What to do to make the batteries last longer. Scientists have found that heating finger batteries brings them back to life

Imagine what happened: you started an electrochemical experiment, assembled a circuit - and the battery suddenly "sat down" and there is no spare battery. How to be? But this is not so bad. It is much worse when a pocket flashlight goes out on a dark evening, and even in the forest. And what a shame if the transistor receiver's batteries fail just at the very moment when your favorite song is broadcast on the radio, or during the broadcast of a football match. But what can you do ...

Meanwhile, something can be done. If there is no spare battery, do not rush to throw away the old one, but try to "revive" it.

Many modern batteries - "Krona", "Mars", "Saturn", KBS and others - consist of elements of the manganese-zinc system. During operation, the negative electrode of these batteries - a zinc cup - gradually, but very slowly, dissolves, and the positive electrode, manganese dioxide MnO 2, is reduced to trivalent manganese hydroxide (its formula can be represented as MnOOH). It gradually covers the oxide grains, penetrates deep into the grains and closes access to the electrolyte. Even half of the manganese oxide has not been used, and the element has already stopped working; zinc by that time remains even more, up to four-fifths! In a word, an almost usable battery has to be thrown away.

But if you remove the "shell" of MnOOH, then the electrolyte will again be able to flow to the grains and the battery will come to life. Just how to remove it? The easiest way is to knock on the battery properly with a hammer or stone. Then the grains inside the elements will crack, and the electrolyte will be able to penetrate into them again. This method is not so good, but in the forest, perhaps, there is no better one ...

If the battery fails at home, then manganese dioxide can be activated much more efficiently. Punch a hole in the zinc cup of the battery with a nail and dip the battery in water. The electrolyte in the cell is not liquid (it would be inconvenient), but thickened. It gets soaked in water, liquefies, and it is easier for it to penetrate to the grains of manganese dioxide. This simple trick allows you to increase the battery life by almost a third. But it can be simplified even more.

It is not necessary to fill the battery with water. It is enough just to punch a hole in the zinc cup. Manganese oxide in the cell is mixed with graphite powder to increase the electrical conductivity. As soon as air begins to flow inside, graphite will absorb oxygen, and along with manganese dioxide, another positive electrode will appear - the so-called air, on which oxygen is reduced. In short, a simple nail turns a zinc-manganese element into a zinc-air one!

To be fair, let's say that after such a procedure, the battery will be discharged with a low current - such are the properties of a homemade zinc air cell. But it will serve for a very long time.

And the last thing: we will make the old battery almost look like a new one. To do this, the battery must be charged with an electric current, that is, it must be treated in the same way as with a battery. The reaction in the battery is reversible, and MnOOH can again turn into MnO 2.

Note that not all batteries can be recharged, but only those in which the paste has not dried and the case is not damaged. And it is not necessary to charge with ordinary direct current, as batteries are charged. In this case, zinc will deposit on the battery case in the form of branched dendritic threads, and very soon this will lead to what happens short circuit and the battery will fail. It must be charged with the so-called asymmetric current. To get it, you have to straighten alternating current not completely, for example: include a rectifier diode in the circuit and parallel to it - resistance (about 50 ohms). The voltage of the source should be about 12 V, so you cannot use the current directly from the network, you need a step-down transformer.

Manganese-zinc cells can be charged up to three times, while their capacity drops very slightly. And small, so-called button cells (they use a mercury-zinc system) can be recharged up to ten times. But it makes no sense to pierce them with a nail or knock on them with a hammer - there are practically no active substances left in these elements after the discharge.

O. Holgin. "Experiments without explosions"
M., "Chemistry", 1986

Today's video is about interesting ways how can you extend the life of a dead battery. What if they sat down, and you need to restore them to last some more time. The proposed method is not new, but it will differ from what we are used to seeing and hearing. The author of the channel told DIY and gadget +.

So, our batteries are in a flashlight with a fan. Checking how they work. It can be seen that the flashlight is on, the fan rotates with difficulty. Naturally, they sat down. We take out the dead batteries and check this device with a tester. Now we will leave them in a previously prepared container, in which there will be a stand so that the batteries are in an upright position. The stand is made of ordinary plastic sleeves.

We put the container with its nose down, up and fill it with water 3-5 mm below the top level of the battery. This is necessary so that there is no plus-minus short circuit through the water. Fill with water, ordinary water, literally two minutes after it has been heated to a boil. We leave in this position for 10-15 minutes, until the water cools down to room temperature.
The water has cooled down. We take it out and check it with a tester. The meter shows that the batteries are almost replenished to the initial charge.

It can be seen that the flashlight shines brighter than before the extended service, the fan has also restored its work.
This method was tested only on alkaline batteries.

Salt battery recovery

In this video, I will share my method of recovering saline AA batteries. To do this, we need the batteries themselves, electrical tape, a marker, scissors, a tester, a syringe and a working solution. First, let's check for performance. As you can see, they are generally dead. Let's see what the device shows. We take out and proceed to restore their work.

Important information. Only saline batteries are suitable for this experiment. They should be intact on the outside, there should be no smudges or discharge. Batteries of other types, i.e. alkaline, alkaline or rechargeable batteries, are not suitable for this method. It is hazardous to health.
So, we take a salt battery, find the connecting seam and at an angle of 90 degrees to the seam at a distance of 1 centimeter from the edge, make 4 marks. In these places we make holes with a drill for 4. We drill very carefully so as not to damage the shell, we only drill the outer shell, no more.

After the holes are made for the batteries, we put them in one container with a plus on top. We fill it with working solution so that the level overlaps the upper drilling. We use 6 percent food vinegar as a solution. Fill in carefully. We leave the batteries in this state for 10-15 minutes. The temperature of the solution should be at room temperature. We wait 15 minutes and proceed further. After the batteries are saturated with the solution, carefully lay them out and put them seam down to dry so that the excess is absorbed onto the napkin. We leave in this state for 10 minutes. Next, we cover the hole with ordinary electrical tape.

The final stage of our charge recovery experiment has come. We check with the device. We insert them into the flashlight and try to turn them on. The light is on. The experience was a success. Let me remind you that this method of prolonging the work is suitable only for salt batteries.

Is the battery from a camera, flashlight, child's toy or other necessary device suddenly discharged? Such an opportunity cannot be foreseen. Unless you are using special indicator batteries. Or, as a precaution, don't carry a replacement with you. How to charge batteries at home? We will share useful instructions and tips with you.

What batteries can I charge?

Not every finger battery can be filled with energy using the artisanal method. What batteries can I charge? Only finger alkaline (alkaline). But in no case salt is allowed! The possibility of leakage of the composition or explosion of the product is not excluded.

Method 1: charger

We figured out if it is possible to charge the battery. If you constantly use such finger batteries, then the easiest way is for you to buy a special Charger for them. Such a device will help "breathe life" into the battery without unnecessary hassle.

However, the method also has significant drawbacks. Each charge reduces battery life by one third. In addition, the procedure may cause its composition to leak.

Method 2: power supply

Let's take a look at how to charge your batteries at home. For this method, you need a power supply and wires to connect to it. Everything is in place? Here are the instructions for action:

When receiving a rechargeable finger-type battery in this way, pay attention to these recommendations:

  • The process will not work if you reverse the polarity when connecting the wires. Moreover, in this way you will destroy the charge remaining in the element.
  • Using the described method, it is permissible to charge the battery 1-2 times.
  • The method is only suitable for alkaline finger cells!
  • The procedure can be performed in any environmental conditions (with the exception of the freezer stage).

Method 3: heating

You can also restore the battery charge by heating. But be careful - the method is fraught with the explosion of the product!

The simplest is as follows:

Method 4: volume reduction

The method is rather incomprehensible and exotic at first glance. We need to reduce the size of the battery so that the charge in it recovers on its own.

What should be done for this? Reduce mechanically, make the volume of the case thinner. To do this, the battery is beaten against something solid - asphalt, wall, stone, brick, etc. Or they just trample on her with thick shoes. You can try to flatten with an improvised tool - for example, pliers.

This method will be able to charge everything penlight batteries... I must say that such a "barbaric" method helps to restore the charge in some cases even up to 100%!

Method 5: exposure to solutions

We continue to analyze how to charge batteries at home. Within this method, two methods can be distinguished.

Instructions for the first:

Another way to charge batteries at home:

  1. Using an awl or similar tool, poke holes in the battery caps next to the carbon rod. The depth of each should be within 3/4 of the height of the entire battery.
  2. Pour liquid into the hole. You can take not ordinary water, but a solution of double vinegar or hydrochloric acid (no more than 8-10%).
  3. For sufficient saturation of the base, you need to repeat the pouring procedure several times, maintaining time intervals so that the composition has time to be absorbed.
  4. Finally, be sure to plug the holes. For these purposes, it is best to use resin or plasticine.
  5. And now you can use the battery - its charge should be restored to 70-80%.

Now you know how to charge an alkaline finger battery. Choose any method that is convenient for you. And, most importantly, be extremely careful! The battery may explode from careless actions!

Modern rechargeable batteries installed in ours with you mobile devices very hardy and designed for a long service life. In order to make the service life the longest and safest, be sure to take it into service and follow the following simple recommendations:

1. Once a month, be sure to completely discharge and recharge the device's battery. This procedure is called calibration. Although modern Li-ion batteries are practically not subject to the "memory effect", such an operation is simply necessary for their long service!

2. Try not to let your device run on low battery power. The fact is that each storage battery has its own limit of safe voltage (about 3V), operation on which can lead to damage to the cells. therefore charge the device when 15-20% charge remains.

3. To avoid trouble, never store the device with a fully discharged battery.

If long time are not going to use it, then make sure that the battery has at least a small charge. Fully charge the battery before using the device again.

4. Avoid frequent full discharges device battery! A complete discharge of the battery is required only before starting operation to calibrate the control system. Forcing the phone to turn off affects the battery life outside of the better side... Do not be afraid of "unplanned" exercises. Do them more often.

5. Do not overcharge the battery. Those. in other words, do not leave the device charging overnight. This will shorten the battery life.

6. If possible, observe temperature regime when charging and working with the device. Avoid high (above 35 C) and low (below 0 C) temperatures. Battery operation in an unfavorable range will accelerate the process of battery wear. The optimum temperature for work and charging will be room temperature (21 - 22 C). The worst case scenario is working with a fully charged battery at elevated temperatures and in direct sunlight. In this case, the temperature inside the device seriously increases, which does not have the best effect on all its elements, incl. Battery.

7. Remove all cases from your device before charging... They impede its natural ventilation, which increases the risk of malfunctions.

8. When charging the device, if possible, turn off WiFi, various services and services, cellular data, push, in general, everything that actively loads your battery. In this case, charging will take place faster, and heat generation, with all the consequences, will be less.

Almost every person who at least once in his life bought a mobile phone, the consultant of the salon always said that the mobile phone must be completely discharged immediately after the purchase, and only after that put it on charge. For what it is necessary and how to do it, you can find out by reading this article.

This procedure must be carried out without fail.

The process of "pumping" mobile phone called bringing it to full discharge, and then full charge.

Each rechargeable battery has a memory, let's say it is discharged by 40 percent and after you put it on charge, it charges your battery for the remaining 40 percent, and when discharged during use, the battery will again be discharged to this level and will require it to be recharged again. Accordingly, if you discharge and charge the battery completely, then it will take longer to discharge.

The rhythm of our life obliges a person to be constantly in touch for different types of circumstances, which is why it is very important to have a work phone at all times with good battery. Full information about telephones and their technical characteristics you can find it on the website m.ua/kata/50/. There you can also order a phone or an accessory you are interested in, or get expert advice.

Battery swing stages

  1. The battery must be completely discharged immediately after purchase. You can play games or listen to music, it is important that the phone is discharged before it is completely turned off;
  2. After the phone has completely lost all the battery energy, it must be put on charge for 12 hours, at least. Do not disconnect the power from the mains, even if the phone has notified you that it is fully charged;
  3. Some experts recommend this procedure spend 3 times. When working with the phone at the stage of its "pumping", never put it on recharge. Also, when charging for 12 hours, never disconnect it from the mains.

Of course, during this procedure, yours will be tied to the place of charging for some time. You may not be able to use it fully at this time, but after you follow all the necessary instructions, you will receive battery which will work in full force. The "pumped-over" battery will be maximally long time keep a charge, and the service life of this battery will be much longer.