Combinations on nokia. Secret codes of Samsung, Nokia and Sony Ericsson phones

* # 746025625 # [* # sim0clock #]
* # 92702689 # [* # war0anty #]

* # 7370925538 # (valet code reset) 6230
* # 746025625 # [* # sim0clock #]
* # 92702689 # [* # war0anty #]
To access the service menu of the device, dial * 3001 # xxxxx #, where xxxxx - security code   (security code), which by default is 12345. Thus, to enter the menu you will need to dial * 3001 # 12345 # In this mode, for example, you can change the name of the network operator displayed in standby mode. To do this, select NAM1, scroll to the Alpha Tag sub-item, change it as desired (for example, write Vovochka and press OK. Exit the mode by turning the phone off and on.
It is possible that this code also works on other phone models (51xx, 61xx).

* # 0000 # -birthday and version of the phone software
* # 06 # -on many imei phones
* # 92702689 # -something * shabby menu-I don’t know why
* # 3370 # and * # 3370 * - on and off the quality of communication is a type of one, but not all operators support this crap. At the very nokia, the firmware was v 5.79

service code   NOKIA 5120 & 5125:
in addition to the above, there is still a couple of SERVICE CODE
1) * # 639 # (* # NEW #) serves to add a number, i.e. you can register several telephone numbers, and switch between them.

2) * # 92772689 # (* # WARRANTY #)
1) Serial number
2) Release Date
3) Date of reprogramming
4) The date of the last repair.
5) Enables data transfer
6) Total talk time.

3) * # 837 # or * # VER # phone version (not supported by all models)

4) * # 9999 # or * # 6120 # softa version (not supported by all models)

before changing anything in the settings
It is not possible to change the operator name on all NOKIA models in the latest models, this chip is blocked by the manufacturer.
the only (almost) plus of this service code * # 3001 # 12345 # is the ability to restore the "FORGOTTEN" password to enable the mobile.
And the second plus is the level of the received signal.
NOKIA 2110
Show EMEI Number * # 06 #\u003e
Show version software   phone * # 9999 #\u003e or for 2110i * # 170602112302 #\u003e or * # 682371158412125 #\u003e
Show phone production date * # 3283 #\u003e

Show EMEI Number * # 06 #\u003e
Shows software version * # 3110 #\u003e
Restores factory settings * # 7780 *\u003e
Entering the special menu * # 92702689 #\u003e Commands in the special menu:

To reduce electricity consumption, you can disable the EFR (Enhanced Full Rate) function # 3370 #\u003e
To enable the EFR * 3370 #\u003e function
To reduce the battery discharge rate and enable HR (Half Rate) * 4720 #\u003e
To enable HR # 4720 #\u003e
To disable SP encodings (provided that the machine’s PIN code is enabled): When requesting the PIN code, press “C”, then “up arrow” or “down arrow”. Press “C” until the display clears. Then enter the command to change the PIN code, but do not actually change it - ** 04 * PIN * PIN * PIN #\u003e The only problem is that this procedure   will have to be repeated each time the machine is turned on.

To reduce electricity consumption, you can disable the EFR (Enhanced Full Rate) function # 3370 #\u003e
To enable the EFR * 3370 #\u003e function
To reduce the battery discharge rate and turn on the HR (Half Rate) * 4720 #\u003e function, then turn the phone off and on again.
To enable HR # 4720 #\u003e
To view IMEI numbers * # 06 #\u003e
Show software version * # 0000 #\u003e
Entering the special menu * # 92702689 #\u003e Commands in the special menu:
6232 OK shows the month and year of release
7332 OK shows the date of the last change in the program
7832 OK shows the date of sale (if entered)
37832 OK, you can enter the sale date of MMYY (carefully! Then cannot be changed)
9268 OK shows the serial number (IMEI)

View firmware version * # 0000 #\u003e
View IMEI * # 06 #\u003e
Entering the service menu: * # 92702689 #\u003e By sequentially pressing down you will see after IMEI:
1 IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identification)
2 MM / YY (release date)
3 Date of purchase (here you can enter the date of purchase if your phone is new. Remember that the date is entered once and if you entered the wrong date, then it will be impossible to fix it later!
4 Date of repair (if repairs were made)
5 Transfer date to user? ATTENTION: to exit this mode, turn off and on the device again.
Checking whether the card supports SIM-clock-stop mode (only for firmware version 5.24 or later) * # 746025625 #\u003e
Enable Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR): * 3370 #\u003e will be activated after rebooting the phone (consumes more power) Turn off Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR): # 3370 #\u003e and EFR will be disabled after rebooting the phone
Enable Half Rate Codec: (available only for firmware version 4.33 or earlier) enter * 4720 #\u003e and Half Rate mode will be enabled after rebooting the phone Disable Half Rate Codec: enter Enable # 4720 #\u003e and Half Rate Codec will be deactivated after rebooting the phone


* # 06 # - IMEI smartphone (IMEI number - consists of 15 digits, it is unique and every phone has it). This number must match the number on the box.
* # 0000 # - firmware number
safe mode ("PENCIL" + Power)
* # 7780 # - restore the original (working) settings of a smart
* # 7370 # - reset smart to factory settings (i.e., all software, contacts, calendar, etc. are deleted; smart becomes clean!)
ATTENTION! To use the last two codes, you will need to enter the phone lock code (by default 12345)!
Safe Mode when turning on the phone - "PENCIL" + "Power Buttion"
Upload to Safe:
1. Turn off the phone
2. Press "PENCIL" (and DO NOT release)
3. Press the power button
4. Hold "PENCIL" until FULL loading !!!
* # 2820 # - a unique address for the Bluetoth module of your device (may be needed by other devices that do not know how to display names).
* # 7370925538 # - the purse of the Wallet (for 6600 and higher - in which there is the Wallet).
* 3370 # (the phone must reboot) improves sound quality (using EFR), but reduces battery life.
# 3370 # - resets the sound quality to normal (cancels the code * 3370 #).
EFR CODEC (Enhanced Full Rate)
When turned on, this function should, in theory, significantly improve the quality of transmitted speech, but, unfortunately, it should be supported by the operator cellular communications. When it works, the phone's power consumption in the talk mode is slightly increased (about 5%). As far as we know, not one of the Russian mobile operators supports this function. The principle is based on another speech compression algorithm (ACELP) and occupies a wider frequency band.
* 4720 # - enable Half Rate Codec (HFR)
# 4720 # - disable Half Rate Codec (HFR)
HR CODEC (Half Rate)
Significantly affects the quality of speech, but saves the battery somewhere by 30%. Again, should be supported by the mobile operator.
* # 92702689 # - enter the service menu [* # war0anty #]

The secrets of NOKIA 6600 and other smartphones

* # 06 # - IMEI smartphone

* # 0000 # - Firmware number

* # 7780 # - Restore the original (working) settings of the smartphone

* # 7370 # - Reset the smartphone to the factory settings (all software, contacts, calendar, etc. are deleted) - the phone becomes clean)

* # 2820 # - Bluetooth code (unique address of the Bluetoth module)

* # 7370925538 # - a piece of "Paper" (for 6600 and above - and which is "Paper").

Safe Mode when you turn on the phone - "ABC" + "Power Buttion" (in 3650, "ABC" is a "pencil")

Download to Safe:

1. Turn off the phone
2. Press "ABC" (and DO NOT release)
3. Press the power button
4. Hold "ABC" until the phone is FULL!

And here is another additional way to format the phone (with the loss of all data), in that case if you can’t even type in the treasured code * # 7370 # or even start the key: in the off state, hold down three keys simultaneously, the green one for answer, the asterisk and key "3". And now turn on tryby without releasing the keys. Formatting starts.

To use the codes * # 7780 # and * # 7370 #, you will need to enter a lock code (default 12345).

002 # cancel all redirects.

** 004 * number # enable forwarding of all calls to the entered number.

Secrets of NOKIA 3210, 3310, 3330, 8210, 8250, 8850, 9110

Shows Serial Phone Number (IMEI)

Software Version

1 Line - Version
2 Line - Release Date security.
3 Line - Type of telephone.

Warranty Codes:
* # 92702689 # (\u003d * # war0anty #)
You will be asked to enter the type of "warranty code",

The service menu will be displayed:
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identification)
Phone Release Date MM / YY
Phone purchase date
Repair Date
Transfer user data?

* 3370 # - Activation of the full-size encoding mode (Communication quality increases, battery life decreases)

# 3370 # - Deactivating full-size encoding mode.
Note: After entering these codes, the phone will restart with the new settings.

Check if you can stop SIM Clock:
* # 746025625 # (\u003d * # sim0clock #)

Codes for determining whether LOK is installed on the device or not
Your Nokia can be blocked by 4 types of locks:

To check the status of these locks, enter the line:
# pw + (MASTERCODE) + (y) #, where
- p \u003d press * 3 times
- w \u003d press * 4 times (in the original, vice versa w - 3 times, p - 4)
- + \u003d press * 2 times
- MASTERCODE \u003d exactly the thing that locked your device. But to check the status, 1234567890 is entered
- y \u003d number from 1 to 4

If the phone is blocked by an SP (Service Provider) code that is unknown, then try the following:

1. Request must be enabled Pin code;
2. turn on the phone;
3. When prompted for a Pin code, press C, then the up or down arrow;
4. Press C and hold until the display is clear;
5. Now enter the command to change the Pin code, but without changing it;
** 04 * Pin * Pin * Pin #
This operation must be repeated each time the machine is turned on.

Half Rate Codec:
Turning on:
* 4720 # - Half Rate will be activated after the phone is overloaded (power consumption is reduced)
# 4720 # - Half Rate will be turned off after rebooting the phone
Enhanced Full Rate mode allows you to get much better sound quality with the same number of bits of transmitted information, but loads your provider’s network more, the duration of the conversation decreases by about 5%

Half Rate mode worsens the sound quality, but unloads the network and allows the provider to miss more calls through it, while the duration of the conversation increases by approximately 30%

Security code Information in IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) contains:


TAC \u003d Type Approval Code (2 first digits \u003d country code).
FAC \u003d Final Assembly Code (For Nokia FAC \u003d 10).
SNR \u003d Serial Number.
SP \u003d Spare (always SP \u003d 0).

** 04 * old PIN * new PIN * new PIN # - Change PIN code

** 042 * old PIN2 * new PIN2 * new PIN2 # - Change PIN2 code

** 05 * PUK * new PIN * new PIN # - Unlock PIN code

** 052 * PUK2 * new PIN2 * new PIN2 # - Unlock PIN2

* # 35 # - Check the blocking status of all incoming calls

** 35 * code # - Activate the blocking of all incoming calls

# 35 * code # - Disable blocking of all incoming calls

* # 33 # - Check the blocking status of all outgoing calls

** 33 * code # - Activate the blocking of all outgoing calls

# 33 * code # - Disable blocking of all outgoing calls

* # 330 * code # - Check the blocking status of all calls

** 330 * code # - Activate blocking of all calls

# 330 * code # - Disable blocking of all calls

Nokia Code function

* 3370 # This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
# 3370 # Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR).
* # 4720 # Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.
* # 4720 # With this Nokia code you can deactivate the Half Rate Codec.
* # 0000 # Displays your phones software version, 1st Line: Software Version, 2nd Line: Software Release Date, 3rd Line: Compression Type.
* # 9999 # Phones software version if * # 0000 # does not work.
* # 06 # For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number).
# pw + 1234567890 + 1 # Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p, w" and "+" symbols).
# pw + 1234567890 + 2 # Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p, w" and "+" symbols).
# pw + 1234567890 + 3 # Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p, w" and "+" symbols).
# pw + 1234567890 + 4 # SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p, w" and "+" symbols).
* # 147 # This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone).
* # 1471 # Last call (Only vodofone).
* # 21 # This phone code allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to.
* # 2640 # Displays phone security code in use.
* # 30 # Lets you see the private number.
* # 43 # Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your cell phone.
* # 61 # Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.
* # 62 # Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to.
* # 67 # Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to
* # 67705646 # Phone code that removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
* # 73 # Reset phone timers and game scores.
* # 746025625 # Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible.
* # 7760 # Manufactures code.
* # 7780 # Restore factory settings.
* # 8110 # Software version for the nokia 8110.
* # 92702689 # Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again.
* # 94870345123456789 # Deactivate the PWM-Mem.
** 21 * number # Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.
** 61 * number # Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.
** 67 * number # Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.
12345 This is the default security code.
press and hold # Lets you switch between lines.

Input of all "indications" directly one behind the other - without "blanks" (these serve only the better overview).
last change Function / description / information
*# 06 #
12.16.03 Seriennummer / IMEI indicates (actually also a GSM is code - see further below)
*# 0000 #
12.16.03 SW version announcements (e.g. V3.42.1, 16-10-03, Nhl-10)
*# 2820 #
12.16.03 Bluetooth (BT) device address indicate.
xx #
12.16.03 Directory quick access (xx \u003d storage location and afterwards lozenge e.g. 24 #)
A / from key
12.16.03 Short pressing for menu for switching between profiles
Menu key
12.16.03 Long pressing for "task manager" - switching between active programs (with "C" key programs can be terminated.)
Menu quick access
01/18/04 Over in the menu e.g. to point 3.1 arrive simply 31 enter (if the third symbol a file is opened is for these and then in it started the first Programm / Icon).
Autostart go around
12.28.03 When switching on of the Handys on to the pin inquiry the key "ABC" (pin) comes the whole time keeps pressed - this is to ignore (allegedly) the autoinitialization programs.
02/15/04 Do not switch between different lines (AS) ... goes e.g. with Austrian ONE Handys (see nose cunning). I could not try out however also, since I did not have 2 lines on the SIM map.
12.16.03 ... is according to standard set the Nokia nokia-Sicherheitscode.
12.16.03 ... is according to standard those (with Vodafone windshield frame section) set 2te pin and that standard net code / password
With D1 the standard net code is the last 4 numbers of the card number without HLR e.g. 99999234-5 / 55 -\u003e 2345
0 - for a long time press
10/25/04 If one the "0" in the main menue for a long time presses those homepage of the standard WAP connection is called.

________________________________________ ________________________________________
Caution - starting from here the codes are "dangerous"
* # of res wallet #
12/28/03 ... is to be deleted the code around the "wallet"! Input like normal telephone number (not in wallet code inquiry windows).
NOTE! Afterwards the "wallet" is empty, can again be put on however with new code.
*# 7780 #
01/17/04 The "original attitudes" and telephone re-establishes is again started (an appropriate inquiry and it follow before must the sicherheitscode be entered).
NOTE! Afterwards various "attitudes" are away - among other things these:
  Points of entrance (Provider dependent points of entrance and attitudes)
  Bluetooth attitudes
  Allocation of the two keys (beside Navi keys) in the main menue
  Profiles are "neglected" (as with distribution) - still there however new bell tones, etc. are ...
  SMS / MMS / E Mail attitudes
  Logos and spielstaende (allegedly) also deleted ...
Programs, calendars and contacts, etc. not changed ...
Also the sicherheitscode remains.
This putting back goes also via menu under "attitudes - general - original telephone once.".
*# 7370 #
01/21/04 Soft format: If the Handy (only telephone memory) formats, puts back the attitudes (see * to # 7780 #) and implements a software RESET. (however still another inquiry comes before.)

This is "only" a soft format ... Hard format with "green, 3, *" ... see below.
Green, * 3
01/21/04 Hard format: If the Handy (only telephone memory) formats, puts back the attitudes (see * to # 7780 #) and implements a RESET.
NOTE! If the Akku to 75% are loaded at least, Akku do not only accomplish during the procedure under any circumstances remove! The procedure takes some minutes (approx. 3-4), is absolutely waiting!

Proceeding: Equipment switch off, which keep "green key" (take off) at the same time pressed, "*" and to "3" key and switch the equipment on (the keys thereby keep further pressed) ... to "Formatting "on the display appears ...
If that does not function, then equipment for 1 hour switch off, Akku so for a long time rausnehmen and again try.
"only" virtual the memory is generally cleared - genuine formatting can take place only in a Nokia service center, if the Fash is deleted there and / or new L.G. is installed.
12.16.03 * # 92702689 #, then switch - system menu off (goes with me not)

The following code do not fold (with me also):
* EFR0 # (* 3370 #) EFR activate (EFR \u003d Enhanced Full rate Coding - language optimization)
# EFR0 # (# 3370 #) EFR switch off
* HRC # (* 4720 #) HRC switch on (HRC \u003d helped rate Coding - language compression)
# HRC0 # (# 4720 #) HRC switch off
01/12/04 Simlock status query: (use "*" the key over "p, w" and "+" indications to enter)
# pw + 1234567890 +1 # Provider LOCK status
# pw + 1234567890 +2 # network LOCK status
# pw + 1234567890 +3 # Country LOCK status
# pw + 1234567890 +4 # Sim Card LOCK status

The code 1234567890 must be computed with a program e.g. SmartDCT4Calc and / or DCT 4 code Calculator from IMEI, etc ...

Info to Simlock: SIM LOCK makes it for the offerer / network carriers possible, subsidized (verguenstigte) Handys to offer. Thus one makes oneself if necessary punishable if one SIM LOCK deactivated - in addition the warranty can purged. I take over for it no adhesion or responsibility!

SMS Tipps
01/27/04 To Tipps & cheat about SMS (with appropriate codes) are immediately in the FAQ list.
For example for the topic: SMS "retard" and / or deferred send, acknowledgment of receipt, reports ...
Mark more simply
03/01/04 To Tipps & cheat to the topic "mark" e.g. with SMS entrance.
Over simply to mark simply the "pin" (ABC key) hold some.e SMS and move then Jostick downward.
Call number transmission
01/01/04 * 31 # - (CLIR - Calling LINE identification Restriction switches on for the general call number transmission)
# 31 # - switch off the general call number transmission
# 31 # [telephone number] - with the next call suppress the own call number (thus temporary)
* 31 # [telephone number] - with the next call transfer own call number (thus temporary)
* # 31 # - status query (of call number transmission)
# 31 * [telephone number] - own call number show, although receiving station switched call number suppression on. (is not usually de-energised of the Netz (betreiber).)

* 30 # - switch (TIE-clip - Calling LINE identification presentation for the announcement on of the call number of the caller)
# 30 # - switch off
* # 30 # - status query

This also partly goes with 6600 via Men: Attitudes - calls - own No. send ...

The following codes are not supported by most Netz (betreibern):
* # 76 # - announcement of the call number, under which one reached the calling (not its call number during rufumleitung!) (COLP - COonnected LINE identification presentation)
* 76 # - switch on
# 76 # - switch off

* # 77 # - announcement of the call number, under which the caller reached me (not my call number during rufumleitung meinerseits!) (COLR - COnnected LINE identification Restriction)
* 77 # - switch on
# 76 # - switch off
Call bypasses (call Forwarding)
01/01/04 Bypass code (U):
U \u003d 21 always
U \u003d 61 retards
U \u003d 62 not reachable
U \u003d 67 occupies

U \u003d 61, 62, 67 can be parallel active

U \u003d 21 -\u003e and then no more call signaling overwrites U \u003d 61.62 and 67! Service code (D):

D \u003d 11 only language
D \u003d 12 all data (speed / minutes)
D \u003d 13 only fax
D \u003d 14 DATEX j (active?)
D \u003d 15 teletex (active?)
D \u003d 16 only SMS
D \u003d 18 all data except SMS
D \u003d 19 all services except SMS
D \u003d 20 all services

D \u003d 22 all synchronous services

D \u003d 26 DATA pack exchange on the left of inclusive. PADs
D \u003d 27 services thru PADs
D \u003d 29 12 Kbps digitally left

** U * [goal call number] * D # - bypass switch on
Input without * D means bypass of all services

  U ** D # - switch bypass off (individual bypasses and service code)
Without ** D all services are switched off to bypasses
  002 # (all bypasses for all service codes switch off)
  004 # (switch off only U \u003d 61, 62, 67 and for all service codes - thus ", not attainable, nonacceptance" occupies)

* # U ** D # - status of the bypasses query:
Input without ** D queries all services and bypasses

Bypass in the speaking and / or fax box: Number in bypass procedure with D \u003d 11 and / or 13 enter
Goal call number (e.g. D2-Netz: +49,172 xxx) and Handynummer without preselection (if necessary 172 replaces) enter.

Tap: During switched on rufumleitung "with occupied" being able "to reject" calls by one the red key during "to ring" presses. The caller is then passed on to the goal call number of the occupying bypass (e.g. mailbox).
Type for waiting period during rufumleitung 61: ** 61 * [goal call number] * 11 * [time in sec. (5 to 30)] #

This also partly goes with 6600 via menu: Attitudes - rufumleitungen -...
Knock / stops / parks / faults
01/01/04 Knocks is signaling a secondary call during a current discussion
* 43 # - switch on
# 43 # - switch off
* # 43 # - status query

This also partly goes with 6600 via menu: Attitudes - calls - knocking ...

0 - reject while the discussion a knocking
1 - discussion terminate, knocking discussion accept
certain discussion (y) terminate 1 (y)
2 - discussion park, knocking discussion accept
certain discussion and new discussion leads 2 parks (y)

0 - caller the busy condition signal

This also partly goes with 6600 via menus existing during the discussion.
Call barrier
01/01/04 Possible only if bypass of the service code is switched off.
Check code (S):
S \u003d 33 all outgoing transmissions
S \u003d 331 outgoing abroad
S \u003d 332 outgoing abroad except home
S \u003d 35 all arriving transmissions
S \u003d 351 all arriving abroad

Special check codes (s) delete:
Switch off only in connection with the procedure
S \u003d 330 check code status outgoing & arriving transmissions switch off
S \u003d 333 check code status outgoing transmissions switch off
S \u003d 353 check code status arriving transmissions switch off Service code (D):
Not all nets support all services
D \u003d 10 language and fax (all calls)
D \u003d 11 only language
D \u003d 12 all data (speed / minutes)
D \u003d 13 only fax
D \u003d 14 DATEX j (active?)
D \u003d 15 teletex (active?)
D \u003d 16 only SMS
D \u003d 18 all data except SMS
D \u003d 19 all services except SMS
D \u003d 20 all services
D \u003d 21 all asynchronous services
D \u003d 22 all synchronous services
D \u003d 23 3.1 kHz GSM of language services
D \u003d 24 all synchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs
D \u003d 25 only data (all asynchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs)
D \u003d 26 data packet exchange links incl. PADs
D \u003d 27 services thru PADs
D \u003d 29 12 Kbps digital link

* S * * D # - einschalten der Anruf-Sperre
# S * * D # - ausschalten der Anruf-Sperre
* # S # - Status der Anruf-Sperre abfragen

Passwort fur Handy Sperre andern:
** 03 ** * * #
** 03 * 330 * * * #

Dies geht beim 6600 auch teilweise via Menu: Einstellungen - Anrufsperre ...
PIN andern
01.01.04 ** 04 * * * #
** 042 * * * #

PIN entsperren: ** 05 * * * #
PIN 2 entsperren: ** 052 * * * #

Dies geht beim 6600 auch teilweise via Menu: Einstellungen - Sicherheit - Telefon und SIM ...
Universe codes
02.02.04 Die folgenden Codes klappen nur in einigen (wenigen) Netzen / Netzbetreibern ... leider z.B. nicht im Vodafone D2 Netz (in Deutschland):
* # 100 # - Eigene Nummer (Own Number)
* # 101 # - HLR Nummer
* # 102 # - Switch Nummer
* # 103 # - Zeit im Netz (Network Time)
* # 104 # - Anrufbeantworter Nummer (Voice mailbox number)
* # 105 # - Switch number
* # 147 # - Letzter Anrufer (Last Caller)

# 646 # - Minutes Used: (646 spells "MIN")
* # 1345 # or * 174 # - Vodafone Prepaid balance

* 78 - Do not disturb - nur in Nord America in GSM und CDMA Netzen moglich
* 79 - Cancel (s.o.)

ANDROID secret codes for Nokia 6070

DISCLAIMER: This information is intended for experienced users. It is not intended for basic users, hackers, or mobile thieves. Please do not try any of the following methods if you are not familiar with mobile phones. We "ll not be responsible for the use or misuse of this information, including loss of data or hardware damage. So use it at your own risk.

Code: - * # * # 4636 # * # *
This code can be used to get some interesting information about your phone and battery. It shows the following 4 menus on screen:

* Phone information
* Battery information
* Battery history
* Usage statistics

Code: - * # * # 7780 # * # *
This code can be used for a factory data reset. It "ll remove the following things:

* Google account settings stored in your phone
* System and application data and settings
* Downloaded applications

It "ll NOT remove:

* Current system software and bundled applications
* SD card files e.g. photos, music files, etc.

PS: Once you give this code, you get a prompt screen asking you to click on the "Reset phone" button. So you get a chance to cancel your operation.

Code: - * 2767 * 3855 #
Think before you give this code. This code is used for factory format. It "ll remove all files and settings including the internal memory storage. It" ll also reinstall the phone firmware.

PS: Once you give this code, there is no way to cancel the operation unless you remove the battery from the phone. So think twice before giving this code.

Code: - * # * # 34971539 # * # *
This code is used to get information about phone camera. It shows the following 4 menus:

* Update camera firmware in image (Don "t try this option)
* Update camera firmware in SD card
* Get camera firmware version
* Get firmware update count
WARNING: Never use the first option otherwise your phone camera will stop working and you "ll need to take your phone to service center to reinstall camera firmware.

Code: - * # * # 7594 # * # *
This one is favorite one. This code can be used to change the "End Call / Power" button action in your phone. Be default, if you long press the button, it shows a screen asking you to select any option from Silent mode, Airplane mode and Power off.

You can change this action using this code. You can enable direct power off on this button so you don "t need to waste your time in selecting the option.

Code: - * # * # 273283 * 255 * 663282 * # * # *
This code opens a File copy screen where you can backup your media files e.g. Images, Sound, Video and Voice memo.

Code: - * # * # 197328640 # * # *
This code can be used to enter into Service mode. You can run various tests and change settings in the service mode.

WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Codes:
* # * # 232339 # * # * OR * # * # 526 # * # * OR * # * # 528 # * # * - WLAN test (Use "Menu" button to start various tests)

* # * # 232338 # * # * - Shows WiFi MAC address

* # * # 1472365 # * # * - GPS test Nokia 6070

* # * # 1575 # * # * - Another GPS test

* # * # 232331 # * # * - Bluetooth test Nokia 6070

* # * # 232337 # * # - Shows Bluetooth device address

* # * # 8255 # * # * - This code can be used to launch GTalk Service Monitor.

Codes to get Firmware version information:
* # * # 4986 * 2650468 # * # * - PDA, Phone, H / W, RFCallDate

* # * # 1234 # * # * - PDA and Phone

* # * # 1111 # * # * - FTA SW Version

* # * # 2222 # * # * - FTA HW Version

* # * # 44336 # * # * - PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist number

Codes to launch various Factory Tests:

* # * # 0283 # * # * - Packet Loopback

* # * # 0 * # * # * - LCD test

* # * # 0673 # * # * OR * # * # 0289 # * # * - Melody test

* # * # 0842 # * # * - Device test (Vibration test and BackLight test)

* # * # 2663 # * # * - Touch screen version

* # * # 2664 # * # * - Touch screen test

* # * # 0588 # * # * - Proximity sensor test

* # * # 3264 # * # * - RAM version Nokia 6070

GSM codes for Nokia 6070
  These codes, dialed from a GSM phone, are used to enable and disable various standard functions and services. Some of them duplicate the functions of the menu, some not.

@ \u003d send button (Handset, OK, YES, Navi)
** \u003d enable or activate
* \u003d active
  \u003d turn off and deactivate
# \u003d inactive

  Change PIN 1 ** 04 * old PIN1 * new PIN1 * new PIN1 # @
Change PIN 2 ** 042 * old PIN2 * new PIN2 * new PIN2 # @
Unlock PIN 1 ** 05 * PUK * New PIN1 * New PIN1 # @
Unlock PIN 2 ** 052 * PUK2 * New PIN2 * New PIN2 # @

PUK - code that must be provided by the operator when buying a phone or connecting. In the absence of this code, or entering the wrong PUK ten times, your phone will be completely blocked!

TO SHOW IMEI Nokia 6070
Show IMEI * # 06 #

If the code obtained by entering this command and the code on the back cover of the phone do not match, then your phone may be gray.

Deactivate all types of call forwarding 002 # @
Deactivate all conditional redirects 004 # @
Activate all conditional call forwarding ** 004 * phone number # @

Deactivate and Disable call forwarding to another number 21 # @
Deactivate call forwarding to another number # 21 # @
Set a number and activate call forwarding to another number ** 21 * phone_number # @
Activate call forwarding to another number * 21 # @
Check the status of call forwarding to another number * # 21 # @

Activate call forwarding to another number if the subscriber does not answer ** 61 * phone_number # @
Deactivate and turn off call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer 61 # @
Deactivate call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer # 61 # @
Activate call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer * 61 # @
Check the status of call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer * # 61 # @

Activate call forwarding to another number if the subscriber is out of coverage ** 62 * phone_number # @
Activate call forwarding if the subscriber is out of coverage * 62 # @
Deactivate and turn off call forwarding if the subscriber is out of coverage 62 # @
Deactivate call forwarding if the subscriber is out of coverage area # 62 # @
Check forwarding status if the subscriber is out of coverage * # 62 # @

Activate call forwarding to another number if the phone is busy ** 67 * phone_number # @
Activate automatic call forwarding if the phone is busy * 67 # @
Deactivate and turn off call forwarding if the phone is busy 67 # @
Deactivate call forwarding if the phone is busy # 67 # @
Check the status of automatic forwarding if the phone is busy * # 67 # @

N \u003d 5-30 (seconds)
Set the number of rings ** 61 * Voice Mail Number ** N # @
Discard previous installation 61 # @

Change password to bar calls ** 03 * 330 * oldPassword * newPassword * newPassword # @
Activate barring of all outgoing calls ** 33 * Password # @
Deactivate the barring of all outgoing calls # 33 * Password # @
Check the barring status of all outgoing calls * # 33 # @

Barring All Calls from Nokia 6070
Activate barring of all calls ** 330 * Password # @
Deactivate barring all calls # 330 * Password # @
Check the status barring all calls * # 330 * Password # @

Barring all outgoing international calls Nokia 6070
Activate barring of all outgoing international calls ** 331 * Password # @
Deactivate the barring of all outgoing international calls # 331 * Password # @
Check the barring status of all outgoing international calls * # 331 # @

Barring All Outgoing Calls Nokia 6070
Activate barring of all outgoing calls ** 333 * Password # @
Deactivate barring of all outgoing calls # 333 * Password # @
Check the barring status of all outgoing calls * # 333 # @

Barring All Incoming Calls Nokia 6070
Activate barring of all incoming calls ** 35 * PW # @ or ** 353 * Password # @
Deactivate barring of all incoming calls # 35 * PW # @ or ** 353 * Password # @
Check the barring status of all incoming calls * # 35 # @ or * # 353 # @

Barring All Incoming Calls When Roaming
Activate barring of all incoming calls when roaming ** 351 * Password # @
Deactivate the barring of all incoming calls when roaming # 351 * Password # @
Check the barring status of all incoming calls when roaming * # 351 # @
Activate call waiting * 43 # @
Deactivate Call Waiting # 43 @
Check call waiting status * # 43 # @

Prevent sending your phone number # 30 # phone number @
Allow sending your phone number * 30 # phone number @
Check the status of sending your phone number * # 30 #

Disable caller ID display on your phone * 77 #
Allow caller ID display on your phone # 77 # @
Check the display status of the caller's number on your phone * # 77 # @

Questions and comments about secret codes for Nokia 6070

Ask a question about secret codes of Nokia 6070

Almost any person has a mobile phone today. Yes, and where without it! After all, a mobile phone in our time is not only a way to stay in touch anytime, anywhere, but also an organizer, Internet access, a player. But not everyone knows what is secret phone codes! They are not known to a wide range of users, they are not written about in the instructions and official manuals. But, nevertheless, they exist and using secret codes mobile phones, which we will tell you about today, you can significantly expand the capabilities of your phone!

What is secret phone codes   and what are they for? In fact, everything is simple: these are key combinations created for technical needs (such as testing and debugging the phone, checking its identification number, etc.). Such “secret” phone codes are not intended for ordinary usersTherefore, they are not printed in the instructions, only engineers of manufacturing companies know about them. And now we recognize them and we are with you.

Attention!Warning! If you intend to use the codes described below for mobile phones, you will do so at your own risk. The author of the article does not bear any responsibility for their reliability and safety. It is possible that some codes may harm your phone. Be careful and accurate, double-check the information below (use Google or Yandex search).

So, below are the secret codes for various models of mobile phones. For activation codes   they must be dialed and (if nothing happened) click “call”. But usually you only need to dial a combination, and it activates itself, without a “call”.

Samsung secret phone codes

Combination *#06#   - displays the IMEI of your phone.

IMEI is an international cell phone number. It is unique to each device. We can say that this is his kind of "fingerprints".

Typing *#9999# , *#0837#   or *#1234#   You can get information about the firmware version, i.e. software installed on the phone.

Secret code *#0001#   will display Samsung serial numbers.

Combination *#0523#   allows you to enter the display adjustment menu.

Very useful code *2767*688#   - he can unlock the phone.

A lot of possibilities are provided by a group of codes starting with * # 9998 *. For example, typing *#9998*636#   You can check the status of the phone’s memory, *#9998*746#   - find out the memory capacity of the SIM card, *#9998*228 # or *#9998*246#   - display information about the battery (voltage, charge level, capacity, temperature), *#9998*862#   - set the voice mode (normal, speakerphone or headphones).

Phone secret code *#8999*8378# , will enter its service (or engineering) menu. Here you can find out the version or number of the “firmware” of the mobile phone, adjust the screen contrast, adjust the volume level of the melody, etc. The specific features are determined by the model of your mobile phone.

The code *#2255#   - display a list of phone calls.

Secret combination *2767*2878# full reset   custom settings that do not affect files and contacts. Attention! This code is not recommended for use with the Samsung A800! Also, if the phone was "unlocked" after applying the code, it can again "lock up".

Combination *2767*3855#   - Total cleaning of the entire contents of the phone.

The code *#4777*8665#   - Entrance to a special GPRS settings menu. For some phones (for example, Samsung E730) this secret code even allows you to enable access to undocumented EDGE!

Combination #*7337# , in some cases, it can unlock a Samsung phone (including one locked to work with a single SIM card). But it does not always work.

Nokia secret phone codes

Combination *#0000#   - receiving information about your phone: phone model code (in RM-XX format, where the last two digits represent the model number), version and production date of the software.

Secret code *#92702689#   - allows you to find out IMEI phone; total time of telephone calls (see the “life timer” item); date of release of the mobile phone, as well as the availability of the date of sale of the phone and the last repair

The code *#2820#   - displays the unique MAC address of the BlueTooth device (if the phone has a bluetooth at all).

Combination *#7780#   - reset all user settings. In this case, contacts, music and photos are not damaged (but make them backup   before dumping will not be superfluous). You may need to enter confirmation (by default hereinafter - 12345 ).

Combination *#7370#   and then you need a confirmation code (try the standard “12345”) - “hard” reboot ( hard reset), a complete reset of all settings and cleaning the contents of the phone (contacts, music, photos).

The code *#3370#   will turn on the Enhanced Full Rate mode, and the code #3370#   will disconnect it.

The combination * # 9000 # allows you to set the code for SIM Lock, and the combination * # 9100 # removes it.

Secret code **04*0000*0000*0000#   help launch the phone even without a SIM card.

Complex code *#3262255*8378#   will open the technical menu of the mobile phone.

A simple code 0#   will let you know the last number dialed on this phone.

Of course, not all secret phone codes are listed here (and besides Samsung, Nokia, Sony Ericsson there are many other manufacturers, code combinations for which we will soon publish). But the article will be finalized and updated. Well, if you also know secret combinations for phones that were not told by us, write in the comments and we will add your information to the article.

And, to be continued!

We have other interesting articles!

Secret codes   mobile phones

About codes

Attention!!! All codes, except universal ones (such as * # 06 # which shows the serial number of the phone), the thing is very unstable. Often, these codes work only with a certain version of the software and certain phone models, and some may not produce the very results expected from them. Keep this in mind !!!

Using special key combinations, you can get a variety of information or make significant changes to the functionality of a mobile phone. From our point of view, the most popular codes, we have placed in this article. I immediately want to warn the curious reader against careless use of these codes: some of them are safe, some can lead to serious damage. To obtain comprehensive information about the capabilities of each secret combination, as well as about the harm that a particular code can cause, it is recommended to use search engines   (Google, Yandex, etc.) or thematic sites.

Some secret codes can be written in letters. For example, like this: * # GPRS * TOOL #. This technique of generating and constructing service codes is used by some manufacturers and makes it easier to remember complex codes. In the given example, the code * # 4777 * 8665 # was meant, remembering this combination is a bit more difficult than the simple phrase “GPRS tool” (English, GPRS tools). To decrypt the code * # GPRS * TOOL #, just press the keys on the mobile phone’s keyboard that bear the indicated letters, that is, for the letter G it is the key 4 (it has the letter G), for the letter P it is 7 (therefore what exactly is the letter P on this key), for R and S it’s also key 7, the word TOOL corresponds to keys 8665 (T for eight, double O for six, and the letter L on key 5)

All models
Of course, the most famous code is the combination * # 06 #. Using this combination, dialed in standby mode, you can get information about the unique identifier of a mobile phone - IMEI code


Probably the most difficult secret codes to use were used by Motorola engineers. For example, to make a complete reset, you must press the Menu key and without delay dial a sequence of numbers and signs: 048263 *. This will allow you to be in the Opcode service command input menu. Then you need to dial a number of Fields, the meaning of which is known only to service center employees (it’s impossible to guess about them, you need to either know these combinations or try at random, tracking what happens after each of them is recruited, and the result will not always be obvious ) To perform a complete reset, in the Opcode menu dial 58 and press OK (the backlight goes off). Then dial 18, *, 1. The phone will automatically restart. A complete reset is made.

* # 06 # - shows IMEI
* # 0000 # OK - default settings
* # 300 # OK - firmware version
* # 301 # OK - checking the phone’s performance, keyboard, display, speaker tests
* # 302 # OK - menu "acoustic"
* # 303 # OK - the effect is unknown
* # 305 # OK - message list
* # 307 # OK - engineering menu
* # 400 # OK - the effect is unknown
* # 402 # OK - the effect is unknown
* # 403 # OK - factory identifier

Increase the volume in the C350 so press<Меню>   and quickly and quickly dial 048263 * (the inscription should appear ) then you need to dial 54 * 5 * 0 * 15 (where 15 is the maximum volume, initially 7) Exit restart the phone.
Hold “#” for a few seconds until “test” appears, the output is 01 #.
All codes have the form: xxx 1 [ok (“1” includes an additional function, “0” removes,
  pressed by long pressing “*”).
123 - activation of the watch,
113 - engineering menu,
087 - memory for 100 numbers,
046 (056 or 059) - security code,
276 - message signal,
331 - 334 - games,
367 - calculator,
315 - alarm clock
272 - SMS from the book,
191 - full encoding mode,
168 - display power on the phone screen,
229 - Russian, 266 - Ukrainian,
278 - melody editor, 203, 204, 205,
206 - manual range switching.
19 # is the software version.
57 # - reset settings.
58 # - security code.
59 # - unlock code.
60 # or 65 # - the phone will show its IMSI
88 # - time and date.
99 # - advertising mode.
If in Motorola 6200 (Flare) you type from РРР 000 Р 1 Р ОК to РРР 113 Р 1 Р ОК, but skip 070 and 007, the menu will expand, and 99 additional places will appear in the notebook.


The combination * # 0000 # will allow you to obtain information such as the version of the software (software) and the date of its release, as well as the code name of the model, which has a unified form: RM-XX, where XX is the model number. 7832 OK Shows the sale date. 37832 OK. Enter the sale date. MMYY

Using the combination * # 92702689 # (WAR0ANTY) you can find out IMEI, about when the phone was made (month and year), information about the month and year of sale of the phone (if indicated), the date of repair (if indicated) and the most useful item is the Life timer field - this item displays information about the time of calls on this phone. This counter does not reset even when changing the “firmware” of the phone. By acquiring new phone, it is advisable to check this item, it is not rare that even eminent retailers display used phones on the window, giving them off as new ones. * 4720 # On / Off Halfrate

Owners of Nokia smartphones will also be interested in combinations for a complete reset, which, as a rule, help to solve a number of problems arising from software crashes, as well as when a smartphone is infected with viruses. By dialing * # 7370 # and specifying the phone code (by default 12345), you can perform a hard reset, completely resetting the phone and resetting its contents: phone book, notes, calendar entries, photo and audio files. Another well-known way to perform a full reset is to turn on the S60-based phone while holding down the send call key + 3 + *.

Resetting user settings without harming files and contacts can be done using the combination * # 7780 #.

If you forgot the Wallet code, you can reset it by dialing the service code * # 7370925538 # (* # RES0WALLET #) and confirming your intentions by entering the phone code (by default 12345). * # 7220 # Restart the phone. * # 9999 # Software version. * # 746025625 # SIMclock stop function

Some Nokia models may overflow with the list of available WAP profiles, you can remove unnecessary accounts using the secret code * # 335738 # (DELSET).


The combination of * # 9999 # will allow you to get the software version information for some Samsung models. If this code did not work on your model, try using other well-known combinations: * # 8999 * 8378 # (VERS), * # 9998 * 8376263 # (VERNAME) or * # 1234 #.

* # 0000 # - software version
* # 7780 # - reset parameters, restore factory settings.
* # 92702689 # - the date of acquisition, serial number, date of purchase, whether there was a repair and when, sometimes a talk timer for the entire time the phone is used. Exit-turn off and on the phone.
* 3370 # - improves sound quality (using EFR), but reduces battery life.
# 3370 # - resets the sound quality to normal (cancels the code * 3370 #).
* 4720 # - enable Half Rate Codec (HFR).
# 4720 # - disable Half Rate Codec (HFR).
* # opr0logo # (* # 67705646 #) - delete the logo.
* # opr0logo # only works on DCT-3 phones.
Half Rate Codec is not yet supported in Russia.
* # 7370 # - reset (works on 3650), (you need it if the phone freezes and is very “buggy”), the phone restarts for a long time and finally turns on completely clean, though all downloaded applications will be erased.
* # 746025625 # - battery saving mode.
* # 060 # - exact time.
* # 060 # - you will recognize the Bluetooth code of the phone (tested on 3650)

To enter the service menu samsung phonesdial * # 8999 * 8378 # (TEST). In this menu you can get information about the version of the “firmware”, test the vibration alert, change the volume level of the ringtone, the contrast level of the display, and much more. The set of features depends on the phone model, not all features are available in all of them.

You can change the GPRS settings, and in some Samsung models you can even get the option to enable an undocumented EDGE (for example, in the Samsung E730) by dialing * # 4777 * 8665 #. In this menu, you can enable or disable EDGE support, select the GPRS Multislot Class and make some other changes.

Codes * 2767 * 2878 # (CUST), which performs a user reset (not recommended for use on the Samsung A800), i.e. resetting the settings made by the user (while phone book, melodies and photos are not deleted), and secret combination   * 2767 * 3855 # (FULL) - a full reset, which is advisable to perform in case of significant malfunctions in the phone software.

Some Samsung models have a hidden settings menu for running Java applications that require access to the Internet. You can make the necessary settings in the menu that opens using the code * # 9998 * 5282 #.

If your Samsung is locked to work with only one SIM card or the phone code has been forgotten, then you can try to unlock it by dialing the secret code # * 7337 #.

* # 0003 # (dial without SIM) - the speech encoding EFR FR HR will be displayed (tested on Samsung N500).

* # 06 # - Shows the serial number of the phone (IMEI)

* 0007 # - Reboot the phone
* # 0228 # - information on battery charge and ambient temperature
* # 9999 # -\u003e Shows the software version.
* # 0837 # -\u003e Shows the software version (instructions)
* # 0001 # -\u003e Shows Serial Options
* # 927 # -\u003e WAP key
* 0001 * s * f * t # - change of serial parameters

Sony Ericsson

The most informative in the phones of this manufacturer is the menu, which can be accessed using the combination →, *, ←, ←, *, ←, *, typed by pressing the joystick left and right and the asterisk. In this menu, called test mode, you can check the operation of almost all functions of the phone, starting with vibration and ending with the alarm. Interesting in the test mode is the Total time item in the Service tests section: this is a non-resettable telephone talk timer.

To enter another service menu of Sony Ericsson, you can use the code * 585 * 0000 # or * 585 * 0000 and the call key (for example, the text “TechMode application is enabled” appears on the Sony Ericsson K750i). You can find additional menus in the Menu by selecting Settings, Communications, and then Cellular networks.

You can continue this list by specifying codes for checking the software version and complete resetting of Pantech, Philips, Siemens phones and many others. The choice of models that we talked about was dictated by today's popularity of manufacturers. Perhaps the current list will be supplemented.

Secret codes for BOSCH phones

909 Dual
* # 06 # shows IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) code
* # 0000 # sets the menu to English
* # 3370 # sets Enhaced Full Rate (sound quality enhancing mode)
# 3370 # turns off Enhaced Full Rate
* # 9000 # for entering SIM lock code
* # 9001 # for entering corporate lock code (Bosch 908)
* # 9002 # for entering provider lock code (Bosch 908)
* # 9003 # for entering network lock code
* # 9004 # for entering a subset lock code
* # 9100 # to remove SIM lock code
* # 9101 # to remove corporate lock code
* # 9102 # to remove provider lock code
* # 9103 # to remove the network lock code
* # 9104 # to remove the subset lock code * # 3262255 * 8378 # (* # DANCALL * TEST #) to open the secret Engineering menu. (Menu 10)

10. Engineering
10.1 MS Info
10.1.1 on
10.1.2 off
10.2 Software details
10.2.1 Software version
10.2.2 EEPROM version
10.2 Test / Production details
10.3.1 Hardware data
10.3.2 Production data
10.3.3 Service data
10.3.4 Mechanical data

Secret codes for Alcatel phones

One Touch Club Dualband # 06 # shows IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) code 000000 * entrance to the service menu
TRACES - channel indicator menus (netmonitor displays network parameters)
SWOFF CODES - phone shutdown log
EMPTY SWOFF - clear phone shutdown log
CTRL CHARDGE - battery charge control
CHEKER - display test

# * 2565 # \u003d Check Blocking
# * 3353 # \u003d Check Code
# * 3837 # \u003d ??? White for 15 secs than restarts.
# * 3849 # \u003d ??? White for 15 secs than restarts.
# * 3851 # \u003d ??? White for 15 secs than restarts.
# * 3876 # \u003d ??? White for 15 secs than restarts.

   Often there is no need for many of them, and there is no time to deal with them. Unless some children and adolescents, due to their less workload and greater curiosity, manage to figure out and use all these cameras and camcorders, thirty-two gigabytes of flash memory, an MP3 player with an equalizer, a radio receiver with the ability to change modulation types, and Wi protocol -Fi and a great many other functions.

Therefore, apparently, wanting to save our, and our time, and also not wanting to harass tons of paper for unnecessary scribbling, the mobile phone companies simply do not indicate in the technical documentation some functions of the devices that they think are not so significant.

However, our meticulous Russian by the method, so to speak, of a “scientific poke” with a finger into the keyboard of his mobile phone, regularly discovers mysterious capabilities in this device that are not described in the instruction manual. What most of them joyfully seek to put information on the Internet on - these spaces are simply overwhelmed with such messages. As phone models quickly become obsolete and change, these messages just as quickly become obsolete, and thousands of new ones appear.

Such curiosity of our citizens is due to the peculiarities of their life and life. Due to the significant lag of the Russian living standard from the living standards of the developed countries, we are in great demand in used cell phones.

When purchasing such a phone, it is important to know something about its past. So, it was found that such information in nokia phones   gives the key combination * # 92702689 #. By typing a combination of these characters, you can find out the total talk time for this unit, the date of the last repair, and the release date.

In Nokia, up to the model, the NetMonitor engineering menu is available, which allows you to explore networks and view the phone’s service parameters.

In a series of models on the Series 40 platform, users playing the Bounce game found a number of key combinations that were not specified anywhere, giving them significant advantages in the game. So, the combination 787898 grants immortality, 787899 will transfer to a higher level and add additional features; buttons 1 and 3 are transferred to the previous and next levels, respectively, without changing points, 5 will complete the current level with the addition of 500 points, # - disable gravity.

Also in these models it was possible to switch the speech codec. The key combination * 3370 # and # 3370 # turned on and off the Enhancet Full Rate codec with improved voice quality, * 4270 # and # 4270 # controlled the economical Half Rate codec.

Sony Ericsson phones also have features that are not described in the ToR, and in the process of improving models, these features do not disappear.

When buying a second-hand telephone of this manufacturer of any model, we recommend dialing “right * left, left * left *”. In this case, diagnostic tests are run, allowing you to check all the functions of the device: display, keyboard, call, vibration, speaker, microphone. It also shows the degree of use of the joystick or clamshell parts. So in case of a malfunction of your device - “tyn-tyn” by the above keys.

It is also possible to alternatively use the “Online” key, which allows you to open home page   in the browser. If you set “wtai: // wp / mc; phone number ”- when you click on the button, you immediately start calling this number. When specifying “wtai: // wp / mc; without number ”- an analogue of the“ green button ”appears.

  “Wtai: // wp / ap” - creating an entry in the phone book;
  “Wtai: // vc / ac” - receiving an incoming call;
  “Wtai: // vc / sc” - hold the current call;
  “Wtai: // vc / rc” - call reset;
  “Wtai: // vc / cs” - display information about the call.

Owners have an undocumented Shake ME function - switching the player to a random composition. You need to press the Walkman and shake (carefully!) The phone.

A secret combination was found for Alcatel’s phones to view the technical parameters of the network, battery information - “000000”. In LG devices, the keys “2945 # * #” can be used for the same purpose.

Here is a small list of secret codes for Samsung devices, of which there are truly a great many - probably more than in any other brand of phones.

  * # 8999 * 8378 # - diagnostic menu;
* # 9998 * 228 # or * # 0228 # (for different models) - voltage, temperature, battery capacity;
  * # 8999 * 523 # - adjust the brightness of the display;
  # * 2562 # - reboot the phone;
  * # 2255 # - display a list of calls;
  * # 232337 # - MAC address of the built-in Bluetooth module;
  # * 2562 # - reboot the device;
  # * 7337 # - reboot the device while cleaning the WAP settings;
  # * 5376 # - delete all SMS messages;
  * 2767 * 7927 # - loading default WAP settings for Russian operators.

Some secret codes of Motorola brand phones. To pay attention to the following:

  * # 0000 # @ - return to the original settings.
  * # 300 # @ - get information about the firmware.
*#301# @ - test mode   checking the performance of all parts of the phone.
  * # 302 # @, * # 305 # @, - * # 307 # @ - you can view the menu: sound, messages, service.
  * # 403 # OK - serial number of the manufacturer.

For Motorola models, the C650 has the ability to increase the capacity of call logs (both incoming and outgoing) from 10 to 60:

  • menu key, then dial 048263 * - the Opcode tab appears on the display.

  • insert the values \u200b\u200bwe need:

Opcode 47
  Field 1 80 - approx;
  Field 2 1 - approx;
  Field 3 143 - approx;
  Field 4 1 - approx;
  Field 5 (D) 060 - approx;

Corrected the incoming call log.

We do the same thing again, with the exception of Field 3 147 - OK.

The result - the possibilities of your magazines have expanded significantly !.

  # 02 # - view data on the firmware and all components of the phone.
  # 03 # - check the signal level from the base station.
  # 04 # - evaluate battery parameters
  # 08 # - go to the expert menu.
  # 09 # - perform a full test of the device.
  ** 0101 # - testing a SIM card.
  102 # - full reset with clear memory.

Some codes for LG phones.
  2 9 4 5 # * # - exit to the engineering menu.
  SW VERSION - view the firmware version inside this menu.
  FACTORY RESET - return to the original settings.

A few tricks for Siemens phones.
  * # 9999 # @ - a full return to the original settings.
  * # 0606 # and the left soft key - get the opportunity to turn on the device without a SIM card.

I would like to warn that these settings and codes should be used with caution and only in justified cases, knowing exactly what we want to achieve. Otherwise, you can achieve a bad: irretrievable loss of all data and even the inoperability of the device.

All the tricks can not be described in one article, and this is not necessary. For most citizens, they will never be useful in life. Unless, when buying a used tube, you can shock the seller with your incredible knowledge. Perhaps this knowledge will give you a chance at a substantial discount. Also, such information can be useful for the overall development of the most advanced category of users. mobile communications, and for people who are independently or professionally involved in the repair of mobile phones. Comprehensive information for specific model   can be found on the Internet, a break a good hundred or two pages - if you wish. The largest and happiest part of humanity is not even aware of the hidden capabilities of their mobile phones.

© Pavel Red,
  Date of publication of the article - January 23, 2009