How to choose words for contextual advertising. How to choose keywords for effective contextual advertising

One of my most unusual mistakes was using a combination of some of the phrases that generated porn traffic to my site.

This led to sad results.

Then I understood what irrelevant traffic is, match types and bases of negative keywords.

After manipulations and work, he reduced them by 2 times while increasing sales.

And as it turned out, a lot depends on the keywords.

Keyword Research

5 segments of a complete analysis.

The two-word rule: the secret to success.

TOP tools for collecting keys.

A keyword is a query that the user specifies in the search string.
All keywords can be divided into segments that lead to a purchase.

  1. Awareness, for example casio watch.
  2. Interest shown - casio watch specifications.
  3. Studying a product or service − casio watch reviews.
  4. The stage of comparing similar solutions - for example, casio watch prices.
  5. Purchase requests - for example, buy casio watch.

According to this funnel, requests are conditionally divided by “warmth” - from cold to hot.

The division is relative, but it allows you to identify queries that are set by either the target or the relevant audience.

Remember that the first - buy, the second - no.

How to collect the main keywords?

Use simple tips.

Start with the site structure

If the site where your products are located sells Casio watches of different models, you need to take for the main key “ CASIO watch”.

Also choose all the spelling ideas for these words - casio watch.

A store that sells Casio watches will use all synonyms and additional words associated with the brand.

For context, it is also important to study:

  • site analytics (Google or Yandex);
  • search queries in Google and Yandex Webmasters;
  • results of the site's built-in search engine.

Track how and what users search when they visit the site, and what queries they use.

Write out these requests for each page separately.

They will come in handy later on.

Also write down commercially profitable queries that are attractive in your opinion, but do not occupy the TOP-3 search results.

It is for them that you can increase sales by setting up contextual advertising on them.

Choose different word ideas

Remember that only direct keys are not always able to give you a client.

Also, product names of brands or product categories can complement your contextual ad.

For example, you sell garage doors, keywords for this query can be collected by groups of synonyms:

  • sectional doors;
  • rolling gates;
  • garage door;
  • lifting gates;
  • roller shutter.

All these words are used to search for the same type of gate - garage sectional doors.

Or, for example, the same Casio watch:

  • wristwatch;
  • buy casio;
  • watch ji shock;
  • casio ji shock;
  • g shock;
  • casio edifice.

The Yandex Wordstat service can help you collect synonyms - its right column.

Using the method of researching each pair of words, select those that are most relevant to you (that is, correspond to your product and service).

Different variations of keywords should be used for wider reach.

Use the two word rule.

Choose the words so that they are combined with a pair of words.

Then the rest of the words will already be repelled from these phrases.

Analyze competitors

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

The correct selection of Yandex.Direct keywords is the key to successful and profitable advertising that brings high-quality traffic and, as a result, profit. How to choose the right "keys"? What is a "minus phrase"? And what is the difference between manual selection of words and automatic selection? We'll tell you in the article.

How contextual advertising keywords are grouped

A keyword (phrase) is a query by which the system finds the necessary data and shows them in the search results..

Key phrases allow you to briefly describe the activity of the page and bring to the site target customers who will definitely be interested in the advertised objects. All words are grouped according to three criteria:

  • frequency;
  • temperature
  • number of words.

Each of them affects the quality and quantity of traffic, as well as the success of an advertising campaign.


Each search query corresponds to a certain frequency, for example, the key "Dog food" has an indicator of 328,951 views per month. This means that 328,951 users entered this query into the system and searched for something with this phrase. There are keys with fewer impressions, up to one.

So, requests can be divided into three groups according to the number of impressions:

  • low-frequency - from 1 to 500;
  • mid-frequency - from 501 to 2000;
  • high-frequency - from 2001.

As for traffic, the indicators vary depending on the frequency:

  • high-frequency - a large amount of low-quality traffic;
  • mid-frequency - the optimal amount of traffic of good quality. (It is midrange queries that are used by most Yandex.Direct advertisers);
  • low-frequency - a low amount of traffic of the highest quality.


However, it is not worth judging the value of a key based only on the number of requests. There is another factor that indicates the likelihood of a purchase - "temperature".

hot keys. These are words that speak of a high probability of buying. Such requests are accompanied by selling prefixes: “price”, “order”, “buy”, etc.

For example, let's take our query "dog food". It will become hot in the following combinations:

  • dog food cheap;
  • dog food price;
  • buy dog ​​food.

Why does the likelihood of buying food increase? It's simple: following such a request, a person has already set a goal - to buy a product, which means that when he gets to an advertisement with the appropriate key, he will be able to find what he is looking for.

warm keys. These are some indicator words that check a potential client, find out details about him and his preferences. . For instance:

  • dog food in St. Petersburg;
  • where to buy premium dog food;
  • how much does dog food cost.

Here, the person has not yet decided whether to buy food for him or not. However, he is interested, which means that advertising with a similar key will allow you to direct the user and turn the usual interest into a purchase.

The selection of keywords for Yandex.Direct is mainly based on warm queries that provide the advertiser with useful traffic.

cold keys. Simple phrases without target prefixes. These are queries with a low probability of purchase, and it may seem that their use is inappropriate. But it's not. The fact is that such keys have the highest frequency, which means they attract more users who see ads and go to the site.

  • dog food;
  • shepherd food;
  • premium dog food.

Number of words

  • basic queries (a two-word phrase that clearly explains the essence of advertising);
  • nested queries (basic keys, supplemented with qualifying words).

Let's assume that you are selling smartphones, in which case the queries will be considered basic:

  • buy a smartphone;
  • smartphone Voronezh;
  • phone is new, etc.


  • smartphone buy cheap online store;
  • smartphone with a discount Voronezh;
  • iPhone X with delivery in Moscow, etc.

Selection of words for contextual advertising

This is a painstaking procedure that requires maximum concentration on details. One missed request can spoil the entire advertising campaign, but, on the contrary, careful study will allow you to achieve your goals.

Process features:

  1. Search queries must reflect the subject of the ad.
  2. The case of letters and the order of writing words in the key do not matter.
  3. The total maximum number of characters in a request cannot exceed 4096 characters.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to synonyms by which the client can search for the necessary product (For example: food - treats - food, etc.)

Finally, we come to the most interesting part of the article - the description of the selection of words for Yandex.Direct. Conventionally, the process can be divided into manual and automatic. Let's consider each of them.

Manual selection of words Yandex.Direct

Options for selecting search queries without the use of special programs have two undeniable advantages. The first is efficiency, and the second is that you do not have to pay for the selection process itself. Of course, you will need to spend an invaluable resource - time, but the result is worth it.

We will tell you how to quickly type about 100 key phrases for Yandex.Direct using a table. We used Excel.

Action algorithm:

Attention! The location should only be specified if required by the business area. For example, a regional online store or a delivery service.

Now you have a ready-made scheme, by combining the words in which you will get the initial mass of requests.

Another manual way to find words for advertising is to work out basic phrases in the keyword selection service for Yandex.Direct. This is the most common and reliable option that will allow you to receive high-quality traffic.

The algorithm of work in Wordstat:

  1. Go to the site and enter the base key in the selection line.

First of all, you will need a set of keywords that characterizes the essence of advertising as much as possible. For example, the key "dog food" is basic, based on it we will consider the work process.

2. You will see a list of queries that users use in alliance with the given key. Your task is to choose the most suitable phrases in terms of meaning and quality.

We have identified the best requests in our opinion, which will bring profit to the store.

3. Next, you can click on any selected key and you will see a list of "hot" phrases that can be used in advertising. The action must be done for each, in your opinion, high-quality key.

We clicked on the key “buy dog ​​food” and got the following list:

This type of selection of key queries requires a significant amount of time, and when developing queries, it is important to rely on the specifics of the business and the needs of customers.

Automatic word selection

For those who want to save time, and maybe nerves, special programs have been developed - parsers that allow you to quickly and effortlessly select the best keys for an advertising campaign.

The scheme of operation of all services consists in the automatic processing of the basic phrase. Your task is to specify the required request and set the settings, the rest of the process takes place without user intervention.

The most popular key picker is KeyCollector. This is a paid parser, however, its functions ensure the selection of the highest quality key phrases, which can only be selected from the list of proposed ones and included in the advertising text.

Important! If the keywords in the collection intersect, you need to add negative keywords to them. What it is? Let's consider further.

Selection of negative phrases Yandex.Direct

Negative keywordsThese are words that allow you to refine your search and show ads only to targeted consumers.

To better describe the term, here is an example:
You are launching an advertising campaign for an online store selling elite floor tiles. Your target audience is wealthy people who are planning or in the process of renovating. Their need is to buy high-quality, exclusive tiles. They are not interested in the market option that the neighbor has. Your advertising campaign is built on the phrase "buy tiles." And if you do not use negative keywords, then your ad will be seen by the keywords: buy cheap tiles; tiles are inexpensive; chocolate bar; tiles of the third grade. etc.

There are several benefits of negative keywords from this example:

  • reduction of non-targeted transitions. For each transition you will pay, and forgetting to complete the list of stop words, you will have to pay for useless transitions that do not generate income;
  • increase in click-through rate. This will result in a lower CPC.

That is why it is important not to forget about stop words. Consider a few simple options.

With the help of Wordstat

Who is suitable for excluding words using Wordstat:

  • those who have a lot of free time to manually search and enter stop words;
  • those who launch only one advertising campaign.

If the selection of negative keywords is necessary for several keywords at once, the process of working in Wordstat may be delayed.


This is a quick way to select negative keywords, which is done in Yandex.Direct itself. The big advantage of the method is that you don't have to look up the stop words yourself and decline them in your head. The system automatically calculates morphology and provides a complete list of negative keywords.
To get started, you need to create an ad in Yandex.Direct, and then the system will prompt you to refine your search.

You can use the refinement function not only after creating an ad, but also in the "Budget Forecast" section. This is possible if you know at least an approximate set of stop words.In this case, you can more accurately calculate the budget and save on advertising.

For Campaign

Campaign stop words should take into account all ad groups and cut off non-targeted ad clicks.

You are creating a campaign for ceramic mugs, you must exclude metal, wood and earthenware. Even if they are presented in the catalog of your IM.

You can add negative keywords before your ad is presented to users.

In order to study the stop words, go to the "Single list of negative keywords" section.

For a group

This set of phrases will allow you to exclude inappropriate clicks on each specific ad.

You can add stop words in the "Group settings" section.

Or in the group editing functionality, if the stop words were not added before the launch of the advertising campaign.

For a key request

A big advantage of Yandex.Direct is that you can specify the key itself, this function is not available, for example, in Google.

We talked about how to choose the right words for advertising and found out what stop phrases are for. We hope that the information provided will help you create an effective AC and get the maximum profit after the first ad.

When a project has a website, the question immediately arises: how to bring the maximum target audience with the help of contextual advertising? But you don't have to be scared right away. Nobody knows your product better than you, which means that only you can determine which keywords to choose for promotion and what will become the basis of a beacon for contextual traffic. Alexey Agaltsov and Lyudmila Korzina, specialists from the Ecohost studio, have prepared for you instructions on how to select keywords that will help your site increase advertising traffic.

  • We are moving through a large number of requests, we get a lot of traffic, but there are no sales!
  • We are in first place on our request, and there are no orders! What to do?
  • Do I need to chase a large number of search queries, or can I be satisfied with the ten most popular ones?

We get asked questions like this all the time. Keyword research is often the stumbling block for most organizations that few people get through without tripping.

Almost everyone knows how to collect search queries and what Wordstat is. A little less knows how to collect keywords in Google, and the “favorites” use special programs and services. But, alas, few people use their head. Otherwise, how to understand the huge demand for tempting offers “we will promote your promotion by 50,000 queries”, “we will collect 10,000 keywords for you in 10 minutes”?

At the request of our subscribers and customers, we have compiled this guide.

1. Start with positioning

Find your USP, describe the target audience.

Before plunging into the fascinating world of Wordstat, you must draw up a portrait of your target audience, decide on positioning and USP. Thanks to this, you will understand who your client is, where he is located and what keywords he can search for you.

We assume, since you are reading our article on the AzConsult website, that you already have positioning ready, you have formulated a USP and made up a couple of avatars for your target audience. :) If not, then compose. The more accurately you define all this, the cheaper advertising will cost you.

A vivid example from our practice: a large manufacturer long and hard demanded promotion of a certain thematic request to the top. We explained that the request is “retail”, people are looking for this product in retail stores in their area, and not “wagons from the other side of the country”. All explanations received the same answer: "Follow our demand!" Due to the incredible increase in the budget and the constant struggle with the assessors of search engines, we have achieved what we wanted - the top is taken! But do you think the customer got the desired customers? Of course not!

2. Collect the largest list of keywords

In general, everyone. From all sources.

Enter what first came to mind for your request, and look at the numbers in the left column of the issue. The top number is the number of times the search query occurs in the search. Including along with the words from the entire list, which you see below. For each such word, we collect data in one place and continue to do this until queries on your topic come to mind.

This is what the working window looks like in Wordstat

Wordstat again

But now we look at the right column. These are the requests that people enter together with yours, or requests that, according to Yandex, are similar in meaning. This is where you, as the business owner, can determine if these queries are relevant to you. You also collect these requests separately.

Queries for similar words

Hint: some of the queries in the right column may be included in the titles of your future useful articles. :)

Google Keyword Planner

Not very convenient: first you need to create a campaign and ads. And for most topics, statistics from Yandex and Google are approximately the same.

The Way of the Perfectionist

If you have an excellent student syndrome and you want to do everything perfectly, then look for query synonyms in dictionaries. Then drive the synonyms into Wordstat and follow the already familiar instructions.

Clear the resulting list of duplicates (repetitive phrases) - this is the easiest task.

Product group of keywords

If you sell mass-produced goods at retail, then probably another two hundred people sell the same goods. Or twenty thousand.

Add product names and SKUs to your keyword list!

Often people are looking for a specific product or comparing prices, shipping terms, delivery times, etc. Perhaps two people per month will come to you for one such keyword. But even if one of them makes an order, and practice shows that the conversion for product queries is often exactly this - 30-60%, then 30 such products will already give an additional 30 orders per month.

3. Filter collected requests

Get rid of excess

Remove queries that do not exactly match your topic.

If you sell "homemade cakes to order without fondant", then remove at least "cake recipe", "foam cakes", "cake fondant".

Assess the need for tweeters

A high-frequency keyword within a topic is a query that is typed into a search engine more often than others. In "cakes" it is "cake". In "clothes for nursing mothers" - this is "clothing for nursing mothers." It is not the frequency of requests in Yandex that is estimated (for cakes it is 6 million per month, for nursing clothes - 6000 per month), but the frequency of requests within the topic.

High frequency query in Wordstat

How to understand if your subject needs high-frequency speakers?

Let's look again at examples from our practice.

But the same “clothing for nursing mothers” is the name of a rather narrow niche: women's clothing designed for the breastfeeding period. It can and should be advertised.

Identify queries that are not looking for what you are offering

What do we mean?

In our practice, there was a case when the name of the trademark "Caesar" coincided with the name of a popular game, and all attempts to bring it to the top for this query were unsuccessful.

Keywords can be on the border between different topics. Examples: requests “salute”, “buy fireworks”, “salute Moscow” refer not only to the topic “pyrotechnics”, but also to the “Salut hotel”, “Salut factory”, “Salut walk-behind tractor”. The request "cleaning nozzles" cannot be considered separately from the popular request "cleaning nozzles with your own hands." The query "disc": what are they looking for with it more - "alloy discs" or "audio discs"?

Search engines, of course, are constantly improving their algorithms and no longer show the recipe for Herring under a fur coat for the query “buy a fur coat”. But, as they say, trust, but verify. Enter each request from the remaining list manually into the search and evaluate the search results of the first 1-2 pages.

Remove low-frequency requests generated by robots

In query statistics, they are taken into account due to the automated generation of progress reports by SEO specialists, but real people don’t ask like that. For example, “I will buy a phone cheap delivery”.

Remove regional requests

"Beauty Salon Krasnodar", "craft beer bar Yekaterinburg", "pizza Moscow" - everything is wonderful, but you are in Kaliningrad. :)

Make sure the requests are suitable for the target audience

They also reflect the USP and answer unasked questions.

In the first paragraph, we have already determined the positioning, the target audience and formulated the USP. Now you need to check the remaining list of requests for compliance with what your potential customer and buyer are looking for on the Internet.

Is the developer of the new microdistrict looking for "cement"? Does the cement plant need to move on the request "buy Leroy Merlin cement"? Do I need to leave a request for "children's drawing Moscow" for the children's drawing studio in Butovo?

The instruction turned out to be rather big, but!

Firstly, you do it once fully at the start, and then only as the assortment expands, add new groups of keywords.

Secondly, by doing such thoughtful and serious work, you will feel your business and understand the nuances in a way that you could not possibly understand before.

Thirdly, you will definitely reduce advertising costs.

And fourthly, for us and for our clients, this instruction works great!

If you decide to give this list to a contextual advertising agency, keep in mind: specialists there do the technical work. After all, it is impossible to be well versed in Lexus sales and the production of erasers at the same time.

Sergei Lukoshkin

08/27/2015 | | 0 comments

Long gone are the days when starting a search campaign in Google Adwords or Yandex.Direct was easy and simple. Today, the increasing competition in the search advertising market requires more and more attention to nuances and details. At the same time, keywords were and remain the main success factor.

However, our experience shows that both direct advertisers and advertising agencies still make a lot of mistakes when working with keywords. Surprisingly, most of these errors are of a general nature and are fairly easy to fix, while their presence leads to significant financial costs and, of course, reduces the effectiveness of advertising.

To save you from such unpleasant consequences, here are five top mistakes to avoid when starting or managing a search advertising campaign.

1. Too general keywords

This is perhaps the most common mistake. Often, the advertiser or agency selects keywords that are too general. For example, in an advertisement for a company that sells rolled metal, the keyword "rolled metal" is used, and in an advertisement for a company that supplies furniture, the phrase "Italian furniture" is used.

On the one hand, these are quite appropriate words, but on the other hand, they are completely devoid of even minimal specifics. After all, what is a user looking for who types the phrase “Italian furniture” in a search engine? Perhaps he really wants to buy such furniture and is looking for a suitable seller. But with the same degree of probability, he can look for, say, photographs of Italian furniture or study its design or the technology used in its production. Or perhaps he is just curious to see what Italian furniture is and what it is like. In other words, the mass of people have thousands of reasons to type a similar query in a search engine. And, of course, all these users will see your ad if you use such a phrase as a keyword. And, of course, many of them will click on the ad and go to your site. However, they won't make any purchase, and you'll pay for all the clicks!

How right?

Is the game worth the candle? Of course not. To avoid waste, you need to abandon the use of general keywords in advertising in favor of more specific queries. For example, the phrase “Italian furniture” should be replaced with more specific options: “Italian furniture to buy”, “Italian furniture from stock”, “Italian furniture sale”, “Italian furniture Moscow”, etc. Requests of this type will reduce the number of “empty” clicks and increase the number of buyers.

2. Limiting keywords to those used on the landing page

As you know, advertising works better if the advertising campaign and related advertisements use the keywords that are on the landing page of the site. Therefore, many advertisers and agencies try to select keywords for the customer from among those that are on the landing page. However, it is often just them that everything is limited to. As a result, a very small list of words can be used in an ad, and this significantly reduces the number of ad impressions and, consequently, clicks. Is it any wonder then that search advertising does not bring results?

How right?

The keywords that are on the landing page of the site should be used as a starting point for finding new ones. To do this, each keyword can be “driven” through keyword selection tools, such as the Yandex Word Selection Tool and Google Keyword Planner. Just paste each word into the tool and see what options it offers.

3. Ignoring close variations of keywords

If you follow the instructions described in the previous section, you can select a fairly large number of keywords for an advertising campaign. However, advertisers often tend to only list keywords that contain precise wording and appear on the landing page.

For example, if a campaign is launched to sell red shoes, then only those that contain the original phrase will be included in the keyword list: “red shoes”, “red shoes buy”, “red shoes with heels”, “red shoes shop”. And this is not the best strategy, because potential buyers can search for a product using a lot of other options, and all these people will not see your advertisements.

How right?

It is necessary to expand the list of keywords with close options, for example, “shoes for a red dress”, “red pumps”, “burgundy shoes”. Moreover, if such words are not on the landing page, it makes sense to add them there, and in some cases even create a new page.

4. No Negative Keywords Setting

This is the biggest mistake, because it is precisely: negative keywords that allow you to avoid showing ads for queries that are not related to the purchase. And there can be many such requests. We are often approached by entrepreneurs who complain that the advertising campaign budget "flies out" in a day, and in most cases this is due to the fact that these same negative keywords are not configured.

For example, when placing ads for the word “metalworking”, you can get a lot of clicks on the queries “metalworking photo”, “metalworking video”, “metalworking abstract”, “metalworking work”, etc. People who type such queries very often click on advertisements, but none of them is going to order the relevant product or service - they are looking for something completely different. As a result, these clicks will be "empty", and the money will be spent in vain.

How right?

  1. At the campaign start stage, you need to foresee and add to the list as many negative keywords as possible (they are quite easy to detect when selecting keywords).
  2. After the launch of the campaign, you should monitor search queries in order to replenish this list.

5. Lack of keyword grouping

Another common mistake when planning and launching search advertising campaigns is to lump all the words into one ad group. In this case, the advertiser creates one or two advertisements and links to them all the keywords that he could find.

The problem with this practice is that keywords can be very different, and for the success of an ad, it is important that the keyword matches the search query as closely as possible and, most importantly, that it is contained in the title or text of the ad. In this case, the search engine will consider the ad relevant and will show it more often than competitors' ads, and also at a lower cost per click.

If all the keywords are lumped together and one ad is shown for them, then most likely the ad spend will be high and the number of clicks will be low.

How right?

After selecting keywords, they should be grouped in terms of the similarity of search queries and for each group a separate ad should be created, in the title or text of which the keyword will be used. Advanced advertisers can enhance the effect by using ads with so-called dynamic inserts (replacing the headline or ad text with a keyword).

Eliminating these five mistakes alone will take your advertising campaign to a whole new level. Well, if you doubt that you can follow our recommendations correctly, or want to check your advertising strategy for other shortcomings, please contact us - we will definitely help you with advice and deed!

How to get started with Yandex Direct?

What came first - the chicken or the egg? This can be argued endlessly. As for the Yandex Direct system, everything is more stable here.

Any invariably begins from the collection of keywords!

Keywords These are the words for which your ads will be shown. And the more such words there are, the higher the chances that a potential client will get to your site.

Keywords (or queries) consist of a certain number of unique words: from 1 to 5.

For instance, " refrigerator' is a one-word keyword, and ' buy a refrigerator in Moscow inexpensively"- four-word.

Prepositions and conjunctions are not taken into account when selecting keywords.

Key queries can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: base and nested.

Basic request- a target query consisting of a unique combination of two words for which you want to advertise.

Subquery is a 3, 4 and 5 word keyword that contains the base query

Let's say you sell TVs.

Your basic queries will be:

  • TV to buy
  • tv new
  • TV set Moscow
  • LCD buy
  • LCD Moscow
  • etc.

Your nested queries will be:

  • TV buy cheap online store
  • TV new discount Moscow
  • TV set Moscow shop
  • LCD buy cheap
  • LCD Moscow delivery
  • etc.

The first step is to collect at least 100 basic queries.

To collect keywords, there are several proven technicians. Here is one of them.

Reactive Keyword Collection Method

You will need MS Excel or a similar program in terms of functions and a table of 5x5 cells.

Action plan:

1. In the first column, write out 5 single-word queries that describe the product being sold as accurately as possible;

2. In the remaining four - one-word queries associated with a product (service);

Important! Different parts of speech and synonyms are different words)

* Specify geography if it is necessary for your business area.

** Selling additive is almost always relevant.

3. Now transfer all the words from columns 3, 4 and 5 to column number 2 and, using the multiplication function in MS Excel (or macros), multiply the queries from the first column with queries from the 2nd column.

In the end it should be at least 100 two-word combinations. These will be the very basic queries that will form the basis of your advertising campaign.

It's really simple and fast!

And what are these empty green cells in the table?

We decided to leave them to you. Let's just say that this is a practical task to consolidate the material.

Whatever you don't implement today, you will never implement. This fact verified by numerous seminars.

Create your spreadsheet now! And check in practice MRS.

After that, you or the Key Collector program and work each basic query in depth to get several thousand keywords for your first campaign.

You have the keywords for your Very First Ad Campaign!