Where does the memory from the hard drive go? Memory disorders: why memory becomes poor, the norm and the relationship with diseases, treatment

If a lot of free space is constantly decreasing on the hard drive, then the first thing you can do is find out whether the operating system is to blame or not.
You can find out after cleaning the disk windows- if there is more free space and the problem is gone, then the operating system was to blame.

Signs that your hard drive is running out of memory:
1. in the properties you can see that there is less and less memory on the hard disk;
2. changed the color of the fill indicator local disk from green to red;
3. system messages - "no space on drive C".

Now I will tell you what to do if things are really bad, because the memory disappears for some unknown reason.

How to use Disk Cleanup and where to find it.

1. Go to "Control Panel / System and Security / Free up disk space"

(Picture 1)

2. Select drive C and wait for the scan to finish.

(Picture 2)

(Figure 3)

3. Check the boxes next to each option and click "Clear system files".
In my case, 300MB is freed up.

(Figure 4)

However, even after removing everything superfluous with your own hands, removing with special programs, we may be left with occupied space.
In this case, it remains to check the computer for viruses by indirect signs.
I. Click "Start" and enter msconfig.
II. We start the program.

Open the window - System Configuration by clicking Start and opening the msconfig program

(Figure 5)

III. On the "Startup" tab, we look to see if there are programs that we do not know.

(Figure 6)

If the computer turned out to be infected and for this reason the memory on the hard drive disappears, then it remains to quickly cure the computer and remove viruses.


Disk Cleanup in Windows 7 helps only when the operating system itself is to blame for the loss of memory.
How to treat overflow hard drive through our fault, you can find out from the article,

Working in Windows, be it XP, 7, 8 or Windows 10, over time you may notice that the hard drive space disappears somewhere: today it has become one gigabyte less, tomorrow another two gigabytes have evaporated.

Reasonable question - where does it go free place on disk and why. I must say right away that this is usually not caused by viruses or malware. In most cases, the operating system itself is responsible for the missing space in the answer, but there are other options. This will be discussed in the article. I also strongly recommend to study the material:. Another useful guide: .

If the above points did not help you determine where the hard drive space is disappearing and return it, here are some more possible and common reasons.

Temporary files

Most programs create temporary files when they run. But they are not always removed, respectively, they accumulate.

In addition to this, other scenarios are also possible:

  • You install the program downloaded in the archive without first unpacking it in separate folder, and close the archiver directly from the archiver window and in the process. As a result, temporary files appeared, the size of which is equal to the size of the unpacked distribution package of the program, and they will not be automatically deleted.
  • You are working in Photoshop or editing a video in a program that creates its own swap file and crashes ( blue screen, hang) or power off. The result is a temporary file, with a very impressive size, which you are not aware of and which is also not deleted automatically.

To delete temporary files, you can use the Disk Cleanup system utility, which is part of Windows, but it will not delete all such files. To run Disk Cleanup,Windows 7 type "Disk Cleanup" in the start menu search box, and inWindows 8 do the same in the Start screen search.

Incorrect removal of programs, cluttering up the computer on your own

And finally, also a very common reason that there is less and less space on the hard disk: the user himself does everything for this.

It should not be forgotten that programs should be uninstalled correctly, at least using the "Programs and Features" item in the panel Windows controls. You should also not "hoard" movies that you will not watch, games that you will not play, and so on on your computer.

In fact, on the last point, you can write a separate article that will be even more voluminous than this one: perhaps I’ll leave it for next time.

Comments (105) to Disappearing space on the hard drive - we deal with the reasons

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Greetings to everyone and everything! There is never a lot of free space, and any owner of a 16-gigabyte drive can absolutely confirm this. iPhone versions(the author of these lines is in your ranks!). However, owners of other smartphones from Apple (those that have a more capacious internal drive) also probably do not want the memory in their device to disappear without a trace.

And it can really disappear even when, as it seems to you, you do nothing at all with the gadget. Just use in normal mode”, and the place is gradually reduced. Do you think this is all fiction and this can not be at all? Here I, perhaps, will disappoint you very much - how can it be! Let's look at the causes of such leaks, and also find out the most important thing - how to deal with them?!

Ready? One, two, three...let's go! :)

Lost memory after updating or restoring iOS

Apple with enviable constancy releases firmware that makes our life better :) But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to upgrade directly by installing new software (there are a lot of comments with problems), and you have to “roll” the firmware through iPhone recovery. Recovered, put an iCloud backup, go to the storage usage statistics and see how precious megabytes are leaking every minute ...


Very simple and obvious backup copy iCloud does not restore instantly. It seems to you that a copy has already been downloaded to the device, in fact, this is far from the case. And the recovery process may take more than one day (here, of course, everything depends on the speed of the Internet and the amount of data).

Every minute, the iPhone downloads information from the "cloud" and moves it to itself. At the same time, you will not necessarily see this data - it can be message history, cache, and other service information. Visually, all this is not visible, but nevertheless, the device is loading and the memory is slowly decreasing.

How to fight

You can just turn off iCloud in the settings, but is it worth it? It is important to wait until everything is loaded to the end and then the place will stop disappearing anyhow. It's not always true, and here's why...

Where does the memory disappear while using the iPhone

iPhone memory can also decrease during normal use of the phone, even if you do not download any applications, programs, take photos or shoot videos. Where does the free space go? But where:

  1. Messages and correspondence in various messengers - iMessage, WhatsApp, Viber, etc. Now communication is becoming more diverse, various multimedia information is added to the text. Where is all this stored? That's right, in the phone's memory. We received a couple of messages with audio-video attachments, so here you are minus a few megabytes.
  2. App and browser cache. Most programs, in the process of use, store in their memory data downloaded from the network. Scrolled through the message feed in the VK client, some data was cached and the size of the application increased slightly, which means the number internal memory decreased. It would seem that they did nothing, but the free space had gone somewhere. And so with almost any application.
  3. Work failures various programs, which leads to their "growth" to indecent sizes. Hey whatsapp early 2016 :)
  4. Sometimes, a sufficiently large volume is the so-called « diagnostic information”, which is accumulated in the device and must be transferred to iTunes during synchronization.
  5. iOS has « wonderful" feature - the system independently and without warning downloads an update of itself. And the size of this update can be different - from tens of megabytes to several gigabytes. And most importantly, while new firmware will not download, you simply will not see it. Everything naturally swings slowly and the memory on the iPhone disappears just as slowly.

« Thanks to "all this, a situation may occur when not a single program or game is installed, and there is no free space left. Is it possible to fight this? Certainly! And now I'll tell you how...

How to make sure that the memory on the iPhone does not disappear

Here are some tips that will help not only free up memory, but also make sure that it stops disappearing on its own:

Attention bonus! Available on iPhone - worth using!

As you can see, it’s not necessary to say exactly that the iPhone reduces memory on its own (unless it downloads the update - but that doesn’t count :)). For all these « leaks" there are objective reasons and they are quite easy to fix - it remains only not to be lazy and try all the options.

P.S. Want to talk about your situation? Have questions or questions? Be sure to write in the comments - we will try to figure it out together!

P.S.S. We put « like, click on the buttons social networks and get + to free gigabytes on the device. It's so cool that you should definitely try it! :)

Hello dear visitors. I hope you have already watched my video lesson: "", because today I will tell you the eleventh way with which you will find out where the hard drive space disappears and how free up a lot of memory.

I decided to devote a whole lesson to this search and delete method, since the method really works and in some cases allows us to free up many, many gigabytes of memory, as with system disk, as well as from any other.

This method is to use a special one, which in a convenient form will show us what the memory on the disk is full of, and after analyzing the files, we can easily delete them.

This is a very convenient way to find out where the hard drive space goes. For myself, I discovered it quite recently, and I immediately liked it, because I found unnecessary files on the disk, the existence of which I did not even know.

But I want to warn you right away that this disk cleaning method is not for beginners. The reason is simple: here you will need to be able to independently analyze certain files and decide on their removal!

So, more to the point. The program is called WinDirStat and let me show you how to work with it.

First of all, download the program and unpack the archive. To start, use the WinDirStatPortable.exe file.

Immediately after launching, the program will offer to analyze any of the disks for us. Most often, you want to understand where the disk space goes (C:), so select the system disk and click OK.

It will take 5 minutes to analyze.

Upon completion, we will see a bunch of color pictures in various quantities. The big black square indicates how much free space we have, the rest show the space occupied by various files.

By clicking on any squares, I can see which file they belong to. I want to say right away that the larger the square, the more space it takes on the disk. Now I'm interested in the red squares. I want to see what those files are. Maybe you canfree memorypermanently deleting them?

I click on the first red square and immediately pay attention to the top of the program to understand what kind of file it is.

As you can see, in my case, this is a file called DP_Video_nVIDIA ... and this and similar files are located in the DriverPack folder. And what is the most interesting thing this folder weighs over 8 gigabytes.

From the name of the folder and the files inside it, I came to the conclusion that these files were downloaded with . Now they are no longer needed! First of all in the program WinDirStat I right click on the folder and click open.

The file folder opens in a separate Windows Explorer. Here I double-check that the files really weigh 8 gigabytes, and delete them!

I return to the WinDirStat program. I'm still wondering what this is a large number of files under light black? The files are small, but there are quite a lot of them. I press on the first file and pay attention to the upper part of the program.

Here I see that the file is located in the _acestream_cache_ folder, which is exactly 10 gigabytes in size! FUCK!

By folder name acestream I can easily determine that these files refer to the program of the same name, which I downloaded in order to . I am sure that the files that have accumulated in this folder are a regular cache that I can safely delete!

It turns out that I deleted almost 20 gigabytes junk files. No program would find these files.

At the beginning of the lesson, I already warned you that this way to free up memory not for beginners and I think you have already seen this. Finding files and folders that take up a lot of disk space is not at all difficult, it’s another matter to understand can these files be deleted?

But this does not apply to cleaning other drives. For example, if you want to define where is the disk space going?D:) , then after analyzing it with the help of the WinDirStat program, it will be easy for you to understand whether it is worth deleting a series or a game that takes up 50 gigabytes each. Well, with the system disk, where it is important not to damage Windows files, it's a bit more complicated.

Let's return to the WinDirStat program. Here I also want to tell you that you can use not only colored squares to understand where the place has gone. You can simply sort the folders by size at the top of the program, and if one of the folders weighs a lot, then you need to study them one by one.

We look at what is inside these folders and draw advising conclusions. For example, I opened several folders and see that one of them is called Camtasia Studio, and its volume is 1 gigabyte (for reference: Camtasia Studio is a program for).

I open Camtasia Studio and see that there is a CrashDumps folder inside, which I can safely clean up, since these files, in fact, were created when the program crashed, and now they are no longer needed.

Using WinDirStat program you get another disk cleanup tool. Apply what you have learned and benefit! Free up memory by analyzing .

That's all, I wish you good luck.

If you notice that you don’t know where the space on drive C is disappearing on your computer, then this usually means that you have a large folder System volume information. This folder contains information about saved control points used for system recovery. You will not be able to delete System Volume Information because this folder is a hidden system folder that is even protected from viewing.

How to open the System Volume Information folder

Many do not even know where the System Volume Information folder on the computer can be located because it just cannot be found.

Why is disk space decreasing With Windows 7

The TreeSize program will help you find the System Volume Information folder on your computer. TreeSize Professional portable was created specifically to reveal the complete structure of all folders on your computer. Launch TreeSize portable.

System Volume Information what is this folder

In the TreeSize Pro program, select the drive that you want to scan to find all the folders in it. In a few seconds you will have the complete structure of all the folders on your computer. Now you can open the System Volume Information folder and see what files are in it.

How to clean System Volume Information

No need to produce System removal Volume Information since this is a system folder and deleting it can lead to the failure of the entire operating system. However, you can delete the System Volume Information folder from the flash drive. You can remove System Volume Information from a flash drive by simply formatting the flash drive.
On the computer, it is recommended to reduce and clear the System Volume Information folder. To clear System Volume Information, you must first open the properties of the computer.

If free space on drive C disappears, then configure system protection

In the computer properties, click on System protection. A window called System Properties will open.

Why is disk space disappearing With Windows 7

The main reason for the disappearance of free disk space is Windows system functions

One of the main reasons for the slow decrease in the amount of hard disk space is the work of OS system functions, namely:

  • Recording restore points when installing programs, drivers and other changes, so that you can later return to a previous state.
  • Record changes when updating Windows.
  • Additionally, this includes the Windows paging file pagefile.sys and the hiberfil.sys file, which also occupy their gigabytes on your hard drive and are system ones.

Restore points in Windows

By default, Windows allocates a certain amount of hard disk space to record changes made to the computer during installation of various programs and other activities. As new changes are written, you may notice that disk space is wasted.

You can configure settings for restore points as follows:

I will not advise whether to disable this feature: yes, most of the users do not use it, however, with today's hard drive volumes, I'm not sure that disabling protection will greatly expand your data storage options, but it can still come in handy .

At any time, you can delete all restore points using the corresponding item in the system protection settings.

WinSxS folder

This also includes saved update data in the WinSxS folder, which can also take up a significant amount of space on the hard drive - that is, the space disappears with each OS update. I wrote in detail about how to clear this folder in the article. ( attention: do not empty this folder in Windows 10, it contains important data for system recovery in case of problems).

The swap file and the hiberfil.sys file

You can adjust the paging file size in the same place: Control Panel - System, after which you should open the "Advanced" tab and click the "Options" button in the "Performance" section.

Then go to the "Advanced" tab. This is where you can change the parameters for the size of the paging file on disks. Is it worth it? I don't think so and would recommend leaving. automatic detection its size. However, on the Internet you can find alternative opinions on this matter.

As for the hibernation file, you can read in detail about what it is and how to remove it from the disk in the article.

Other possible causes of the problem

If the above points did not help you determine where the hard drive space is disappearing and return it, here are some more possible and common reasons.

Temporary files

Most programs create temporary files when they run. But they are not always removed, respectively, they accumulate.

In addition to this, other scenarios are also possible:

  • You install the program downloaded in the archive without first unpacking it into a separate folder, but close the archiver directly from the archiver window and in the process. As a result, temporary files appeared, the size of which is equal to the size of the unpacked distribution package of the program, and they will not be automatically deleted.
  • You are working in Photoshop or editing a video in a program that creates its own swap file and crashes (blue screen, hangs) or loses power. The result is a temporary file, with a very impressive size, which you are not aware of and which is also not deleted automatically.

To delete temporary files, you can use the Disk Cleanup system utility, which is part of Windows, but it will not delete all such files. To run Disk Cleanup,Windows 7 type "Disk Cleanup" in the start menu search box, and inWindows 8 do the same in the Start screen search.

Incorrect removal of programs, cluttering up the computer on your own

And finally, also a very common reason that there is less and less space on the hard disk: the user himself does everything for this.

It should not be forgotten that programs should be uninstalled correctly, at least using the Programs and Features item in the Windows Control Panel. You should also not "hoard" movies that you will not watch, games that you will not play, and so on on your computer.

In fact, on the last point, you can write a separate article that will be even more voluminous than this one: perhaps I’ll leave it for next time.

Have you ever noticed why free space on the C drive disappears in Windows 7? It looks like you only use it for operating system, well, maximum, you install programs and save something to the “Download” folder from the Internet, but free space on the system disk continues to disappear. This problem may not occur due to any virus or your wrong actions, but due to the inefficient operation of the Windows 7 recovery system, an incorrectly configured paging file, too of great importance browser cache, various system garbage, etc. In this article, I will try to consider these problems of missing free space on drive C in Windows 7 and possible solutions.

Windows 7 recovery system and free space on drive C

This system creates restore points in the operating system so that the user can use them in case of any problems. This is very good, but sometimes the recovery system in Windows 7 can be configured incorrectly and cause the loss of free space on drive C. Disabling this system is not recommended, but you can reconfigure it to optimal settings. To do this, go to: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System -> System Protection-> Customize.

In the window that appears, we see that System Restore is already using 47.5 GB on our disk, and maybe all 59.62 GB, which will be 50% of the total disk space. Now it’s clear where the free space on drive C in Windows 7 disappears? This is quite simple to fix, first, by clicking “Delete”, we delete all restore points and restore our 47.5 GB. Then we move the slider to a value of 3-5%, this is quite enough for correct operation recovery system and click Apply. Now the recovery system will be allocated 3% of disk space, and not 50% as before, and we will be able to save almost half of the C drive from the previous values.

Swap file and free space on drive C

Sometimes Windows runs out of RAM and starts working with the paging file, i.e. a file on the system drive that serves as an aid to RAM. Accordingly, the size of the paging file may be different, depending on the amount of your RAM. You can read how to optimally configure the paging file in Windows and save free space on the system drive.

The rest of the garbage and free space on drive C

During the operation of the operating system, programs and browsers constantly create their own “cache”, i.e. temporary auxiliary files that they periodically forget to delete after themselves. Also, after removing various programs, files usually remain, which also, at times, take up quite a lot of space. Therefore, I recommend that you constantly clean your computer from obsolete files. This is easy to do with the free Ccleaner program. Just download and install the program, then click the “Clear” button, and the program itself will clean your hard drive from outdated system information using standard settings.

In this article, I looked at several reasons when free space on the C drive in Windows 7 disappears. The main reason was the system Windows recovery, by properly configuring which, you can save almost 50% of the system disk. You will also need to configure the paging file and clean up system junk ccleaner program.

If the article "why free space on drive C disappears in Windows 7" was useful to you, please share it with your friends

Have you noticed that somewhere on your hard disk space is disappearing, although you do not install or copy anything there? This happens, and quite often. This is especially noticeable in computers that have a small hard drive installed. In most cases, about 50% of the occupied space can be painlessly cleared.

The article has been hanging in drafts for a long time, but over the past week, a similar question has already been addressed three times. Since I'm used to answering questions like this with links to my site, I won't make an exception this time. After all, it is better to write a solution to a problem once than to talk about it a hundred times.

First, I want to talk about the most common reasons for your disk to fill up. If you think that you control the free space on your disk, I can disappoint you, you are not.

1. Automatic Windows Update

If you have automatic system updates enabled, be prepared for "tons" of downloaded update packages. Not only does the system download updates almost every day (or at least a couple of times a week), but all these updates are stored on your computer.

Alternatively, turn off automatic windows updates and install them every couple of weeks. Thus, part of the packages that are updated several times a week, you will update only once.

2. Temporary files, or Temp folder

While browsing the Internet, your browser downloads a huge number of files and images. In order for the web page of your favorite browser to open faster, the browser saves its images, markup file, and more, to a temporary folder.

The storage period for files in the temporary folder is different, from 1 to 30 days (sometimes more). Some files are deleted when the computer is restarted. If you want to clean up the temp folder forcibly, . After cleaning, you will see that you will have from 200 - 300 mb. up to several gigabytes.

3. swap file

There is such a magical file on your computer - pagefile.sys. This is the swap file. Your computer needs it so that when the RAM is 100% full, the computer does not reboot (namely, it would do just that, for the purpose of self-cleaning), but continue to work, referring to the paging file (instead of RAM).

This file is located at the root of drive C. Since it is hidden, you will not see it until you display hidden files (and system files).

As you can see, this file is 3.9 GB in size on my computer.

To change the paging file size you need to open advanced system settings - performance settings - tab "Advanced"

By clicking "Change" you can either change the size of the paging file or disable it altogether. With 8 GB RAM. and more \, it can be turned off altogether.

4. Hibernate file

This file is named hiberfil.sys. It is located in the same way as the paging file at the root of drive C. This file is needed for the correct transition of your computer to sleep mode. This state is relevant not only for laptop users, but also for users of ordinary PCs.

This file is needed so that during sleep, all the contents of RAM are copied into it. And when it wakes up, it is again copied to RAM. Thus, your computer “wakes up” in a matter of seconds. The size of the hiberfil.sys file is equal to the amount of your RAM.

5. Forgotten files

Let's take a closer look at this option. I recently cleaned my laptop from both dust and system debris. So, the client complained that there was no free space and it was not clear where it had gone.

After conducting a visual analysis, I could not determine what occupied all the free space. I had to use a special program. Free Disk Analyzer is a program designed specifically to determine the heaviest folders and files. Downloading the program

Install and run. Once launched, the disk scan will begin. Wait until it ends. The scanning process can be observed in the bottom panel

As soon as the analysis of folders is over, you can see what is the most “heavy” on your computer.

If you analyze my computer, you can see the four “leaders”

With the Windows folder and backup, everything is clear to me. The folder with Windows lives its own life, we will not climb into it, and the folder with backups is controlled all the time. I have a special relationship with the temp folder, I store temporary files and programs in it that I install temporarily (those that can knock on the priest). But the User folder, which stores user directories, interested me. Let's consider it in more detail

Since I am the only user on this computer, respectively, the data directory was only mine

Judging by this data, most of the space is occupied by the downloads folder and the folder with virtual machines.

After analyzing my computer, I realized where you can free up space. Without this program, it would be more difficult.

If you open the “Largest Files” tab, you can see the TOP of the largest files on your PC

I have virtual machine files and disk images.

So, back to the very client I cleaned the computer for. Having analyzed the most large files in the system, I found about 50 films of an adult nature. They took up more than 50% of the hard drive.

I didn’t delete it, you never know, maybe a person collects a collection, but drew his attention to it.

The article turned out to be voluminous, although I thought to write a small note. Now you can analyze your occupied space and clean your computer from all sorts of garbage.