Description of the frontpage editor. Creating Web Pages with FrontPage

Microsoft FrontPage - the program is an editor that allows you to use HTML layout. The software works on the principle "What you do is what you get". The utility engine is based on a technology that is also used in famous browser IE. The developer notes that in the case of working with browsers that use third-party engines, the display will look different.

The program is capable of automatic mode implement changes that are made by developers in real time.

The editor is recommended for use for beginners who want to master the basic operations of creating web pages. Unlike more complex and complex analogues with a large number of possibilities, this program can be called trivial. However, the basic functionality will allow you to quickly learn the basics of site building.

Download for free the full Russian version of Microsoft FrontPage from the official site without registration and SMS.

System requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows 7, 10, 8, 8.1, Vista, XP
  • Bit depth: 32 bit, 64 bit, x86

FrontPage is an editor that is designed to create pages with hypertext code. This program provides the creation of HTML - tags, lists, themes and unusual styles for websites.

FrontPage is considered old generation software and is hardly used. Now there is a more advanced program for creating hypertext - Adobe Dreamweaver.

Many web designers also use SharePoint Designer, which has replaced the "old" FrontPage. In FrontPage, you can create web pages with hypertext standards that are out of date today. The program is equipped with a "tree structure" and displays prompts when entering tags.


This HTML editor is useful for novice web designers who are just learning how to create entry-level sites. The software has a large number of tools that provide the creation of pages with hypertext. Using FrontPage, you will design them graphic design and the corresponding site tags specified by the customer.

The advantage of this editor is the control of errors that the user makes when entering tags and commands. The program will find all the tags that are entered incorrectly and show options for correcting.

FrontPage comes with an integrated set of templates. Whether you're a beginner or a professional, use the template and create pages in a time-saving manner. The program works as a manager and provides quick publication of the created page. If you have any difficult questions about working with the software, open the help by logging into Google.

Operating modes

The hypertext editor has modes of operation that differ in capabilities. Design view shows the editor window and code with additional options. Entering the "code" mode, you work only with hypertext.

In the "results view" you will see a draft of the created site. Using the "combined" mode, you will see the main area for creating code and viewing the "blank".

Working in the "constructor", you will see all the errors. In this mode, you can work with pictures and add them to different places. You can add all links, frames and other elements. Code mode is suitable for viewing hypertext, but not for editing it.

Key features

  • processing and creation of web pages with subsequent design;
  • viewing the finished hypertext using the design mode;
  • built-in base with blanks, which simplifies the work with the project;
  • manager with a convenient publishing mode;
  • the program has built-in help;
  • data search and error correction;
  • graphic design of the editor is localized into Russian.

Topic 3.3: Application programs for creating Websites

Topic 3.4: Application of the Internet in the economy and information security

Programs for creating sites

3.3. Application programs for creating Web sites

3.3.2. Introduction to FrontPage

Web pages are based on a description language hypertext documents HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML uses commands called tags to define the content and format of hypertext documents. HTML pages are plain text documents containing special formatting commands (HTML tags).

You don't need to learn HTML to create a website with FrontPage. FrontPage makes it quite easy to type text that can be placed on a Web page, place pictures in the right places. Using FrontPage, you can create effects that would normally require scripts or DHTML programs.

A website or Web site is a collection of Web pages and files that are related to one another. FrontPage has wizards that let you create a site, and templates, or a set of pre-designed text and graphics formats, from which new web pages can be created. FrontPage wizards and templates allow you to create various types of sites.

Each site has one Web page, which is called the main or home page. The home page is the first web page that a site visitor lands on. Using navigation or hyperlinks, users will be able to get to other pages of the site.

Typically, a site is hosted on a Web server, a computer that provides access to Web pages to site visitors. FrontPage allows you to create a site directly in file system the user's computer, and then, when it's ready, publish it to a Web server.

After starting the FrontPage program (Start - Programs - FrontPage), a program window will appear on the screen, in which a new page is displayed (new_str_1.htm). The Getting Started panel appears in the task pane.

Rice. 1.

The FrontPage application window consists of: a title bar, a menu bar, editing and formatting toolbars, tag quick select buttons (for editing and entering tags), page selection tabs (for switching between pages), a work window in which a new page is displayed , drawing bar, view mode buttons, 56 kbps expected page load time indicator, page size indicator, task pane.

There are four view modes available in FrontPage: Design, Source, Split, and View. In the "Designer" mode, as in any text editor you can create, edit and format a page in visual mode, i.e. enter text, add pictures, tables. At the same time, tags HTML language are automatically added in the background, but the HTML encoding is not displayed on the screen.

In "Code" mode, the entire encoding will be displayed on the screen and you can directly edit the HTML code, as well as enter new codes. The figure shows the HTML code for a new blank page in the FrontPage editor.

Rice. 2.

In "Split" mode - a Web page is displayed on the screen simultaneously in Code mode and in Design mode. In view mode, a Web page looks similar to its display in a Web browser.

Commands that are designed to work with Web pages and Web sites are located in the View menu of the FrontPage program:

  1. Page is the view and design mode of the page.
  2. Folders - Displays the folder structure of the current site.
  3. Remote host - a host that is located on the Internet server.
  4. Reports - provides a summary of the Web site.
  5. Transitions - displays the structure of transitions between the pages of the site.
  6. Hyperlinks - opens a list of links current page.
  7. Tasks - opens a list of tasks for the current site

Rice. 3.

Creating Web Pages in the FrontPage Application

Create a new blank web page

If, when you open a FrontPage window, it displays empty page, then the development of a web page can be carried out based on this page. If, when opening the FrontPage editor, an empty main window is displayed, then to create a new empty page, you must execute the File / New command and select Blank Page in the task pane. A blank page will appear in the application window. Next, you need to develop the page, i.e. mark up (structure) the page, enter text, pictures, etc.

Rice. 4.

Create a Web Page Based on FrontPage Templates

You can also create a new page based on one of the templates. To do this, select the "More Page Templates" command in the task pane. The Page Templates dialog box will be displayed on the screen, presenting various page templates by category.

Rice. 5.

Creating a web page based on existing web pages on a PC

You can also create a web page based on web pages available on your computer. To do this, select the “From an existing page” command in the task area and select the required page in the dialog box that appears. Then you can make the necessary changes on the page and save it under a different name.

Creating a site in the FrontPage application

Create a new blank site or create a Web site with no content

To create a new empty site, you need to execute the File / New command and select the “Other Web Site Templates” command in the task pane. The Web Site Templates dialog box will open, select Blank Web Site and click OK. The FrontPage application window will display the web site shown in the figure.

Rice. 6.

To create a blank home page in a new web site, switch to Navigation mode and click the button New page on the Transitions panel, the workspace will display Homepage(you can also use the context menu to create a home page).

Rice. 7.

Double-click on the home page with the left mouse button, and it will open in design mode for editing (page - index.htm).

Rice. 8.

Next, you can design the home page (create layout or page structure, enter text, graphics, etc.), and then you can add pages to the home page in the Transitions mode. To do this, select the home page in the Transitions mode and click the New Page button on the Transitions panel or use the context menu.

New Page 1 will be added as shown in the picture. Next, add as many pages as you need for the site, then you can rename the pages and change their order. Next, you need to enter content or content (text, tables, pictures, etc.) on each page, as a result we get a site.

Rice. 9.

Create a site based on the FrontPage editor template

To create a site based on a template, go to File / New and in the task pane, click the Web Packages command, the Web Site Templates dialog box will open.

Rice. 10.

Select the required template or wizard to create a new site.

The created site has markup and design, but it lacks content. Further, in the pages of this site, you must enter the appropriate text, pictures, scripts, counters and other elements of the site.

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 is a unique program with which you can easily create a website. Availability of Help, many simple, one might say standard programs, make it an indispensable assistant for beginners. In order to learn more about the capabilities of Microsoft Office FrontPage, we will consider a set of possible commands.

To perform HTML optimization when publishing a page, you must set up a remote Web site.

1. In the Remote Web Site view, on the Web Site tab, click the Optimize Published HTML Text button.

2. On the Optimize HTML tab, select Optimize HTML code when publishing by removing the following elements.

3. Select the desired options.


· Microsoft FrontPage does not apply these settings to Web pages previously published to a Web site. To apply these settings to a page, publish it to a Web site.

· HTML text optimization can be performed when publishing from a local site to a remote site, but not vice versa.

· If you select the All HTML Notes or Notes in Dynamic Web Templates check box, when you optimize the HTML text, FrontPage removes all dynamic web template code for this page. Therefore, all page content associated with the dynamic web template will no longer be displayed to site visitors. Using Web Components Microsoft program FrontPage in a Web site can include a wide range of functionality ranging from hit counters, which record the number of visitors to a page, to photo collections, which are collections of graphic images. There are two kinds of web components: design-time components and view-time components. Design-time components are tools for creating and developing web pages. They are available in FrontPage. When you add a design-time component to a Web site—for example, a photo gallery or a link bar—you don't need to install an additional software or server technologies on the web server hosting the web site. View-time components are available on Web sites hosted on Web servers running Microsoft FrontPage Server Server Extensions, SharePoint Team Services (Microsoft), or Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services.

· A hyperlink is a link between web pages or files. When a hyperlink is clicked by a site visitor, the object specified in the hyperlink is displayed in a web browser, opened, or launched, depending on the type of the object. For example, when you click a hyperlink to a page, that page is displayed in a web browser, and when you click a hyperlink to avi-file This file opens in Windows Player. Ways to use hyperlinks:

Navigate to a file or web page in local network, intranet or internet

Navigate to a file or web page that will be created in the future

Sending a message by email

Starting a file transfer, such as downloading a file or sending a file over a protocol FTP

Transition to bookmark

Once you've created a hyperlink, follow it to your destination to make sure it leads to desired page, program, file, address Email. When you move the mouse pointer over text or a picture that contains a hyperlink, it changes to a hand with a raised index finger, indicating that the item can be clicked. In Microsoft FrontPage, hyperlinks are navigated and displayed differently depending on the destination. When a hyperlink is created, its destination is encoded in the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) format. The URL specifies the protocol (for example, HTTP or FTP) and contains the name web server or network locations, as well as the path and file name, as shown in the table.

Hyperlinks in pictures are not always visible. However, to check if a picture is a hyperlink, just hover over it with the mouse. When you hover over a hyperlink, the mouse pointer changes to a hand with a raised index finger. You can create a hyperlink as text or as a picture. A text hyperlink is a word or phrase to which an address is assigned. URL destination. A picture hyperlink is a picture that has been assigned a destination URL. This address can be assigned to the drawing in one of two ways.

· A default hyperlink is assigned to the entire drawing. In this case, clicking any part of the picture displays the target. For example, a button is a picture that has been assigned a default hyperlink.

· A picture can be assigned one or more hyperobjects, that is, areas of the picture that are hyperlinks can be set. A drawing containing hyperobjects is called a hypermap. For example, a hypermap could be a picture that represents different sections of a web site, such as the home page, catalog page, and so on. To display a page, the site visitor clicks on the corresponding area of ​​the hypermap.

Ways to display hyperlinks: In web browsers, text hyperlinks are usually underlined and displayed in a different color. You can select the colors that will be used in the web browser to display hyperlinks. When using standard HTML attributes, three colors can be selected to represent the different states of the hyperlinks. A hyperlink is an unused hyperlink. Active hyperlink -- selected in currently hyperlink. A visited hyperlink is a hyperlink that has already been followed. A bookmark is a specific place or selected text on a page marked in an appropriate way.

Bookmarks can be used as hyperlink destinations. For example, if you want to show a specific part of a page to a site visitor, add a hyperlink that sets the destination to a bookmark for that part of the page. Clicking this hyperlink will display the corresponding part of the page, not the beginning of the page. Bookmarks can also be used to find specific places on a page. For example, you can add a bookmark for each main heading on a page. When changing the page, each section can be easily found by clicking on the corresponding tab.

If a bookmark is created for a place rather than text, it is indicated by an icon in FrontPage. Otherwise, the text is underlined with a dashed line. When you rename a file on a Web site, Microsoft FrontPage looks for hyperlinks to that file. If such hyperlinks exist, the file name is automatically updated in them. When you move a file on a Web site (for example, to a different folder or subfolder), Microsoft FrontPage automatically updates all hyperlinks to it. We recommend that you always test your hyperlinks before publishing a Web site. If a web site contains a broken hyperlink (hyperlink with an invalid destination URL), an error message is displayed when a site visitor clicks the link in a web browser. This error may be caused by a typo in the URL, or the URL may point to a page that has been removed from the Web site. If the destination is another page on the Internet, it may have been moved or deleted.

Accessibility Checker: Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Resources introduces a new web page accessibility checker. Accessibility checker detects inconsistencies in specific capabilities guidelines Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) WWW Consortium (W3C) or Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act. WCAG lays the foundation for creating accessible web pages for people with mobility, vision and hearing impairments. Section 508 establishes the US government's accessibility standards for a wide range of information sources and technologies.

For more information about FrontPage Accessibility Checking features, see Microsoft FrontPage Help. Using keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly perform frequently used tasks. The availability of keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft FrontPage depends on whether the required command is available in the selected view. Frequently used tasks in Microsoft FrontPage:

Managing and working with web pages - F8

Run Accessibility Checker - CTRL+N

Create a new web page - CTRL+O

Opening a web page - CTRL+F4

Closing a web page - CTRL+S

Save Web Page - CTRL+P

Print Web Page - F5

Web page update; update folder list - CTRL+TAB

Move between open web pages - CTRL+SHIFT+B

View a web page in a web browser - ALT+F4

Completion Microsoft work FrontPage - CTRL+SHIFT+8

Show nonprinting characters - CTRL+ /

Display HTML tags in design mode - CTRL+F

Search for text or HTML code on a web page - CTRL+H

Replace text or HTML code in a web page - F7

Check spelling on a web page - SHIFT+F7

Search for a word in the directory - ESC


Cancel last action- CTRL+Y or SHIFT+ALT+SPACE

Return or repeat action - DEL

Removing a web page or folder from the folder list or any dialog box - SPACE

Accessing and Using Views - F12

Preview the current page in a web browser CTRL+PAGE DOWN or CTRL+PAGE UP

Navigate between Code, Design, Split, and Preview - ALT+PAGE DOWN or ALT+PAGE UP

Move between Code and Design panes in Split view - ALT+F1

Showing and Hiding the Folder List - UP Arrow Key

Navigate hyperlink nodes in Hyperlinks view - UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT ARROW

Expand current node and navigate right in Hyperlinks view - SHIFT+LEFT ARROW

Working with encoding tools

Quick Tag Editor - CTRL+F2

Insert temporary bookmark - F2

Next temporary bookmark - SHIFT+F2

Previous temporary bookmark - CTRL+G

Jump to line - CTRL+L

Autocomplete - CTRL+ENTER

Paste code snippets - CTRL+>

Insert closing tag - CTRL+<

Insert opening tag - CTRL+ /

Insert HTML Notes - CTRL+SPACE

Format text and paragraphs - CTRL+SHIFT+F

Change Font - CTRL+SHIFT+P

Change font size - CTRL+B

Apply bold formatting - CTRL+U

Apply underline - CTRL+I

Apply italic formatting - SHIFT+TAB

Using the eyedropper - CTRL+plus sign

Application superscript formatting - CTRL+minus sign

Application subscript formatting - CTRL + SHIFT + C

Copy Formatting - CTRL+SHIFT+V

Paste formatting - CTRL+SHIFT+Z or CTRL+SPACE

Removing formatting manually - CTRL+E

Center Align Paragraph - CTRL+L

Align paragraph to the left - CTRL+R

Paragraph right alignment - CTRL+M

Setting the left indent for a paragraph - CTRL + SHIFT + M

Setting the right indent for a paragraph - CTRL + SHIFT + S

Application style-CTRL+SHIFT+N

Applying the Normal style - CTRL+ALT+1

Apply Heading 1 Style - CTRL+ALT+2

Apply Heading 2 style - CTRL+ALT+3

Apply Heading 3 style - CTRL+ALT+4

Apply Heading 4 Style - CTRL+ALT+5

Apply Heading 5 style - CTRL+ALT+6

Applying Heading 6 Style - CTRL+SHIFT+L

Editing and moving text and pictures - BACKSPACE

Delete one character from the left - DEL

Delete one character on the right - CTRL+BACKSPACE

Delete one word on the left - CTRL+DEL

Delete one word on the right - CTRL+C or CTRL+INS

Copy text or pictures - CTRL+X or SHIFT+DEL

Cut selected text to Microsoft Office clipboard - CTRL+V or SHIFT+INS

Paste Clipboard Content - SHIFT+ENTER

Insert line break - CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE

Select text and pictures - SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW

Single character selection on the right - SHIFT+LEFT ARROW

Select one character from the left - CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW

Select word to end - CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW

Select a line to the end - SHIFT+HOME

Select a line from the beginning - SHIFT+UP ARROW

Select one line at the top - SHIFT+DOWN ARROW

Select one line from the bottom - CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW

Select a paragraph to the end - CTRL+SHIFT+UP ARROW

Select one screen from the bottom - SHIFT+PAGE UP

Select one screen from the top - CTRL+A

Select entire page - ALT+ENTER

Insert table - TAB

Select all cells in a row when the cursor is in a cell.

Creation of auto- sketch selected picture - CTRL+K

Access and work with the Help task pane and the help window - SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+T

Insert table - TAB

Select the contents of the next table cell - SHIFT+TAB

Select a column when the cursor is in the top or bottom cell - CTRL +T

Creation of auto- sketch selected picture - CTRL+K

You can set the data type and other options allowed for text boxes and text areas. For example, to collect member numbers or serial numbers, allow only numbers in the text box and disallow any other characters. You can also specify the required number of characters so that a site visitor does not mistakenly miss a number or letter. You can require that a radio button group have one radio button checked.

For example, if a form has two radio buttons, Yes and No, and a site visitor tries to submit the form without checking one of them, a message will appear. You can require the site visitor to select an item from a drop-down list, specify a minimum and maximum number of items allowed, and prevent the first item from being selected if it is an instruction such as "Select an item." After setting up the data entry rules, you decide how the results should be processed by the form. After the form is submitted by the site visitor, the data entered must be collected -- the results of the form, and can be viewed, displayed to the site visitor, or processed in some way.

When a site visitor submits a form in the browser, the values ​​of all of its fields enclosed

go to Form Processor (Form Processor. A program on the server that runs when a form is submitted by a site visitor. Each form in Microsoft FrontPage is associated with a specific form engine.). For example, if the form field is a text field, then the value that is sent to the form processor is the text entered in the field. Microsoft FrontPage has several form handlers that accept form results and perform various operations. Each time a form is submitted, FrontPage stores the information in the database. For example, if you use a form to collect contact information, you can store the results of the form directly in the customer's database. You can save the results to an existing database or create a new one using FrontPage. Each time a site visitor submits a form, FrontPage appends results to the file, which can be viewed the next time the file is opened. For example, you can set up a guestbook for site visitors and choose to save the results to an HTML file, and create a link to that file so that site visitors can see what others have written. If you save the results in an XML file, you can use the results in FrontPage or export them to any application that supports XML data, such as Office Excel 2003. Each time a site visitor submits a form, an e-mail message is automatically sent to the specified address containing the results of this form.

You can also use customized scripts to process form results. The process of publishing a Web site involves copying all the files and folders that make up the site from its original location to a specific location. In Microsoft FrontPage, publishing a site is done to make it available to visitors, to back up the site, and to update a previously published Web site. Typically, the creation of files and folders for a Web site occurs on the local computer. After the site is created, it is published to the Internet or local intranet so that visitors can view its web pages using a web browser. Sometimes you need to create a copy of a Web site and save that copy to a specific location on your hard drive or network drive. The Microsoft FrontPage Publishing Tool provides a convenient way to create such a copy. When updating files or folders on a Web site, FrontPage uses special terms to distinguish between source and destination sites. The local Web site is the source Web site opened in FrontPage, and the remote Web site is the target site to which the publication is made.

The Remote Web View allows you to publish bi-directionally, that is, you can easily move files between remote and local locations. This is most useful when updating a previously published site. In the Remote Web Site view, the Local Web Site and Remote Web Site panels display icons with descriptions that indicate the status of file publishing. In collaborative work environments, multiple authors can update both local and remote Web sites. Microsoft FrontPage will compare files on the local Web site with published files on the remote Web site. The following are descriptions of cases where you might want to synchronize local and remote versions of files.

If a newer version of the file is found on the local site, synchronization will be performed to update the local and remote sites (unless you manually specify otherwise). You can also choose to publish from a remote Web site to a local site. When you synchronize files using the Remote Web Site view, files from a remote Web site can be downloaded to the local site. If an attacker places files on a remote host, the local host may also be at risk. Before synchronizing files, make sure that only trusted users have access to the remote website.

Microsoft Corporation, the creator of this program, is committed to strengthening the security of your personal information. To do this, we use a variety of technologies and procedures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, use and disclosure. Microsoft has the discretion to update this privacy statement. Each such update changes the update date at the top of the application. The updated privacy statement will be included in the next Service Pack (SP) for Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Resources. Continued use of Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Resources indicates your acceptance of this privacy statement and any updates to it. Microsoft welcomes any comments regarding this privacy statement.

With development Internet a protocol for the exchange of information appeared, the protocol is called HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)- hypertext transfer protocol). Together with this protocol, the service world wide web(often called www or simply Web), which is a vast network of servers HTTP transferring files via Internet.

The bulk of these files are Web pages- special files written in the language HTML (HyperText Markup Language hypertext markup language). Web pages published in Internet by placing such files on servers HTTP (web sites). Content Web pages may be different and devoted to completely arbitrary topics, but they all use the same base - the language HTML.
Most people who want to create their own website or page are familiar with the language HTML only hearsay. Therefore, a program can come to their aid. Microsoft Front Page, one of the most famous website builders.

FrontPage, included in the application package Microsoft Office, was the first product to be widely used for Internet, which combines the client and server parts and provides the ability to develop the site as a whole and install it on most popular servers. front page able to take on all the necessary programming work. However front page will become quite a serious assistant for professional developers who prefer to keep full control over the creative process.

Program window front page 2003.

Program front page released by the company Microsoft and made in the same style of the products included in the package Microsoft Office, so the appearance of the program is almost the same as a word processor Word .

At the top of the window is a menu bar and two toolbars: Standard and Formatting. Enable or disable the display of toolbars View menu.
On the left side is View panel, with which you can switch document modes.
The main part of the window is occupied by the work area, in which one or more windows containing individual documents can be opened.
At the bottom of the window is status bar containing background information. Also at the bottom of the window are three buttons for viewing the document.
Display toolbars.
To manage toolbars in front page you can use the same methods as in Microsoft Word. Namely:
on the menu View you have to choose Item Toolbars, and in the opened new submenu - install flags opposite those toolbars that you need; or click right click for any control panels(or the area next to it) and use the context menu in the same way.

front page like other apps Microsoft Office, allows you to add, remove, swap menu items and buttons on toolbars. It is also possible to create completely your panels.
For this you need:

IN Service menu choose Item Setting
V View menu choose Item Toolbars, and in the cascading menu that appears - Item Setting
As a result of your actions, a dialog box will open. Setting where you can install the necessary panels.

Creation of a new Web pages.

If you have run front page means new Web page you have already created (at startup front page immediately opens a new empty Web page, ready to place text and any other elements).
Create a new web page can be done in other ways:

With button New page on standard panel tools.
File menu select submenu Create, and then - Page or Web site;
with combinations Ctrl+N;
by using context menu(works in all modes except modes Tasks and Reports) - for this inside folder list given Web) right-click and select the item in the context menu that appears. Create  Page.

Creating pages using the wizard and templates.

As mentioned above, if you used the menu to create a new page File  New  Page or Web Site, That front page prompts you to use a template to create a new page.
To do this, it will open a dialog box, the appearance of which is given below:

On the tab Are common this dialog box displays a list of templates front page currently available. By selecting any of the templates, you can view its description in Sample field.
Creation Front Page Web.
Microsoft Front Page Web is a set Web pages, image files, and other components that can be viewed as a single entity.
If you make a site in front page, then for its storage it is most convenient to use Front Page Web.
the most important plus is the ability to rename the files included in the Front Page Web.
Imagine that before publishing your site in Internet you suddenly noticed that a couple of files you have named Russian names. - “Now you will have to climb all the files and change the links with handles!” duamete you. That's where it will help Front Page Web- you can safely rename files, and front page it will independently go through all other files included in the Front Page Web and rename all references to the file you corrected.
I will not describe all the other advantages, but I would like to say that in order to use all the possibilities front page, then it is better to use Front Page Web.
So to create a new Front Page Web click on the arrow located to the left of the New page button on the toolbar and in the drop-down menu that appears, select the item Web site…

Opening Web pages.

Very often, when creating a site, you have to edit already created Web pages. You can return to the same page as many times as you like to edit it or use parts of it to create new ones. Web pages.

Open an existing web page possible in any of the existing modes.

Out of mode Page Views There are four ways to open an existing page:

1 way

If you are working with Front Page Web then just select the desired file in Folder list and double click on it.

2 way

From the File menu, select Latest Files. From the drop-down menu that appears, select the desired file.

3 way

Using the Open File dialog box: File  Open.


In order to see how your page looks directly in the browser, you can use the Preview tab in edit mode Web pages. But in this case, it may turn out that the browser front page will not correctly display some elements of your pages so it's best to:
use the button on the toolbar
or in File menu select item Preview r in the browser.

If you used the first method, then the contents of your page will be displayed in the built-in browser front page.
If you use the second method, then front page will pop up a dialog box View in browser...

Here you can:
Select the browser in which you want to view your web page. As a rule, initially displayed here browser, which is installed by default on your machine.
Add any other browser, for which you need to use the button Add.
Edit or remove installed browsers.
Set the screen size on which your Web page

Preservation Web pages.

Default front page instead of a name pages takes the first line of text from your pages. This is not always what is needed. You can change the title of the page using Edit buttons- clicking on this button opens the Name dialog box pages where you can change the title pages.

Removal web pages.

When working with website sooner or later it will happen that you will no longer need some pages and you will want to delete them.

There are three ways to remove Web pages.

1 way

In panel Folder list select the file you want to delete and click the button Delete on keyboard.

2 way

In panel Folder list right click on file(or icon file) that you want to delete, and in the context menu that appears, select Delete.

3 way

IN List panel folders select file to be deleted, and then select Delete from the Edit menu.

Work with text.

At first glance, entering text into front page is no different from entering text in any text editor (for example, in Microsoft Word).
In order to type text, just click anywhere on the page, and the cursor will be placed at the nearest point where you can enter text.
Set capital letters, text editing (deleting characters, inserting text, etc.) is done in the same way as in Microsoft Word.
There is only one small BUT: when you click Enter keys in front page a forced transition of the cursor to a new line is carried out, while fixed paragraph indents are placed before and after the paragraph.
If you do not need to create paragraphs, then it is best to use the keyboard shortcut to move to a new line Shift+Enter.

Working with images.

Graphic formats in Web.

All computer images, all formats for storing them (and, consequently, all programs for processing them) are divided into two large classes - vector and raster. vector image consists of objects - geometric shapes made up of lines, arcs, circles and Bezier curves. Advantages vector graphics a lot. From a designer's point of view, its most important advantage is that vector graphics can be "twisted" as you like without fear of "wiping a hole" in the image or losing some of the information. Another advantage is the small size of files (compared to bitmaps) and independence from the resolution of output devices (be it a printer or a monitor screen). These factors have made vector graphics likely candidate for use in Internet. True, it is worth mentioning that at the moment vector graphics are not as common as we would like.
Nevertheless, among the actually used vector formats, I would like to note the format Shockwave Flash by Macromedia. To view this format in browser need a plug-in plug-in), freely distributed by the company Macromedia. To date, there are both sites entirely and completely created using this technology, as well as sites used Flash format only partially.
The raster representation of graphics is based on the concept of a raster. Raster is a collection of objects (in this case, pixels) placed in the same rows and columns. Those. raster computer file can be thought of as a set of small colored or gray squares that form a mosaic of the image. Because the size of these squares is obviously small, then when viewing raster graphics, these squares merge with each other, forming a continuous change of colors.

The raster image storage format has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the big advantages of raster graphics is the ability to work with halftones, i.e. the ability to transmit the image exactly as it looks in real life. But among the shortcomings, the main problem is the file size. Naturally, the more pixels are allocated for the formation Images, the higher the quality of the transmitted Images, but the file size will also be larger.
If we now return to browsers, then we can say the following that most browsers can display graphic files of four formats without problems (* .gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.bmp), of which at the moment it is best to use two - * .gif and *.jpg. And even then after preliminary optimization.
Insert images on web page.
Embed an image on your web page can be done in several ways:
1. Drag image from windows explorer(that is, directly from the explorer).
2. Drag image from Internet Explorer.
3. Drag an image file from the panel Folder list, right on the page.
4. Using clipboard- copy the image to the clipboard from any other program, and then on the page paste it from the clipboard.
5. Using Add buttons drawing from file on the toolbar Standard.
6. Using the menu Insert  Drawing.
Let's look at these methods in more detail:
Method 1
windows explorer(that is, directly from the explorer) you need to:
in front page
open an explorer window;
in the explorer window, select the file with the picture that you want to insert on your page;
left mouse button drag the picture file to your web page The image will be inserted at the position where the insertion point was on the page.
Method 2
To drag an image from Internet Explorer necessary:
in front page open the page where you want to add an image;
V browser open the image you want to put on your web page browser The file name must end with jpg, jpeg, gif);
left mouse button drag the selected image to your web page;
Method 3
In order to drag file with panel image List folders, right on the page you need:
in front page open the page you want to add image;
select the required image file on the panel Folder list;
left mouse button drag the selected image to your web page;
The selected image will be inserted at the position where the insertion point was on the page.
Method 4
To insert an image into your web page using the clipboard, you need to:
in the application from which you want to copy the picture, select the image and use the keys ctrl+c copy the picture to the clipboard;
on his web page paste this image from the clipboard using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+V
Method 5
web page you decide to use the button Add image from a file in the toolbar Standard, That front page will open a dialog box Drawing.
In this dialog box, specify the image file that you would like to add to your web page and press the button Insert.

Method 6
If to insert an image on your web page you decide to use the menu Insert  Drawing, That front page will prompt you to make a further choice:

Images… - selecting that menu item gives you the opportunity to use the ready-made library of pictures.
From file... - selecting this menu item gives you the opportunity to manually specify the location of the image file that you want to add to your web page(using this item will open a dialog box Drawing, the work with which was described above).
Create photo collection… - using this menu item, you can create a collection of images in a specific style. For this in the window that opens Properties photo collections with a button Add tab Drawings select images, and on the tab Layout select format.
Adding media files.

In addition to simple graphics, like - images in formats * .gif, *.jpg, *.png etc. front page allows you to post on your web pages multimedia files. These include: video clips, sounds…

To embed a video clip, you need to Insert menu select item Drawing, and then Video recording...

A dialog box will open. window video, it will display video clips in * .avi, *.asf, *.ram, *.ra.

Add sound to web page on the General tab of the dialog box Page Properties.

Working with tables.

Table- one of the most powerful tools used to create websites.
Initially tables used only to represent structured data. However, they have gradually evolved into a powerful general layout tool. web pages.

Creating tables

The easiest way table creation- use button Add table located on the toolbar Standard.
Another way is with the help of menu Table  Insert  Table.
And table can be drawn and pasted using the clipboard.

Data entry and table navigation.

One of the great things about tables is that the entered text is formatted within the cell in the same way that we are used to formatting it within the entire document. Text placed in a cell automatically wraps to a new line if its length exceeds the width of the column. When you press a key Enter, as usual, a new paragraph is inserted. Text or numbers are entered into the table from the keyboard.

Before entering data into table, you need to place the text cursor in the desired cell tables. This can be done by clicking on it with the mouse.

However, it is more convenient to use keyboard shortcuts to move between cells:
Keyboard Shortcuts: Action:

Tab anywhere in the table, except for the end of the last line, go to the next cell and select its contents
Tab at the end of the last line add a new line to the bottom of the table
Shift+Tab move to the previous cell and select its contents
Enter start a new paragraph
Enter at the beginning of the first cell add text before the table at the beginning of the document

Creating and applying forms.

Forms are text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, buttons, and many other controls. It is enough for the site visitor to enter some information in one or another text field, select some data from the proposed list, click on the Send button, so that the data is sent to web server for processing (or processed right there on the page).

Let's get to know you - please fill in the following fields:
Your name:

Your last name:

Your date of birth: year month day

Thank you! And now - on the road!
1. Small, but agile.
Where it happens, it commands.
Will enter the tent -
The hero will turn over.
Who is this?
Flea fly Naughty child
2. Bulging eyes sits,
speaks french,
Jumping like a flea
Floats like a human.
Who are we talking about?
Cat Frog Parrot

3. How does a seal breathe after diving under the ice?

4. Why do big turtles cry?

5. What kind of clothes can a herring wear?
Fur Coat Vest
6. Who is called the "river horse"?
Otter Hippo Crocodile

7. What birds do not hatch chicks?

8. What birds cannot fly?

If you need to select multiple answers, press and hold the key ctrl and click the left mouse button on the desired answer

But creating forms on the very page this is only half the job. Since there must be a program that can process the data entered by the user using forms.
Such a program may be hosted on a server; it may be in your website as a separate file, or can be simply written in the code html on your web page.
It is she who determines what will happen with the information that the user entered:

information can be added to the database and various graphs, ratings can be built on its basis ...;
information can be sent by e-mail (this is often used to obtain information about the user in questionnaires of various kinds);
information can be processed right on the spot and the visitor of your site will immediately receive response information (for example, he will receive points for the test, see the information he entered in the guest book ...).

In a relationship forms there are several basic rules:

1. Each form occupies a certain area Web pages. On one web page one or more forms can be located.
2. Each form must contain at least one of the form elements (although there are usually several of them).
3.Each item forms has a name and meaning. The name identifies the input field, and the value is set to the value selected by the user.
4. One of the form elements (it can be a regular button or any picture) must act as a button Send.

Creating forms in front page.
To add a form to web page, necessary:

Place the cursor where you want to paste form.
IN Insert menu choose Item Form, in the menu that opens, select again Item Form. Form will be placed on your web page- an area marked with a dotted frame will appear with two buttons: Send and Reset.
Using the same point Insert menu  Form insert the elements you need sequentially forms by selecting them from the drop-down cascade menu (remembering that all form elements are inserted inside the form area marked with a dotted frame).
After form created, it remains only to fill it with content - elements forms, text, images, tables… (with dimensions forms will change automatically).
Add content forms possible in the usual way. For example, text can be typed or pasted from the clipboard... All actions with added objects are similar.
However form creation- this is just the beginning of the work. After its creation, you need to configure the properties, as the most forms, as well as its elements.

Setting form properties.

To process or save data entered by visitors Web pages, it is necessary either to take advantage of the opportunities provided by FrontPage Server Extensions, or some other program running on web server.
But whichever program you choose, you still have to set the properties of the form and the elements in it.
To open the form properties window:
V Insert menu choose Item Form, and then -
call the context menu to the form and in the opened context menu select the item Form Properties.
As a result, a dialog box will open. Form Properties.

1. In Save field results, you must specify what will be done with the data entered in form. You can choose from the following options:
o Send File name- the data will be placed in the specified file on web server. This file may be web page, which over time will become longer and longer, or a data file that can then be processed in Excel, Access or any other program;
o Sending Mail address- in this case, each time the visitor clicks Web pages Send to buttons form an email will be generated and sent to the address you specified. This message will contain all the data that was entered by the user on Web page.
o In the database- in this case the data forms will be sent to the database. The base must be on web server(or be available to him).
2. In Properties field form, you must specify the name of the form
View modes in front page.
front page offers six different modes for viewing content website:

To select the desired mode, you can use view panel located on the left side of the screen, or in the menu View on the toolbar Standard select the appropriate menu item.

This mode creates and edits web pages. Here you can create empty Web pages and template-based pages to assign themes to pages (a set of page presentation styles on the screen). In this mode, you can add and format text, style pages using graphic and video images (conversion of a number of graphic formats to * .gif, *.jpg and *.png), add audio to the page, present information in tables, frames and forms, and finally create hyperlinks. This is not a complete list of possibilities. front page for content editing Web pages.
In this mode, you can view the structure Web site(files and folders) and manage it in the same way as you do in Windows, this mode allows you to get more detailed information about files and folders than is provided in the view mode Page.
Provides you with more than a dozen reports containing a variety of information about Web site, open during FrontPage.
Designed to view the site hierarchy. In this mode, you can manipulate the hierarchy by dragging the rectangles (each representing a specific web page).
Demonstrates a system of hyperlinks that link pages together Web site(as well as a system of hyperlinks to other nodes), provides verification of their integrity and the ability to change.
This mode is for task management Web site(adding, deleting, executing, setting the priority of execution, as well as tracking the status of tasks).

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