Edge network connection

The procedure for disconnecting the Edge network in different mobile devices is carried out by different methods, although some general principles of action, nevertheless, can be distinguished.

Instruction manual

Icon with the letter E, or just the letter E, in the upper panel mobile device  means that the phone is in the EGPRS access area. Most modern phone models support different networks - the standard is GSM, although the UMTS option is also possible. The appearance of the letter E indicates that the access point is open to the device, but does not necessarily mean the use of the EGPRS network for data transfer. Find out what exactly is indicated in the “Access Point” field in the phone’s settings: WAP GPRS or GPRS Internet.nw value implies the use of this particular network to transmit information. In this case, the letter E only means the potential use of the EGPRS network.

Right, do not try to take pictures, video or audio. At least he does not lose much battery, he is gone! Of course, this is still slow speed. After unlock mobile phone  the application again allows you to get the maximum available speed, wherever you are. This technology is more than enough for any ordinary operations that we do with our mobile phone.

As you can guess, this is an improvement on previous technology. For most users, this is the fastest, best, but also the one that consumes most of the battery. Sending text messages to mobile phones has simply become a worldwide passion. Currently, we almost do not turn to the practice of calling - this was the main goal of the mobile phone, and we prefer to move our little fingers with the ability to send a written message.

If there is confidence that the phone is working under running Android, uses the Edge connection to actively connect to the Internet to check for possible updates, some forums recommend using the specialized service code * # 4777 * 8665 # to call the Attach Mode Settings menu. Specify the GPRS detach command and reboot the mobile device.

Today, the so-called touch screen, a device with a touch screen, is in force. However, the first cell phones had alphanumeric keys, which were a mix of numbers and letters. These keys allowed you to use numbers to call and letters to send text messages.

However, probably everyone noticed that the keyboard of landline phones and the famous "old phones" also have letters next to the numbers. But it is precisely here that the question arises: if it is impossible to send text messages for them, why do fixed-line telephones have letters?

Apple  it does not explicitly disable the GPRS / Edge data service, although in roaming conditions, for example, this function may be too expensive. Therefore, to disable this function, you must use the tweak to change the APN settings in the iPhone configuration. To do this, open the "Settings" menu located on home page  phone, and go to the "General". Expand the Network link and select the Edge section. Type a sign. (dot) in the line "APN Address" immediately after the address. This action  will lead to the fact that when you try to use this function, a message appears about the inactivity of the selected service and the inability to transfer data.

The explanation for these “intrusive letters” comes from the source of the first phone already created. After Graham Bell allegedly stole a patent from Antonio Meucci - in relation to the true inventor of the phone - he commissioned his employee William Blowvet to develop a dialer for the invention.

It happens that each telephone exchange had a name, usually derived from the street or district in which it was located. With the dialer, the names became prefixes of the two letters that represented the central telephone. However, this system only worked for a while, and then was abandoned. Getting people is easier to remember numbers!

Everyone has a mobile phone, no doubt, today, but not all of these people are owners of top-end smartphones without exception. Some users prefer old phones and do not even think about the “new thing”. And why buy a device whose functions are not always needed? You can just keep in touch and chat. But older phone models have their undeniable disadvantages. Let's talk about one of the disadvantages of mobile samsung phone? How to remove the letter E on a Samsung phone?

If the answer is the second option, then the system also works with you. Substituting the numbers with letters, it will be easier for a person to remember, and he will know the number in just one word. Therefore, do not try to send text messages through your landline phone just because the keyboard has numbers and letters. But if you want to keep the number different and effective way, you now know how to do it!

These free music apps will help you listen to music by almost everyone possible ways. These are the best free music apps that will help you listen to your personal music library, discover new artists, identify songs, listen to streaming music, find radio stations near you and, most importantly, read your song lyrics to your favorites, should you accompany your artist or just understand the message that he wants to convey.

Samsung phone and internet connection

Many Samsung users complain about problems related to the fact that in the top panel quick access  The letter “E” or its icon permanently “sits” on the mobile device, which indicates that the device uses the EGPRS access zone. Often this problem shows itself most when the device is located near the speakers. All this does not mean use mobile network  to transfer data now. First you need to find out which access point the mobile phone is using.

Enjoy a lot and have fun to find out which one is best for daily use. This is a great alternative to the standard music players on your phone. When you play a song, the lyrics roll across the screen in time with the song, as if it were karaoke. This is a fun feature that doesn't work perfectly all the time, and sometimes the lyrics get deleted, but it does a beautiful job.

You can sort the songs and tags of your favorite artists that you discover when you listen. You can also listen to the computer. Besides the lyrics, there is also a biography and details of the artists. There are several options for the app with music lyrics, but you'd better check out some before committing to one of them.

Important! Even if the problem is resolved, do not leave your phone near the speakers, as you risk damaging its microcircuit with the resultant electromagnetic field.

Access point

How to remove the letter e on the phone? You can try cranking the following:

  1. Go to your gadget settings through the main menu.
  2. Visit the Access Point section. There you need to look at the name of the network.

After these steps, you need to deal with another:

You can find music by browsing through lists and new releases, as well as by finding playlists and your favorite artists and albums. While listening to these stations, you can click on the song and get the lyrics you need. Your favorite stations can be saved as presets and even set a daily schedule and scheduled at the right time.

You can also set a timer to turn off the radio after so many minutes or hours. For example, if you choose the one with whom you work, he can give you music in which there are no texts, such as ambient instrumental or retro sound. It’s great to use this feature while traveling. You can also enter a song or artist, and you will immediately have a list of all the radio stations from all over the country that will play this song or artist. You can search for songs, artists and audio, as well as follow other users to keep track of new downloads.

  1. Check out the values \u200b\u200bin that tab. GPRS Internet.nw (WAP GPRS) say what exactly this network  used by the device.
  2. To disable the “E” icon, turn off and on the phone (restart).

The problem may disappear if you have done everything correctly.

How to remove the letter e on the phone if all else fails?

You can play music in random play mode, create custom playlists, or simply manually select specific songs to play at any time without any restrictions. Once you have the application, you can install extensions and add-ons, including other applications, to gain access to emails.

If you cannot find a suitable application for text, select good app  for music and download the text later for another application. You also have the option to download music offline so you can listen to them from the app even without an internet connection. For texts, download an additional application that will complement this already completed application. Do we forget about any applications? Remind us of the comments below!

Attach Mode Setting

If you still cannot solve the problem, then you can pay attention to another instruction that is popular among most users:

  1. If your device is operating-based android systems, then the icon may hang due to the constant sending of data or receiving updates. Minimize all windows on the device and pause unnecessary processes.
  2. Now go into dialing mode and type the command - * # 4777 * 8665 # *. This code should call the Attach Mode Setting mode, which will help us deal with the problem.
  3. A context menu opens in which you need to specify the GPRS detach command, and then reboot the device.

Now the annoying shortcut with the type of Internet connection will appear only when you need it.

Then register your email  and get the latest news. Are you tired of singing songs in a song and want to know the lyrics? In fact, not only one, but several, but for different phones and operating systems cell phones. In this article, we have selected the best for you to use directly on your device.

The app also displays lyrics over time with the song, as well as information about the artist, such as concerts and excursions. With so many features, a music app just for listening to music gets boring. While you play a song, the lyrics scroll across the screen in time with the song. This is a fun feature that doesn't work perfectly all the time, and sometimes the editor takes out the lyrics, but it works great overall.