ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error: what to do? Error ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT: solution methods Minecraft connection timed out connect local network.

Modern Internet browsers and connection systems world wide web, although they are high-tech developments, nevertheless, very often when visiting any web resources, as well as when working on a local network, an error message ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT may be displayed. What to do in this case? Let's try to briefly consider the method of eliminating such a problem.


First, let's look at what it actually is. If we approach the translation of this term from English literally, then, roughly speaking, this can be interpreted as a connection interruption due to a timeout. Expectations for what, you ask?

The fact is that when you enter a page on the Internet or when you access a local computer terminal connected, say, to your home, or a request is sent to the server. When a response is received, either a web page is loaded or a web page is accessed. remote computer. The nature of this type of access is such that it specifies a certain period of time allotted for receiving a response to a request. If this time is exceeded, the system both informs the user that the connection is down and displays the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT notification. What to do and how to get rid of such a situation, we will now figure it out, incidentally considering the main reasons for its occurrence.

Why does an error message occur?

First of all, you need to clearly distinguish between types of errors. There are two interpretations of messages. The first position described above is, as it were, general (standard), but there is one more point associated with the appearance net errors::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT. Here we can also say that the error is associated with a violation. And this applies equally to local networks and Internet connections.

Often the reasons for the appearance of such errors can be an unstable connection, since constant interruptions do not make it possible to receive a complete response data packet.

A very common situation is with online games that use the multiplayer mode. It is clear, after all, that with a fairly high popularity of the game and a huge number of players, in this moment connected to the game server, the latter may simply not withstand so many simultaneous requests. This is somewhat reminiscent of well-known situations with DDoS attacks, when server disruption is provoked too large quantity simultaneous calls.

Sometimes the appearance of such an error may be due to the functioning of antivirus software or the built-in firewall (firewall) Windows Firewall. Such security tools may erroneously identify website data as potentially unwanted or dangerous content when in fact it is not.

In some cases, the error may be due to incorrect proxy server settings in the system or attempts to anonymously access the Network through online proxy servers in order to hide your true IP address. For all these situations, there is a solution. Let's consider each of them.

ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error: what to do?

If the error occurs while trying to access an Internet site, the easiest way to get rid of this is to re-login after a certain period of time.

By the way, quite often such errors appear in the browser. Google Chrome. In general, it is better to reboot computer system along with all installed routers such as ADSL modems or Wi-Fi routers. Note that after disconnecting, it is advisable to wait at least a 10-second pause to reset the router settings.

In the case of games or content blocking by systems Windows Security or antiviruses, you need to make a list of exceptions (allowed sites), a game resource or a site with which you are supposed to work.

As for proxy servers, as a rule, they are not used in the main settings. In this case, in network connections, using the network settings, you need to uncheck the box "Use a proxy server". If you encounter a similar situation with LAN connections, you can enable the "Do not use a proxy server for local addresses" option. If the proxy is still used, you need to contact the provider and get the correct personal settings.

Modifying the Hosts File

But there are situations when even when using the above methods, a message is still displayed that an ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error has occurred. What to do in this situation? Use System Edit

In order not to rummage through file managers in search of it, you just need to write the line notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts in the Run menu. After opening the file, you can see that somewhere below there is an entry ":: 1 localhost". By default, it should be the last one. If there is anything else after this line, you just need to delete it all and save the changes on exit. Now it remains only to restart the computer terminal and the problem will disappear. Please note: in some cases, if the problem is related to the "locale", it may be necessary to restart the server itself through which the connection is made.


That, in fact, is all about connection problems and situations when an ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error occurs. As you can see, there is nothing wrong with this, and the ways to correct such seemingly unpleasant situations are quite simple. It’s just that sometimes you need to pay attention to each specific case, find out the root cause and apply this or that solution.

  • Problems when creating a server:
  • Problems connecting to the server:
  • Other errors


All problems can be divided into two categories:

  1. Problems creating the server. You created the server according to the instructions, but for some reason it does not start. Gives an incomprehensible and long error.
  2. Problems connecting to the server. Either you or your friends are unable to connect to the server even though it has started.

Often, when one problem is solved, another arises. This may mean that either there are several problems and you solved one of them, or you did everything crookedly and you added one more error. So do not neglect the instructions.

Problems creating a server

  • FAILED TO BIND TO PORT- closed port 25565. . From myself I will add that changing the port in rare cases can help. Personally, I put port 25566 on my server. Although, perhaps, this is a delusion, but it is still not difficult to try.
  • - a common prefix for all problems that arise due to plugins.


  1. You installed the plugins incorrectly.
  2. The plugin version is not compatible with the server version.

Decision: Removing\rearranging plugins that caused given error. It is highly recommended to install plugins sequentially, one at a time, and not all at once, and check the server's performance.

  • **** NOT ENOUGH RAM!- this error does not cut down the server, but nevertheless interferes with its full-fledged work ("slows down the PPC"). It means that either you have little random access memory, or Java uses little memory.

Decision: if you really don’t have enough RAM (256 or 512 MB), then if you really want to, you can buy a new one. If you have at least a gigabyte of it, then you need to do this:

  1. Create a text file.
  2. Write in it the line "java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar"
  3. Change its extension from .txt to .bat
  4. Profit!

Problems connecting to the server

  • Disconnected by Server. published server!- this error appears when the version of your minecraft is higher than the version of the server (for example, you have 1.3.1, and on the server 1.1). Install the appropriate server version (it's easier to update your client and server to the latest version).
  • published client- this means that the version of your client is lower than on the server. For example, you have version 1.2.1, and 1.3.1 is installed on the server.
  • Connection Lost. Failed to login: bad login- this error is displayed if on a server with the online-mode=true parameter (only with a licensed version) you try to log in from a free client (pirated, not purchased). If such an error is displayed when entering a friend's server, then he forgot to change true to false.
  • User not Premium- solving the problem is similar to "bad login"
  • connection reset- either the server is not available for some reason (for example, it was turned off during the game), or you have connection problems.
  • Connection refused- this means that either at this address there is no running server or you are having connection problems. Can be caused by a dynamic ip on the server host.
  • Logged in from another location- This error is quite rare, but still sometimes occurs. This means that someone has already logged into the server under your nickname (most often occurs when your nickname is "Player").
  • Read time out- literally translates as "time out waiting for a response." The cause of the error is either a server hang or a client hang.
  • Internal Server Error- "Internal server error". Occurs because of an error in the code being executed. Most likely, this is the work of a virus or a crooked modification (or hands... :().
  • end of stream- translates literally as "end of the stream".
  • Causes:
  1. If the error appears irregularly, then the loss of communication with the server is to blame, which can be caused by its freezing, or by a poor Internet connection (the connection was interrupted for a couple of seconds).
  2. If the error appears constantly, then the ones installed on the client and server are to blame. snapshots(I remind you that the snapshot is a beta version of the next version of the game). To fix the problem, you need to put full version Minecraft on client and server(at the time of writing, this is version 1.3.1). The client and server versions must be the same.
  • Internal expertise: bad packet id %number%- you have a mod installed on the client that is not on the server. Download a clean (no modifications) client.
  • Can't reach server - means that the ip of your server is not dedicated (great sadness: (). You can only play on hamachi. If you are trying to connect to a public server, but this error pops up, it means that there are some engineering works(server down).
  • Took to long to login- the error occurs because the versions of the server and the client do not match.

Other errors

And although they do not arise due to problems with the server, I will still write about them so that the most notorious fans of our site do not go to the forum and write about them :)


  • Black screen. It can be formulated as "minicraft doesn't work!!!11 Black Ikran!!111". Most likely, you have installed some kind of mod on the client, which is either crooked on its own or has a different version. To solve the problem, remove the META-INF folder from the Minecraft.jar file
  • The "Play Offline" button does not work.("Please help me minecraft doesn't want to start!!11") Paradoxically, many players ignore the instructions that say "You need to put the Minecraft.exe file in the folder %folder path%/application data/.minecraft". A game necessarily should be there, not in Program Files or Games! And yes, the Application data folder is hidden.
  • Could not create the Java Virtual Machine- reinstall Java, or install if you haven't already. .
  • Bad video card drivers- Update video card drivers. If this does not help, it means that your video card does not support OpenGL (Minecraft will not be able to run on this video card: (().
  • Minecraft has been crashed!(flies in the window) - We'll have to reinstall the client, because. it is "broken" for some reason (most likely due to mods)

Afterword, or if the article didn't help...

If you did not find your problem above (which is unlikely), or the solution did not help you for some reason, then write to the forum.

To get started, use forum search:

And only If your search didn't return any results, create a thread. Write in such a way that you can understand what you wrote (preferably without errors, if you do not want to be laughed at). Necessary necessarily follow the template (you take it directly, and write point by point, not everything in a bunch)

Template for creating a theme, all items required for execution:

  1. Error name in English.
  2. The name of your OS, antivirus, firewall, and whatever you see fit.
  3. Actually, where does the error occur: when creating the server or when entering the server.
  4. Post a screenshot of your error necessarily). If you don’t know how, then I’ll explain: press the “Print Screen” button, open Paint, insert an image, click File --> Save As ... --> And save as a file with the extension .jpg (Not .bmp, namely .jpg !). Next, attach the file to your forum post and paste it wherever you want. And don't say later that you don't know how to take screenshots!
  5. If you are creating a server, then write what errors occurred before (if, of course, they occurred). Try to remember, this will help solve your problem. If there were no errors, then write so.
  6. Write what you tried to do to solve the problem (list). This is necessary in order to speed up the search for a solution.

If a...:

  • The topic is not written according to the template.
  • The solution to the problem is described on the site or forum.
  • This problem is already on the forum, but remained unanswered (which means that no one knows the answer).
  • Nothing is clear from what you wrote.

Then your topic will be deleted and its screenshot will be sent to Wall of Shame, and you banned.

Oh yes, you can not write about your mistakes in the comments, no one will tell you >: D. Sorry for such strict measures, they are simply necessary to maintain order, as well as to quick search solutions to your problem.

Minecraft is one of the most popular game series for all platforms. It is her simplicity and low system requirements allow you to play almost anywhere and on any device. However, a permanent connection to the network creates a lot of problems for many users. One of the errors becomes " Connection timed out: no further information".

Reasons for a connection error in Minecraft

This crash occurs when trying to start a game session on the server. A Java plugin can also break or just need to be updated. Other sources of conflict are: technical repairs on the server, the end of a paid account, system failures with regular installed updates, interruptions in the provision of the Internet from the provider, blocked or gray ip-address.

How to fix "Connection timed out" error

All suggested tips are described taking into account the fact that your operating system has up-to-date updates, Java plugin of the latest version.

Server side problem

On the servers, technical work is carried out systematically. Because of this, this error appears very often. Just go to the official forum and ask if anyone else has similar errors. You can also contact server support.

Most often, you just need to wait a bit and connect after a while.


Very often, incorrect system protection settings can create this kind of problem. Temporarily disable the antivirus screen and system protection options. See if the game is on the firewall exception list. Then try to connect.

Paid subscriptions

Many servers require a paid subscription for online connections. If you have activated it, then you need to constantly check the balance. At the end of the term, the servers, of course, will turn off and will no longer be available. Instead of a normal warning, " Connection timed out: no further information" may be displayed, indicating that the connection was not possible.

Checkout paid subscription again or switch to free servers.

Problem with IP address

The relevance of IP addresses is constantly changing, which leads to the impossibility of logging into the server. Ask the technical support of the provider if there were any recent times changes. In general, it is recommended to use a static IP address to establish a better connection. Otherwise, it will be re-created on every reboot:

By the way, check out this article too: d3d12.dll is missing - what is this error and how to fix

  • Order a "white" IP address from the provider. For dynamic, try resetting the modem by unplugging it for five minutes. At the same time, turn off and turn on the PC.
  • Also, an option would be to change your IP address, you can do this through various VPN programs or Hamachi, for example.
Hamachi local network.

Version relevance

Minecraft releases different versions all the time. If one version is installed on the server, and another version is installed on your computer, then it will not be possible to avoid the error. This is true for all games with multiplayer modes.

Download and install Minecraft of the version that is required for your server.

Problem with mods

Everyone tries to install as many different add-ons as possible - mods, patches and extensions. However, such mods are very often filled with various bugs, which eventually lead to system errors. Always keep track of the developers of this or that add-on. It is advisable to install popular mods that have been used for more than one month by other players. Delete the latest mods. Reinstall the entire game as a last resort.

Similar "Connection refused" error in Minecraft

  1. The servers may not be responding at the moment - just wait a bit.
  2. Check that the data you entered for connecting to the network is correct.
  3. Check your firewall to see if it's blocking access. Disable your antivirus software.
  4. Contact your provider for advice.


These tips should tell you what to do to fix the " Connection timed out" error in Minecraft. Pay special attention to your ip-address and its change. If you have your own solutions, a huge request to indicate them in the comments below.

The ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error can often be seen when trying to go to some web resource you need. It doesn't matter which browser you use, because this problem not tied to any of them.

It is also worth mentioning that the problem can occur both with all sites, and with some specific ones. There are times when users cannot access Google-related resources such as Facebook or YouTube.

So basically there are two possible reasons: Problems with the user's Internet connection or problems on the side of the web resource itself. However, most often the problems are still with the user.

Now let's look at the methods by which you can get rid of the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error. We advise you to perform them in the order in which they are listed in this article.


Method #1 Reset Internet connection

Your first action in this situation is to reset the network connection. You can do it any way you like. If you are using a router, turn it off for about a minute, and then reconnect your computer to the network again. If you have a wired connection, then just unplug the cable from the computer, and then plug it back in. Well, did it help?

Method #2 Update IP and Reset Winsock

If nothing was achieved by simply resetting the network connection, then we move on to more drastic methods. Now we will try to update your IP and reset Winsock.

  • Right-click on Start and select "Command Prompt (Admin)".
  • Then enter the following commands into the line and press Enter after each of them:
    • ipconfig /release
    • ipconfig /all
    • ipconfig /flushdns
    • ipconfig /renew
    • netsh int ip set dns
    • netsh winsock reset
  • Once you have finished typing in command line these commands, you will need to restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

This method is one of those that most often help users with network problems, and in our case with ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.

Method #3 Switching to Public DNS Servers

Pretty next effective way is to switch to public DNS servers. There are many public DNS, but we will use the most reliable and popular - DNS servers from Google.

  • Right-click on Start and select "Network Connections".
  • Then click on your network connection twice and go to its "Properties".
  • Click on the component responsible for the protocol of the fourth version of the Internet and double-click on it.
  • Check the box next to the item for manually entering DNS servers.
  • Enter in the top field , and to the bottom
  • Then click OK and close the window.

As soon as you set the necessary DNS servers, try accessing a previously inaccessible resource and check if the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error has been fixed.