How to find comments on a surname on Facebook. How to search people on Facebook: simple methods.

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Despite the fact that in the Russian segment Facebook search is at least miserable, you can always find the person you need by name, phone or mail, as well as a company or business page by keywords. Of course, there are some nuances - we will tell you about them right now.

So, how does Facebook search work? The search bar is at the top of the page (white box on a blue background). After the user has entered the query, the most relevant results according to the social network will appear in the drop-down box below. Want to see the whole list? No problem - just click on the “Show more results” link below or on the magnifying glass icon at the end of the search bar. If you press Enter, the topmost result will be opened, and not the output page. In short, the search is very different from what we are used to seeing in Yandex or Google.

Facebook always categorizes search results into sections (business pages, groups, people). Pay attention to the column on the left:

Back to the features of the search. If the query you entered consists of two words, then in the results you will see pages containing two words in the title:

That is, if you need a selection of business pages or groups on a specific topic, it is better to enter keywords   to the search bar individually.

How to search for people on Facebook?

In addition to searching by first and last name, you can try to find a person by email address. If it was used during registration or specified in the profile, there will be no problems with the search:

The same thing happens when you enter a mobile number in the search bar:

Of course, if you wish, the user can prohibit such a search option, and even if you know his mail and phone, it will be unrealistic to find a person on Facebook. To do this, go to your account settings, select "Settings" (looks like an arrow pointing down):

In the menu on the left, select the item "Privacy" / "Who can find me?" By clicking "Edit", we change the settings to your liking:

You can search for people on Facebook by region, place of work or study. After entering in search string   First and last name you only need to select the "Users" filter. It will help narrow your search:

If you don’t need any type of filter now, you can get rid of it by simply clicking on the cross on the right side of the screen. Well, to return this field back, you will need the option "Add Filter".

In the second part of this article, we will talk in detail about how it will be possible to get into the Top of search results on Facebook. This is a very important topic, do not miss!

Facebook is a smart animal and takes a lot of things into its own hands. He will not allow you to find the parameters of a stranger of your liking in the same way as VKontakte does. But he will offer an unknown source of acquaintance who has jumped to you like a devil from a snuffbox. No one knows for sure the algorithm by which the fb offers friends. Someone noticed that even geolocation is used. That is, if you often stand with someone in the same line at the clinic, that person may one day appear on your Facebook in the “You Can Know Them” section.
You yourself cannot find a damn thing. The maximum is to enter the name and surname of a friend, and see what happens. But this restriction on Facebook searches can be circumvented. There is a convenient service for advanced search “Search is back”. With it, you can find a person by city, age, interests. But first, consider a basic search, get bored.

Regular search

A regular search can find a person by name. At the top there is a search box. It is designed to search for people, groups, interests and everything else. To find a person, start typing their name in the search field. You will be offered a whole list of people. If no one is good, click on the “more results” line. In general, Facebook offers them on the principle of being close to you: first friends, then “friends of friends” and those with whom you are in the same group or somewhere intersect. And if you are constantly looking for someone, this name will be the first to drop out.

Unfortunately, here you cannot search, for example, all unmarried girls under 25 of your town, how to do it on VKontakte. And you cannot set other criteria. But one wise guy created an excellent service “Search is back”. He opens up these and other possibilities.

Facebook search service “Search is back”

What can be done here?

  • Find a person by age, city, status. For example, all single girls in Moscow born from 1990 to 1995:
  Search for people by criteria
  • Find friends who are currently working in the company you want to get a job with.
  • Find out which friends live in the city where you are currently traveling.
  • To find the person whom you saw recently at a party, knowing that he is a friend of such and such and works there.

The service also allows you to search for photos, posts, comments, likes of a specific user or just people. For example, you can find

  • Photos in which a certain person (or two people) was marked. This is in case you want to track your ex-wife.
  • All comments and likes of a specific person that interests you
  • Events to which your friends are invited in the evening
  • All posts of friends about Montenegro (let's say you look at this country for a vacation)
  • Friends who love certain music (with whom to go to a concert)

The interface has four tabs: people, events, posts and photos. Switch depending on the purpose of the search. The photos tab is generally simple: choose who, what and where did it.

  • For example, all photos of all users taken in Montenegro.
  • Or: photos of Petit that one of your friends liked.
  • Or: photographs in which Vasya and Klava are marked anywhere.
  • Or: photos that Vasya liked.

How Facebook treats this

Although the fb itself does not allow such a search, it nevertheless does not prohibit the service. After all, you could find all this information manually, if the Internet had been shoveling for a year, and you were lucky to stumble upon all this. But still the situation is ambiguous, and in the future the existence of this service, in my opinion, is in question.

And now it’s just a find that gives great opportunities. It is even strange that no one knows this service and does not use it.

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Using the latest search engine, users can find the information they need. Be it music, video, a group on a topic of interest or a personal page, application or event. It is also worth noting that you can find a person on Facebook without registering on the site. Below we will describe in detail about each item in more detail.

All the issues that we will consider here, they are quite ordinary and there is nothing secret or unknown. We took into account the desires and needs of our users who have just begun to master social networks   and a lot of things they can’t figure out.

Search for people by last name and first name

Today, it doesn’t matter whether you have registered in the social network or not - you can search using a third-party service specially developed for this.

And so, you know the name and surname of the person you want to find. Go to the site: and in the search term enter a name with a surname or just a surname. Click the “Find” button and select the desired social network. In our case, this is Facebook.

In our case, Chups is a surname. Now many users enter their nickname instead of their last name. The name is Tyoma.

In the special fields above, you can indicate the age of the person, his place of residence, work or study.

If the desired user has an avatar installed, you can easily find it from the photo. Thus, you can search for people on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, My World and many other sites.

Find people by country and city

Using the service described above, you can search for a person on Facebook by country and city. You just need to enter the country, city or region in the appropriate field and click on the "Find" button.

  The search results will show all registered users whose page is open for indexing by search engines.

If a person does not have a photo on the avatar, it will be very difficult to find among all the participants that will be presented in the search results. Therefore, enter as much data as possible about the people you are looking for.

How to find a person on Facebook by age

Through a special Yandex service    it is possible to select a criterion for searching by age.

This makes it possible to find an interlocutor for his age category.

By clicking on the "Details" button, you will receive full information   about the user and you can compare it with the data that you have. Namely, the person’s nickname, city of residence, information on education (school, gymnasium, lyceum, university, etc.). Links to the pages of this person in all social networks will also be provided.

It is worth noting that with this search you can not find the groups, applications and games you are interested in, events and pages. Here we described only how to search people on countries and cities on Facebook if there is no registered profile. For a more advanced search, we recommend.

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Social today facebook network   is almost the most popular. She can be envied even by Twitter or Odnoklassniki. But many are interested in the question of how to search for people on Facebook, because the search system is somewhat different from the above services. Let us dwell on a few key points.

How to search people on Facebook: the main rules

The search system in this social network is built quite non-standard. The fact is that people can be searched on Facebook in several ways. At the same time, if you set a search when entering the name of the settlement, nothing can come of it. The system simply displays, for example, a registered city page or points to created groups.

In such a situation, people must be searched on Facebook at least by entering the respondent’s name and surname. It is advisable to indicate in the search bar first the name (surname), and only then the locality (residence, birth, etc.).

It is possible that the network itself will start the search exclusively on the list of already registered friends. If a mismatch is detected, the search will continue according to the specified conditions. But, as already clear, the list may be too large. Therefore, in the search engine, additional conditions should be applied, if you want, filters. For example, you can specify a school or university along with the name, surname or place of residence (birth). When registering in additional dating services, you can enter your address in the appropriate fields, after which they will identify people nearby.

But after all, as we all understand, not every user is registered on the network under his real name (take at least a change of family name when girls are married). How to search for friends on Facebook in this case?

System Tips

To get started, you can use the system prompts that warn the user that he may know some person. Such a system works on the basis of the so-called theory of correspondence dating. In other words, the question of how to search for people on Facebook is solved by analyzing friends of friends (friends of friends) who are listed. By the way, almost all the most popular social networks work on this principle (Odnoklassniki, Twitter, etc.).

When the user sees that he really knows a specific person, you just need to click on the add friend button. You don’t even need to visit a profile in order to activate sending a corresponding request.

Manual data entry

One of the smallest steaming options is to search for friends in manual mode. To do this, use a special field at the top of the page, where you need to enter the name, surname or nickname of a potentially registered user.

After that, a list of persons will be displayed that best matches the established criteria. If necessary, you can expand the search results by clicking on the bottom link for more results. The system, by the way, works in an interesting way. For example, the names Sergey and Seryozha are automatically included in the search results.

The catch is only that sometimes the user needs to be found in the locality of residence. If you simply set its name, the results will initially display only links, say, to official city portals. Therefore, for the search to work as expected, you must first enter a name, and only then register the name of the settlement. Please note that brief user information is also provided first with the name, and only then - the place of residence.

Search for photos on Facebook

But you can change the name during registration, as well as information about your village. What to do in this case?

Here the photo search system comes to the rescue. And as it turns out, few people know about it. True, it is believed that this service on Facebook is absolutely hopeless, since any attempt to insert a picture in the search field gives absolutely no result. Nevertheless, you can use the services search engines   like Google or tofinder, in which you just need to drag the photo stored on your hard drive into the search bar. Perhaps it is in this way that you can find the right person.

In general, the problem of how to search for people on Facebook has several simple solutions. What to use, the registered user decides. If nothing really helped, you can try to find the right person through the WhoIs service.

At present, finding a specific person in the virtual space is not a big problem. Especially in the case when the desired person has accounts in different networks. Then, it will be enough to enter data about it in the search bar, press Enter. You will see a list of all matches. Some social resources, for example, allows for search without registering Facebook.    You can do this by entering information about the person you are looking for in Yandex or Google. Type in the person’s name and surname and add the mark “Facebook”.

All matches you will see on the screen. However, in this way you can’t see all the upcoming events,    and pages. For more extensive access, it is best to have a Facebook account.

Search people on Facebook by last name

Easiest find people on Facebook by last name.   To do this, just drive the name of the person you are looking for in the search bar on home page   on Facebook. It is located directly above your photo. When you enter, Facebook first shows those users who have common acquaintances with you.

Then, the most , events and groups. If you do not find the profile of the person you need, click on the line of display more   results. You will see all the people matching your request. Try entering the last name and first name of the person in English, if you still do not see the desired result.

So that Facebook shows you only people, and not places and events in one place. Click on the magnifier icon. On the left side, mark the "Users" section and again go to the top line. Also, individuals you are not friends with on Facebook are located in the “You Can Know Them” section right below your main picture. When you select "see all", you will see people who studied with you at the university or with whom you worked in the same place. Perhaps the profile of the person you are looking for is located in this area. If you do not want to look at their pictures anymore, click on the delete button. Facebook will no longer show this or that person.

Find people on Facebook by city

To commit facebook people search by city    you need to go to the "Find Friends" section. On the right you will see the graphs in which you need to enter information. Already in the process of filling Facebook will begin to search for data for you.

The first on the list of people will be those with a large number    and   on Facebook. If you know email   person and you want to find him on Facebook, enter her in the field above the search. When you click on the VK icon, all your friends from the contact who are on Facebook will appear in front of you. You can also enter Skype person or mail on Yandex.

You can also find people around the city on the Facebook homepage. Enter the person’s first and last name, and then sign the city. Next, you can select the profile you need from the list and send a request to add to friends. In the friends search section, you can see a list of all sent requests and cancel unnecessary ones. On Facebook, besides people, you can find interesting public pages, popular books and programs. To do this, open the "Friends" section and scroll down the page.