Connection services in MTS Super 0. "Zero on MTS" and "Super Zero on MTS": a detailed description of the services

Modern tariff plans provide subscribers a lot of opportunities for inexpensive communication. Here are large packages of minutes, or free conversations within the network are not at all. The connection is cheaper all the time, but the old subscribers are forced to do with archival tariffs, connect to which it is impossible. But subscribers such tariffs are quite suitable, and they do not want to use newer offers.

In order to make communication more favorable and inexpensive, the MTS operator has created a special option connected to some archive tariffs. The option "Zero to MTS" will pay less, but more.

Description of the service "Zero on MTS"

The option "Zero on MTS" is intended for subscribers serviced at Super Zero tariff plans and "Super MTS." Note that the "Super Zero" tariff is in the category of archived, it will not be possible to connect to it. But those who are already connected can take advantage favorable sentence - Connect the "zero to MTS" option. This option provides subscribers the following set of services:

  • 100 minutes of calls on the phones MTS Region Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • 100 minutes of calls to MTS phones of other regions.

To the first item include city phones of Moscow. Thus, the offer will be beneficial for those who often call on MTS numbers throughout Russia, even at the Far East. As for calls to the numbers of other operators, they are charged at the rates provided for by one or another tariff. How to get 100 minutes on MTS for free in Russia, we have already considered earlier. If you consider the rates already included in the rates yourself, then they are provided separately and are not summed up with minutes that the option provides.

Thus, for a small surcharge, subscribers receive more opportunities to communicate with other MTS subscribers. The benefit is that the individual billing would cost more than the subscription fee for the "zero to MTS" service. Concerning subscription feethen it is 3.5 rubles per day. The estimated period is midnight. There is here connection fee for all the same 3.5 rublesBut it is counted as a subscription for the current day.

Committed in quantity the remaining minutes? Take the phone and type the combination *100*1# .

How to connect the option "0 on MTS"

Did you like the option and you want to get 100 minutes of free calls per day? Connect "zero to MTS" and communicate. For connection it follows dial * 899 #or send SMS with text 899 to number 111. If you are trying in vain to send SMS, and your phone does not make sending, then you may need to check the SMS Center settings on your phone. How to do this will tell in the article on the link.

In addition, you can connect an option using an advanced and multifunction tool "Personal Area".

Before connecting the service, make sure your number is serviced by tariffs. Super MTS"Or" Super Zero ". Otherwise, the option will be denied the option. In order to find out the tariff plan, you must dial the * 111 * 59 # command. You can also look into the "Personal Account", or use the help of MTS Help Specialists.

How to disable the service "Zero on MTS"

In order to disable the "zero to MTS" option, you must send SMS with text 8990 to number 111or dial USSD command * 111 * 899 #. In addition, you can disable the option using the "Personal Cabinet".

MTS tariff "Super Zero" is one of the proposals that has previously been popular. Companies are constantly competing and trying to provide customers with the best conditions. Additionally, they try to create a base for relatives and friends to benefit from the services of one operator.

If you explore detailed descriptionYou can understand for whom the program is suitable:

  • People who make not so many calls.
  • You are calling mainly on MTS numbers.
  • Do not want to make a subscription fee.
  • You wish to save a certain amount on communication services.
  • Do not need to enter the Internet.
  • Get access to world Wide Web With options.
  • You have many friends and relatives in the operator's network.
  • The plan is suitable under conditions and meets the basic needs.

A program has been created for people who make calls inside the network. With this option, it will indeed be relevant. It is possible to eliminate the up, get a small package for calls.

Description of the tariff "Super 0" MTS

It is necessary to study the Super Zero MTS tariff in 2019, the description of the tariff will help it. What conditions does the operator offer on the program?

  1. Granted 100 minutes a month for calls inside the network.
  2. After the package exhaustion, the cost will be 1.5 rubles per minute.
  3. Calls to numbers of other operators - 3.5 p.
  4. The message package is not provided.
  5. The plan does not include the Internet.
  6. A program without a subscription fee is provided.

The main advantage is a package of intranet minutes. You can call other operator subscribers. Of course, the package is small - 100 minutes. But it is important to remember that according to the plan there is no subscription fee.

The traffic package is not provided. But it can always be purchased separately. A lot of proposals are presented, including the BIT and Superbit Options. There are large packages for active users.

Minus - expensive calls to numbers of other operators. Nowadays 3.5 rubles per minute - a lot.

Therefore, it is necessary to think about the further use of this program.

There are more attractive offers from the company.

The result - the tariff plan has both advantages and disadvantages. In fact, he is a niche solution. That is, the program will suit exclusively for a number of subscribers who make some calls to MTS numbers.

How to go to the tariff "super 0" on MTS

If I interested the tariff "Super 0" from MTS, then it will not be possible to activate it. This is an old program that acted during a short period. After the company sent it to the archive.

Closed plans are not available for connecting and transition. That is, customers will not be able to activate them. You can not search for ways and not spend extra time.

Subscribers who have managed to join may continue to use the program. But it is worth considering a number of nuances:

  • The offer has long been outdated. The company has more favorable options for use.
  • The operator can unilaterally change the conditions.
  • It is possible that in a few years the firm finally brings the plan and automatically translates subscribers to another tariff.

How to connect the tariff "Super 0" MTS without a subscription fee

Let us talk about fraudsters in this area. Sometimes the network appears ads in which it is proposed to help with connecting archive plans. When a person contacts contacts with a fraudster, he will be asked to translate a certain amount for the service.

Do not agree to prepayment and voluntarily transfer money. Similar offers are fraud. There is no way to activate the closed tariff, consider this fact.

Alternative option

Now the company has a plan with similar conditions - Super MTS. We list key parameters:

  1. The subscription fee is absent.
  2. The client receives a pack of 100 minutes on MTS.
  3. After its end, the cost of calls will be 1.5 rubles.
  4. Calls to numbers of other operators - 2.5 p.
  5. One SMS - 2 p.
  6. There is no traffic package.

The main parameters of the Super MTS corresponds to super zero. Exceptionally individual numbers have changed, the program has become more profitable for customers. So it is worth thinking about the possibility of connecting.


Super MTS is also an obsolete version. The plan gradually loses subscribers, they go to other tariffs. In some regions, the proposal is already closed to connect.

Why does the company translate the plan to the archive?

  • It does not correspond to modern requests for subscribers.
  • The company gradually updates the ruler.
  • The option is not too in demand.
  • It is necessary to increase the demand for other tariffs.

How to check whether super mts open in your area? You need to go to the company's website. Open the Offer tab mobile communications. A page with current options will appear.

Examine a list. If the solution is not in the list, then it is in the archive. Then you have to select another option for connecting.

Activate the "Super" tariff

You can go to this plan with the command. Dial the code on the phone * 111 * 8888 * 1 #. A request will be received. The way simple, the whole procedure takes no more than a minute.

Personal account is an excellent solution for customers. Activation easily:

  1. Open the company's website.
  2. Go to the LC.
  3. Specify the phone number and password.
  4. Will appear main page Cabinet.
  5. Open the Tariff Plans section.
  6. Find the right one.
  7. Click on the activation button.

The application is one of the most convenient ways to control the score. Do not recognize commands and visit your personal account. The software for the smartphone is capable of replacing the LC, provides similar functions.

You need to download the program in the official store. Open the application, the main Cabinet page will appear.

Follow the section with tariffs, it can be connected.

How to disable "super zero"?

Disable it easily, you need:

  • Use a personal account.
  • Through the application.
  • According to SMS, the number "111" with the content "8990".
  • By sending the * 111 * 899 # command.

The number of subscribers every day grows thousands per day. For a long time, those times were passed when we paid 7 rubles for a minute of conversation, and even more, then the ball was still in dollars and to pay the connection had to stand in a queue in one window. At the expense of a large number of subscribers and competition, communication has gradually cheaper, pushing out home telephones.

Now 21 centuries and have come such times when communication becomes completely free. Today it will be about the tariff Super MTS. Yes, many call it super 0, super-duper, super zero MTS, Super Valuev, etc. To date, an active tariff has a name - Super MTS And other names exactly this rate with current parameters - does not have!

Super MTS - Tariff Description

Super MTS tariff - tariff for calls inside the network. If you call only on MTS, rarely or do not use the Internet, SMS, etc., the tariff is ideal for you. Now it is almost the only tariff that does not have a subscription fee, well, except in addition to the chamber's tariff.

It is worth carefully paying attention to the fact that you have a tariff. Tariff varieties about 10 and all different conditions. Check the combination * 111 * 59 #.

What do we see in the description of the Tarifa Super MTS? Calls to MTS of your region are free exactly 20 minutes, hereinafter, from 21 minutes, the cost of the minute is paid. The call to another operator is expensive, it should not be free. If you want to call more on MTS or you need to make challenges on MTS Russia, it is worth paying attention to the service "Call for free on MTS Russia 100"

The cost of SMS on the Super MTS - 1.5-2 rubles for one message. Prices depend on the region.

Changes in the conditions of the Tarif of Super MTS from December 20, 2016.On the archive tariffs of Super MTS in some regions, tariffing for local MTS calls are changed when exceeding free minutes. On average, the rise in price is 20 kopen per minute.

Internet on the Tariff Super MTS

Internet access to super MTS is carried out in fact. The cost of Internet traffic is 9,9 rub. For 1 MB. If you wish to use the Internet, then you can connect online options, such as bit or superbits. If the Internet is needed even more, then connect other options with a large volume of traffic.

Super MTS - What is the trick?

Well, of course, we all know well that free cheese It happens only in a mousetrap, so people often ask what are the trick in Super MTS?».

Promfort, deception, theft - who does how it calls, but buying a SIM card, or changing the tariff, it is necessary to familiarize themselves in detail with the tariff, the conditions of which, when switching, you accept the default. At the Super MTS target, several options are included by default, some of them subsequently become paid under certain conditions. If you do not want to use these options, you can always turn off. Below will analyze them in more detail:

  • - The service is connected to the second or third day, and the message about connecting the melody and a combination to shut down on the phone. The option is free 7 days, then the monthly subscription fee is debited, from about 35 to 75 rubles. According to the link in the name of the service there are combinations on its shutdown.
  • - It connects immediately and available for free 7 days, then it costs it from 50 to 60 kopecks per day.
  • The SMS Smart package is connected to 14 days for free, then it becomes paid and removes from 2 to 5 rubles a day. The option turns off itself if less than 3 SMS messages will be sent during this period. Such a package allows for a subscription fee to send 10 sms.
  • SMART Bit and Superbite Smart - If you are on the Internet within 14 days after the start of the tariff activation, you will certainly connect one of these two options, depending on the number of downloaded traffic. After 14 days, you will definitely be sms that the period free Internet On your tariff is complete. Something like this.

Super MTS - How to Go?

Transition to Super MTS is an ordinary task for the subscriber. It is necessary to dial only a combination * 888 # and the tariff is changed within 10 minutes, seated with a dozen SMS.

For subscribers who live in Moscow and its areas, MTS has developed an excellent tariff super zero. The package is fixed behind the home district and allows you to communicate profitably. IN this review We will read in detail with the description of this tariff.

One of the main advantages to which the plan is super zero is the lack of a subscription fee. But there is one feature if within a month the subscriber will raid 150 rubles, it automatically receives a profitable discount for the first 20 minutes of conversations in Moscow, but this is not a mandatory requirement. Now we will consider in detail the charging in the Tarifer Super Zero from MTS.

  • Inside the network, the subscriber may communicate for free within 100 minutes, this volume is accrued every month, but not depending on the amount of the replenishment. After the exhaustion of the amount provided, the cost of one minute of the conversation will be 1.5 rubles.
  • On other operators, including on stationary phoneswhich are fixed behind the home district, the cost of one minute will be 3.5 rubles.
  • Calls to MTS in Russia will cost 5 rubles per minute;
  • On other directions of the country, the cost of the call will be 14 rubles per minute.

Based on such conditions, it can be concluded that the Super Zero tariff is suitable for those subscribers who communicate exclusively within their home region, also their conversations are not long, the description of the billing of the messages is as follows:

  • on the numbers of the whole Moscow, including other operators, one SMS message will cost 2.5 rubles;
  • if the shipment occurs in other regions of Russia, it is 3.8 rubles;
  • for international SMS directions, the message is paid at the rate of 6.5 rubles.

Roaming in the tariff is paid according to the standard conditions of the MTS company, which can be found on the company's official website.

The lack of a subscription fee allows subscribers to connect any additional options to get another more Minutes, SMS messages or special packages for Internet access. For example, one data transfer megabyte in the package costs 9.9 rubles, and this is a very high cost, therefore it is always fashionable to activate the services from the MTS CEMEK rule.

How to activate the tariff plan?

To connect the Super zero package, the subscriber can use several options, namely:

  • call the company's support service by number 0890 and in conversation mode to issue a transition to a new plan;
  • use the services of a personal account and independently apply for a shift;
  • to dial a combination from your phone * 111 * 2165 #;
  • contact the service center of subscribers with a passport.

The transition to the tariff plan is free if during the month the subscriber did not change the conditions for servicing its number. Since the package without a monthly fee, then there may be any amount for a successful execution of the application, of course, if the transition is free. The application is performed during the day, but everything happens much faster as soon as the system processes your request, the information notification will immediately receive on the phone and new conditions will come into force.

Packages without subscription fees will always be popular, because most users do not want to be tied to constant replenishments. Perhaps the number is intended only for incoming calls, or it is in the alarm or navigation systems, of course, the availability of a subscription fee in such situations can be very embarrassing. And for economical subscribers who do not leave their home region, the service description is very attractive and such a package will be the optimal choice For profitable communication, after all, you do not need extra extra charge at the number.

The Super Zero MTS tariff has been greatly popular in 2011. Subscribers could communicate with colleagues, friends and loved ones. That is why he enjoyed great popularity. In this package of services, for the first time, minutes were granted for free communication.

Tariff subscribers Super zero from MTS can communicate for free 20 minutes every day, for this it is necessary to make a sum of 150.0 r., 500.0 p. and more. From this depends on what period the moments are present, from the 1st day, up to 30.

You can connect such services for free: detailing in an Internet assistant, discounts to regular customers, electronic assistant, MTS-bonus, connect the comrade and get 700 min., My new number, national and international roaming.

After activating the tariff, the client is automatically available options: the determination of the number, video call, beep, SMS, replacement of the SIM card, call forwarding, autoforming about balance, call me back, mobile Internet, Mobile Assistant, I am in touch, Internet Assistant, called you.

You can still connect: International Access, Waiting / Holding Call, Check on Me, Easy Roaming, Positive Zero.

Activation of the Tariff "Super Zero" MTS

At the end of 2016, activating the "Super Zero" tariff is no possibility. This tariff package It is in the archive, so it is impossible to connect it.

Now there are other, more profitable services kits. You can activate them in several ways:

  • Visiting the page with a topical package of services, you can click on "Go to this tariff". After that, several available methods will be presented to activate it.
  • Print to the MTS website, where you can familiarize yourself with all applicable services, options and promotions. The advantage of this method is that it is possible to use at any time. The site contains only active tariffs and options for connecting.
  • You can purchase a SIM card via the online store After selecting a suitable service kit, you need to click "buy". You can pick up the SIM card independently or making delivery.
  • Buy a SIM card, make a transition to the package, can be in the office or communication salon MTS.
  • You can visit your personal account and replace tariff plan. To do this, open the section "Tariffs and services". Also through this option you can control the account, perform money transfers, manage options.

Deactivation of the Tariff "Super Zero" MTS

You can disable the tariff in several ways:

  • Change or purchase a tariff kit (methods are specified in the previous section).
  • Block the phone number. Make it can be if: call the number 1116, taking advantage of Personal AccountBy sending the command * 111 * 157 #.
  • The operator can automatically place it in the archive.

Monthly subscription fee

There is no fixed subscription to "Super Zero", you do not need to pay for connection.

Subscribers of the Super Zero package from MTS were to replenish the account for 150.0 rubles, for this fee there were 20 free minutes per day. In order to 20 min. 7 days were available, it will be necessary to pay 150.0 - 499.0 p ...

Get 20 minutes. For 30 days, one must perform one-time replenishment in the amount of at least 500.0 p.

The price is indicated for residents of the metropolitan region.

Calls and SMS in the home region

After replenishing the amount from 150.0 p. 20 minutes will be available. for communication. After their exhaustion, the cost of communication will be: