I forgot the pin code on the phone what to do. What to do if you forgot your phone PIN code

Instruction manual

It will not be possible to recover a forgotten PIN code unless you find documents that were attached to a SIM card or a bank card, in other cases we can only talk about getting a new PIN code.
In order to receive a new PIN code, you will need identity documents and documents confirming that you were the owner of this PIN code (card).
If the PIN code of the SIM card is forgotten, then you can try to pick it up. For this, three attempts are given, after which the SIM card is blocked. Only the pak-code, which is placed with the pin-code, will help to unlock it. If the documentation and the card cannot be found, then after entering the wrong pack code ten times, the SIM card will be completely blocked.

When the SIM card is finally locked, contact the operator. Operator only mobile network  will be able to unlock the SIM card and issue a new PIN code. When you contact you will have to prove that it was in your name that a SIM card was issued.

If the PIN code of a bank card is forgotten, then the situation is somewhat more complicated. This pin-code, except you, was not known to anyone, and it will not be possible to restore it under any circumstances. If you repeatedly enter the wrong PIN code, the card will be blocked. To unblock it, you need to call the bank (help desk), name the card number, password-identifier, which must be reflected in the agreement when issuing the card, and make a request to reset the counter for incorrect PIN-code entry.

Resetting the counter is still not an option, because if the pin code is not remembered, then all efforts will be wasted. Money cannot be withdrawn.

The best way out, unless, of course, an urgent withdrawal of money is required is to go to the bank at the place where you received the card, and make an application for reissuing the card. Its number will be saved, but in fact the card will be different, respectively, and the PIN code will be different.

After three failed attempts  Entering the PIN code of the mobile phone is blocked. The phone is only available for emergency call. But to despair early, you can still recover the PIN code.

Useful advice

You have ten attempts to recover the PIN code using the PAK code. If you can’t make it, call the customer support service.

The PIN code of a plastic bank card is classified information accessible only to its owner, and neither bank employees nor those who made it have access to it. In addition, the pin code, if kept intact, is a guarantee of the safety of funds on the card.

Instruction manual

If you want to know the pin code of your card, expand the envelope that was issued to you along with its receipt, it shows a number consisting of four digits.

If you have forgotten or lost your PIN code, be sure to notify the service bank first. Since the pin code was known only to you and in order to ensure the security of your funds was not saved anywhere else, it will not be possible to restore it. In the bank you will need to first block the card, and then write an application for its reissue. After 7-10 days you will receive a new card with a new pin code, but with the same number.

If you relied on your memory, didn’t immediately contact the bank, entered the PIN code incorrectly three times, your card was blocked, you need to call the bank, provide the password-identifier and the employees will reset the erroneous attempts to enter the code.

If after unlocking you still can’t remember your PIN code, and you urgently need money, contact the bank with a passport. You may be subject to a cash withdrawal transaction. But keep in mind, not all banks and not all types of cards this procedure  can be implemented.

If you forgot a pin code or blocked a card while abroad, you will need to act according to the same principle as in our country. However, do not forget that not all banks will agree to such a simplified system, because according to the agreement with the international payment systems Visa and Mastercard, the bank is obliged to eliminate the card that was blocked by the ATM. Further actions will be described to you in the bank.

Currently, when receiving a bank card, many banks offer to change the PIN code for a small one-time amount of money. If you are not sure that you remember the pin code, change it to one that you will never forget.


  • how to change pin code on a sberbank card

Not every owner of a plastic card knows that it is impossible to restore a PIN code from her. Many believe that doing this is no more difficult than getting forgotten password  from electronic mailbox. You can understand this opinion, because various passwords to any other data are quite easily recoverable, but a pin code is another matter, because it is about your money.

The holder of the plastic card should know that the pin code is information that no one else knows except himself. It is not even in some very well-encrypted database of the bank that issued the card to you. You probably remember how you got the pin code? He was brought in a sealed envelope. There was paper on which it was written down, and it also contained instructions that these numbers should be remembered, and the paper itself destroyed.

The reason is that the PIN code is generated in the bank once, its copy is not saved anywhere. If you ask how the ATM finds out that you are entering the correct PIN code, the answer is not so simple: a special encryption algorithm is designed so that when you enter the PIN code, you can uniquely establish its truth, but using the cipher that is available at the bank, it is impossible to calculate the pin code.

Simply put, if the pin code is forgotten, then the question of how to find it out, the answer will be one: no way.

But all is not so bad. Firstly, few people really destroy pin envelopes. Many simply put them into documents, where they lie among other papers, not disturbed by anyone. If this is the case with you, then just remember where you shared the treasured envelope. Often people write down the pin code of a card somewhere else, so as not to forget.

If you are not one of those who save envelopes with a code, and just in case you didn’t write it down either, that is, the PIN code is forgotten firmly and thoroughly, then do not try to enter approximate options at the ATM. The fact is that after several attempts the card will be blocked, it may happen that the ATM refuses to return it to you. If the card was withdrawn by him, immediately call the support service of your bank.

In any case, there is only one way out: you need to go to your bank, in which you will be offered a reissue of the card. The money in the account will remain the same, but the card itself will already be brand new, and the pin code will be completely different.

If you need money in the first place, then you can get it at a bank branch with a passport in hand. Also, you must have a card or at least its number. Sometimes card details are not required.

Even if you forget the pin code of the card, you can still use it. You can pay with it in stores, they often do not require you to enter a PIN code, your signature is enough. It is also possible to make online purchases using a card.

It is recommended that you follow some rules regarding the pin code:
1. Never write it on the card itself. In the event of its loss or theft, you yourself transfer all your funds to the hands of attackers or outsiders.
2. Write down the PIN code somewhere, but do not carry this entry with you, keep it in a safe place.
3. It is best to try to remember the pin code, because these are only 4 digits.

Tip 5: What to do if you forget the unlock code on your phone

Modern mobile phones  have a lock function that does not allow the device to be used in case of loss or theft. To unlock, you must enter a code that only the owner of the phone knows. But sometimes it turns out that he forgets the access code.

You will need

  • - unlock utility;

Instruction manual

The specific algorithm for unlocking the phone depends on its model. For example, if you use a telephone Sony Ericsson, then you will be helped special programs  to unlock: Ultimate unlocker and Sony Ericsson S1 Flasher & Unlocker. Install one of the programs on the computer, connect the phone with the cable included in its kit to the USB connector. When operating system  “Sees” the phone, run the program, select the option in its menu and unlock the device.

To unlock nokia phones  Use the MyNokiaTool utility. Note that the computer must be installed nokia program  PC Suite, it usually comes on a CD-ROM bundled with the phone. If there is no program, you can download it from this link: http://www.nokia.com/en-us/support/downloads/.

After nokia installation  PC Suite plug in your phone, Windows needs to identify it. After that, install and run MyNokiaTool. In the program window, click the "Connect" button and wait until the inscription "Phone is connected" appears on the right side of the window. After that, click the "Read code" button, the code of your phone will appear in the right part of the window. If the phone is not detected by the program, it can also be unlocked, but the technique is quite complicated and requires certain technical skills. A link to the material is given at the end of the article.


  • Everything for cell phones
  • forgot nokia phone lock code


Still, of course, it is better not to forget the pin code or not lose documents where it is fixed. When access to the phone is blocked, the situation can be corrected only by restoring the code or replacing the SIM card. FROM by bank cards, used to withdraw money, in the matter of functionality is somewhat simpler. Even with a blocked card, you can get money, but only when it is blocked due to the repeated introduction of the wrong pin code. It will be unlocked at midnight Moscow time, and only after that, having presented a passport, it will be possible to withdraw money at a bank branch. The specific requirements for receiving money on a blocked card must be clarified at the bank. It is not possible to withdraw money from a blocked Maestro card under any circumstances, it is completely tied to the pin code. So, in this case, the card will have to be changed while maintaining a personal account and receive a new code.


  • forgot sberbank card code
Often, the average user will panic because they don’t know what to do if you forgot your phone PIN code. However, this kind of password, which is a collection of numbers, can be restored using several methods. The actions are not more complicated than if the owner, although the result in both cases is not guaranteed.

Ways to restore phone PIN code

The first way. It is believed that it will be easiest to restore the pin code on its own. As practice shows, a numerical combination is selected from 4 digits. In most cases, the user, combining them, is guided by what own associations. That is why he can, with certain efforts, easily remember the password himself. After analyzing some information, the pin code can pop up on a subconscious level by itself.

The second way. Those users of the telephone device who are used to recording everything everywhere must have recorded a combination of numbers in the next notebook. That is why it is not worth panic, and you should carefully check all your leaves, diaries, notes on the computer. At home or on the desktop, the cherished password, for sure, will “pop up”.

At the same time, it is equally important to try to remember what accompanied the situation when generating the password. Perhaps there were friends, colleagues, spouse, children, parents nearby. If it was someone from close relatives, it is likely that the PIN code was reported to him. It is possible that a loved one was at hand, and it was he who became the custodian of the password. You can try to reproduce at a subconscious level those manipulations that accompanied the password. However, for this it is necessary to have excellent tactile and visual memory. Psychologists say that, picking up a telephone, it’s worth trying to enter a numerical combination as if it had never been forgotten. Do not ignore your own intuition. Often, it is the fingers themselves that reproduce the correct order of numbers on the telephone keypad.

Things to remember when restoring a pin code

Cautions. When experimenting with recovering a PIN code for a telephone, it is worth remembering that the user is given about three attempts to enter a numerical combination. For starters, it might be worth writing out all the appropriate passwords that seem most likely to be on the sheet. Of these, you should choose only three and enter them one by one. At the same time, do not forget that if all of them turned out to be incorrect, access to the phone gadget may be blocked.

That is why it is recommended to choose passwords that will be associated with something close, but not known to everyone. This may not be the notorious date of birth, but, for example, the year of graduation from school or university.