Statistics for a specific page in Yandex.Metrica. How to view the attendance of a specific page in Yandex metric How to check page traffic

Whoever owns information owns the world. For sites, this statement is very true. In order to find out the traffic of someone else's site, you need to determine all possible resources and methods that can find out someone else's statistics. Also in this post, a great method is described to find out the traffic of someone else's site.

You can find out the traffic of someone else's site using:

  1. Liveinternet;
  2. Yandex Metrica;
  3. Alexa;
  4. Analysis of ratings;
  5. Analysis of a competitor's website.



I can also advise from our employee, it is very convenient for collecting the semantic core.

Then, after receiving the competitor's CL, you need to determine the competitor's site by the CL, check the frequency. Based on this, you can calculate the approximate attendance. Let's take an example:


key1; 100; 3
key2; 150; 1
key3; 200; 6

Let's decipher the first line: key1 - keyword, 100 - frequency, 3 - position in the search results.

For the calculation, we now need CTR, let's take the statistics of foreign web studios. Let's distribute CTR to positions.
As you can see, the data for the first 3 positions differ greatly from the results of the analysis of other years. Personally, it seems to me that it is only a matter of years, not companies. Every year, the quality of sites and the issue is improving accordingly.

For the third position, the approximate CTR is 10%, again, this strongly depends on the written title and snippet, subject matter. Everything is individual, these are only average data. Let's continue counting.

With 100 requests per month and 0.10 click probabilities, we get 10 visits per month for one key. If we calculate the entire semantic core, this will give us an approximate result, but as you can see, the method is quite laborious, but possible.

There are also services for auto collection of positions. And if you take the average CTR for each position, make a small program - it won't be difficult at all.

If you approach more competently, you can derive a formula.

A \u003d i \u003d 0nV (ki) P (ti, si, hi, z)

A - Desired value (the number of traffic from a competitor per month).

V - Function for getting the number of requests for ki (wordstat).

P - Function for calculating CTR (click probability).

ti- Title and snippet (as you know, the title and snippet represent the site in search engines, in the search results, ti helps the user to make the right decision).

si- Position in the top of the site by the key ki.

hi- Key urgency ratio (for example, "order a tow truck urgently" people

will not study the issue, but simply look for a quick solution to the problem.

On the contrary, the key “buy a wedding dress” is one of those queries in which girls can go up to page 10 by looking at all the sites).

z - Brand reputation coefficient.

The formula is, of course, generalized, since geo-dependence is not taken into account (at least), and the functions of obtaining brand reputation, title click-through rate + snippet are not detailed.

Although it can be assumed that coffee. title + snippet clickability depends on:

  1. occurrence of ki in title;
  2. entry of ki into snippet;
  3. the presence of attracting / interesting words words (click, at a price of 739 rubles, cheap, discounts, etc.);
  4. coffee. attractiveness favicon.

If you drip even deeper

  1. Parse title and snippet entry:

a) full entry;

b) incomplete.

You can also break down “incomplete” into sub-items (how incomplete) ... and so on. You can go on for a very long time, so let's finish on this.

By the way, we have a lot of instructional articles, which contain a lot of practical advice with a history of many years of practice. Of course, we thought about setting up a thematic mailing list, but we are not yet in time. So it's most convenient

Learning from the mistakes of others and adopting the chips of industry leaders is a winning tactic of competent leaders.

That is why more and more entrepreneurs are becoming traffic spies, seeking by any means to obtain information about the traffic on a competitor's website, the sources of its traffic and the main search queries. Research like this makes it possible to quickly achieve your goals, saving you budget and time.

Do you want to enter the TOP and increase sales? Find out further which algorithm of actions is applicable for the correct analysis of competitors' traffic!

Why do you need traffic analysis of another company?

If you are just planning to open a project, studying statistics will be an excellent option for testing a niche. The data obtained is a guideline for the upcoming volume of work, as well as audience coverage using the same keywords as the competitor.

In addition to assessing the potential of the industry and the level of future income, checking the traffic of someone else's portal will help:

  • choose the best website promotion strategy based on the successful decisions of competitors;
  • decide whether to buy a particular site;
  • understand whether it makes sense to post guest posts on the site;
  • find out the approximate conversion from competitors;
  • study their strengths and weaknesses;
  • choose a benchmark in terms of content and usability.

Have in mind!

In internet marketing, there is no magic button by clicking which the site will receive the maximum targeted traffic. The secret of success is invariable - you need to take care of your visitors, regularly publish honest and original articles, and improve the service.

But thanks to the analysis of the resources of colleagues in the field, you can learn about non-standard promotion methods, small tricks that can benefit your project.

See how it's done ...

We analyze competitors under a microscope

The SEO intelligence plan is as follows:

1. Calculating direct competitors

Look for similar websites with properties you are interested in (price range, similar geographic location, specific services). Having considered the nuances of your activity and product, it will not be difficult to determine the important factors of labor.

Enter keywords related to your business in different variations in the Google and Yandex search box. Then carefully study the search and ad unit - get to know your rivals.

2. Stop at 3-5 sites

Do not try to cover the immensity - limit yourself to a few high-quality competitors' projects. Opt for experienced, well-established resources that are dedicated to your niche. Pay special attention to industry leaders.

3. Watching website traffic

For this, use attendance counters, manual check or special programs, free and paid services. Read on for details on each technique and type of analyzer!

Advice: Study your competitors regularly, taking into account not only the number of visitors, but also traffic channels, mentions on social networks, key queries from the TOP-10. This will make the picture more complete and objective.

Easy ways to find out your competitor's website traffic

So what options are there?

  • Counters

Most resources in the footer or sidebar have informers showing the number of views and readers per hour, day, week, month.

  • Page "Advertising on the site"

The owners of popular sites usually do not hide data on traffic from search engines from potential advertisers, sometimes they even provide interesting facts about demographics, gender, age of the audience.

Example on Jlady
Example from Dajlapu

Please note! This information is not always relevant. You need to trust only those online sites that indicate the date of the last statistics update.

  • Personally request numbers

Nothing prevents you from pretending to be an advertiser and asking a blogger about the traffic to his resource. This is one of the most reliable methods, but even it does not guarantee 100% objectivity. The webmaster is able to fabricate data to increase the interest of advertisers. In addition, not everyone has Google Analytics installed and configured correctly.

  • Assumption

The most imprecise method. You can also determine the popularity of a site by indirect factors. For example, by the number of posts, likes on social media buttons, shares and comments (we take into account the average). Backlinks and a guestbook will help you evaluate how lively the project will be.

If the website is associated with a YouTube channel, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook groups, be sure to visit them and analyze the activity.

Services for evaluating search traffic

You are probably wondering which ones? The list of the most popular analyzers is as follows. The data in the table and prices are current for December 2017.

Service Market Paid version trial version Free version
CIS, US, EU $ 1099 per month
CIS, US, EU $ 19- $ 2500 per month Yes, 10 requests per day
CIS, US, EU $ 99.95- $ 399.95 per month Yes, 10 requests per day
CIS, US, EU $ 99- $ 999 per month 7 days for $ 7 No
US, EU $ 99- $ 149 per month 7 days No
US, EU N / A N / A Yes, functional limitation


If the subject's website does not have a traffic counter, we recommend using the analyzer mentioned above (before the rebranding it was called prodvigator).

This easy-to-use, feature-rich service demonstrates search analytics, provides key analysis and paid results. In addition, you can find out the position of the resource, monitor backlinks, receiving data in the form of understandable infographics.

Also, you can find the most similar in terms of traffic and relevance competing projects

Without registration and in the free version, the functionality will be cut. Individual rates start at $ 19 per month, and for companies - from $ 499.

Allows you to get information about site traffic in seconds. You can view an analysis of keywords, product ads of other companies, a visual comparison of their domains.

On you will receive an analytical report on the success or subsidence of the site's positions, you can carefully study the advertising strategy of your competitors. The presented service also makes it possible to research the authority and types of backlinks, the engagement of the audience from social networks.

Monthly plans price - $ 99.95- $ 399.95, a free version is available.

A reliable assistant to the optimizer aimed at winning the battle for visitors. It focuses on cross-link analysis, domain name comparison, and keyword validation.

Finding the articles from your opponent that have received the most shares will help you adjust your content strategy. And reports on the dynamics of the growth of its link mass will make it possible to nullify the probability of falling under the filters of your own resource.

Site owners note not only the effectiveness and versatility of the platform, but also its high cost: from $ 99 to $ 999 per month... For this reason, purchasing a tariff plan is advisable only when it comes to working on a large portal.


This service is used to determine the popularity of a site using the Alexa Traffic Ranks parameter - the amount of visitors from social networks, search engines and other sources.

On, the user will receive information about the most popular sites in different categories and countries, quickly find similar projects based on overlapping keys and audience, that is, their direct rivals. A useful tool is the competitor's keyword matrix, which will show you the queries you are not using that will bring in new readers.

The issue price is $ 99 for the basic version and $ 149 for the advanced version (monthly).

Another foreign service with a ranking demonstration, designed mainly for English-language blogs.

By visiting, you will be able to find out the traffic of the resource, as well as the age, gender and geographic location of the target audience. Such knowledge is indispensable for those who want to win the favor of potential readers and customers of products. However, you will receive this information only if the competitor himself added his online store here for audit and promotion.

You should think about using the service only if you have an English-speaking business.


Do you want to know the traffic of a competitor's site?

If the numbers on the counter of a competitor's site from LiveInternet are closed from outsiders, enter; into the browser, replacing with the name of the desired site. Thus, you will see the number of views and visits per day, week and month.

Data Accuracy Warning

Services are not responsible for errors in calculations, therefore, you cannot fully rely on the provided statistics. Each site uses its own algorithms and metrics, the error of which is 20–70% in the direction of overestimation or underestimation. Moreover, finding out the exact traffic of a young or small site is the most problematic.

Therefore, treat the received data as relative, compare competitors with each other, figure out how much you are behind competitors.


In addition to analyzing the competitor's traffic, analyzers can provide a lot of useful information. Therefore, we advise you to test all popular programs and extensions.

The most important thing that you should understand from the analysis of the attendance of competing businesses is not absolute numbers, but strategies that allowed you to reach the set heights.

Which service do you use, how useful is it? Share your experience in the comments!

Before you start promoting your own, it is especially necessary to conduct a full market analysis, study the main competitors and make up. Of course, it is possible to try to succeed in the field of online activities without serious preparation, but this will be the exception rather than the rule. Webmasters often start by assessing competitors' traffic. In the Internet environment, you can view the statistics of a site (your own or someone else's) in various ways.

Google Analytics traffic counters assessment

You can view site statistics only if the resource is your own. It is impossible to assess the attendance of competitors using one of the most common counters. That is why it is often installed on new sites, while the resource has nothing to brag about yet.

For your own website, Google Analytics is a great choice. Many webmasters say with confidence that the service is the most advanced in its segment. It makes it possible to find out the basic ones, set special parameters, track the time to conversion, and much more interesting and useful things. In addition, the installation of Google Analytics makes it possible in the future to connect other useful services of the giant corporation, for example, the Google Adsense advertising network or the Google Webmaster tools for webmasters.

Yandex Metrica as a source of information about competitors

It is somewhat easier to view the site statistics on Yandex, but it is possible only in cases when the “Metric” is installed on the resource of interest. Information can be displayed graphically in the footer of the site. By clicking on the rectangular frame with the parameters for the last day, week, month and year, or simply with an up or down arrow (depending on the dynamics of resource positions), you can see the site statistics. "Metric" shows how many views, visits and visits were total. All this information is available only if a Yandex counter is installed on the site.

LiveInternet statistics

The method is similar to viewing statistics using Yandex tools. The LiveInternet icon is located at the bottom of the resource page and can have a different appearance: an arrow of traffic dynamics or specific parameters for a certain period of time.

You can also view site statistics on the LiveInternet portal itself. By default, the rating shows the leaders. To display the data of a resource from this list, click on “Site statistics” by highlighting the line of interest. Statistics show:

    number of visitors;

    average time of viewing the site;

    number of sessions;

    average number of online users.

Additionally, using this data, you can calculate the viewing depth: the average number of views must be divided by the number of visitors.

If the resource you are interested in is not on the leaderboard, you can simply copy the site address and paste it into the search bar on LiveInternet. You will not be able to view the data of Internet resources that are not registered on LiveInternet, or those that require an administrator password to access statistics.

How to View Wix Traffic

The rather popular Wix website builder offers a convenient display of page statistics for webmasters who own resources. It will not be possible to view site statistics on Wix, unless, of course, we are talking about someone else's resource, but you can use Yandex Metrics - the constructor suggests installing this service on the site.

Evaluation of competitors' statistics on Ucoz

You can view the statistics of the Ucoz website, as in the case of Google Analytics, only if you have access to the resource admin panel. Of course, it is possible to study the resource data if open counters from Yandex or LiveInternet are installed on it. To do this, use the appropriate instructions.

So, you can see the statistics of the site on Ucoz by the guest password, but for this you need to get access from the administrator. With the data received from the owner or moderator of the resource, you can go to the admin panel, where all statistics are available. In this case, the guest will not be able to access the “vital” functions of the site: changing the email address associated with the account, or other large-scale changes.

Plugins for viewing attendance

To view site statistics, you can also use special plugins that are installed in the browser as add-ons and run in the background. Such software is produced both by more or less large companies, and by individual enthusiasts - programmers, developers, search engine promotion specialists, and so on.

The most popular plugin that allows you to view site statistics is called RDS Bar. The loud slogan of the addon ("SEO is war") suggests the power and information content of the plugin, which is quite true. The add-on provides a lot of information: from traffic analysis to the number of pages indexed by the search engine. There are versions of the plugin for all major browsers, but, as practice shows, RDS Bar gets along best with Mozilla Firefox.

Another good solution is PageRank Status. This addon uses Alexa rankings to compile visitor statistics. Information is presented in a convenient visual format.

Such an add-on is a similar service from LiveInternet, which allows you to view the necessary information literally “in one click”. The only drawback is that it works only with resources registered in the system of the same name.

Specialized Internet Services

Other tools that allow you to comprehensively analyze competitors are fast and have frequent statistics updates. Online services adapt better to changing conditions of resource traffic than individual small programs.

The main resources that allow you to find out information about competitors, knowing the site address, are the following:, and These are the most informative tools with a wide range of functions.

Other online services often display errors or the message “statistics are not available at the moment”, use outdated databases, or have such a narrow set of capabilities that it is not possible to comprehensively analyze statistics.

An alternative way to find out the attendance of the resource

If the developers, for some reason, carefully hide the attendance of their own resource from prying eyes, you can still see the site statistics, but in a slightly different, alternative way. So to speak, "bypassing".

The method consists in evaluating the “neighbors” of the resource of interest by ratings (Rambler Top-100, LiveInternet and others) with further assumptions about the attendance of a particular competitor site. Not everyone hides statistics, so the “closest environment” of the site of interest will almost certainly find out in which segment the competitor is located. It is enough to look at the attendance of "neighbors" by rating and calculate the average between the two nearest. Most likely, the real statistics of the resource of interest will be within the obtained value.

Another good way is to contact the site administration and act as an advertiser. As a rule, resource owners willingly provide statistics to those interested in advertising or partnership.

How else can you find out site statistics

When it comes to assessing competitors, and information about visits is nowhere to be found, you can analyze indirect indicators: user activity, frequency of updates, content quality, the presence of company groups in social networks and activity in communities, the number of subscribers, the speed of response to a complaint or question. After evaluating all these parameters, we can conclude about the traffic of the portal.

Many options to view the statistics of a competitor's site give the webmaster wide access to information that they often try to make secret. This is especially true when it comes to highly competitive areas and commercial pages, where the popularity and income generated directly depend on the actions to promote the resource. Knowing the statistics of competitors, you can set new specific goals and achieve success faster.

"Blogger's Cheat Sheets", whose URL is: http: // site /

Create a new personal report

To generate a report according to your wishes: "Reports" - "My reports" - "New report".

What is View Page, Login Page and Logout Page

Distinguish between “View Page” (), “Login Page” () and “Exit Page” (). Attendance is more reasonable to estimate in terms of all views of the specified page. Keywords should be taken only in the case when the investigated page is the site's entry page. When looking for reasons for leaving the site from the studied page, it is appropriate to analyze those visitors who leave it, regardless of where they came from.

Visitor movements
other site internal page interesting page internal page other site+ - -
other site internal page interesting page other site+ - +
other site interesting page internal page other site+ + -
other site interesting page other site+ + +

Statistics for one page only

To display statistical data within one specific page: "Segment" - "Behavior" - "View" - "View URL" - specify the URL in the selected field

"Traffic source" for a single page

By default, the new report analyzes the "Traffic source"

If you click on the plus (the "Tree View" item must be active), then a nested list will be shown, in this case "Traffic source (detailed)"

You can change the name of the nested list or its order in the pop-up window by clicking the "Groupings" button. In this case: button "Grouping" - "Behavior" - "Login page" - "Login page" - hold down the left mouse button above the "Login page" block - move in front of the "Traffic source" block - release the left mouse button. In the same place, you can add to the end of the list: "Sources" - "Search" - "Search engine (in detail)". After the above steps, close the modal window by clicking the "Apply" button

Attendance of a specific page

The total page traffic for the reporting period should be viewed in the "Total and average" line. To display the data on the graph, you must check the box.

To add a column with the number of unique visitors: button "Metrics" - "Basic metrics" - "Visitors" - hold down the left mouse button over the block "Visitors" - move between the blocks "Visits" and "Refusals" - release the left mouse button - "Apply" button

To make a graph for the "Visitors" column, click on its heading. A second click will rebuild the table in ascending order of the values \u200b\u200bof the column in question

Share of internal transitions to the studied page

To find out the percentage, click on the percent symbol. Analysis: the number of visits to the Home page (68%) is more than the number of transitions to the Home page from the internal pages of the site (100% - 68% \u003d 32%)

It is more clearly shown in the "Circular" chart

The trend of change over a long period of time is more evident when you drill down by week or month. Here you need to set the required "Accuracy". Analysis: the share of internal transitions to the studied page decreased during the year

Analysis: I also noticed earlier that there is a fairly large gap from other internal pages. With what it can be connected? What exactly do people want to see on the Main page? See a live sample? Make sure Blogger can make a good blog? I assumed they needed a further step, namely a page describing how to blog on Blogger. The number of clicks to the Main page decreased slightly, and the link became the most popular.

Where visitors come from to the analyzed page

Analysis: Visitors come mainly from browser bookmarks (Direct visits: 53%). In general, their satisfaction is higher than that of visitors from other sources ("Bounces": 19.9%)

Analysis: approximately equal numbers of users come from Yandex and Google, but Yandex is less successful in selecting search queries ("Bounces": 34.6%)

Save personal report

In order not to configure each time, you can save the resulting report

In the future, you can work with it by clicking "Reports" - "My reports" - the name of the saved report

Website traffic is the main indicator of its competitiveness. Attendance to someone else's site is valuable information for analyzing your closest competitors or determining leaders on which to build on. Such data, for obvious reasons, are not always available. In this article, we will talk about methods of checking the attendance level.

The easiest way

The first thing that starts the analysis of the resource attendance is checking the counters, although now they prefer to hide them from prying eyes. Despite the variety of these applications, they have one function - to keep track of visitors, track activity and show these results digitally. If earlier counters could be found in the basement of almost any site, finding them today is not easy. If you are wondering how to find out the traffic to your site, just install one of these tools for yourself.

The most commonly used types of counters are: LiveInternet, Yandex.Metrica,, Google Analitics and TOP Rambler.

If on the resource itself you did not find any information about the number of visitors, try to find it on the counter website. There are times when owners hide data on visitors, but do not put passwords on statistics in LiveInternet. To do this, enter the following address into the address bar of your browser: desired site address.

If the data is publicly available, the user will see something like the following:

True, this method has a drawback: traffic data is displayed for the period from the beginning of the day to the moment the rating is viewed. The daily attendance of the desired resource can be determined by looking at the rating at about midnight. But the data will naturally not be perfectly accurate.

In addition, the owner of the resource, if desired, can block these indicators as well - if he makes a refusal to participate in ratings in the resource settings in LiveInternet.

How to check site traffic - an alternative way

Using this method, of course, will not give accurate data. However, it will provide some information for analysis.

It is about monitoring the activity of visitors to the resource. It is important to take into account the following factors: how many comments are added to the site materials; detailed or small these comments; how many people are subscribed to the groups of this resource on social networks; how many subscribers the site has and the like. Based on the information available, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe audience size.

You can check traffic to someone else's site with Alexa

This is not a girl with a foreign name, but the worldwide Alexa Rank service. This is a kind of multidimensional rating, which takes into account the number of page views of the resource and the number of visitors to the site. Looking for a way to find out the traffic of a foreign site - just ask Alexa.

Naturally, each resource in the global global network has its own position in terms of the Alexa Rank service. Moreover, the lower this position, the better. Checking traffic on a Google website is perhaps the easiest way. Opposite it, as a rule, there is an indicator "one" - this indicates that you are looking at the most visited resource in the world.

To see the statistics of the site you are interested in, you need to type the following in the address bar: site name

The following statistics page will be displayed:

In it you can find the following data:

  • Reach Yesterday - the total number of users of the resource for yesterday;
  • Reach 1 wk. - the total number of users of the resource per week;
  • Reach 3 mos. - how many users in total have visited the resource in three months.

Another interesting feature of this site is the demonstration of the most frequent search queries leading to the desired resource. Naturally, the obtained data will not have high accuracy, but the overall picture on their basis is quite possible.

Plugin for determining attendance

If the question of how to find out the attendance of someone else's site is still relevant, you can use a special plugin - for example, RDS Bar. It is compatible with the three most popular browsers:, FireFox, Opera.

The plugin is distributed completely free of charge and has a wide range of features. In addition to data on site traffic, it displays information about the number of indexed pages, the number of domain mentions, TIC and PR, etc. Information is provided due to the background sending of queries to various sources (popular search engines, authoritative rating resources, etc.).

By the way, a similar toolbar is also offered to users by Alexa Rank.

Another easy way

There is an alternative way to get statistics for the resource you are interested in. And you don't have to resort to external software. Now many resources provide the ability to determine the attendance based on the data of several open counters. For example, this tool supports ten counters, including the most visited ones - Yandex.Metrica, LiveInternet, etc. The address of the desired site is entered into the search bar. If there is open data, they are displayed separately for each counter. Average website traffic can be calculated based on the results obtained.


These five methods will be enough to get statistics 99% of the time. As a rule, large sites are not interested in hiding such data. Each popular resource strives to showcase and boast of its scale. That is why most of the statistics are easy to find in the public domain.