Disable windows 7 test mode. How to disable test mode

In the process of working at a computer, situations sometimes arise (for example, when connecting Android devices to reflash them) when it is necessary to install specific and unsigned hardware drivers. In this case, it is best to use the test mode of Windows. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Turn on test mode on the Windows command line

To go to test mode   was successful, you must first turn off the "Secure Boot (Safe boot)" in the BIOS, so before you start, you must go to your computer. For various manufacturers motherboard   the settings will be slightly different, we’ll figure out how to disable “Secure Boot” using the example of a computer with us motherboard   Asus.

So: launch the BIOS (UEFI) and go to the "Download" section. In it, go to the item "Safe Boot" and click it with the mouse.

A small menu "OS Type" appears, in which we select the item "Other OS".

We save parameters and are overloaded. If the menu item "Safe Boot" is missing in the menu of your BIOS, then it is already disabled at the hardware level and the above steps need not be performed.

Now you can run the “top ten” in test mode to remove some OS restrictions, in particular those that are imposed when installing unsigned drivers. We start (with administrator rights), enter the command:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

bcdedit . exe set TESTSIGNING ON

We are waiting for the completion of each of the commands, after which the system will issue a notification.

Close the window, reboot. After the reboot, next to the notification panel, we will see an inscription reminiscent of the mode in which the operating system now works.

You can disable the test mode in a similar way, only the command syntax will be slightly different:

bcdedit . exe set TESTSIGNING Off

If the command gives an error, turn off the "Safe Boot" mode in the BIOS.


When performing actions on the command line, be careful. And remember - windows operation   10 in test mode reduces security operating system   factor of.

Some users are faced with the fact that the message "Test mode" appears in the lower right corner of the screen. There are two ways to get rid of it: simply hide the inscription or actually disable the test mode.

Why does the inscription appear?

Typically, a notification appears on the screen after disabling driver digital signature verification. Validation can be manually disabled by the user or disabled in the assembly if an unofficial windows version 10.

The easiest way to get rid of the message in the corner of the screen is to disable the test mode using command line. But this can be fraught with errors in the operation of equipment and programs that use unsigned drivers. Therefore, if after a shutdown the system starts to malfunction, then you should start the mode back and remove only the watermark itself.


To disconnect, run the command prompt with administrator privileges.

If the command fails, then restart the computer, go into the BIOS and disable Secure Boot.

If after disabling the test mode there are problems in the operation of programs or equipment, activate it again using the command “bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON”.

Delete caption

If you cannot turn off the mode, just remove the inscription in the corner of the desktop so that it does not overlap the usable space. To achieve the goal, you can use several free programs. One of the proven utilities is called Universal Watermark Disabler. You can get rid of the inscription with its help in three steps:

After restarting the system, you will not see a watermark in the corner, which is located on top of all windows. But in fact, the system will continue to work in test mode, if you have not disabled it through the command line.

Test mode has always been an operating problem. windows systems, and it didn’t go anywhere in Windows 10. By installing unsigned drivers on the computer, the user runs the risk of a situation where he will see the text “Test mode” in the lower right corner of the screen, after which the exact name of the operating system and assembly version are indicated. The functionality of Windows will not decrease from this, but this inscription on the screen will take up space, which does not suit all users. In this article, we will consider: how to enable / disable the test mode in Windows 10 or just remove the inscription.

What is Windows 10 Test Mode?

Under the Windows operating system, thousands of applications are being developed, each of which must be compatible with various computers. They differ not only in hardware, but also in versions of installed operating systems. To test an application or, for example, an unsigned driver, the user can activate the test mode in Windows 10. On versions of the 64-bit operating system, the test mode also allows you to remove some security restrictions.

Activating the test mode in the Windows 10 operating system is quite simple, for this you need to do the following:

  1. Run the command line as administrator;
  2. Enter the command in it: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
  3. Press Enter.

After such simple manipulations, the test mode will be activated.

How to disable test mode in Windows 10

There may be situations when the test mode of Windows 10 is activated spontaneously. In such cases, the user is better off as soon as possible, because in test mode the system is more vulnerable from a security point of view. The test mode in Windows 10 is also disabled through the command line launched as administrator. It is necessary to register the following command in it:

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

After entering the command, press Enter and restart the computer.

If this method   did not help to fix the situation and after restarting the computer the test mode remained activated, you will need to do the following:

Note:   The methods for enabling and disabling the test mode in Windows 10 described above are also relevant for previous versions of the operating system - Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1.

How to hide the inscription "Test mode" in Windows 10

We have described above how to disable the test mode in Windows 10. But for some reason, for some reason, users have to use it constantly, and they may just need to hide the inscription informing about the test mode, which is located in the lower right corner of the screen.

In the settings of the operating system, as well as using system utilities, it will not be possible to hide information about the test mode of Windows 10. In order for the mode to remain activated, but the inscription is gone, you will need to apply a third-party solution. Most popular app, which allows you to hide the inscription about the test mode of Windows 10, is the Universal Watermark Disabler. This program   can be downloaded from the official website of the developers, where it is distributed free of charge.

After downloading the Universal Watermark Disabler application, launch it, click Install.

After that, the application will display a message (in most cases) that its operation on the current Windows assembly has not been tested. Click “Yes.”

After that, from the lower right corner of the screen the inscription that Windows 10 is working in test mode will disappear, while the system will continue to operate in test mode. If you need to disable it in the future, you can do this using the method described above.

Hello. What should I do if a message suddenly appears on the screen: “Test mode” indicating the version of the operating system and build number? Want to know what this means and how to remove the inscription: “Test mode” of Windows 10, then this publication is especially for you!

Why did the three lines appear above the notification area? Most likely, you accidentally disabled the need to check the digital signature of the drivers in the system settings. Or the situation "got out of hand" after the next update of Windows.

As a result of this, the test use mode is automatically activated. He does not bear any dangers, you continue to work, as before. That's just the message is constantly distracting.


What does the test mode of Windows 10 mean, have learned, now it's time to figure out how to disable it. There are only two of them. You can completely deactivate Test Mode, or hide the inscription from the screen. At the same time, "behind the scenes" the situation does not change. We just change appearanceso to speak, mask the problem.

If some of your equipment uses unsigned drivers (usually during their installation the system displays a warning), then after turning off the “Test” mode, problems with these devices may occur. You will have to undo the changes made according to the following instructions, and proceed to use special software (second method).

The first method - use the command line

  •   with administrator rights, by pressing the key combination Win + X and clicking on the corresponding menu item:

  • Copy the command:

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

  • Insert it into (using the right mouse button click) and confirm the operation by pressing Enter.

After the operation is completed successfully, you can close the window and restart the PC. This method, how to exit the test mode of Windows 10, works almost always. But, there are exceptions. For such a case, we use the second way.

UWD Utility

This method only removes the inscription, but does not disable Test.

There are several similar applications, but the most popular is the Universal Watermark Switch (the name of the program is literally translated). Previously, many used WCP Watermark software, which has not been supported by developers for a long time and is not friends with Windows 10.

First you need to download Universal Watermark Disabler 1.0 0.6 from the link from the official website:

Download: UWD

Windows Watermark Removal

Downloaded: 900, Size: 26.8 KB, Date: 30. Nov. 2016

After unpacking the downloaded archive, run the utility. Next you need to "go through" a few elementary steps:

  • We look at the status (if interested) and click on the only “Install” button:

  • A warning appears that the application will install on an assembly that has not been tested. Just agree:

  • Now you should save all the work done earlier in other programs (Word, Excel, etc.), because after clicking on “OK” the computer will restart:

Rebooted? Well, the annoying inscription: “Test mode” of Windows 10 has disappeared? Congratulations! If the situation is incorrigible, then write in the comments about the problem. We'll figure out.

Sincerely, Victor!