IPod APPLE Tablets

A huge 12.9-inch iPad Pro for showcasing presentations to prestigious partners? Small and remote iPad Miniwhich is so easy to take with you? Or maybe the middle ground - a diagonal of 9.7 inches - in the most powerful iPad Pro or the good old iPad Air? Which iPad is yours? In this article we will help you decide!

Officially Available Models

Today in official sale the following models of iOS tablets appear:

  • iPad Pro with 12.9 and 9.7 inches
  • 9.7-inch iPad Air 2
  • iPad Mini 4 and iPad Mini 2 with 7.9-inch diagonals

All indicated models are delivered in versions with the module. cellular communications   and without it. In the latter case, the iPad can only work in Wi-Fi networks. We emphasize separately that models that are not equipped with cellular communication modules also do not have GPS and GLONASS modules. That is, if the user is not connected to the Wi-Fi network, he will not be able to work even with location services.

Big and small, but all on one face

Apple is quite interesting about tablet design. It is difficult to understand whether the companies are lazy to develop a new iPad style, or whether they believe that they have found a certain “golden” design and are afraid to take risks, but the fact remains - all the models that appear on the official sale today are on one face, although the sizes are very different .

The 12.9-inch iPad Pro is a giant in the tablet world. The model was conceived as a successful alternative to a laptop for working meetings - and, however, carrying it with you is easier than a full-fledged laptop, and it is more convenient to demonstrate presentations or other materials - the picture is large, the device can easily be handed over to the partner, the keyboard will not interfere. Well, if you need to make any changes, the on-screen keyboard, the Apple Pencil smart stylus and the keyboard cover (connected via a special Smart Connector) help to easily put it on and turn the device into an almost complete computer.

But no matter how cool the 12.9-inch Pro is for solving work tasks, for all the others it is still too cumbersome - well, really, if you want to watch a movie in the subway on the way home - you’ll take up the floor of the car (there should be a joke about the fact that the owners of i-devices do not ride the subway).

Apparently, Apple quickly realized this fact and six months after the huge Pro released its compact version - iPad Pro 9.7 inches, which, by the way, also has a special Smart Connector. In the same diagonal, the iPad Air 2 also "stands out", but it does not have the aforementioned connector. That is, it turns out that the 9.7-inch iPad in the Pro version can also become a compact, but a very good alternative to a laptop, but in the Air version we are dealing with a classic tablet - a good screen size, a comfortable solution to any problems and wear with It’s not a big deal.

And finally, the iPad Mini 2 and iPad Mini 4 - the most compact tablets from Apple - can easily fit in the inside pocket of a jacket or small women's handbag. Diagonal iPad Mini - 7.9 inches. On the one hand, the size is very good, on the other hand, if your iPhone is a 5.5-inch Plus version or some kind of 6-inch Android, acquiring a mini iPad is probably not a very good solution from a practical point of view. Another thing is if you think that gadgets should not be too bulky and you have a smartphone with a modest 4-inch diagonal by today's standards, then a 7.9-inch tablet is the very thing.

Smart Display iPad Pro

So, with the size of the displays, everything is clear, but what about quality?

All iPads feature classic Retina displays. Retina translates as "retina" and this name is the name of the screens developed by Apple, not by chance - their clarity is so high that the human eye can not distinguish individual pixels on the display.

You are also unlikely to find fault with other characteristics - brightness margin, color reproduction, saturation, viewing angles - all the hero tablets of this review have these parameters at altitude. And although from year to year, due to various kinds of software improvements, these characteristics improve, be sure that even the iPad Mini 2, which was released on October 22, 2013 and older than the other tablets we are considering, will pleasantly surprise you with the excellent display quality.

However, it should be noted that the aforementioned mini is devoid of a special anti-reflective coating, and therefore on a bright sunny day the picture on it will be read slightly worse than on other models.

We also need to say a few words about the iPad Pro display in the 9.7-inch version, it supports advanced color gamut and True Tone technologies, the first is responsible for a more natural transmission, and the second allows the display to adjust to the ambient light, not only in terms of brightness, but and in terms of perception comfort. In bright daylight, the picture will be cold, and in low light conditions the display will make it warmer.

And instead of the heart, the fiery A9

The 9.7-inch Pro tablet, released in March 2016, is the last iPad at the moment, and therefore the most powerful. But this is only for now. Judging by the rumors, the new iOS tablet was supposed to be released in September 2016, but they did not materialize, the next estimated date is the end of March 2017.

What is the power of the iPad Pro 9.7 inches? Very impressive - in its heart is the A9 chipset (the coolest one - the A10 still only wears the current flagship iPhone 7), which works in combination with the motion coprocessor - M9. The same couple are working on the Pro version of 12.9 inches. Although, it is worth noting that the A9 in the compact Pro, due to various software algorithms, has been finalized and in fact gives out a little more power than the same in the tablet 12.9 inches. But the latter wins in terms of stock random access memory   - it has a 4 GB module, and the 9.7-inch Pro has two gigs.

the iPad Air 2 and Mini 4 are equipped with an A8 processor and an M8 coprocessor (2 GB of RAM), and in Mini 2 we are dealing with a combination of A7 / M7 (1 GB of RAM).

It turns out that “on paper” the iPad Mini 2 is the weakest, but in reality the weak word is not quite right to apply to this device. It copes with all the daily tasks that an average user puts before the device.

Nevertheless, tablets with A8 / M8 in their “hearts” will be about 1.5 times faster, and those working on A9 / M9 will be 2.5 times faster.

What does all this mean? And the fact that if you use the iPad Mini 2 you will most likely be satisfied, but if you suddenly fall into the hands of, say, one of the Pros, you will definitely feel the difference!

And a separate line about the built-in memory. Recall that in the entire Apple technology there are no SD card slots, so you can only work with the built-in volume.

iPad Mini 2 is available only in 32 GB version, Mini 4 and Air 2 - in versions 32 and 128 GB, and both Pro can be purchased with modules - 32, 128, 256 GB.

To shoot or not to shoot: is that the question?

Agree, not so many people find it convenient to shoot on a tablet, where it’s much easier to get a smartphone out of your pocket. However, a top-end device must be top-notch in everything - that's why the 9.7-inch iPad Pro has the coolest 12-megapixel sensor with f / 2.2 aperture and True Tone flash. The latter makes it possible to correctly assess the color temperature of the shooting location and choose the most suitable flash intensity from 1000 (!) possible options! In general, pictures in any conditions will come out great.

iPad Mini 2 is significantly behind in this regard - it is equipped with a 5-megapixel camera, other tablets have 8 megapixel sensors. Otherwise, all cameras are very similar - aperture, filters, focusing, stabilization, etc. almost identical.

The front camera Pro in the 9.7-inch version is again the coolest - a 5 megapixel sensor, automatic HDR adjustment, and a flash. Other “heroes” of the review are content with 1.2 megapixel FaceTime cameras without a flash, HDR is activated manually (for iPad Mini 2 this mode is not provided for the front camera at all).

As for video shooting, here Mini 2 again “distinguished itself” - it does not know how to shoot slow-motion video, the rest of the iPad support this cool option.

Batteries are different, autonomy is one

Surprisingly, the battery capacities, processors, and display sizes for the tablets considered in this review are different, but if you believe the Apple website they all, however, have identical autonomy - 10 hours on Wi-Fi networks and average load, 9 hours at the same load but on networks cellular operator. Well, we have no choice but to believe the "apple" giant, which surprisingly manages to maintain such a balance.

Choose your own: to taste and size of the wallet

Well, the comparison on the main parameters has been completed, which means it's time to make a decision. Let's immediately discard three criteria - autonomy, display quality and design - in this regard, the tablets are almost identical. We will choose based on size, power, cameras and ... of course, price!

So, if you need a compact gadget, and you are not going to use the device in aggressive mode, then the iPad Mini 2 will completely suit you, and its price will pleasantly surprise you (how much, of course, it can pleasantly surprise the cost of the gadget with an “apple” on board). In the version without the module of cellular networks, this device will cost 23,000 rubles, if this module you really need to add another 10 thousand.

But, remember, in the second generation Mini, the main camera is 5 megapixels, which, of course, does not promise images of excellent quality. So if you plan to use the tablet as a camera, take a closer look at the Quartet - an 8 megapixel sensor, a little more power and the price is only 10,000 more expensive. The 32 GB version without a cellular module will cost 33,000 rubles. Want more memory and / or a cellular module? Open your wallet wider.

We go further - what if the 7.9-inch diagonal is not enough for you? Pay attention to the Pro 9.7 inches and Air 2. It's not difficult to choose between them - Pro for those who need advanced power, Air 2 for those who need just good performance. Demanding, of course, will have to be spent - the Pro version of 9.7 inches Wi-Fi 32 GB will cost 50 000 rubles, Air 2 in the same configuration costs 33 000 rubles. The surcharge for the cellular module in both cases will be 10,000 rubles.

And finally, a separate line - the giant Pro 12.9 inches. This is, however, the ideal tablet for work, if as a result of your service you often have to communicate with partners and show them certain materials. But gamers will appreciate it, this tablet easily pulls the most “heavy” games, but it’s not necessary to “hunch” behind a PC or laptop, you can lie on the couch. But, as you understand, you have to pay for pleasure and spectacular performances in front of partners - you will have to pay 65,000 rubles for the 32 GB Wi-Fi version. And, the bad news, there is no Wi-Fi + cellular network model with 32 GB of memory, 128 GB goes right away and it costs ... 85,000 rubles! And here, of course, I want to say, “think for yourself - decide for yourself”, but you can’t add that the tablet is almost a hundred square meters - it's still too much!

Suddenly, Tim Cook released the sequel to the iPhone SE, only now it's the iPad. And it’s even cheaper.

Frankly, when Apple announced this tablet, I did not believe it at all. I thought, duck, checked on the official website.

In the world of golden macbooks and iPhones for 80 thousand rubles. just the thought of new iPad for 25 thousand rubles.   It seems fantastic. As if someone had hacked them. Even the iPad mini, traditionally the cheapest of their tablets, cost one and a half times more. Took and just broke the old rules about knee.

Now I have in my hands a 9.7-inch iPad in 2017. The initial model of 32 GB, the color "black space", 24 990 rubles. Sales in Russia in fact began last week, and anyone can pick up the device in the nearest official Apple hardware store.

We also took it. We tried to understand who such special   a tablet is needed and why. They also tried to dissuade themselves from buying the same - but in vain. +2 orders from the publisher, the infection Tim Cook.

In all the photos, we compare the 2017 iPad and the first generation Air. Thanks for the photo, Mickey Sid.

Who needs such an iPad?

This 2017 iPad 9.7 seemed to have flown from a parallel universe. In it, Apple is engaged in business instead of rivulets and marketing innovations, and its products do not have a large mark-up for brand, pop and quality.

As a fan of Apple, my new tablet is truly surprising. The minimum price, but almost the maximum performance - usually they say that about some Xiaomi, but definitely not about Apple. Not in the style of the Cupertinians, it’s very difficult to bend at a price or to do “middles”.

And then bam, it’s almost top-end device at half price   from the previous model.

Roughly speaking, this tablet is needed by everyone who:

  • doesn't have an iPad newer than iPad Air 2
  • doesn't have any iPad at all
  • looking for the best new tablet up to 30,000 rubles
  • looking for a gift for relatives, friends, etc.
  • wants to take a tablet for home, internet, movies.

If at least one paragraph above applies to you, then you can safely, without reading anything further, buy the 2017 iPad for 24,990 rubles.

Just like that, with a run into the ravine. Because in the Russian market there is not a single such device at all, and second-hand models of 2013-14 cost even more expensive!

Stop, why did Apple suddenly launch such an iPad?

Alas, the tablet market is going through hard times. Almost everyone who wanted to buy a tablet had already done it. And there’s no point in changing it to a new one: the performance of even 5-year-old models is enough for basic tasks like video.

The tablets of 2012-2014 were too good and satiated the consumer.

Now no one knows how to make you buy another one. And where there is no prospect of good sales, there are no new developments. As a result, only Apple diligently makes tablets, for which this is a matter of reputation. And the rest rivet "pills" from anything.

Since Apple has almost monopolized the market, it will have to save it too. The way out was suggested by psychology. Owners of tablets are extremely practical, not interested in upgrading and are not amenable to marketing. Therefore, it remains to be enticed exclusively benefit.

So hold, sign:

Design left almost unchanged

Since the days of the iPad Air, which was released in 2013, Apple has actually used the same case design with minimal changes. There is nothing new, with iPhones a similar story - we have been looking at the “six” for three years.

Think before shouting that Apple is not a cake. Alas, it is here that you are wrong. The ergonomics and design of the iPad are so run-in and tested by time, how poor the iPhone 6 did not even dream of.

In the field of smartphones, the vector of development changes annually, there is peppy forward movement and regular surprises. And tablets have long found a middle ground and actually settled on it. In the minds of 99.99% of people, the “tablet” looks exactly the same as the iPad Air 4 years ago.

In fact, the iPad is tablet personalization. If so, why change anything?

The new model has visual differences from the first generation Air, but they are minimal. For example, there is no lever to lock the screen orientation, and there is a greater distance between the volume buttons. Gadgets also have different speaker grilles, and with the new model they are visually simpler. Well, TouchID instead of the usual buttons.

By the way, the headphone jack there is. It is strange that we are forced to rejoice in this in 2017.

The first notable moment is the thickness of the iPad 2017

My past tablet was an iPad mini 4, thin as a sheet of paper. Therefore, the first thing I notice when I take a new iPad out of the box is its thickness and weight: 7.5 mm and 469 grams, respectively. This is not a brick, but already a pound of glands.

How can one not recall that the numbers coincide with the 1st generation Air. Both in 2017, with a habit, seem thick and heavy. Of course, this is not so, we are just spoiled for progress, we are used to constant breakthroughs in this area. And then there’s a kind of regression.

However!   After 3 minutes, I completely forgot about this fact, just adapted to these parameters, as befits any normal person. The weight is evenly distributed, and the thickness of the case actually helps to more conveniently support the tablet with one hand around the corner.

I can say for sure that you will not feel any discomfort when using the device on weight for a couple of hours. And no one else really needs anyone. If anything, you can put it on the table, buy a cover-stand, take the same Smart Cover.

The shape, size of the device makes it ideal for home, just a reference for that kind of money. And the plus 100 grams do not give a damn.

At the same time, I would not give such an iPad to children under 12 for personal use - that is, to take with them to school and so on. For them, it is still large and heavy, it will have to be used awkwardly, a great chance to break it.

In Cupertino, they took the same dimensions and layout of the "iron" as in Air 1, abandoning innovation in terms of ergonomics and body. And suddenly it turned out very good. The old case is the first reason why the new iPad costs 25,000 rubles.

The second point is the screen. Expected worse

I take a virtual scruff and throw my gadget manners overboard. And with them, I sweep the groans of the great connoisseurs of progress about the "deteriorated screen."

Because the screen is in perfect order. Not even that - complete order.

Yes he has air gap. I will explain for normal people: the glass and the display are separate parts, and there is a small air gap between them. Visually, the display seems to be recessed inside the case.

Only this does not affect usability at all. You just know that it is, at first you notice a couple of times, then you forget. All. I only remember when I hit the screen hard with my finger and I heard a dull pop, typical for this type of display.

Under all these layers is a Retina screen with a resolution of 2048 × 1536, live excellent, and no photos will transmit it. Contrast colors super high brightness(it was even improved), viewing angles are maximum without changes in colors.

Compared to Air 2, slightly lower contrast and black saturation will be noticeable, but the difference in reality is insignificant. At the dispute level, which is better: pepsi   or cola.

I was skeptical, but for 4 days of testing I was frankly satisfied with this display. And this is me, a lover of top gadgets who ran around Moscow in search of the iPhone 7 Plus. Just take a magnifying glass and make it find the cons - I’ll only find it with a stretch.

Well, for example, here's a subjective minus. At my instance warm colors   - that the white color is a little yellow. Due to this, all other colors seem saturated and especially contrasting. This is a feature of calibration at the factory, it can be changed in Settings.

Still, I'm used to the cold shades and I can not help myself. But many people like the warm gamut more.

I noticed on the street lack of anti-reflective coating   (dark purple). It is because of this that Apple decided to increase the maximum brightness of the screen - and, frankly, the result chic. The device can be used in bright sunlight, it almost interrupts it with its own!

Otherwise, there are no complaints.

Display - hardest five, which I can only deliver to the device for 25,000 rubles. Given this price and performance, I’m ready to put up with the air gap and lower contrast than the Pro or outdated Air 2.

Not even like that already   I forgot that there is a layer of air, I remind myself of this.

The third point - it works very fast

iPad Air 2 has grown tired over the past 3 years. Sorry, owners, but this is a fact.

The tablet still does not slow down, but it does not “fly” either. With each new firmware   maximum quantity is reduced open tabs   in Safari until they reboot. Programs themselves also open longer. The device remained about a year before the really unpleasant brakes started.

Against the background of Air 2 and especially Air 1, the new iPad is just handsome.

Applications open very quickly. Toys like Asphalt 8 fly without brakes. The programs have smooth scrolling without lags.

All this is due to the equal degree of the A9 processor and increased RAM. Yes, the 2017 iPad costs 2 gigabytes of RAM, and this can be seen immediately. First ten running applications   Almost never unloaded from RAM, which allows you to instantly switch between them with swipes without reloading data.

Big RAM makes this iPad charged for a cloudless future and many more years of firmware updates. To make you understand, the iPad Pro 9.7 also has 2 GB of RAM. Only the “pro” is one and a half times more expensive.

By the way, the new iPad works for a very long time -   real 10 hours   and even more from a single charge.

The main thing is not to find fault. This is an iPad for the people.

Apple has always been sensitive to the wishes of the masses, not just its fans. iPad 2017 - a thing for the simple, normal people, not gadgets and meticulous readers of technical specifications.

This is a device without excess, in which utility and profitability are twisted to the maximum. Smartly watch the video, play the TOP pieces from App store, surf the Internet for hours, read books in any light.

I want to convey to you the thought: like everything in this life, the new iPad is known in comparison. If you dig meticulously and look for flaws in it, then yes, Air 2 will be somewhat better. And Pro is generally a fairy tale. Just a question - what for?

New cheaper old iPad Air 2, one and a half times cheaper than the iPad Pro, 15% cheaper than the iPad mini. For 25 thousand rubles. Earlier in the store you could only buy an Android tablet and then spit, sell it at a flea market in the hope of at least somehow recouping the error.

And here you have an updated powerful processor, just flying iOS, a super-crisp screen with maximum viewing angles. Built-in memory from 32 GB, which is 95% of us painlessly enough.

As for me, it is much more interesting than the red iPhone 7, and for it it was possible to arrange a full presentation. So if you don’t have an iPad yet, I don’t understand why you haven’t bought this one yet.

Or stop already bought? :)

Hot Apple News:

Apple is the flagship tablet market. Developers of the Apple iPad managed to combine such advantages as functionality, mobility, practicality, ease of use and compactness in one device. A portable device can completely replace a stationary PC.

Functionality of Apple tablets.

The iPad tablet will become a real assistant for professionals and ordinary users. High speed and many convenient applications allow you to quickly download large files, view videos, listen to music, read news and perform several tasks at the same time.

Modern operating system.

The latest Apple tablet models run on operating system   iOS 8, which guarantees the smooth operation of the device. The convenience of iOS 8 will be appreciated by professional users, fans to read on the go, gamers, users social networks, creative managers and designers. Apple has developed over 375,000 applications for portable devices. IPad tablets   and iPad Mini can also be supplemented with programs of other developers.

Powerful processor.

Apple ipad tablets (apple ipad) are fast in demanding applications. Modern processors A8X and A7 + M7 provide high speed download and file processing.

Improved sensitive display.

Apple maker launches tablets with mini displays   and Retina. Innovative developments provide a wide palette of colors, brightness, depth and saturation of the image. Permissible resolution on Retina screens is 3.1 million pixels. This is many times higher than in HD-TVs and similar devices. Excellent image quality allows you to enjoy your favorite movies or videos.

Slim body.

Lightweight, ergonomic iPad Mini and iRad Air tablet computers fit easily in your jacket’s inside pocket, handbag, or briefcase. A powerful battery will provide up to 10 hours of uninterrupted operation of the tablet on the go.

Tablets at Eldorado.

The site of the online store "Eldorado" presents the popular new tablet apple computers   and hits of past years. You can buy compact ultralight models iPad Air, iPad Mini and accessories for tablets at an attractive price from us.

The product catalog of the Eldorado online store presents a wide range of electronics, household appliances, toys, goods for sports and outdoor activities. For our customers, we offer savings and gift cards, installments and other cost-saving options.

Apple tablets appeared in 2010 and from that day changed the approach to these devices, since they offered to replace the desktop computer, laptop, video player and game console with one device, which satisfied many users who want to save money.

Software   based on iOS allows you to provide high speed device performance. The A4 processor is responsible for the optimal performance of tablets and a smooth interface. Built-in memory expandable by connecting microSD cards   with a capacity of up to 64 GB allows you to store large amounts of information without losing speed. The use of powerful batteries ensures long-term operation of the devices.

The large display and high quality graphics make it possible to use Apple tablets both for viewing images, films, and as a graphic display for working with images. Connecting to the Internet can be done via Wi-Fi, and a number of models have the ability to connect 3G modems and sim cards, which ensures the use of the Internet anywhere.

Equipping Apple tablets with GPS has become a nice bonus for users who need navigators and maps. The presence of two cameras (main and front) allows you to make video calls using devices and take high-quality pictures. Apple models are equipped with media players, which are rightfully considered the best among analogues. The anti-reflective surface of the ruggedized display guarantees comfortable use even in bright light, as well as a long device life.