ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error: solution methods. Invalid network connection timeout

Frankly speaking, mistakes in Steam are quite rare. But when they appear, the user has no idea what to do with this situation. So, in this article we will analyze with you one of these errors, the number of which is -118.

For example, let's look at the error text itself to better understand the situation. Here he is:

Code: -118
Unable to connect to server. The server may be down or you have no internet connection.

Unlike many different errors in the Windows operating system, this error actually tells you useful information with which you can solve the problem.

When error 118 appears on Steam, you cannot use the online aspect of the app of this digital distribution service, namely, you cannot use the store and community features. What's funny about this error though is that while you can't use the Steam browser, you can use your library and even download purchased games from there.

According to the information from the message, there are two reasons for error 118:

  • The first, and the most likely of the two, is that Steam servers fell during a large influx of people. Think back if it's time for some seasonal sale. The servers could simply collapse under the pressure of users, which is why the error began to occur.
  • The second and, perhaps, very unpleasant reason is your Internet connection. It is possible that something has changed its settings, which is why you now cannot use the network aspect of the Steam service.

Now that we have covered the possible causes of error 118, let's go through the tips / methods for solving this problem. And there are a lot of methods for this problem.

  • Reliability of the network connection. The first thing you need to check is if your Internet connection is functioning properly. It is possible that your reception speed has dropped to such values \u200b\u200bthat it can hardly work with the Steam client. Check your Internet connection using the resource
  • Reconnecting the network. Reconnect your Internet connection. This can be done in several ways. Here are a couple of them:
    • Navigate to Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center - * your internet connection *. In its status window, click on the "Disable" button. Then run the "Troubleshooting", which should reconnect to an available network.
    • Alternatively, right-click on "Start" and select "Device Manager" from the context window. Find the Network Adapter in the list of available devices in your configuration. Right click on it and select Disable. Then right click again and select “Engage”.

After reconnecting, check for an error.

  • Change the download region... You can also try changing the download region for your Steam client. To change the region, go to "Settings - Downloads - Region for download". Change your download region and try going to the Steam Store. If you changed the region and are still seeing error 118 on Steam, then try changing another region 3-4. If the result is the same, go to another way of solving the problem, because this one obviously doesn't work.
  • Excluding Firewall... There is a chance that your Windows Firewall has started blocking your connection to Steam. Try to temporarily disable your Firewall and go to the store. If it was your Firewall that started blocking the connection, for some reason only known to him, then you can try to add Steam to the list of exceptions for this protection system of your computer. Let's see how to do this for the Windows 8.1 operating system:
    • Go to "Control Panel - Windows Firewall - Extend Interaction with an Application or Component in Windows Firewall".
    • You will see a list of programs allowed by your Firewall. Check it out for Steam. If it is not there, then you need to fix it. In this case, click on “Change parameters” and add it to the list.

Check for an error.

  • Public DNS... You can also try setting yourself public DNS addresses. To do this, do the following:
    • Go to "Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center - * your Internet connection * - Properties - Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4) - Properties".
    • Check the box next to "Use the following DNS server addresses".
    • Preferred DNS Address: ; Alternative DNS address:

Once you set and save your network connection changes, check if the problem persists.

  • Editing Hosts... In this method, you will need to edit the file Hosts... Find it in C \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc and open with, for example, Notepad. Review the entries carefully. If after the line “ # :: 1 localhost"There will be at least some other record, then delete it. After editing the file Hosts, restart your computer. Then check again for error 118 on Steam.
  • Scanning System. If by this time you still have not succeeded in fixing the error, then this gives grounds for thinking that, perhaps, an unwanted guest has wound up on your computer, i.e. a virus that, for some reason, blocks the connection of the Steam client. Check your computer with the installed antivirus. If you find something suspicious, then delete it and check again for error 118.
  • Reinstalling Steam... And the last thing you can do is simply reinstall your Steam client. There is little to comment on here. Some users on the web claimed that this step helped them.
  • Business with the provider... If all of the above is ineffective, your best course of action would be to ask your ISP about the problem. It is possible that something happened on their part.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Faced a problem on a newly installed jim. Does not connect and pops up error 120 and 118.

First, let's find out what these errors are.

Error # 118 - Server not responding

The server does not want to work with your mobile operator at the moment, check back later. To avoid this error, set the parameters in the Jimm settings - maintain connection, asynchronous transmission, etc., if this operation did not help, you will have to configure the client through a proxy server.

Error # 120 - An I / O error has occurred

The GPRS-Internet profile was configured incorrectly. Most likely, you have received the settings for GPRS-WAP, but you need to get the settings for the Internet. If your operator sends incorrect settings, then enter them manually. It will not be superfluous to put all the checkboxes in the network settings.

So, let's begin.

Server not responding (# 118) - The most common mistake. It occurs due to the low connection speed and high network loads. The icq server "does not like" to maintain a connection with slow phones, therefore it is extremely reluctant to connect "slow" users, but there may be other reasons for this error (again, incorrectly configured Internet access). A popular way to get rid of error 118 is to use alternative servers. The connection server must be in the Jimm network settings "a.

Features: Almost all servers can be connected through ports 4000 and 5190.
Using servers with explicitly specified ip addresses (for example, should help more, since when connecting to them the phone will not access dns servers, however, most servers with a letter address (for example, have a floating one ip address for load balancing.

An I / O error has occurred (# 120)
This error occurs if you deny Jimm "access to the network, as well as in other cases. It mainly occurs together with the Server not responding error (# 118), try to treat it in the same way.

If the download indicator reaches 10% and after that does not want to connect to any, then try turning on Extra. connection in the Jimm network settings (relevant for some old phones that change their ip-address with each new connection, for other phones this function will not bring anything useful).

Also, you may have accidentally denied access to the network, the phone will no longer ask for permission and will immediately restrict Jimm in access. To solve the problem, you need to select Jimm in Applications (without starting it), go to Options, to Security and everywhere instead of [Never] set [Disclaimer. every times] or depending on the parameter you need, you can always allow access or ask only for the first time.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid Error 118 keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Errors made while editing the registry can cause your PC to malfunction and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even a single comma in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Error 118-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner automates the process of finding invalid registry entries. missing file references (like the one causing error 118); and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we do NOT recommend manually editing the Windows registry. Incorrect use of the Registry Editor can lead to serious problems and require you to reinstall Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be fixed. Your use of the Registry Editor is at your own risk.

To manually repair your Windows registry, first you need to create a backup by exporting a portion of the registry related to Error 118 (eg.Steam):

  1. Click the button To begin.
  2. Enter " command" at search bar ... DO NOT PRESS YET ENTER!
  3. Holding the keys CTRL-Shift on the keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Error 118-related key (eg.Steam) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File choose Export.
  10. In the list Save to select the folder where you want to save the Steam backup key.
  11. In field File name enter a name for your backup file, such as "Steam Backup".
  12. Make sure in the box Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your Steam-related registry entry.

The next steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they can most likely damage your system. If you would like more information on manually editing the registry, please see the links below.

We do not accept any responsibility for the results of actions taken according to the instructions below - you perform these tasks at your own peril and risk.

Quite often, many PC users who are somehow connected to the Internet, as well as gamers connecting to game portals, observe server connection errors. Now we will look at the question of what the operation timeout means. Moreover, several basic ways of solving this problem will be proposed.

Operation timeout - what is it?

So, an error appears on the monitor screen, informing the user that the connection was interrupted, or rather, the connection timed out.

In principle, the timeout can be interpreted as a certain time period during which the system waits for the server to respond to its own sent request. In Windows systems, this parameter is set by default, and its value is written in the grid of the system registry of the current computer terminal settings in the SYSTEM subsection, where the Parameters subfolder is located in the subdirectories, where the time is specified in seconds. It is generally not recommended to change it.

Reasons for the error

There can be quite a few reasons when an operation timeout occurs. Let's highlight the most common situations. First of all, the main factor is an unstable connection to the Internet, when the connection is constantly interrupted, and the system cannot receive a complete response from the server to which the connection is currently being made.

In some cases, the operation timeout can be triggered when antivirus software is enabled or when the Windows firewall settings are incorrect. As you know, a firewall with its default settings is able to block a lot of web resources, considering them dangerous or containing potentially unwanted data. This is very common when connecting to the servers of multiplayer online games.

Among other things, an operation timed out will time out the connection when using or misconfigured a proxy server. In this case, we are talking about the proxy settings in the system, and about the use of anonymous proxy servers, when the user for any reason wants to remain unrecognized, or, more simply, to hide the true IP address of his computer terminal. Let's consider several basic methods of correcting the situation without interfering with the system registry to set a higher timeout value.

Operation timeout: what to do? The easiest way to fix the situation

It is believed that the easiest way to get rid of error 118 is to simply close the unresponsive page and reopen it after about ten minutes. Sometimes it may be necessary to close and restart the Internet browser itself (for some reason, such situations are observed in Google Chrome and other browsers based on it).

If this option does not help, and the message "Error: Operation timeout ..." appears again, you can apply a regular restart of your computer or laptop (or better, all routers such as routers or ADSL modems).

A solution to the problem of adding, say, a gaming site to the list of permissions (exceptions) of antivirus and firewall may be quite effective, especially since in both cases it is not so difficult to do this in the settings.

Change proxy server settings

The situation with the proxy settings in the system is somewhat more complicated. Let's take standard Internet Explorer as an example. In the browser, you need to use the "Internet Options" section and the "Connections" tab.

Below there is a button "Network settings", after clicking on which you will enter the settings window. Here you just need to uncheck (checkbox) the "Use a proxy server" line and save the changes (sometimes you can disable the proxy for local addresses).

But if the connection is made using a proxy, it is better to contact the provider to set the correct settings.

Fixing the system Hosts file

Now let's move on to a more complex method when an operation timeout can be triggered.

First, in the menu for displaying files and folders (in the standard "Explorer" this is the menu "Tools" with the line "Options for folders") on the view tab, you must set the display of files.

After the above operation, you need to open the Run menu and enter the command "notepad% windir% \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts" in the line (naturally, without quotes), the field of which will be opened in Notepad. Note: there is a line “:: 1 localhost” below. In theory, it should be the last, so everything below it should be deleted, and then the file should be saved with the original name and location. Now all that remains is to restart the computer terminal. Then usually the error goes away.


That, in fact, is all about the triggered timeout. Of course, you can also use the editing of the system registry with setting a larger value for the server response timeout period, but no one can give guarantees that all other resources will be loaded without problems. In addition, as it is already clear, the pages themselves, if they are loaded, will take much longer. And this is not necessary for any user.

The capabilities of modern telephones go far beyond voice communication. With equal success, they can be used to store and edit files and, of course, to connect to the global network. Since mobile standards are most often limited by providers, owners of gadgets based on Android and iOS most often use Wi-Fi technology to connect to the Internet. But the presence of a Wi-Fi module in a mobile device alone does not guarantee network connectivity.

It so happens that the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi, giving errors or notifying the user about the impossibility of connecting. Most often this happens due to a failure or incorrect settings of the device itself, but incorrect router configuration, modification of system files, installation of custom firmware, inconsistency of communication standards, virus infection and, in rare cases, failure of the Wi-Fi module can lead to the same results ... So, let's try to analyze in more detail why the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi and how it can be fixed.

Incorrect password entry, temporary failure

This error usually occurs when the Wi-Fi network cannot recognize the device connected to it. The reason is most often trivial - the user makes a mistake when entering the password and, as a result, receives a corresponding message.

Check the correctness of the password and try to connect again. Also note the name of the network. The Wi-Fi module on the phone detects not only your network, but also other access points that may have similar names, for example, mydoms and mydons. Make sure you are connecting to your network and not to your neighbor's network.

If up to this point there were no problems with authentication, try restarting the smartphone and the router itself first, perhaps there was some kind of temporary failure. Your phone still cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network? Delete the saved network in the WLAN settings and try to reconnect.

The example considered above is the simplest, but more often everything is a little more complicated, being associated with incorrect settings of the router itself.

Router settings

You connect to the network, but the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi, writes WPA2 or WPA saved. After a few seconds, the message "Authentication error" appears. If the password is correct, there is most likely something wrong with the security settings of the router. It may be that the phone says "Saved", but the connection is still not established. It's easy to get into the router settings, you just need to go to the internal address in the browser or ... It's more difficult to understand its interface, as it can differ significantly in different router models.

By default, login and password are used to log in. admin / admin (see below on the case). Before making any changes to the router settings, remove the network from your phone, or at least disconnect. It is also advisable to create a backup copy of the router settings - if you suddenly get confused or do something wrong, you can always recover. After making changes to the settings of the router, it also needs to be rebooted.


Now a little more detail about setting up an access point. First, try changing the region.

In the settings, this option is located in the section Wi-Fi - Advanced Settings, c - on the "Wireless" tab. In other models, it may be located in a different location. In short, you need to first study the interface of your router. In the regional settings, the country in which you live should be selected, although this is not critical. Save settings and reconnect.

Network mode

A much more important setting that can prevent the gadget from connecting to Wi-Fi is the wireless network operating mode. This is almost the main reason for the authentication error when connecting to Wi-Fi on a phone that may not support the current mode. There can be several modes: B, G, N, etc. If you have B / G / N mixed, install it, or you can try experimenting by choosing one or the other mode. Pay attention also to the channel. It should be auto.

Security options

Find the security section in the router settings and try to play with the options. It is desirable that the network authentication be set to WPA / WPA or WPA-PSK (if mixed, enable it), encryption - AES, the key contains only Latin characters, only numbers, or both.

After changing the settings of the router, reboot it, re-establish the connection on the phone. Unfortunately, the two methods described above can cause problems with connecting other devices, for example, a laptop or TV, if they do not support the changed parameters, so everything is not so simple here. If the password has been changed, in any case it will also have to be changed on other devices.

Channel width

It is highly unlikely that this will solve the problem, but just in case, you can try changing the width of the Wi-Fi network. In D-Link routers, look for the setting in the subsection Wi-Fi - Advanced Settings, in TP-Link - Wireless Settings - Channel Width... There are usually several available options: 20MHz, 40MHz, Auto and others.

Filtering by MAC address

Each electronic device has its own unique identifier - MAC address. Find the MAC filter subsection in the router settings and make sure that filtering is disabled.

If it is enabled, determine the MAC address of your smartphone, check the settings in the router and, if necessary, exclude the phone from the “black” list or, conversely, add it to the “white” list.

Phone is stuck getting an IP address

Another common problem is the device getting stuck at the stage of obtaining an IP address. The phone does not connect to Wi-Fi, writes "Obtaining an IP address", and this message can be displayed for hours. The cause of the problem, again, may be hidden either in the settings of the mobile device or the router. The latter is indicated by problems with connecting to Wi-Fi and other devices. A DHCP server is responsible for distributing IP addresses to devices, changing the pool of addresses and the router itself in the router. If it is disabled, your device will never receive an IP address.

Is DHCP enabled?

Let's check the DHCP operation. The location of this setting differs from router to router. In TP-Link, you need to look for it in the Local network or LAN section, in D-Link it is usually located in the subsection Network - LAN.

The mode must be set to "Allow". Instead of a drop-down menu in the router settings, the "Enable" and "Disable" radio buttons can be used. Here, we suppose, everything is also clear.

Static IP

You can solve the problem with obtaining an IP address forever by registering a static IP in the advanced connection settings of your device.

To do this, click on your connection in the list of networks, select Change Network - Advanced Settings - DHCP - Custom (in earlier versions of Android you will need to check the Static checkbox).

In the panel that opens, enter the IP address 192.168.X.YYY in the appropriate fields, where X is 1 or 0, it depends on the address where you access the router settings (you can try both options), and YYY is any number from 0 up to 255.

The gateway must correspond to the address of your router, we leave the prefix length by default, DNS 1 ( and DNS 2 ( do not touch. If you have other data instead of those indicated in brackets, do not change them either - they are given by your provider. An exception is DNS 2, which can be left blank. If something is not clear or you doubt the correctness of the data entered, it is better to contact the support service of your provider - it is their direct responsibility to connect the devices of their clients to the network.

Automatic bug fixes

If you encounter an authentication error when connecting to Wi-Fi on Android, but your mobile Internet is working, install the application from the Google Play Store Android Wi-Fi Fixer... This utility is analogous to the Windows connection troubleshooting tool and is designed to find and automatically fix Wi-Fi connection errors on Android mobile devices. Once launched, the application checks all network settings and tries to bypass Wi-Fi.

Other reasons

The above examples of problems and how to fix them are the most common. In reality, there may be more reasons. Why won't my smartphone connect to Wi-Fi? Perhaps you installed an incomplete proxy server program, caught some kind of virus, rooted the device, changed the firmware, etc. Here you need to look at the circumstances. There have been examples of antivirus software blocking wireless connections.

In general, if the connection is lost after making some changes, most likely the reason is in them. If all else fails, reset your device to factory settings, remembering to back up important apps and data first.

Well, the most unpleasant thing that can happen is the failure of the Wi-Fi adapter. In this case, not only yours, but also other wireless networks will not be detected. There is nothing to do here, you will have to carry your gadget to the service center.

I am connecting to a web service and am not setting any connection timeout or read timeout on the HttpURLConnection. What is the default connection timeout and read timeout? Does it depend on the Android phone? Or does Android / Java have its own default timeout value?

When I try to get the value of my connection timeout (getConnectTimeout ()) and read timeout (getReadTimeout ()), it returns 0, which I assume is equivalent to infinity. However, even though their value is 0, sometimes I get a request timeout error. Therefore, their value cannot be equal to infinity. Can someone enlighten me on this?

3 answers

Have you done any research? The default parameters are detailed in the documentation. Here's the relevant parts:

public void setConnectTimeout (int timeout) Since: API Level 1

Sets the timeout value, in milliseconds, for establishing a connection to the resource specified by this URLConnection instance. A SocketTimeoutException is thrown if the connection cannot be established at this time.

public void setReadTimeout (int timeout) Since: API Level 1

Sets the timeout value, in milliseconds, for reading from the input stream of an established connection to a resource. A SocketTimeoutException is thrown if the connection cannot be established at this time. The default is 0, which means infinity timeout.

There is also this note on timeouts:

URLConnection supports two timeouts: connection timeout and read timeout. By default, operations never end.

Perhaps the server you are connecting to is disconnecting your client.

If you receive a message ( exactly when starting the program, or when connecting to hubs):

  • "An attempt to establish a connection was unsuccessful because the required response was not received from another computer within the required time, or an already established connection was terminated due to an incorrect response from an already connected computer"
  • "The required address for its context is invalid"

POSSIBLE CAUSES (the first is the most probable):

  • You do not have an Internet connection or the program is not letting your firewall into the network.
  • There is a problem in the local network (work in progress, etc.)
  • You have a closed port on which you are connecting. For DC ++, this is usually TCP port 4111. Disable firewalls and antiviruses.

If you get the message: "The remote host forcibly terminated the existing connection." - this means that the connection was physically interrupted. They cut the wire, turned off the hub, or simply lost packets in the line. Try reconnecting again. If it does not help, it may be a network problem, or your firewall is "naughty", see its logs. Try also disabling the firewall completely and see what happens (read more about firewalls below).

Problems downloading files or searching in DC ++

If everything swayed for you, and then suddenly stopped - remember what programs you installed during this period of time. Most likely, it is in them. But if you didn’t do anything with the computer, it’s just that nothing usually stops working.

If you put a file (or a list of files) to download, it appears at the bottom of the download list, and DC ++ writes Compound... (Connecting ...), size -1B and nothing happens. Or he writes "connection timeout". It means that something is wrong with you.

Similarly, if your file search does not work, then there are also problems with configuring DC ++ or other programs.

Check the possibility of downloading from passive users. If the download from them goes well, then most likely the problem is in your firewall. You need to open port 4000 via UDP.

IMPORTANT: For DC ++ to work normally in a 2KOM network, the following must be specified in your program settings:

  • The field "Network interface for all connections" must be
  • the port values \u200b\u200bmust be 4000
  • connection type must be "Firewall with manual port forwarding", not Active!
  • In field "External / WAN IP" your VPN or DHCP address must also be recorded. It ( ). If the following items are configured correctly, then this address will be entered automatically.
  • On the first line under the button "Find IP Addresses" address must be specified http: //site/getip.php
  • In the firewall, for your DC client, ports 4000 must be open for TCP and UDP. UDP is required for search to work.
  • Make sure in paragraph "Update IP at startup" worth check mark... Otherwise, you may have problems if your IP changes (for example, limit exhaustion, tariff change, etc.)
  • In the settings of the "favorite" hub, the IP field must be empty
Your internal VPN or DHCP address: , it is this address that will need to be specified in the program settings. You can find out your VPN address on this page: this is the address that will need to be specified in the program settings.
Detailed instructions for configuring client DC are here:

My search does not work

Read the previous answer ... Let me draw your attention to the fact that the search works over the UDP protocol, and the jump over TCP. Therefore, it is possible that in your firewall you allowed the DC client to work on TCP port 4000, and forgot to allow 4000 port on UDP ... so it does not work. There are no other options, so see your firewall.

Software firewalls and firewalls

DC ++ is often blocked FireWall-ohm (Firewall, Firewall) - a program that protects your computer from network attacks, or antivirus software.

GENERAL TIP: If you have problems with downloads and searches, disable (or configure) firewalls, Windows firewall, and antiviruses and other network protection tools. How - read on.

If you do not have firewalls installed, and the operating system is Windows XP SP2 or Vista: add DC ++ to the list of exclusions of the Windows firewall: when you first start the program (more precisely, when connecting to the hub) Windows will ask you whether to allow the connection or not. You must tell him "unblock".

Other "malicious" programs

Below is a list of programs that may affect how DC ++ works. If you have problems with DC ++ and one of them is installed --- disable it completely or uninstall (just to make sure that it is the problem). If the demolition of the program does not help, then something else is interfering.

So, check if you have any of the following:

Kaspersky (Anti-Virus, AntiHacker, Internet Security), Eset NOD32, Symantec (Norton AntiVirus, Internet Security), Trend PC-Cillin, Avast, McAfee Antivirus.

Outpost, WinGate, UserGate, WinProxy, WinRoute, ZoneAlarm, Comodo.

Most of these programs have the option of being completely disabled. To verify that they are causing problems in DC ++, disable them, restart DC ++, and check again. Adding DC ++ to the firewall exceptions list often helps.

To connect to the hub website should be open 4111 -th TCP port and 4000 ports to any addresses. Many firewalls provide the ability to open specific ports for DC ++ connections.

Routers (routers, routers) and hardware firewalls

Owners of computers with motherboards on the nForce4 chipset in case of problems, we recommend disabling the hardware firewall built into the network card (nVidia Firewall).

If files larger than 4 GB are not downloaded

If you do not download large files (the program writes that there is no space on the disk), check that the disk being downloaded to has the NTFS file system, since FAT does not work with files larger than 2GB. If you have FAT32, then it makes sense to convert the disk to NTFS. This is done using the console command with the convert X: / FS: NTFS command

Instead X: Must be the letter of the drive you are converting. If it is too full, then no conversion is possible. After that, he will ask you to enter a disk label (you can see it in the disk properties):

The conversion is not instantaneous; it takes some time (usually several minutes). In this case, all data on the disk is saved (do not turn off the power during conversion!)

Note: (for more advanced ones!) If you do not have enough space for conversion, but the partition on the disk is not the only one, and you need to resize the disk partitions, download or search the network for Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 ( and run transformation with its help. How to use it, you will understand ... everything is simple there. Install, run, if it asks about "manual partition mode" and "automatic partition mode", select "manual", then it will show you your disks and partitions ... Right-click on the partition, there you can "convert" ") or resize (" resize ") ... Follow its instructions. Just in case, if you don't know English, take a dictionary and translate what she writes to you. The program is unsafe, it can threaten the entire disk and all data in no time, if you just stupidly click OK, or the button that is closer. ;-) By the way, this program can do almost anything with disks, from defragmentation to creating new partitions with any pre-specified file system.

Files are not moved from the folder with unfinished downloads

Sometimes it happens like this: the file is downloaded, but remains in the folder with incomplete downloads and a strange (distorted) name. Apparently this is a DC ++ bug. It manifests itself when the Incomplete and Downloads folders are on DIFFERENT partitions (for example, one on C:, the second on D:). In such cases, you can try to do the following: stop the download of this file (Ctrl + D, and remove it from the list if it still hangs there), and then forcibly rename the file. If, for example, this is a movie, then even the absence of 200-300 kb will not hurt. But usually, with such glitches, the file is still fully downloaded, just for some reason DC ++ cannot transfer it. But if after renaming the file does not open, it is better to delete it and re-download it.

A solution to the problem has been found and seems to have been tested: configure the incomplete folders and download folders so that they refer to the SAME disk partition. For simplicity, you can install them on the same directory.

Problems with access to the HUB

I can't enter the hub, writes ...

......, *** Connection timeout
Either the hub is temporarily disabled, or your mesh is broken at the moment, or you have not allowed the DS ++ client in the Firewall.

... Connection refused by target machine (access denied)
a) Your firewall is blocking the DS client. Configure or uninstall it (be sure to restart your computer after uninstalling)
b) The server where the hub is located is working, but the hub itself is not turned on.

... You are still temporary banned for another 00:05:00
You have been kicked / banned - the hub will say if the hop is left until "auto-forgiveness"

... Bad nickname. Nickname already in use
Glitch DS ++. It means that your name is already used on the Hub. Most likely this is your "shadow". Just change your nickname to "VashNik1" and enter. Over time, the "shadow" will disappear. (it happens if you turned off

... Turn on your tags!
Your client is different from the original DS ++, so the Hub may not let him in. In the client settings, find "emulate (pretend to be) a standard DS ++ client"

A message like "Active Search: Your ip is not it is bye bye." and disconnects.

This message appears when your client sends a search request in active mode, and he reports his IP in the request. And if this IP is different from the one under which you actually connect to the hub, then you will receive this message. To prevent this from happening, make sure: After making the changes, restart the client, there should be no problem.

DC ++ and Windows Vista

Since Windows Vista introduced a mechanism to protect files in the "Program Files" directories, DC ++ clients cannot change their config to work correctly. This causes freezes and glitches.

For correct operation, run the client with administrator privileges:

Right click on the client shortcut, select properties:

Go to the compatibility tab and check the "Run as administrator" box:

Brief instructions on the process of downloading films from

In the window that appears, you can choose:

  • Start searching for this file
  • Add this file to the queue

If you specify "Start searching for this file", then a search will be made for users who are currently connected to the server. But since the file may be in the possession of users who are not currently connected to the server, we recommend that you select "Add this file to the queue". Then the file will be added to your queue and the download will start as soon as the user who has this file appears on the network.

In the wireless networks menu, you can configure everything related to the wireless connections of the Android device. And there can be a lot of them in modern communicators: cellular networks (3G / LTE), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC have already become a kind of “gentleman's set” of a top smartphone. We deliberately did not include A-GPS / GLONASS in this list because in Android OS these connections are categorized under “Location data”.


Everything is arranged in a similar way in the Bluetooth menu. When you select this item, we immediately get into the list of all devices visible and connected using this interface, and the name of our smartphone is displayed in the first line. By clicking on it, the visibility modes are switched between “Display for nearby Bluetooth devices” and “Display only for connected devices”. Well, after clicking on the "menu" button, you can change the name of the phone, set the visibility timeout (including turning it off altogether) or open the received files - Android OS does not restrict users in the ability to transfer files using this protocol.

We will move on to the “Data transfer” item a little later, but for now, click on the “More” line. Here is the “flight” mode switch, which turns off all wireless connections, including the radio module (usually asked to turn it on in airplanes). Despite the immediate termination of all connections when this mode is selected, it remains possible to reconnect to a Wi-Fi network or a Bluetooth device when the cellular connection is turned off.

But most of all, the "Modem mode" item will be useful to us, thanks to which almost any smartphone running Android OS can distribute the Internet to nearby devices using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. In the first case, the communicator acts as an access point, which is no different from other visible Wi-Fi networks. The user needs to set a name and password for her and tell them to whoever wants to connect their device to the Internet using your smartphone operating in access point mode. The advantages of this mode are fast data transfer rates and a wide range of action, and the main disadvantage is the high level of energy consumption (the smartphone battery is quickly discharged).

Another way is to do the same over Bluetooth. In this case, no configuration is even required: after enabling this function, it is enough to connect to a modem device from another device. This mode is much more energy efficient, but, at the same time, transfers data slower (however, this drawback is leveled when used on both Bluetooth 4.0 devices) and has a more limited range.

Limiting traffic

Now it's time to return to the Data Transfer menu item, which we skipped last time, because when all wireless connections are already configured, it's time to think about traffic limiting, and Android, as we remember, is an “Internet-loving” OS. At this point of settings, you can do the following: enable or disable data transmission over cellular networks, set alerts and limits on the use of EDGE / 3G / LTE and Wi-Fi traffic, and also find out which of the programs are the most "power hungry".

Of course, there are many special apps for Android that allow you to monitor network activity, but if you just want to be sure that you do not spend more traffic than your plan can afford, then standard tools are perfect for this. The central place on the “Data transfer” screen is occupied by a diagram showing the consumed traffic by day and two “sliders” for setting limits. The first one, yellow in color, is a warning that shows the user a corresponding reminder in the notification panel when the specified level is reached. The second, red - limit, completely blocks the network activity of the communicator when going beyond the specified value. It must be enabled in advance by checking the “Set limit” item. The sliders are controlled in two ways: by moving your fingers or by clicking on the amount of allowed traffic and manually setting the value. By the way, we do not recommend setting exact limiting values, but leaving at least a couple of tens of megabytes “in stock”, since the traffic measured by the operator and the device may differ.

If you have problems downloading or searching for files (it seems, you do everything right, but nothing downloads, or the search gives an empty list), understand that the DC hub (server) has nothing to do with it. File transfer occurs directly from client to client, so interference can only be in the path between clients.

The symptoms are usually as follows: you put a file (or a list of files) to download, wait, wait, ... but nothing happens, and then DC writes about the "connection timeout":

Remember that proper configuration of the DC client itself does not mean correct configuration of the system, network, and other applications that may affect DC ++.

There are essentially only three problem options (the first is the most common):

  • Your firewall (firewall, firewall, antivirus, or any other firewall) is incorrectly configured for you or another user and is simply blocking the network connection. in this case, read this page carefully.
  • The DC client is incorrectly configured for you (or the one from whom you download files). There may be cases when you have incorrect system settings, firewalls, etc. you can download something from another user, but you do not have it. We recommend that you read the DC client configuration section again. If no one is swinging at all, then most likely the problem is with you, and not with others.
  • The local network connection between these two users (or network segments) is blocked by the ISP. In this case, you cannot influence the situation, just consider that this user is not available to you and take it as given from above.

Correct network settings for DC client

If you have not direct connection computer to the network, and through router (router), the settings may differ. And if you have a wire from the provider plugged directly into the computer, then check that you have active mode file transfer ( File - Settings - Connection Settings):

Other DC ++ settings have no effect on network connections. So if you have everything selected here as in the picture, then the problem is probably not in the client settings (that is, read on).

Firewalls, antiviruses and their impact on DC ++ operation

The following is a list of things that can negatively affect the performance of DC ++.

  • Software firewalls (firewalls, firewalls, firewalls) - programs to protect against attacks from the network.
  • Windows firewall.
  • Anti-viruses, anti-rootkits and other similar programs
  • Hardware firewalls - "hardware" network protection built into network cards, etc.

If you don't know what it is, below is a list of popular programs of this type:
Antivirus: Kaspersky (Antivirus, AntiHacker, Internet Security), Eset NOD32, Symantec (Norton AntiVirus, Internet Security), Trend PC-Cillin, Avira Avast, DrWeb, McAfee Antivirus, Panda.
Firewalls: Outpost, WinGate, UserGate, WinProxy, WinRoute, ZoneAlarm, Comodo.
As for hardware firewalls, so far we only know nVidia firewallbuilt into motherboards based on chipsets nVidia N-Force... How to disable it, read the manual for the motherboard.

What if you have the listed programs or similar ones? For starters, you can try disable them completely or configure them so that they do not block network connections (either all of them, or those created by the DC ++ application. Even if you are afraid to disable protection, you can do it temporarily and check that the reason DC ++ doesn't work was in this program. Moreover, get creative, experiment with the settings of your firewall or antivirus and make sure that it does not block DC.

Unfortunately, experience suggests that antiviruses such as NOD32 and Norton (Symantec) Internet Security have the following unpleasant property: even disabling them completely (and in some cases, uninstalling) is actually not complete and still interferes with how DC ++ works. We still don't know how to deal with this (except for the most radical ones like reinstalling a clean system). The reasons lie in the incorrect operation of these programs and / or their uninstallers, which the user cannot influence.

To connect to a hub in DC ++, usually use 411 TCP port (depends on the settings of the hub itself, but on most hubs it is exactly that). In active mode, DC ++ uses many ports for user connections; in manual forwarding mode - only the port specified in the settings.

If NONE of the above helps:

There are only radical measures left: reinstall the "clean" Windows without unnecessary protection programs. By the way, it will not hurt many users at all. Believe me, spending even three hours on a complete reinstallation of the system is faster than three days looking for the cause of the inoperability, the devil knows in which program. At the same time, I do not advise using Windows "self-assemblies" - they can also be very "crooked", and no one will guarantee uninterrupted DC operation on these systems (fortunately, again, there is a sad experience of users stepping on this rake).

Of course, the same 2 ports (2000 TCP and 2000 UDP) must be allowed in / out in the firewall settings.

There is a detailed description of many firewalls (a little old, but not out of date) and their settings.

Configuring Windows Firewall

The built-in network protection of Windows XP SP2, Windows 2003, Windows Vista is configured quite simply - just add FlyLinkDC.exe to the list of exclusions of the firewall. Usually the first time you start DC ++, the system will ask you whether or not to allow connections:

On Vista, the message looks different:

Push the button Unblock (Allow). This will add DC ++ to the exclusion list. If you did not do this at the first start, you can do it at any time: go to Control Panel / Control Panel, Security Center / Windows Security Center, Firewall / Windows Firewall - and there on the "Exceptions" tab add FlyLinkDC.exe... Here are the relevant pictures: (click on them to enlarge):

After that, everything should work.

The error code err connection timed out is a fairly common error that can occur when working with the Internet through one of the modern browsers. Before proceeding with the correction, you should understand - what is it all about? The translation "err connection timed out" roughly means that the connection to a specific resource was interrupted due to the expiration of the response timeout.

The thing is that the procedure for accessing a server, site, resource on the World Wide Web is configured in such a way that this process must be kept within a certain period of time. If this does not happen, then the message "the err connection timed out" appears. Therefore, in order to solve this situation, it is very often necessary to improve the quality of the Internet connection.

Correcting the situation

So, what does err connection timed out mean, we understood, now it remains to figure out how to treat this disease. The resources of any equipment are not unlimited. Therefore, after long-term operation of some PC elements, they should be given the opportunity to rest a little. Therefore, the first step in how to fix the err connection timed out will be to reboot the computer and all systems connected to the network. That is, you need not just reboot the equipment - you need to turn it off for a while (at least 10 seconds), and then turn it on again.

Did not help? The error "err connection timed out" appears again - what should I do? A possible reason may be hidden in the settings of the installed antivirus and firewall software.

The solution will require:

  • Decide on the Internet browser used.
  • Go one by one to the settings of the program for combating viruses and firewall.
  • Add the browser to the list of allowed applications.

In some situations, this method does not help either. For example, when using a proxy, an unpleasant message “err connection timed out” appears. What to do? The solution to the problem is also not the most difficult, so any user can cope with it - just follow the instructions:

  1. Through the "Start" button, go to the control panel, where select the "Tools" submenu.
  2. Go to settings, then - to "Advanced".
  3. Find information related to proxy servers, open options, disable their use.
  4. Try to access the previously requested resource.

The last option, if none of the proposed helped, would be to use a special program ADWCleaner, which must be installed and run in scan mode. After completion of this process, in the list of displayed information, find the folders in which the name "" or "MediaGet" is present. Uncheck these options (if a person uses similar applications in their work), click "Clear". After that, restart the PC and access the desired sites.

Minecraft is one of the most popular game series for all platforms. It is its simplicity and low system requirements that make it possible to play almost anywhere and on any device. However, the constant connection to the network creates a lot of problems for many users. One of the errors becomes " Connection timed out: no further information".

Reasons for connection error in Minecraft

This failure occurs when trying to start a game session on the server. A Java plugin can also fail or simply require an update. Other sources of conflict are: technical repairs on the server, the end of a paid account, system failures with the next installed updates, interruptions in the provision of the Internet from the provider, a blocked or gray ip-address.

How to fix "Connection timed out" error

All suggested tips are described taking into account that your operating system has the latest updates, Java plugin is the latest version.

Server side problem

On servers, technical work is carried out systematically. Because of this, this error appears very often. Just refer to the official forum and ask if anyone else has similar errors. You can also contact the server's technical support.

  • Most often, you just need to wait a little and connect after a while.


Very often, incorrect system protection settings can create problems of this kind. Disable temporarily the antivirus screen and system protection options. Review the game to be on the firewall exceptions list. Then try to connect.

Paid subscriptions

Many servers require a paid subscription for online connections. If you have activated it, then you need to constantly check the balance. After the expiration date, the servers will, of course, shut down and will no longer be available. In place of the usual warning, " Connection timed out: no further information" may be displayed, which indicates the impossibility of a connection.

  • Subscribe to a paid subscription again or go to free servers.

IP address problem

The relevance of IP addresses is constantly changing, which makes it impossible to log into the server. Ask the provider's technical support if there have been any changes recently. In general, it is recommended to use a static IP address to establish the best connection. Otherwise, it will be recreated on every reboot.

Version relevance

Minecraft is constantly releasing different versions. If one version is installed on the server, and you have another version on your computer, then it will not be possible to avoid the error. This is true for all games with multiplayer modes.

  • Download and install the version of Minecraft that is required for your server.

Mod issue

Everyone is trying to install as many different add-ons as possible - mods, patches and extensions. However, such mods are very often filled with various bugs, which eventually lead to system errors. Always keep track of the developers of a particular add-on. It is advisable to install popular mods that have been used for more than one month by other players.

  • Remove the latest mods. Reinstall as a last resort the whole game again.

Similar "Connection refused" error in Minecraft

  1. Servers may not be responding at this time - just wait a bit.
  2. Check if the entered data is correct for the network connection.
  3. Check your firewall to see if it is blocking access. Disable your antivirus software.
  4. Contact your provider for advice.


These tips should tell you what to do to fix the " Connection timed out" error in Minecraft. Pay special attention to your ip-address and its change. If you have your own solutions, please, indicate them in the comments below.

Do you like spending time on the Internet? Then you shouldn't be surprised by the possibility of an err connection timed out error. A similar situation often arises when working in an Internet browser (absolutely any) and trying to access a certain resource. The result is a bummer. The message "net err connection timed out" appears, but the required information remains unavailable. I will try to tell you about this error and methods of dealing with it in the material below.

So, any treatment should start by analyzing the message and looking for possible root causes. What we will do at the first stage of our work.

Error code err connection timed out - what is it?

Let's start with the translation. In simple terms, the phrase "err connection timed out" translates like this:

- Dude, you wanted to. You wanted to get on the pages of this particular site. You've been waiting a long time. He knocked and prayed. But the timeout has expired.

What does this mean? This means that on the Internet, in order to gain access to a specific site, you need to have time to complete this procedure within a set period of time. Does not work? I'm sorry. Access is closed.

A quite natural question arises: err connection timed out - what to do? Try to find a way out of the situation, which is what we will try to do now.

Err connection timed out error correction method

We will carry out the first stage of the fight against the nuisance at the hardware level. The thing is that equipment that works for a long time without shutdown starts to consume its resource. For example, its potentialities can be reduced trivially due to the fact that many different parallel processes are loaded, some of which the user may not even be aware of. Therefore, the first recommendation is to turn off your computer and router. Go to sip tea, go to the balcony - find out what time of day it is. Wait "twelve" minutes and again try to repeat the procedure for entering the required site.

Another possible reason is that a browser, firewall or antivirus program is blocking access to the resource. What is needed? Change their settings:

  • Decide on your favorite internet browser.
  • Go to all three programs one by one.
  • Go to settings.
  • Add the desired site to the list of allowed connections.

When using a Proxy and the “err connection timed out” message appears, the solution will be slightly different:

  1. Go to the system control panel and select the "Tools" menu there.
  2. Find the item "Additional".
  3. Detect proxy settings and disable their use to such and such a mother.

How is it? Did not help? Then we connect the heavy artillery:

  • We go to the Internet (I hope that there is access to other sites).
  • Download and install the ADWCleaner program (not to be confused with the well-known CCleaner software).
  • We perform a system scan.
  • After receiving the report, click the "Clear" button. It is important to initially uncheck those services that the user exactly uses. For example, it can be or something similar.

Quite often, many PC users who are somehow connected to the Internet, as well as gamers connecting to game portals, observe server connection errors. Now we will look at the question of what the operation timeout means. Moreover, several basic ways of solving this problem will be proposed.

So, an error appears on the monitor screen, informing the user that the connection was interrupted, or rather, the connection timed out.

In principle, the timeout can be interpreted as a certain time period during which the system waits for the server to respond to its own sent request. In Windows systems, this parameter is set by default, and its value is written in the grid of the system registry of the current computer terminal settings in the SYSTEM subsection, where the Parameters subfolder is located in the subdirectories, where the time is specified in seconds. It is generally not recommended to change it.

Reasons for the error

There can be quite a few reasons when an operation timeout occurs. Let's highlight the most common situations. First of all, the main factor is an unstable connection to the Internet, when the connection is constantly interrupted, and the system cannot receive a complete response from the server to which the connection is currently being made.

In some cases, the operation timeout can be triggered when antivirus software is enabled or when the Windows firewall settings are incorrect. As you know, a firewall with its default settings is able to block a lot of web resources, considering them dangerous or containing potentially unwanted data. This is very common when connecting to the servers of multiplayer online games.

Among other things, an operation timed out will time out the connection when using or misconfigured a proxy server. In this case, we are talking about the proxy settings in the system, and about the use of anonymous proxy servers, when the user for any reason wants to remain unrecognized, or, more simply, to hide the true IP address of his computer terminal. Let's consider several basic methods of correcting the situation without interfering with the system registry to set a higher timeout value.

It is believed that the simplest way to get rid of is to simply close the unresponsive page and reopen it after ten minutes. Sometimes it may be necessary to close and restart the Internet browser itself (often, for some reason, such situations are observed in Google Chrome and other browsers based on it).

If this option does not help, and the message "Error: Operation timeout ..." appears again, you can apply a regular restart of your computer or laptop (or better, all routers such as routers or ADSL modems).

A solution to the problem of adding, say, a gaming site to the list of permissions (exceptions) of antivirus and firewall may be quite effective, especially since in both cases it is not so difficult to do this in the settings.

The situation with the proxy settings in the system is somewhat more complicated. Let's take standard Internet Explorer as an example. In the browser, you need to use the "Internet Options" section and the "Connections" tab.

Below there is a button "Network settings", after clicking on which you will enter the window for setting the parameters of the local network. Here you just need to uncheck (checkbox) the "Use a proxy server" line and save the changes (sometimes you can disable the proxy for local addresses).

Now let's move on to a more complex method when an operation timeout can be triggered.

First, in the menu for displaying files and folders (in the standard "Explorer" this is the menu "Tools" with the line "Options for folders") on the view tab, you must set the display of files.

After the above operation, you need to open the Run menu and enter the command "notepad% windir% \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts" in the line (naturally, without quotes), the field of which will open the Hosts file in Notepad. Note: there is a line “:: 1 localhost” below. In theory, it should be the last, so everything below it should be deleted, and then the file should be saved with its original name and location. Now all that remains is to restart the computer terminal. Then usually the error goes away.


That, in fact, is all about the triggered timeout. Of course, you can also use the editing of the system registry with setting a larger value for the server response timeout period, but no one can give guarantees that all other resources will be loaded without problems. In addition, as it is already clear, the pages themselves, if they are loaded, will take much longer. And this is not necessary for any user.

The ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error can often be seen when trying to go to some web resource you need. It doesn't matter which browser you use, as this issue is not tied to any of them.

It is also worth mentioning that the problem can occur both with all sites, and with some specific ones. There are times when users cannot access Google-related resources such as Facebook or YouTube.

So, basically, there are two possible reasons: problems with the user's Internet connection or problems on the side of the web resource itself. However, most often it is the user who has the problem.

Now, let's take a look at the methods by which you can get rid of the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error. We advise you to complete them in the order in which they are indicated in this article.


Method # 1 Reset Internet Connection

Your first action in this situation is to reset the network connection. You can do it as you like. If you are using a router, then disconnect it for about a minute, and then reconnect your computer to the network. If you have a wired connection, then simply unplug the cable from the computer and then plug it back in. Well, did it help?

Method # 2 IP update and Winsock reset

If nothing has been achieved by simply resetting the network connection, then proceed to more drastic methods. Now we will try to update your IP and reset Winsock.

  • Right click on Start and select "Command Prompt (Admin)".
  • Then enter the following commands on the line and press Enter after each one:
    • ipconfig / release
    • ipconfig / all
    • ipconfig / flushdns
    • ipconfig / renew
    • netsh int ip set dns
    • netsh winsock reset
  • Once you finish entering these commands into the Command Prompt, you will need to reboot your PC to commit the changes to it.

This method is one of those that most often helps users with network problems, and in our case, with ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.

Method # 3 Switching to public DNS servers

The next rather effective way is to switch to public DNS servers. There are many public DNS, but we will use the most reliable and popular ones - DNS servers from Google.

  • Right-click on Start and select "Network Connections".
  • Then click on your network connection twice and go to its "Properties".
  • Click the component responsible for the Internet Protocol version 4 and double-click it.
  • Check the box to manually enter DNS servers.
  • Enter in the top field , and in the bottom -
  • Then click OK and close the window.

As soon as you set up the required DNS servers, try to go to a previously unavailable resource and check if the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error has been fixed.

Quite often, many PC users who are somehow connected to the Internet, as well as gamers connecting to game portals, observe server connection errors. Now we will look at the question of what the operation timeout means. Moreover, several basic ways of solving this problem will be proposed.

Operation timeout - what is it?

So, an error appears on the monitor screen, informing the user that the connection was interrupted, or rather, the connection timed out.

In principle, a timeout can be interpreted as a certain period of time during which the system waits for the server to respond to its own sent request. In Windows systems, this parameter is set by default, and its value is written in the grid of the system registry of the current computer terminal settings in the SYSTEM subsection, where the Parameters subfolder is located in the subdirectories, where the time is specified in seconds. It is generally not recommended to change it.

Reasons for the error

There can be quite a few reasons when an operation timeout occurs. Let's highlight the most common situations. First of all, the main factor is an unstable Internet connection, when the connection is constantly interrupted, and the system cannot receive a complete response from the server to which the connection is currently being made.

In some cases, the operation timeout can be triggered when antivirus software is enabled or when the Windows firewall settings are incorrect. As you know, a firewall with default settings is able to block a lot of web resources, considering them dangerous or containing potentially unwanted data. This is very common when connecting to servers for online multiplayer games.

Among other things, an operation timed out will time out the connection when using or misconfigured a proxy server. In this case, we are talking about the proxy settings in the system, and about the use of anonymous proxy servers, when the user, for whatever reason, wants to remain unrecognized on the World Wide Web, or, more simply, to hide the true IP address of his computer terminal. Let's consider several basic methods of correcting the situation without interfering with the system registry to set a higher timeout value.

Operation timeout: what to do? The easiest way to fix the situation

It is believed that the easiest way to get rid of error 118 is to simply close the unresponsive page and reopen it after about ten minutes. Sometimes it may be necessary to close and restart the Internet browser itself (often, for some reason, such situations are observed in Google Chrome and other browsers based on it).

If this option does not help, and the message "Error: Operation timeout ..." appears again, you can apply a regular restart of your computer or laptop (or better, all routers such as routers or ADSL modems).

A solution to the problem of adding, say, a gaming site to the list of permissions (exceptions) of antivirus and firewall may be quite effective, especially since in both cases it is not so difficult to do this in the settings.

Change proxy server settings

The situation with the proxy settings in the system is somewhat more complicated. Let's take standard Internet Explorer as an example. In the browser, you need to use the "Internet Options" section and the "Connections" tab.

Below there is a button "Network settings", after clicking on which you will enter the window for setting the parameters of the local network. Here you just need to uncheck (checkbox) the "Use a proxy server" line and save the changes (sometimes you can disable the proxy for local addresses).

But if the connection is made using a proxy, it is better to contact the provider to set the correct settings.

Fixing the system Hosts file

Now let's move on to a more sophisticated method for correcting errors, when an operation may time out.

First, in the menu for displaying files and folders (in the standard "Explorer" this is the "Tools" menu with the line "Folder options") on the view tab, you must set the display of hidden folders and files.

After the above operation, you need to open the Run menu and enter the command "notepad% windir% \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts" in the line (naturally, without quotes), the field of which will open the Hosts file in Notepad. Note: there is a line “:: 1 localhost” below. In theory, it should be the last, so everything below it should be deleted, and then the file should be saved with the original name and location. Now all that remains is to restart the computer terminal. Then usually the error goes away.


That, in fact, is all about the triggered timeout. Of course, you can also use the editing of the system registry with setting a larger value for the server response timeout period, but no one can give guarantees that all other resources will be loaded without problems. In addition, as it is already clear, the pages themselves, if they are loaded, will take much longer. And this is not necessary for any user.

The 504 Gateway Timeout error is an HTTP status code that means that one server did not receive a timely response from another server it contacted while trying to load a web page or make a browser request. It can occur along with 502 Bad Gateway.

In other words, the 504 error indicates that the server on which the site is located and the computer on which the 504 error pops up does not have a stable, fast enough connection to the Internet.

How you can see the 504 error

Individual sites are allowed to customize the display of the Gateway Timeout error. Here are some common ways to display this error:

504 Gateway Timeout HTTP 504 504 ERROR Gateway Timeout (504) HTTP Error 504 - Gateway Timeout Gateway Timeout Error

The 504 Gateway Timeout error appears inside the browser window, just like a normal web page. It might have familiar site headers and footers and a nice English message. Also, a similar error can be displayed on a completely white page with a large 504 at the top. They are the same message no matter how the site shows it to you.

Please be aware that 504 Gateway Timeout and 502 Bad Gateway ngin errors can appear on any browser, operating system, and on any device.

Causes of Error 504 Gateway Timeout

In most cases, a 504 Gateway Timeout error means that any server that issues a "timeout", "crashed" or is not functioning properly.

Since this error usually occurs between servers on the internet, it probably isn't related to your computer, device, or internet connection.

How to fix error 504 Gateway Timeout

  1. Reload the web page by pressing the refresh / reload button in F5 or by repeating the URL from the address bar.

Although the 504 Gateway Timeout and the 502 Bad Gateway error are reporting an error beyond your control, the problem may be temporary. Just reload the page - it's quick and easy.

  1. Restart all network devices. Temporary problems with your modem, router, switches, or other networking equipment can cause a 504 Gateway Timeout error. A simple restart of these devices can help.

Tip: While the order in which these devices are turned off is not important, the order in which they are turned on is, on the contrary, very important.

  1. Check your proxy settings in your browser or app. Make sure they are correct. Incorrect proxy settings can cause 504 error.

Prompt . See for an updated, verified list of proxy servers that you can use.

Note. Most computers do not have proxy settings, so if your settings are empty, skip this step.

  1. Change the DNS server. Perhaps the 504 Gateway Timeout error you are seeing is caused by an issue with the DNS server you are using.

Note. The DNS server in use now is probably automatically assigned by your ISP. Fortunately, there are other DNS servers available for use that you can choose from.

Prompt . If not all network devices receive the HTTP 504 or 502 error Bad Gateway, but they are all on the same network, changing the DNS server will not work. If this is similar to your situation, move on to the next idea.

  1. If there are no changes, refer to the site. This is the only thing you can do. Chances are good that the site admins are already working to fix the root cause of the 504 Gateway Timeout error.

Most sites have social media accounts that they use for support. And some even have phone numbers and email addresses.

Prompt . If the site starts to seem like it is throwing a 504 error for everyone, check Twitter for real-time information about the site being unavailable. The best way to do this is to find #websitedown on Twitter. For example, if Facebook might not be available, search for the #facebookdown tag.

  1. Check with your internet service provider. Most likely, after the troubleshooting described above, the 504 Gateway Timeout popping up is a problem caused by network problems that your ISP is responsible for.
  1. Come back later. At this point, you have exhausted all options and the 504 Gateway Timeout error is being fixed by the site administrator or ISP.

Check the site regularly. No doubt it will start working again.

Fixing the 504 error on your own website

In most cases, this is not your fault, but also not the fault of the users of your resource. Start by verifying that the server can properly provide access to all domains your applications require access to.

Large amounts of traffic can cause your server to generate a 504 error. Although a 503 or 502 Bad Gateway error will be more likely.

Specifically in WordPress, the 504: Gateway Timeout message sometimes occurs due to corrupted databases. Install WP-DBManager and try using the "Restore Database" function and then " Optimize DB". See if this helps.

Make sure your HTACCESS file is correct. Especially if you've just reinstalled WordPress.

Contact hosting technical support. Perhaps the 504 error your site is returning is due to an issue on their end that they need to resolve.

More ways to see a 504 error

Gateway Timeout error when received in Windows Update generates error code 0x80244023 or message WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT.

In Windows-based programs that initially access the Internet, a 504 error may appear in a small dialog box or window with the HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT error and / or the message The request was timed out waiting for a gateway (request timed out for gateway).

A less common 504 error is Gateway Time-out: The proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server (the proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server), but troubleshooting (above) continues.