1 installation 1s. Platform installation, platform upgrade

Today we are going to walk you through the process in detail. configuration settings 1s. We will install "Enterprise Accounting". There are absolutely no difficult moments in this process, and now we will see this with you.

Download configuration setup files

In order to set configuration we need its distribution kit ( setup files). You can download the necessary files from the ITS disk, or from the 1c user support site (users.v8.1c.ru). After you have downloaded the archive with the configuration, you need to unpack it. Open the folder where you unpacked the archive. It should look something like the picture below. Run the file configuration setup (setup.exe)

Starting the installation of the configuration template 1s

In the window that appears, you need to specify the folder where the installer will unpack all the necessary files to install the configuration (template). In our figure, the path differs from the standard one. It is recommended to leave the default path. We press "Next".

The installer will inform us about the successful completion of the installation of files in the specified directory. If you do not want to read the delivery file then uncheck this item. Click "Finish".

The initial stage of installation 1s configuration

Now we have available in the database manager that the configuration we have set. To start working with the database, we first need to create it from the template that we installed. We said that set configuration 1s, in fact, we have installed a template from which we will now deploy the configuration we need. So let's run the shortcut 1s. We will see the database manager 1c, click the "Add" button.

Select "Create a new infobase". Click "Next".

This page shows all the templates that are installed in the system, we have several templates installed, this can be seen in the figure. Since we installed "Enterprise Accounting", we select it accordingly by double-clicking, or by clicking on the "+" on the side. After that, you will have access to two templates for configuration settings 1s these are "Enterprise Accounting" and "Enterprise Accounting Demo". The first configuration is set empty (without data), in the second case, the database will already contain test data (they are created so that you can immediately evaluate the performance of all the necessary program functions). Indeed, without data, you will not be able to see how a particular report, document, reference book is filled. Therefore, if you want to see how this configuration works and how some data is filled in it, then select the Demo option, otherwise another option. Click "Next".

Now you need to set the name of your infobase, let's set it. We leave the item "On this computer or on the local machine", click "Next".


Installing and updating the 1C 8.2/8.3 platform for the file version of work.

In order to install / update the 1C 8.2 platform for the operating system Microsoft Windows we need its distribution kit. Consider the most common installation option for 1C Enterprise. For example, let's take the platform of the software product 1C Enterprise Other versions of the platform are installed by analogy.

Installing / updating the distribution kit of the platform version 1C 8.3 is similar to version 8.2, therefore this instruction suitable for her too.

Before starting, you need to download the installation files of the 1C Enterprise platform distribution kit. If there is a subscription to ITS (Information and Technology Support), everything is simple, go to the site users.v8.1c.ru and download the necessary. For basic versions of configurations, ITS subscription is not required. detailed instructions for downloading the distribution kit from the users site.

It is also possible to install the distribution kit from the "ITS Supplement" disk. If this installation option is selected, you should pay attention to the date of its release, since the platform must be up-to-date, otherwise the configuration of a newer release simply will not start, giving an error. Detailed instructions for installing the distribution from the disk.

So, the distribution is downloaded, open the folder with the distribution and see the following picture:

We launch the installer file with the name "setup.exe" highlighted in the figure above.

After starting the installation program, a welcome window opens, click the "Next" button

A window for selecting components opens, and the path to the platform files is also specified. It is advisable to choose the first three points. Also, if, on a computer, you plan to use remote access to the databases, through a thin client or a web browser, you need to add a “web server extension module” (Works only with managed applications).

Next, the interface language selection window opens. If you have a Russian-language operating system, leave the default “System Settings”, well, or choose at your discretion:

Next, the installer reports readiness. Click "Install":

The program installs the components we have chosen. We are waiting for the end of the process.

Next, the installer asks if we need a hardware key protection driver? If you use the "Hardware Security Key" (USB device of blue color), then the checkbox should be left. If the licenses are software (Envelope with PIN codes), the checkbox can be unchecked. In any case, you can install / remove the driver later, you can read about it. Click "Next":

Further, if everything went well, we see the corresponding window. Click "Finish" and set the configuration:

How to install 1C Enterprise 8.3? This question torments many beginners, in fact it is much easier than you might think! You don't have to be at all for this. In this step by step instructions I will tell you the installation process of the 1C 8.3 program and how to install the 1C configuration using the example of "1C Enterprise Accounting 8" with an operating Windows system. The procedure is absolutely similar for other applications, such as 1C Trade Management.

By the way, if you have not bought 1C yet, you can order any 1C program and customization services from. Delivery and installation of 1C PROF in Moscow and regions for free!

The installation can be conditionally divided into 2 small steps:

  1. First of all, the installation of the 1C 8 platform itself and
  2. Configuration installation: there are a lot of 1C configurations, and it is not possible to consider the installation of all. For example, I take the most popular configuration - 1C Enterprise Accounting.

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As a rule, configuration files are packed into an archive, in which the installation files. It looks something like this:

In the archive, you need to find and run the "setup.exe" file.

The following window will appear:

Here it is necessary for the first three items, as in the picture, to set the parameter "This component will be installed on HDD". Also, in the menu of interface languages, you can specify the one you need (the default is Russian / English).

This article will discuss in detail the algorithm for installing the client part of the 1C:Enterprise system. 8.3 (for versions 8.2 , 8.1 And 8.0 the installation algorithm is similar, about installing the 1C:Enterprise system 7.7 I wrote) in operating systems of the . Considered typical options work of 1C:Enterprise, as well as short description all components of the system.

0. Initial information about the 1C:Enterprise system

The 1C:Enterprise system is a set of software modules designed to develop and use application solutions ( configurations) - on keeping records and automating the economic activities of enterprises. Software modules 1C:Enterprise systems are universal and able to work with any configuration. R working with infobases is possible both in file, as well as in client-server option.

In the case of working with a file infobase, the database files are located either directly on the computer of the user working in the program 1C:Enterprise, or network resource, to which 1C:Enterprise is connected to work with the infobase. The figures below show the most common scenarios for the operation of 1C:Enterprise with file databases.

This mode of operation is only suitable for information bases, with which a small number of users work at the same time.

If it is assumed that a large number of users will work with the infobase at the same time, or a significant load on the infobase is expected, you should use 1C:Enterprise server cluster. In this case, the database files will be located in a separately installed DBMS (database management system), and the server cluster will interact with the end user with this DBMS. In the general case, the scheme of operation of the 1C:Enterprise system will then be as follows:

I wrote in detail about installing a 1C:Enterprise server cluster in the article. The following is only about installation. client application 1C:Enterprise system, i.e. system modules required to work with file infobases or to connect to an existing cluster of 1C:Enterprise servers. For this we need:

  1. The computer responsible for installing the client application of the 1C:Enterprise system running Windows operating systems.
  2. Rights local administrator on this computer.
  3. Distribution kit for installing 1C:Enterprise modules. This example uses the version . Installation of 1C:Enterprise modules of earlier versions is similar.
  4. or , suitable for the required 1C:Enterprise mode of operation.

1. Installing the components of the 1C:Enterprise system

Open the directory with the 1C:Enterprise installation files and run the filesetup.exe.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 installation assistant will start, click " Further" on the first page.

On the next page, you can change the folder for installing 1C:Enterprise modules by clicking the " Change” and specifying a new path for installation, and you also need to select the components that will be installed. The list of components depends on what needs to be installed. Depending on the distribution type, not all components may be available for installation. If you need to install a component (or cancel the installation), you need to mark it by clicking the icon to the left of the component name (or Space), in the menu that appears, select one of the options:

  • This component will be installed on the local hard drive.
  • This component will not be available.

Here is a brief description of the installed components:

  • 1C:Enterprise— the main components of 1C:Enterprise, including components for administration, configuration, thick and thin clients.
  • 1C:Enterprise - thin client- thin client components only for working in the client-server version.
  • 1C:Enterprise - thin client, file version— thin client components, including components for working with the infobase file version.
  • Server 1C:Enterprise— components of the 1C:Enterprise server (read more about installing the 1C:Enterprise server).
  • Web Server Extensions— web server extension modules required for the operation of the web client and Web services (read more about setting up web access to 1C:Enterprise databases).
  • 1C:Enterprise server administration— additional components for administering a 1C:Enterprise server cluster.
  • Interfaces in different languagesuser interfaces in various languages.
  • Configuration storage server 1C:Enterprise— components of the 1C:Enterprise configuration storage server.
  • Converter IB 1C: Enterprise 7.7- infobase converter.

After selecting the necessary components for installation, click " Further».

At the next step, you must select the interface language that will be used in the future (the default language is operating system). After specifying the interface language, click " Further».

Press " Install to start the installation of 1C:Enterprise.

Upon completion of the installation process, the assistant will offer to install the protection driver - HASP Device Driver. It is necessary to install the protection driver only if the USB port given HASP4 NET hardware protection key will be installed on the computer (you can also install the driver later using the menu item " Start» — « Programs» — « 1C Enterprise 8» — « Installing the HASP Device Driver"). Leave or remove the flag "Install protection driver» and press « Further».

If the installation is completed successfully, the final page of the installation assistant will open. If you leave the flag Open readme file ”, then a file with information will be opened, which seems to be recommended to read before using this version of the system. Press " Ready» to complete the wizard.

2. Adding an infobase to the list of infobases

During installation, a shortcut will be created on the desktop to launch 1C:Enterprise. If you run it, the 1C:Enterprise launcher will open with an empty list of infobases and a suggestion to add a new infobase to the list.

The next steps depend on your specific situation:

  • If you need to create a new database to start accounting, click " No» and, first of all, we install a typical configuration template, and only then, based on the template, we create a new infobase. Read more about this in the article.
  • If you need to connect to an existing infobase, click " Yes» and add this database to the list of infobases. Read the article on how to do this.

3. Installing a 1C:Enterprise license

1C:Enterprise software products version 8can be protected from copying by hardware LPT or USB dongles such as HASP4 Net from the company Aladdin or through the software licensing system. It is also possible to use both types of protection at the same time. After system installation "1C:Enterprise" and creating infobases, it remains only to install a license for the operation of "1C:Enterprise".

  • I wrote about installing and configuring HASP security keys in the article ""
  • I wrote about the software licensing system in the article "", as well as about the case of the initial receipt of a license in the article "".

Did this article help you?

The 1C platform allows users for home or business purposes to work with a variety of programs developed by a company of the same name. Before interacting with any software component, you should install its latest version. It is this process that will be discussed next.

There is nothing complicated in the installation of the platform, you just need to carry out a few manipulations. We have divided them into two steps to make it easier for you to navigate the instructions. Even if you have never dealt with such software, thanks to the guide provided below, the installation will be successful.

In the case when you already have a licensed version of 1C components purchased from an official supplier, you can skip the first step and immediately proceed directly to the installation. For those who need to download the platform from the developer resource, we suggest doing the following:

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that full list components for updating will be available only if you have already purchased one of the programs developed by the company. More detailed information on this issue can be found on the official 1C website at the link below.

Step 2: Installing the Components

Now you have a downloaded or purchased 1C technology platform on your computer. It is usually distributed as a zip file, so you should follow these steps:

  1. Open the program directory using the archiver and run the file setup.exe.
  2. Wait for the welcome window to appear and click on it "Further".
  3. Choose which components to install and which to skip. An ordinary user needs only 1C: Enterprise, but everything is selected individually.
  4. Specify convenient language interface and proceed to the next step.
  5. Wait for the installation to finish. During this process, do not close the window or restart your computer.
  6. Sometimes a PC has a hardware security key, so for the platform to interact correctly, install the appropriate driver or uncheck the box and complete the installation.
  7. At the first start, you can add an infobase.
  8. Now you can configure the platform and work with the present components.

This concludes our article. Today we have analyzed in detail the process of downloading and installing the 1C technical platform. We hope this instruction was useful, and you did not have any difficulties in solving the task.