Water datalife engine printable version. DataLife Engine v.12.1 Press Release

Initially, the materials of the article can be sent to the editorial office of the journal by e-mail [email protected] in a form convenient for reviewers to read (tables and figures with captions in the text of the article, references to literature - in a separate file). But the authors should take into account that if the editorial board makes a decision to publish it, the materials of the article must be completely brought to a form that corresponds to the "Rules for the design of articles" given below.


The volume of the article should not exceed 35-37 thousand characters with spaces (about 20 numbered A4 pages with a font size of 14 and one and a half line spacing, including text, bibliography, tables, figure captions), the number of figures - no more than 7. For a review article may be increased to 30 pages with no more than 12 figures. A letter to the editor can contain up to 5 pages with no more than 2 figures. Articles are accepted both in Russian and in English. Articles in Russian must be accompanied by a translation into English the title of the article and the special terms and phrases used in the article.

The text should be clear, not difficult to read (font size - 14 points, line spacing - one and a half, A4 page format, one column, left margins - at least 30 mm, top and bottom - at least 20 mm).

On the first page, articles are printed (see. "Interactive 1st Page Layout"):

  • UDC (see http://www.teacode.com/online/udc/);
  • article title;
  • initials, surnames of the authors (indicating the academic degree of the author after the surname, for example: A.I. Ivanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; I.A.Petrov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences); students must show their status (student, graduate student);
  • full names of organizations (each - from the red line), names of cities and states (except Russia) where these organizations are located (in the same order in which the authors are presented; the assignment of authors to the corresponding organizations is marked with asterisks above after the names of the authors and before the name of the organization );
  • email address (E-mail);
  • Received by the Editors......... (date to be affixed by the editors)
  • short annotation (no more than 14 lines);
  • "Keywords: "(should, while helping search engines, link the material of articles both to the corresponding large sections of optics, and to special areas of research and development, are typed in italics);
    "OCIS codes:"

(see http://www.opticsinfobase.org/submit/ocis/ or Optical Journal, 2000, volume 67, no. 10, pp. 90-103); codes should be listed in order of importance.

The title and abstract of the article should not contain undeciphered abbreviations (abbreviations), even if they are generally accepted, and references to literature.

Footnotes (footnotes) in the text should be consecutively numbered, they should be placed below the line at the bottom of the page to which they refer.

The list of references entitled "Literature", tables and figure captions are printed on separate sheets.

Detailed mathematical calculations, programs, etc., necessary for understanding the article material. are given in the Appendix, placed either at the end of the article, or (in case of an abnormally large volume) at the end of the electronic version of the article on the journal's website.

Figures are not inserted into the text: they are attached separately


Throughout the article, it is necessary to follow the uniform principle of using conventional letters and symbols with their obligatory explanation when they are first used in a text or formula. It is not allowed to use the same symbols or letters to designate different physical and / or mathematical quantities. In the text:

  • Abbreviations of words of the Latin alphabet, always used in superscripts and subscripts, should be typed directly without a period.
  • All letters of the Greek alphabet should be typed in roman type.
  • Abbreviations made up of capital letters of the Russian or Latin alphabets should be typed directly.
  • Type vector values ​​in straight bold type without arrows at the top.
  • Type mathematical symbols like rot, div, lg, lim, exp, sin, etc. directly.
  • Chemical elements and formulas of chemical compounds should be typed in roman type.
  • In all other cases, not listed above, the letters of the Latin alphabet should be typed in italics.

Formulas should not have more than two "floors". One should use, for example, exp (- NS) instead of e - NS, and also use a slash when writing fractions, separating, if necessary, using parentheses, the numerator and denominator or the entire fraction as a whole from other terms of the formula. Do not use the multiplication sign in formulas. The symbol "×" should only be used to denote a vector product, in a combination of numbers like 5 × 10 4, to indicate the multiplicity of magnification (2 ×), when indicating the size (2 × 2), as well as in the case of breaking the formula when transferring. Use the “·” symbol only to denote the dot product of vectors, as well as in chemical formulas (CuSO 4 · 5H 2 O). Cyrillic do not use in formulas!

Do not insert designations of units of physical quantities into formulas! Complex dimensions for the digital value of a physical quantity should be written using a slash instead of negative exponents, and without using the multiplication sign.

Continuous numbering is used for basic formulas. Formulas with a number must be written on a separate line. Formulas and expressions typed using special editors are also written in a separate line. Formulas in the text, i.e. inside a paragraph, should be typed in text mode... When typing a formula, do not use Formula and Text modes at the same time.

The following formula editors can be used: Microsoft Equation and Mathtype without changing the default settings ( you should not change fonts and sizes yourself, put spaces).

List of cited literature(see different types of links in) is compiled in the order of its mention in the article, in the text a link is given by a number in square brackets (for example,). The range of links is indicated by a dash. The list is printed on a separate sheet with the subheading "Literature" with digitization without brackets.

The list of used literature should be drawn up in the following form:

  • the surnames and initials of the authors are typed in italics;
  • for journal articles, the surnames and initials of the first 3 authors are indicated (if there are more authors, then “et al.” or “et al.” should be added), the title of the article, the name of the journal (use only generally accepted abbreviations), year, volume, issue (number), start and end pages;
  • for books, the surnames and initials of all authors, the title of the book, the place of publication, the name of the publisher, the year (for foreign books, indicate the data of the Russian translation, if any), the total number of pages, or specific pages referred to by the author;
  • for copyright certificates, the names and initials of the first 3 authors are indicated (if there are more authors, then “et al.” or “et al.” should be put) authors, title, number of the copyright certificate, as well as the year, number and page of the Bulletin of Inventions, in which the material is published;
  • for patents, the names and initials of the first 3 authors are indicated (with a larger number of authors, then “et al.” or “et al.” should be put), title, country, number, year.

For example:

Journal article

1. A.P. Grammatin Title // Optical journal. 1997. T. 64. No. 3. S. 45−47.

2. Morin M. The name of the paper // Opt. Quant. Electron. 1997. V. 29. No. 5. P. 819−866.


3. Rusinov M.M. Non-spherical surfaces in optics. Calculation, manufacturing, control. Moscow: Nauka, 1996.256 p.

4. McCartney E.J. Optics of the atmosphere. N.Y .: Willey, 1977.400 p.

5. Hart F., Henn F. Atlas of spectra of atoms. Moscow: Mir, 1987.250 p.

6. Repinsky G.N., Goncharenko E.N. Title // A. s. No. 932444. Bul. fig. 1982. No. 20.P. 247.


7. Antonov V.M. Title // Patent of Russia No. 777777. 1984.

Report theses

8. Ivanov V.V. Title // Abstracts. report II All-Union. conf. "Laser optics". L., 1962. Part 2.P. 22−24.

Deposited manuscript

9. Petrov S.I. Title // Dep. at VINITI. No. 1884−388 dated 02.19.1988.

Article in the collection

9. Rashba E.I. Title of the article in the collection // Title of the collection / Ed. Rashba E.I., Sterusha M.D. Moscow: Nauka, 1985.S. 385−398.

10. Favrol L.D. The name of the paper in this book // Title of the collection of articles / Ed. by Thompson D.O. N.Y .: Plenum Press, 1989. P. 210-247.

A link to an unpublished work can be provided only if the article on this work is accepted by the editors of the corresponding journal for publication. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the name of the journal, year, volume number and (preferably) the number of the issue with the intended publication.

Tables must be executed in Word or Excel, have a serial number and a name. Tables are printed on separate sheets and are not inserted into the text. The head of the table should not contain empty columns. Reference material in the table should be accompanied by references to relevant literature. Footnotes related to the table are indicated by asterixes (one, two, ...) and are placed below the table. General remarks on the contents of the table are printed below the table after the word "Note".

Drawings attached to the file of the text of the article in the form individual files in two versions: with designations (digital and alphabetic) and without them ("blind").

The submitted drawings should not be converted, but originally made in the following extensions:

Photos and bitmap illustrations must be in * .tif, * .png, * .jpg, * .bmp formats with a maximum resolution (at least 300 pixels / inch).

Vector drawings, graphs, diagrams, block diagrams must be made in vector programs, for example: Visio 4, 5,2002_2003 (* .vsd); Coreldraw (* .cdr); Excel; AdobeIllustrator; AutoCad; Compass; Matlab (export to * .ai, * .wmf format).

DOC and DOCX drawings are not allowed.

The picture field should be used as much as possible through the choice of scales along the axes and rational placement of illustrative material. Scale labels on the coordinate axes should be turned inside the chart field. Their number in the case of a linear scale should be no more than 5-7 with digitization every other. Units of measurement should be indicated in Russian. Figures should not contain inscriptions; if possible, only alphabetic and numeric designations should be used, the decoding of which is given in the figure caption. The latter should be extremely laconic and should not contain explanatory text fragments. If the graphs in a certain range of argument values ​​visually "merge", this range should either be excluded or shown separately in a scale suitable for the resolution of the curves.

For identification of curves in signatures, their digitization is used and reproduction is not allowed. legend(circles, triangles, squares, stars, etc.). Figure captions are printed on a separate sheet and placed at the end of the article.

Figures should be as colorful as possible - for the electronic version of the magazine posted on the Internet. But in the printed version of the magazine, all drawings are performed in black and white halftone. The publication of individual color drawings in the printed version is possible, but only if absolutely necessary, as an exception.

Simultaneous use of tables and figures to present the same work results is not allowed. Figures are numbered in accordance with the order of their mentioning in the text of the article.

Arrangement of the article material when sending to the editor

The text of the article, literature, figure captions, tables are put together in one file attached to the cover letter. Each figure is attached to the letter as a separate file.

Additional Information

In order to improve the quality of translation of articles, the editors ask the authors to attach a list of special terms with their English equivalents to the text of the article on a separate sheet.

Free third-party module for creating photo albums in the system DataLife Engine... The system will be adapted to work with a large amount of information and will provide your site with a decent display of a wide variety of photographs. Users of your site will get real pleasure from viewing photo albums, will be able to express their opinion about photos, vote for their favorite photo, mark friends and acquaintances. And the installation of the module for you will be as comfortable and safe as possible for your site.

Easy installation in 3 minutes
- The functionality of the module expands the standard capabilities of the system
- Wide application of the minimum number of templates
- Categories and albums with access rights settings
- Admin center, admin panel on the site, panel for moderators
- Photo tags: users or text
- Caching requests
- Bulk add photos, add photos by archive
- RSS feeds
- Additional fields
- Packs of settings and languages
- Search by photos
- Photo tags and rating
- Support for the "HighSlide" library
- Photo effects
- Photo informers
- Different algorithms for creating previews
- SEO support
- Watermark
- Publishing after a certain date, hiding, moderating
- And other...

Below are three screenshots of the demo site, in the "dark" style. ...

Below is a screenshot of a photo album in a standard DLE design. ...

"Titan" is one of the most interesting and wonderful versions of the photo album module for DataLife Engine. In this release, we have tried to make a big step in separating the user and administrative areas of the module. In earlier versions, very often, administration errors appeared due to the strong connection of the admin center with the public files of the module. For example, restoring a configuration package. When the request went to a common "operational" file with the site "flash" - "lightning"; now the request is deployed 180 degrees - to the admin center. The second provision that was observed during the development of the module is the support of the direction of the module's work with a large amount of various information. In this spirit, the algorithm for processing photo previews has been rewritten, the algorithm for updating photo previews has been rewritten - now it is a gradual mode that does not load the processor. Another cool thing introduced in this release is the easy photo and comment management in the admin center. Where mass content management is an integral part.

View of the admin center of the module:

Now let's take a look at what new things our module has learned.

1. New section "Informers" in the admin center

A completely new section "informers" allows you to create a wide variety of informers. Widgets for photos and albums are available.

Master step by step creation informer.

Among the adjustable parameters are the number of displayed materials, the number of columns and rows - if a tabular layout is required, the ability to specify a template for the material, the ability to specify a template for the informer as a whole, the method of sorting materials, the ability to select an access group, there is also the ability to select the processed albums. Popovers can be quickly turned on and off.

Directly in the section "informers" it is possible to view already created informers.

Both tabular and block layout of informer code is supported. If you do not specify the number of columns or lines, then block layout will be turned on.

Informers can be displayed in absolutely any area of ​​the site, in absolutely any text information that is displayed on the site. The installation instructions offer several schemes for connecting "informers", you should choose one.

Available schemes for displaying informers: directly into the site template; in the short and / or full news of the site; in any text area of ​​the site, for example, in the comments to the news (in this case, it will be possible to display the informer both in the comments and in the news, and in the site templates - it will be possible to display it everywhere).

An example of displaying an informer directly in the full news.

A feature of "informers" is the call code. The call code can be absolutely any, but it must contain the informer ID and at least some additional character set (so that any numbers similar to the informer ID are not replaced). For example, you can use the call code "Album ID."

2. Duplication of the "Albums" section in the admin center

To be able to manage albums directly in the admin center, the "albums" section has been duplicated.

3. New section "Photos" in the admin center

The new "Photos" section allows you to quickly and in bulk manage any photos that are added to your photo albums. The first page gives you the opportunity to set your personal filters. Do not be afraid to include a large number of photos for output, you will have a chance to fix it by coming back.

Photos can be either massively or personally sent for moderation or moderated, published if the publication time has not yet come, hide or show again, change or delete. A link is available to go directly to the photo page.

4. Transferring the "Management" section to the admin center

The management of the moderators has been moved from the admin panel on the website to the admin center. Now ordinary admins will not be able to assign moderators for albums.

5. New section "Comments" in the admin center

Added a "comments" section, similar to the "photos" section. On the first page of the section, you can also set up filters for displaying comments.

Comments can be managed as single cases or groups. Only the standard delete, change functions are applied here. To the left of the comment is a photo to which the comment is added, as well as a link to this photo.

6. Transferring the "Optimization" section to the admin center

The section "optimization" has been moved from the admin panel on the site to the admin center. Use this operation if any record in the database was partially damaged and became unusable for displaying in the photo album.

7. Transferring the "Cash" section to the admin center

Another section has been moved from the admin panel on the site to the admin center. This is the "cache" section. Here, as before, the function for forced cleaning of the "cache" folder is available, as well as the "cache" file browser has been added. Now you can delete or view certain "cache" files, analyzing the work of the module.

8. Transfer of the "Preview" section to the admin center, the algorithm for updating the preview has been rewritten

The next transferred section from the admin panel on the site is the "preview" section. In this version, the preview update algorithm has been completely changed. In the first step, the module gradually builds up a list of photos. In the second step, the module updates all the photos step by step. If, for some reason, it is not possible to update the preview of the photo, the photo is skipped. Such reasons may be - a decrease in volumes random access memory, due to a change in hosting, or some other purely technical hesitation related to file access rights. When updating photo previews, the load on the hardware has been significantly reduced, and the reliability of updating the preview has been increased.

But why, and in general, why update the preview? If you've: resized the preview, medium, small or large, it doesn't matter; if you have turned on photo filters, for example, you have turned on the black and white photo filter; if you have updated or disabled the "watermark", or changed the parameters of its positioning; if you want some photos to be under one filter and others under another. Only after that you need to update the preview of the photos, otherwise their appearance will not correspond to your vision of the photo album.

9. Transferring the "Statistics" section to the admin center

The "statistics" section was also moved from the admin panel on the site to the admin center. This section allows you to start recalculating statistics. For example, if the number of photos in the album does not correspond to the real value.

10. New section "Watermark" in the admin center

Changing the "watermark" has never been a problem, and even more so now. In this section, in the most conspicuous place for you, information about the location of the "watermarks" files is displayed. Here you can also download new "watermarks" or copy them from your templates with just a couple of clicks. "Watermark" is a graphic signature of photos, two files - for light and for dark photos. In addition, in the settings section, a special section has been created for setting up the "watermark" - settings for the output area and indents.

11. New algorithm for processing previews

V previous versions photo album, the creation of previews went on the fly, which carried an additional load on the server. This algorithm rewritten, now photo previews are created on upload.

In addition, the acceleration of the creation of previews is due to the fact that before creating the preview, the photo album makes a "background", already reduced, which is suitable for creating each of the three previews - again without processing the "enormity" of the original.

12. New algorithm for fixed crop preview of photos

Added a new algorithm for cropping preview photos. In addition to the two already available - “cube”, when cropping is in the aspect ratio of 1 to 1, and “over”, when cropping is on the larger side of the photo, another one has been added. It is called "fixed crop", the best algorithm for creating previews. Very flexible and suitable for almost all photo albums. The cropping size is set fixed, the photo album gets additional advantages in the form.

Pay attention to the even trimming of the smallest previews.

13. Ability to display the list of albums only on the main

Now photo albums can be configured in such a way that the list of albums is displayed only on home page... In addition to this, you can remove the preview of photos from the main page, and display them only in the album. It's easy to create your own special photo album.

14. New features of the sections "Settings" and "Languages" in the admin center

The Presets and Language Packs Manager has new features. Previously, it was impossible to upload a package to the database, if there is none, now you can. It is enough to upload the file to the folder with settings or languages. We remind you that the module uses the settings and languages ​​that it loads from the database, and the files are used for export and import. Using presets and languages ​​allows you to flexibly customize photo albums, for example, to a specific template, load a specific preset and language pack, but read about that in our other article.

The packages have new parameters, new sections that increase the flexibility of the module settings: for example, the CNC section, "watermark"; in the data filtering section, new parameters have been added for configuring the filtering of seo things.

Improved search by packages, a category is assigned to the parameters.

15. New template tags for preview photos

Added a new tag (cat) for the middle preview template. Which allows you to display directly the initial album to which the photo belongs.

16. New SEO gadgets, such as alt photos, keywords and description of the photos page

17. New SEO gadgets for albums, such as keywords and description

18. New field for albums "Rules"

"Rules" is a new, special text block that is displayed on the pages of the album. For example, in it you can place rules for publishing photos in an album, or an advertisement, or something else. It is possible to enable the display of "rules" only on the first page.

19. New algorithm for counting the number of photos in an album

The algorithm for calculating the number of photos in an album has been changed. The counter will now include all the photos contained in the nested albums.

20. Possibility of limiting available links for downloading photos of other sizes

21. Display in the user's profile of photos on which he is marked

In addition to the previous random photos of the user, it will now be possible to display photos in which the user is marked. In addition, these photos are displayed on the standard pages of the photo album.

22. Custom formatting of the album date in the "Languages" section of the admin center

Of course, these are not all innovations, the most "delicious" inside. Fixed all found bugs and shortcomings, grammatical errors. Including, not without the help of our users and customers. Thank you.

About using the module

Before installing the module, carefully read the agreement on its use. This is the "license.txt" file inside the archive.

Type of use: free, subject to copyright
Cost of removing copyrights, "license": 840 rubles or $ 28
"License" provides the ability to hide public copyrights, and also gives the right to change the php code for your own purposes.
You can buy a "license" by writing to technical support. When buying several licenses at once, you get discounts.

Technical support
Technical support is provided
ICQ: 709-056
ICQ: 1-806-110
Skype: AdminClubRu
On the forum: http://admin-club.ru/forum/
By e-mail mail: [email protected]
In addition to free services (consulting), our technical support can install the module for a fee.

Download DLE 13.2, 13.1, 13.0, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10.6, 10.5, 10.4, 10.3, 10.2, 10.1, 10.0, 9.8, 9.7, 9.6, 9.5, 9.4, 9.3, 9.2 DataLife Engine - content management system a web portal in PHP with HTML and JS code, where MySQL is used as a database, as well as modern technologies like AJAX to quickly manage the site's functions.
On http: //www.site/ you can get acquainted with the new features of this software product, find out news about DL, about nulled, obtaining a license, where to download DLE, about new additional features, optimization of the PHP script format, fixed errors and all the most interesting news.

Where to download DLE? You can download the DLE DataLife Engine complete package of the distribution kit only for the latest released version in the section http: // www .. It is worth noting that it will take "installation 5 minutes", this is how much time it takes to configure and install the distribution kit. It all boils down to the fact that after downloading the DataLife Engine archive, it remains to unzip the package to the desired directory location on the server. Further to this directory from your browser in address bar it will remain to apply by entering your domain, and then answer a couple of questions regarding the license agreement, server settings, database, etc. The Russian version of DLE is available for download to everyone without restriction. Already more than a million downloads of the engine have been achieved in Runet.
It is important to always install the latest version of the news engine, as it includes critical security updates for all other versions, and we strongly advise you to update all your projects as soon as possible. New package distribution contains extensions of capabilities related to appearance control panels, all Additional information read about all this in the news press releases for the new distribution in the changelog.

DLE download

We prepared detailed instructions code update is a list of changes made to the templates, or rather the adaptation of the template to new version engine. We offer a clean engine on www.site Dle download free of charge and without registration. We provide a personal key purchased from the official website of the developers of the news script DataLife Engine.
The pages of this section provide information that will make your project safe and reliable. We will tell you how to check template files, modules, engine for shells and hidden links. Read interesting posts, what is nulled dle or licensed script, what is KeyGen for dle, hacking or how to do null and other post reviews. the site strongly advises you to put only latest update with better protection against burglary.

Download Dle

All of us can download Dle (DataLife Engine 11) Final Release (licensed versions Win1251 - UTF8) without registration - a clean script for creating a website and getting acquainted with the new and improved functions of the just released release. Find out what bugs have been fixed and read about all of this below. It is useful to know that so that all pages of the Internet resource are displayed normally, always make changes according to your version in the tpl template files.
Learn all about installing for a hosting or server, if you need to check the new features of the current engine on home computer, instructions for installing Denver on a computer will help you quickly set up and solve many problems)!
How to increase the security of a resource, what is nulled or make a null DataLife Engine, how to install and configure the script correctly and where to download an Offline Keygen, default templates, free modules, hacks, forums, and all this you can see on our web project site.

Dear friends,

The main stage of development of version 12.0 is completed, the release is under testing and pre-release preparation, but in the meantime, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the information about what awaits you with the release of the new version.

The following changes were prepared and implemented:

1. Added absolutely new design control panel. We tried to make this design more modern, readable and contrasting. In addition to visual changes, the new design also has a number of functional features. The new control panel features not one, but ten color schemes at once, plus one special night scheme, decorated in dark colors, for comfortable work in the dark. Also added the ability to control the width of the sidebar of the sections, and the total width of the control panel. And when working on devices with small screen sizes, the ability to switch to full-screen mode, hiding the browser bar and tabs, has been added to increase the workspace of the panel. Each user of the admin panel has the opportunity to independently customize how the panel will look, its parameters and color scheme... At the same time, to save the panel parameters, a special double system for storing settings is used. The settings are saved both on the server and in the local storage of the browser. What do they provide unique opportunities when using the control panel settings. Thus, server-side saving of settings allows avoiding the effect of "flickering" when applying the design selected by the user, and when using another browser, also use the automatically selected settings. And saving the parameters to local storage allows you to restore the selected settings when complete reset parameters on the server, for example, in case of reinstallation of the script or its global update, for example, to new versions. We hope you enjoy using the new Control Panel. You can watch a small demo of the new panel in the video above.

2. In the script control panel added a brief preview of the last received personal messages on the site. Thus, the user can, if necessary, quickly jump to the desired message directly from the control panel.

3. In the admin panel, when adding publications to the site, immediately after adding a publication, added the ability to select the next action. The choice is offered: "Add another publication", "Go directly to editing the newly added publication", "Go to the list of publications". Thus, you can quickly go to the most frequent actions in one click.

4. In the admin panel, when editing a publication, immediately after its successful saving, added the ability to select: "Go to the list of publications" or "Continue editing this publication". Thus, users who periodically save the publication, in the event of editing, can quickly proceed to continue the editing started.

5. In the admin panel in the section for managing static pages, added saving the status of where the user is, before editing or adding a page, and after editing the page, he will return to the same place where he was. This innovation is convenient when there are a large number of pages, and, for example, setting any search parameters, the user, upon returning after editing, does not have to search or go to the desired page again.

6. In the admin panel when adding a static page, right after saving it, added the ability to select: "Add another page", "Go directly to editing the newly added page", "Go to the list of previously added pages". Thus, you can quickly go to the most frequent actions in one click.

7. In the admin panel also when editing a static page, immediately after saving it, added the ability to select: "Go to the list of pages" or "Continue editing this page". Thus, users who periodically save the publication, in the event of editing, can quickly proceed to continue the editing started.

8. In the administration panel when selecting publications, comments, static pages, etc., to perform massive actions on them, the highlighting of the selected elements has been added. Thus, you can conveniently see which elements you have selected.

9. Completely redesigned editing of profiles users in the control panel. Now in the admin panel, editing of all user parameters is available, which were previously available only in editing profiles on the site.

10. Added new module "Meta Tags". This module allows you to reassign title, description, keywords meta tags for certain pages of the site in the admin panel. The DLE script generates these meta tags for all pages of the site automatically, but sometimes it is necessary to set your own individual values ​​for certain pages, for example, make sure that on the page feedback used not standard from the script settings, but specific only for this page. Now using this module, you can do this in the admin panel of your site. In this module, you set the URL of the page for which you want to reassign the meta tags, and set the new values ​​for these tags. After that, the values ​​you specified will be applied to this page. You can reassign both all fields for a given page, or individual ones. For example, if you leave the keywords field blank, then the default values ​​for this field and for this page will be applied to it. You can specify directly the address of the page for which you want to change the meta tags, and you can also specify a group of links using the "*" symbol, which means search for any character, for example, by specifying / page / * / the specified meta tags will be used for pages / page / 1 /, / page / 2 /, / page / any text / etc.

11. Added the ability to export users from the site. If you use third-party services or programs to organize the mailing of messages to users, then using export you can quickly generate the necessary data. Users are exported in the admin panel in the user editing section. You can export both all users and those who meet certain criteria. Export is carried out either in CSV or Exel format to choose from. 12. Added the ability to transfer publications to other categories at a certain time. To do this, when adding or editing a publication, in the "Expiration until" setting, you can select the "Move to another category" action, and assign one or several categories to which the publication will need to be transferred at the specified date.

13. Added the ability to exclude certain news from site search. When adding or editing news in the admin panel, you can set the "Exclude from search" option for each publication separately. Thus, you can exclude from the search news for which you do not want them to take part in the search on the site.

14. Added the ability to assign a password to each news or a list of passwords required to view this publication. If the post has a password, then in case of switching to the full news, the user will be asked to enter the password, and the post will be shown only if the correct password is entered. The entered password will be valid until the user closes the browser, and within one session of working with the site, the password will not be requested again.

15. Added the ability to exclude certain static pages from site search. When adding or editing a page in the admin panel, you can set the "Exclude from search" option for each static page separately.

16. Added the ability to assign to each static page the password or list of passwords required to view this static page. If a password is set for the page, then in case of going to this page, the user will be asked to enter the password, and the page will be shown only if the correct password is entered. The entered password will be valid until the user closes the browser, and within one session of working with the site, the password will not be requested again.

17. For additional fields, having the "cross-reference" type, added the output of auto-suggestions when adding and editing publications, in the form of a list of words already available in the database. This makes it easier to fill in these fields, and also reduces the likelihood of an erroneous filling in the field.

18. For the module redirects added the ability using masks to set a template for redirecting. To do this, when specifying the URL from which you want to redirect, the "*" symbol is used, which means that instead of "*", any set of characters can be found in the URL. For example, you can specify / page / * /, where will be redirected from all pages, such as / page / 1 /, / page / 2 /, / page / text / etc.

19. In the admin panel, in the section for editing users, added the ability to quickly switch to editing the group of a specific user.

20. For static page templates (static.tpl and others assigned to the page), added support for a new tag text, which displays the text enclosed in them as a link to edit a static page for user groups who are allowed to edit static pages. This facilitates a quick transition to editing. desired page, at a large number static pages.

21. For the tag of custom output of publications (custom ....) added a new parameter for sorting publications "id_as_list" which works in conjunction with the parameter "id", and sorts publications as they are specified in the list. For example, the tag (custom id = "3,4,1,2" order = "id_as_list") will display first news with ID 3, then 4, then 1, then 2. This innovation is useful when you want to display the required publications in a strictly specified order.

22. For the custom comment display tag (customcomments ....) also added a new publication sorting parameter "id_as_list" which works in conjunction with the "id" parameter, and sorts the displayed comments as they are in the list. For example, the tag (customcomments id = "3,4,1,2" order = "id_as_list") will display first a comment with ID 3, then 4, then 1, then 2. This innovation is useful when you want to display the desired comments in a strictly specified order.

23. Added the ability to enable permission to post video in comments using tags. Thus, you can allow or deny for each user group, whether they are allowed to publish in the comments to the publication of the video, or not.

24. Added the ability to enable permission to post in comments media widgets using tags. Thus, you can allow or deny for each user group, whether they are allowed to publish media widgets in comments or not.

25. Changes have been made to the work of quick editing publications on the site. Now, during quick editing, only those fields are shown that were previously filled in when adding a publication or full editing. This also applies to the fields of short and full text for publication. If the short description or full description fields were left blank, they no longer appear in quick edit. This innovation will be useful for those who use only add. fields for publication, they will not see unnecessary fields during quick editing on the site.

26. Added the ability to remove from the template of adding a publication on the site such fields as "short" and "full" description, while retaining all other functionality, for example, editors. This innovation will be useful for those who build the addition of publications exclusively using additional fields.

27. Added a new global template tag (category-id), which displays the ID of the category viewed by the site visitor. This tag will be useful when organizing the menu on the site, as well as when you need to quickly reassign any CSS classes or the names of template files themselves, when designing templates for displaying publications.

28. Added a new global template tag (category-title), which displays the name of the category the visitor is viewing the site. This tag will be useful when you need to separately display the name of the viewed category on the site.

29. For categories added the ability to set a full short description. The description is created in the admin panel when adding or editing categories in the corresponding section. In the category description, you can use both BBCODES tags and HTML tags... To display the description on the site, a new global template tag (category-description) is used, which displays the specified description when the user views this category, and the output is also available when displaying full publications. Thus, using a simple construction, for example: (category-title)
(category-description) you can automatically display the name of the category and its short description in the right place. With the help of additional tags, you can restrict the display of this information, for example, only on the first page of a category.

30. For the category menu output tag (catmenu ...), for its parameter "subcat" added the ability to use the new value "only", which means that you need to display only subcategories from the specified category. For example, when using the tag (catmenu id = "1" subcat = "only"), only subcategories belonging to the category with ID "1" will be displayed. This innovation is useful when, when visiting a certain category, you need to display a list of its subcategories. For example, using a simple construction (catmenu id = "(category-id)" subcat = "only") you can automatically display a list of subcategories for the category viewed on the site.

31. In the category settings in the control panel, added the ability to exclude the selected category from the search. Thus, you can specify for each category whether it will participate in the site search. If a category is excluded from the search, then when searching for publications on the site, news from this category will not be displayed in the results found.

32. For additional fields of the "Image gallery" type, added the ability to display loaded images separately. To do this, templates use a tag, where "X" is the name of the additional field, and "Nr" is the number of the image from the gallery. For example, when using image number two will be displayed, loaded into an additional field named "test". Thus, you can use one field, and at the same time display a preview of the gallery from one picture in short news, and the entire gallery when viewing full news.

33. Added the ability safe use tag (title) in HTML attributes, when displaying publications. For example, you can use alt = "(! LANG: (title)" и текст будет сохранять валидность документа, если в заголовке есть кавычки.!}

34. Added support for the tag publishing videos and posts from Facebook.

36. Added automatic reset of browser cache for CSS and JS files used by the script when updating the script to a new version. This innovation will allow the browser, when updating the script, to immediately download the actual files from the new version, and not use the old ones from the cache.

37. Added tag support (THEME) in the preview of advertising materials in the script control panel.

38. When adding any data to the admin panel, added visual highlighting of how many symbols have been added to this field, and how many more can be added. This innovation allows you to visually see how much more you can enter in order not to go beyond the restrictions on the length of the field.

39. If the protocol of your site is not specified in the script settings, starting from this version DLE will use a secure SSL connection and will generate links to the https protocol.

40. Added preventive measures to protect the site from "endless" redirects, if the use of only the HTTPS protocol is enabled in the script settings, but the server is not configured correctly and does not transmit information about the protocol used by the site.

41. In the admin panel, for the word filter section, added preventive measures to prevent accidental deletion of a word from the word filter. Now this action will need to be confirmed.

42. For pages of personal bookmarks of publications, added sending 403 HTTP code (access denied) to the browser if an unregistered user enters the bookmarks address. Thus, these pages will be prohibited from indexing for search engines and they will not mistakenly index the given page with one single error message about accessing the section.

when showing the latest comments on the site, for sites with big amount comments.

44. Optimized display of the tag cloud block, on databases with a large number of publications on the site. Database query has been improved and speeded up.

45. Added support curly braces( and ) in the "Word Filter" module, you can now use words containing these characters in the filter.

46. ​​Added automatic exclusion of publications from the sitemap for search engines, if in the publication itself in the "Access" tab, viewing of the publication for guests was prohibited.

47. The visual editors Froala and TinyMCE have been updated to the current versions. In these editors, previously discovered operational problems have been corrected.

48. Updated to current version HTML code parser for publications added to the site.

49. Problem fixed related to incorrect notification of search engines on the crown of the sitemap update, if the site name was specified in the script settings without specifying the protocol.

50. Problem fixed, in which visual editors might not be displayed on the page for adding a publication on the site, if custom tags were on the same page.

51. Problem fixed, in which the visual editor might not load during quick editing on the site, if the output of publications on the site is used only by the (custom ...) tag, without using the main tag (content).

52. Problem fixed, when in notifications to E-mail, about new comments or personal messages, a merged text was sent without line breaks.

53. Problem fixed, in which line breaks were lost in empty blank lines when using the TinyMCE editor in the news.

54. Problem fixed, in which some template tags for static pages were displayed incorrectly when displaying static pages in search results.

55. Minor errors in the script detected and announced earlier have been fixed.

You can always find the latest releases of the DataLife Engine on the site. Choose different - zeroed and licensed versions of cms DLE, CP1251 or UTF-8, all the freshest right from dle-news. For example new DataLife Engine 12.1 and DLE 12.1 nulled you can download without registration for free, and by direct link.
the site is always the first to offer the freshest releases!

DataLife Engine 12.1 and DLE 12.1 nulled for free

DatalifeEngine: about its advantage in the new version over other CMS:

The DatalifeEngine system, known as DLE 12.1, is unique. The creators really tried, giving it amazing features. Since its inception, the system has become insanely popular. Why did this happen? Most of the CMS are quite complex and incomprehensible for a number of users. While this one is not only simple, but also extremely convenient, including for those who are not familiar with web programming quite remotely.
The quality of execution is what webmasters love. DLE allows you to create full-fledged informational websites, manage them, without resorting to the use of multi-step codes, CSS. And for bloggers, the system is a godsend. But let's move on to the main advantages.

Pros of DLE 12.1 Nulled: obvious to the layman too:

They become apparent from the beginning of work with the installation software. Installation is done in just a few steps. The webmaster works faster with any projects. Of course, if we are talking about large information portals with many blocks, sections, you will have to install the highest quality template and additional modules. And there are a lot of sites supported using the described "admin panel". This is a direct indicator of popularity. The add-on modules are seeing the light with a regularity that other CMS will envy. And in many respects the merit of this belongs to third-party developers.
DatalifeEngine handles high loads. This is a huge advantage. Developers in each update carefully pass by unnecessary additions. The functionality allows you to do administration with minimal use of webmastering knowledge. And this is very important for those who seek to keep users of news resources and blogs up to date. Portals are a means of earning money, and their owners will easily appreciate the ease of advertising management.
When comparing DLE with WordPress, the former will leave the latter slightly behind. Despite the quality of the WordPress engine and the advantages of creating websites on it, every new update to DatalifeEngine is a breakthrough. And now the expected version dle 13.0, which, according to experts, has become "explosive". But so far there are few tests on it. We hope that the release after the tests will please us as much as the words of the specialists.

And the main question - are there any disadvantages in DatalifeEngine 12.1?

Every CMS has them, and a professional webmaster will name them right off the bat. With the release of the last few versions of DLE, more and more people are talking about the advantages and opportunities that open up to administrators and users. Many do not dare to say about the shortcomings - the system is really good.
Perhaps the only drawback is that you cannot download the DLE for free, so that it would do without consequences for the owners of the site and its creators. In addition, the most complete functionality is available only in licensed versions, for which you have to pay. The price is about a hundred dollars, and this is a little for such software that can become a reliable assistant, and for someone even best friend... In the future, we will try to keep everyone interested in the latest news.

For now, let's take a look at the main script updates:

    • In the main script settings in the security settings, we added protection against inserting a site into frames. That is, if someone inserts your site with a frame, then it will no longer work. Anyone who knows the word "clickjacking" will understand what it is about.

    • Modified "Meta Tags" module. It is now called Titles, Descriptions, Meta Tags. The most important thing that I liked is that now you can insert the (page-title) tag that will display the name of the news, anywhere on the page.

  • We also added our own 404.html page to the settings. So now you can create a page and place ads there without unnecessary movements.
  • We've worked on speeding up page loading in the browser. We did what was done manually: some of the heavy scripts were transferred to a delayed and independent of page rendering loading.
  • FINALLY added micro-markup from schema.org. A lot of people did it by hand, and it's not easy.
  • 43. In the authorization using "Odnoklassniki", added the automatic receipt of the user's E-mail. Now those who work with mail will have a big plus in terms of the number of users.
  • Updated to newer versions of the site mail submission library and the mobile device definition library.

Read all existing changes on dle-news.ru