Mark Zuckerberg was born. Mark Zuckerberg - biography, photo, personal life: founder of the Facebook network. Who is he, after all?

Today, a very large team consisting of developers, programmers, marketers and other specialists is working to improve Facebook. However, only the creator of Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg became the idol of youth and one of the most unusual businessmen of our time. They write and talk about him, discuss him and admire him. This man made the world a little different, and this is an achievement in itself.

Another Mark Zuckerberg

New ideas disappear in her mind and go to learn how to put them into practice. Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg in the movie Social Network. The film in question describes only a short period of his life, also because his rise to success occurs in the blink of an eye, and perhaps the director was primarily interested in how the most famous social network in the world was born and portrayed an elusive and elusive personality. unpredictable this guy. I am also very curious to know the lives of others.

But only these are really interesting people! Very cute, like a child, our mark. The son of a dentist and psychiatrist, brought up according to the dictates of the Jewish religion. An excellent student, especially in the humanities, shows an extraordinary interest in the study of Latin and the ancient Greek language. But already in high schools, his passion for computing becomes more apparent every day and begins to write software. The latter, positively struck by the genius of his younger student, will say that it is not easy to follow his fast pace of learning.

How it all began

Born into a family of doctors (father - a dentist, mother - a psychiatrist), Mark, it seems, had to follow in the footsteps of his parents. But he was not interested in talking about medicine, but working with computers gave the future billionaire great pleasure. It is worth noting that his father played a huge role in the future fate of Mark. He bought his first computer, taught the Atari BASIC programming language, and even hired a tutor. The son did not disappoint his father - Zuckerberg created several computer games, as well as a kind of messenger, which received the ambitious name “ZuckNet”. But the most serious project for that period was the Synapse program - a music player that can analyze the user's musical preferences and offer him an individual playlist. AOL and Microsoft showed interest in the program, but the far-sighted Mark refused to receive, by the way, very tempting offers.

Last year students at this school must submit their projects, and depending on the grade, they will receive a grade that will allow them to access higher studies. Mark still does not know which project will be implemented. But once, when he is talking with his friends, his computer suddenly stops sending songs to the playlist. Mark hates this system and decides to change it.

Therefore, create software that preserves your musical interests and sends songs that match the listener's preferences. She then presents this software for her school project. It is easy to imagine the success achieved in school, and not just there. Introverted and clumsy, especially in relations with girls, her former colleagues say that in her college room in front of a computer there are not enough hours. One of his favorite activities when he is in a peer society is to recite verses from the Iliad.

Talent in everything

Future Head of Facebook Inc. always been a man extremely enthusiastic and versatile. He enjoyed learning new languages \u200b\u200band studying the natural sciences. Moreover, Zuckerberg was the captain of the fencing team at school. And the choice of higher education completely surprised his loved ones. The programmer decided to go to Harvard to the faculty of ... psychology! And of course he did. But the young man did not forget about programming. It was during his student years that Zuckerberg created his own landmark project - Facebook. After that, the programmer began a completely different life.

Enters into a relationship with student Erica Albright, but the story ends very soon. Tonight, the girl, tired of Mark's high-ranking and egocentric views, is ultimately upsetting. Erica Albright, former girlfriend of Mark Zuckerberg.

He met Mark while playing poker. The boy invites her to exchange chatter after the match. They spend the whole night talking, and in the end Mark tells her that she is attracted to her with her intellect, surrounded by her, as she is, with immature and stupid girls. Erica graduates from sociology at Boston University, and this is especially emphasized in Fincher’s film, where Mark throws a joke at his college, which in her opinion is series C in relation to her. Mark expresses his contempt for college students in Boston and Eric, angry with fury, puts the final word in a relationship with the boy.


Speaking about the achievements of Mark, it is foolish to limit oneself to financial data. This man has done much more - he created jobs, became a member of charity events and brought communication to a new level. That is why its appearance in numerous ratings is not surprising. It is only natural that The Times called the creator of Facebook the man of the year, and Forbes included him in the list of the richest people in the world. Indeed, the business talent of the young programmer should be noted. He is not just a “techie” creating an IT product. He skillfully manages finances, daily increasing his fortune.

Zuckerberg returns to his room and makes an abusive post about Eric on his blog. After this episode, the girl no longer wants to see him. I need to think about something that needs to be done, I need to distract from it. But what happens to this notorious evening? Mark is full of dissatisfaction with girls in particular and believes that people can make an animal, and then he believes that he can compare all college students with an animal. In the course of minutes his anger towards Erica begins to fade, but not an idea.

He does not want to give up something amazing. In these years, photographs of registered students and teachers are published every year. This weekend, the site is blocked on Monday by university leaders, because of this thirst and tremendous success overloads the Harvard network, preventing students from connecting to the Internet. Others are outraged at the unauthorized use of their photos. Mark is forced to publicly apologize to the disciplinary committee.

Happy Mark and in family life. Priscilla became his chosen one - an old friend and just a wonderful girl who always supported the programmer. The couple met at Harvard, at a time when virtually no one knew about Zuckerberg. Today, a family couple rarely appears in public, preferring to spend time in each other's company.

To continue his project, Mark moved to Palo Alto, California with Moskowitz and other friends. Finally, Mark and his staff will have a real office. Other investment offers appeared before Teal, but Mark refused. A few years later, he rejected his refusal, saying that he did not depend on the amount proposed, but on the priority given to him and his colleagues in creating a “flow of information for people.” The idea that media corporations belong to conglomerates is completely devoid of any appeal to me.

And generally worth noting Mark's modesty. He is often called for interviews and television shows, but the shy billionaire often refuses. Still, he is a man of work and devotes most of his time to his work. Behavior worthy of modest talent, which, of course, is Mark Zuckerberg.

If you look at the ten richest people in the world according to Forbes in 2013, you will see that for the most part these are elderly, wise people who have exceeded 70 years.

The only thing that interests me is my mission to open the world. And we really don't believe this guy will stop. Who really is Mark, he will never know. We are aware of some of the intentions he faced with his former college colleagues. And even then, the trial was undermined with the recognition of the title of Saverin as a co-founder. Who is Mark Zuckerberg? He is undoubtedly a determined and ambitious person, but there are conflicting positions regarding his temperament.

University studies

There are those who describe him as a good boy who is not interested in money, others as a very greedy person. Some argue that they are the most generous billionaire in the world, others say that his greed knows no bounds. Now he lives in a villa in Palo Alto with his wife Priscilla Chan, his daughter Max and the dog Beast. Long time  a boyfriend with Priscilla, during the Schoolgirl, they can not really determine a romantic meeting. In fact, they know about a party doing a series for the bath.

- 74 years old, - 83 years old, Amancio Ortega - 78 years old, Charles Koch - 78 years old, etc. So what happens, it turns out like in the song “My Years - My Wealth”? And financial success does not come to those who are “not matured” to the necessary degree of business experience and life wisdom?

An exception among wealthy people is whose condition is more than age. He has not yet reached retirement years, and takes the 2nd place in the ranking of the richest (58 years and a fortune of 67 billion dollars). It was not in vain that we remembered the legendary founder of the corporation, because journalists strive to compare our current hero, Mark Zuckerberg, with him.

And during this wait, Mark, very unsafe with the girls, begins a conversation with her. This time, Mark, who does not allow any offers for his now famous gray polo shirt, sweatshirts and sandals, wears a black dress. His work requires a lot of concentration and, of course, can not lose time on issues that are of little concern. And Zuckerberg is just a genius.

He likes or dislikes his character, he made a great revolution by exchanging people around the world. Mark with your little dog. Some curiosities are concluded. Mark is bright and therefore cannot distinguish red from green. It also has a personal page, but it is not available. Perhaps he is also very interested in the lives of others, but he does not allow free access to his diary.

And if Bill Gates became a billionaire at 31, then Mark at 22! And although Zuckerberg’s fortune is 19 billion dollars, and Gates’s fortune is 67, Mark’s age is two times less than Bill’s - only 29 years old. Zuckerberg also takes 3rd place in the list of the most influential businessmen in the world in 2013.

But who is he, after all?

Meet Mark Zuckerberg, creator of the world's largest social facebook network. Have you not heard of such a thing? Do you know the Twitter, Vkontakte, and Odnoklassniki sites? Even if you don’t like spending free time on online communication, you’ve probably heard of them. All these sites were created in 2006, 2 years later than the brainchild of Zuckerberg. And although Facebook was not the first social network in the world, it was she who became a real breakthrough.

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Alternatively, you can access your public page by clicking here. Here is part of the text of the letter: Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a better world than ours. We will do our part not only because we love you, but also because we have a moral responsibility to all children of the next generation. With the opportunity to give all newborns access to the Internet, because the Network is an education for those who do not live near a good school. He shares with his wife Chan Zuckerberg's initiative to improve education, cure diseases, connect people and provide a better future for all children.

More than 1.4 billion accounts are registered on Facebook (for comparison, 228 million users are on Vkontakte). This figure can be compared with the population of the Earth in the 17th century! And if we talk about our time, then among those living on the planet 7 billion, about 20% of people are Facebook users.

The scale is impressive. It seems that Zuckerberg's dream begins to come true: “The thing that really excites me is the fulfillment of the mission of creating an open society.”

“Our mission: to make the world more open and united.” Until recently, the norm on the Web was that most things were not social, and most people did not use their true identity. We try to pay great attention to this with a very strict combination of quantitative and qualitative reviews.

Television is one-way, while the Internet allows you a completely new form of participation, allows you to connect with everyone, take part in discussions even with the government, and this has never happened before. You have a part of my attention, a minimal amount. People want to go online and browse their friends. So, let's create a website that will give everyone what they want: a photo, a profile, perhaps look for the one you met at the party. But you will spend your life on the fact that you do not like girls, because you are a nerd.

For the fact that Zuckerberg created “a new information exchange system and changed his life”, he receives the title “Person of the Year 2010” from Time magazine.

The slogan “freedom, equality and fraternity” is certainly good. But let us not forget the other side of this noble idea - profit. Mark's invention brought him fabulous revenues and the title of himself young billionaire  in the history of mankind!

Here's the trailer for the movie in question. Mark was an atheist in his teens. Edward Zuckerberg, Mark's father, recorded his son on computer course  at the nearest college. When he accompanied him to the first lesson, the teacher looked at Mark, and then turned to his father and said: “He cannot enter the classroom with you!” Then it became clear that the child would really be present at the lessons, not him.

Like all children, Marcus and his sisters loved madness. Mark and his classmate invented the Synapse music program. It uses artificial intelligence to analyze the user's favorite music and his musical habits and uses this information to recommend other music.

After all, people registering for Facebookare a grand database. Most large companies in the USA, Europe and Asia have their own virtual representation on Facebook, and every 4th advertisement placed in social networks, falls precisely on the Zuckerberg company. Facebook's net profit for 2013 was $ 1.5 billion.

Their desire was to hire Mark to develop him, but he refused a tempting offer because he had to leave school. He joins the Jewish brotherhood of Alpha Epsilon Pi. At a Friday night party, Mark meets Priscilla Chan, a Chinese-American from Boston. Soon after, they begin to meet, and Priscilla’s first impressions are that he is “a meaningless person.”

At the beginning of the second year, Mark develops a curriculum that allows students to choose which courses to choose in college, to choose their classmates. Rather, it is defined as one of his childhood jokes. Zuckerberg is the creator of several computer games. One of them is based on the Monopoly game, and the other is a version of the game for the Roman Empire.

Why not quote Mark himself? “The older I get, the more convinced that the service of voyeurs is the best way  make money. "

I recall a network joke: “In connection with the appearance of Facebook"VKontakte" and "Classmates", psychologists intend to exclude exhibitionism from the list of perversions. "

In 2006, Zuckerberg refused to sell Facebook for $ 750 million and did not fail - by 2014, the market value of the social network had grown to 150 billion!

Mark's domestic belly is a Puppy of the Pole, a kind of Hungarian shepherd. Zuckerberg puts a large board in the corridor of his dormitory to impose symbols and codes on it on the software he is working on. His roommate, Dustin Moskowitz, said: "He really liked the plank, and he always developed his ideas on this, although they did not need to be explained."

Interest in programming arises when Mark's parents give him the book Programming for Fools. Mark Zuckerberg has about 50 patents. His favorite performers are Daphne Punk, Lady Gaga, Shakira and Rihanna. Favorite quotes: “Fate helps the brave”, Virgil; “All children are artists, the problem is how to save yourself as an artist after you grow up,” Pablo Picasso; “Make everything as simple as possible, but not easy,” said Albert Einstein.

Mark's biography will be short. He has not yet managed to live a long life full of ups and downs, and therefore will not boast about the quantity, but the quality of the past years.

What helped the guy from an intelligent Jewish family to achieve worldwide fame?

Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984 in the city of White Plains, New York. Mark was the only heir, but he had three sisters. The family was quite well off, Mark's dad worked as a dentist, and his mother worked as a psychiatrist. It is no secret that in the USA these professions are among the most paid.

At the age of 10, parents give Mark his first computer - Quantex 486DX with an Intel 486 processor. Young Mark decided to do it like an adult, and began to read special programming books.

Science was easy for him, a teenager happy to come up with various programs, such as, for example, a computer version of the strategic board game “Risk”.

For his entertainment, Mark is developing the Synapse program, which was a self-learning music player. Synapse independently generated a list of tracks, having previously remembered what music and at what time of the day the music lover prefers.

The story with Synapse is notable for the fact that Zuckerberg refused to Microsoft, which offered the teenager to buy its development. The invitation to cooperation from this largest corporation of Mark was also not interested. Later, he simply posted Synapse to the public. Perhaps even then he was guided by his creed?

“If a person has brains, he simply does not have the moral right to work not for himself, giving most of his time and the results of his achievements to his employer”

I understand that after these words people working "for uncle" will not go immediately to sign a letter of resignation. But let this idea make you think at least about creating your own additional source of income.

Our hero was not a typical "nerd", sitting out the best years of life in front of the monitor. His parents tried to bring up a harmonious personality, developed in all respects, and they succeeded. Modern parents should not let their computers get carried away by gravity, but encourage their physical education classes so that the child later does not suffer from scoliosis or nearsightedness.

Mark was actively involved in sports, he knew how to perfectly fencing. In addition to good academic performance in mathematics and natural subjects, foreign languages \u200b\u200bwere easily given to him. Now Zuckerberg can read in French, Latin, Ancient Greek and Hebrew, and recently learned Chinese, because his wife has Chinese roots.

They say that it was in the prestigious private school Phillips Exeter Academy, where Mark studied, that the idea was born create facebook. At school, new pupils were given a reference book containing photographs and the coordinates of all classmates. It was his students who called “The Facebook”, literally, “The Book of Faces”.

After school, Mark continues his education at Harvard with a degree in psychology. Success is always on the heels of those who are walking along unbeaten paths. For the art history exam, Mark had to study five hundred paintings, and only 2 days were left before the session.

Zuckerberg took a non-standard approach - he created a site on which he displayed these 500 paintings, and asked fellow students to describe them. After 2 hours, each picture was overgrown with students' comments, which helped our rationalizer to get credit.

For the creation of another site - Facemash - Mark flew from the Harvard administration. And the student just did that he hacked into the computer network of the university, and taking pictures from there, posted them in pairs on his website.

The site worked on the principle of "hot or not", ie "Hot thing" or "no", and invited everyone to speak out about the attractiveness of the characters. The result of the 2-hour work of Facemash was 500 visitors, and soon the server “fell” from thousands of users.

The site was shut down, and Mark was accused of hacking and encroachment on privacy. The charges, however, were dropped, and Mark saw that the simple idea of \u200b\u200bcomparing photos still worked well. And seriously thinking about creating a social network.

Facebook celebrates its birthday on February 4, 2004. In addition to Zuckerberg, his fellow students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskowitz, Andrew McCollum and Christopher Hughes worked on the creation of the site.

The opening of the project was accompanied by a scandal. A week after its launch, undergraduate brothers Winklevoss and Divya Narendra accuse Zuckerberg of stealing an idea.

In 2003, Mark was hired by them to complete the creation of the social network. According to them, Zuckerberg did not give them the results of his work, but he used the best practices to open his site. Mark denies the accusation, and says that he embodied the idea of \u200b\u200b"flying in the air."

He is convinced that a man "Put together a comfortable chair, should not pay everyone who makes chairs."However, in 2009, Zuckerberg had to pay opponents $ 45 million to settle a case that went to court.

How much truth is in these accusations - who knows, but the proverb “winners are not judged” is still in use among the people. In response to all the speeches of the spiteful critics, Zuckerberg replies: "You cannot make 500 million friends without making a single enemy."

Facebook was originally designed to communicate among Harvard students. He was fond of the ease of finding information and the availability of pictures, and soon the site brings together students from other universities. Since 2006, Facebook has been open to all users over 13 years old.

In his new project, Mark invested all the money raised by his parents to study, but the rapidly growing business required additional cash injections. Zuckerberg heads to Silicon Valley to find investors for Facebook. An assertive guy is lucky - on the street he accidentally meets Sean Parker, co-founder of the file sharing network Napster.

He, in turn, introduces him to Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal online payments. Peter immediately saw the gold mine and invested half a million dollars in Mark's project. He is no longer returning to Harvard Zuckerberg.

The Facebook team is renting space in Palo Alto, one of Silicon Valley's cities. Mark was able to understand the frames: “We acquired talents, which, for me, is one of the best things that could be done.” Now, for example, the management of current operations is not managed by Mark himself, but by an experienced manager from Google. The staff of the company is working hard to ensure that the site "does not allow you to move away from the monitor."

At the company, Mark maintains the image of an eccentric billionaire. Somewhere, he really is like that, somewhere he plays along, because according to the reviews of his partners (by the way, most of them purchased the "ex" prefixes), he is not as simple as it seems.

These are his famous “pajama” talks, when Mark discusses serious topics in casual clothes and flip flops on his bare foot! And the answer to the Microsoft representative to the proposal to meet at 8 am and discuss business cooperation - “I can’t come, I’m still sleeping at that time!” And Mark’s refusal to meet with an authorized Yahoo company because "the girl is coming to me." Somehow it all sounds like a polite “go to the fig” ... Our bastard draws up his business cards even more abruptly - the inscription on them reads "I'm here director, with ... ka!".

Well, the wealthy “Next Generations” have their own quirks. Recall ours, which explains its quirks primarily with the desire to stand out from the crowd. At Mark, they are not so strange - the guy still loves to walk and ride a bicycle.

Chen Marc celebrated his wedding with his girlfriend Priscilla not on an exotic island, like, and not in a luxurious mansion, all decorated with fresh flowers, like. Relatives and friends, supposedly invited to a party about Priscilla's graduation, unexpectedly discovered that they were at a wedding ceremony!

After the wedding, Zuckerberg posted a couple of pictures on the site - you can see the modest dress of the bride and the same suit of the groom - and set the status to “married”. Mark's choice also distinguishes him from other billionaires: his wife is not a fashion model or actress, and is not a hunter for moneybags, because the couple met many years ago.

Now Zuckerbergs live in a modest by the standards of billionaires, 7-room cottage. I think they can explain to their children that big money is not a means of attracting attention, but an opportunity to do what one likes.

Spouses spend money on business development and charity. In 2010, Zuckerberg joined the Oath of Giving, a philanthropic company that morally obliges its members to donate 50% of their capital to charity.

In 2010, the US film industry released the film "Social Network" about the history of Facebook. The tape is far from reality, because, according to Zuckerberg, people making films can’t understand that someone can create something just because he likes to do it.

However, Mark himself is in no hurry to reveal his secrets and share tips. Many are still racking their brains, which in his success story was a pragmatic calculation, and that - just luck. Time will tell, because our hero has not yet done everything he wanted.

The story of Mark Zuckerberg once again convinces me that if in life you do what you like, financial success will find you. And if a person is really successful, then he will have a page not only on social networks, but also on Wikipedia. Which I wish you too.

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