How to make recovery android. Restoring a Lenovo Phone from a Brick State. Lenovo phone does not turn on! Phone self test error

Phone Recovery  Lenovo P700i phone / smartphone operating system  Android 4.0 with IPS screen, 16.78 million colors - 480x800 dpi of brick. A modern mobile phone is such a complicated thing that it’s better not to go inside without having to.

It happens that due to lack of knowledge or negligence, after unsuccessful flashing, software change, the phone does not turn on, it is blocked. In this condition, the phone / smartphone phone Lenovo model p700i operating android system  4.0 with IPS screen, 16.78 million colors - 480x800 dpi called the "brick".

With a brick it is clear what to do, but what to do with such a phone? How to reanimate and run it? There is no universal remedy, for each model Lenovo ideaphone  s720 gray, P780 4Gb, Sisley S90 32Gb, A2010 and other models, has its own recovery methodsphone.

Errors on the phone, how to turn on the Lenovo P70, A536, S850 phone. Recovery from a brick state.

Information on how to restore Lenovo A319, S60, Vibe Shot, Lenovo g580, 70, s660 phone after flashing  or from a locked state, or when the phone does not turn on, you can read on specialized forums and sites.

Negligence or error when flashing the device of a Lenovo phone / smartphone a789 model on the Android 4.0 operating system with a capacitive screen - 480x800 dpi.

If you did something unhealthy with your Lenovo s660, vibe x2, vibe z2 phone, and after that it stopped loading at all and doesn’t let it into either the recovery, the FTM or the fastboot, then do not despair. One more remedy remains:

Recovering non-included, dead Lenovo phones at home.

   - recovery of Lenovo phones, after unsuccessful firmware. The description posted on the site uses the so-called Jag method. The essence of the method is that you need to make a special Jag plug by soldering the contacts (4 and 5) between each other through a 301kOhm resistor. This jag is inserted into the phone phone Lenovo ideaphone s720 gray TFT IPS - 540x960 dpi with the battery removed. More details on how to restore your phone in this way are described here.

Restoring your Lenovo phone to a healthy state.

- for phone owners. You can view a list of all supported devices, such as the Lenovo P780 4Gb color IPS phone, the touch - 1280x720 dp and others, the Motorola Phone Recovery FAQ is located at the link above. The site also provides a description of restoring the phone by closing the contacts with the battery removed.

Before recovering your phone, you need to download and install special program  to the PC: Random "Developments Flash & backup. Next, you need to: remove the battery, close contacts 4 and 5 on the phone’s connector (see photo), keeping the needles closed, insert the battery, open the needles, insert the cord into the connector and connect it to the computer, in Random "s Developments Flash & backup should receive a message that the phone is Lenovo Sisley S90 32Gb color AMOLED, 16.78 million colors, touch - 1280x720 dpi connected.

Restoring a Lenovo Phone from a Brick State.

   - this method of restoring Lenovo a7, g570, a5000 phones of different models, different manufacturers. When restoring a Lenovo b50, a328, s860 phone, software is specially used: a standard flasher from MTS, a programmer from ZTE and a HEX editor. A detailed description with screenshots of the actions posted on this page of the site (see link).

Lenovo Phone Recovery via SEMCtool.

   - This manual is for restoring some Lenovo models. Symptoms of a breakdown: lenovo phone  a6000, s820, g50 hangs on “Please wait”, blinks with a white display, there is no network signal, there is no connection through DCU-60, neither through “C” nor through “2 + 5”. The method of recovering Lenovo A2010 phone phones is a color TFT, 16.78 million colors, touch - 854x480 dpi located on this site - using a service cable, in conjunction with SEMCtool v8.7 software, which can be downloaded for free, on the same site.

Recover Lenovo Water Cell Phone Damaged - Drowned.

- instructions with pictures on how to restore Lenovo a7600, a8, a916 phone after it falls into the water. In order to prevent corrosion of the elements of the phone Lenovo P70 phone color IPS, 16.78 million colors, touch - 1280x720 dpi, you must very quickly pull it out of the water and remove the battery. Then the case is removed and the phone is placed for two days in a jar filled with rice. The fact is that rice absorbs moisture very well and is an excellent absorbent. Ordinary homemade rice will draw all the moisture out of the smallest components of the Lenovo tab 2 a10, vibe p1, vibe pro phone, and also prevent corrosion. As an absorbent, at home, you can use cat litter.

How to fix "Error during operation" in Java on Lenovo phones.

   - instructions for users of Lenovo a2109, s2109, k1 phones in case of problems with installing applications or games on the phone. If the message “Error performing the operation” pops up when entering the application / game folders, this means that the Java machine on the Lenovo A536 phone’s phone has flashed color, and the touch screen is 854x480 dpi. This problem can be eliminated by simply removing and inserting the memory card into the phone. If this does not help, more complex actions will be required. To restore the functionality of the Java machine, you will need to reflash the FS-file of the firmware and do the finalization. Learn more about how to do this in this article.

How to turn on your Lenovo phone.

To enable the Lenovo thinkpad tablet 2, ideatab a2107 16gb 3g, yoga touch phone, do the following:

Press and hold the power key until the phone vibrates.
   - If the phone was turned on, but the screen darkened, press and release the power key to turn it on.
   - the image of the lock appears on the screen to unlock the screen, drag the lock icon or click on it.
   - when prompted to enter a code, enter the PIN code from your SIM card. In most cases this is 0000 and click OK.
   - wait until the phone starts.

Note:  The PIN code from the SIM card is located on a plastic card or in the package received when buying a SIM card in the salon cellular communications. But be careful, if the PIN code is not correct three times, you can activate the SIM card only through the PUK code, which is also in the kit received when you purchased the SIM card. If the PUK code is lost, it will be possible to restore it only by the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation on which the SIM card is issued. Therefore, do not enter the PIN code incorrectly more than three times. If you have lost your PIN code and there is no way to restore it through your service provider, you can do the following.

Cancel the request for entering the PIN code when turning on the Lenovo ideatab s2110, s2109a, ideapad a1 phone. To do this, find another SIM card with a known PIN code (you can assign a PIN code in the settings) and insert it into your phone. Turn on the phone according to the items described above, when entering the password, enter the pin-code known to you from another SIM card. After successfully turning on the phone, go to the phone’s settings and cancel the request for entering the PIN code when turning on the Lenovo S850 phone’s color IPS phone, the touch screen is 1280x720 dpi. After doing this, turn off the phone and change the SIM card. Now when you turn on the phone, the system will not require you to enter a PIN code.

This is of course elementary advice, but there is a solution to problems and more serious.

Tip.  Initially, the SIM card PIN is provided by the network operator, but then it can be changed in the Options menu. To correct the error when entering the SIM card PIN, tap the “Delete” icon.

Lenovo phone does not turn on! Phone self test error

The very first thing you need to do is try reflashing the Lenovo k900, a820, 720 phone. But the problem of not turning on the phone can be not only because of the “flown” software, but also because of the breakdown of the power on / off button, the breakdown or failure battery - charger, etc.

Lenovo phone does not turn on. What to do?.

   - highly detailed description  problem fixes Lenovo s880 phone, ideaphone a800 black, a690 black does not turn on, how to turn on the phone. The article is divided into paragraphs, with a solution to each problem by points: checking the power source - the battery, the power button is faulty, the power button circuit, the power controller or violation of its soldering, secondary power sources - processor power, memory, etc. devices setting software mobile phone  phone Lenovo S850 color IPS, touch - 1280x720 dpi.

Instructions for recovering a phone Lenovo A319 phone on an Android 4.4 platform on a screen with a resolution of 800x480, color type, 16.78 million colors, touch from inoperative state - brick Learn how to restore the device, turn on the Lenovo p770, a660, p700i, a789, ideaphone s720 touch gray, P780 4Gb, Sisley S90 32Gb, A2010, P70, A536, S850, A319, S60, Vibe Shot, K3 Note, g580, 70, s660, vibe x2, vibe z2, a7, g570, a5000, b50, a328, s860 , a6000, s820, g50, b590, a7600, a8, a916, tab 2 a10, vibe p1, vibe pro, a2109, s2109, k1, thinkpad tablet 2, ideatab a2107 16gb 3g, yoga, ideatab s2110, s2109a, ideapad a1, a2109a, windows 8, a2107ah, s890, k900, a820, 720, s880, ideaphone a800 black, a690 black, 770, 800, a2107a and what to do if the cell-phone does not turn on .

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Icons from the Android desktop may disappear for several reasons and you can restore them - return them to their place.

Icons of the front camera, SMS, phone handset, menu, call, message, play market, switching the camera, gallery, Internet, flashlight, download, YouTube, settings, viber (vibe), skype, wi-fi, microphone, name lettering can disappear icons, notes, and so on.

The most common reason is transferring applications to a memory card. After a reboot, they may disappear.

The second reason is an accidental deletion. The android screen is very sensitive, and you could not replace that you accidentally deleted the icon or even the application.

The third reason is the spontaneous movement of icons. On an Android phone, you can easily accidentally move an icon from the desktop, for example, to a folder that is automatically created

Other options are not excluded - rare. If your reason for the entry is not affected, let me know through the comments and we will find a solution.

  • By the way, there is a good program that corrects errors that occur in android phones. Here she is: .

How to return missing icons from the desktop - the reason is in the flash drive

To return the android icons that disappeared due to the movement of applications to the memory card, you need to transfer them again to the phone’s memory.

Note: I am writing based on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone with installed android  6.0.1 - therefore, your configuration is insignificant, but may differ.

  If you can transfer the file to the phone’s memory and the icon is back - fine, if not, delete the application and install it again, only now in the phone’s memory (remove the USB flash drive during installation).

What is described in this section applies to third-party icons. With built-in, of course, this option will not work. How to restore them - see below.

How to restore icons from embedded applications if they disappeared from the desktop

The built-in icons include those that may disappear: SMS, camera, phone, menu, play store, gallery, Internet, YouTube, settings, notes, etc.

It is impossible to remove these programs (if it is possible to modify the firmware, install root rights).

They almost always disappear due to accidental movement or deletion and disappear only from the desktop, and always remain in the menu.

Therefore, if this is your case, go to the menu (usually a white icon with nine black dots) and look for the icon in it.

Then, click on the icon with your finger, hold it for 2-3 seconds and then you can drag it to the desktop (it will also remain in the menu).

In some devices, the icon sticks to your finger, but you can’t take your finger off the screen otherwise you will have to repeat the procedure.

In this way, you can quickly restore the missing icon - return to the place as it was before.

What to do if the icon is gone and you do not find it in the menu - how then to restore

Yes, sometimes the icon can not be found. Why? Because if the icons do not move when moving (even randomly), a folder will be created on its own and it will fit there. For example, as in the figure below.

Then open the folder (stamp on it) and drag it onto the desktop using the method described above.

ATTENTION: carefully inspect the screen of your smartphone or tablet, otherwise you may not notice the folder.

NOTE: creating such folders is a great way to reduce the number of icons that you rarely use (some have hundreds and you might get lost on the screen).

Missing icons are an interesting way to quickly restore

You can return the missing icons in another way - using the application of the launchers.

Lunchers have been developed a lot, but most of them are in a hurry - that's why they are buggy.

I recommend the “Hola Launcher” (no crash was noticed during experiments). After installation appearance  screen is converted (built-in will be replaced by a new one).

Moreover, if the icon is missing and it is not in the list, you can create a new one. That's all. There are comments and a solution, drop a line in the comments - fix it! Decide! Good luck!