What is the frequency of requests. Yandex, Google and Rambler search query statistics, how and why to work with Wordstat Query frequency Yandex filter

Hello dear readers!

There was an idea to combine all the articles related to the topic of the frequency of search queries. And here I am in a hurry to implement it.

Today we will talk about the analysis of the frequency of search queries, combining all the knowledge accumulated in the previous texts.

Request frequency

First of all, let's decide again how we will group requests. It is no longer a secret to anyone that low-frequency (LF), mid-frequency (MF) and high-frequency (HF) stand out. But how do you determine which group a request belongs to? Previously, I suggested this scheme:

  • LF - up to 700 requests per month;
  • MF - up to 2000 requests per month;
  • HF - all the rest.

This scheme is still valid, but it is applicable for SEO topics.

In reality, most SEOs are guided by the following scheme:

  • up to 1000 - low-frequency;
  • 1 - 10 thousand - mid-range;
  • over 10 thousand - high-frequency.

This formula is also true, but it is considered general. If you work in competitive topics, where it is extremely difficult to break into the TOP of search engines, then these numbers are reduced.

Now you understand that it is better to determine the frequency depending on what subject your resource belongs to.

LF, MF and HF

I think it is not necessary to describe in detail each type of request, its features and nuances. All this has already been covered in sufficient detail in previous articles, you just need to read them:

This topic has also been repeatedly raised in previous articles (for example, in the article), but, as they say, repetition is the mother of learning.

So, there are three services that are suitable for analyzing the frequency of requests:

  • Google Adwords
  • Rambler.Adstat

The most accurate is Yandex.Wordstat, because. it covers more than 50% of the Russian-speaking audience (through the search engines Yandex, Mail, etc.), respectively, and the numbers here are the closest to the truth.

In second place is Adwords from Google. The coverage area of ​​the Runet is about 30%, so the accuracy of determining requests is lower here. But still, this service should not be discounted.

Worst of all determines the frequency of requests Rambler.Adstat, whose statistics cover about 10% of the Russian Internet. Read about Google.Adwords and Rambler.Adstat in the article "". Let's talk about wordstat in more detail.


You can access this service by following this link.

By entering a search query, you will get a picture of its frequency. Don't forget to use wordstat operators:

  • If a request is entered in the window (pvc windows), then it will be calculated how many times this request was typed in Yandex (pvc windows, the cost of pvc windows, buy pvc windows, pvc windows in Moscow, etc.)
  • If the query is entered in quotation marks (“pvc windows”), then it will be calculated how many times this query and its word forms were used (pvc windows, pvc windows, pvc windows, pvc windows, etc.)
  • If you enter the query in quotation marks and with exclamation mark before each word ("! windows! pvc"), it will be calculated how many times this particular query was entered.

Therefore, if you need to know the exact number of requests, then use quotes and exclamation marks.

When determining the frequency, do not forget that a low-frequency request is not always low competitive, and a high-frequency request is not always highly competitive. Therefore, be careful, try to determine both the frequency and the competitiveness of the request.

In articles about website promotion, we often recommend the Yandex.Wordstat service. This is a simple, convenient and (importantly!) free resource that is very popular with Internet marketers and SEOs. Today we will analyze Yandex.Wordstat for parts.

Why do you need Yandex.Wordstat?

Yandex.Wordstat is required to track search query statistics in the Yandex system. Based on these statistics, you can:

  • develop a semantic core for the site ();
  • choose anchors for links;
  • predict traffic to the site (how exactly -);
  • prepare an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct;
  • find out the seasonality of demand.

What does Yandex.Wordstat show?

    The total number of queries containing the desired phrase.

    Requests for refined phrases that include the one you are interested in.

    Other queries that were also entered by users who were interested in this phrase.

    Yandex.Wordstat allows you to view general statistics (for all types of devices), as well as selective statistics for desktop devices (this includes desktop computers and laptops), mobile devices (phones and tablets), phones only, and tablets only.

    The mobile-only request rate feature allows you to predict mobile traffic to the site and helps in making decisions about adapting the site. Although "mobilization" is a steady trend of recent years, so in any case it is worth thinking about how to adapt the site for mobile devices.

    Display statistics in selected regions.

    If you sell bicycles in Tomsk, you are unlikely to be interested in statistics for all of Russia. Just find the region you are interested in and click on the "select" button:

    If you are interested in several cities at once, you can see the general summary by region by selecting the appropriate search:

    Here the data is presented in actual and percentage terms. Percentage values ​​show regional popularity: values ​​above 100% indicate that the interest in the query in the region is above the average for Russia, and vice versa, values ​​below 100% indicate reduced demand.

    Information helps to make strategic decisions about entering new markets.

    Thus, for a large bicycle seller, entering Yekaterinburg (107%) will probably be more interesting than entering the Novosibirsk market (74%), although the population of Novosibirsk is 125,000 more.

    BUT! To make such an important decision, one must also look at other indicators (competition, average income of the population, etc.).

    Request history and seasonal fluctuations.

    If you want to see how query statistics have changed over time, search for "query history". Select the type of detail (by months or weeks) and set the region (if you are interested, statistics in a particular region).

    The example shows that the query "bike" has a pronounced seasonal demand. Which, in general, is logical, given the climatic conditions of our country.

What does absolute and relative mean?

Please note that statistics readings are presented in 2 graphs: absolute and relative. Let's try to figure it out.

Absolute indicator- this is the actual value of impressions in different periods of time.

For example, in June 2018, users requested phrases containing the word “bike” 5,909,651 times, and in August 2018 there were 4,152,377 such requests.

Relative indicator is the ratio of impressions for the keyword of interest to the total number of impressions in the network. It demonstrates the popularity of the request among all others.

Both graphs should go exactly, repeating each other (in the example, this is how it is).

If the graphs diverge sharply, this may mean that something is wrong with the request. It is possible that the request is being automatically boosted or, despite the general seasonal decline, interest in the request is above the norm (if the schedule relative value higher than absolute). Or vice versa - demand should have been higher, but it is lower than expected values ​​(if the schedule relative below absolute).

Operators Yandex.Wordstat

All of the above examples show statistics for a wide range of queries. That is, when we request statistics from Wordstat for the query “bike” and see the number 6,887,204, this does not mean at all that users have searched for the word “bike” so many times. The statistic shows the sum of different queries that include this word, including "buy a bike", "bike price", etc.

You can refine query statistics using various operators.

    Operator "" (quotes)

    This operator refines the statistics specifically for the word/phrase of interest (without "tails" - additional words).

    Feel the difference? 85 thousand requests, this is no longer 6.8 million.

    And how many times was the phrase “buy a tricycle” requested?

    1045 times. In this case, all word forms are considered, such as “buy tricycles”, “buy a tricycle”, etc.

    Such an operator helps in developing the correct semantic core of the site.

    Operator! (Exclamation point)

    This operator allows you to fix the form of the word (number, case, time).

    For example, if you want to know the frequency of the request "buy a ticket to Moscow", and not "buy a ticket to Moscow", you will find it very useful given operator.

    Another example is how to use the ! helps to weed out unnecessary requests.

    Use this operator when looking for link anchors.

    Operator + (plus)

    Yandex.Wordstat does not count prepositions and conjunctions in statistics by default (they are considered stop words). Sometimes it is very important to consider these parts of speech, as otherwise the meaning will change. Compare what Wordstat shows when you enter the request "recording at the studio" just like that, and using the "plus" operator:

    Operator - (minus)

    This operator does the opposite - it excludes unwanted "tails" (words) from the statistics.

    For example, if an online store sells only luxury furniture, then all information on requests related to inexpensive furniture will only interfere. They can be removed using the minus operator.

    If we just looked at the statistics for the word “buy furniture”, we would see 439,013 requests, and excluding the “tails” that are not interesting to us, we would get other data. And again, in this case, we make it easier for ourselves to further work with refined queries.

    This operator helps to narrow down the number of viewed keywords, for example, when compiling the semantic core of the site.

    . Operator (|) - parentheses and pipe

    In order not to enter similar queries one by one, we use the "brute force" operator.

    For example, we are interested in queries such as "buy a folding bike", "buy a sports bike", "buy a mountain bike", etc. depending on the assortment of the store. You can search for statistics for all these requests one by one, or you can search all at once

    This operator helps in the development of the semantic core, significantly saving time on the selection of queries.

    * Multiple identical words in a query

    When using the operator "" (quotation marks), the repetition of the same word / preposition / number is perceived by Wordstat as any word from the output of Wordstat for the specified keyword length. That is, if there are 3 words in quotes, 2 of which are repeated, then Wordstat shows statistics on phrases of 3 words that include 2 specified + 1 any other.

    If we enter the query “buy a bike bike bike bike” (5 words in quotation marks), we will get statistics on queries like “buy a bike in Moscow cheap”, “buy a bike in Moscow on sale”, etc.

    This point must be taken into account when working with queries that include repetitions. For example, statistics for queries like "film about movies", "1 + 1" will be distorted.

    If you need statistics on such repeated requests, use the "!" operator.

Disadvantages of Wordstat statements

Yandex.Wordstat operators are a handy thing. They allow you to get accurate data on a large number of requests in a short time. But even they have flaws.

First, some operators cannot be combined with each other. So, for example, it is impossible to use the operators "" and (|) at the same time, but we would like to. However, use the operators "" and! at the same time you can:

Secondly, the operators do not work when viewing the request history. Therefore, we can view history and seasonality only at the request of a wide range.

Common mistakes when working with Yandex.Wordstat

    Working with wide range keys

    If the user does not know how to use service operators, then he often receives erroneous data and wastes his time on dummy requests.

    When developing a semantic core and searching for anchors for link promotion, be sure to use the operators "" and / or "!".

    Region selection

    If you plan to promote your site in one specific region, but do not specify the region when viewing statistics, you will get erroneous forecasts.

    Ignoring seasonal demand

    If the site owner orders promotion from specialists, then dishonest optimizers can deceive him, especially if the promotion is not based on positions, but on traffic (we wrote about the difference between these 2 methods). After all, traffic can grow naturally.

    Or, on the contrary, the keywords are chosen correctly, and the promotion tactics are chosen correctly, but the decrease in seasonal demand is not taken into account - the result is not impressive, after which a decision is made to change course.

If all of the above is tiring for you, then contact us, we will help. When working with keys and anchors in the "Business" tariffs and when writing texts, as well as with complex promotion, we take into account the operator "" (quotes) and be sure to look at the region in which the site operates.

Before you do something on the Internet: create a website, set up an advertising campaign, write an article or a book, you need to look at what people are generally looking for, what they are interested in, what they enter in the search bar.

Search queries (key phrases and words) are most often collected in two cases:

  • Before creating a site. In this case, you need to collect as many keywords as possible to cover your entire area. After collection, search queries are analyzed and based on this, a decision is made on the structure of the site.
  • For settings contextual advertising. Not everyone chooses for advertising, but only words that can be used to determine interest in a product or service, preferably an active interest expressed by the words “buy”, “price”, “order”, etc.

If you are going to set up contextual advertising, then .

And below we will look at how to collect search query statistics in popular search engines, as well as small secrets on how to do it better.

Let me just add that I myself use paid services, because for free you can collect the amount of data that I usually need to promote and set up ads for a very long time. But when you need to quickly look at the request, then these methods will do.

How to view Yandex query statistics

The Yandex search engine has special service"Selecting words", located at http://wordstat.yandex.ru/. Using it is very simple: we enter any words and usually, in addition to statistics on these words, we also see what we were looking for along with these words.

It is very important to understand that statistics are more short requests, includes statistics for all detailed queries with those words. For example, in the screenshot, the query "query statistics" includes query "Yandex query statistics" and all other queries below.

The right column displays the queries that were searched by people who searched for the query you entered. Where does this information come from? These are requests that were entered before or immediately after your request.

To see the exact number of requests for a phrase, you must enter it in quotation marks "phrase". So, specifically, the query "query statistics" was searched 5047 times.

How to view Google search statistics

Recently, the Google Trends tool has become available for Russia, it is located at http://www.google.com/trends/. It displays popular in Lately search queries. You can enter any of your query to evaluate its popularity.

In addition to query frequency, Google will show popularity by region and related queries.

Second way to see the frequency of Google search queries is to use the service for advertisers adwords.google.ru. To do this, you need to register as an advertiser. In the "tools" menu, select "Keyword Planner" and then "Get query statistics".

In the scheduler, in addition to statistics, you will find out the level of advertiser competition for this request and even the approximate cost per click, if you decide to also advertise. By the way, the cost is usually too high.

Mail.ru search query statistics

Mail.ru has updated the tool that shows search query statistics http://webmaster.mail.ru/querystat . The main feature of the service is the distribution of requests by gender and age.

It can be assumed that the Yandex word search service also takes into account queries from Mail, because V this moment Mail.ru search engine shows Yandex ads, and the service is mainly designed for advertisers. And earlier, by the way, Google ads were shown in Mail.ru.

In addition, you can use this trick. The approximate distribution of the audience between search engines is as follows: Yandex - 60%, Google - 30%, Mail - 10%. Of course, depending on the audience, the ratio may vary. (For example, programmers may prefer Google.)

Then you can see the statistics in Yandex and divide by 6. We get the approximate number of search queries in Mail.ru

By the way, the exact distribution of the audience between search engines for February 2014 can be seen in the screenshot below:

Rambler query statistics

From the graph above, you can already see that the Rambler search engine covers only 1% of the Internet audience. But nevertheless, they have their own keyword statistics service. It is located at: http://adstat.rambler.ru/wrds/

The principle is the same as in other services.

The Bing search engine is used even less by our compatriots. And to see keyword statistics, you will have to register as an advertiser and understand the instructions in English.

You can do this at bingads.microsoft.com, and query statistics can be viewed at the stage of creating an advertising company:

Yahoo query statistics

In this system, as in the previous one, you need to register as an advertiser. See search query statistics here http://advertising.yahoo.com/

How to view Youtube search terms

Youtube also has its own search query statistics, which is called "Keyword Tool". It is mainly intended for advertisers, but you can use it to add relevant keywords to your video.

And it looks something like this:


We have reviewed all the popular systems for selecting search queries. I hope this review will be useful to you for writing articles, creating websites or setting up advertising. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments.

This article is intended for beginners in SEO, as well as site owners who have chosen keywords for promotion, but do not know if these are frequent queries.

So, let's begin.

Request frequency- this is the number of queries or phrases typed by the user in the search engine in a certain period of time. Methods for determining the frequency of a query in search engines are different. In this article, we will look at the frequency of queries in the most popular search engines - Google and Yandex.

From this article, we will learn the following:

1. How to determine the frequency of queries in Yandex

1.1. Word selection service in Yandex

To determine the frequency of queries in Yandex, there is a simple and convenient "Word Selection Service in Yandex" or, as it is also called, Yandex Wordstat.

By driving a query into the selection line, we get the following picture:

It is noteworthy that now we see the overall picture by impressions per month, but you can see the request frequency separately by type of device (tablets, Cell phones, computers) from which users searched for the query.

So, we see that 269,733 of the total impressions were on phones.

1.2. Types of frequency in Yandex

So, we learned that the query [plastic windows] had 1,006,660 impressions per month - this will be the base frequency of the query.

In total, Yandex Wordstat distinguishes three types of frequency:

  1. base frequency- indicates the number of impressions for all queries with the desired key query. In our case, this is the request [plastic windows]. When collecting the base frequency for this query, all possible word forms were taken into account, as well as query options [buy plastic windows], [prices for plastic windows], etc.
  2. Phrase frequency- to define it, you need to take the query in quotation marks. This will allow us to find out the frequency of the request for the phrase of interest to us.

As you can see from the screenshot, the phrase frequency is much lower than the base frequency, since word forms, cases, different endings can be taken into account in the phrase frequency, but additional words are ignored (for example, the request [buy plastic windows] is not taken into account when collecting phrase frequency).

  1. Accurate frequency- to define it, you need to put the query in quotation marks and put an exclamation mark before each word in the query.

In this form, we will find out the number of impressions per month specifically for this request.

1.3. Geodependence

In addition to the different request frequency, we can find out the request frequency in different regions. To do this, instead of the “By words” item, check the “By regions” item.

The screenshot shows the total number of requests, as well as their number specifically by region. For example, in the Moscow region there are 13,847 impressions, the regional popularity is 206%.

What is regional popularity? Yandex answer:

"Regional popularity" is the share that a region occupies in impressions for a given word, divided by the share of all search results impressions that fell on that region. The popularity of a word/phrase equal to 100% means that this word is not highlighted in this region. If the popularity is more than 100%, this means that in this region there is an increased interest in this word, if it is less than 100%, it means a lower one. For fans of statistics, we can notice that regional popularity is an affinity index.

You can also set the region when collecting the frequency. By default, the fee for all regions is set.

Choose a region.

Thus, when searching for the exact frequency of a query for a specific region, you can find out how many people are looking for the query you are interested in in the specified region.

1.4. How to determine the seasonality of a query

Yandex Wordstat has another function of interest to us. To use it, you need to check the item "History of requests".

Thus, we see what was the frequency of the request by month in different periods. Using this information, you can roughly predict the fall / rise in traffic on the site.

1.5. Plugins for ease of use of the service

The Wordstat service is useful, but not very convenient, so in order to make my life easier, when working with it, I use the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin.

This is how it looks in the Wordstat window:

The first thing that catches your eye is the pros about requests. By clicking on them, we add requests to the column on the left:

This is very handy, since you usually need to highlight each request and its frequency in order to copy it. Moreover, you can safely switch to other queries, and the list of queries added to the column will be saved.

Also, this plugin allows you to sort requests directly in the column by frequency or alphabetically, and then copy these requests with frequency to the document you need. I recommend using the plugin Chrome browser, since there are more fresh version which is constantly updated. There is also a plugin for FireFox, but it has not been updated since April 2015, so not all functions work correctly.

2. How to determine the frequency of queries in Google?

If everything is relatively simple with Yandex, then it will be more difficult to find out the frequency of a request in Google. Google does not have a service like Yandex Wordstat, so you have to use the Google AdWords contextual advertising service. You will need to register for it. After registration, a panel will appear in front of you.

Open the "Tools" menu tab and in the drop-down menu find "Keyword Planner".

This will open the scheduler page. On this page, you need to select "Get query and trend statistics". There, type in the request you are interested in and indicate the region.

Click on the "Find out the number of requests" button. You will get this result:

Due to AdWords limitations per query, the average number of queries per month ranges from 1,000 to 10,000. To get more detailed information, you need to create and run a campaign.

With a paid campaign running, the query frequency will look like this:

3. Programmatic collection of request rate

The methods for manually collecting request rates have been described above. At in large numbers It is very inconvenient to collect requests manually, so I use special programs.

3.1. Program "Slovoob"

After setting up the program, you need to run it and, just as in the case of Slovoeb, add queries, specify the Region and click on Yandex. Direct".

Key Collector, unlike Slovoeb, parses data using Yandex. Direct, which greatly speeds up the parsing process. Click "Get data" and get the result:

The program allows you to collect frequency for Google using Google AdWords. To do this, you need to configure it. The settings can be viewed on the official Key Collector website. Then you will need to click on the button "Collect Google statistics. Adwords", which is located next to the "Yandex.Direct statistics collection" button.

4. Online request rate collection

Sometimes there are situations when your favorite instrument is not at hand, but you need to collect the frequency. In this case, you can use online services to collect the frequency. I will consider 2 services that I use myself. One will be under Yandex, the other - under Google.

4.1. Online frequency collection tool from SeoLib for Yandex

All you need to do is open the "Keyword Research" tab and copy to the request form or attach separate file list of queries. After that, you need to select the required frequency and region, if necessary, specify Extra options. Then click on "Start Analysis".

In the form, you need to add keywords separated by commas and specify the region near the "Belt" button.


Go to the "Metrics" tab:


Work with Yandex:

  1. If there are several requests, you can view them manually through Yandex Wordstat. In this case, I strongly recommend installing the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin - it greatly simplifies the process;
  2. If you have a list of queries and need a quick one-time check, use SeoLib's "Keyword Picker" online tool;
  3. If you are constantly working with requests, I recommend buying Key Collector. Slovoeb, although free, parses too slowly, and the time you save on parsing queries in Key Collector will more than recoup the costs. "Slovoeb" can be used if you work with a small list of queries and use it infrequently. I myself used it when I started working in SEO, but when I bought the Key Collector, I regretted that I had not bought it earlier.

Work with Google:

  1. If there are several requests, use Google AdWords;
  2. If you have a list of requests, it will be more convenient to use the Ahrefs online service or set up a Key Collector.

I have listed the services that I myself use to collect the frequency of requests. Perhaps you use other services? Then indicate them in the comments, I will be glad to get acquainted with them!

That's all for now, I wish you good positions on frequency queries!

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The search query is the query that the user enters into the search:

The frequency is largely due to the subject and business area, as well as the region, seasonality and search engine.

You can check the frequency using Yandex.Wordstat.

Types of search queries by their frequency

  • How to choose low-frequency queries? Take everything that Wordstat shows, up to 1 show per month. The more low frequencies at the start of work, the more traffic there will be.
  • How to promote low-frequency queries? These are the simplest and most undemanding queries, they do not need to be backed up with links - you just need to create relevant content: write articles, news, product cards that will most meaningfully and accurately answer the user's question.
  • Traffic for such requests will start to grow immediately, but perhaps slowly: the requests are low-competitive, the results may not be impressive at first, but the more such requests are introduced to the site, the higher its traffic will be in the end.

There are highly competitive low-frequency requests, but rarely - mainly in narrow commercial niches with high competition. That is, there are very few people who enter such requests, it will not be easy to bring the site to the top, but if a user comes to your site, then most likely he will become a buyer.

Mid-frequency requests, their concept and features

Mid-frequency queries - how much? Mids are a little more popular than lows. Mid-frequency and low-frequency queries are the basis of website promotion, because there are the most of them. Using both groups of requests, you can achieve optimal attendance at a low investment.

It is more difficult to promote a site on commercial midrange than on informational ones, and this must be taken into account: commercial requests are selling, and the competition for them is higher. For mid-frequency requests, the number of offers corresponds to the level of demand: there are really a lot of sites that are promoted mainly by mid-range. For example, on the Internet, more than one company offers "buy cheap plastic windows", so be prepared that work on the site in this case may take a lot of time.

High-frequency queries, their concept and features

What queries are considered high frequency? Those that users enter in the search most often - more than 1000 times a month, for example:

High-frequency queries are an arbitrarily wide variety and total number of options: there are not only informational and commercial, but also brand queries, which receive very large traffic. But such queries are extremely competitive, so the most high frequency requests- the most expensive in all respects.

Another disadvantage of high-frequency queries in Yandex and Google is not the highest conversion: it is not clear what the user wants by typing in search string request "laptop screen". He needs care information, addresses of workshops where he can be repaired or replaced, or some specifications? And the content of the page may not be what he is looking for at all.

  • How to determine a high-frequency request or not? Use the same Yandex.Wordstat.
  • How to promote high-frequency queries? Long and expensive. To get to the top search results, you will have to work long and hard on the site, impressively investing, including financially. It should be borne in mind that, in particular, the most high-frequency queries (Yandex or Google - it doesn’t matter) are a huge audience flow, including non-target ones, and extremely high competition.

What queries are best to choose for promotion?

What requests - low-frequency, mid- or high-frequency - to collect for search engine optimization your internet site? Ideal queries for promotion are low-frequency and highly competitive, but this is rarely a dream come true for the optimizer and the client. Therefore, which queries are better to choose for your site depends on the site itself.

If SEO has not been done before, the site is not optimized and you are only at the beginning of the journey, then you need to first take on the low frequencies and work on them, gradually connecting the midrange and high frequencies.

If the site is maximally optimized for mids and lows, take on the highs.

According to the optimization vector, you can also select queries for promotion:

  • if the site is developing for demand in a direction or area as a whole, use HF;
  • if you need to attract targeted visitors who are looking for one or more areas of your company's work, use more midrange;
  • if you need high conversion and sales growth, focus on low frequencies.