How to set BIOS to factory settings. Tips on how to reset the BIOS in the computer and in the laptop. option is to remove the CMOS battery.

Available to user a large number of   various settings that relate to computer operation. Therefore, if they are used inaccurately, the computer may not work stably or may not start at all. In this case, reset the BIOS. In this article, we will talk about how to reset the BIOS and fix the unstable computer.

If irregularities are not resolved after these procedures, do not worry. In order to quickly and permanently eliminate the unevenness, it will be necessary to attribute the same to a more detailed analysis, when the service technician will repair the device in order to restore confidence in our services.

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If the computer boots up, and you have the opportunity to enter the BIOS, you can reset the settings through the BIOS Setup interface. To do this, find the menu item that resets the BIOS to standard.

Reset via BIOS Setup

Depending on the version of your BIOS, this item may be called differently. For example, Load Setup Defaults or Load Safe-Fail Defaults. After you select this menu item and confirm the reset, your computer will restart, and the BIOS settings will return to the default values.

To understand the various licenses, I advise you to read the page. Only configuration and software are changed, user documents are not changed. For everything that comes in case of crashes or crashes, you can read these folders.

  • For blue screen problems and crash.
  • And the Health tab for hard check   drive.
Therefore, three methods are possible and depend on the manufacturer and model of the computer.

In general, you must press a key to access the "boot menu". Read the contents of the first screen. Additional Information   On the page. Select the language "Install Now" and accept the license. You must choose the type of installation. To do this, instead of doing the next, click on the lower right button on the drive option. And click "Format."

If the computer does not boot or you do not have access to the BIOS, you can reset the settings using the special jumper on motherboard. In addition, on some expensive special buttons can be installed for.

In order to reset the BIOS using a jumper or button on the motherboard, you must turn off the computer and completely turn off its power. After that, remove the side cover of the system unit and find the jumper.

Formatting takes a few seconds because the installer uses a fast format. Please note: if you had problems with partitioning, for example, files did not reach the end, it is recommended to avoid quick formatting and deleting the system partition and recreate it for full formatting.

Then you must configure the computer protection settings, select: Use the recommended settings. Then the time and date parameters, as a rule, they are pre-configured. Then the location of the computer. Sometimes, for one reason or another, you may need to restore your computer to the factory settings. In these cases, this may seem like the best solution, however, if you decide to follow this path, in addition to having to install your own operating system, you will need to manually install all your drivers and programs.

Jumper to reset BIOS settings

The jumper is three pins on the motherboard, the first two of which are closed by a special nozzle. In order to reset the BIOS, you need to rearrange the nozzle to the second and third contact and wait a few seconds. After that, return the jumper to its place. This action will interrupt the current supply from the battery to the BIOS memory, and all settings will be reset to standard.

How to restore the factory settings of the laptop?

First, however, to restore your computer, you must first save your data or create a suitable copy. To do this, you usually use the same program that offers the possibility of recovery operating system   your computer. This will open the same program that allows you to restore the factory settings of your computer without entering the operating system. At this point, the appropriate procedures follow.

If you don’t do this or just have a simple menu, you may have the option turned on Fast loading downloads. At this point, to complete the recovery process, you just need to follow the instructions on the screen. At this point, to complete the recovery process, simply follow the on-screen instructions. In any case, at this point you should finally understand how to do this.

Typically, the jumper is located next to the battery and is signed as Clear CMOS, Clear RTC, CCMOS or CRTC.

If a button is installed on the motherboard to reset the settings, then you just need to press it.

If you are not sure that you have found the jumper and are afraid to damage the computer, then you can simply turn off the battery on the motherboard. This is a very simple and reliable way.

The computer turns on, but the video does not appear on the internal display or external monitor, and the computer does not start the operating system. On the results page software   and drivers for your model, make sure the detected operating system is correct. If necessary, click "Edit", select the operating system and version, and then click "Change."

It lasts about 10 years. However, you may also need to replace it earlier. For example, try troubleshooting hardware compatibility issues. Use what you consider the simplest. In case of problems that do not allow you to make a choice, proceed with the only method. One out of three should always be feasible.

In order to disconnect the battery, as in the previous method, we de-energize the computer and remove the side cover. After that, you need to find the battery on the motherboard. As a rule, it is located at the bottom of the board.

BIOS reset battery

In order to reset the settings you need to remove the battery with a screwdriver. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to scratch the motherboard. After the battery is removed, wait a few seconds and reinstall it. This will be enough to reset the BIOS.

As of the image. First you need to turn off the computer and unplug the power cord. Open your computer and find the jumper on your motherboard, like what you see in the photo. If you have trouble finding, consult your motherboard manual. Then place the jumper back, as before.

When you remove the battery, do not charge it for half an hour. You can change the setting, which can prevent the computer from starting correctly and lead to data loss.

  • Click Start, Shut Down Computer, and Restart.
  • When the command is recognized, “Enter Setup” is displayed.
  • Some models may use a different button.
  • The key is displayed during the startup process.
For proper erasure, the power supply must be connected to the system for approximately 10 seconds while the jumper remains in place.

  BOIS stores information and manages the basic equipment that is installed on your computer. The BIOS is also responsible for the correctness of the time displayed in the operating system.

Why reset BIOS

It may be necessary to reset the BIOS to the initial settings in the following situations:

Connect your computer and all devices connected to electrical outlets, then turn them on.

  • Remove the 2-pin connector.
  • Move the 2-leg jumper back to the password jumper.
System Service Guides at. Figure 1: Typical transition position on a desktop motherboard.

This method is usually used if you cannot access the jumpers or if it is a laptop. This method is valid for desktop computers and for some laptops. Portable systems, however, require opening the door below or even removing the keyboard to access the button battery.

1)   You installed some additional equipment in your PC, but refuses to be detected by the operating system, or there are problems with its operation: the equipment disappears from the system from time to time, the system freezes, etc.

2)   In attempts to “overclock” the computer, you set the parameters in the BIOS, which are actually not supported by the equipment installed in your PC. As a result, the computer completely stopped turning on.

The service manuals available at the address for the system in question See if you can apply this method. Disconnect the system from an external power source, remove the main battery of the laptop. Figure 2: Button battery on the desktop system.

Figure 3: Button battery on a portable system. The system password is cleared and deactivated if you start the system after removing this jumper. A bridge short circuit allows you to enter a password. The password jumper plug must be reset to its pins to enable the password function. Disconnect the keyboard and mouse, then disconnect the computer and monitor from the corresponding electrical outputs. Replace the 2-pin jumper on the password connector connector on the system board. Connect your computer and peripherals   to electrical outlets and plug them in. Remove the 2-pin jumper connector and set aside. . Some systems, especially laptops, may not always be able to reset your password this way.

3)   You have updated the BIOS, and in this situation, it is recommended to reset the settings.

4)   There was a need to reset the password that is requested when the computer is turned on (before the actual loading of the installed operating system).

This material will be described in detail and demonstrated on specific examples how to reset BIOS settings to default (default) on a personal computer and laptop. We will consider resetting the settings both from the BIOS itself and directly switching the contact \\ battery on the computer’s motherboard, which feeds the BIOS chip and does not "forget" the saved settings.

About the previous operating system

For proper erasure, the power supply must be connected to the system for approximately 10 seconds, until the jumper remains in place. System Maintenance Guides on the Address page. However, portable systems require opening the door below or even removing the keyboard to access the button battery. Replace the 2-pin jumper connector on the password connector connector on the system board. If you are having problems with your computer, the table below will help you decide which recovery option to use.

BIOS reset via the corresponding menu item

The simplest and most logical way to reset BIOS settings is to use the menu item that is available in the BIOS settings.

It should be noted that this item is available in almost all BIOS versions and variants, however its name and location may vary.

How to reset bios using a battery?

For information on how zeroing affects your applications and settings, the “Reset Computer” tab in this section. This will also delete the personal files, applications and drivers that you installed, as well as the changes you made to the settings. On the Select Option screen, select Troubleshoot, then select an option. If you do not see the option screen, the computer may not be able to boot from the device. This will remove all your personal files, applications and drivers that you installed, as well as the changes you made to the settings. The manufacturer’s applications on your computer will be reinstalled, and the default device partitions will be restored.

  • If the reset does not work, you can also restore it from the device.
  • Connect the recovery device and turn on the computer.
If your computer does not boot and you did not create a recovery device, download the installation media and use it to recover from a system restore point or restart the computer.

In order to guide you, I will show with a concrete example the location of this item in a typical BOIS.

To enter the BIOS settings, you must right away   after switching on (even before the operating system is loaded), press the key several times Del   on the keyboard of a personal (stationary) computer, or another key, if it is a laptop. Most often, the key is used to enter the BIOS on laptops. F2.

This will remove new ones. installed applications, drivers, and updates that may cause problems with your computer. Recovery from a recovery point will not affect your personal files. This will delete the applications and drivers that you installed and the changes made to the settings, but allow you to choose whether to save or delete personal files.

  • Choose.
  • Done.
  • Next Select “Repair” on your computer.
  • On the Select Option screen, select Troubleshoot.
Before you follow these steps, try restarting your computer with installation media.

In the once popular and ubiquitous BIOS version, this item was located in the main menu:

Load Fail-Safe Defaults   - reset BIOS parameters and settings to the default option. In this mode, all components of the computer will pass a full test. It is recommended to resort to it before installing the operating system and if it is suspected that some component is working intermittently, for example, a RAM card.

This will delete any personal files, applications and drivers that you have installed, applications and settings from the manufacturer of your computer, and make changes to the settings. Connect the built-in installation media to a non-working computer, then connect it. On the Initial Setup screen, enter your language and other settings, then click Next. If you do not see the setup screen, your computer may not boot from the device. Check the manufacturer’s website for your computer to find out how to change your computer’s working order, and then try again. Select Install Now. On the License Terms page, select "Accept License Terms" and click "Next." What type of installation do you want? Select Custom. Select the partition, select the formatting option you want to execute, and then follow the instructions. After formatting is complete, select Next.

  • Download the media creation tool and run it.
  • Select Create installation media for another computer.
  • Choose your language, edition, and architecture.
  • Follow the steps to create the installation media, and then select Finish.
This will save your personal files, but will delete applications and drivers installed after the update, as well as any changes made to the settings.

Load Optimized Defaults   - if you select this item, the BIOS settings and parameters will also be reset, but with a bias on optimization. IN this mode   some components will pass the "stripped-down" test, so that the computer will boot faster.

If we talk about laptops, then everything is somewhat more complicated. In them, the BIOS menu interface can be greatly redesigned and stylized as a company brand.

For example, in a laptop HP BIOS looks as follows. Here, the settings are reset by selecting Restore Defaults.

The name of the item resetting the BIOS may be different, namely: Load Setup Defaults, Load Optimized Defaults, Reset to default, Factory default, Setup defaults   and consonant. The location may also vary, most often this item is in the tab Exit.

Based on the foregoing, you will need to find this item in your BIOS version (including UEFI) and click on it. BIOS navigation via keys arrows, and select with Enter.

After resetting the settings, the computer will either restart, or you will need to exit the BIOS while saving the settings that were reset to the default option.

If you do not have access to the BIOS due to the password set, or the computer refuses to turn on after “experimenting” with the BIOS settings (as an option, in an attempt to overclock the computer), then the following method of resetting the settings is suitable for you.

BIOS reset via a jumper on the motherboard

Most computer motherboards have jumpers that physically consist of pins and, if necessary, are shorted using nozzles (jumpers). By closing / opening certain jumpers, the configuration of certain PC parameters is carried out.

By closing the jumper, which refers to the BIOS, the settings will be reset to the default option.

To reset the BIOS by using a jumper, do the following:

Unplug your computer by unplugging the cord from the electrical outlet. Then you need to arm yourself with a screwdriver and unscrew the screws that hold the side cover of the computer.

After gaining access inside, you will need to find a jumper on the motherboard located there, which is responsible for resetting BIOS settings and parameters. This jumper in most cases is located near the battery, which feeds the BIOS and does not let you forget the settings.

As a guide, the jumper is often signed accordingly: BIOS RESET, CMOS RESET, CLEAR CMOS, and the text can be shortened, for example, CLR_CMOS.

The jumper itself can consist of either two pins or three. If there are three pins, then rearrange the jump to the next pair of pins, and if there are two, you should borrow the jump from a different place on the motherboard. Only before taking a jumpik, remember, or rather take a picture of its original position.

After that, you need to hold the power button for about 10 seconds. The computer, of course, will not turn on because completely de-energized, just this procedure   necessary to reset BIOS settings.

Having done this, return the jump to its original position, and then put and screw the computer cover back on, connect the power.

Done, the BIOS has been reset. Now you can re-configure the BIOS settings, or use the ones that were set by default.

BIOS reset method with battery removed

The BIOS reset jumper is usually located next to the battery. This is due to the fact that the chip in which the BIOS settings are stored is not non-volatile. This battery just feeds the BIOS, allowing you to save the user-defined settings, as well as support the work of the built-in clock during a period when the computer is disconnected

Pulling the latch, carefully remove the battery for several minutes, and then return it to its place - the BIOS settings and parameters will be reset.

It should be noted that in rare cases the battery is non-removable. Take this fact into account if you see that the battery is very thoroughly seated in the slot.

Brief summary

Now you know in which cases it is worth resorting to resetting the BIOS, and how to do it. The first method is universal, while the second and third are more suitable for stationary personal computers. Notebooks also have a battery that powers the BIOS, but getting to it is often significantly more difficult.

If after reading the material you still have questions, do not hesitate to state them in the comments.