Zuckerberg biography. Thanks for the birth of Max. Mark Zuckerberg - childhood, school years

First computer

Quite unusual, speaking about the biography of one of the most famous and richest people of the 21st century, to name the date of his birth is only 1984. But this is true - Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984. This event took place in a fairly respectable area of \u200b\u200bNew York, Dobbs Ferry. His parents belong to one of the most respected and highly paid estates in the United States - doctors: his mother is a psychiatrist, his father is a dentist. However, the career did not prevent the Zuckerbergs from having four children - Mark has an older sister and two younger sisters.

It was the large family that made Mark accomplish his first programming feat at the time - at the age of 11 he created a home mini-network in which he could exchange messages with his parents and sisters.

The year before, he received his first computer as a gift for the 10th anniversary - the 486th Quantex DX, and was immediately seriously carried away by the new “toy”. I must say that before that he had completely different hobbies - the boy was interested in antiquity and even studied Latin and Greek. But computer languages \u200b\u200bturned out to be much more attractive. Mark later said that people are divided into two types: users and programmers. The first, having received the computer, they use it, the second begin to change it and find it using it simple solutions  for difficult tasks.

Zuckerberg himself, of course, refers to the second. I must say that many of his peers around the world also mastered and are mastering the wisdom of communicating with computers. But for some reason, most of them did not go beyond ordinary shooters and rpg games. And Mark tried to understand all the wisdom of the rapidly developing IT industry, and in various areas, including protection and, therefore, hacking computers. But nevertheless, Mark didn’t choose a hacky path, although, as we will see later, he sometimes used skills in this “industry”.

Young hacker

In grade 9, Mark created a rather unusual program "Synapse". She collected data on what kind of music a person listens on his computer, which particular compositions and at what time of the day she prefers. And then, on the basis of these data, she created a playlist, playing exactly those melodies that the music lover himself might have chosen at that moment.

They became interested in this program in Microsoft, the brainchild of another computer genius, and offered the young programmer a huge sum for it. But here he first showed the oddities of his character, refused money and distributed "Synapse" for free.

Then he again surprised acquaintances. All the same Microsoft, immediately after Mark graduated from high school, offered him a well-paid job, but he did not accept the invitation and went to study at Harvard, and he chose not psychology for himself, but psychology.

However, at Harvard, he immediately gained a reputation as a cool hacker and programmer. Mark managed to break into a server with an information base and photos of all students and organized a kind of network beauty contest for Harvard girls. After which the administration almost drove him out of the university, but at the same time noted in his conclusion that Zuckerberg had exceptional abilities.

In the film "Social Network", Mark Zuckerberg is represented by a person who does not get along well with people, in other words, a sociopath with some mental disabilities. Many authors of articles about the young billionaire portray him as a kind of appendage to the computer, which avoids all human pleasures. But, apparently, in reality this is not so. This is evidenced by the numerous photos of Mark on the network, including on his personal page on Facebook. He always smiles, surrounded by friends and pals, beautiful girls, enjoys food, travel, etc.

His mental usefulness and ability to communicate normally with people is also evidenced by the fact that when he created Facebook, he immediately found a lot of like-minded people and assistants - which is basically impossible for a sociopath.

Throughout 2003, Indian-American Divia Narendra and the Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss brothers worked on the ConnectU project, a student site where they could meet and socialize.

In the fall, they invited Mark to work with them. He agreed, but on January 11, 2004, he suddenly registered a domain called "TheFacebook.com" (he later got rid of the article), and on February 4 he launched his new project. I must say that his friends helped him create Facebook, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskowitz, Andrew McCallum and Christopher Hughes.

In 2007, they started litigation against him, at the request of the court, source codes were examined with the aim of plagiarism, but its results are classified.

In 2009, the plaintiffs still succeeded, and Zuckerberg paid them $ 65 million. However, at that time it was already a frivolous sum for him - Facebook turned out to be a very successful project, and Zuckerberg was an absolute rich man - now his fortune is estimated at almost 7 billion dollars.

Thrown Billionaires

But in 2004, there were still a few steps to success. Significant investments were required on Facebook. Everything was invested - both Zuckerberg and Saverin and other creators social network.

However, a really serious investor was found in the summer of 2004, when Zuckerberg and his friends went to the Mecca of programmers - the city of Palo Alto in California. Here he met Sean Parker, the founder of the pirated file sharing service Napster. He brought him to Peter Thiel, the founder payment system  PayPal, and the enterprising Til, seeing the benefits of the project, provided young geniuses with 500 thousand dollars.

After that, a team of strong programmers was assembled, and Facebook turned into a powerful worldwide network.

However, Zuckerberg quarreled with his first companions. After long conversations with the offended Eduardo Saverin, the writer Ben Mezrich wrote his book “Billionaires Involuntarily: An Alternative History of the Creation of Facebook”, based on which the film “Social Network” was shot.

The insults of Zuckerberg's former friends seem a little strange - each of them has Facebook shares and is also a billionaire.

Zuckerberg's personal life

Zuckerberg’s supporters claim that the offended Saverin discredited the luminous image of the founder of Facebook, and Mezrich’s book and film on it was a lie, because the writer did not even talk with Zuckerberg himself.

They say that the “real Mark” is presented in another book, “The Facebook Effect,” written in June this year by the writer David Kirkpatrick after long conversations with the founder of the social network. profit, is exclusively engaged in its own business and wants to make the world a better place.

On his Facebook page, Zuckerberg himself states: “I’m trying to make the world more open by helping people find each other.” In his interests it is stated: "openness, to do things that help people find each other and share what is important to them, revolutions, information flow, minimalism."

Recently, he voiced himself in the cult series In the series, which was released just the other day, Lisa and Nelson are looking for an investor for their project and get acquainted with Zuckerberg. In between, he informs young entrepreneurs that many billionaires quit universities at the time - incidentally, the founder of Facebook Harvard did not graduate ... He went through his universities on the Internet and proved the success of such training.

However, according to Western media, the billionaire is modest in everyday life, sleeps on a mattress that just lies on the floor, rides his office bicycle, dresses almost beggarly, walks barefoot in sandals and is only interested in work.

However, he still does not forget about his personal life - for several years now he has been dating the Chinese woman Priscilla Chen, whom he met all the same in 2004, which has already become historical, at Harvard - in the toilet line.

In May 2012, Mark and Priscilla got married, and the invited guests did not even suspect that they had been invited to the wedding ceremony, until it started.

A brilliant guy was born in a large family of a dentist and a psychiatrist. He grew up an intelligent child who was only interested in computers and programming, one might say, from the cradle.

He created the first network at age 11, of course, it was elementary programming, but still ... Mark impressed everyone with his abilities and creative approach to creating innovative programs. Many achievements behind him already from school age: board games, Winamp, etc.

All his first discoveries were made at the institute, he eagerly and passionately surrendered to his work. Surprisingly, in addition to programming, he managed to play sports, learn foreign languages \u200b\u200band psychology - the creator of Facebook is truly brilliant!

As a student, Mark singled out the highest priority subjects; he did not have enough time for everything else. Prepared for exams in a couple of days. In general, the university graduated with average performance.

The creator of Facebook began a new life in 2003, when he came up with in the world. The story began with the fact that he decided to take revenge on his ex-girlfriend. He created a site on which her photo was adorned with the signature "fool." You could vote for a participant. Already in the first hours of operation, the site was visited by about twenty thousand people.

Another talented programmer, Divy Narendra, was trained at the same university. He had long nurtured the idea of \u200b\u200ba social network and even found a website to open. The appearance of the site of Mark Zuckerberg immediately interested Nerendra, and so they began to work together.

But the whole history of the union of these young businessmen did not end as optimistically as it began. The creator of Facebook received and his partners filed a lawsuit. Zuckerberg had to pay $ 65 million, and $ 7 billion was his capital. Rather, the accused was not much troubled, because if you measure his condition and development prospects, then this amount is like a “drop in the bucket”.

Despite the overwhelming success, enormous fortune and popularity of the Facebook network, its creator does not flaunt on the most expensive cars and does not differ in a dissolute way of life. His daily transport is a bike. He likes to wear ordinary slates, sleep on the floor and buy clothes of the middle price segment.

They say "money spoils people", but not in the case of Mark. The creator of Facebook is actively involved in charity work, and in the coming year he will donate $ 3.5 billion to it.

Recently, a young tycoon married. The newlyweds met for nine years, even from the student bench. In a word, lasting for years. The ceremony was held secretly in the house of the creator of Facebook.

The same day was a grand event for the entire company - on the stock exchange, the social network was valued at $ 124 billion, which is higher than even the large oil company Gazprom.

The creator of Facebook is now experiencing the happiest moments - success in his personal life and business. It seems like this is just the beginning for a twenty-eight-year-old talent. I think you should wish him good luck, because such a "simple and his" billionaire in most people causes only sympathy.

  - founder and developer popular network  Facebook, the youngest billionaire in history. In 2010, he was recognized as the man of the year according to the American magazine Time. As the publication explains, the 26-year-old billionaire was elected person of the year because he “united more than half a billion people and drew a map of social relations between them, created a new information exchange system, and changed our life”

In 2010, the number of Facebook users exceeded 500 million people, and the figure of Zuckerberg was "mythologized" by Hollywood - in the fall of 2010, the film "Social Network" about the history of the creation and development of Facebook was released.

« In a world where social structures are paramount, a virtual, public dossier is an information bomb. And in general, if a person has brains, he simply does not have the moral right to work not for himself, giving most of his time and the results of his achievements to his employerMark Zuckerberg

Success Story, Mark Zuckerberg Biography

Childhood, adolescence and student years Mark Zuckerberg

Mark was born on May 14, 1984 in White Plains in southeastern New York. He was the second of four children and the only son in an intelligent family of a dentist and psychiatrist.

The fact that the world is divided into programmers and users, Mark learned when he was 10 years old and he received his first PC (Quantex 486DX on an Intel 486 processor). Users on the computer are working. Computer programmers are changing the world through computer. After the advent of the computer, Mark felt terribly grown-up and at first literally did not leave the new toy. Within a couple of months, he was tired of just changing the background color, and he began to read smart books, deciding to learn something more useful, namely programming.

Reading has benefited. With software wisdom, Mark got comfortable and, while still in high school, wrote several small programs, for example, computer version  the popular board game Risk. But not all of his crafts were so harmless. In principle, Zuckerberg himself says that he would not want to create something global right away, but he would be glad to make a bunch of cool little things, and here the Synapse program is just one of them. He wrote it for himself. The program was a smart mp3 player, which, having carefully studied the owner’s preferences and found out what kind of music, what time of day and how often, he listens, was able to generate playlists on his own, “guessing” which tracks the owner would like to hear right now. Interested in an unusual program, no less, no less, at Microsoft, and Zuckerberg himself - at Microsoft, and in AOL. However, the young talent rejected the giants' purchase of Synapse, and then politely rejected their invitation to cooperate. Just like that, Mark refused several tens, or maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars, and work in one of the top IT corporations in the world.

It is amazing that with such enthusiasm, Zuckerberg found time for other studies: he did well in mathematics and science. He enthusiastically devoted himself to such an extraordinary sport as fencing. Immersed in antiquity, studying ancient languages. Once, he spent three months of school holidays at a summer school in ancient Greek language courses. True, he changed his mind about entering the corresponding department, but he retained the ability to read and write in both classical languages. And at the university I chose a rather unexpected, although explainable discipline - psychology.

University performance was so-so: a passion for programming took too much time. Sometimes preparation for exams required extraordinary solutions, as, for example, in an episode with 500 paintings on a course in art history. Two days were left before the exams, and it was impossible to read at least something about each canvas. Zuckerberg quickly created a website, on each page of which he put a picture, and asked fellow students to speak about the works. “In two hours,” the rationalizer recalls, comparing himself to Tom Sawyer, painting the fence with a commercial savvy, “each picture was overgrown with comments, and I passed the exam perfectly.”

Facebook creation

There was a section in Harvard's internal computer network where students posted their photos and personal data. The photographs were so-so - ordinary face and profile, intense expression. And then it occurred to young Mark to frolic: he made a program that chose two random faces and offered to compare who is sexier. From those wishing to conduct a comparative analysis there was no end. By the evening of the first day, four thousand people watched the site. When the number of visitors exceeded twenty thousand, the server fell due to congestion. Mark appeared before the commission on computer hacking. Of course, they did not stroke Zuckerberg’s head for it - he received a disciplinary sanction, but, apparently, even then he noticed that such things aroused great interest among the people. At Harvard, by the way, they still refuse to comment on that incident.

However, the foundation of the future communication masterpiece has already been created. On February 4, 2004, Mark launched a social network called The Facebook, which was conceived as a communication site for Harvard students. “The Facebook” became popular among students mainly due to the convenience of self-organization in groups, courses and parties that already exist in universities offline. Opening “The Facebook” you could find out where the friends this year live, which girls are pretty and which are not, who, after all, is the newcomer of this year ... all this strongly resembles what Facebook is today.

After the site was launched, Zuckerberg told the press that Facebook was written in just a week, and this one just matured in his head and was quickly implemented, "without leaving the box office." Fortunately, fellow students also helped - along with Mark, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskowitz, Andrew McCollum and Christopher Hughes were also engaged in the launch of the project.

Very quickly, the social network created by Zuckerberg outgrew the boundaries of the campus (I recall that at that time there were no “classmates” and “twitter”, they were cloned later), already in the spring of 2004 all the colleges of the Ivy League entered it. Users were invited to post photos and any information about themselves - from scientific and creative interests to gastronomic and love preferences. As well as photographs, photographs, photographs ...

Serious and promising projects at the stage of active development, as a rule, require substantial investments. But as life shows, these issues are resolved, if any.

Mark spent on business all the money set aside by his parents to pay for his studies, but this was not enough for a megaproject. And therefore, one summer, Zuckerberg rushed to Silicon Valley, where interesting ideas, if you're lucky, can get support. And again she smiled at the assertive guy. Like the hero of the Finnish writer Martti Larni, who left home for matches and ended up in America, student Zuckerberg went on reconnaissance and got stuck in Palo Alto - the heart of Silicon Valley.

One evening on the street, he accidentally met Sean Parker, a cult Internet figure and one of the creators of the Napster file sharing program. It turned out that Parker was moving to Palo Alto, but he still did not have an apartment. " we  (Mark and his friends)   just invited him to spend the night with us"Says Mark. It was Parker who introduced Zuckerberg to Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal. After a fifteen-minute conversation, an experienced businessman invested a red-haired youth worth 500 thousand dollars. Zuckerberg wrote to the university a statement of unlimited academic leave, as another famous Harvard "dropout" had done at one time.

Half a million is only at first glance a lot of money. Mark and his team perfected their brainchild in rented rooms in Palo Alto: some sitting on rickety chairs, some right on the floor. There was no ventilation in the rooms where the servers stood. With a California summer heat of 45 degrees, plastic racks melted around the edges.

In November 2004, the number of users stepped over a million. Six months later, with the help of Peter Teal, the company managed to get serious funds - $ 12.7 million from Accel Partners. In the fall of 2005, there were already more than 5 million active customers.

Soon, the portal announced free registration - for any user with a valid email address. The percentage of customers older than 30 years has grown significantly, and Facebook has established itself among the leaders of the Internet, steadily remaining the seventh most popular site in America.

In 2006, Zuckerberg began to receive the first purchase offers. At first, the amounts were very cautious, but rather quickly began to increase. They offered 750 million dollars, but Mark refused and said that it was three times less than the amount that could be a serious discussion. Later, at the already mentioned negotiations with Yahoo, it was a question of a billion, but Zuckerberg again said no. Rumors say that there was also an offer from Google, and they gave more, but Facebook remained in the same hands, and the rumors remained rumors.

The site, meanwhile, was overgrown not only by people, but also by new services, both successful and frankly failing. It was clear to everyone in the company that they were sitting on huge amounts of money, but coming up with elegant ways to get it from users was not such an easy task. On the site we tested various methods  introducing contextual, as sparing as possible, advertising. In this connection, there were scandals, in particular, related to data privacy (which turned out to be a big question) and the inability to permanently delete your account. In general, everything is natural - the larger the community, the greater the excitement.

The year 2007 was definitely the year of change for Facebook. For starters, Microsoft acquired a 1.6% stake in the company for $ 240 million. It is easy to calculate that, in Microsoft's understanding, the full value of Facebook is 15 billion pieces of paper with portraits of the dead presidents. Where is Yahoo and Google with their modest sums.

In 2009, Facebook officially opened the platform codes to everyone, so everyone got the opportunity to create new appliques for the site, whether it be toys, horoscopes, calendars or something completely different. By the way, now more than 140 new applications are added daily to the site.

Madness swept the world. Even the casual dating model has changed. The phrase “Can’t you give me the phone?” Was replaced by a request for a link to a Facebook profile. And this is really convenient: instead of checking for a long time by trial and error, whether a person is suitable for you or not, you can simply view his personal page. The popularity of Facebook provided the convenience of self-organization according to interest groups already existing offline or newly created.

Vengeful thief or victim of envious people?

The launch of the project was accompanied by a scandal. Six days after the site was opened, undergraduate brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra accuse Zuckerberg of stealing their idea. They claim that in 2003 they hired Zuckerberg to complete the creation of the HarvardConnection.com social network. According to them, Zuckerberg did not give them the results of his work, but he used the results obtained from them to create Facebook.

In the same year, Winklevoss and Narendra launched their network, renamed ConnectU. And they continue to attack Zuckerberg, complaining to him at the Harvard administration and the Harvard Crimson newspaper. At first, Zuckerberg convinces reporters not to publish an investigation: he shows what he allegedly did for HarvardConnection.com, and explains that these developments have nothing to do with Facebook. But another Harvard student, John Thomson, begins to tell in private conversations that Zuckerberg stole one of his ideas for Facebook. The newspaper decides to publish an article, which offends Zuckerberg very much.

Zuckerberg takes revenge on Harvard Crimson. According to the resource Silicon Alley Insider, in 2004 he hacked mailboxes two journalist publications using the newly launched Facebook. He finds all the users who have indicated their affiliation with the newspaper and looks at the logs (i.e. history) of the incorrect Facebook passwords that they enter. Zuckerberg’s calculation is justified: two absent-minded employees of the newspaper tried to log into Facebook with a password from their mail. Silicon Alley Insider claims that Zuckerberg was lucky: he read with interest in their correspondence comments about the editorial with him and HarvardConnection.com.

The Winklevoss and Narendra brothers sue, but the court rejects their lawsuit. They are persistent and file another lawsuit. A second court is examining the source code to see if it was really stolen. But the truth is still not clear. The results of the examination were not announced: in 2009, Zuckerberg agreed to pay $ 45 million ($ 20 million in cash, and the rest with Facebook shares) to ConnectU as part of the pre-trial settlement procedure. After that, the case was closed. By that time, ConnectU had fewer than 100,000 users, and Facebook could boast 150 million.

But the Winklevoss brothers did not calm down on this, they filed a petition with the US Federal Court of Appeals, but they were refused a review of the case. According to their lawyer, Jerome Folk, the appeals court refused the brothers to reconsider the case, based only on a settlement of the parties, which states that the participants in the trial after signing the document have no right to resume the trial. According to the lawyer, the decision was illegal, as Mark Zuckerberg during the trial in 2008 provided false information about the value of the company.

May 17, 2011 Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss filed a lawsuit against the owner of the social facebook network  Mark Zuckerberg to the US Supreme Court. This is the last attempt of the brothers to reconsider the matter.

Mark Zuckerberg's lifestyle

Having received the status of a billionaire, Zuckerberg himself did not change his lifestyle. As a student, he habitually rents a house (apartment) with a minimum of amenities in Palo Alto, where there is not even a bed, and sleeps on a mattress on the floor. overcomes on foot or by bicycle. Favorite - well-worn trousers, a T-shirt and sandals on bare feet. True, it is recognized that for trips to such "adult" events, such as the forum in Davos, a decent suit was in store. His girlfriend's name is Priscilla Chen, she has Chinese roots. Our hero, in his first year at Harvard, confessed in an online diary that he liked Asian girls.

The spirit of the young founding father is also reflected in the Facebook headquarters. Three buildings look decent and modern, but they have not lost the image of a student dormitory. Casually dressed employees, whose number has already exceeded 400 people, appear at work strongly after dinner, but also linger on it until the roosters. To ensure that everyday life does not interfere with creativity, food, washing clothes and other services are provided right in the office, and for free.

It should be noted Mark's sound look at his "empire". He understands that technological breakthroughs are one thing, and business strategy is something else, and he is not so versed in these things. The business community welcomed the news that Sheryl Sandberg, an experienced Google manager, had been appointed to manage Facebook's current operations.

The desire of the media to learn as much as possible about Mark Zuckerberg is rarely crowned with success. This is because the author of such a successful project is an extremely secretive, inaccessible person who does not want to show himself. If very short interviews happen, then in them a young and talented figure, mostly, gets lost, stumbles, stutters, in general, feels very awkward in front of the camera (this was the case on the show). However, most analysts are convinced that this state of affairs is temporary and very soon Mark will definitely overshadow even the most advanced speakers of our time.

Secrets of Mark Zuckerberg's Success

Unlike other well-known billionaires, Mark Zuckerberg is in no hurry to reveal his secrets, therefore, many experts independently try to analyze the identity of the founder of Facebook in order to understand how a 26-year-old young man managed to do what today is beyond the power of 99 percent of people?

First of all, it should be noted that Mark always understood the difference between technological breakthrough and creative strategy. And if in the latter he is not strong, then with pleasure he trusts this section of work to a good manager. Although in the field of management, Mark cannot be considered such mediocrity, because in the most miraculous way his team includes the best of the best, experts who have been hunted down by large companies for years. Many argue that Zuckerberg has the rare ability to negotiate properly.

Mark Zuckerberg is extremely demanding. He loves to argue, rarely praises employees and strives to do everything so that they work with the soul, fully surrendering to the cause. However, there are simply no indifferent people in Mark's team.

Many psychologists say that Mark’s modesty and unpretentiousness in terms of comfort contribute in every way to the fact that he can fully concentrate on his main mission - the development of Facebook. In general, there are legends about the simplicity and even some carelessness in Mark’s business negotiations. So one day he refused to meet with a Microsoft representative, who was appointed at 8.00. " I'm still sleeping at this time", Said Mark. When Zuckerberg was invited to discuss cooperation with Yahoo, he said that a girl was coming to him that day. No talk that this is a billion-dollar deal on Mark did not work. No need to rush - this principle was learned by Zuckerberg in his school years after the first offer from Microsoft. Today, Mark is true to himself, and money still goes into his hands. The youngest billionaire today has become the idol of millions of people who want to reach the same unprecedented heights. But only a few can do this ...

What can you say today about Mark as a businessman and a prominent IT leader? Perhaps nothing concrete. Even experts disagree - some call Facebook new googlewhile Zuckerberg is replaced by Page and others are very cautious, especially after litigation and allegations of theft of ideas. It is still not entirely clear what in all of this story was a competent calculation, and what - luck and a wave caught by chance. The most frequent description of Mark, sounding from the lips of most experts, critics and the powerful, comes down to one phrase: "He is still so young." And it’s hard to disagree with this: Mark’s age really makes it difficult to consider who he is - a young genius or just a very lucky guy who is favored by circumstances.

on Facebook - a special services project and who is Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook has millions of users around the world, it costs billions of dollars and, according to Internet sources, the CIA launched it.

But this success story, which is spreading in the blogosphere, has a downside. A complex but addictive conspiracy theory, like Big Brother, which links Facebook to the CIA and the US Department of Defense.

In doing so, the CIA uses the Facebook group to recruit staff for its very sexually sounding National Secret Service. To view job advertisements, you still need authorization on Facebook, so if you are not registered on the site - or worry that the CIA secret agents will begin to follow you from work to home - you can watch them on the Office’s own website.

The story begins when facebook founder  Mark Zuckerberg began to act after the drama in the dorm room, which led to the current trial (Zuckerberg stole the idea from his twin dormitory friends Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and their friend Divya Narendra - note m09).

The first phase of venture capital investing in Facebook (500,000 US dollars) was implemented by former Paypal president Peter Thiel (billionaire, member of the Bilderberg Club - approx. M09). He is the author (with David Sachs) of the anti-multicultural book The Myth of Diversity, and also serves on the board of the ultra-conservative group Vanguard PAC.

The second stage of financing Facebook ($ 12.7 million) was carried out by venture capital company Accel Partners. Its manager, James Brever, used to be chairman of the National Venture Capital Association and served on the board along with Gilman Louis, president of In-Q-Tel, a venture capital company founded by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1999. One of the important areas of competence of the company is "information mining technology." Brever also served on the board of research firm BBN Technologies, which was one of the companies responsible for the rise of the Internet.

Dr. Anita Jones joined the firm, which also included Gilman Louis. She was also a member of the board of In-Q-Tel and was director of military research at the U.S. Department of Defense. She was also an adviser to the Secretary of Defense and oversaw the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is responsible for high-level, high-tech developments.

Only when one journalist spoke about the DARPA's Outreach Information Division (OOI) did the public begin to worry about his information gathering projects.

On the Wikipedia page about the OOI, it says: “The declared goal of the Department of informative information is to collect as much as possible more information about each person in a centralized place for convenient study by the United States government, including (although not limited to) Internet activity, purchase history through credit cards"airfare purchases, car rental, health records, academic performance statements, driver's licenses, utility bills, tax returns and any other available data."

Not surprisingly, the backlash of civil rights activists led Congress to investigate DARPA, and the OOI lost its funding.

And now, online conspiracy theorists call Facebook the Department's new mask of outreach information. Among the technologies of OOI was “analysis of the social network and the mechanisms of formation of the behavioral model”, for which the huge amount of clearly targeted Facebook data collection provides all the possibilities.

The Facebook use agreement states: “by posting the content of a network member to any part of the website, you automatically warrant and guarantee that you have the right to provide facebook with irrevocable, unlimited, non-exclusive, with the right to transfer, fully paid worldwide license to use, copy, the execution, demonstration, format change, translation, writing out and dissemination of such information and content, and for the preparation of derivative works or the inclusion of such information and content in other works, and providing ive and authorize sublicenses to the above. "

His policy regarding the protection of the confidentiality of private information is equally interesting: “Facebook can also collect information about you from other sources, for example, newspapers, blogs, instant messaging services, as well as from other users of the Facebook service through the operation of the service (for example, tags under photos) to provide you with more useful information and a more personalized perception. By using Facebook, you agree that your personal data is transmitted and processed in the United States. ”

Has the CIA really given the impetus and funding for the rapid growth of the largest “success story” among dotcoms? Perhaps this can only be answered by men with headphones in their ears and in good suits ...

Talented people are talented in everything. Fencing, programming, knowledge of languages, psychology - far from full list hidden opportunities young purposeful guy Mark Zuckerberg. He managed to turn his favorite pastime into a profitable business, creating a world-famous social network. Today, Facebook is one of the five most visited sites, and its founder has become the youngest billionaire on the planet. What led an ordinary guy to success?

Mark Zuckerberg: biography, first steps

The future programmer was born in a family of doctors in the town of White Plains (USA). Zuckerberg’s father found himself in dentistry, and his mother in psychiatry. Mark Elliott has 3 sisters - the eldest Randy and the younger Donna and Ariel.

Acquaintance of Mark with information technology  happened quite early in 10 years. The guy received a gift from his father, Edward Zuckerberg, - the first PC. Surprise was a contribution to the future education of his son. Computers and digital radiography have just begun to be applied in work, and senior Zuckerberg actively used this advantage. Edward became Mark's first mentor by teaching him the Basic programming language. The child was so carried away by the new activity that after a couple of years he was writing the ZuckNet program to improve the work of his father's dental clinic. The program allowed Edward, who was in the office, to communicate with his family and assistants.

In his spare time, a talented child created computer games and received additional knowledge from a private tutor.

Zuckerberg's Versatility

Passion for programming was not Mark's only area of \u200b\u200bexpertise. Studying at the Phillips Exeter Academy, a smart guy was fond of literature, mathematics, languages \u200b\u200band fencing. In his resume to the university, Mark indicated knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bsuch as French, Latin, Ancient Greek, and Hebrew. Often in literature classes, Zuckerberg quoted excerpts from the works in the original.

The sports achievements of the future billionaire were also outstanding. Passion for fencing led to the dominant position of the captain in the school team.

The first successes in programming

Despite success in many areas, Mark's heart and soul belonged to programming. While studying at the academy, Zuckerberg, along with his classmate Adam D’Angelo, wrote the Synapse program. The invention was a music player that was able to analyze the tastes of the owner and, according to the information received, create playlists. This program was created for personal use, but the creators shared it with society on a special site. The creation was noticed by two well-known companies, Microsoft and AOL, and Zuckerberg received an offer to sell the product and then work together. However, the guy decided to refuse the global IT giants, substantiating his decision with the words that "inspiration is not for sale."

Instead of concluding an agreement with world leaders, Zuckerberg enrolled at prestigious Harvard University with a degree in Psychology.

University studies

At Harvard, Mark carefully studied psychology, not forgetting the improvement of programming skills. Zuckerberg was a member of the Jewish student society Alpha Insilon Pee, studied diligently and attended computer courses.

The second year of study was marked by the creation of two computer programs. The first invention, called CourseMatch, helped students make their choice of subjects based on the experiences of other students. The second creation was called Facemash and lasted only 2 days. The program was to choose one of the most attractive of the two students. Thus, a list of the most popular students of the university was formed. The invention had real photographs of students, which was the reason for a large number  complaints and closure of the project. Zuckerberg admitted to breaking into the Harvard database, but explained his behavior with the usual desire to make a joke.

Soon, everyone forgot about the failed joke. However, the incident was decisive for three of his fellow students who were picking up a team to create a new HarvardConnection.com project. Mark played an important role in programming social networks. Zuckerberg accepted the offer, but soon left the project because he was busy with another creation.

The birth of Facebook

Work on the site started in January 2004. Second-year student Mark Zuckerberg registered a domain called thefacebook, and already in early February, the project saw the world. Initially, it was a social network for communication among Harvard students. About a thousand people registered on the site per day, and a month later a good half of the students had their own page on the social network.

The growth of the site required more people to work on it. Mark was joined by classmates Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskowitz, Andrew McCollum, Chris Hugs. Thanks to the efforts and financial investments, in a few months the network became available for Stanford, Columbia and Yale. Over time, the list was replenished, including Ivy League universities, higher education institutions of Canada and the USA.

The development of the social network was rapid and successful. In the summer of 2004, Facebook was created, with Sean Parker as president, and Mark Zuckerberg as CEO. The guy decided to take an example from Bill Gates and quit training at Harvard, fully devoting himself to the project.

A new page in the history of Facebook began in 2005 when the facebook.com domain was acquired. From that moment, Mark Zuckerberg's social network not only became a place for students to communicate, but also made it possible for anyone who wants to plunge into the electronic world.

Three years later, Mark Zuckerberg was recognized as the youngest billionaire in the world, and his project continued to flourish. Today, Facebook has more than 1 billion users.

Below are some interesting Facts  About Mark:

Meet your future wife

Mark Zuckerberg met his wife Priscilla Chan at a student party at Harvard. They met for nine years and in 2012 finally legalized their relationship. The wedding ceremony was held in a circle of loved ones. Initially, the event involved the celebration of a successful graduation of the future wife and the placement of Facebook shares on the stock exchange. However, the couple presented an unexpected surprise and announced their wedding.

The choice of a billionaire has American and Chinese roots. The girl studied at the Harvard Department of Biology, and then at the College of Medicine in San Francisco, at the Department of Pediatrics. In 2015, Priscilla began work on the opening of a special school in which elements of education and health promotion will be present.

Despite the enormous fortune, the couple is not a regular at parties and social events, preferring board games and outdoor walks.

The first experience of fatherhood

Mark and Priscilla long time dreamed of replenishing the family, but the girl had miscarriages. In December 2015, the first child of Mark Zuckerberg was born. Maxim Chan's daughter (Max) lit up the social network with her appearance a few days after birth. The non-superstitious Mark Zuckerberg posted the photo with the child on his personal Facebook page. Joyful dad took a two-month vacation to enjoy the happiness of fatherhood.


In 2010, the billionaire joined the Oath of Giving charity, which urges wealthy people to give half their capital to those in need.

Mark Zuckerberg with his wife and children (they are still part of the young couple’s plans) will give to charity 99 percent of Facebook shares (today about $ 45 billion) that they own. Joyful spouses made such a statement after the birth of their daughter. The future should open up opportunities for everyone, regardless of their social status and financial well-being.

In addition, Zuckerberg supported the Diaspora project, which was a direct competitor to Facebook. Mark has allocated 100 thousand dollars for the development of an open source social network. The billionaire has shown concern for the development of public schools in New Arch. Mark Zuckerberg donated $ 100 million to improve them.

Visiting Russia

In 2012, Mark Zuckerberg flew to the Russian Federation. After spending three days on its territory, the young billionaire managed to complete many important missions. One of them was a meeting with the Prime Minister of Russia. Mark also gave a lecture for students at Moscow State University. To get to the meeting, you had to register. The number of applicants exceeded the capacity of the audience, so a lottery was held among the participants. At the lecture, the billionaire shared with the audience the story of the creation of the famous social network and told his story. In addition, Zuckerberg took part in several Russian programs and was actively involved in the international conference created by him. The conference discussed the benefits of the Facebook network, the most important of which is a huge number of active users.

Titles of Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg has already won the following titles:

  • The youngest billionaire in the world according to Forbes magazine.
  • Man of the Year 2010 according to Time magazine.
  • The most tastelessly dressed billionaire according to GQ magazine.

Mark Zuckerberg, whose photo you see in the article, is a young, successful person. He managed to achieve a lot thanks to his perseverance and hard work. Let us wish him success and prosperity!