Techexpert systems: delivery, rental, or online access? Professional help system "Techexpert" - the exact solution of engineering problems Techexpert login to the system login and password.

Historically, the concept of the military-industrial complex of the military-industrial complex is associated primarily with the United States, where this phenomenon and term was born. However, the formation of the military-industrial complex is now actively going on also within the EU. Mutually fueled by the desire of his authorities to bring their own industrial and technical base under the emerging common foreign and security policy of the European Union and the sentiments of a part of the industry of the member states, this process is already entering the formation of a common market for weapons and military technologies, the emergence of local transnational military-industrial corporations , their collective expansion to foreign markets. Gradually, on the geopolitical map of the world, the contours of the "European defense identity" are more and more traced.

At the same time, the EU military-industrial complex, emerging in different historical conditions than the American or the former Soviet one, and based on the integration of many states at once, has its own characteristics, problems and dimensions.

Militarily, the EU is traditionally not threatened. Therefore, experts usually cite the reluctance of the growing strength and statehood of the European Union to be here in the former and burdensome dependence on the United States as the most obvious reason for the defense preparations in Brussels.

Chief Accountant Program

This is an Internet service for calculating salaries, contributions, personnel records and reporting.

The Chief Accountant program will help to make accounting and calculations of payments to employees under labor and civil contracts. Prepare all the necessary documents, calculate payments to employees, taking into account vacation pay, sick leave, business trips, bonuses, and other charges and deductions. Thanks to the Chief Accountant program, you can prepare reports and submit them electronically to the Federal Tax Service, FSS and Pension Fund of Russia.

The interface of the "Chief Accountant" is designed in such a way that the functions that are needed most often are always at hand, and the rare ones are pushed into the "upper shelf". This makes working with the program much easier and more economical. Even a completely inexperienced, novice accountant can work in the program.

To establish the Program, the Chief Accountant does not need any programmers, because there is no establishment as such. The program of the Chief Accountant is updated automatically and invisibly to the user.

You can work with the program from any computer that is connected to the Internet. If you need to do urgent work on a weekend, and you have the Internet at home, you won't have to run to the office. You just need to log in with your name (login) and password to the site - and you can work. At the same time, the data that you enter into the program is reliably protected: no outsider will get to them.

The program includes a complete legal base, as well as a help system on issues related to the calculation and calculation of salaries, personnel records.


Techexpert is one of the largest Russian networks. professional help system providing normative, technical, normative and legal information in the b2b segment. The system fund contains about 6 million documents.

The first system under the Techexpert brand was released in 1998. It was intended for specialists in the construction industry and was called Stroyexpert-Codex. In 2005 it was renamed "Stroyexpert" and became the first system in the line for builders. Now it includes 6 products: the updated "Stroyexpert", "Stroytekhnolog", "Designer's Assistant", "TPD", "Road construction", "Pricing and budgeting in construction".

Later, systems were released for specialists in other sectors of the economy: heat and power engineering, mechanical engineering, the gas complex, etc., as well as systems for functional services responsible for labor protection, industrial and fire safety.

Techexpert systems include the following types of information:

  • - Normative and technical documentation - GOST, SNiP, SanPiN, VSN, RD, RDS, SP, GESN, STO, etc., establishing complexes of norms, rules, requirements for certain areas of the economy.
  • - Normative legal acts of various government bodies of the Russian Federation.
  • - Technological and reference information (standard flow charts, standard projects for the production of work and materials for the development of their own projects, forms of construction documentation, definitions dictionaries, practice of dispute resolution and much more).
  • - Some products, in addition to the above, include conference and seminar materials, event calendars, books or periodicals.

A recent development of the company is the Regulatory and Technical Documentation Management System. It allows you to create and maintain an electronic database of internal documents of the enterprise in a single space with documents from the Techexpert funds. Also, users can order international and foreign standards from the world's leading developers and the development of a personal standard of the organization based on the translation of foreign documents.

Techexpert systems are aimed at managers and specialists of production departments of enterprises and organizations in all major sectors of the economy: energy, oil and gas, industry, construction, mechanical engineering and others. The company also has products for health and safety professionals in the enterprise.

Techexpert is the information service of the Committee for Technical Regulation, Standardization and Conformity Assessment of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

"Techexpert" carries out activities in the field of technical regulation and standardization, one of the results of which is electronic system"Reform of technical regulation", which accumulates information on the reform of technical regulation in the Russian Federation.

NormaCS program.

The NormaCS system is designed to search, use and discuss regulatory documents and standards in design and engineering activities on the territory of the Russian Federation and regulating the activities of enterprises in various industries. The NormaCS system contains details and texts of more than 150 thousand regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation and about a thousand types of regulatory documents (SNiP, SanPiN, RD, technological maps, standard projects, etc.)

Attributive and full-text database, the availability of graphic copies of the official publication of documents and the breadth of coverage of various industries. Online access to norms and standards. Maintaining the current state of documents (canceled documents are not deleted from the database and can be used as reference materials).

To access the server, it is required to install a special NormaCS Client application on the client machine, which the user can independently download directly from the server.

The server maintains a detailed access log indicating by which user what action was performed. Client installs, client startup and shutdown, text, image and card views are taken into account. Also, statistics are kept indicating the number of simultaneously working clients and the number of open documents by section.

regulatory professional reference documentation

The Techexpert system is a modern approach to information support and support for the adoption and implementation of precise solutions to engineering problems.

The base of normative and technical documentation "Techexpert" is focused on the engineering and technical personnel of enterprises and organizations of the main sectors of the economy: construction, oil and gas industry, energy, mechanical engineering, communications and others.

A complex approach

Help system "Techexpert" combines professional help systems "Techexper" containing technical, technological, analytical and other expert information, as well as unique intellectual services and services that provide additional opportunities for working with information.

Catalog of professional reference systems "Techexpert".

  • Mechanical engineering

  • Energy. Premium
  • TPD. Power engineering
  • Occupational Safety and Health

Services and services.

Additional services for service support users within the framework of the service standard of our company allow us to expand the capabilities of users of the systems for more effective solution their daily professional tasks.

  • "Bank of documents" - the ability to create and maintain a corporate archive of your own management, technical, technological documents or other professional information.
  • "Hot line" - consulting on the use of systems and the ability to order a rare or retrospective document.
  • "Online Expert" - an opportunity for individual advice on a professional topic.
  • "Conferences, seminars and webinars" - an opportunity to take part in training events.
  • "Foreign and International Standards" - an opportunity to receive any standard from more than 450 foreign developers (ISO, BSI, DIN, ASTM, etc.).
  • "Development of documents" - the ability to develop technical documentation to order.

Work anywhere anytime

Due to the use of modern Internet, flash and online technologies, the system is available to both mobile users (for example, freelance, training, business trips) and remote users from any region of the Russian Federation.

New technologies make it possible to organize access at any time of the day from any region of our country to the Techexpert systems, as well as to the entire list of services and services provided by certified specialists of our company.

Benefits of using "Techexpert"

Complex professional systems and additional services and services allows the engineer to access the electronic texts of the necessary documents, use them in his work, receive technical consulting, make effective and well-grounded decisions based on expert opinion and collected analytics, which in general allows bringing the work of engineering and technical personnel to a new professional level ...

At the same time, the use of professional reference systems "Techexpert", together with services and services, not only facilitates the work of the engineer, but also gives the enterprise significant advantages over the traditional manual approach.

Benefits of using Techexpert for an engineer and a technical specialist:

  • saving time - with search services In just a couple of seconds, the system will provide the necessary technical information, supported by the experience of expert practitioners;
  • confidence in your decisions - exclusive recommendations of reputable experts will allow you to cope with any, even the most difficult professional situation that has arisen in your work and be 100% confident when making a decision;
  • efficiency - significantly reduce the time for compiling your own documentation due to ready-made design, technological and production documentation in AutoCAD format;
  • save nerves - when interacting with regulatory and supervisory authorities, all the documentation regulating inspections, passing examinations, obtaining permits, licenses, certificates, monitoring the condition and operation of equipment, metrological support, etc. is at hand;
  • effectively organize the work on keeping records - will allow the availability of documentation regulating the format for drawing up and deadlines for submitting reports, as well as the approved forms themselves with comments from experts on filling them out with examples of drawing up;
  • to improve their professional level - will allow participation in seminars and webinars from industry experts, as well as news services about changes in the professional field and in the field of technical regulation and standardization.

Benefits of using Techexpert for an organization:

  • to reduce the production time - by choosing and introducing into production the newest, more modern and science-intensive work technologies;
  • reduce the payback period of capital investments - through the use of innovative materials and equipment;
  • save money on the purchase of originals of standards, copyright materials, standard projects, work technologies and industry periodicals;
  • minimize the risks of sanctions - through recommendations prepared by the heads of relevant departments of ministries and departments and do not contradict each other;
  • save the working time of engineering and technical personnel - no special knowledge and skills are required to install and operate the system.

Advantages of Techexpert systems

Innovation. "Techexpert" provides not just lists of documents, but ready-made exact solutions to engineering problems, supported by standards and expert analytics (comparative tables for materials and equipment, ready-made POS, PPR, technologies, standard projects, series, documentation in AutoCAD format, etc. ).

Credibility. Techexpert is created exclusively with the assistance of primary sources of information, thus Tehexpert's partners are government authorities, leading Russian and international organizations, major expert and consulting companies, universities and the media. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information presented in professional systems.

Quality. "Techexpert" is a model and example in the market of help systems, which is confirmed by numerous awards and certificates.

Reliability. Anywhere in the country, our specialists will provide each user with the necessary systems, analytical services and information services, providing access to accurate solutions to engineering problems. Our systems are already trusted by more than 150 thousand users throughout the country, and this number is constantly growing. All of them are satisfied with the quality and content of the systems, which they note in the reviews.


A type

information reference system

The developer

Information and Legal Consortium "KODEKS"

Operating system
Interface languages


First edition
Latest version (10.12.2012)


Systems of normative and technical information (STI) for specialists in various industries. The Techexpert system is of interest to specialists in the field of construction, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy complex, food industry, transport, communications, ecology, and labor protection. Updated monthly.

History of creation

In 1998, the Codex Information and Legal Consortium created new class specialized reference systems for technical specialists in the main sectors of the economy. The first system, Stroyexpert-Codex, renamed Stroyexpert in 2005, became the ancestor of the Techexpert trademark systems and was intended for specialists in the construction industry. Later, systems were released for specialists in other sectors of the economy: heat and power engineering, mechanical engineering, the gas complex, etc., as well as systems for functional services responsible for labor protection, industrial and fire safety.

Types of information

Techexpert systems include the following types of information:

  • Normative and technical documentation - GOST, SNiP, SanPiN, VSN, RD, RDS, SP, GESN, STO, etc., establishing complexes of norms, rules, requirements for certain areas of the economy.
  • Normative legal acts of various government bodies of the Russian Federation.
  • Technological and reference information (standard flow charts, standard projects for the production of work and materials for the development of their own projects, forms of construction documentation, definitions dictionaries, practice of dispute resolution and much more).
  • Some products include conference and seminar materials, event calendars, books, or periodicals in addition to the above.

Reliability and relevance

The reliability of the documents contained in the Techexpert systems is guaranteed by agreements on cooperation with authorities and management (Rosstandart, Rostekhnadzor, etc.), central design institutes (OJSC TsPP, SPKB Gazproekt, STC Industrial Safety, etc.), public associations and authors-developers. Techexpert systems are regularly updated.

Electronic systems "Techexpert"

Segment Description Systems
Norms, rules, standards and legislation of the Russian Federation Reference systems containing all-Russian and interstate classifiers, a card index of national standards, as well as a library of current legal acts. technical regulation. TechExpert: Classifiers of Russia

Techexpert: Norms, rules, standards and legislation of Russia Techexpert: Index of Russian standards

Construction, design Specialized reference systems containing technological and reference information on the main issues of design, organization of construction and construction production at all stages of work, as well as regulatory, regulatory and technical documentation, document archives, expert comments and materials of judicial practice. Stroyexpert. Leader

Stroyexpert. Professional option Stroytekhnolog Tekhexpert: Design Assistant Techexpert: Typical Design Documentation (TPD. Buildings, structures, structures and units, TPD. Utilities, equipment and facilities, TPD. Electricity) Stroy-Resource Techexpert: Pricing and cost estimate in construction Legal assistant. Building. Self-regulation

Industry Specialized systems for enterprises of the fuel and energy and machine-building complex, which are a collection of national and industry standards, equipment catalogs, as well as a large block of reference and consulting information on the main areas of activity of industrial enterprises Techexpert: Norms, rules, standards and legislation of Russia

TechExpert: Mechanical Engineering TechExpert: Industrial Equipment Index of Russian Standards

Labor protection, safety and ecology Systems designed for health and safety specialists and covering the needs of a specialist in regulatory and legal and technical documentation. Techexpert: Labor Protection

Techexpert: Industrial safety Techexpert: Fire safety Techexpert: Ecology. Prof

Fuel and energy complex Specialized systems that combine reference and regulatory documentation on the organization and implementation of activities of enterprises that are part of the fuel and energy complex of Russia. TechExpert: Power Engineering

Techexpert: Heat power engineering Techexpert: Gas complex Techexpert: gas station TPD. Power engineering

Building management A series of systems containing information for professionals involved in the operation and maintenance of real estate. Contains a unique selection of regulations and forms and reference information presented in the form of practical guides. Techexpert: Buildings management for house management companies;

Techexpert: Maintenance of buildings for commercial and office buildings; Techexpert: Maintenance of buildings for budgetary organizations

"Norms, rules, standards of Russia"

Library of norms, rules and standards in force on the territory of Russia. The system contains all national standards (GOST, GOST R), building codes and regulations (SNiP, SP, SN, VSN, RSN), territorial building codes (TSN), sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN, SP), norms and rules of supervisory authorities (PB, RD, NPB), documents of the estimated regulatory framework in construction (GESN, FER, GSN, EPER) and other documents.


Collection of federal assemblies and by-laws, orders, orders, SNiPs, GOSTs, RDS, RD, SanPiNov, VSN, NPB, regulating the activities of participants in the construction process.


Collection of information on modern production technologies construction works... In a reliable and up-to-date form, with all diagrams, drawings, tables and formulas, the system contains "Typical flow charts, samples of work projects, materials for developing your own projects and data on modern building materials. The system is integrated with AutoCAD.

"Legal Assistant: Construction"

Electronic reference book on issues arising in the work of lawyers of construction organizations. The system includes references describing the options for a lawyer to act in disputable situations. The "Legal Assistant: Construction" also includes all the problems necessary for the analysis regulations and materials of judicial practice.

"TPD. Building structures, products and units "

Collection of catalog sheets and albums of drawings of series of typical building structures, products and assemblies from the SK-3 list. The system was created in cooperation with JSC "CPP"

"TPD. Engineering networks, equipment and structures "

Collection of catalog sheets and albums of drawings of standard series and projects for engineering equipment, products and assemblies, as well as buildings and structures.

"Techexpert: Road construction"

The system includes orders and decrees of Rosavtodor, Rosstroy, GOSTs, SNiPs, SN, RSN, VSN, TTK, KTP, PPR, standard design documentation for road construction, samples of acts, magazines, technical passports, certificates, statements and other documents on road construction ...

"Techexpert: Pricing and cost estimate in construction"

The system contains normative acts, methodological documents on pricing and estimated rationing, materials of judicial practice, consultations, explanations, materials on the practice of using HESN, FER, TEP, samples of documents and reporting forms.

"Stroy-Resource: Contractors"

A unique electronic encyclopedia that has no analogues in Russia. In it you will find comprehensive information about building materials and tools used at all stages of construction, as well as specifications, certificates, passports, drawings (including in AutoCAD format), a catalog of materials for "green" construction, contacts of suppliers, which ultimately will allow you to save not only time, but also the company's money.

"Stroy-Resource: Design organizations"

a unique electronic encyclopedia that has no analogues in Russia. In it you will find comprehensive information about building materials used at all stages of design, as well as technical specifications, certificates, albums technical solutions(including in AutoCAD format), comparative tables of materials, a catalog of materials for "green" construction, which ultimately will allow you to save not only time, but also the company's money.

"Techexpert: TEK"

Electronic library of legal and normative-technical documents regulating the activities of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. The system includes normative legal acts and normative and technical documents (GOST, SNiP, RDS, PB, RD, VSN, NPB, SP).

"Techexpert: Mechanical Engineering"

Electronic collection of national standards (GOST, ST SEV), industry and inter-industry documents (R, PR, RD, OST, RM, RTM) required for the production, repair and operation of engineering products.

"Techexpert: Food Industry"

Specialized help system for specialists of food manufacturers. The system includes laws, orders, decisions of state authorities, GOSTs, SanPiNs, GN, MUK, technical regulations and other documents.

"Techexpert: Buildings Management"

The system includes regulatory legal acts, SNiPs, guidelines, SanPiNy, PUE, RD, documents on labor protection, and safety, technological instructions for maintenance, scheduled preventive work, practical advice on the organization of the operation of buildings, on interaction with government agencies, materials of judicial practice, official forms and samples of documents, etc.

“Techexpert: Ecology. Prof "

The system is intended for specialists engaged in environmental protection, managers of business entities responsible for compliance with environmental standards and rules at industrial enterprises, designers who are obliged to take into account environmental requirements in design and construction, and can also be used in higher and secondary educational institutions to train specialists in the field of ecology. The system also provides guidelines for the environmental activities of the enterprise.

"Techexpert: Labor Protection"

The system contains international treaties, federal laws, resolutions of the highest state authorities, guidelines, guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, Rospotrebnadzor, Roszdravnadzor, Rostrud, standard labor protection instructions, GOSTs, SNiPs, SanPiNs, NPB, materials of judicial practice, forms of magazines, examples of programs training, samples of instructions on labor protection for certain specialties and types of work.

"Techexpert: Industrial Safety"

A specialized electronic collection of legal, regulatory and technical documents, materials of judicial practice, necessary in the work of enterprises that design, erect and operate hazardous production facilities.

"Techexpert: Bank of Documents"

A ready-made automated complex aimed at the fast and efficient organization of an electronic archive of documents at the enterprise. Allows you to work with company documents and documents from the Codex / Techexpert systems in a single information retrieval space.

When concluding an agreement for information maintenance of the Techexpert systems, the user can choose the option with the delivery of the system to his computer, or the organization's server, the lease of the Techexpert system, or the option with online access.

In this article, we simple language Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each option.

Option with the delivery of Techexpert systems:


1. The system will work on your computer or office network, regardless of the prolongation of the update.

2. No restrictions on opening and downloading documents.

3. The performance of the system does not depend on the availability of the Internet.

4. Ability to install any set of Techexpert systems.


1. Low mobility (the system works only in local network, or on a specific computer or laptop).

2. The need for monthly updates and allocation of hard disk space.

3. The cost of delivery is paid additionally (in comparison with other options).

Rent of Techexpert systems:


1. No restrictions on opening and downloading documents.

2. The performance of the system does not depend on the availability of the Internet.

3. Ability to install any set of Techexpert systems.


1. The system works only if there is a prepaid period.

2. Low mobility (the system works only in a local network, or on a specific computer or laptop).

3. The need for monthly updates and allocation of hard disk space.

Online access to Techexpert systems:


1. No installation, configuration and maintenance required

2. Updating occurs automatically (outside of working hours, on the developer's server)

2. Dependence on the health of the Internet.

3. The system works only if there is a prepaid period.

4. If a set of several systems is required, it is not always possible to collect all systems into one search space.

And what is more profitable in terms of cost, you ask? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally.

If you need the Techexpert system for one or two employees, online access will be more profitable. If the system is needed at least for 3-5 or more employees, we advise you to take a closer look at the option with the delivery or lease of Techexpert systems.

In most cases, the cost of service will be lower than the corresponding number of logins for online access (based on the number of employees).