Mobile phones should be prohibited at school (Compositions of the exam in English). Composition Importance of mobile phones in English with translation Essays mobile phones in school

Students in a school in Canada walked out oflessons to protest about the action of their headteacher. They said the headteacher had broken the law and violated their rights.

The headteacher had installed a mobile phone jammer within the school. The jammer stops signals from reaching mobile phones, so it stopped all the students "mobile phones from working.

Teachers at the school claim that students using mobile phones in lessons - especially for texting - has become a major problem. In 2007 the school banned students from taking phones into the classroom.

But teachers say they were each still having to confiscate two or three phones a day because students were ignoring the rule and texting in class. The teachers say this was very annoying because it was disrupting lessons.

It took two days for pupils to work out that a jammer was the reason their phones weren "t working. A group of the students used the internet to find out about the use of mobile phone jammers. They found a reference to a law called the Canada Radiocommunications Act. This law says it "s illegal to use any device that blocks people" s mobile phone signals.

The students then held a protest rally against the use of the jammer. As soon as the headteacher learnt it was illegal, he switched the jamming device off. He said he was impressed by the way the pupils had done their research into the Radiocommunications Act.

Mobile phones in school classrooms cause a lot of arguments. Many students say it is their right to have them wherever they want. Some parents say they want to be able to contact their children. But many teachers say they can "t teach lessons when there are so many disruptions from using mobile phones.

Not all teachers think mobile phones should be banned, though. Many say the best action would be to educate students on when it "s appropriate to use mobile phones.

2. The author says that mobile phones in classroom can lead to disturbance at the lesson. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3. What made the headteacher switch off the mobile phone jammer?

4. Why did the headteacher decide to install the jammer?

Translation of text No. 42 MOBILE PHONE PROTEST for the final exam in English

Protest against mobile phones

In one of the schools in Canada, students left their lessons to protest the actions of the class teacher. They said that the class teacher violated the law and their rights.

The homeroom teacher installed telephone jamming devices inside the school. This device prevents signals from reaching the phone, so all student phones were not working.

School teachers claim that students use mobile phones in class - especially online reading - this has become a major problem. In 2007, the school banned bringing phones to class.

But teachers say they had to confiscate 2-3 phones a day because students ignored the rules and txt in class. The teachers say that it was very annoying because it interfered with the lesson.

It took two days for the students to establish that it was this device that caused the silence of their phones. A group of students used the Internet to find out how these devices work. They found a reference to the Radio Communications Act of Canada Act. This law states that it is illegal to use any means that block phone signals. Students held a meeting to protest the use of such a tool. As soon as the homeroom teacher found out that it was illegal, he turned off these devices. He said he was impressed by how the students conducted found the Radio Communication Act.

Mobile phones in classrooms are the cause of much controversy. Many students say it is their right to use their phones wherever they want. Some parents say they don't want to be able to mess with their kids. And many teachers say that they cannot teach lessons because the use of mobile phones interferes with them. For those who do not change, all teachers believe that mobile phones should be banned. Many people say the best thing is to teach students where and when to use their phones.

Answers to the questions to the text No. 42 MOBILE PHONE PROTEST for the exam in English

1. This text is about using of mobile telephones. Teachers at schools claim that students using mobile phones in lessons has become a major problem. Many teachers say that the best action is to educate students on when it’s appropriate to use mobile phones.

2. (4th paragraph) But teachers say they were each still having to confiscate two or three phones a day because students were ignoring the rule and texting in class. The teachers say this was very annoying because it was disrupting lessons.

3. Because he learned that installation of a jammer within the school was illegal.

4. Because a jammer stops signals from reaching mobile phones, so it stopped all the students ’mobile phones from working.

Composition in English Pros and cons of mobile phones / Mobile Phones: Pro "s And Con" s with translation into Russian

In English. Mobile Phones: Pro "s And Con" s
I think every person today has a mobile phone, even little children do. For many people it is a necessary thing for everyday life. Moreover their whole life is in their mobile phone.
As for me I can "t imagine my life without a telephone now. Lately mobile phones have become not only a thing which is used to call people but a lot more. Mobiles have taken the place of computers and laptops. A person can check emails , search for information thanks to the internet connection on mobile phones. We can also listen to music, watch films, videos, read books and chat to our friends with the help of mobiles. It also helps us to stay in touch with people who are far away and with whom we can "t meet for some reasons. It seems nothing can be better than having everything in just one little gadget.
In fact not everything is so wonderful as it seems at the first sight. Just look at people around - they are obviously addicted to their mobiles like to drugs. Every second you see a person staring at his telephone screen. Children are playing games and applications in their mobiles instead of playing football or walking with friends. People forget what it is like to communicate face to face, they only chat to people online. Moreover using mobile phones very often is dangerous because of radiation we get.
I think mobile phones are very useful in people "s life, but we need to find a balance between mobile and face to face communication.

Translating to Russian language. Pros and cons of mobile phones
I think nowadays every person has a mobile phone, even small children. For many, this is a necessary thing in everyday life. Moreover, their whole life is in the mobile phone.
Personally, I cannot imagine my life without a mobile phone. Lately, phones have become more than just a thing to call someone, but something more. Mobile phones have taken the place of computers and laptops. We can check mail, search for information, thanks to the presence of the Internet on the phone. We can also listen to music, watch movies, videos, read books and communicate with friends using mobile phones. They also help us to keep in touch with people who are far away and with those with whom we cannot meet for any reason. Seems like what could be better than having everything in one small device?
In fact, not everything is as cool as it really seems. Look at the people around - they are obviously addicted to their "cell phones" like drugs. Every second you can see a person staring at the phone screen. Children play games, applications on their phones instead of playing football or hanging out with friends. People forget what it means to communicate face-to-face, they only correspond online. Moreover, very frequent use of mobile phones can be dangerous due to radiation.
I believe that mobile phones have a lot of benefits in people's lives, but we need to find a balance between mobile and live communication.

Mobile phones ... There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say electronic devices should not be allowed at school whereas others believe mobile phones do not distract children.

As far as I am concerned, mobile phones are not needed at school. To begin with, they do distract students from studying as chatting is surely more attractive to young people. Moreover, mobile phone may be dangerous if one uses it all day long. In addition, using mobile phones at the moment when teacher is speaking is at least demonstration of disrespect to them.

In contrast, there is an opinion that mobile phones can be useful when studying because sometimes students demand a little break from studying as it can lead to stress.

Then, such people also admit that school breaks allow children to rest for some time so that is when mobile phones can be used.

In fact, I cannot agree with them because a school day is only seven hours so children have more time to use theur phones when they are at home. Actually, there devices give an opportunity for students to cheat.

In conclusion, I would like to state that mobile phones should be prohibited at school since nowadays people are becoming more and more addicted to the gadgets so school can distract them from mobile phones.

Updated: 2017-05-28

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Mobile phones

Mobile (or cell) phones are becoming an extremely popular electronic device and sometimes they are even replacing house phones. They are also becoming more technologically advanced: most can take and send pictures and videos and connect to the Internet. Mobile phones can be used to look up weather or answers to questions on search engines. Many children are becoming mobile phone owners. But we should be aware of both the positive and negative aspects of mobiles.
Let us start with the advantages of buying a mobile for a child. First of all, many mobile phones allow access to the Internet, which can help a child to find answers to questions very quickly and easily. This can help with studies and other simple questions like daily weather or finding directions to go to some place.
Secondly, some mobile phones have tracking devices. So parents can track where their child is at any moment, to know that he \\ she is safe.
Thirdly, mobile phones can be a learning tool for children. There are many applications that can help to learn new words or simply train your memory.
And last but not least, mobile phones allow parents and children to stay in touch. Mobile phones can be important in emergency situations or when a parent needs to quickly get in touch with a child or vice versa.
At the same time there are certain disadvantages in mobile phones usage. First and foremost is cheating. Students can text answers under their desks during tests. Some students try to find answers to test questions on the Internet using their phones.
Moreover, mobile phones can be very distracting from important events in a student "s life such as studying, doing homework, or even crossing the street.
Besides, children can receive abusive messages from other students or from strangers.
And finally, mobile phones are not cheap.
All in all, mobile phones have already become an important part of our daily life and communication. We just have to use them wisely.

Mobile phones

Mobile (cell) phones are becoming a very popular electronic device and sometimes they even replace home phones. They are also becoming more technologically advanced. Many (phones) can take and send photos and videos, connect to the Internet. You can use mobile phones to see the weather or answer questions on a search engine. Many children become owners of mobile phones. But we need to be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones.
Let's start with the benefits of buying a mobile phone for a child. Firstly, many mobile phones allow Internet access, which can help a child find answers to questions very quickly and easily. It can help with studies and other simple matters like the daily weather or directions for getting somewhere.
Secondly, some mobile phones have tracking devices. Parents can keep track of where their child is to know that they are safe.
Third, mobile phones can also be educational tools. There are many applications that can help you learn new words or just train your memory.
Last but not least, mobile phones allow parents and kids to stay connected. Mobile phones are important in emergencies or when a parent needs to quickly contact a child and vice versa.
At the same time, there are also disadvantages to using mobile phones. First and foremost is cheating. Students can send answers in the form of SMS under the desk during the test. Some people try to find answers to questions on the Internet using mobile phones.
What's more, mobile phones can also distract from important events in students' lives, such as school, homework, and even crossing the street.
In addition, children may receive abusive messages from other students or from strangers.
Finally, mobile phones are not cheap.
Overall, mobile phones have already become an important part of our daily life and communication. We just have to use them wisely.


abusive - offensive
access - access
advantages and disadvantages - advantages and disadvantages
to allow - allow, allow
application - application
to cheat - to cheat, bld. write off
communication - communication
to connect - connect, connect
to cross the street - cross the street
direction - indication, instruction
to distract - to distract
emergency situation - emergency situation
extremely - extremely
house phone - home phone
learning tool - learning tool
to look up - look, search (information in the directory, on the Internet)
memory - memory
mobile phone \u003d cell phone - mobile phone
to replace - replace
search engine - search engine
to stay in touch - stay in touch
to text - type SMS, text message
to track - follow
to train - train
vice versa - on the contrary

Answer the questions
1. Why do parents want their children to have a cell phone?
2. What are the advantages of having a cell phone?
3. What problems you can have with a cell phone?
4. When did you get your first mobile phone?
5. What do you usually use your mobile phone for?
6. How do you feel when you forget your mobile phone at home?
7. Do you think it is right that mobile phones are not allowed in some schools?
8. In what place would you recommend people switch off or turn down their mobile phones? Why?
9. Translate the underlined expressions. Use them in your own sentences about mobile phones.
10. Think about these people. Find 3 pros and cons in buying a mobile phone for them.
- A 5-year-old boy
- An old lady
- A teenager

From children to senior citizens, mobile phones have become a craze as a way of staying ahead with the technology. With our fast lifestyles, we have no time to meet our relatives or friends and are left with the only option of talking over the phone. Here comes the need of mobile phones, which allow us to stay connected wherever we are and whenever we need to.

Everybody today owns at least a basic mobile phone. What makes it easy to use is its user-friendly nature, small size and its numerous attractive features. However, people are always eager to replace their mobile phones with the latest models having more advanced features. As the technology is scaling new heights, mobile phones are becoming cheaper and cheaper and the customer is getting more for less. A great way of amusing yourself is by playing games on your mobile phone. If you want to store your precious moments, you can use its video recording feature. Mobile phones can become expressions of who we are by getting mobile ringtones, wallpapers, which turn your phone into a unique device.

Whatever may be said against mobile phones their advantages have always scored over their disadvantages. They have proved useful for every purpose. Nothing is as comfortable as a mobile phone for communicating over a distance. You cannot be present at the same time at more than one place, but if required you can just make use of your mobile phone and get your work done. Mobile phones have definitely become the most vital part of our lives. It is hard to imagine life without mobiles. Indeed, mobile phones keep you connected round the clock. They are now inexpensive, easy to use, comfortable and equipped with almost every latest feature you desire. Today, a technologically advanced mobile phone can perform as many tasks as well as that of a personal computer. Even remote countries have started having mobile phone services. 2. The author explains why people need mobile phones nowadays. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3. What features can be found in modern mobile phones?

4. Why are mobile phones a vital part of our life?

Translation of the text for the final exam in English No. 59 MOBILE PHONES (Mobile phones)

From kids to adults, mobile phones have become fix ideas as a way to stay ahead of technology. With our fast paced life, we don't have time to meet with relatives or friends and we have the only means of talking on the phone. And this is where the need for mobile phones comes in. Who keep in touch wherever they are and whenever we need it.

Today everyone has at least a basic mobile phone. What makes it easy to use is its small size and many attractive features. However, people always want to replace their mobile phones with the latest models with more advanced software.

As technology reaches new heights, mobile phones are getting cheaper and cheaper, and consumers get for less money. A great opportunity to have fun is to play games on your mobile phone. If you want to capture moments that are dear to you, you can use the camera. Mobile phones can be an expression of yourself. By mobile calls, screensavers that turn your phone into a unique tool.

Whatever we say against mobile phones, there are more advantages than disadvantages. They have proven themselves for any purpose. There is nothing more convenient than using a mobile phone from a distance. You cannot be present in more than one place at the same time, but if you want you can just use your mobile phone and do it.

Mobile phones have definitely become the most important part of our lives. It's hard to imagine your life without phones. They are now inexpensive, easy to use, comfortable, and equipped to almost the latest requirement. Today, technologically advanced mobile phones can perform the tasks of a personal computer. Even distant countries began to use mobile communications.

Answers to the questions to the text No. 59 MOBILE PHONES for the exam in English

1. This text is about a big role of mobile phones in our life. Everybody today owns at least a basic mobile phone. Mobile phones have more advantages than disadvantages.

2. 1st paragraph.

3. Modern mobile phones have numerous attractive features. You can amuse yourself by playing games, you can use its video recording feature. They have proved useful for every purpose.

4. It is hard to imagine life without mobiles. They allow us to stay connected wherever we are & whenever we need to.

Second answer option

Answer to question 1. Read the article and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about. The text is about mobile phones and their role in our everyday life. The text emphasizes the positive effect of using the phones to solve different problems much quicker than some decades ago.

Answer to question 2. The author explains why people need mobile phones nowadays. Find this extract and read it aloud. (1 paragraph) From children to senior citizens, mobile phones have become a craze as a way of staying ahead with the technology. With our fast lifestyles, we have no time to meet our relatives or friends and are left with the only option of talking over the phone. Here comes the need of mobile phones, which allow us to stay connected wherever we are and whenever we need to.

Answer to question 3. What features can be found in modern mobile phones? If you want to store your precious moments, you can use its video recording feature. Mobile phones can become expressions of who we are by getting mobile ringtones, wallpapers, and games which turn your phone into a unique device.

Answer to question 4. Why are mobile phones a vital part of our life? It is hard to imagine life without mobiles. They are now inexpensive, easy to use, comfortable and equipped with almost every latest feature you desire. Today, a technologically advanced mobile phone can perform as many tasks as well as that of a personal computer.