The classmates social network resume page. Recovering a deleted page in Odnoklassniki: professional tips

Ways to restore a deleted profile in the social network Odnoklassniki. Access after self-deletion or hacking of an account. Using non-standard methods of restoring a personal page.

Standard recovery

To check if it is possible to recover a deleted profile, enter the account information on the main page. You can use any of the following options in the first text box:

  • Login;
  • Email address
  • Phone number.

In the second field, enter your password and click "Enter." If the phone was attached to the account, the system will redirect you to the necessary section. If the number was not specified during registration or later in the settings, returning the page in this way will not work. Use the Help function to write to Odnoklassniki technical support.

Advice! When contacting Odnoklassniki support, be sure to include information about the account you want to restore.

If the page was hacked by scammers

After stealing a profile, fraudsters change their password. Therefore, if a standard password does not work when trying to enter Odnoklassniki, it could be changed by a hacker. Click “Forgot Password” to proceed to return access. Choose what you remember about your registration:

  • personal information
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Login
  • Profile link

When choosing the first option, the system will offer to search the user database. For a more precise definition, it is recommended to enter not only the first and last name. Search is also available by age and city of residence.

Among the found personal pages, select yours by clicking on the "It's Me" button under the profile’s personal data.

Select where you want to send the verification code to restore access. When choosing email, a letter containing the necessary key will be sent to it. If you do not have access to contacts, you can also contact technical support. Specialists will ask you to specify additional informationto help identify you as the owner of the profile.

Note!  If a phone number was previously associated, you can also select it to receive a recovery code.

Training video: Returning your page to Odnoklassniki

Separate page recovery sites

On the Internet you can find special services that offer to restore a deleted account in Odnoklassniki. Such sites are often paid, tariffs for the recovery service start at 200 rubles. Even if you are willing to pay money to return a profile, do not rush to use such sites.

Any commercial offers that are not posted on the official website of Odnoklassniki are fraudulent. No actions are taken to resume access by the administration of such services. Moreover, the user agreement sometimes indicates that the service does not guarantee the successful return of the deleted page. Therefore, in the future it is rather difficult to present financial claims.

Important! Do not enter account information on other sites and do not pay offers to return your account.

This article will answer the question: “How to recover accidentally or specially deleted account  at Odnoklassniki? ”

The Internet has universally integrated into the modern life of most of the world's population, replacing the aging radio, television, mail and telephone. Instead of going to the cinema, many people now prefer to watch high-resolution films directly from the Internet through online cinemas in their home comfort. Instead of watching TV and reading the newspaper, news portals and information aggregators are used with might and main. The computer in one compact case combined a huge set of devices that took up excess living space. Naturally, the rapid development of telecommunication technologies did not pass by such an important sphere of life as communication. Hundreds of millions of people daily spend quite a lot of time on social networks, exchanging with friends and acquaintances information, messages, thoughts. Often, as soon as he wakes up, a person reaches for a laptop or tablet in order to check in the morning before work what new happened while he was sleeping, if anyone wrote messages, or sent something interesting.

Some users, having registered on a social network, use the same old page without creating new ones. Many users start personal profiles not in one, but in several social networks at once, so on different sites you can communicate not only with friends, but also with colleagues, relatives, people with similar interests or preferences in their spare time. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, the profile on the site may be deleted, sometimes even by the user himself, or access to it may be lost. This happens if your profile was attacked by intruders and they stole your username and password, or if you were blocked by the administration of the resource - this also happens sometimes. This can happen by mistake, or, again, due to the fact that fraudsters took possession of your page, and the support service froze it, depriving anyone of access to this page. If this happened by mistake, as a rule, access to the questionnaire will open automatically. Today we will touch upon the problems with deleting a profile in one of the most popular social networks in Russia and the CIS - What to do if access to my page has not been restored automatically and how to restore the old page in classmates - we will discuss the answers to this question in this article.

Why can not I go to my page

There are only a few reasons why you cannot get into your profile:

  1. Your account was hacked by attackers, and they changed the password;
  2. You were blocked by the administration for violating the rules of using the social network;
  3. You have been blocked by the administration due to complaints from other users of the resource;
  4. For some reason, you yourself deleted your profile.

In the first three cases, restoration of access is possible, and we will consider this procedure further, but in the fourth case, alas, it is not possible to return your old page. Even a call to a support service will give nothing but the time spent. The answer to any prayers and requests of users to return the deleted profile will be the same - unfortunately, this action is not possible. But in this case, you can go to the trick, and then there will be at least some chances to return the deleted profile and the old page. No one can guarantee that everything will turn out, because a lot depends on various factors: how long you deleted the profile, which tech support agent, etc., nevertheless, here is an algorithm that may help you regain access to classmates in the most advanced case .

Firstly, you must go to this Internet address. In the window that opens below, you need to find and click on the link "Contact Technical Support."

Indicate your data exactly as it was indicated in the questionnaire, leave the correct and working number of your phone, mailbox. You also need to write the entire situation in the “Problem Description” field as fully as possible, as if you didn’t delete your old page yourself, but the attackers, after gaining access to it, deleted it for unknown reasons. You, in turn, are in dire need of recovery, and still want to use the site classmates and return your deleted profile.

If you are lucky, then the technical support agent will meet you by completing profile recovery. If this does not help, then the only option to solve the problem will be to create a new questionnaire, and there will be no other way to return to the old one.

How to return my page if it was captured by intruders

If you have not deleted your profile, then the procedure for restoring access will be much simpler, and it comes down to recovering a password. When registering on the site, you should indicate your phone number to which SMS was sent with a code to verify your page. Thanks to this simple procedure, performed at the very beginning of acquaintance with the site, classmates, returning the data will not be so difficult. So, let's take a closer look at this procedure.

In order to get into the recovery form, you need to click on the button "Forgot your password?" On the main page of entering your profile in classmates. By clicking on it, you will go to the page where you will need to indicate your phone number, after which you will see two empty fields.

Fill in both fields by entering your phone number at the top, and a combination of characters (letters and numbers) in the second field, these are the signs from the picture next to the field to confirm that you are a person, not a bot-program for breaking data. Earlier, the administration of classmates allowed data recovery using mail, but since the mail itself is not protected from hacking, now it remains possible to recover forgotten data only by phone number.

Make sure that the code from the image was entered correctly, often it is hard to see and the characters are unreadable, as this protects against the possibility of text scanning by bot programs that are created to gain access to other people's pages. If you can’t make out the characters, try refreshing the page several times, or click on the “Show another picture” button. After the correct entry and pressing the “Continue” button, an SMS code will be sent to your phone, which must be entered in the window that appears.

After entering received in the form of SMS on your phone, make sure that it is completed without errors and press the button “Confirm”. If for some reason the code did not arrive on your phone, click "Request Code Again". If after some time the code has not arrived again, return to the previous page and check that the phone number is entered correctly. If for some reason, you did not immediately enter the code from SMS and returned to the recovery procedure later - it may not be valid, since a limited amount of time is valid, about an hour. If you have not entered it within an hour, then in order to access your page, you will have to go through the recovery procedure from the very beginning. Finally, confirming the SMS code sent to your phone, you can enter in the window that appears new password  to enter the site.

If for some reason the phone number you specified during registration is not available to you, for example, you have lost your SIM card for a long time and don’t remember the number, it means that you cannot restore it and use it, or you used someone else’s phone during registration and so on, and you enter the number, different from the one with which you passed verification during registration - you will not be able to recover data by phone. Therefore, if you still want to return the old questionnaire and not start a new one, you must go to the next proposed step, namely, perform the restoration by specifying your email address. Specifying your mail, you will receive a letter with a code in the mailbox.

Code received. How to restore my page further?

After you have received the requested code to your phone or mail box, enter it in the field that appears and click the “Confirm” button. After that, you will be prompted to create a new password. In order not to again become a victim of someone else's malicious intent, we strongly recommend that you come up with the most complex password. It is also not recommended to use elements of the name and date of birth in the password, as a rule - this is the first thing that crackers try when selecting a password for your account. After creating a new complex password, you will finally return access to your profile.

My page was blocked for violating the rules of the site. How to return access to my profile?

If, when you try to enter your classmates, you see a window in which you will be informed that your page has been blocked due to a violation of the rules for using the site, for example, for sending spam messages, this most likely means that your account has been hacked and attackers have sent spam on your behalf, using your friends list as an addressee. Most likely, most of them, having received such spam emails, complained about you, and you were blocked.

To return your good name and access to the questionnaire, you will need to contact support. To do this, go to this address.

In the window that opens below, you need to find and click on the link "Contact Technical Support." Next, in the window that opens, you must select the topic "Profile is blocked", and then carefully fill in all the fields. You will proceed in accordance with the instructions of the technical support agent.

There is also another way. After you have entered your username and password, you will be taken to a page where it will be indicated that you are blocked due to suspected hacking and for spamming. There will also be an instruction, acting in accordance with which, you can return access to the blocked page. Depending on the complexity of your case and the damage caused by spammers, as well as the number of complaints, you will need to either enter your phone number or guess from the photos of your friends. Unfortunately, the check is selected depending on the severity of the situation, so you cannot choose how to restore the profile yourself.

As soon as you enter the code from the phone or correctly select the names of friends, you will get access to your old profile without having to register again and go through all the procedures for adding information, friends, photos.

What to prevent my page from being blocked in the future

First, you need to create a password that is complicated enough to crack and, moreover, guess. Do not write it down anywhere and do not put a tick in front of “remember me” if you use someone else's computer. Also, if you went to classmates from someone else’s device, before giving it back to the owner, use the classmates to exit the social network so that your data does not remain on someone else’s device. Never, under any circumstances, transfer your username and password to third parties, as well as the code received from the site to your phone or mail, if you performed the password or page recovery procedure.

Please note that the page recovery procedure occurs exactly as described above.

My page is blocked and classmates are asked to fund their account to regain access

Never believe such messages, this is obviously a fraud. The whole procedure for restoring access is absolutely free and they just want to deceive you. Either this is the so-called "fake" site, or a virus. In both cases, do not replenish the account to scammers, it will not return you to the site, and you will only lose time and money. Either contact a qualified specialist, or install a high-quality antivirus, find the extensive instructions for removing malware from the bowels of your computer and its registry, and go to the website or click the link from search engines, or strictly to the addresses or Fulfilling these simple requirements, you will no longer have to ask questions “How did it happen that my page was blocked?” Or “How was my page deleted and what should I do?”. And also think many times before leaving the site, maybe in the future you will want to use the old page, and this will be impossible, since the old page cannot be restored and you will have to create a new profile.

Hello! My problem is this: I didn’t go to ok for a long time, and when I wanted to, a snag arose when I received the password, my phone number was long ago turned off by MTS due to the fact that I had not used this SIM card for six months, although I still had money on it . wednesday. And one more thing: during attempts to somehow go to ok, a new page was created from some kind of account with the name Luba Vinogradova. In general, I do not know what to do .. new page  cannot be deleted in any way, because it was created without a password. Help me please.  September 2

My laptop failed, in which I was registered with classmates and where there were many friends and photos. I used internot through a modem. When they presented the tablet, I did not find my page and started a new one. But alas and ah - everything collected earlier was lost, and I don’t like the new page at all. Since I’m not very friendship with modern innovations, I can’t return to my source in any way, but I would really like to ...  August 6th

the computer broke down for a long time did not go to the site I bought a laptop, and go to my station. I couldn’t think that it was removed and created a new one upon request, it turned out that the old page was not deleted, but I can’t access it please help solve the problem my data: Evgeny Zhasakbaev, Dr. 11/16/1951 Kamen-on-Ob, Altai Territory Russia  March 8

I did not delete the old page, just after those. The "register" window appeared, so I registered, I thought that it was necessary. But it turned out that he created a new page, but I do not need it, there is nothing there - no friends, no correspondence, no albums and photos - NOTHING. Everything remains on the old page, please help restore the old one and delete the newly created (empty) one.  The 25th of January

I climbed spontaneously fucking Windeue 10, I did not agree with him, after my precious 50 minutes, I began to restore the old Windows 8.1. after an nth time, I restored everything, but 2.5 of my videos poached. the main thing! In classmates I started from scratch! where is my music! My friends My groups! In Amigo, the music is preserved. and on page 0000000000! To whom to make a claim! Over the hill would have incurred huge costs, and we are not even 3 country but 4! Who will be responsible for the costs, where the fucking justice! No words, I don’t turn to mats, but I'm ready!  June 19, 2016

This is not the first time my password to access my page is not valid. Conducted password recovery - Got a new page. But what about my former - many years and my friends and groups? With uv. Alexander Agadzhanov. My acting email address [email protected] Help return to my previous page. My contact numbers are 8 952 08 94 617 or 8 918 09 68 902. With uv. A. S. Agadzhanov  May 31, 2016

Yesterday I couldn’t go to my page .. I received an SMS, Perhaps the attackers changed the information in your profile. The code came, entered, then entered a new password ... everything turned out. After a few hours I go back to the site, the table - enter the username and password. password entered. I don’t remember the login. the attempt was unsuccessful. upset, started a new page ... but I do not need it. All my friends, notes and everything that is dear to me, on the old page. I’ve been trying to restore it for 24 hours - everything without success. Please help to return the old page. It's important for me. Many thanks!  March 18, 2016

i couldn’t log in to my page through the phone I lost the phone, now I bought a new SIM card, the water class entered the new phone number, I restored it all and then I look at the old page, I wanted to transfer my photo from it, I can’t do it now, I can do two pages if can be restored old page  how.  February 11, 2016


Broken old computer. I bought a tablet, I tried to enter my data, but the tablet showed that the username or password was incorrect, although I left everything by writing from the notebook. the tablet received data is the same as before, by adding the numbers 126 before the old tin password, a new registration has turned out that does not suit me. How to recover previous page   July 15, 2015

Inadvertently instead of logging in again, the page is empty. I decided to remove it, but all went away. All attempts are in vain. They write an error, the page does not respond. And now they write the page has been deleted and cannot be restored. Although I get to it through Yandex, I see friends of the group, etc. I get a new one for the third time, but they don’t register me. They write that this number is already in use. But I have no other. I am 75 years old. Communication only by phone. There must be some way out? Who will help me? Where to go for help? Is this really a dead end? And whoever read these requests in classmates? For God's sake HELP!  Yesterday I found such a recommendation: open the C / Windows / system32 / drivers (driverguery) / ets drive - delete everything to line 127.0.0. 1 localhost and only that remains. file to save and reboot. but I did not find drivers, but only that word, which is in brackets. I tried to open a word that in brackets (a black box opens and the lines run at lightning speed) is a dead end! May 10, 2014

I want to return my old friends to a new page (it is written about me that I worked at the Stupinsky Metallurgical Plant), there are friends Yuri Shmarin, Sergey Cheshko, Olga Kartitseva, Evgeny g, that's all 12 people move my mail and my photo with my daughter, all the data that page, please!  May 7, 2013

Many account holders on this social network are wondering: “How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki after deleting a profile?”. The most competent answer to this question, we will try to give in this article. So, we will consider how to restore a profile in Odnoklassniki after removal. It often happens that it is blocked and removed, but for this to happen there must be specific reasons, such as:

  • The user independently deletes his account for any individual reasons that are known only to him, and this is an inalienable right of each profile owner;
  • Lawbreakers have cracked your address, and now it no longer belongs to you. That is, you can’t log into your own account, as it is illegally taken and used by third parties.
  • A profile can be blocked by the administration of the site for several reasons, for example, the spread of spam or prohibited information.
  • The reasons for blocking are very important, and you need to try to find out if you do not know why your account was deleted. Depending on this, a method is selected with which you can.

Is it possible to resume a remote page and how to do it?

The question “Is it possible?” Can be answered in the affirmative, but the specific circumstances of the case must always be taken into account. After all, if you did it yourself, it’s much more difficult than to regain the lost reputation of the account that the criminals hacked.

A deleted profile can be restored within 90 days from the date of deletion.

For this:

  • On the main page of the site, click on the "Register" button
  • In the phone input field, enter the number associated with your account.
  • Then follow the instructions on the screen and you can restore access.

We suggest you watch a video on how to recover deleted page:

What to do if your account has been blocked after hacking?

Many users are concerned about the question: How to recover a deleted page in Odnoklassniki by phone number after hacking? If your profile was subject to deletion after hacking, then you can perform the following operation. Use the creation of a new password. To do this, go to your account and select the desired item. Then follow the link phone. After that, an SMS with a code will be sent to your number, which was attached to the profile.

Enter the code in the menu item that appears and you will be transferred to the data replacement mode.

  In order to avoid future hijacking of your account, enter more complex passwords consisting of combinations of letters and numbers.

How to return a deleted page without a phone?

How to recover a deleted page in Odnoklassniki without a phone number? Without using a phone number, an account can be reanimated in several ways. To do this, you can select the following items in the menu:

  • "Personal data";
  • "Post office";
  • "Login";
  • "Profile link".

All of these methods involve performing the operation by email. Select an item in the menu called “Mail” and a letter will be sent to your address containing a link to change data about your account.

Using Support

Often there is a question: “how to restore a profile , if ?" . If you do not remember such important information, then your account is in a very dangerous position. To do this, you will need to compose a special letter containing information about you and your profile. This method does not always give a positive result. Now you know whether it is possible to recover a deleted page in Odnoklassniki and how to do it.

If you are blocked for violation of the rules

To restore the page in Odnoklassniki after deletion through the rules, you should contact the site support service. In your appeal, you need to indicate weighty arguments and your vision of the situation in order for the letter to work.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki after deleting a profile

The questions that readers of the blog ask us often mention the following: how to restore a page on the Odnoklassniki social network? Is it possible to do this at all? Let's try to figure this out together.

First of all, you need to find out the reason why the page was blocked or deleted. There may be several:

You yourself decided to get rid of your profile for reasons known only to you

Your profile has been blocked at the project administration level.

Now we will analyze each item more carefully.

I deleted the page myself

Fortunately, it is almost impossible to accidentally delete your profile from the site, for this you need to go through a simple, but not the fastest procedure. If you did this on purpose, then, unfortunately for you, account recovery is not possible. Of course, you can write a letter to the support service, but she will answer you the same thing - there are a lot of such cases.

Much less often, people delete only data about themselves. If you did this, then the problem is solved much easier for you - you need to place information about yourself back to the page. In all other cases, you can only be saved on the site. There is no other way out of the situation.

The page was hacked by cybercriminals.

Attackers very often pick up or steal data from profiles on social networks. They need it for “dirty business” - on behalf of a real user, they begin to send spam to their friends, who often contain malicious links with viruses. As a rule, scammers change their password and it’s already impossible to get on.

If such a situation happened to you, then calm down first - panic will not lead to anything good. Now you need to remember whether you linked your profile to mobile phone? If so, then everything is just wonderful. On the main page (or click on the link "Forgot your password or login?".

In the window that opens, enter your phone number, and a little lower - captcha. Wait a few minutes and a new password will come in an SMS message.

What to do if only an email address is available? The procedure is not much more complicated than in the previous case:

Go to the site

Enter your e-mail in the top line, again enter the captcha, click "Continue"

Now you can change the password to a new one. It must consist of at least eight characters, it must contain both letters and numbers.

The administration blocked the page

Quite often, administrators of Odnoklassniki block a profile. There can only be one reason - you have violated the rules of the site. By the way, spamming is also a violation of the rules. Therefore, if you think that the blocking did not happen through your fault, but, say, scammers, then you can report this to the support service. To do this, do this:

Go to home page  resource. Click "Forgot Password?"

At the bottom of the screen, select the “Regulations” section.

A window will open in which the first thing you need to choose a topic to contact: “Forgot your username or password”, “Can’t recover”, “Profile deleted or blocked”, “Problems with registration”, “Problems with activation”. Suppose you have chosen the topic "Unable to recover." Now you need to fill in all the fields, including first and last name, age, city, phone, e-mail, etc. Please note that you need to specify the data that is specified directly in your profile on the Odnoklassniki website.

Send an email. The response time is from several hours to several days. The answer will come to your mailbox.

Top Questions

Now we will answer the most popular questions related to blocking.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki:

If you forgot your username and password? Answer: as a login, you must use your cell phone  - you are unlikely to forget him. We recover the password using the method.

By name and surname? Answer: for this you need to contact Odnoklassniki support and explain the situation, not forgetting to indicate your name and surname, which are indicated in the profile.

If the phone number is lost? Answer: using e-mail, which is the login to enter the social network site. If you did not add mail after registration, you must contact the site support service.

Without a phone number and mail? Answer: only through Odnoklassniki support team.