How are lost iPhones found? How to find a lost iPhone How to find the owner of an iPad if it is locked.

Or a stolen smartphone is a serious nuisance. The first reason for frustration is the loss of the device itself, which costs a lot. The second is that the iPhone's memory stores information that is extremely necessary for the owner and is not intended for outsiders. This can be both personal data (photos, videos, personal correspondence), as well as secret passwords from payment systems, mailboxes, social network accounts. How are iPhones found if lost or stolen? The article provides ways to search for smartphones even if they are turned off.

Description of Find My iPhone utility

The place of loss or theft of a phone can be a street, public transport, a shop, a cafe… How There is a method by which it is quite possible to locate a cell phone. We are talking about the Find My iPhone program, which is by default built into the iOS operating system no older than the fifth version.

Using this utility is extremely simple. But there is one important nuance: all settings regarding the Find My iPhone application must be made before the phone is lost. Otherwise, determining the location of the mobile device will be almost impossible.

The Find My iPhone service allows you to see the current coordinates of the location of the smartphone, block the device if necessary, or delete any information from it. All these actions are possible if the phone is connected to the Internet.

How to find an iPhone if it is turned off? This process will be described below, but now it's time to consider what settings must be set for the Find My iPhone utility in order for it to work correctly.

Setting up Find My iPhone

How to find the Find My iPhone feature? To do this, open the “Settings” section on your mobile device. Next, select iCloud. When prompted for an Apple ID and password, enter the required information. If everything is done correctly, the iCloud application menu will open. In order to enable the Find My iPhone function, you should move the slider opposite it to the right. Then click the "Allow" button in the request window that appears.

After that, you need to activate the geolocation application. If this is not done, the mobile device cannot be found even if the Find My iPhone utility works correctly. You should go to the "Settings" section, select the "Privacy" item and by moving the slider to the right, make the "Geolocation" function active.

In iOS 7, Find My iPhone has a new Activation Lock feature that automatically turns on when you try to change these settings. Thanks to this innovation, an attacker will have much more problems when using or trying to sell a stolen phone.

Now you know how to find the Find My iPhone feature on your mobile device and set it up correctly. The next step will be to set a ban on disabling the definition of the current geolocation.

Lock disabling geolocation detection

How to find an iPhone if it was stolen? To do this, you need to make sure that attackers cannot make certain changes to the settings of the mobile device. The first thing experienced thieves try to do is disable the Geolocation feature, which allows you to determine the current location of your smartphone. In order for them not to be able to do this, you need to take care of closing access to this section in advance. You should follow this route: "Settings" - "General" - "Restrictions" - "Privacy" - "Geolocation". The system will require you to enter a password consisting of four digits. You should come up with such a code and write it down on paper, so as not to forget later.

After that, the function of determining the current location can be disabled, either by knowing the access password, or after a complete flashing of the device. While the thief is trying to carry out the last transaction, the legitimate owner of the phone will have more time to search for the mobile device.

How To do this, use the iCloud system. You can read more about this below.

Finding a smartphone using iCloud

How to find an iPhone 4 that has been stolen? Regardless of the device model, the search process using the iCloud system will be the same. To find your phone, you need to go to from your computer and enter the requested data. The system will require an Apple ID and password.

If the information is entered correctly, you will be logged into the site and the Find My iPhone button will become available. After clicking on it, the "All Devices" tab will appear. In the drop-down list, select the device whose location you want to install.

Next to the name of the lost smartphone, there will be an indicator in the form of a green or gray dot. In the first case, this signal indicates that the mobile device is connected to the Internet, and its coordinates will be determined. If the dot is colored gray, then it is from the network. Do not give up in this case. The article will describe the method if it is turned off.

After completing the above steps, a special map will show the approximate location of the missing mobile device. The smaller the radius of the green circle that appears, the more accurately the geolocation is determined.

After that, all that remains is to write down the coveted coordinates of the location of the iPhone and take them to the police so that its employees can help return the phone to its rightful owner.

More iCloud Features

Now you know how iPhones are found using the iCloud system. But in addition to determining the location of the stolen device, this service has a number of other useful features. For example, you can completely erase all the information stored in the memory of the missing phone. It is also possible to send an SMS to a stolen cellular device. And the owner of the phone can turn on the iPhone's emergency siren directly from the iCloud website, which will continue until the rightful owner of the device turns it off. This signal is very loud and sounds even when the phone is turned off.

Another handy feature is "Notify me when found". When it is activated, a notification will be sent to the email of the owner of the smartphone if the device appears on the network, even when changing the SIM card.

How to find an iPhone if it was stolen? One way could be the new My Friends app, which is described in more detail below.

My Friends program

How to find an iPhone 5 that is stolen or lost? The My Friends application allows you to locate on the map the location of people who use Apple products, regardless of the models of these devices. If two people have installed this program on their gadgets and activated it using their Apple IDs, then they can see each other's geolocations. This can be used as a way to find a missing phone. A prerequisite for determining the location is that the device must be turned on.

How are iPhones found using the IMEI code?

You can find a smartphone using the iCloud service in 80 percent of cases if the owner hurried up and tried to determine the location of the mobile device within a few hours after the loss.

But how to find an iPhone if you have lost a device in which the iCloud service is not configured properly? In this case, the IMEI code can come to the rescue. This individual number consists of 14 digits. It is unique for each gadget and remains unchanged even when using a different SIM card.

How to use the IMEI code in the search for a missing phone? Firstly, it will definitely be needed when the owner of the cell phone turns to the police for help.

Secondly, the IMEI number must be reported to your mobile operator in order for him to assist in finding the device using satellite equipment.

Also, the IMEI code can help when the owner of the device, for example, lost his iPhone in another country. How to find if it's off? In this case, it is recommended to leave the unique number of the cellular device in a special database that is globally accessible. If someone finds a smartphone with the specified IMEI code, he will contact the owner of the device thanks to the coordinates left in the system.

How to find an iPhone by phone number?

If the owner knows for sure that the device was stolen, then how to find the phone in this case? The iPhone can be turned on, and the thieves did not have time to change the SIM card. You should call this number from another mobile. Maybe the attacker will agree to return the stolen phone for a fee.

If there is no connection with the mobile number, you need to write to the police. You should indicate the estimated time and place of the crime, the IMEI code and the phone number of the SIM card.

Police officers, together with the mobile operator, will try to establish the geolocation of the device and, possibly, return the iPhone to its rightful owner.

How to find an iPhone if it is turned off?

If the missing phone is turned off, then there is still a chance to return it to the owner. The development of Apple, which has already been mentioned above, can again come to the rescue. How to find an iPhone if you lost a device with the correct settings for iCloud? In order to try to determine the location of the mobile device, you need to go to the specified system from the computer and click the "Find iPhone" button. This process has already been described in detail above. The location of the gray dot on the map will indicate the coordinates where the phone was the last time before it was turned off.

If the owner is familiar with a certain location, then you should remember where and under what conditions the cellular device could have been lost. If the specified geolocation does not mean anything to the owner of the iPhone, then the gadget was still stolen, and the received data should be reported to the police.

A prerequisite for determining the last location of the phone is the active mode "Last location". The following is a detailed description of how you can enable this useful feature.

Last location mode

The iOS 8 operating system pleasantly surprised mobile device users with the presence of a new mode in the Find My iPhone service, which is called “Last Location”. How are iPhones found using this app? "Last location" allows gadgets to send their location automatically shortly before the battery is completely discharged.

To enable this function, you need to go along the route: "Settings" - "iCloud" and there activate the "Last location" mode by moving the corresponding slider to the right.

The data transferred by the iPhone will be stored in the iCloud system for 24 hours after the mobile device is turned off.


In order for the search for the missing phone to be successful, the owner of the gadget should carry out preparatory work in advance. It is necessary to install and properly configure special applications for iPhones. This will help locate a stolen or lost mobile device. It is also recommended to protect the device with a password and set the necessary locks. It is better to store important information not on a memory card, but in cloud storage. After revealing the fact of the theft of an iPhone, its owner should act immediately. If the stolen device can be located within a few hours of the crime, then the chances of success are high. Do not hesitate, because this is in the hands of attackers.

Returning a lost or stolen iPhone to its owner is simple, unless the owner has turned on the iPhone lock. However, if you find a locked iPhone, I have a few tricks to help you get in touch with its owner!

How to Contact the Owner of a Lost or Stolen iPhone

If you have a lost or stolen iPhone in your hands, it is best to return it to the owner. After all, the chance that law enforcement agencies or the owner will find you is very high, besides, the former owner can block it and you will have a “brick”. In addition, usually when the smartphone is returned to the owner, he usually gives a reward.

1. If there is no lock code, contact family members or friends

Nobody likes when someone invades their privacy, but there is an exception, because you decide to do a good deed and return the iPhone. Just open the "Phone" icon and see who the person communicates with regularly. Most likely, these contacts will be in the "Favorites", usually these are close friends and family members.

However, this method will only help when there is no blocking! After the introduction of Touch ID, locking smartphones has become commonplace.

2. If iPhone is locked, ask Siri for help

Most people do not understand that even if the iPhone is on, you can still call and send messages from it, unless of course this feature is disabled in the settings. However, it's not hard to test and command Siri to call, to do this, hold the Home button for a few seconds and say:

  • "My telephone."
  • "Call your mom."
  • "Call dad."

If nothing is found, try commands like "call my wife" or "call a friend" etc.

3. Keep your iPhone on and answer incoming calls

Another thing you should do is keep your iPhone charged and turned on. In most cases, after the owner of the iPhone realizes that the phone is lost, he will try to call him from another phone. No matter how strange it may sound, you better pick up the phone and perhaps its owner will be on the other end of the phone.

4. Look at the message from Find My iPhone

The owner of the iPhone can use the Find My iPhone function and, which blocks the lost iPhone, turns on the power saving mode on it, and also disables Apple Pay. The mode also allows you to leave a message on your phone's lock screen.

Wake the iPhone from sleep and check if the owner of the phone left a message for the person who finds it.

One final note on lost or stolen iPhones

Keep in mind that many iPhone owners can use Find My iPhone or track the phone's location, or they can block it on cellular networks. In the latter case, the phone will not work on most cellular networks.

What are your tips for finding the owner of a lost or stolen iPhone?

If you ever found an iPhone, how did you contact its owner? Have you followed any of the steps above? And if so, which one? Be sure to write about it in the comments below!

Apple devices have never been considered budget devices, and after the crisis, their prices have become sky-high. That is why recently, more and more often, thinking about purchasing an "apple", users make a choice in favor of a used model. However, there is nothing wrong with owning a slightly “shabby” iOS device, Apple releases truly high-quality equipment that can work without failures for many years if cared for.

However, there are still certain risks in buying a used device. One of these risks, and perhaps the most dangerous, is this - the previous owner did not untie his Apple ID from the device being sold. What is fraught with this state of affairs, we will understand in this article.

Apple ID is a user's personal account in the iOS world, without it it is impossible to access any of the Apple giant's proprietary services, including content purchase services. Thus, if the user does not have an Apple ID, he will not even be able to download the application from the App Store. In short, the thing, as you understand, is very useful and important - and, perhaps, it would not be an exaggeration to say that every (well, maybe with rare exceptions) user of an iOS device has an Apple ID.

Why do I need to unlink my Apple ID before selling my device?

As we said above, Apple ID provides access to all branded iOS services, including iCloud cloud storage, which is not only a service that allows you to back up information stored on the device on Apple servers, but also a powerful tool to protect apples from thefts.

It is with the help of iCloud that the “Find iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch” option is implemented. When this option is enabled, it automatically turns on and this is the name of the activation lock. When the lock works, every time after restoring / updating / resetting the iOS device, the user is required to enter the Apple ID parameters - or to be more precise, the login and password of the personal account, otherwise access to the system will be denied.

What gives such a scenario? The absolute senselessness of stealing Apple devices! See for yourself, the attacker gets the device and, in order to sell it, performs a reset or restore, wanting to get a clean gadget, but after performing one of these procedures, he runs into a requirement to enter an Apple ID login and password, which, of course, are unknown to him - unless, of course , it was not a targeted theft. What's left for a thief to do? Yes, only for spare parts to sell the "apple"! And this is not very, as you understand, profitable, and makes the risk that a person takes when stealing a device completely unjustified.

By the way, a great alternative to selling the device for spare parts is to return the device to its rightful owner, who, by the way, using the same “Find iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch” option and the website, can activate the lost mode and leave a message like "This iPhone has been lost, please return for a fee."

In short, the scenario turns out to be excellent and needless to say, after the implementation of the activation lock option in the iOS system, the number of thefts of Apple devices has decreased dramatically. And, of course, every conscious user enables this option on the device.

What if the previous owner hasn't logged out of their Apple ID?

So, Apple implemented the anti-theft protection perfectly, but ... You probably already guessed that the new owner of the device can get into the same situation as a thief if the previous user forgot to unlink his Apple ID and “Find iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch" is enabled.

I must say, the new owner may not notice this fact at all at first, and only by deciding to update the system and faced with the requirement to enter the Apple ID password, realize how depressing the situation is.

What to do? Where to run? How to find out the previous owner's Apple ID? These and other questions swarm in the head of an excited user…. Unfortunately, our answer to them will not be unambiguously positive.

The fact is, in this situation, you have only two right ways to solve the problem:

  • find the previous owner
  • contact Apple support

Find the previous owner

We hope you still have the seller's contacts? Because the best way to unlock an iOS device is to arrange a meeting with the seller and ask him to enter a username and password, and then unbind. However, if the previous owner no longer uses the Apple ID that is tied to your device, the meeting is most likely not needed, he can simply tell you the necessary data, and you, owning them, can easily unlock and unbind yourself.

We hope your seller is conscious and willing to help you. By the way, if he refers to the fact that he forgot the password, you can tell him that a special iForgot service will easily help him remember it.

Contact Apple Support

If it was not possible to contact the owner, or he refuses to make contact, you still have one more sure way to bypass the lock - contact Apple support. Its specialists will definitely help you if you can prove that the device belongs to you, to prove this fact you will need a box from the device and a receipt from the purchase. We hope you took these important items from the previous owner?

Dubious ways

Not? Then, unfortunately, we have bad news for you, because you find yourself in the position of a thief, in fact. Loopholes, of course, you can try to look for, but a positive result is not guaranteed. What loophole options are there? Firstly, you can "get" on Youtube - this video hosting constantly appears new ways to bypass activation blocking - most of them are created simply to get views, but perhaps some will really work. For instance, it looks very convincing.

If the methods from Youtube did not help, you just have to go in search of a company / specialist that offers activation lock bypass services. But, remember, their activities are not very legal, and therefore it is not necessary to count on any guarantees from their side. However, you have nothing more to do, you can only hope for a favorable alignment.

Let's summarize

So, if you purchased a used iOS device, the previous user of which did not unbind his Apple ID and did not turn off the “Find My iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch” option, after trying to update/restore/reset the device, you will be prompted to enter data of this identifier.

In this situation, the best way is to contact the seller and ask for help, if it is impossible to fulfill this recommendation, you should contact Apple support and try to prove that the device belongs to you. Otherwise, it remains only to resort to all sorts of dubious ways to bypass activation blocking - you can try to do them yourself, in case of failure, contact special organizations.

However, all this "fuss" can be avoided by checking when buying a device whether the account has been unlinked. Another useful recommendation is to purchase a used device from a friend.

I can say with confidence that iPhone 6, iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 7, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7 Plus…. can be found, not just stolen. Why?

Because once I was in a cafe in a hurry, I just forgot my own and caught myself already at home, after 3 hours.

I also lost my friend and no doubt someone found him. Why am I leading this. I just read the "flattering comments" on articles on how to unlock a found iPhone.

What has fallen is gone. It’s a pity, of course - such devices are expensive, but as one writer said, if you knock out an eye, don’t cry, but be glad that you didn’t knock out two.

I mean, if you lost your phone, then it wasn’t taken away from you, so it’s not the fault of the finder that someone lost it.

Keep the found phone (if you can) or return it to the owner is a matter of conscience and decency.

Found - you can leave - there will be no sin, but be sure to imagine a picture of how you would feel if you had to give up many benefits for a year and lose your “treasure” in a week.

Is it possible to unlock a found iPhone at home with the function to find my phone turned on

When Find My Phone is enabled, it cannot be flashed, restored, or updated through iTunes.

When the “Find my phone” mode is turned on, after flashing, the activation lock is turned on, which, without knowing the data, cannot be bypassed.

To disable, you will need an Apple ID and password from the account in which this mode was disabled.

If you do not have such data, and after flashing at the first entrance you will be asked for them, then you can give this iPhone to be torn to pieces by a small child.

On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, the real owner can also get into such a situation.

The bottom line is that the device is blocked on the Apple server and no manipulations with the phone will help you.

You need to contact Apple technical support and convince them that the device belongs to you.

Then they will unlock it. How will you prove this is your business, but if there are documents, then there will be no problems.

If the real owner of the phone is marked as stolen or lost, then it is best for you to think about how to return it (possibly for a reward).

If the owner cannot be found, then try to sell for parts. If the device is not damaged, besides for the latest model, you can get pretty good money in repair shops.

You can also find "help" on the Internet, but there are quite a few scammers there (some forge a check and turn to Apple to remove the block.

A pirated option to unlock a found or hand-bought iPhone with a blocked apple id function

“I forgot my iPhone lock code” is a common complaint among Apple phone users.

What to do when the lock code flew out of our head or you found it or bought it from your hands?

When you buy an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you get a tool to track and control the device remotely.

This is the Find My iPhone feature. With this feature, you can be sure that the lost smartphone can be found on the map or - in case of theft - blocked.

Here we come to the most important issue. Often on Olx and other sites you can buy cheap iPhones that have a lock.

They are described as "won't turn on" etc. Phones are cheap and sellers often don't explain the point and lie about being able to unlock easily. Of course you can not return the goods after purchase.

If you have already become a buyer of a locked iPhone and are wondering how to remove the lock, I have bad news. Officially, it cannot be unlocked.

Phone with iCloud Apple ID lock is 99% stolen. The stories that sellers say "The previous owner forgot to give me my iCloud password" are most often spun out of thin air.

Often, in addition to iCloud lock, the phone is also locked using the IMEI code and another statement to the police after theft.

Remember that when buying stolen goods, you are an accomplice in crime under the law.

Of course, the Internet does not know the concept of a vacuum, and hackers have long decided to answer the question "A blocked phone - how to deal with it?".

They developed the "DoulCi" tool shortly after the release of iOS version 7. How does doulCi work? You need to download the appropriate package with the program, and then run DoulCi HostSetup, which will create a virtual server on your computer.

During this time, disconnect from the Internet and disable all antivirus programs.

The next step is to launch the doulCi iCloud Unlocker program and connect your iPhone with a USB cable to your computer.

This way you will be able to unlock iCloud and log into the new account you created.

Of course, such decisions are risky. There is no guarantee that doulCi will work with the latest versions of iOS, in addition, Apple, along with subsequent versions of iOS, removes vulnerabilities in the system.

Moreover, as I wrote earlier, it is immoral and illegal to use someone else's phone that has been stolen.

If, in addition to iCloud blocking, there is also an IMEI blocking, you will not be able to use the iPhone even after successfully connecting to doulCi. Therefore, before buying, you should check the IMEI.

When Apple released iOS 8 (specifically iOS 8.3), there was another way to remove iCloud lock for free. Of course, also no guarantee that it will work.

One of the Internet users discovered that iCloud can be bypassed using DNS. The user needed to change DNS addresses to

Sometimes this process had to be done even several times. Of course, the phone must be restored to factory settings.

Only this is not a complete bypass of the lock. When connected to an external server, you can watch YouTube, videos, play games, listen to music, or change settings. Only you couldn't use phone and text messages.

Who is interested in unofficial options to unlock iPhone -.

Summing up the record how to unlock the found iPhone

I have described the known ways to bypass the lock, but you will surely find a lot more on the Internet.

In the end, I warn you to contact various companies that charge money to unlock the found iPhone.

Most often, these are ordinary scammers who just want to breed gullible people. Don't get caught. Good luck.

Users who take the risk of purchasing an iOS device from their hands often find themselves in an unpleasant situation: after updating, the gadget suddenly requires the username and password of the Apple ID of the previous owner. In this case, if these parameters are not specified, it will be impossible to use the device.

In 99% of cases, of course, the new owner does not know the parameters of the Apple ID account of the user who sold the device, and therefore begins to frantically search the network for ways to get them. In this article, we will talk about the most famous way to find out the Apple ID of the previous owner - check it through IMEI (IMEI), as well as some of its alternatives.

However, before telling how to solve the problem, we must still indicate the source. Why did the device suddenly “nostalgic” for the previous owner? However, in reality, of course, the point here is by no means nostalgia, but the inability of the previous user to properly prepare the device for sale.

What is an Apple ID? A special identifier for the owner of the iOS device, which provides access to all Apple services, including the App Store. Without a personal account, you cannot install any program on an iOS device, and therefore, of course, the first thing a new owner of an iPhone or other mobile i-device does is create an Apple ID.

After registering an account, the login and password are registered in a number of sections of the “Settings” menu of the device, in particular in the “iCloud” section, after which the ability to store information in the “cloud” of the same name is activated, and the “Find iPhone / iPad / iPod” function is also turned on .

When "Find My iPhone/iPad/iPod" is enabled, the gadget always requires an Apple ID after updating/restoring/resetting settings. In this case, if the device is lost and the finder / thief tries to make the device clean using, say, the recovery procedure, he eventually “catches” the screen with the need to provide Apple ID details. What remains to be done in such a situation? Just return the device to the owner for a fee! Well, or sell the device for parts. The first option is usually more profitable.

Well, now you understand what kind of trap you are in? In the one that, in fact, was preparing for a thief. Why did you end up in it? Because the previous owner forgot to turn off Find My iPhone / iPad / iPod and did not untie the device from his ID. And this, as you may have guessed, is a serious problem.

How to find out the Apple ID of the previous owner by IMEI?

Many portals, however, assure that this is not even a problem at all, because with the help of special free IMEI verification services, you can easily calculate the Apple ID of the previous owner. And everything would be fine, only this is a pure lie. At the moment, there is only one site with a decent reputation that can provide the previous owner's Apple ID login using IMEI and UDID (another important unique device code). But, firstly, it is not free, the cost of the service is $ 45, while the service is not instant, requests can be processed from 3 days to two weeks. Secondly, pay attention, the service will only provide you with a LOGIN! And then you have to somehow try to pick up the password on your own, the prospect, you see, is not promising.

Thirdly, the ways in which you can find out IMEI and UDID also cause additional difficulties. To find out the IMEI, you need to dial the combination * # 06 # on the device, then call - the code will appear on the screen, while the UDID is written in iTunes (tab "Overview", click on the line "Serial number"). Seems simple, right? Not really, if you remember the situation you are in - the device is “stuck” on the Apple ID requirement, which means that it will not be detected by iTunes and will not give you the opportunity to make a USSD request to clarify the IMEI.

However, there are workarounds. You can also find out the UDID using the third-party iPhone Configuration Utility program - it allows you to find out the UDID of even "bricks" - you need to download it, install it, open it, go to the "Devices" section (the gadget, of course, must be connected to a PC) and in the menu on the right in the column "Identifier" you will see the UDID. As for IMEI, it can be replaced with a serial number, which is indicated on the box from under the device. Here you are lucky if the previous owner sold you a device with a box.

And finally, one more note - the money paid to the service may be wasted if the device had not one, but several owners before you, in which case, as a result, you may be given the very first Apple ID from which the unbinding is performed and not indicate the “extreme ", which is exactly what you need. In this case, no one will return the money.

Real ways to find out the previous owner's Apple ID

As you can see, there is a lot of trouble, no guarantees. And this, in general, is logical, because, in theory, piercing an Apple ID by IMEI and other device data does not say that it is legal and official.

In reality, there are only two ways to return access to the device that asks for the account of the previous owner: find this owner and ask for assistance or contact Apple technical support. The company's specialists will help you unlock the device if you can prove that it belongs to you, the box from the device and the receipt from the original purchase will help in this matter.

Let's summarize

When buying an iOS device from your hands, always check if the Apple ID is unlinked and if Find My iPhone is disabled. If it is not done, after updating / restoring / resetting data on the device, you will be asked for the username and password of the account of the previous owner. There are only two ways to find out the seller's Apple ID - find the seller himself or call the Apple giant's support service. Other ways - like "breaking through" the identifier by IMEI, as well as other cunning mechanisms that Youtube abounds and which are offered by dubious organizations for a lot of money, are unlikely to lead you to success.