How to clean the game cache. How to clear World of Tanks game cache

17 March 2016, 00:06 admin 36 684

What is the WOT cache and why clean it?

Cache in World of Tanks, however, as in any other program, these are temporary files that store some information. For example, the browser cache stores the elements of the sites you visited (pictures, scripts and other static elements) - this is done so that the sites open faster and thereby save time spent online.

From Wikipedia:

Cache (cache)  - intermediate buffer with quick accesscontaining information that is most likely to be requested.

Regarding WOT, the cache stores data such as:

  • game settings
  • login and password,
  • settings and temporary data (for example),
  • battle results
  • chat messages ...

And much more.

Why do I need to clear the World of Tanks cache?

Like any other information, the cache in the brainchild takes place. The longer you play tanks, the more data accumulates there. Each time the client loads, the cache is read, which can slow down the performance, since all this information clogs the extra memory.

At the same time, even after the World Tanks has been completely removed or updated, the cache will not go anywhere and will remain there until you manually eliminate it. This explains the fact that the password and login are saved even when reinstalling the game (if the option "remember me" is enabled).

In some cases, if no other methods already help, clearing the WOT cache helps to cope with problems such as:

  • game crashes to the desktop,
  • brakes (low) or the game client has stopped loading,
  • glitches (hangar without tanks, interface bugs, etc.).

There is also a version that clearing the cache can affect statistics, but this is for superstitious ones.

If you encounter one of the above situations, you need to delete the cache files.

How to clear World of Tank cash games?

To do this, you first need to find the folder in which it is stored:

  • Windows XP:  C: \\ Documents and Settings \\\\ Application Data \\ \\ WorldOfTanks
  • Windows Vista / 7/8: C: \\ Users \\\\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ \\ WorldOfTanks

Instead, the name of your account.

By default, this is a hidden system path, so you need to open the display of hidden folders and files in the settings of Windows Explorer. If you don’t know how to do this or there’s no desire to search for a folder manually, you can do this semi-automatically:

  1. press the keyboard shortcut WIN + R,
  2. in the small window that appears, enter % appdata%  and click Ok,
  3. a new window will open in which we are looking for a folder  and in her WorldOfTanks.

In the specified folder, you will see the following contents:

If you have a clear problem with the tanks, they will not start, fly out, or something else - select everything that is in this folder and delete. This will delete the username, password (they will have to be re-entered) and all your game settings, including options for graphics, gameplay, markers, etc..

If you want to carry out only preventive work, you can delete everything, besides  file preferences.xml  - it stores the game settings.

Even if you delete EVERYTHING, this will not harm the game!  At the first start, all important deleted files  will be restored, and the data inside them will be restored to the standard form.

The developers themselves advise using their solution to clear the cache - a special script:

  1. Close the game client.
  2. Download and run this file.

rmdir / S / Q "% appdata% \\ \\ WorldOfTanks \\ custom_data"

To safely solve problems with the game, you can do the following:

  1. delete folder custom_data  (manually or using a tool from Wargaming),
  2. if it doesn’t help, delete all other files from the cache.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that deleting the cache is just one way to solve many problems. The reasons, as well as the solutions, are always different. For example, sometimes it’s enough to update the video card driver to avoid graphics bugs, while the cache there will be completely out of place. Try and experiment.

I hope this article has been helpful to you.

  11 months and 2 weeks ago Comments: 9

Today we look at what the cache in World of Tanks is, how to clean it, and why. We also learn how to do this automatically, with the help of a script, and what problems can be expected after cleaning.

The cache in games is almost similar to the cache of various utilities software. Cache is called  temporary files that store some information in themselves. For example, the cache of any browser stores information about the sites visited by the user or viewed images. All this was invented so that when you visit the site again, it opens faster than the first time.

What is the cache in World of Tanks

As for World of Tanks, here the cache stores:
  • user settings of the game itself;
  • given for entry;
  • player’s personal statistics;
  • chat messages.

Why clean cache in WOT?

By all rules, any information takes a certain place, as well as with the game. The more time a player plays, respectively, the bigger the size becomes  these most temporary files. Each time the game client starts, the cache is counted. Moreover, if you do not clean it, then over time, this process will take place long time  and slow down the computer system, because, as already mentioned, any information takes place.

Many people think that after updating a game or client, the cache is reset, but this is not true. Such moments are explained by a simple example, that after the update, for some reason, the login information does not go anywhere. In any case, the entire cache must be deleted manually.

What problems does cache clearing in WOT solve?

There are situations when nothing can help the user optimize World of Tanks, then clearing the cache can give the following:
  • stop sudden departures;
  • increase frame rate (FPS);
  • remove various glitches (detailing buggies and other unpleasant moments);
If there are similar symptoms with the game, then the first thing be sure to clean the game cache.

How to clear the World of Tanks game cache

First, you need to find the desired folder:
  • for Windows XP:  C \\ Documents and Settings \\\\ Application Data \\ \\ WorldOfTanks;
  • for Windows 7,8,10:  C \\ Users \\\\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ \\ WorldOfTanks.
Where “”   - Account.

In any Windows, these are hidden folders, you can open them using the control panel. For especially lazy people or those who don’t know how to open the control panel, you can go the other way, through the Run command:

  • hold two keys WIN + R;
  • after which, in the window that appears, or rather the input field, write% appdata%, then just press OK or Enter;
  • the system almost immediately opens a new window in which you need to find (this is the folder), after you find it, another folder with the name of the game is in this folder - "WorldOfTanks".
This folder will contain the content that you want to delete.

Many are afraid that after that the system immediately flies, but this will not happen 100%

The maximum is that the login and password are lost, which simply then enter on a new one and that's it. And those who can not remember their data, it is better to write them before the procedure on a piece of paper or in text file. Naturally, all settings will be lost, but they can be set again.

If, you just need prevention, then you need to leave the file preferences.xml. This file is responsible for the game settings.
If, nevertheless, this file was accidentally deleted, then this will not affect the game itself, in addition to what is described above.

  • you need to close the game with the client;
This script does not clear the game at 100, it only clears the custom_data folder. And this is the very team that he works on:
rmdir / S / Q “% appdata%, \\ \\ WorldOfTanks \\ custom_data”.

In order to speed up the game as much as possible, you can do this:

  • delete custom_data;
  • if deleting this folder has not affected in any way, then delete all other data without exception.
In conclusion, I want to note that clearing the cache is one of many ways to solve such problems.. Likewise, the reasons can be very different. Sometimes, you just need to update the driver and everything will be fine.
  1. Close the client if it is open.
  2. Press the key combination Win + R.
  3. Enter in the field "Open": (you can copy this line and paste)
    for Windows XP: C: \\ Documents and Settings \\% username% \\ Application Data \\ TankiOnline \\ Local Store
    for Windows Vista and higher: C: \\ Users \\% username% \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ TankiOnline \\ Local Store \\ cache
  4. Press OK or Enter.
  5. Delete folder cache .

Google chrome

  1. In Google Chrome

Mozilla firefox

  1. In Firefox, press Ctrl + Shift + Del.
  2. In the drop-down submenu, select for what period the cache will be cleared (it is recommended to select the "All" item).
  3. Make sure that the checkmark is only opposite the "Cache" item.
  4. Click the "Clear Now" button.


  1. In the browser, press Ctrl + Shift + Del.
  2. Make sure that the checkbox is only opposite the item “Cached images and files”.
  3. Click the "Clear browsing history" button.

Internet explorer

  1. In Internet Explorer, press Ctrl + Shift + Del.
  2. Click the “Delete” button.

StandAlone FlashPlayer

StandAlone FlashPlayer uses the Internet Explorer browser cache to store game resources.

Yandex browser

  1. In the Yandex browser, press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Del”.
  2. Make sure that the checkmark is only opposite the "Clear Cache" item.
  3. Click the "Clear History" button.

Avant browser

  1. In the Avant browser, press Ctrl + Shift + Del.
  2. Make sure that the checkbox is only opposite the item “Temporary Internet files”.
  3. Click the “Clear Selected” button.


  1. In Safari, press Ctrl + Alt + E.
  2. Click the “Clear” button.

Clearing browser cache and cookies with CCleaner

You can also use to clear the cache special programs. The simplest and most common is CCleaner. Moreover, clearing the cache is just one of the functions of this useful utility. You can download it completely free from the official site.
After installation, select "Cleaning" in the menu and go to the "Applications" tab. Next, find your browser and tick off the necessary items (in this case, the "Internet cache"). Click on the “Cleanup” button and agree to continue the operation.

Oddly enough, but many still do not know how to properly clear the WoT cache. Suppose you have a client often crash at boot time, or some mod breaks, the hangar is buggy and cleaning the cache will help from many misfortunes.

Wot cache, what is it? And it's simple, all your client settings are stored in the cache folder, such as graphics settings, login settings, XVM settings (if you use this mod), but what is there just not stored. And a banal example, you updated the hangar mod, and the old hangar settings are recorded in the cache (now it’s not about a complete reinstallation of the client and installing the hangar), go into the game and ... and what ... and you don’t see anything, neither the carousel of tanks, nor the “battle” buttons are just a clean and empty hangar with the only tank standing in your carousel first. Those who are familiar with this situation have now simply smiled, recalling the indescribable horror that infuses any “tanker” at the sight of such a sight \u003d) This will help to clear the cache of the World of Tanks game.

Clear WoT Cache

Well, for starters, where is this cache located. And he is in hidden application data folder. how to display hidden files and folders in this article I will not teach you.

IN Windows XP  This folder can be found in the following path:
C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ [here is your account name] \\ Application Data \\ \\ WorldOfTanks

IN Windows Vista, Windows 7  and Windows 8  the location of the Application Data folder is slightly different:
C: \\ Users \\ [here is your account name] \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ \\ WorldOfTanks

  To whom it is hemorrhagic to bother and poke carousels over folders and searches, and also to open hidden folders, especially for you Billy Gates has provided a lazy version of the Application Data folder search   Works for everyone windows versions. Click buttons WIN + R  on the keyboard (for those who are in the tank - WIN is the Windows key with the Windows flag ) we see the window "Run". Enter in the window % appdata%  and enter hidden folder  Your windows "Application Data". We are looking for a folder there

Well ... we went into the folder and WHAT is next, you ask: \u003d) And we take and delete the entire contents of the folder \\ WorldOfTanks

  This is what my folder looks like. After deletion, you will of course lose all your graphics settings in the game, and you will also have to enter the unfortunate password from the account again, but it's worth it, believe me !!!

However, if this option of clearing the World Of Tanks game cache is not to your liking, then we take and use the script from the support service  Download from here
  I must say right away that I personally prefer the complete removal of everything from the AppData \\ WorldOfTanks folder with pens, and judging by the contents of the script wot_custom_data_rem.bat  from the support service, but it contains the following (you can open Notepad’s ++ and see for yourself, nor any viruses).