ASUS laptop does not turn on, what should I do? Asus laptop repair - common reasons for contacting a service center Solving image problems.

Most common laptop problems can be fixed on your own. A collection of articles-guides on electronics repair will help to eliminate various breakdowns and solve a number of problems without contacting a service center.

Microsoft has always worked to protect the privacy of users. But at the same time, users themselves can fall into this trap if they forget the set password. Naturally, you can simply reinstall the OS, but there are other, not so drastic measures. One of the simplest and most common methods is to log in with your user through safe mode and generally remove […]

If you encounter a problem when the mouse does not work on a laptop, do not rush to purchase a new input device. Since the mouse is arranged quite simply, in most cases it is easy to identify the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it. Why is the mouse not working on my laptop? Most often, the problem occurs for one of the following reasons: operating system failure; breakdown […]

Over time, the laptop battery loses its original capacity, which affects the battery life of the device. If your laptop functions from a full charge for about an hour or even stops turning on without a connected power adapter, do not rush to purchase a new battery, in some cases it is possible to restore the laptop battery yourself. Calibrating the battery using a special utility If the battery started […]

If your device stops responding when you press the Power button, make sure that a completely dead battery is not the cause of the problem. In addition, check the integrity of the laptop's power connector, as well as the power adapter. If everything is in order, then the cause of the malfunction may be the failure of the power button itself. Then the question arises, how to turn on a laptop without a power button? If the device […]

Keyboard problems occur quite often on both desktop computers and laptops. But if a computer keyboard can be easily replaced with a new one in case of failure, this is not so easy to do on a laptop and in some cases financially costly. If the keyboard on your laptop does not work for you, what to do in such a situation, […]

If the computer suddenly turns off while playing video games or demanding programs, then most likely this is due to severe overheating of the processor and / or video card. In this article, you will find the answer to the question of what to do if the laptop turns off during the game. Why does my laptop turn off while playing? Time does not stand still, and each new laptop model is released […]

Without exception, all laptops are equipped with a touchpad, which is a pointing input device and allows you not only to control the cursor, but also to perform other actions. With the help of modern high-precision touchpads that support multi-touch gestures, users can perform such manipulations as scrolling, zooming, highlighting, invoking the context menu with light touches with the tips of one, two or three fingers. But what if, having […]

Power supplies, or in other words adapters, not only for laptops, but for other devices in most cases do not have special fasteners (screw connections) for multiple assembly / disassembly. Instead, they have a glued case, as manufacturers expect users to treat such elements as consumables and, in the event of a breakdown, simply buy new ones. But it is not […]

If you are faced with a situation where the laptop fan is constantly running at full power, making a lot of noise, then in most cases this is a sign that something is wrong with the system. The problem may be related to the failure of the cooling system, the accumulation of a large amount of dust, as well as a heavy load on the system, which causes overheating. Solutions […]

The hard drive is the main data storage on a laptop, and if the BIOS cannot detect it, the operating system will not start, and the user will see a corresponding message on the screen. If when you turn on the laptop, the message Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key appears on the screen […]

It is better to entrust professionals if you do not have experience in disassembling equipment. Turning to specialists will avoid aggravating the problem, since an inexperienced person with a screwdriver in his hands can do more harm than good - the plastic case of laptops is quite thin and breaks with a bang. Also, contacting the service center will allow you to get a working laptop the very next day, while a full range of work will be carried out - fault diagnosis and elimination.

Despite the warnings of manufacturers and the virtual ban on disassembling a laptop and repairing it yourself, this is not difficult if you are ready to disassemble it consistently and accurately. True, it must be remembered that in this case you risk losing the guarantee, since the glued seals will be damaged. If the warranty period of your laptop is already over, then you can try to disassemble it. Below we will look at common problems with Asus laptops.

Power connector problems

A common problem with some Asus models is the power connector. There are plenty of stories on the forums on the Internet about replacing several connectors at once, after the failure of the next one. What it is, a marriage with a component supplier or a constructive miscalculation, the Taiwanese company does not disclose. The problem is solved by disassembling the laptop and replacing the non-working connector.

There are also situations when the power cable is connected, the plug is inserted into the socket, but the charge either goes or does not go. When moving the wire, the power jumps again. This indicates a break in the wire, usually at its base at the bend. To solve the problem, we take:

  • Soldering iron with solder and tin, as well as an oxidizing agent;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Insulating tape.

We cut a hole with a knife (you must be careful, as you can damage the working wires or break their insulation), separate the broken contact and the wire. Using a heated soldering iron, we connect the plug to the wire. Finally, we wrap the restored wire with electrical tape.

Hard drive replacement

The most common reason for contacting service centers is the need to replace the hard drive. There can be many reasons for this. Here are the most common of them: the desire to increase the volume of the disk, replacing a damaged or non-working disk, recovering lost information. Replacing a hard drive is the simplest operation on a laptop. To do this, turn off the laptop, remove the battery, unscrew a couple of bolts on the bottom and remove the cover. After removing the cover, you will see a view of the hard drive and RAM, which can be easily replaced by disconnecting the cable from the HDD and removing the RAM from the slots.

When assembling a laptop, you must follow the reverse sequence. Particular attention must be paid to the reliable connection of the cable. In a laptop, everything is similar to a regular PC, but if repairing a stationary computer is easy due to the large free space, then in laptops the components are placed very compactly. Difficulty can arise only when connecting wires, connectors, cables.

Variety of faults in laptops

In most cases, all components that are interchangeable with others are subject to repair. Replacing HDD and SSD drives, RAM, Wi-Fi modules, keyboard, touchpad, screen matrix, and so on is painless. The only difficulty that arises is the destruction of the laptop, in which you can break something. Also, an appeal to specialists will be necessary in case of problems with the motherboard and elements soldered into it (resistors, transistors, capacitors, etc.).

The reasons for contacting Asus repair can be different, let's look at the most common of them, and also talk about how to properly operate your laptop so that it does not break down for many years.

Use Your Laptop Properly

Asus laptop repair, as a rule, it is carried out in a service center by qualified specialists. There are several reasons why you might want to visit a workshop. In the first place is the incorrect and careless operation of Asus laptops. In case of non-compliance with the rules established by the manufacturer, with mechanical damage and shock, liquid ingress into the laptop case, parts and assemblies fail.

Owners Asus laptops it should also be remembered that some models are very sensitive to the complete discharge of the battery. That is why we do not recommend allowing the battery to be deeply discharged. Make sure that the battery is not discharged by more than 90%, and that the reserve 10% of capacity remains until the moment of recharging.

Be aware of your laptop warranty

Asus Repair both warranty and non-warranty laptops are subject to. Moreover, under warranty Asus laptops can be repaired free of charge, only if, upon acceptance to the service center, the specialist does not find traces of opening, flooding with liquids and mechanical damage on the laptop. If your laptop does not have the manufacturer's seals, serial numbers do not match, or traces of mechanical impact are found, such a laptop will automatically be voided from the warranty. Of course, they will fix it for you, but already for money - according to the price list of the service center.

Protect your laptop from external influences

Reasons for getting into Asus laptop repair you can also name a number of factors associated with external influences - voltage drops in the power supply network, connecting faulty devices via USB ports, dust accumulation in the laptop and, as a result, its overheating.

Annual preventive diagnostics - a guarantee of flawless operation

Asus laptops they are quite reliable, but with frequent and intensive use, wear of all units and individual elements involved in the operation occurs. To prevent serious damage and calls to repair, Asus laptops, as well as other complex equipment , should be handed over for an annual routine inspection, which includes the diagnosis of malfunctions that have appeared Asus laptops. Even minor damage to the USB port can lead to costly motherboard repairs in the future. That's why if you have the slightest problem, we strongly recommend that you contact the service center laptop repair.

How does an Asus laptop repair specialist

Asus laptop problems are serious and not so serious. Most often, a specialist determines the breakdown and carries out repairs in a matter of minutes. It can only be delayed by waiting for the necessary spare part for replacement and repair. The necessary spare part may not always be available in the warehouse of the service center. Then it is ordered from the manufacturer.

Laptop Repair different brands and models requires a lot of experience and professionalism, because when diagnosing, it is necessary to remember the many possible breakdowns that lead to other breakdowns. And this means that independent Laptop Repair is simply unacceptable. A significant argument in favor of contacting a service center is the design feature of some Asus laptops. The case of many laptop models is covered with a special shielding layer. If you touch the parts of the case during operation, a short circuit may occur, which will disable the laptop.

Do not try to repair yourself!

Independent attempts to repair a laptop lead, most often, to significant financial costs and loss of time to fix the laptop in a service center after the owner fails to cope with the breakdown. Even if you know exactly which part (for example, an Asus laptop) is out of order, you most likely will not have the necessary equipment at hand - professional tools and a soldering station. Naturally, laptops with opened factory seals are automatically removed from the warranty, and subsequent repairs will cost you dearly.

Use your laptop carefully, handle it carefully, follow all the rules of operation so as not to lose your time, money and valuable information.

Hello dear subscribers! Did your Asus laptop work for a couple of years and at some point it stopped turning on? Or an unpleasant surprise happened immediately after the purchase? It is worth saying that the laptop may not turn on in different ways: in one case, we hear the sounds of the cooler, the indicators light up, but Windows does not appear on the screen; in another, the computer does not respond at all to pressing the power key, as if it is completely discharged and disconnected from the network.

This material contains general information, there will be no specific instructions, but the article should help identify the defect and, if possible, eliminate it yourself without contacting qualified specialists.

ASUS laptop won't turn on! What to do and how to be?

Important! I do not recommend doing self-repair if you do not have experience in servicing computer equipment. When replacing and cleaning components on a desktop computer, I do without the help of a service center, but if you need a complex laptop repair, I recommend that you contact professionals. The most difficult stages of self-repair are the disassembly of the laptop and, accordingly, the diagnosis of the problem. There are no soldered parts left in modern models, so replacement is mostly simple.

Perhaps you will immediately find your situation in this article and will know what actions should be taken in the future. Sometimes the simple cleaning of laptop coolers from dust solves the problem. By the way, here is one of these articles, where I already told a similar example:

In other cases, repairs will be required. When diagnosing a laptop, you should take into account the period of its operation, it may be time to change the main components. Choose the appropriate section and proceed to a detailed explanation. So, perhaps, we will begin to consider the main and probable reasons that will tell you why the asus laptop does not turn on.

  1. The laptop does not start, but the indicators light up

If you hear the sound of coolers and see blinking indicators on the keyboard, then this is already a good sign. At least you can be sure that the power supply is working properly. There are a lot of reasons for this behavior, I want to describe the most common:

- BIOS crashed. Looking through computer forums, I was surprised that many owners of Asus laptops have the BIOS itself crashing. I have been a laptop owner for a long time, but I have never had such a problem. It is quite simple to determine that the cause of a faulty BIOS is quite simple: when you turn it on, the screen lights up, but the standard information about the computer is not displayed, and you cannot enter the BIOS using hot keys.

Reinstalling the BIOS will help resolve the issue. For example, I can even offer you one of these articles, where I already talked about BIOS:

Although the process is more complicated than flashing the operating system, you can cope with it without the help of a service center.

- Problems with the operating system. The BIOS boot was successful, you saw a screen with information about the laptop, but nothing progressed beyond that. The operating system loading image may freeze on the screen or an error message may appear. Nobody canceled the black screen of death either. If you don't know what I'm talking about, read here.

The solution here is quite simple - try repairing or reinstalling the Windows operating system. Most likely, it is after this that you will be able to solve the problem due to which the asus laptop does not turn on.

- The display is broken. If the boot is in normal mode, the usual sounds of Windows are heard, but the screen remains black, then it's time to take the laptop for repair, since you won't be able to fix the screen yourself. If the display contacts have come off, then the defect will be fixed in 20 minutes, but if the screen burns out, you will have to change it. Do not even try to climb on your own, it will cost you more.

- Hardware failure. The computer may turn on without the participation of one or more components, but it will not fully work. For example, you will not be able to boot if the video card or RAM is burned out, so if the above options are not suitable, the Asus laptop should be carried for diagnostics.

The second image shows an example of a failed BIOS, sometimes no messages appear on the screen at all, this is also a signal that some problems have appeared in the base system. The blue screen hints that it's time to reinstall Windows. You can also try booting into safe mode if there is important data left on the system drive that you want to save before reinstalling. Let's look at the second reason why the asus laptop does not turn on.

2. The laptop does not show signs of life

Important! If your laptop refuses to turn on without charging, but when connected to the network, all problems disappear, then you need to check the battery. Perhaps he's out of order. Until you buy a new battery, the laptop can only be used from the mains, like a regular PC.

In addition to the battery, the problem can lie in any component. The south and north bridges, processor, hard drives, motherboards - all these components can burn out, as a result, the computer will stop turning on. It is also worth checking the external unit itself, since it is he who is responsible for supplying electricity to the rest of the hardware in the computer.

In any case, diagnostics will help determine the exact cause. If the laptop is still under warranty, I recommend contacting the official service center, where they should provide you with free assistance. As for third-party services, it is worth choosing trusted people. Only a person with experience in working with electronic devices can perform a component check with their own hands. If you see that the computer does not turn on, you should stop trying to “reanimate” it and immediately contact the specialists. Well, we are moving on and it's time to consider the third reason why the asus laptop does not turn on at your home or at work, let's say so.

3. Asus laptop shuts down or restarts

This usually happens while running some cumbersome application (for example, a photo editor) or a demanding computer game. Before shutting down or rebooting, the laptop starts to make a lot of noise, and if you put your hand on the case, you will find that it has overheated. Reboot or shutdown occurs due to overheating of the laptop hardware.

For starters, it’s worth checking how things are inside the Asus laptop. Perhaps the computer needs cleaning - a large amount of dust on the boards and on the cooler blades will tell you about this. It is also worth changing the thermal paste, which is located between the processor and the motherboard. According to the regulations, it must be changed every 6-12 months if you want the laptop to give maximum performance. Here is a detailed instruction for laptop prevention:

Healthy! For laptops, special stands with additional airflow are provided, an example of one of which you can see in the photo below. This is a useful thing for those who use 100% laptop performance.

Sometimes the reason is a too demanding program that is not provided for your hardware. Before launching a game or other application, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its system requirements - this is a general rule for all computers. The system captures the excess of the permissible temperature and independently turns off or restarts the computer, thereby protecting the laptop components from burning.

So, completing today's article "Asus laptop does not turn on" so that you do not have to spend a lot of money on repairs, follow all the operating rules. Do not forget to clean the Asus laptop from dust, change the thermal paste regularly. These simple conditions will help your laptop work for the entire period declared by the manufacturer. In general, by and large, it should be noted that the information that is present in this material is relevant for all models of Asus laptops. Finally, I recommend that you read other articles on this model line!