame for filmstrips and had to be bought separately. With all the advantages, overhead projectors in this category have one drawback. They get quite hot, so I do not recommend using them for children without adult supervision.

3 - The third group includes powerful overhead projectors. Some of them additionally have the function of viewing filmstrips. However, the main purpose of most of the models in this category is primarily a slide show. These devices use very powerful 300W or 150-500W halogen bulbs. Such lamps emit very there is a lot of heat and therefore there is a fan or a turbine in the overhead projectors for forced cooling, but thanks to powerful lamps, filmstrips and slides can be viewed even during the day. The lenses in these projectors are usually of excellent quality with three lenses. Such devices were used mainly in educational institutions and enterprises. Their price was very high and amounted to 110-350 rubles, so they were almost never bought for home use. This category includes overhead projectors: Alpha-203, Diana-207, DP, Kiev-66, Lector-600, LETI 55-60, Pelengi 500-800, Proton, Svityaz, Ekrn-3 station wagon and some other powerful overhead projectors. The simplest of them have manual focusing of the image and semi-automatic switching of slides with a button on the overhead projector body in forward and backward directions. Models of the Hi-End class have autofocus, have a control panel from which you can switch slides, twist filmstrips and adjust sharpness. In them, it is possible to switch transparencies automatically by a timer or by signals from a tape recorder. Some models have stepless brightness control. Some projectors came with leather bags for storage and carrying. Currently, due to low demand, the cost of these projectors is relatively low. Even for the most sophisticated models, prices start from 2000 rubles. But here you need to understand that the devices are complex, they have a lot of mechanics, electronics and time does not go to their advantage. Therefore, even almost new overhead projectors (and there are a lot of them on sale) will have to be disassembled, lubricated, adjusted and, possibly, re-soldered some components and changed the drive belts. Without these works, the overhead projector with a 90% probability will not work correctly and constantly jam.
Nowadays overhead projectors and. These are good options for watching filmstrips and a large number of slides, because 50 pieces can be loaded into a cassette at once. The main thing is to pay attention that the set includes an adapter for filmstrips, as over the years it could easily get lost. A good option would be (photo on the left). In appearance, it resembles overhead projectors from the second group, only with forced cooling, so even after prolonged operation, it remains a little warm. Its fan is much quieter than the turbines of the same Pelengs and other powerful overhead projectors. This is also a plus. If you need the most comfortable work only with slides, then you should pay attention to the Alpha-203 or. These are very good devices with maximum functionality. I do not recommend overhead projectors LETI for home viewing of filmstrips. They are not very convenient for refilling the film, the scrolling mechanism does not always work correctly. In addition, it has no manual control and works only from the remote control. This remote control has a very thick, long and inconvenient cable, and if it is lost or broken, it becomes impossible to use the overhead projector.
With all the advantages of the devices in this group, the disadvantages include a large weight and audible fan operation. And if the engine itself is usually very quiet, then a clumsy and unbalanced propeller can cause vibration and a low howl. But if desired, all this is treated. For example, once on Svityaz-M I installed a fan through foam-rubber pads. Much less noise and vibration.

Filmstrips are a humble greeting from the 20th century. A couple of hours spent watching them will never be considered wasted time, because it is a very exciting and interesting activity. And if you put on an educational filmstrip, then it's also very useful!

That magical world, into which viewing takes us, is special and always full of miracles and fairy tales. He will always be full of kindness and love. The overhead projector is great for exploring both the real and the fabulous world!

Adults who have childhood impressions of watching films from a filmoscope always remember them with warmth. And now, finally, after so many years, they were remembered again, they can again be seen on sale, of course, next to a new generation of projectors. One such modern filmoscope is the Regio slide projector.

Now you can again take out dusty film photos from the closet, see again what has long been forgotten, and show the children legendary Soviet filmstrips. No matter how you look at it, getting an overhead projector is a good idea. And the children will be interested, and you will watch the cartoons of your childhood again!


The Regio overhead projector deserves only positive reviews, since it is made of materials that are safe for the health of a child, it has no sharp corners and, which is very important, it is easy to operate even for children. It is designed in such a way that it will quickly become interesting to the child. Your little one will learn to set, scroll and stop the tape by himself. Therefore, soon, if he wants to watch the filmstrip himself, he will not need the help of adults.

Today the overhead projector-filmoscope Regio ("Reggio") is the only practical and inexpensive analogue of filmoscopes of the past. This is a really decent device. In addition, if we compare the prices of Soviet filmoscopes and the prices of the Regio slide projector, then it even wins a little due to the cheaper production technology and the cost of composite materials!

Now more about the model's appearance!


In terms of general technical characteristics, the Regio slide projector does not significantly differ from the filmoscopes of the 20th century. The main differences are just a few futuristic design, great ergonomics and compactness (in comparison).

The Regio overhead projector has been manufactured in the People's Republic of China since 2009 by order of a company legally based in Norway. Since this is a film-type device, it is possible to view not only new films, but also old Soviet films and cartoons, as well as film photographs.

The material of the outer shell of the overhead projector itself is a high-quality non-toxic plastic in two colors: gray and blue. The device itself is very durable, but not shockproof; children over 6 years old can use it on their own. But even if it accidentally falls, it will most likely remain intact and efficient. Users confirm this fact.


In addition to the Regio overhead projector itself, the kit also includes a charger, instructions for use and a spare lamp.

The image quality (due to the old lamp) can be much lower than with the new one. There are no small parts in the kit that a child can swallow.


If you had a filmoscope as a kid, it won't take long to figure out how to use a slide projector. For the rest, a clear instruction is written below. To start watching a filmstrip using the Regio overhead projector, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. Find the film you need.
  2. Insert it into the special slot in the housing.
  3. Lock it by turning the wheel until it stops.
  4. Adjust the sharpness (slide projectors, like filmoscopes, have a sharpness slider).
  5. Roll the tape and enjoy watching.

To make it easier for the child to remember how to turn on and off the Regio overhead projector, the button is made large enough. It is made in red. There is also a smaller button in the overhead projector, it is also red. It should be used when you want to quickly remove the film from the overhead projector without scrolling. Since the entire operation is very simple, the child will be able to use the filmoscope without assistance.

There is no need to use foreign objects to change the angle of the filmoscope. The overhead projector is equipped with a stable and adjustable foot. A big plus in using the device is its noiselessness, buyers say.

Unlike filmoscopes of previous generations, the Regio slide projector-filmoscope does not heat up, since there are holes for removing excess heat, which means that it does not have a noisy air cooling system that can destroy the entire atmosphere from watching filmstrips.

The device has a passive cooling system. The Regio overhead projector can bring you and your family a lot of joy and positive impressions that will remain in your memory for a long time. Then your child will remember these home shows with the same kind nostalgia as you.


The overhead projector as a whole does not pose any danger to the child. Still, you shouldn't place it at or higher than your child's head. He may pull on the charging cord, the device will fall and may hit the baby very hard. So it is better to leave the overhead projector so that the child does not harm himself, but can independently use the device.

Child development with the Regio filmoscope

In fact, the cartoons projected by the filmoscope are much more useful than the regular cartoons that your little ones watch on a TV or computer screen. Cartoons on the wall develop imagination and stimulate the development of mindfulness and sensitivity.

Since there is no sound in filmstrips, subtitles are used for narration. Parents watch filmstrips together with the child and read the inscriptions to him (of course, if he still does not know how to do it himself), which makes them very close.

This gives the baby the opportunity to compare what is read to him with what he sees on the screen. In addition, the analytical center and the center of the child's visual perception are developing. Also, each projected picture is very bright and colorful, it goes without saying that it will interest him.

If your child is overly active, the Regio overhead projector can help calm your fidget. By the way, if you purchase an educational filmstrip, then your family viewing will become not only exciting, but also useful for the development of the child. And you will get an invaluable experience of closer communication with your loved ones.


The device is specially designed for watching films and transparencies. Filmstrips for the Regio overhead projector are not included in the kit, but they can be bought in the same place where you bought the device itself. The set contains from 4 to 6 films, designed for children from 2 to 8 years old inclusive. But as a rule, old Soviet film cartoons are quite suitable. This is what users say.

So, the main technical characteristics:

The manufacturer gives a factory warranty for up to 12 months. But when ordering, you can buy an additional warranty for up to 24 months.

Possibility of autonomous operation (using four D-type batteries).

The overhead projector lamp has a power of 110 lumens, which is quite a good indicator. Thanks to such a powerful lamp, the image will be bright and clear. The life of the LED lamp itself is about 20 thousand hours (in total).

The size of the image itself is approximately 130 centimeters.

It is lightweight, approximately 1.45 kilograms.

You can buy an overhead projector either in online stores or in highly specialized retail outlets. Rarely, but it can also be found in household and computer stores. You will love the Regio overhead projector.


The average price of the Regio overhead projector varies from 6 thousand to 9 thousand rubles, which is quite acceptable for this type of equipment. This cost is affordable even for people with small incomes!


If you want to give your child the opportunity to develop creative abilities from a young age, to give your beloved child a fairy tale full of magic, or to get the opportunity, even if for a short time, but still return to childhood, then do not skimp. Feel free to purchase this device. In general, the price of filmoscopes is constantly changing, and as statistics show, it is steadily falling due to a gradual decrease in production costs and an increase in demand for goods of a similar nature.

Customers who have already purchased and are using Regio are thrilled with their purchase as their families have a new common passion. Reasonable price, quality and ease of use - that's all the Regio overhead projector. The feedback from all those who have already spent a wonderful evening watching a movie on this device fully confirms the information presented in this article.

Taking my daughter out of the kindergarten today, I went to the door of her group and, entering, found that the children were sitting in complete darkness, quiet as mice. Each child did not look up, and some even opened their mouths, studied a colored luminous picture on an ordinary state-owned painted wall. Of course, I immediately understood that children watch filmstrips, since in my childhood they played an important role.

Remember there were special overhead projectors and films with filmstrips sold in round jars. Some filmstrips were ordinary - a series of frames with a text signed at the bottom of each of them, it was usually read by parents. Other filmstrips were sold with vinyl records on which the soundtrack was recorded for the filmstrip.

This is just such an old filmstrip, without record sounding and on a very ancient slide projector, and the children watched. Unlike other days, no one " was on duty”At the door, looking out for whose mother was coming, everyone sat in the group as if glued to it. Moreover, the one for whom the parents came sighed doomly, breaking away from the fabulous " screen»On an uneven wall. The rest of the children, of course, did not follow him with envious glances, but, making sure that no one had come for them yet, continued to enjoy the unusual sight.

Indeed, for modern children, watching filmstrips is an unusual, interesting and exciting activity. They are used to plasma panels, DVD-players and other achievements of our time. Viewing color pictures in dark room, voiced by a parent or caregiver - something new and exciting. Watching filmstrips is interesting not due to modern achievements, thanks to which you can get a high-quality image or surround sound, on the contrary, everything is simple here. However, thanks to such accompanying moments as special preparations for viewing, such as screening windows, preparing a screen, installing a projector and setting it up, the child is immersed in an unfamiliar, but somewhat magical, atmosphere.

The show begins. The rustle of the film while scrolling the wheel, a slightly uneven screen, slightly animating slides with a little distortion and simple text give free rein to the imagination of children. Each of them can examine the image in detail and dream up what they want. The dark space of the room and the bright glowing slide allow little ones to concentrate effortlessly on the filmstrip. The viewing ends, the light comes on and immediately the picture fades, and the reality of the action taking place on the screen is lost.

The kindergarten teacher found an ancient creaking projector and a bunch of filmstrips in the corner of the closet while cleaning and decided to use it to entertain the expecting parents of the kids after dinner. Surely, she did not count on such a success of this spontaneous event. For a very long time after this first significant viewing, she had to arrange nightly film strip shows, and the children made a suggestion to their parents to take them out of the garden last. Poor dads and mothers pushed under the doors, waiting for the children to finally watch the next filmstrip, and then in a short period of time, when the teacher turned on the light to choose the next one, they dressed them and quickly took them home.

Nowadays it is not so easy to find an ordinary slide projector with filmstrips. Many grandmothers keep these relics in their mezzanines, while most of them got rid of them, just like they got rid of old scratched film strips a long time ago. Some young parents, discovering objects familiar from childhood, without hesitation, turn on the device, take out filmstrips and, briefly plunging into their childhood, show the child their favorite fairy tales.

If your grandparents got rid of both projectors and films long ago, don't despair. Especially for lovers of this entertainment publishing house Amphora produces modern versions of old slide projectors and a series of filmstrips for them. It reminds its predecessor of the need to adjust the sharpness - as before, this is done by rotating regulator... Everything else has been improved. Scoring tapes and records replaced compact cartridges... From them, the projector reads information about the image and sound. If desired, you can use the mode automatic display - the projector will play everything that is on the cartridge and turn off. You can select some slides, and the projector will play and sound them. Another option is unvoiced slide show - you can read the text yourself (there is a book with it in the kit). A modern overhead projector is equipped with remote controlequipped even with a miniature backlit necessary to read the text.

The Firefly overhead projector runs on batteries, so you can sit with it in a convenient place at home. In the evening, it is easy for the whole family to sit in the living room, curtain the windows, and at night, place a device in the nursery so that the image is projected onto the ceiling and entertains the child at night.

The series of filmstrips, which can be viewed with a projector, includes well-known classic children's works: "The Stolen Sun", voiced by the author of the popular poem - Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsky; tales of A.S. Pushkin performed by the honored artist S.I. Zamoreva and many other works - nursery rhymes, Russian folk and author's tales. The Firefly's repertoire is constantly expanding - Amphora provides cartridges with a wide variety of filmstrips.

Of course, watching filmstrips on an old projector is one thing, but on a modern firefly is quite another. Both options have advantages and disadvantages. If you and your children are fans of filmstrips, you will highly appreciate both systems: the ease of use of the modern Firefly with its cartridges, control panel and the awkwardness of FD-2, scratched and sometimes torn film strips, springy curling up into rings. In any case, the process will give you and your child great pleasure.

In today's post, I would like to remember with you about filmoscope and filmstrips, about how we watched cartoons, fairy tales and various stories on the wall, hung with a white sheet, the so-called - screen, and some of us fell asleep to the voice of our mother, who voiced these filmstrips, reading the titles under the slides. True, in a number of cases, a soundtrack was attached to the filmstrip on a gramophone record, the signal to change the frame was given by a "squeak" recorded on the plate. The frames, of course, were changed manually using a roller handle.

Personally, I remember saying: "Mom, wait, I want black bread with sprat in tomato sauce." What a delicious bread and what a sprat ...

By the way, my favorite filmstrips are "Three Little Pigs", "Ludwig the Fourteenth", "Krylov's Fables", "War of Crocodiles", "Pot of Porridge" and others. I will post them at the end of the article for free download.

The cost of children's filmstrips was then about 50 kopecks.

So what is a filmoscope?

Filmoscope - the name adopted in the USSR for optical devices of different classes.

The device with which we watched the filmstrips with you is called - slide projector, although the people called it a filmoscope.

Overhead projector (filmoscope, slide projector, frame projector) - a kind of projection device for the demonstration of transparencies, filmstrips and other carriers on a transparent basis. It gained the greatest popularity in the XX century.

Some filmoscopes (for example - "Chaika", "FED-Mikron", "Agat-18"), for display could take individual frames of film, which was inserted into transparencies. Although it was much easier not to cut the film, but simply reproduce it on an ordinary children's filmoscope.

In addition to filmstrips for children, there were also sets of transparencies on certain topics. Most often these were art, museums, history, geography.

Educational film strips and transparencies were widely used in schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. Sometimes, these same educational film strips and transparencies were independently made by amateur photography students (student scientific work at departments, student scientific society, electives). Such creativity was mutually beneficial: on the one hand, the university received an educational filmstrip at its disposal, on the other hand, the student could be given the opportunity to take the exam with ease (by agreement with the department).

In organizations and enterprises, workers and employees were shown filmstrips on civil defense and occupational safety.

What else is there to add, let's remember which filmoscopes we had, and some may still have.

Filmoscopes (slide projectors) of the USSR

Very good slide projector, awarded the quality seal. Produced in Kiev. This model of the overhead projector has a time relay, with the help of which it is very convenient to change frames if the time of demonstration of each slide is the same. You can set the desired slide show time from 7 to 45 seconds. The "Alpha" overhead projector also uses a KGM 24-150 lamp. The lens has a focal length of 80 mm and an aperture ratio of 1: 2.8. There is a remote control, with which you can control the feed of slides in the forward and reverse directions, as well as carry out the sub-focusing of the lens. There is no autofocus in the overhead projector. The lifting device is also interestingly made. When you press the button, the spring-loaded front leg extends by itself. Having chosen the desired angle of inclination of the overhead projector, release the key and the overhead projector will remain in a stable position.

The Diana overhead projector replaced the Alpha. This unit was made in 1996. Unlike other overhead projectors, "Diana" has, in addition to an autofocus system and a time relay, a smooth adjustment of the luminous flux, which increases the service life of the lamps. The Diana overhead projector also uses a KGM 24-150 lamp, and the lens has a focal length of 80 mm and a 1: 2.8 aperture ratio. The overhead projector has three knobs - turning on the power and adjusting the light flux, time relay and turning on autofocus. The overhead projector is equipped with a touch-sensitive remote control with four control buttons. Has 2 adjustable feet in front for greater stability.

A distinctive feature of this model is a 300 W high power cinema projection lamp and, as a result, forced cooling with a fan. The rest of the overhead projector is very similar to the "Light" model, but somewhat larger. Despite the size of the apparatus, it is comparatively light in weight as it does not have a transformer. It seems that this is one of the best and very rare devices. Possessing a high luminous flux, low weight and dimensions, the DP overhead projector combines simplicity and reliability with the functionality (forced cooling) of expensive devices.

Zarnitsa is one of the inexpensive filmoscopes. The model is made in a metal case, and very much resembles the FD-2 filmoscope, both in appearance and in characteristics. Lens with plastic lenses. The device uses a 6 volt lamp with a power of 30 watts. No height-adjustable front legs. Its price was 8 rubles 50 kopecks.

Filmoscope is rather rare and improved, although it is very similar to the FD-2 slide projector. The case has been slightly changed for better cooling, because of this, the adapter for filmstrips has also undergone a change. The lens is exactly the same as that of Zarnitsa and FD-2. The cost of the device was 12 rubles. Common disadvantages include the lack of a slide show and film advance under the bottom of the device, which contributes to additional wear on the film strip (the film is scratched).

This pattern is also rare. Produced at PO Zakarpatpribor, Uzhgorod, Ukraine. The device combines the advantages of "Fairy Tale" - simplified charging, at the same time the adapter can be removed and cleaned without disassembling the entire overhead projector, and a special adapter for viewing slides is included. Film scrolling handles on both sides, which is also more convenient. Adjustment of the lamp also does not cause problems, the lens cannot be completely pulled out (if desired) and does not fall out like in the FD-2. But the lamp is standard, 6V 30W, which is almost impossible to get at the present time. It cost 10 rubles.

The Kiev 66 overhead projector is intended only for slideshow, however, it can demonstrate both conventional transparencies and wide-film (medium format, film with a frame of 6 × 6 cm). The model has 2 lenses with different focal lengths and an interchangeable condenser - for each slide format its own. Standard halogen lamp KGM 24-250. Change of slides is done manually, by reciprocating movement of the pusher. Stores are used for narrow film, standard for 50 frames (type "Peleng"), or special for wide film for 30 frames.

Overhead projector "Lector-600" is designed for static projection of color and black-and-white filmstrips with an aspect ratio of 50 × 50 mm.

The LETI overhead projector is intended only for showing filmstrips. Has a remote control. Unlike other overhead projectors, "LETI" has the most powerful luminous flux, a 500 W halogen lamp, due to which it is very bright, and it is not even necessary to darken the room to view filmstrips. In the LETI overhead projector, the lens has a focal length of 91.7 mm and a relative aperture of 1: 2. The model has a leather case with a zipper. But the most important thing, in my opinion, is the dignity of the slide projector - an extremely careful attitude to filmstrips. They do not scratch or fade (there is a heat filter), so the films will last a very long time.

Inexpensive filmoscope costing about 8 rubles. Manufacturer UPP-1 UTOG, Kharkov. The body is metal, small in size. A6 21 lamp is used as standard. The focal length of the objective is 63 mm.

12. Overhead projector (filmoscope) - "Peleng 500". Very good, but expensive devices (about 250 rubles). Overhead projector "Peleng 500" is designed to demonstrate color and black-and-white transparencies (slides), as well as filmstrips (using an attachment installed in the slot of the top cover). I should note that all these projectors are "sharpened" for showing slides. Several modifications of projectors were produced in the bearing 500 series. All modifications have a halogen lamp, 150 W, a luminous flux of 500 lm. Most have a remote control (except for the Peleng 500K), but this is only for controlling the slide show. In addition, for these devices, pencil cases were produced with two diamantis for slides, 50 frames each. These projectors do not damage the film. have forced cooling. A kind of domestic HiFi.

- with the ability to view filmstrips, without autofocus. A very convenient attachment for viewing filmstrips with protective glass, filmstrips do not deteriorate or fade. There is only one drawback, in my opinion: the focal length of the lens is 100 mm. too big for a filmstrip, although watching the slides is just right.

- a modern overhead projector with automatic focus, designed to demonstrate transparencies (slides) mounted in standard frames 50 × 50 mm in size. A device that monitors the preservation of the sharpness of the image on the screen (auto focus) makes it easy and simple to maintain the overhead projector. It was the flagship bearing model, although it is not possible to display filmstrips on it.

A very rare and by far the best overhead projector for slideshows. Only 3-4 thousand of such overhead projectors were produced. The set includes a wired (very long) remote control and 3 interchangeable lenses, with focal lengths of 78, 100 and 150mm. and aperture ratio 1: 2.8. The lamp in the overhead projector is halogen, 250 W, the luminous flux reaches 700 lm. There is a timer (time relay) for automatic slide show with a set (up to 30 seconds) time interval. Overhead projector "Peleng-700 AF" has a switchable automatic focusing. Plus, if you have slides with different frame sizes (for example, 18 × 24 and 24 × 36), then this is the only overhead projector you need! Thanks to the interchangeable lenses, the size of the projected image can be easily adjusted to the frame size. Demonstration of filmstrips is not provided for by the design of the Peleng 700 overhead projector.

15. Overhead projector (filmoscope) - "Peleng-800". This model had a 250 W halogen lamp and an enlightened 1: 1.8 lens thanks to which the luminous flux reached 800 lumens! This overhead projector allows you to watch slides, biological preparations in a frame, and, unlike its younger counterparts, you can view filmstrips on it, moreover, you can control it from the remote control. The filmstrip is shown exactly, because the film is placed between the glasses and is illuminated with a lamp and a two-lens condenser. A special drive of the tape drive allows you to control the display of the filmstrip both in manual mode and using the control panel (in the forward and reverse direction) or from the tape recorder (in the forward direction). This is a professional HiEnd class overhead projector.

This model is a high class device. Designed for slideshows both in automatic mode with different shutter speeds (show time), and using the remote control. It also provides for work with soundtrack from a tape recorder with automatic frame change. Cassette type "Svityaz" for 36 frames. By special order, the device is produced with a programming device in the form of a typesetting field on a cassette (for programming the time of showing each slide). The focal length of the lens is 75 mm. Light source projection lamp K 220-300-2 (300 W). The device was produced in the 1970s.

Another universal device with several modifications and configurations. The figure shows a modification with a transformer and a voltage switch on the lamp (K12-90) for 12V and 13V. By completeness: could show either slides, or filmstrips, or both. There were produced two types of slide adapters: one slide (inconvenient) and 2 slides (similar to "F75"). The main advantage is the brightest devices without forced cooling. Lens 78 mm with a relative aperture of 2.8. 90 W lamp. Luminous flux about 100lm. (140 declared, I think this is at 13 volts). The general disadvantages of overhead projectors such as "Light" and "Screen" include: 1 - significant heating due to the high power of the lamps. 2 - comparatively inconvenient loading of a filmstrip into a cassette. However, the filmstrip in such a cassette is practically not scratched. 3 - extraneous lighting of the room.

This is a transformerless model. It uses a 220V 100W projection lamp. More modern design, light weight and dimensions, high luminous flux of 100 lm and quiet operation - these are the characteristic features of this model. In addition, a replaceable frame appears in the cassette for filmstrips for a standard 24 × 36 frame, which allows you to view negatives, uncut slides, and even use the device as a magnifier for taking large photographs. At the same time, DF-3T overhead projectors were produced - with a transformer and a 12V 90W lamp. The price of the overhead projector was 30 rubles, complete with such a cassette and a single adapter for slides.

19. Overhead projector (filmoscope) - "Light DM-4". This is also a transformerless model. It also uses a 220V 100W cinema projection lamp. Overhead projectors DF-4T were produced similarly - with a transformer and a 12V 90W lamp. An improved model of a projector, but mainly in the design area. It cost 35 rubles already. Indeed, the overhead projector is pleasant to hold in hand, the body seems expensive, opens easily and smoothly, the lens also looks more solid, but has the same technical characteristics as the previous models.

This model was produced in the same way as the "Peleng" in Belarus. The Svityaz model has a diam shop of a different design than the Peleng overhead projectors and is designed not for 50, but only for 36 frames (slides). Unlike the Svityaz model, the Svityaz-M overhead projectors have an adapter for showing film strips. By the way, it is quite convenient, it does not require fixing the beginning of the filmstrip under a spring, as in the “Bearing” adapters. The filmstrip itself is wound into a special container with springs, which is then removed from the adapter to extract the filmstrip. The slides are shown manually using a pusher, while the cassette (diamazine) moves automatically. There is a switch for moving the diamagazine back and forth. The remote control is not provided. The Svityaz overhead projector also uses the KGM 24-150 lamp. Focusing is done by rotating the knob. The device cost 80 rubles.

The Skazka filmoscope was produced in the city of Azov. A distinctive feature of this model is the absence of a removable adapter for filmstrips. It charges the film directly into the filmoscope. He is often touted on the forums. Indeed, charging the filmoscope is very simple, as long as the film does not warp. However, in this filmoscope it is very difficult to align the lamp, because the lens guides are removable with the plastic housing. Its price became 14 rubles 50 kopecks.

This is also a transformerless filmoscope model. It also uses a 220V 100W cinema projection lamp. Overhead projectors DF-4T were produced similarly - with a transformer and a 12V 90W lamp. An improved model of a projector, but mainly in the design area. It cost 35 rubles already. Indeed, the overhead projector is pleasant to hold in hand, the body seems expensive, it opens easily and smoothly, the lens also looks more solid, but has the same technical characteristics as the previous models.

Model manufacturer - NPO Analitpribor, Kiev. The body is metal, the dimensions are small. A6 21 lamp is used as standard. The focal length of the lens is 62.4 mm. The cost of this filmoscope was 8 rubles.

The body is plastic, made in the form of a gun. A distinctive feature of the F-7 filmoscope is the absence of a removable adapter for filmstrips, the film is loaded directly into the filmscope. A6 21 lamp is used as standard. The focal length of the objective is 62.4 mm. The cost of the device was 10 rubles. By the way, I had just such a filmoscope, green. The neighbor was also the same, only blue.

The body is plastic. A distinctive feature of the F-9 filmoscope is the absence of a removable adapter for filmstrips; the film is loaded directly into the filmscope, as in the F-7 model. A6 21 lamp is used as standard. The focal length of the lens is 65 mm. The cost of the apparatus was 10 rubles.

This filmoscope was produced in Minsk. It worked from a 220V network. Popularly, this model, for its appearance, is usually called "Tanchik". Easy to use. The body is metal, the dimensions are small, the price for it was low.

This model is executed in a metal case, and was produced at the Zagorsk school instrumentation plant. It has a very convenient filmstrip loading - the filmstrip adapter has guides before engaging with the rubber drive rollers. The focal length of the objective is 77 mm, coated glass, aperture ratio of 1: 4.8. The lamp A6 21 is used as standard, but it is better to replace it with K6-30-1, which is quite acceptable. Also, various modifications of this filmoscope were produced: different in size (reduced model), without a switch in front, different in appearance of the case. The overhead projector cost only 10 rubles. 85 kopecks

This model was produced in Zagorsk (now Sergiev Posad). The main difference from all the previous ones is its versatility. The overhead projector allows you to view both filmstrips and slides. Besides, the body of the device is metal and hard. The workmanship is beyond praise, all parts fit well, the lens sits rigidly in the frame. Filmstrips are shown smoothly, the filmstrip scroll knob is double-sided, very comfortable and does not get loose. The slide adapter is designed for two slides: during the demonstration of one frame, you have the opportunity to insert the next slide into it. Works great with cardboard slide frames. Its disadvantage can be attributed only to broaching the film under the bottom of the device. It cost 13 rubles.

This filmoscope was produced in Zagorsk, at the School Instrument-Making Plant. It worked from a network of 120, 220 V. or from batteries 6-8 V. All parts and assemblies of the filmoscope are mounted on a metal base. The lighting chamber with a hinged lid contains: a light source (6V car lamp) and a mirror reflector. A three-lens condenser and a “Periscope” lens with a focal length of 77 mm are mounted in the body. For ease of carrying and storage, the device is placed in an easily removable wooden case with a carrying handle. This model is considered antique and is in good condition.

Filmoscope "FD-2", in contrast to many other models, has a pleasant design, a normal light flux for a well-darkened room and works silently, therefore, it has gained universal respect. The main disadvantages are: the lack of the ability to show slides and film pulling under the bottom of the device, which contributes to additional wear on the filmstrip. Cost 9 rubles. 50 kopecks

This model is a modified version of the FD-2 filmoscope. The body has become less angular, the cooling holes are round, and the lens is exactly the same. Common disadvantages include also plastic objective lenses, which is typical for inexpensive filmoscopes of the FD-2, Zarnitsa, Znayka line, etc. Its cost was 12 rubles.

34. Overhead projector (filmoscope) - "FD-3". The model is similar to the previous "FD-2", only made in a metal case.

Very compact, neat overhead projector, similar to "Light". It uses the same 220V 100W projection lamp. However, the overhead projector has a one-piece, non-folding body. Instead of legs, the tilt angle is adjusted by the sole. At the bottom there is a place to wind up the electrical cord. The price was 25 rubles. By the way, "folding" models were also produced.

The three main units of the device - a projector, an attachment screen and a slide attachment interact with each other and with an additional device (a film attachment). This allows you to project filmstrips and slides both on the built-in translucent screen (25x25 cm) and on a conventional reflective screen. When working with a diaper attachment, standard diamagazines for 50 frames are used. Two shops are included. Change of slides is made by reciprocating movement of the pusher (manually). The overhead projector Screen-3 has forced cooling.

This model is designed for viewing filmstrips and slides on a built-in translucent or reflective screen. The attachment screen is a protective casing with a handle that secures the projector for transport and storage. The size of the built-in screen is 14 × 14 cm. The device has a power button on the case. The design of the overhead projector allows you to rotate the film attachment by 90 °, which is convenient when alternating horizontal and vertical frames on the film. Standard spare lamps K220-100. One is included. The price of the overhead projector was as much as 65 rubles!

One of the cheapest filmoscopes produced. Its price was only 5 rubles. 70 kopecks. To reduce the cost of the model, the manufacturers designed it in a small, simple case, and also left it without a mirror behind the bulb for a directed light flux. There are also no legs on the body. The lamp was used automobile for 12V, power - 15W.

The Etude overhead projector was produced by the Kharkov Machine-Building Plant named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. This model is very similar to Light, it uses the same 220V 100W cinema projection lamp. However, it fundamentally differs from the "Light" overhead projectors by the attachment for viewing filmstrips. It is more convenient and easier to load the film into, although it was not included in the kit, and it had to be bought separately, for 1p. 40 kopecks. In addition, there is a 3/8 ”tripod thread on the bottom of the overhead projector, which allows you to mount the overhead projector on a regular tripod. The model is very compact and neat. The price was 20 rubles.

Several filmstrips

- Fables of grandfather Krylov (1986) - download ;
- War of the Crocodiles (1985) - download ;
- Ludwig fourteenth (1988) - download ;
- Moidodyr (1988) - download ;
- Three Little Pigs (1988) - download .

Well, that's all for today. I hope each of you, dear reader, found something to your liking.

See you soon on the pages "GOOD IS!"

If you suddenly forgot what the old Soviet overhead projectors looked like, then we will remind you: they were often bulky and heavy devices in a metal, often not very attractive case. The Regio overhead projector replaced these outdated models. It not only has a beautiful modern design, but also various adjustments that make it easier and more convenient to use. The ability to focus, a mechanism for scrolling the film with adjusting its position, a foot for adjusting the angle of the overhead projector - all this will help you quickly prepare the device for work and use it with complete comfort.

Another nice feature of Regio is that you can even watch old films that have survived from your childhood on it. If they remain in a normal state, then you have every chance to immerse yourself in nostalgic memories. And, of course, it is worth highlighting the high-quality assembly of the device. Despite the fact that the body is mainly made of plastic, with a careful attitude, this overhead projector can serve for more than one year, delighting the next generations with old and kind fairy tales.

If your child loves to throw toys around and is not happy with the need for cleaning, get a bright and funny toy box and he will look at the process of placing toys in places from the other side.

Firefly 123-SV-011215-00F

More than just a toy

The bright and colorful body of the Firefly overhead projector will undoubtedly appeal to the smallest children. And when a child sees how he projects various pictures on the wall, there will be no limit to his amazement.

The control of this filmoscope is so simple that a child can figure it out without any problems. The film is very easy to load into the groove, there is a ribbed wheel nearby for scrolling, the sharpness of the image is also adjusted without any problems. Most importantly, the device is absolutely safe. It works not from the mains, but from 4 batteries, so that the child will not have any contact with the outlet. This autonomy allows you to take the Firefly with you wherever you go: to nature, to a summer cottage, to a kindergarten, etc. And to make it comfortable to carry on your shoulder - a strap is provided for it.

The filmoscope is designed to display filmstrips from standard 35mm film, so if you have fairy tales from your childhood, you can also watch them. And finally, a few words about the operation of the device. In order for it to last as long as possible, it is not recommended to use it for more than one hour in a row.

Another entertaining leisure activity that your kid will love is puzzles for kids. They are simpler than adults, more colorful and often made of interesting materials.

Firefly 123-SV-230514-00PM

Talking Firefly

The sound projector "Firefly", as you might guess, not only shows your favorite fairy tale on the screen, but also tells it. This makes watching filmstrips even more exciting not only for your child, but also for yourself, as such filmoscopes were never imagined before. The filmstrips themselves are played not from ordinary tapes, but from special cartridges equipped with a sound chip. By the way, the cartridges are made by the same manufacturer and at the moment there are already a lot of them, so there will be no problems with their purchase and choice.

If you suddenly want to read a fairy tale to your child yourself, there is no problem. The overhead projector provides three operating modes: automatic, when the device itself changes frames and reads the text; manual when you only switch frames; manual without sound when you change frames and read.

According to many parents, their children are fascinated by the fact that the image can even be displayed on the ceiling. In general, the range of the tilt angle in Firefly is very large. And the most important thing about this overhead projector is that it is very easy to learn. You will not even notice how your child can use it independently and not without interest. After he gets used to this simple mechanism, pay attention to interactive toys - they will definitely appeal to an active baby.

Umka FDE005-R

Universal toy

Not many toys can capture a child's attention for a long time. But there are times when you need to cook food or do the cleaning, and the baby persistently does not want to let you go. In such cases, the Umka children's cinema projector will come to your aid.

This filmoscope is good because it will not only show a fairy tale to the child, but also tell it, giving you the opportunity to go about your business at this time. The set of the device includes 4 discs with the most beloved and familiar fairy tales: "Ryaba Chicken", "Kolobok", "Three Bears" and "Turnip". Also, so that the child can get acquainted with the world of animals as quickly as possible, two discs with their images are attached. For a toddler, using the projector will be like a fun game, but at the same time, he will develop attention, fine motor skills and memory.

Controlling the filmoscope is extremely simple, and the child will master it in no time. It turns on with just one button, and the discs are easily inserted into a special hole. To change the picture, the slide must be scrolled. What is also important, the device works on batteries and the child will not have any contact with electricity.

Included with the flashlight are three removable discs with different stories about your favorite characters, among which there are “Masha and the Paints”, “Rock Concert” and “Vitamin of Growth”. Each disc consists of eight frames. The child immediately recognizes familiar pictures, since these stories are based on the original series about Masha and the Bear. Therefore, if you do not already know what kind of toy could surprise a kid in our age of tablets and smartphones, try the Photon Mulfonar. Believe me, you yourself will be surprised how much he likes it.

When the child grows up a little, captivate him with board games - they not only develop memory and logical thinking, but also bring family members closer.