Rated voltage 230 V. On the rated voltage of the building's electrical installation

According to modern standards, the voltage in household electrical networks must correspond to 230 Volts. 400 Volts is the standard voltage for industrial power grids. In the USSR, the voltage in the power grids corresponded to 220 and 380 Volts. Until now, such inscriptions can be found on outlets and equipment.

In order to understand what 380V (400V) is, you first need to understand what 220V (230V) is.
From the power plant to the residential area, the current is supplied through power lines at extremely high voltage. Electricity comes to the house itself from a transformer substation, which converts the high-voltage voltage of the network, lowering it to the very same 400V.
In general, initially the industrial network, in most cases, is three-phase (400V) and it is a three-phase network that is connected to an apartment or private house (group of houses), which in the future can diverge into three single-phase (in most cases, this is what happens). In total, we have two options for organizing electrical wiring. We can conduct one phase to the final consumer, voltage 230V or all 3 phases, voltage 400V. So what's the difference?

Three-phase wiring consists of 4 or 5 wires - 3 phases, zero and ground (if any), single-phase wiring consists of 2 or 3 wires - one phase, zero and ground (if any). The 400V voltage operates in a 3-phase network between any two (out of three) phases. A voltage of 230V operates between one of the three phases and zero.
Roughly speaking, if we get current through three wires at once, then this is 380V (400V), if we get current through one wire, then this is 220V (230V), excluding zero and ground, of course.
Total: in both types of wiring there is a neutral wire (neutral), in relation to zero on all three phases, the voltage is 220V (230V), and in relation to these phases to each other, the voltage is 380V (400V). This happens due to the fact that each of the three phases is slightly displaced relative to each other, by 120 degrees, to be more precise. But this is a separate topic.
Of course, in most cases, they take three phases and divide them among several consumers. It turns out that each of these consumers uses one phase, 230V. 400V is used mostly for industrial purposes, where higher power is required or special equipment is available that can be powered from three phases.

Also, for the consumption of 3 phases at the same time, a conventional outlet is not enough, in any case, special power connectors are required, designed to withstand the required power and having the required number of contacts on the plug. Power connectors differ in voltage, number of phases and amperage. For example: 16Amps, 32Amps, 63Amps, 125Amps, which are able to withstand the required amperage.
Examples of the use of three-phase wiring for domestic purposes are present, often in private houses, where it is required large quantity energy intensity and there is a large number of various electrical equipment.

Electric vehicles, on the other hand, are capable of accepting current in one phase or in three phases. It depends on the type of built-in inverter (onboard Charger). Electric vehicles in the EU are mostly equipped with three-phase connectors. Some of the cars take all three phases and some only one of the three. Hybrid electric vehicles are also usually single-phase. Cars from the American market are also single-phase, as household and industrial power grids are single-phase (household voltage - 120V, industrial - 240V).
If three phases are available to you and the electric vehicle is single-phase, you will be able to charge only one phase at a time. To do this, you can take one phase out of three, or divide the phases to charge three electric vehicles at the same time. Three-phase lines are often terminated with industrial connectors. You can use them as a power outlet for a portable charging station. This allows one such station to be charged at different locations. For a fixed connection, it is worth using junction boxes and connection via terminal blocks according to the wiring diagram specified in the instructions.

You can find out more about the charging speed here.

Details about the connection charging stations can be read here.

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  • We offer to purchase the most high-precision stabilizing devices with a low output error rate (no more than 230 V), which are perfectly adapted for everyday protection of various household, office and industrial equipment. The all-metal compact design of this premium networked versatile design allows it to be installed in a comfortable floor position, thus saving some space in your home. There are fully automatic brands with a capacity of 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 kW of relay, electronic, electromechanical and hybrid types. The maximum operating range of all our certified series is not less than 100V-280V. You can buy a 230 Volt voltage stabilizer in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. The high accuracy of the single-phase grades Energy offered in the current section allows, to ensure high-quality and safe work even very highly sensitive to sudden failures in a 1-phase electrical network of electrical equipment (medical, household, office, laboratory, industrial, etc.). All the exposed low-power and high-power electrical equipment of the Russian assembly, due to its good accuracy, as well as the smooth system of continuous automatic adjustment of unstable variable energy in the 220V power grid, does not create any flickering of light. In addition, the popular Ultra, Hybrid and Classic models are ideal for low power consumption.

    Automatic voltage stabilizers with an output of 230 Volt single-phase from this section belong to professional devices, therefore, they are equipped with better self-diagnosis of various malfunctions in the household electrical network and multifunctional protection. The winding in those domestic lines where the transformer is used is made of copper. All operating models with a digital display (thyristor, triac, hybrid) qualitatively form and maintain a pure signal level at the output in the form of a pure sine wave. On sale there are not only simple, but also unique brands that work at subzero ambient temperatures. You can buy a 230 Volt voltage stabilizer in Moscow, St. Petersburg from us at an affordable price. Our single-phase models with a low output error (not higher than 230 V) are often bought for home, production, summer cottages, in order to continuously protect electrical equipment in residential premises and at work facilities where increased or increased power supply is created, situations may arise with short circuit, strong overloads and unexpected overvoltage. Also, all high-quality Energia devices exhibited to order well suppress electromagnetic interference in the 220V electrical network. Absolutely silent brands Ultra and Classic are equipped with additional system responsible for the rapid suppression of high-frequency impulse noise. The official guarantee of electrical 1-phase products of the domestic company "ETK Energia" is 1-3 years.

    The supply voltage is 220/230 V single-phase and 380/400 V three-phase in the Russian Federation. Why 220 and 230 V, 380 V and 400 V are the same. 50Hz / 60Hz. Why is the supply voltage in electrical networks variable? Why are transmission networks (power lines, power lines) very high voltage (high voltage)? Why is the voltage in consumer networks lower? Why is that. Electrician jargon and common sense.

    First, why is the supply voltage in electrical networks variable and not constant? ? The first generators at the end of the 19th century gave out constant voltage, until someone (smart!) Realized that it is easier to produce a variable during generation and straighten it if necessary at points of consumption than to produce a constant during generation and give birth to a variable at points of consumption.

    Second, why 50 Hz? Yes, it just happened for the Germans, at the beginning of the 20th century. It doesn't make much sense. In the USA and some other countries 60 Hz. ()

    Thirdly, why are transmission networks (power lines) very high voltage? It makes sense, if we recall, then: power losses during transportation are equal to d (P) = I 2 * R, and the total transmitted power is equal to P = I * U. The share of losses from the total power is expressed as d (P) / P = I * R / U. The minimum share of total power losses, i.e. will be at maximum voltage. Three-phase networks transmitting high power have the following voltage classes:

    • from 1000 kV and above (1150 kV, 1500 kV) - ultra-high
    • 1000 kV, 500 kV, 330 kV - ultra-high
    • 220 kV, 110 kV - HV, high voltage
    • 35 kV - СН-1, average first voltage
    • 20 kV, 10 kV, 6 kV, 1 kV - СН-2, average second voltage
    • 0.4 kV, 220 V, 110 V and below - LV, low voltage.

    Fourthly: what is the nominal designation B = "Volt" (A = "Ampere") in alternating voltage (current) circuits? This is RMS = RMS = RMS = RMS voltage (current), i.e. such a value of constant voltage (current), which will give the same thermal power at the same resistance. Indicating voltmeters and ammeters give exactly this value. The maximum amplitude values ​​(for example, from an oscilloscope) in absolute value are always higher than the current one.

    Fifth, why is the voltage lower in consumer networks? It makes sense too. Practically acceptable stresses were determined by the available insulating materials and theirs. And then there was nothing to change.

    What is "380/400 V three-phase and 220/230 V single-phase"? Attention here. Strictly speaking, in most cases (but not all) a three-phase household network in the Russian Federation is understood as a 220 (230) / 380 (400) V network (occasionally there are 127/220 V household networks and 380/660 V industrial networks !!!). Incorrect, but common designations: 380 / 220V; 220/127 V; 660/380 V !!! So, further we are talking about a regular 220 (230) / 380 (400) Volt network, to work with the rest - it would be better for you to be an electrician. So for such a network:

    • Our home (RF, and CIS ...) network 230 (220) / 400 (380) V-50Hz, in Europe 230 / 400V-50Hz (240 / 420V-50Hz in Italy and Spain), in the USA - frequency 60Hz , and the denominations are generally different
    • You will receive at least 4 wires: 3 linear ("phases") and one neutral (not necessarily with zero potential !!!) - if you have only 3 linear wires, call an electrical engineer.
    • 220 (230) V is the effective voltage between any of the "phases" = line wire and neutral (phase voltage). Neutral is not zero!
    • 380 (400) V is the rms value between any two "phases" = line conductors (line voltage)

    Sixth, why 220V and 230V are the same, why 380V and 400V are the same? Yes, because the PUE and GOST standards for the quality of the supply voltage are taken as high-quality voltage +/- 10% of the nominal. And the electrical equipment is designed for this.

    The project site warns: if you have no idea about safety measures when working with electrical installations (), it is better not to start yourself.

    • Neutral (of all kinds) does not necessarily have zero potential. The quality of the supply voltage in practice does not correspond to any standards, but should comply with GOST 13109-97 "Electrical energy. Compatibility of technical means. Quality standards electrical energy in power supply systems general purpose" (it's nobody's fault...)
    • Circuit breakers (thermal and short circuit) protect the circuit from overload and fire, and not you from electric shock
    • Grounding does not necessarily have a low resistance (i.e. it saves you from electric shock).
    • Points with zero potential can have infinitely high resistance.
    • The RCD installed in the supply board does not protect anyone who receives an electric shock from a galvanically isolated circuit powered by this board.

    "What should be the voltage at the socket of the home electrical outlet?" - to this question the majority will mistakenly answer: "220 Volts". Not many people know that GOST 29322-2014 (IEC 60038: 2009), introduced in 2015, sets in the Russian Federation the value of standard household voltage not 220 V, but 230 V. In this article we will make a small excursion into the history of electrical voltage in Russia and Let us find out what the transition to the new norm is connected with.

    In the USSR, up to the 60s of the XX century, 127 V was considered the standard of household voltage.This value owes its appearance to the talented engineer of Russian-Polish origin Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovoolsky, who developed at the end of the XIX century a three-phase system for the transmission and distribution of alternating current, different from the previously proposed Nikola Tesla - two-phase. Initially, in Dobrovolsky's three-phase system, the line voltage (between two phase conductors) was 220 V. The phase voltage (between the neutral and phase conductors), which we use for domestic purposes, is less than linear by the “root of three” - accordingly, for this case, we get the indicated 127 IN:

    Further development of electrical engineering and the emergence of new electrical insulating materials led to an increase in these values: first in Germany, and then throughout Europe, the 380 V standard was adopted for line voltage and 220 V for phase (household) voltage. This was done in order to save money - with an increase in voltage (while maintaining the installed power), the current in the circuit decreases, which made it possible to use conductors with a smaller cross-sectional area and reduce losses in cable lines.

    In the Soviet Union, despite the presence of the progressive standard 220/380 V, when implementing the plan for mass electrification, AC networks were built mainly according to the outdated method - at 127/220 V. The first attempts to switch to the voltage of the European model were made in our country as early as 30 -s of the XX century. However, the massive transition began only in the post-war period, it was caused by the increasing load on the power system, which presented engineers with a choice - either to increase the thickness of the cable lines, or to increase the nominal voltage. As a result, we settled on the second option. A certain role in this was played not only by the factor of saving materials, but also by the involvement of German specialists who had applied experience in using electrical energy with a voltage of 220/380 V.

    The transition dragged on for decades: new substations were already built at a nominal value of 220/380 V, and most of the old ones were transferred only after the planned replacement of out-of-date transformers. Therefore, in the USSR long time in parallel, two standards for public networks coexisted - 127/220 V and 220/380 V. The final switching to 220 V of some single-phase consumers, according to eyewitnesses, took place only in the late 80s - early 90s.

    The consumption of electric current was constantly growing and at the end of the twentieth century in Europe it was decided to further increase the nominal voltages in a three-phase AC system: linear from 380 V to 400 V and, as a result, phase from 220 V to 230 V. This made it possible to increase throughput existing power circuits and avoid the massive laying of new cable lines.

    In order to unify the parameters of electrical networks, new pan-European standards were proposed by the International Electrotechnical Commission and other countries of the world. the Russian Federation agreed to accept them and developed GOST 29322-92, which prescribes power supply organizations to switch to 230 V by 2003. GOST 29322-2014, as already mentioned above, sets the value of the rated voltage between phase and neutral in a three-phase four-wire or three-wire system equal to 230 V, however, it also allows the use of systems with 220 V.

    It should be noted that not all countries have switched to general standard voltage. For example, in the United States, the installed voltage of a single-phase household network is 120 V, while most residential buildings are supplied not with a phase and a neutral, but with a neutral and two phases, which, if necessary, make it possible to supply powerful consumers with line voltage. In addition, in the United States, the frequency is also different - 60 Hz, while the common European standard is 50 Hz.

    Let's go back to domestic power grids. A five percent change in their value should not affect the functioning of familiar household electrical appliances, since they have a certain range of acceptable supply voltage values. Both values ​​- 220 and 230 V, in most cases, are included in this range. However, certain difficulties in the transition to European standards may still arise. They, first of all, will affect the operation of lighting equipment with incandescent lamps designed for 220 V. An increase in the input voltage will cause over-stress of the tungsten filament, which will negatively affect its durability - such lamps will burn out more often. Therefore, buyers should be more careful and choose light bulbs that can be connected to a 230 V network (the rated voltage is usually indicated in the device label).

    In conclusion, it should be said that various abnormal situations that occur in domestic power grids (sudden voltage drops or power outages) pose a much greater danger to electrical equipment than the planned transition to European power supply standards. In addition, utility companies often do not comply with power quality requirements, allowing large deviations from the established nominal values.

    Special devices - voltage stabilizers and uninterruptible power supplies - can protect modern technology from the harmful effects of various network fluctuations. The Shtil group of companies produces this equipment with different output voltages: 220 V, 230 V or 240 V.

    GOST 29322-92
    (IEC 38-83)

    Group E02



    Standard voltages

    ISS 29.020
    OKP 01 1000

    Date of introduction 1993-01-01


    1. PREPARED AND SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee TC 117 "Energosnabzhenie"

    2. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 26.03.92 N 265

    3. This standard has been prepared by the method of direct application of the international standard IEC 38-83 * "Standard voltages recommended by IEC" with additional requirements reflecting the needs of the national economy
    * Access to international and foreign documents is obtained by clicking on the link. - Note from the manufacturer of the database.



    In which place

    Introductory part

    6. REPUBLICATION. February 2005

    This standard applies to:

    - power transmission systems, distribution networks and power supply systems of alternating current consumers, in which standard frequencies of 50 or 60 Hz are used with a rated voltage exceeding 100 V, as well as equipment operating in these systems;

    - AC and DC traction networks;

    - DC equipment with a rated voltage below 750 V and alternating current with a rated voltage below 120 V and a frequency (usually, but not limited to) 50 or 60 Hz. Such equipment includes primary or secondary batteries, other AC or DC power supplies, electrical equipment (including industrial installations and telecommunications), various electrical appliances and devices.

    The standard does not apply to the voltages of measuring circuits, signal transmission systems, as well as to the voltages of individual nodes and elements that make up electrical equipment.

    AC voltages given in this standard are rms values.

    This standard is applied in conjunction with GOST 721, GOST 21128, GOST 23366 and GOST 6962.

    The terms used in the standard and their explanations are given in the appendix.

    Requirements that reflect the needs of the national economy are highlighted in bold.


    Standard voltages in the specified range are shown in Table 1. They relate to three-phase four-wire and single-phase three-wire networks, including single-phase branches from them.

    Table 1

    Rated voltage, V

    Three-phase three-wire or four-wire networks

    Single-phase three-wire networks

    * The nominal voltages of already existing networks with a voltage of 220/380 and 240/415 V must be brought to the recommended value of 230/400 V. Until 2003, as a first stage, power supply organizations in countries with a 220/380 V network must bring the voltage to value 230/400 V (%).
    Utilities in countries with a 240/415 V network must also adjust this voltage to 230/400 V (%). After 2003, the 230/400 V ± 10% range should be reached. Then the issue of lowering the limits will be considered. All these requirements also apply to the voltage of 380/660 V. It must be brought to the recommended value of 400/690 V.
    ** Do not use in conjunction with 230/400 and 400/690 V.

    In table 1, for three-phase three-wire or four-wire networks, the numerator corresponds to the voltage between the phase and zero, the denominator corresponds to the voltage between the phases. If a single value is specified, it corresponds to the phase-to-phase voltage of a three-wire network.

    For single-phase three-wire networks, the numerator corresponds to the voltage between the phase and zero, the denominator corresponds to the voltage between the lines.

    Voltages in excess of 230/400 V are mainly used in heavy industry and large commercial buildings.

    Under normal network conditions, it is recommended to maintain the voltage at the consumer's power point with a deviation from the nominal value of no more than ± 10%.


    Standard voltages are listed in Table 2.

    table 2

    Catenary voltage type

    Voltage, V

    Rated frequency in the alternating current network, Hz



    the maximum



    * In particular, in single-phase AC systems, the rated voltage of 6,250 V should only be used where local conditions do not permit the use of a rated voltage of 25,000 V.
    The voltage values ​​given in the table are adopted by the International Committee for Electric Traction Equipment and Technical Committee No. 9 of the IEC "Electric Traction Equipment".
    ** In some European countries this voltage reaches 4000 V. The electrical equipment of vehicles participating in international traffic with these countries must withstand this maximum value for short periods of time up to 5 minutes.


    Standard voltages are listed in Table 3.

    Table 3

    Series 1

    The highest voltage for equipment, kV

    Rated voltage of the network, kV

    * This voltage should not be used on general-purpose electrical networks.
    ** These voltages usually correspond to four-wire networks, the rest - three-wire.
    *** The issues of unification of these values ​​are considered.

    Series 1 - voltages with a frequency of 50 Hz, series 2 - voltages with a frequency of 60 Hz. In one country, it is recommended to use only one of the series voltages.

    The values ​​given in the table correspond to phase-to-phase voltages.

    Values ​​in parentheses are not preferred. These values ​​are not recommended when creating new networks.

    It is recommended that, in the same country, the ratio between two consecutive rated voltages is at least two.

    In a series 1 network, the highest and lowest voltage must not differ by more than ± 10% from the rated voltage of the network.

    In a series 2 network, the maximum voltage should not differ by more than plus 5%, and the minimum voltage by more than minus 10% from the rated voltage of the network.


    Standard voltages are listed in table 4. In one country it is recommended to use only one of the series indicated in Table 4 and only one voltage from the following groups:

    - group 1 - 123 ... 145 kV;

    - group 2 - 245, 300 (see section 5); 363 kV (see Section 5).

    Table 4

    In kilovolts

    Highest voltage for equipment

    Nominal mains voltage

    Series 1

    Values ​​in parentheses are not preferred. These values ​​are not recommended when creating new networks. The values ​​given in table 4 are for line-to-line voltage.


    The highest operating voltage of the equipment is selected from the series: (300), (363), 420, 525 *, 765 **, 1200 *** kV.
    * A voltage of 550 kV is also used.
    ** Voltages between 765 and 800 kV may be used, provided that the test values ​​for the equipment are the same as those specified by IEC for 765 kV.
    *** An intermediate value between 765 and 1200 kV, respectively different from these two values, will be included additionally if in any area of ​​the world there is a need for such a voltage. In this case, in the geographical area where this intermediate value will be adopted, voltages of 765 and 1200 kV should not be applied.

    The series values ​​correspond to the phase-to-phase voltage.

    Values ​​in parentheses are not preferred. These values ​​are not recommended when creating new networks.

    In the same geographical area, it is recommended to use only one maximum voltage value for each of the following equipment groups:

    - group 2 - 245 (see Table 4), 300, 363 kV;

    - group 3 - 363, 420 kV;

    - group 4 - 420, 525 kV.

    Note. The terms "area of ​​the world" and "geographic area" can correspond to a single country, group of countries, or part of a large country where the same voltage level is selected.


    Standard voltages are listed in Table 5.

    Table 5

    Nominal values, V

    DC voltage

    AC voltage





    Notes: 1. Since the voltage of the primary and secondary power cells (batteries) is lower than 2.4 V and the choice of the type of element used for different areas use does not depend on voltage, but on other criteria, these voltages are not indicated in the table. The relevant IEC technical committees can specify the cell types and corresponding voltages for a particular application.

    2. In the presence of technical and economic justifications in specific areas of application, it is possible to use other voltages in addition to those indicated in the table. The voltages used in the CIS are established GOST 21128 .


    ANNEX 1



    Rated voltage

    The voltage at which the network or equipment is designed and to which their performance is attributed

    Highest (lowest) mains voltage

    The highest (lowest) voltage value that can be observed in the normal operation of the network at any point at any time. This term does not apply to voltage in transient processes (for example, during switching) and short-term voltage rises (dips).

    The highest operating voltage of the equipment

    The highest voltage value at which the equipment can function normally for an unlimited time. This voltage is set on the basis of its effect on the insulation and the characteristics of the equipment that depend on it. The highest voltage for equipment is the maximum value of the highest voltages of the networks in which this equipment can be used.

    The highest voltage is indicated only for equipment connected to networks with a rated voltage higher than 1000 V. However, it should be borne in mind that for some rated voltages, even before this highest voltage is reached, it is no longer possible to carry out the normal operation of the equipment from the point of view of such voltage-dependent characteristics , such as losses in capacitors, magnetizing current in transformers, etc. In these cases, the relevant standards should establish the limits under which the normal operation of the devices can be ensured.

    Obviously, equipment intended for networks with a rated voltage not exceeding 1000 V, it is advisable to characterize only the rated voltage, both in terms of performance and insulation

    Consumer power point

    The point of the distribution network of the power supply organization from which energy is supplied to the consumer

    Consumer (electricity)

    An enterprise, organization, institution, geographically separate workshop, etc., connected to the electrical networks of the energy supplying organization and using energy with the help of electrical receivers

    Electronic text of the document
    prepared by JSC "Kodeks" and verified by:
    official publication
    M .: IPK Publishing house of standards, 2005