Console construction company. Open appeal of defrauded shareholders of the construction company "Consol LTD

The developer of SK Konsol-Stroy in the Crimea, works in compliance with SNiPs and current requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. You can be sure of the quality of construction: we checked the documents with the developer and personally visited several objects.

What apartments are rented by the construction company SK Konsol-Stroy

    Reliable metal entrance doors with eyes

    Water and heating meters in the bathroom

    Routing the copper cable of electricity to rooms

    Playgrounds, parking lots, recreation areas in the courtyards

Why buy through "Floors"

We work at the same price with the developer. We sell apartments from the SK Consol-Stroy company without extra charge. We provide free full legal and real estate support of the transaction.

We find suitable options. If you tell us about an acceptable budget and your wishes, we will select 3-4 options per day. If you don't like them, we will offer you a few more objects in different residential complexes.

We help to save money on a deal. We make a discount from the developer or offer to take part in the action. We find objects with individual turnkey repairs or offer to use government subsidies available to you.

Explore the official website of the "Etazhi" company to find a suitable option in the catalog or learn more about the developer's objects. If left additional questions, call us or write to the online chat: the realtor will advise you for free.

A.V. Belyakov

Dear Anton Vladimirovich!

Citizens contact you Russian Federation- deceived shareholders of the construction company "Consol LTD", which is a resident of Ukraine and registered as a legal entity (LLC firm "Consol LTD") at the address: Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, 95022, Simferopol, st. Borodin, 16.

This construction company, within the framework of existing contractual relations, violated not only the rights of Russian citizens on the territory of Ukraine, but also the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Over the past years, Consol LTD LLC, acting as the management company of the Ukrrosbud corporation, has been implementing an irresponsible policy of attracting Money from individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation - and their subsequent misuse within the framework of the established construction company. As a result, today the firm "Consol LTD" is not just construction company, which has multimillion-dollar debts to individuals and legal entities, but also the organization-initiator of the "construction pyramid" in Ukraine, within which the funds of the shareholders are attracted for the personal enrichment of the founders and managers of the company. Citizens of the Russian Federation invested their money in "Consol-LTD" in 2003-2010, mainly in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, where this construction company controls about 80% of the current real estate market.

In accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, Russian citizens entered into a share participation agreement with the firm "Consol LTD" for the construction of residential buildings in the largest cities of Crimea: Alushta, Bakhchisarai, Nauchny, Evpatoria, Kerch, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Sudak, Feodosia, Yalta, etc. the funds were paid in full, necessary for the construction of residential buildings, but the firm "Consol LTD" did not fulfill its obligations, leaving us without apartments and without money. As a result, today in Russia the geography of shareholders defrauded by Consol LTD extends from Murmansk to Kamchatka and from Rostov to Moscow and numbers more than 400 people.

Starting from mid-2008, Consol LTD LLC, without notifying the shareholders, stopped the construction of all houses in the cities of Crimea, citing lack of funds. For the same reason, the company did not take the necessary measures for the conservation of construction objects, as a result of which the abandoned "unfinished buildings" are dilapidated and already today are not suitable for their initial intended use.

Moreover, the firm "Consol LTD" entered into contracts and received money from Russian citizens for the construction of residential buildings, the construction of which by the firm, in principle, could not be realized due to the lack of all permits. The construction of these facilities was suspended or canceled by the company without returning the invested funds to the shareholders. Meanwhile, only according to preliminary estimates, over the past five years, Russian citizens have invested more than $ 100 million in the company's pseudo-construction. Consol LTD does not respond to inquiries from Russian shareholders regarding the fate of their invested funds. Given that, in accordance with Art. 1136 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a shareholder who has entered into an agreement on share participation in construction has the right to receive reliable information from the developer about the progress of the construction of the facility. Moreover, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, the Civil Code of Ukraine (Article 629) and the Law of Ukraine "On Property" (Articles 11, 13) guarantee the protection of the rights of foreign citizens entering into contractual relations with a construction company-resident of Ukraine.

For this reason, we believe that the money invested by the Russians was spent by the management of the company for other purposes (that is, inappropriately). Consol LTD does not fulfill its contractual obligations, systematically misleading the shareholders. The delivery of residential buildings is delayed for 5-7 years, while the management of the company ignores the official written appeals Russian citizens on the progress of construction, on the actual timing of its completion and on the return of money.

In essence, the violation of contractual obligations by the firm "Consol-LTD" in the period from 2008 to 2011, Russian citizens filed claims to the territorial judicial authorities in Crimea (more than 60 claims). The overwhelming majority of claims were satisfied, but the money was still not returned to the Russians. Consol does not voluntarily repay the debt. This is done by the bodies of the state executive service in Crimea, debiting funds from the arrested accounts of the company, of which there are more than 80. To date, more than 50 enforcement proceedings have been opened for the company, but the firm "Consol LTD" did not satisfy any of them. There is no money on the accounts of OOO Consol LTD. Taking this into account, we believe that the company is currently bankrupt, and its actions are based on a fraudulent financial and corruption scheme.

So, in order to hide the real state of affairs, over the past three years, the company "changed" several directors, withdrew all assets from the company "Consol LTD" (panel house building plant, housing and communal services, workshops for the production of plastic windows, etc.) and changed its name to LLC "Consol", effectively depriving Russian citizens of confidence in this company and the leaders who have ever headed it.

In the Russian Federation, LLC "Consol LTD" by its actions also violated Russian legislation! The representative office of the firm in Moscow wrote out checks confirming that the Russian shareholders had paid for the shares under the share participation agreements in Ukrainian hryvnias (instead of the rubles determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation). This fact was reported to the tax and law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow for an appropriate investigation.

On the fact of the unlawful actions of LLC Consol LTD in relation to Russian citizens, we also sent corresponding written appeals:
1) President of Ukraine Yanukovych V.F. (April 12 this year);
2) Prime Minister of Ukraine Azarov N.Ya. (April 12 this year);
3) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Russian Federation Yelchenko V.Yu. (April 11 this year);
4) to the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation
on the development of trade and economic relations with Ukraine Zurabov M.Yu. (April 11 this year);
5) Consul General of the Russian Federation in Simferopol, V.V. Andreev; (April 12 this year);
6) S.A. Popov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations. (April 14 this year).
None of the officials answered us.

Also, Russian and Ukrainian shareholders sent to the OGSBEP UMVD of Ukraine in the city of Sevastopol a collective statement of the shareholders in the construction of apartment buildings in the city of Sevastopol on the fact of fraud by OOO Consol LTD with an attachment on 161 pages (December 17, 2010 input No. 6359).

To protect their legal rights, Ukrainian and Russian shareholders created the Public Organization United Shareholders of the Consol Company. On April 25, 2011, our Public Organization also sent to the Prosecutor's Office of Sevastopol a statement on the facts of causing property damage to citizens of Ukraine and Russia - shareholders of OOO Consol LTD - by deception and abuse of their trust and misuse of shareholders' funds.

Meanwhile, as a result of using the created "building pyramid", Consol LTD has built commercial facilities for its founders (elite sports and fitness clubs, apartments), including in Yalta, Simferopol, which are actively announced at the official website of the company. Moreover, the pyramid became a tool of enrichment for the head of OOO Consol LTD in the period from 2003 to 2010 - Vladimir Andreevich Konstantinov. In 2011, V.A. was included in the rating of the 100 richest people in Ukraine, while during the so-called "crisis" year, his personal capital increased by 60.2 million US dollars: from 96.4 million in 2010 to 156.6 million in 2011. (

Today Konstantinov V.A. already as a government official (he holds the post of Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea), he is actively working to attract Russian investments into the Ukrainian economy. The top political leadership of the Russian Federation is working on various areas of such cooperation within the framework of the Intergovernmental Russian-Ukrainian Commission on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation and Trade, through the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, as well as within the framework of agreements on the development of territories in Crimea, where the Russian The Federation places its military facilities (Sevastopol, Feodosia, etc.).

We believe that the illegal actions of Consol LTD against Russian citizens in Crimea not only drastically reduce the level of confidence of Russian investors in the Ukrainian economy, but also in the near future may contribute to undermining the just begun rapprochement of Russian-Ukrainian relations!

Therefore, in order to form an accurate assessment of the state of the investment climate in Ukraine, we, the joint shareholders of the Consol firm, inform you about the real picture of the "development" of Russian investments in Crimea!

In addition, dear Anton Vladimirovich, we consider it important in the near future:
1) To inform the top political leadership of Ukraine - first of all, the President of Ukraine and the Prime Minister of Ukraine - about the firm position of the citizens of the Russian Federation - shareholders of Consol LTD, to defend and defend their legal rights.
2) Inform the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, the heads of the committees of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, ministries and departments in the Russian Federation that ensure the negotiation process on issues of economic Russian-Ukrainian cooperation, about the unlawful actions of the heads and founders of Consol LTD. attitude of Russian citizens.
3) Bring to the attention of the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation ( Russian companies, businessmen and the entire business community) on the activities of the founders and managers of the firm "Consol LTD" in Crimea, as well as on the "black" schemes used by it for the development of investments;
3) Organize mass coverage of the fraudulent activities of Consol LTD LLC in the Russian, Ukrainian and European mass media in order to prevent further deception of Russian citizens in Crimea.
5) Ensure the negotiation process with public organizations and other interested associations in Russia and Ukraine in order to counteract the deceptive policies of the firm "Consol LTD" and bring the leaders and founders of this firm to justice!

Yours faithfully,
citizens of the Russian Federation - shareholders of OOO Consol LTD and members of the Public organization United Shareholders of Consol

The transition to market conditions and the restructuring of the economy led to fundamental changes in the construction sector. The construction market is developing, outdated technologies are becoming a thing of the past, they are being replaced by modern marketing work that meets international standards when choosing the required material, technology, supplier or contractor. The Consol company does not lag behind innovative approaches in construction, is often an innovator and an example for other companies to introduce the latest methods of work. As proof of its high professionalism, the "Consol" company constantly receives awards from various competitions. High authority, financial and operational stability have determined the independence of the Consol company in the real estate market for over 20 years. Today it is one of the largest construction companies with which the Ministry of Defense cooperates, foreign firms from Germany, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Poland, the largest firms in Russia and Crimea. In fact, 000 Firm "Consol-Stroy LTD" is a construction management company - it acts as a general contractor, customer and investor, works with banks on lending to construction projects, conducts technical supervision and organizes the offer of real estate. The firm "Consol" includes regional divisions in the cities: 1. Simferopol 2. Yalta 3. Sevastopol 4. Kerch 5. Feodosia 6. Alushta 7. Evpatoria 8. Sudak 9. Bakhchisaray Consol-Stroy LTD ", the following structures have been created and are operating: 1. Institute" Consol-Project "; 2. Motor transport enterprise "Consol-Trans"; 3. Branch of OOO Consol LTD "PO Consol-Beton"; 4. Branch of LLC firm "Consol LTD" in Lviv "SMU Consol-Karpaty"; 5. LLC "SK Konsol-Stroy LTD": - "PO Konsol-Finishing"; - "Software Console-Frame"; - "Software Console-Foundation"; - "PO House-building plant - Consol"; - "SPMK-4" in Evpatoria; - "Management of production and technical equipment (UPTK)"; - "Software Console-Windows"; - "Software Console-Construction Mechanization". Today the company "Consol" is preparing new personnel for itself - since 1998 it has been training specialists at the educational research and production institute "Consol" of the National Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort Construction. This project has fully justified itself - almost all specialists, graduates of the institute, work in the "Consol" company. In 4-5 years, the management of the company will employ professionals who will absorb the ideas of the company from the student's bench. 000 firm "Consol-Stroy LTD" has now taken a worthy place in the Crimean construction market. This is one of the few companies with a completed construction support cycle - from laying the foundation to service maintenance. And this is our main advantage: residents of new apartments, apartments, cottages, owners of offices built using modern technologies are grateful for the high quality and modern style, for the opportunity to live and work in functional, well-designed premises.

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 12.02.2016

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 9

Operator location address: Crimea Rep., Simferopol, st. Borodin, 16

Personal data processing start date: 08.01.2015

Subjects of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which personal data is processed: Republic of Crimea

Purpose of processing personal data: Registration of labor relations, maintenance of personnel and accounting records, registration of civil law relations for organizations, production of general construction works for the construction of buildings

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: Local acts on the processing of personal data have been developed. The persons directly involved in the processing of personal data are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, including the requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the policy regarding the processing of personal data by local acts on the processing of personal data. data. Models of security threats to personal data in information systems have been developed. In information systems, the third level of protection of personal data has been established. Registration of machine carriers of personal data is provided. The recovery of personal data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to them is ensured. Rules for access to personal data processed in information system personal data, as well as registration and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in the personal data information system is provided. Internal control is carried out for the compliance of personal data processing with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152 "On Personal Data" and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it. The possibility of uncontrolled entry or stay of unauthorized persons in the premises where work with personal data is carried out is excluded. The safety of personal data carriers and information protection means is ensured. To ensure the security of personal data, software and hardware tools are used that have passed the conformity assessment procedure in accordance with the established procedure.

Categories of personal data: surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, TIN, passport data, military card data, medical policy, insurance certificate, citizenship, information about close relatives, contact numbers

Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed: employees, close relatives of employees, job seekers, individuals who are in civil law relations with SK Konsol-Stroy LTD LLC

List of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update of changes), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

Personal data processing: with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet, mixed

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", Art. 85-90 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of SK Konsol-Stroy LTD LLC, Regulation on the processing of personal data by SK Konsol-Stroy LTD LLC

Cross-border transmission availability: not

Database location details: Russia