IPhone unlock methods

How to upgrade / roll back to the official firmware

For unofficial iPhone 5 / 4S / 4 / 3G / 3GS, first make sure that for the firmware you are going to flash on, there is (untie from the operator) or.

Use DiskAid to save data from your device to your computer. The data lies along the path var / mobile / Library / and further through the folders, where: 1. Contacts - AddressBook. 2. SMS - SMS. 3. Mail - Mail. 4. Notes - Notes. 5. Photos are on the var / mobile / Media / DCIM path. 6. Programs from Cydia cannot be saved. At the end of the firmware, upload the files in the same way. If the uploaded file cannot be edited (add new data), then delete the new folder, reboot the device and only then drop the saved file from the old firmware into the folder.

Firmware process:

  1. Download the firmware you need.
  2. Connect your device to your computer and launch iTunes.
  3. Hold Shift (for Windows) or Alt (for Mac OS) and click on “Restore” in iTunes.
  4. Select the downloaded firmware on the computer.
  5. The firmware installation process will begin. Without touching anything, wait until the firmware is finished and the device is activated.
  6. When the firmware and activation are completed, you will see “iPhone is turned on” on the screen of your device and the network will appear.
  7. Next, iTunes will prompt you to set up your phone as new, click on “Set up your phone as new”.
  8. Select sync settings and sync.

In the wake of the general interest in hacking and modifying the Apple iPhone, we decided to collect in one article necessary information  about the procedure for activating and bringing to mind some functions.

This edition of the Guide is not entirely ordinary. In the wake of an overwhelming interest in hacking and modifying the Apple iPhone, we decided to gather in one article the necessary information on the procedure for activating, unlocking and bringing to mind some of the features of this phone. But, before transgressing, we make several important assumptions:

  • To successfully unlock the proposed method, the iPhone must have firmware version 1.0.2. By the time this article is released, Apple may be able to release update 1.1.1, which may make it impossible to unlock in our way. It is not yet known how the new firmware will affect the performance of already unlocked phones. Conflicting rumors are circulating on the Internet: someone who has procured the new firmware is okay, others have problems. Apple itself in a recent press release said that updating to 1.1.1 could even disable “illegally” unlocked devices. One way or another, you should not install update 1.1.1 until you find out how much it affects the viability of hacked iPhones, and whether it makes impossible hacking using the already-rolled-up software unlock procedure.
  • The "software unlock" we have provided using the Unlock.app program is, according to statistics, the most reliable (at least until the release of firmware 1.1.1). There are other ways to unlock, for example, using the anySIM program, but for some reason it refuses to work for some reason.
  • To unlock your phone under Mac OS X, we need Wi-Fi. On it, the phone will connect to the computer and go online to download the necessary files. For Windows unlock, wireless internet is not required.

Activate and unlock iPhone

As a Mac OS X user, I unlocked my iPhone using the appropriate software suite for this system. And this is the procedure I will describe first. But Windows users should not be upset, because we will divide our instructions into two parts. The first will be intended for users of Mac OS X, the second - Windows.

So, if you are a Mac OS X user, then:

Turn off autocorrection at input

If you prefer to write SMS and notes not in English, but in transliteration, then it makes sense to add another item to the keyboard settings page - disabling auto-correction when entering. Otherwise, the phone will perceive transliteration as incorrectly spelled English words, and try to correct them.

To do this, put the modified file "Keyboard.plist" in the folder /Applications/Preferences.app and reboot the phone. A new item will appear in Settings -\u003e General -\u003e Keyboard.

Remind yourself how to request a delivery report

Since the iPhone’s SMS applet is more like a regular instant messaging application like ICQ, there’s no such function as an explicit delivery report request. But for a single message, a report can still be obtained. To do this, an exclamation mark must be placed at the beginning of the SMS text.

Change the format of the phone number

By default, the phone displays American standard phone numbers. To convert it to the familiar form "x (xxx) xxx-xx-xx", you need to put the modified file "ABPhoneFormats.plist" in the /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBookUI.framework folder and restart the phone.

We solve the problem with determining the numbers

iPhone can't ignore prefix in telephone numbers  in determining them. In other words, the numbers +7495 123-45-67, 8495 123-45-67 and 123-45-67 seem completely different to the phone. The problem can be solved by putting the modified "AppSupport" file in the /System/Library/Frameworks/AppSupport.framework folder. After that, the iPhone will correlate with phone book  only the last seven digits of the number.

Reassigning the VoiceMail Button

When the iPhone is running on an AT&T network, clicking on this button leads to a voicemail box that has the interface of a regular mail program. But since Visual VoiceMail technology is available only in the USA so far, in Russia it makes sense to “hang up” this dial just to dial the voicemail service number.

To do this, enter the command * 5005 * 86 * xxхx # on the numeric keypad, where xxхx is the voicemail number. For Beeline, this is 0600, for MTS - 0861, for Megafon - 0525. Press Call, and after a second the button will be reassigned. In principle, if you don’t use voicemail at all, then you can “hang up” this button, for example, the telephone of an “electric aunt” declaring a balance.

Fighting SMS Curves

For a reason unknown so far, some SMS, in particular, notifications from Beeline short numbers, come to the iPhone in a distorted form. Distorted to such an extent that the iPhone’s SMS applet simply refuses to start. Unfortunately, it is not yet clear how to deal with the root cause of the emergence of SMS "curves", so all that remains is to cope with the consequences. Perhaps this bug will be fixed in new firmware 1.1.1.

So, if among all the messages stored on the phone there are no particularly valuable ones, then you can get rid of harmful SMS by deleting the entire database. It is stored in the / private / var / root / Library / SMS folder. The next time you enter the SMS applet, the phone will create the database again.

If you still have valuable messages, you will have to delete the “bug” SMS from the database manually. To do this, download it to your computer and open it with SQLiteSpy if you have Windows, or MesaSQLite, if Mac OS X. We look for a message with hieroglyphs there and remember it - ROWID. Then we enter a simple SQL command: DELETE FROM message WHERE ROWID \u003d xxx, where xxx is the number of the desired SMS. After that, save the base and fill it back into the iPhone.

In conclusion, it remains to say that, most likely, this is not the last "Guide" dedicated to the iPhone. So to be continued.

With the release of smartphones, the standards for protecting information on devices of this class have been significantly improved by development engineers. Advanced devices offer us current versions operating systemsequipped with the appropriate level software.

Ways to protect information

Thus, the user can often protect his device from unauthorized use using several methods. Their list begins with an ordinary lock, which can be removed by swiping the finger on the touch screen, and ends with a scan of the retina or fingerprints. Nevertheless, the last two functions are usually built into fairly expensive smartphones, which not everyone can afford. And today we’ll talk about the iPhone 5, the unlocking of which will be a necessary event if you forget the security key.

Briefly about protection

No one says that it’s easier not to set a password to lock the device. Protecting the information that is stored on your device, of course, is exclusively a user affair. Hence the appropriate decision. However, many experts strongly recommend the use of security keys. It doesn’t matter what they will be represented - a combination of characters or a graphic sequence - the main thing is that somewhere in safe place  you had a reminder of the key itself in case you partially or completely forgot it. IPhone 5, the unlocking of which will be the topic of today's article, may become available for further use after some simple operations. The most important thing in the event that you have forgotten the security key is not to panic and not to rush headlong into the service center. Before starting recovery work, you also need to remember that for all this we need a program to unlock the iPhone 5.

We use iTunes

Unlocking the iPhone 5 ID can be done using the famous program called “iTunes”. It was developed by specialists specifically for operations with devices such as iPod. So, if we use this program to unlock our iPhone, then under certain conditions we can save multimedia data that has accumulated on the device. If this is not important for you, then you can unlock the device without restoring previously saved data. Unlocking the iPhone 5 with your own hands is possible if you booted the device in normal mode and managed to connect it to the computer. If, during the boot of the device, malfunctions or problems of an indeterminate nature occur, then data preservation is not possible during the recovery process. That's how lucky. One indication of a failed download is the phone freezing. At the same time, the user will be able to see the logo on the splash screen, indicating that the device is connected to the computer and is in the full sheet of the “iTunes” service.

Let's try to save the data. IPhone 5: Unlock Apple ID via iTunes

The user can go in different ways, depending on what result he ultimately wants to get. But let's say you had to save data in the process of restoring your device. If you want to reset the password, but at the same time save the information on the device unchanged, then for starters, open the section in the “iTunes” program, which is called “devices”. There we are looking for our device, after which in the right half of the software window we expand the tab called “overview”. There we are looking for the “restore” button, after which we simply click on it. After you do this, the password reset process will start. In this case, it will be canceled, the device’s protection will be deactivated, but all the multimedia information that was previously on the iPhone will not be affected by the process.

If the information is not needed / there is no way to save it

No one gives one hundred percent guarantee that the password recovery operation will end for the user by rolling back to the satisfactory state of the device. In other words, it is possible that information previously stored on the device will not be recoverable. To be one hundred percent sure that after carrying out the appropriate procedures you should not prepare backup copies of the data in advance. In this case, you can always restore the information you are interested in, because in fact it is simply sent to the storage, where it will remain in case of an unexpected breakdown of the device. It should be noted that not every time a password reset in the previous way ends successfully. More than once it was revealed that users encounter unforeseen problems during the recovery operation. Thus, the first method does not give the results for which we hoped. What to do in this case? There remains the option of restoring the device with complete data destruction. This is also necessary in the case (not even that it is necessary, the user simply has no choice), if your smartphone does not load fully, but freezes at a certain point. In such situations, you will have to sacrifice the personal data that was accumulated on the device, because there are no more exits. During an operation in this direction, the settings will also be reset. They will roll back to the factory settings, those with which you purchased your smartphone in the store.


First, run on your personal computer iTunes program. It must be updated to latest version. If you haven’t done this before, then start the upgrade process. This is required to avoid all sorts of errors and troubles associated with the software. So, after you have checked the version of the service and it matches the realities, you can begin the process of resetting the password. To do this, we need to bring the iPhone to the so-called. This is done by turning off the device and then connecting it to personal computer or laptop using a USB cable. After that, we continue to hold the power and “to the desktop” buttons. After a few seconds of holding in the window of the “iTunes” program, a notification will be displayed that informs us that the device was successfully connected to the computer in recovery mode. Then in the service you will need to click the button, which is called “restore”. Program on the computer in auto mode  downloads the most new version  firmware for your device, and then install it on the iPhone. You can monitor the status of the process using the download bar, which is located under the company logo.

IPhone 5. Unlock iCloud

This method will also erase all data from your device. The only way to save them is a pre-made backup copy  information. To reset your password using the cloud, you will need a program called “Find iPhone”. Unlocking the iPhone 5 also requires Internet access through a cellular network or Wi-Fi hotspot.