Mts smart mini how much is debited per month. Set "Smart mini basic

New MTS Smart mini tariff recently added to the Smart line. The tariff plan itself appeared quietly and imperceptibly - it was not advertised at all, and the operator's news of its appearance went deaf to the ears of most subscribers. The fact is that it had a headline "Choose the best tariff for smartphones", which said little. And why recommend to your subscribers a tariff plan with a miserable package of half a gigabyte of traffic? This tariff plan may seem like sweet candy only in the first days of use, but after a few weeks all the "nasty" things of this tariff will creep out. This is due to both the use of the Internet and conversations on. All the advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls of this tariff are described below.

Description of the tariff MTS Smart mini

Subscription fee

The subscription fee until May 15, 2014 is 200 rubles. per month for the first two months of use. Starting from the third month, it rises to 250 rubles. If in the future the subscriber switches to "Smart mini" (before 15.05.2014), then the subscription fee for "Smart everywhere at home" is not charged for the same 2 months, and from the third month it will be only 50 rubles. per month However, from the 13th month, the cost will rise to 100 rubles. Now in 2017, the subscription fee for this tariff is 300 rubles per month.

In a word, for the first two months, the subscription fee for Smart Mini will be 200 rubles, which were indicated in the advertisement. Starts from the 3rd month until the end of this year - 300 rubles, and then - 350 rubles. for each month of using the tariff. Is your head swollen yet? No? Well then, read on the tariff Smart mini MTS description.


An Internet package of 1 gigabyte size without speed limits is included in the monthly fee. However, such a volume will be allowed to be used only for the first 2 months - then the traffic volume will be halved. In addition, if it is exhausted, then the speed will not drop - but the Internet will turn off. Funny, huh? If you want to continue using the Internet, you will have to pay 75 rubles for each 500 MB. Internet, or just 200 rubles. for 2 GB. Besides, GPRS packages are not valid for this tariff plan. If the option "Smart is at home everywhere" was activated, then the subscriber will be able to use the Internet throughout Russia, if not, then only in the "home" network. And it was in this place that the insidious tariff trap lurked!

The fact is that most smartphone users do not know how much traffic their device "eats". Everything is quite complicated here - for example, an iPhone and latest androids just live in the network, constantly "eating" precious megabytes. Old Nokia won't even dare to go online without the consent of the owner. The browser also means a lot - one will load pictures and all the trash that is on the page, and the other - only text and links. It is for the aforementioned iPhones that 1 gig of traffic goes away (plus or minus) per month, and after its expiration, the device turns into an expensive brick. An ardent iPhone user will spend one and a half to two gigabytes of traffic per month - but now think about how much you will have to pay for "turbo buttons" with saving 0.5 and 2 GB of traffic.


The cost of calls on this tariff plan is quite acceptable - there is no limit for calls within the MTS "home" region, but you will have to pay 2 rubles / min. for calls to MTS to other regions of Russia.

Switching to a free plan

The tariff is valid from 03/06/2014 and upon switching to it, the fee for the first month of use is debited.

Everywhere at home Smart

This option reminds of the "neighboring regions" that have sunk into oblivion, which, however, cost 30 rubles. and not 100. There are still differences, but it is immediately noticeable that the operator is betting exactly on the same audience of subscribers. In a word: using Smart Everywhere at Home, you get a conditional "home tariff". If you unexpectedly find yourself in a neighboring region and do not turn off this option (I strongly recommend turning it off), then you can call MTS of the "home" region without limits, for 8.89 rubles. on MTS of the current region and 15 rubles / min. to the numbers of other operators. This is the whole catch.

As you can see, MTS considers the "home tariff" not to be the amount that we are thinking about, namely 8.9 rubles. It is from them that we are given "generous" discounts at home. Internet traffic with the option "Smart at home everywhere" is enabled throughout the Russian Federation.

MTS Smart mini tariff - the main advantages

I would like to compare the Smart mini with the popular " Super MTS". In the latter, every day they give an hour of free calls within MTS and to landline numbers (!!!), albeit with big exceptions. And if you generously top up your account by 300 rubles or more, you will get free calls and at MTS in other regions. All other calls will have to be paid at exorbitant prices - 2.5 rubles per minute, while in Smart Mini - only 2. Well, initially you get 250 minutes of free calls to numbers within your home region and to MTS Russia, as well as 250 SMS which you can use as you see fit.

However, Smart Mini, although it will seem more profitable with its own gigabyte of Internet in the first month, only then with a monthly fee of 250-300 rubles will become a luxury for millionaires. At this time, "Super MTS" eats 149 rubles / month. and gives 50 MB of traffic every day. The speed is maximum. If the traffic drops to zero, the speed along with it drops to 64 kb / s, but the Internet continues to work. Such volumes with the head are enough even for an iPhone.

Cons of the MTS Smart mini tariff

And the very last (and unpleasant) thing we see in the smart mini MTS tariff. Of course, the legislation of the Russian Federation requires that all footnotes and clarifications be shown to the user in bold letters, but no one canceled the asterisks and the text in small print at the bottom of the page. Sometimes you don't even want to peer into small text at the very "bottom" of the screen, which is made dull gray on a blindingly white background. You understand that almost all laws can be circumvented.

MTS is no exception. To read in detail about the terms of the tariff, you need to make a long journey through the MTS website, then stumble upon a PDF. Otherwise, you will only see huge amounts of bright and upbeat ads. The subscriber will have to spend a lot of effort, time and nerves to understand simple numbers which the operator is carefully trying to hide. For example, this phrase:

“For subscribers who connected / switched to a tariff plan in the period from March 6 to May 15, 2014, within two months from the moment of connection / switching to a tariff plan - 0 rubles **; within the next ten months from the moment of connection / transition - 50 rubles. ** "... which you come across in the description of the option" Smart at home everywhere "can be opened by clicking on the link in the tariff description, which is disguised as an anchor" Now on the territory of all of Russia! " Well, how do you feel?

It reminds of a good old joke: "Honey! You will find salt in the bathroom, in a drawer with the words" medicine ", in an egg carton labeled" Coffee. " What can you say? Smart mini is a tariff for an amateur. For a great lover.

From September 4, 2018, the "Smart Mini" tariff is closed for connecting new subscribers. MTS offers new subscribers the Smart tariff for connection. Subscribers who have previously connected Smart Mini can use it on the old terms.

Let's pay attention to the “Smart Mini” tariff from MTS, which is quite popular on the territory of Moscow and many other regions of the country.

Who is the MTS Smart Mini tariff for?

In short, “ Smart Mini"- this is the optimal offer for secondary school students, students of schools, institutes and universities, as well as people who cannot or do not want to spend too much money on communication services every month. This package has a very democratic amount of the monthly fee, and a fairly wide package of services offered for a monthly fee.

In addition, the tariff is also noted for the fact that in its conditions, even in the case of using the provided quotas, the cost of calls and the use of other services cannot be called too expensive.

However, if you are a very active user cellular, it is better to look at another package, since quotas within the framework of "Smart Mini" may not be enough for you.

Detailed description of the tariff "Smart Mini" from MTS

The monthly subscription fee for the MTS Smart Mini tariff is 400 rubles for federal numbers or 900 rubles for city numbers;

For this money, MTS clients receive the following service packages for use within a month:

  • Internet traffic at high access speeds in the amount of 2 gigabytes, which operates throughout Russia;
  • The ability to make calls to MTS in unlimited mode (for the region of connection);
  • Quota for calls to other numbers in the connection area and to MTS numbers throughout Russia: 350 free minutes;
  • Quota for sending SMS: 350 messages in the region of connection.

The service packages provided cannot be called large-scale, but this is quite a generous offer from the operator, given the monthly fee of 400/900 rubles / month.

If during the month all the provided free minutes for calls are used, then all calls, with the exception of calls to MTS at home, will be charged. And the tariffication conditions in this case will look like this:

  • Calls to other numbers at home / in Russia: 2/14 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to MTS numbers in the country: 2 rubles.

Messages can be sent at 2 / 2.80 / 8 rubles to numbers in the home region / within the country / abroad.

If you suddenly need to contact subscribers outside Russian Federation, calls to the CIS countries, Europe and the rest of the world are charged at 35, 49 and 70 rubles per minute, respectively.

Sending MMS-messages is offered to subscribers for 9.90 rubles. for 1 message.

Be careful: on the tariff when connected by default, the option "Basic Internet tariffing" is activated with, to put it mildly, a rather large cost of Internet access of 20 MB. for 25 ₽. We recommend changing this option to something cheaper.

On May 23, 2018, MTS met its subscribers halfway and canceled the auto-connection of this option. Now the package is 2 GB. in the tariff can be used throughout Russia, including in Crimea and Sevastopol (restrictions are not spelled out in the footnotes to the tariff). After the traffic limit is exhausted in the tariff, "Additional Internet packages" of 500 MB are activated. for 95 ₽. Compared to the “Basic Internet Tariffication”, this is more than humane.

Other available options Internet options on the Smart Mini tariff: BIT series, Internet series or Turbo buttons.

How to connect the tariff MTS "Smart Mini" [connection closed, tariff in the archive]

  • You can connect the "Smart Mini" tariff with using USSD- requesting newer offers from the operator, then you do not need to worry about this issue. All you need is to choose new tariff and jump to it. The "Smart Mini" tariff will turn off automatically and without your intervention.

The leading operator of MTS in recent times often there are tariff plans that acquire a narrow focus on a specific consumer. The well-known tariff plan MTS Smart was developed by the operator for use in smartphones and managed to become popular. However, the proposal did not take into account all the needs of today's subscribers. Therefore, the operator has released a new tariff - "Smart Mini".

Description of the tariff plan

Today there are four tariffs that are part of the Smart line developed by MTS. The Smart Mini is the most "basic" one as it is available due to the lowest cost.

Tariff plan assumes a monthly subscription fee. Which means that the user is obliged to pay the company 400 rubles every month. After payment, he receives a special package of services. It includes minutes for outgoing calls and a package mobile internet.

Among the advantages that the MTS operator offers to subscribers today, it is worth noting the allocated traffic in the amount of 1 GB per month and the availability of free minutes to the numbers of the MTS operator in other regions of Russia within the included subscription fee package. You can buy the mts smart mini tariff at official points of sale, including in our online store. Among other things, you can choose a beautiful phone number that will express and emphasize the individuality of the owner.

MTS Smart mini basic tariff

A tariff with a federal number and a direct one with the code 495 for a Moscow city number was created specifically for smartphones. The subscription fee includes monthly: 350 minutes of outgoing calls to any numbers in Moscow and the region, as well as 350 minutes of outgoing calls to other regions of Russia to MTS numbers. When you are in the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, all incoming calls are free, while traveling across Russia, when you are in intranet roaming, incoming calls are free when you activate the option "Everywhere, like at home Smart".

Conversations with other cellular and fixed line are charged separately. Calls to the home region are charged at the rate of 1.50 rubles per minute, and calls with subscribers from other regions of the Russian Federation are charged at 10 rubles per minute. The MTS Smart mini tariff plan assumes the availability of free 350 SMS, which can be used to numbers in your region. The cost of a message for sending to numbers of other networks in the country is 3.8 rubles.

Mobile internet and roaming

The MTS Smart mini tariff enables subscribers to use the mobile Internet. This service is already included in the subscription fee. The subscriber is provided monthly with 1 GB of Internet traffic intended for use on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. On the territory of other regions of Russia, it is recommended to connect the option "Smart everywhere, like at home" to use base package mobile Internet outside the Moscow region. If the limit of 2 GB is exceeded, the subscriber is automatically connected additional package Internet traffic in the amount of 300 MB for 30 rubles. To cancel automatic traffic replenishment, you must enter the command * 111 * 936 #.

The MTS Smart Mini tariff is the youngest of the Smart line. It has minimal volumes of calls, traffic and SMS. Low monthly fee makes "Smart mini" one of the most popular TPs among MTS customers. Let's consider in detail the conditions of this tariff, its cost and additional services.

Parameters and cost

Subscription fee for "Smart mini" with a federal number - 350 rubles per month... The package includes:

  • unlimited minutes to MTS numbers home area;
  • calls to phones of the region of connection - 350 minutes;
  • the Internet - 1 gigabyte;
  • SMS to subscribers within the home area - 350 pieces.


Incoming calls are not charged at the “Smart mini” tariff. If a package of minutes is used up, outgoing calls are charged as follows:

  • in the MTS network of your area - free of charge;
  • customers of other operators, users of city numbers and MTS SIM cards in Russia - 2 rubles / min;
  • to the phones of customers of other operators in other regions of the country - 14 rubles / min.

Command for checking the remaining minutes in the package* 1001 * 1 # .

A package of minutes is spent on calls to subscribers of all telecommunication service providers. Calls to MTS phones are also taken into account. Only after the package ends, outgoing MTS subscribers in your region will become free.

When making calls to the operator's short service numbers, the minutes of the package are not consumed. If short number- paid, a certain amount will be charged from the account for the call, but the package will remain intact.

SMS messages

The SMS package is valid exclusively in the region of connection. When 350 SMS is exhausted, one message will cost 2 rubles... A message sent to another region - 3.8 rubles, SMS abroad - 8 rubles apiece.

Internet on MTS Smart mini

When you run out of 1 GB free traffic, the operator will automatically connect an additional package of 500 MB for 95 rubles. Up to 15 such packages can be connected during a month. We are dealing with a service imposed by the MTS company, since many subscribers do not check the remaining traffic, and the additional fee is charged. the internet can increase communication costs.

To check the rest of the traffic on MTS Smart mini, dial ussd-code * 111 * 217 # , but disable additional internet - team * 111 * 936 # .

If necessary, you can buy additional. internet traffic if you use it.

Roaming in Russia

The “Smart Mini” tariff plan from MTS does not work outside the home area. When traveling around the country, you pay for everything:

  • incoming and outgoing calls (including - MTS numbers) - 10.90 RUB / minute;
  • long distance calls - 14 rubles / minute;
  • one SMS - 3.95 RUB;
  • 1 megabyte of the Internet - 10.90 rubles.

To use the tariff conditions while traveling in Russia, activate the service.

How to connect MTS "Smart mini"

To switch to TP, the phone account must have a minimum amount of 300 rubles, since the monthly fee is charged at the time the tariff is activated.

To change the current MTS tariff to Smart Mini, dial * 111 * 1023 # .

You can connect "Smart mini" through the application for gadgets "My MTS" or the operator's website with a detailed description of the tariff plan.

How to disable "Smart Mini"

It is easy to refuse the tariff, choose any option:

  1. enter " Personal Area»On the MTS website and select another TP in the“ Tariffs ”category;
  2. call the operator at 0890 and ask to switch you to another tariff;
  3. come to the nearest MTS office and write an application for termination of the communication services agreement.

The MTS Smart Mini tariff is the youngest of the Smart line. It has minimal volumes of calls, traffic and SMS. Low monthly fee makes "Smart mini" one of the most popular TPs among MTS customers. Let's consider in detail the conditions of this tariff, its cost and additional services.

Parameters and cost

Subscription fee for "Smart mini" with a federal number - 350 rubles per month... The package includes:

  • unlimited minutes to MTS numbers home area;
  • calls to phones of the region of connection - 350 minutes;
  • the Internet - 1 gigabyte;
  • SMS to subscribers within the home area - 350 pieces.


Incoming calls are not charged at the “Smart mini” tariff. If a package of minutes is used up, outgoing calls are charged as follows:

  • in the MTS network of your area - free of charge;
  • customers of other operators, users of city numbers and MTS SIM cards in Russia - 2 rubles / min;
  • to the phones of customers of other operators in other regions of the country - 14 rubles / min.

Command for checking the remaining minutes in the package* 1001 * 1 # .

A package of minutes is spent on calls to subscribers of all telecommunication service providers. Calls to MTS phones are also taken into account. Only after the package ends, outgoing MTS subscribers in your region will become free.

When making calls to the operator's short service numbers, the minutes of the package are not consumed. If the short number is a paid one, a certain amount will be charged from the account for the call, but the package will remain intact.

SMS messages

The SMS package is valid exclusively in the region of connection. When 350 SMS is exhausted, one message will cost 2 rubles... A message sent to another region - 3.8 rubles, SMS abroad - 8 rubles apiece.

Internet on MTS Smart mini

When you run out of 1 GB of free traffic, the operator will automatically activate an additional 500 MB package for 95 rubles. Up to 15 such packages can be connected during a month. We are dealing with a service imposed by the MTS company, since many subscribers do not check the remaining traffic, and the additional fee is charged. the internet can increase communication costs.

To check the rest of the traffic on MTS Smart mini, dial ussd-code * 111 * 217 # , but disable additional internet- team * 111 * 936 # .

If necessary, you can buy additional. internet traffic if you use it.

Roaming in Russia

The “Smart Mini” tariff plan from MTS does not work outside the home area. When traveling around the country, you pay for everything:

  • incoming and outgoing calls (including - MTS numbers) - 10.90 RUB / minute;
  • long distance calls - 14 rubles / minute;
  • one SMS - 3.95 RUB;
  • 1 megabyte of the Internet - 10.90 rubles.

To use the tariff conditions while traveling in Russia, activate the service.

How to connect MTS "Smart mini"

To switch to TP, the phone account must have a minimum amount of 300 rubles, since the monthly fee is charged at the time the tariff is activated.

To change the current MTS tariff to Smart Mini, dial * 111 * 1023 # .

You can connect "Smart mini" through the application for gadgets "My MTS" or the operator's website with a detailed description of the tariff plan.

How to disable "Smart Mini"

It is easy to refuse the tariff, choose any option:

  1. enter the "Personal Account" on the MTS website and select another TP in the "Tariffs" category;
  2. call the operator at 0890 and ask to switch you to another tariff;
  3. come to the nearest MTS office and write an application for termination of the communication services agreement.