An error occurred in the com asus services application. Writes an error has occurred in the application, and the window does not close

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You open the application from Google on your smartphone to view videos - YouTube, but the system gives you an alert - an error occurred in the application? Do not panic and immediately delete the program or carry the device to a service center. There are several ways to solve the problem.

Clear data in the application

If you get an error on Android and the YouTube application does not work, you can try to clear the cache and delete unnecessary data.

Full reinstallation of the application

Assume that the method described above did not help you. In this case, we recommend that you completely remove the application through the item in the settings or through google program  Play No matter how, the main thing is to erase completely.

Is there a problem anyway? Go to extreme measures!

Reset to factory settings

If until now the system writes that an error has occurred in the application, resetting cannot be avoided! Unfortunately, this method will affect not only one program, but also all the data stored on your smartphone. We recommend that you save all important information before copying, copy photos, videos, copy contacts if you previously saved them in the phone’s memory. You must understand that resetting will delete everything as if you had just purchased a smartphone in a store.

What if you have a phone with root privileges?

If you have root rights on your smartphone, and you still do not understand why YouTube does not work, then the problem is, most likely, these rights. Often users with root rights are faced with this problem.

In your case, you just need to remove the standard official app  from your phone and upload YouTube to Android as an apk application from a third-party but verified site, for example or apkmirror. Just in case, check it with an antivirus. Even a computer program will do.

Writes an error has occurred in the application, and the window does not close

Another possible problem is the appearance of an error, as a result of which the user can not do anything at all! That is, you cannot enter the settings or any other application, you cannot press the "Back" key, exit the menu. First try restarting your smartphone. If everything works correctly, then go again to the program in which the error occurs and try to resume it. Appears? Then restart the smartphone again and do all the actions that we described above.

If the smartphone can not be turned off or restarted, you will have to do a recovery device. Read this in our separate article so that you don’t inadvertently “kill” your phone.

In very rare cases, all the operations that we have described will not have to be done. You can first check if you have the latest version of the program in which this problem occurs. Just go to the service Google play  and see if there are updates. If so, update and try to work.

Another one possible reason  Is the version of your Android. Perhaps some kind of patch came out for him that fixes most of the problems and vulnerabilities. In this case, be sure to upgrade to latest version  and update your smartphone.

And the last possible reason is the cant of the developer himself. Go to the official page of the developer (in our case YouTube) in the Play Store and open the reviews page. If you see that there are too many angry reviews left in the comments, and some users even indicate the problem, feel free to delete the program for several days or do not use it. Giants like Google usually do not make mistakes, and if there are schools, they fix them very quickly!

A modern smartphone is a sophisticated multimedia device that can replace the camera, DVD player, music player and other items, not to mention a variety of applications. However, do not forget that the main purpose of smartphones is the ability to be “in touch”, that is, the function of the phone. And with this basic function, every smartphone or tablet should cope with a bang. But if has happened to happen on your phone due to a violation of the phone’s basic function - the call function, fixing it should be the number one goal.

Why error occurs

Of course, when a similar error has already occurred and blocks the screen, not allowing you to perform any actions with the phone, it’s too late to think about the reasons for its occurrence, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate it and restore the device’s performance.

To understand what caused any error on devices with Android OS, just refer to its name. “Com” in the name indicates that this is a mistake of one of the applications running on the device. And the last part, in our case - “phone”, indicates the type of application or its function. We see that there is a connection with the phone ringer function.

Often, error can occur after restoring or changing ROM data or flashing the smartphone. The device cannot recognize the SIM card, i.e. the connection between the phone and the network is broken mobile communications. The error text may be: “An error occurred in the application” or this: “Unfortunately, the process has been stopped.”

Error means a malfunction of the "dialer"

What to do and how to fix the error

Let's consider some of the simplest and quick ways  return the phone to working condition. All of the following methods can be performed on any version of Android.

Reboot the phone

This is the easiest way to restore the device’s performance if suddenly errors were caused by a short-term application malfunction. To reboot, hold down the device’s shutdown button and select “Reboot”.

  Rebooting is the easiest way to restore device health

After turning the device off and on, the error should disappear. If this does not help, try other solutions to the error.

Change the date and time settings

Synchronizing date and time with the network is the most common cause of this error. To check if the error was caused by such a cause, do the following:

We clean cookies and cache

Clearing temporary data in the device’s memory often solves problems with errors and speeds up the phone.

Replace the standard application "Phone"

IN Play market  Find applications for calling by entering “dialer” or “phone” in the search bar. Choose the one you like best and install it. After installation, it will replace the standard call application, thereby eliminating the error.

  Choose the one you like best and install it

We reset to factory settings (radical correction)

Sometimes this method seems the simplest and fastest. But do not forget that with such a reset your personal data will suffer, contacts in phone book, SMS, application settings and other data. Errors will be eliminated, but you will lose all information on the device.  To avoid data loss, first copy everything important to your computer or SD card.

This is a radical way to solve the problem and it is worth resorting to it only if other methods do not help.

Video: resetting to fix the error

How to avoid future errors

No one can give a full guarantee of protection against the repeated occurrence of such errors, but here are a few general ways to help minimize the risk of various problems on your device:

  • try not to use third-party phone firmware only if you are unsure of their quality and developer reputation;
  • take care of your device and check the rating of installed applications so as not to pick up viruses that could damage your device;
  • regularly, about once or twice a month, clean the application cache to clean up the temporary files of the device, which can clog the phone and slow down the normal operation of the smartphone.

Errors on devices under running Android  - The phenomenon is very frequent and always unpleasant. It is impossible to completely eliminate potential threats and bugs of the system even for the developers themselves, but almost all arising android errors  they are solved in just a couple of buttons, and not even the most experienced users can cure them.

Today operating system  Android is installed on the vast majority of mobile gadgets. There are situations when device owners observe the following problem - when you start an application that used to work without the slightest glitches, an error message appears on the screen. The application, however, refuses to start, although literally yesterday everything was fine, no one dug into the settings of the phone or tablet, it was not dropped, it was not offended and dust was blown away. What is the problem in this case - maybe Android is to blame for everything? Let's look at the example of a popular service - YouTube, which periodically "pleases" its fans with a similar inscription.

The favorite service application does not work - what should I do?

Modern technologies give gadget lovers chic opportunities - thanks to the constantly improving quality of mobile communications and the ever-increasing speed of data exchange, applications running on android basedThey easily broadcast all kinds of videos and even allow you to watch your favorite movie on the Internet on the run. And YouTube is one of the most visited resources, the services of which are used every day by an incredible number of users.

For the convenience of users, the corresponding YouTube application is easily installed on mobile gadgets, which does not require opening a mobile browser, and immediately upon startup it transfers the user to the portal and begins work on scrolling video files. The service is optimized for various screen resolutions, fully adapted for activities running Android, but without periodic overlays it does not happen - the problem with the inability to display video clips on a smartphone or tablet is quite common. And there can be many reasons for this.

If the problem is on the face, the video does not want to be viewed, and the smartphone says that there was an error in the YouTube application, there is no need to panic, but there’s no harm in taking a number of simple actions aimed at determining the cause of the failure.

Troubleshooting Steps

The very first action, which, in general, is carried out by the vast majority of users when “freezing” almost any computer or mobile equipment, an error in the application, playback, and other problems is a system reboot. If the gadget is used for a long time, a playback problem may occur as a result of a completely clogged rAM memory. Video files weigh decently, when viewed, they must first be loaded into RAM, but they do not have this feature, hence the error message. An error has occurred? Then go to the next step - clearing the browser cache.

Here you can’t do without deletion, you need to remove temporary files, otherwise called cookies. These special files store data for Internet resources - statistics, authorization, other processes. A cache is a list of user actions on the Web and the longer the Internet is used, the larger its size. Than more files, the longer the system boot. Plus, errors are possible in them, which affects the functionality of the browser. Deleting a cookie and clearing the cache brings with it certain inconvenience - authorization on the same YouTube (and other portals) will have to go through again. But the browser will start to work better. The actions in this case are standard:

  • open the browser;
  • go to the "Confidentiality";
  • then to "Security";
  • select the line "Clear cache";
  • then the “Clear cookie data” item.

If the annoying “error occurred” is displayed again, try to get to the resource using another browser. Sometimes programs do not want to work due to an error in the system that arose as a result of a long period of use.

Internet speed, updates and lack of plugins

Perhaps the reason that the error occurred is not at all in the system, application or browser, the type of connection also has considerable significance. Often mobile operators cannot guarantee a high connection speed, and therefore video files cannot be played. Try using WiFi, if the error is displayed in this case, then the reason is not in mobile communications. We are looking further.

It is possible that the YouTube application is to blame, then the algorithm of actions may be as follows:

  • check if there are updates to the application;
  • update the version;
  • in extreme cases, we demolish and reinstall the application;
  • we launch.

Here one of two things is possible - the software is outdated, the necessary plug-ins are missing, since certain software is required to launch YouTube using a browser.

Users who have already encountered a similar problem, performed all the above steps and did not achieve a positive result, recommend the following:

  • For a temporary solution to the problem, go to the smartphone settings.
  • Find the account section.
  • Delete your own Google Account.
  • Reload gadget.
  • Check playback - everything should work.

Now you need to add your account again, but if the same problem occurs again at this stage, the reason may be in the wrong time or in the virus that "worked" with the hosts file.