Try to connect to the Internet. There is access to the Internet, but the pages are not loading - how to fix it? Here is the correct wiring diagram

The Internet on a PC or laptop may not be available for a number of reasons that are not always obvious. However, do not despair, because correcting the situation and returning access to the network is often very simple.

Why is there no Internet on a computer or laptop

The Internet is a collection of interconnected networks. To get to a certain point on the “web”, a request from a computer needs to go through a lot of nodes:

  1. The circuit starts on the PC itself. It is necessary that all protocols work correctly, and the DNS server is up-to-date and healthy.
  2. The request goes to the router. The device itself and the cable leading to it must not be damaged.
  3. The request goes to the provider. To further advance to the "web":
    • need timely payment for Internet services;
    • there should be no breakdowns or technical work on the main lines;
    • the provider's servers must be stably powered by electricity, etc.
  4. The request through connecting nodes and hubs gets to the server of the Internet resource, after which the server gives a return answer, which moves back in the same direction.

Only when no hesitation occurs at any of the stages of the request from the PC to the requested information, the connection will work stably. But if at least somewhere there is a problem, the browser or any other Internet client will report an error.

Unfortunately, the user can only affect the computer and partly the network equipment.

Troubleshooting a broken network

If the network does not work normally, all sites do not respond to requests, and the network indicator shows an additional icon in the form of a red cross or a yellow triangle, then you have problems with the Internet.

Before correcting the situation, you must:

  • restart the computer to restart all services and components;
  • inspect the plug network cable. It should not have significant kinks or damage to the insulation. You also need to check how securely the plug is fixed in the sockets;
  • inspect the router. All indicators, except for power, should be on and blinking. This means that traffic enters the device and is transmitted further.

Problems on the part of the Internet service provider

The first thing to do when the Internet is not working is to call the technical support of the provider. TP specialists are obliged to provide information on your account and tell about the reasons why access to the Internet in this moment absent. There are only three possible reasons:

If the TP specialist claims that there are no problems on the part of the provider at the moment, we proceed to the diagnosis network equipment.

Failure or breakdown of network equipment

The next link in the connection chain is network equipment: a router and a cord if a wired connection is used.

You can use another computer or smartphone to find out if one or all of your devices are experiencing a connection error. If the second device works stably, then the problem lies in the first one and it is necessary to proceed to program actions on it. And if there is no response from the Internet on another PC or smartphone, you need to spend two simple operations with router:

After resetting the settings, you need to reconnect to the router's network and check Internet access. If the problem persists, get help service center or a store: most likely, a failure has occurred in the router chips. Correction of such complexity should be handled only by professionals.

Computer software problem

When everything is in order with the provider and network equipment, the cause of the problem lies in the computer. In settings operating system there are a lot of settings that are responsible for the operation of the Internet connection. You also need to keep an eye on the hardware: network device drivers guarantee the ability to "talk" between Windows and network adapters. Software products can be damaged by viruses or system errors, in these cases the Internet may also disappear.

To correct the situation, you need to reinstall the device drivers:

  1. Through the system search or the executing program (Win + R), we launch the devmgmt.msc process.

    Open the "Device Manager" with a special command devmgmt.msc

  2. Open the "Network adapters" tab. We right-click on the line that does not contain Bluetooth or WAN Miniport in its name, and select the "Update driver" menu item.

    Right click on the device and select "Update Driver"

  3. Depending on the location of the drivers (Microsoft server or an already downloaded program on the computer), select "Automatic search" or "Search for drivers on this computer".

    Depending on the location of the driver, select the update method

Possible viral activity

Immediately after installing the drivers, you need to scan your computer for virus threats. It is because of viruses that in most cases this or that equipment fails. For a quality check, you will need not one antivirus, but three good programs. I recommend Comodo internet security, AVG Antivirus Free, Bitdefender Antivirus Free edition. These products are completely free, but nevertheless guarantee reliable protection. And the difference in manufacturers increases the chance that threats will be found and neutralized.

Scanning must be carried out one by one, because if you run all programs at the same time, they can block each other's work or overload the computer processor too much.

Issues in the Internet Protocol Environment

For connecting to the network, in addition to equipment, some software protocols are responsible. They contain an algorithm according to which data transfer should be carried out. It is very important that these protocols are not changed, otherwise the order of operations will be violated.

The DNS service directs queries to the correct Internet addresses because it converts the name of the service into its IP address. Clogging its cache can also cause a connection failure.

Incorrect Internet protocol settings can be reset through the Command Line terminal:

IP address conflict

Just as every house has its own number, every computer has its own IP address. If two houses are numbered the same, the postman may bring the mail to the wrong address. Similar situations can occur when there is an IP address conflict. To fix them, you need to switch to automatic address selection and restart your computer:

  1. In the address bar of "Explorer" paste "Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections" and press Enter.

    Through the address bar "Explorer" open the environment "Network Connections"

    Calling connection properties

  2. Select the "IP version 4" component and click the "Properties" button. We set the automatic selection of the IP address and manually register the DNS servers:
  3. We save all changes with the "OK" buttons and restart the computer.

Video: how to set up automatic obtaining of an IP address

If the problem with the broken Internet is in the software part of Windows, it is not difficult to solve it. It is only necessary to alternately carry out the actions that are shown above. In other cases, you will have to consult with the provider or replace the failed network equipment.

It happens that the Internet on the computer does not work due to a banal loose connection of contacts or tangled wires, so first of all you need to make sure that the internet cable is connected.

  • Cable check

In the case where the power cord goes directly to the PC, make sure that on the back of the PC or laptop it fits snugly into the Ethernet port. If the connection is made through a router, check the following inputs: on the PC - Ethernet, on the modem - LAN (the cable must come from the computer) and WAN (in fact, the network line itself).

But sometimes the reason that the Internet does not work on a computer through a cable is the wire itself, a router or a PC. The first thing to do is to find out the source of the problem. Connect the cable to another PC, laptop. No network access? So, the cause of the problem is in the line.

  • Cable problems

When in working mode, the indicator on the router will light up. Lack of connection is reflected on the monitor with the "Connection Problems" icon.

What is the essence of the problem? Most likely the root of the problem is:

  • wire damage;
  • breakage of the RJ-45 connector;
  • incorrect connection of wires (see paragraph Checking the cable).

If everything works stably, the lack of a signal may be due to repair work or untimely replenishment of the account. You can find out why the Internet does not work on your computer from your ISP.

  • Problems with the router

If, after checking several devices via a modem, none of them managed to get online, most likely the router is not working properly (if there is no problem with the cable).

  • wire connection errors;
  • nest damage;
  • hanging device;
  • incorrect setting;
  • disabled DHCP server.

What to do if the Internet does not work on the computer? Try to swap cables, select another LAN connector (usually there are 4 of them), reboot (turn off / on) the modem.

  • Computer problems

Often you can see a triangle or circular arrows next to the Internet connection icon (identification). If there are no problems with the cable and router, you should check the computer.

Common causes include:

  • breakdown / misconfiguration network card;
  • damage to the Ethernet jack;
  • the need to reinstall the driver;
  • no IP connection;
  • signal blocking by viruses.

Finally: sometimes just restarting the laptop is enough.

Wi-Fi internet connection issues

In general, problems with connecting via Wi-Fi are almost the same as the previous ones. This may be cable damage, a router freezing, or the need to install a driver on a PC. But you also need to take into account a number of nuances related to the very nature of the connection. For example, the stability and range of the signal. You may just be out of range of Wi-Fi.

If the Internet does not work on the computer, as well as other devices, when connecting through a router, the difficulties probably lie in the incorrectly configured settings of your router. Look at the system notifications on the monitor of your computer or laptop: icons on the taskbar, which can be as follows:

  • "Without network access."

First of all, check if the adapter is working and if the Wi-Fi drivers are installed. Perhaps the problem is due to the disabled Wi-Fi function on the laptop.

  • "Windows could not connect to..." message

Usually the problem is related to blocked access. Wi-Fi password required. Even if you have used the Internet from this PC before, enter the data again and try again, the connection should work. In case of failure, the reason should be looked for in the router or the assignment of the IP address.


Why does it give a Wi-Fi password error?

You may have changed your keyboard layout or you may have CapsLock pressed. If you have forgotten your password, you can view it in the router settings. We recommend that you set a simple, easy-to-remember password.

Connect Internet Wifire: stable connection without interruption.

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services - in the "tariffs" section or by phone indicated on the site.

Read how to fix internet connection problems at home. A few mandatory steps before contacting a specialist or provider. Internet connection problems are very frustrating for us. Rather than uselessly flicking F5 and desperately trying to reload your favorite website, we suggest trying a few troubleshooting methods and determining the reasons for the connection failure.

Ping Command

The first thing to do when you have connection problems is to run the command "ping". Launch the Windows command prompt (how to run the Windows command prompt as an administrator, see the video on our channel how to run the Windows command prompt) and enter, for example, or "ping site".

This command will send multiple packets to the address you specify, and the web server will respond to each one. In the screenshot below, we will see that everything is working fine. Packet loss is 0% and the time taken by each packet to move along the route is minimal.

If you find packet loss (in other words, if the web server has not responded to one or more of the requests sent), then this definitely indicates a problem with the network. If the web server response time for different packages vary greatly, this indicates a high congestion of the Internet channel. Also, the problem may be related to the website itself (unlikely if the same problem occurs on several web resources), with your Internet service provider or in your local network(for example, with a router).

Please note that packets cannot be exchanged with some web servers. For example, the command "ping" will result in 100% packet loss.

Problems with a specific website

If only a certain website has access problems, and it shows that everything is in order, then most likely the problems occurred on the server where the website is physically located.

To check if this site is working properly, we can use a special tool on the web - It allows you to poll websites from different IP addresses and determine if they are actually working or not. If you get an answer that the site does not work for everyone, then the problem is definitely on the server.

The response of the site that this web resource does not work only for you indicates errors with the connection on your part. And there may be at least a dozen options. Perhaps there is a mismatch in the routing between your computer and the server on the Internet. To troubleshoot these issues, use the command "tracert", for example, enter "tracert" at the Windows command line. The utility will send a trace packet and display the IP addresses and names of all hosts that the packet interacts with as it travels along the route. If a bug is found after your ISP's server, then there's basically nothing you can do but wait for it to be fixed.

Problems with the modem or router (router)

The lack of access to various websites may be caused by the modem or router (router).

Many people use a modem to connect to the Internet, that is physical device, which transmits digital data over analog channels. The modem converts the analog signal to digital, and vice versa. For such interaction, he has two interfaces, digital for a computer and analog for telephone line. A modem is a device that communicates with your Internet Service Provider.

A router is also a physical device that, via wired, wireless, or mobile network connects to the internet. In addition, it can combine all devices that are equipped with network Ethernet ports And WiFi adapters, to one local network. With its help, local network members can freely exchange files and remotely control other devices (for example: printers, TVs, etc.).

In some cases, the modem and router may be the same device.

Take a look at the router. If it has blue or green lights flashing ( different manufacturers may use different colors), this is normal and indicates a stable internet and LAN connection. But if you see a steady blinking orange (or red) indicator light, then this usually indicates that there are none. The same applies to the modem - a flashing orange light usually indicates a problem.

If the lights indicate that both devices have a problem, try turning them off and on again. That is, restart the devices, just like restarting a computer. You can perform this action even if the lights are flashing normally - there are some routers that sometimes need to be rebooted for them to work properly. After a few minutes, your modem or router should reconnect to your ISP. The error may be related to updating servers from the provider itself.

If this does not solve the problem, then you can perform a factory reset on your router or update the firmware. To check if the problem is indeed with your router, you can connect your computer's Ethernet cable directly to the modem, bypassing the router. If the connection is restored, then it is clear which device is causing problems.

Possible problems on the computer

If you are experiencing network problems on only one computer on your local network, then it is most likely a bug related to software. It can be caused by a virus malware or a bug in the browser.

Check your system with anti-virus software and try to install another browser, then try to open this site in new program. Other errors may also occur, such as misconfiguration network screen.

Problems with DNS servers

When you download a resource, your computer contacts its DNS server and requests the web resource's IP address. The default DNS servers used by your network are provided by your ISP, and if they are not up to date, problems may arise.

You can try to access the website by IP address directly, bypassing the DNS server. For example, copy the address "" into the address bar of your web browser to visit directly.

If you were able to access the IP address but still can't open the site by simply typing in address bar, then it is a problem with DNS servers. Instead of waiting for your ISP to update their server, you can try using a third party DNS server such as OpenDNS or Google Public DNS.

Ultimately, most connection problems you encounter are someone else's glitches or bugs - you can't fix them yourself. Often, the only thing you can do is wait for your ISP or specific website to fix the problem.

And of course, you can always call your Internet Service Provider for support by phone. Support can check the connection to your computer (router or modem) to see if there are any problems. They will tell you if there is a server error, or if the problem is still on your end. Also see what can be done to speed up the Internet connection:

Trying to connect to WiFi networks can cause the laptop to find the network, connect to it, but not be able to use the Internet. If the laptop notices that there is no Internet access when the network is connected, it will warn you about this with an icon in the form of a yellow triangle next to the connected Wi-Fi icon.

Reasons for not having internet

The cause of the problem lies either in the router, or in the Internet connection, or in the laptop itself, so the methods below will help you solve it in all cases. Perhaps the Internet itself does not work due to problems on the operator’s side, or a failure occurred in the router that allowed the network to be lost, or the laptop incorrectly recognized and used the network.

List possible causes wide, you need to narrow it. First of all, take another device, such as a phone or tablet, and try using it to access the Internet through the same Wi-Fi network. If this works out, then the problem is exclusively in the laptop.

Laptop says no internet access

If the Internet is not available on other devices, then you need to understand if the reason is in the Internet cable or router. To find out, you need to try to use the Internet connection directly through the laptop. Remove the modem or cable from the router and plug it into the device port, connect and check if there is Internet access. If the answer is no, then the problem is in the modem itself, the wire, or on the operator's side. In any case, the way out of the situation is to contact the support service of the company that provides you with the Internet. Their contact numbers are on the official website.

If a direct connection is successful, then it remains to blame the router, so you need to use the instructions associated with it.

Solving the problem on the side of the laptop

If, in the course of the above instructions for identifying the cause of the breakdown, you found out that the network does not work exclusively on a laptop, then consistently use all the methods below. One of them will most likely return you access to the Wi-Fi network.


Open the network control panel, disconnect from Wi-Fi and reconnect. Perhaps this time the laptop will be able to correctly configure all network settings, and Internet access will return.

Disconnecting from the network and reconnecting to it


Reboot the laptop, during this process, all processes in the system will restart. Enabling them again will cause the hung elements to start working.

We restart the computer

Antivirus deactivation

Every modern antivirus has a built-in Firewall (firewall) that provides security when browsing the Internet. But there is a possibility that it mistakenly considers your connection as potentially dangerous and blocks it. After disabling the antivirus, try connecting again without activating it. If this time the Internet appears, then the matter is in the defender, you will have to replace it with another one.

Turn off the antivirus

But in no case do not leave the device without an antivirus, be sure to catch the virus. Install another, at least free, antivirus, or contact the technical support of the defender you use, informing them that your home network is mistakenly considered dangerous. They will tell you what steps to take to get rid of such an error.

Automatic diagnostics

Windows 10 includes tools to automatically fix most of the problems that users often encounter. There is a similar tool for the Internet module.

  1. Open the list of networks and go to the network settings.

    Open network and internet settings

  2. Once in the settings, go to the "Status" block and open the adapter settings.

    Click on the "adapter settings" button

  3. A list of adapters will open, double-click on the one that is responsible for connecting to your Wi-Fi network. You can identify the right one by its name.

    Double click on the adapter

  4. Start the diagnostic procedure by clicking on the button of the same name.

    Press the "Diagnostics" button

  5. Wait for the automatic scan to complete. The system will notify you of its results. If any problems are solved, then it is worth checking whether Internet access has appeared.

    The program will tell you if the errors are fixed

Manual change of settings

Perhaps the connection settings are messed up, you need to check them yourself:

  1. While in the adapter list window, expand the properties of the one you need.

    Select adapter and open properties

  2. Find the IPv4 protocol used every time you connect to the network and open its properties.

    Select the IPv4 protocol and open its properties

  3. Assign automatic lookup of the IP and DNS address of the service if these values ​​have not been set before. Check if it helped to get internet access.

    Specify that IP and DNS lookups should be performed automatically

  4. Perhaps the problem is in the DNS servers, so let's try to use analog free servers from Google. Install the primary and secondary gateway respectively: and Check the network status again.

    Set the values ​​ and

  5. Changing the IP may also help. For the main IP, we change the last digit to any, and look for the value of the main gateway on the router itself. It should have a sticker that has a value similar to IP and consists of four numbers separated by dots.

    Specify the desired IP addresses and gateway

Solving problems on the side of the router

If during the search for the cause you find out that the problem lies in the router, you need to make some changes to it. Use all of the methods below in turn, they are in order from the fastest and easiest to more serious options.


Rebooting will cause all the processes carried out in the router to start their work again. If any of them was in a hung state, it will come out of it and, possibly, provide stable Internet access.

Turning the router off and on again


There is a chance that the router settings have been knocked down. Most The best way their recovery - rollback to factory values. You can carry it out using the small Reset button, located on one of the panels of the router. Hold it for 10-15 seconds until you notice the lights turning off, indicating that the router is rebooting. After it is turned on again, all parameters will be restored. Check if this helped solve the problem.

We clamp Reset button for 10–15 seconds

Configuring DHCP

In some situations, you will have to specify DHCP manually, for this you need to perform the following steps:

What to do if nothing helped

If none of the above methods solved your problem, one option remains - the cause of the breakdown lies in the physical part of the router or laptop. Probably broken wifi module, it needs to be replaced. This can be done at any technical service, before contacting which it is worth checking whether the warranty has expired. If the warranty has not yet expired, repairs in the official service will be free.

If you have a connection problem, first find out which device is causing the problem. Then reboot the problem device and check its settings. Do not forget that the Internet may not work due to problems on the operator's side.

Loss of Internet connection is an actual problem for any PC user. There can be many reasons for this, both hardware, for example, a cable break, and software type, for example, incorrect router settings.

Most of the problems with connecting to the global network can be solved on your own, and the other part needs to be able to be correctly diagnosed in order to give specialists the most when contacting technical support. full information by fault. This article will help you understand the intricacies of these processes.

Signs of not connecting

You can determine that there is no Internet connection by the following signs:

This is far from full list signs, but they are the most informative. The presence of any item means that there is a problem with the Internet connection.

Determination of the cause

The first step in dealing with network access restriction is to find the cause of the problem.

First of all, if you access the Internet through a router, installed at home, you should check its performance, namely:

When using Wi-Fi, you need to check the operation of the adapter wireless network your device by connecting to the hotspot of another computer, or mobile phone. If you are using the Internet connection special utility from the provider, then to check it is required to reinstall it.

In cases where there is a connection, but there is no Internet, you will most likely have to contact the service technical support service provider, since this situation often occurs due to cable breaks, malfunctions of the provider's network equipment or blocking access to global network due to late payment.

Using Standard Tools

Windows 7 and other operating systems in the line have tools to automatically fix network problems. To access them, right-click on the icon network connection(lower right corner of the display) and select "Connection Diagnostics". After that, the process of checking and correcting connection errors will start, and then a report of the results will be displayed on the screen.

If the previous procedure did not help and you still do not have Internet, then you should check the connections between the computer, the router and the provider's cable, then restart the router and PC. This sequence of actions is also relevant if the network is accessed through a Wi-Fi router.

A more radical, but publicly available method of restoring the router's performance is to reset its settings using a special depressed button on the case. It should be held for a few seconds, then the router will reboot to factory settings and will have to be reconfigured to work with your provider's network.

If you do not have access to information, how to this procedure, then if the router malfunctions, you should immediately contact the technical support of the Internet provider.

Changing the way you connect to the network

If the modem does not work, then you can try to connect the PC to the Internet directly. It is required to connect the input cable directly to the network card of the computer and change the method for obtaining the IP address to automatic, for this:

Manual connection setup

If the procedure described above helps and the Internet appears, then the DHCP server may not be enabled on your router and because of this there is no connection on the PC. Especially often this problem occurs with new routers. It is quite possible to bypass it without configuring the settings of the modem itself. To do this, you need to manually enter the IP address for the computer's network card.

We register the IP address - video instruction:

This is done in the same "Properties" dialog of the parameters. network adapter. Access to this window is described in the previous section of the article. Only now you need to put markers in front of the fields "Use the following IP address" and "Use the following DNS server addresses". Enter in the IP address field, in the mask line, and in the gateway. As DNS servers you can specify public Google addresses-, or Yandex -

Change modem IP address

Internet identification will not occur due to the same intranet IP addresses of the computer and router, so you need to be able to change this parameter in the modem settings. On common routers of the TP-LINK line, this operation is performed according to the following algorithm:

MAC address change

The MAC address is a unique identifier for any device on the Internet, and if two computers with the same MAC connect to the network, one of them will lose connection. Problems can arise both because of the poppy of the PC network card, and because of the address of the router.

The algorithm for changing this parameter in the router depends on its brand. So for the ASUS modem, you need to go to its settings through the browser, open the "IPConfig" tab and click on the "WAN & LAN" section. Then you should find the MAC entry at the bottom of the dialog that opens and fix it. Then click on the "Apply" button and reboot the device.

MAC editing on a computer under Windows control 8 and 7 is possible according to the following algorithm:

  1. The first two positions of the address must not contain zeros.
  2. At the end of the sequence, put 2, 6, A, B, E.

Video instruction for changing the MAC address on a PC:

If these conditions are not met, the changes may not apply.

Contacting technical support

If, after all attempts to solve the problem on your own, there is still no connection to your Internet, then you should contact the technical support of the provider by phone.

The required number, as a rule, is indicated in the contract for the provision of communication services and consultations are carried out by all Internet traffic providers free of charge.

The practice of personally contacting Beeline and Rostelecom technical support shows that the call is answered quite quickly and quite competent specialists who will help you deal with cables, connections, router and computer settings, and tell you if there are problems with the network on the linear part.

If, however, the problem cannot be solved together with the operator, and you are still without access to the Internet, then the call will be directed to the narrow-profile engineers of the repair department.


Despite the fact that most of the problems can be solved on your own, contacting the technical support service will allow you to resolve the issue of what to do in the absence of the Internet as soon as possible and save a lot of nerve cells that are recovering so slowly. But if you like to configure and repair network equipment personally, then the recommendations in this article will help you in this matter.