What is VKontakte traffic. Guide to buying and monetizing traffic in VKontakte groups

On such projects, there is a different audience and from it you can select users with certain interests to make money.

Profitable conversion of traffic from Vkontakte, which we will discuss in this article, is available to every user. The bottom line is to launch advertising through thematic communities in order to attract users to various affiliate programs. This scheme of earnings is already actively used, and it can be highly profitable.

How to make money on Vkontakte traffic?

First, you need to determine the general interests of visitors to social networks. Why are they visiting these projects? Basically for the search for entertainment and interesting pastime, based on this, the best option for offering them would be a transition to entertainment portals.

There are a lot of affiliate programs for this, and here are several directions that are suitable for such earnings:

  • virtual casinos;
  • online Games;
  • various entertainment resources;
  • dating websites;
  • online stores;
  • separate original and current goods.

It has already been presented on our website as one of the earning options, you can read more about this. The essence is almost the same, you collect traffic and convert it through all sorts of offers.

Where to look for affiliate programs?

Use the search on our website and type "Affiliate Program", after which you will see a lot of information about the various services that you can use.

We also recommend using partner networks such as, and Cityads. In each of these systems, you will find interesting offers with ready-made landing pages that you can use to direct traffic.

Where to run ads?

When you decide on an offer, for example, decide to organize, start looking for thematic communities. To do this, simply use the Vkontakte search, specify the keywords and get a list of suitable groups:

After that, it remains to go to different groups and contact their administrators to receive quotations for advertising. To select good deals, simply request prices and choose the best deals.

Effective advertising

You may fail just because you don't work on the ad. It's not enough to add a regular photo or just insert text, your advertising post should be interesting and eye-catching.

Here's a great example:

This post is accompanied by affiliate links, and each sale of a product will bring income to the advertiser, despite the fact that he does not sell anything on his own, but only directs customers to one of the virtual stores.

You can also engage in such activities, but as you should have guessed, first you need to invest money. Look for favorable conditions for partners, you may even be provided with effective advertising materials (texts, pictures and videos), with which it will be easier to attract buyers from Vkontakte.

You will also be interested.

A short story about attracting traffic from the Vkontakte network. You will learn about personal page promotion and group creation. You will find a description of programs for automatic posting in groups. And readers who need a lot of traffic will get an idea of \u200b\u200badvertising in groups (publics) on VKontakte.

Why Vkontakte? Because VK is the largest social network on the Runet. If you learn how to attract traffic from Vkontakte, you will be able to establish stable sales. The VK audience absorbs any goods. Vkontakte is the most important channel for attracting traffic in the affiliate business. Many top partners started their business with this community.

If you are seriously going to make money on affiliate programs, you must urgently create an account on Vkontakte. And if you have already learned how to make graphics, have mastered the skills to write at least small texts, then start a group in parallel. Over time, it will grow and, in addition to promoting your referral links, it can become an additional source of income.

So, you have an account, now you need to design the page. I will not describe the interface - you will master it quickly, but I will focus on the important details. The avatar should be a picture of a living person, your own photo is best, why? Your immediate task is to attract friends! And to which of these characters will you be more friends?

The same recommendations for full name. Which partners earn the most? Those who share knowledge and best practices with their referrals - lower level partners. And who will trust the faceless character and learn from some bear cub? Therefore, indicate a human name and surname, preferably your own.

Next, you need to fill out the profile and do it as carefully as possible. If you specify the correct keywords in the "Interests" section, then over time you will receive traffic to your page from the network itself. You will be visited from the search. And this is what interests us.

Now you can post posts on the page wall. I draw your attention to the picture, it must be clickable. Most users do not read texts, they have no time. Look at yourself. Therefore, the picture needs to be given special attention. Search for suitable ones in Yandex.Images (Google) and modify for yourself: cropping, inscription. To do this, use free services or Photoshop, this is what I do:.

However, the text is still important, some cold-blooded users still read, and the VK search robot should somehow understand the meaning of the post. You can capitalize the post title and use icons. See how others are doing it - this is the best design guide for posts (and pages!).

After you have something to read on your page, about a dozen posts with colorful attractive pictures, you can start inviting friends. While you still have few of them, the system will help you. We go to the "Friends" section and see that the system invites you to add them:

And where, in principle, can you find friends, and even targeted ones, who will be interested in your topic? Type in the search words on your topic, for example: "affiliate", "fitness", "diet", and go to "Show all results - Communities".

Communities are groups, publics (read more in the VK help), and their members are your future friends, and, mind you, they are already “in the subject”. Click on the list of participants and it will open in a separate window. Invite everyone you like to be friends, always with "human" avatars. Look at the photos on their page, from them you can determine that the person is real and find out about his interests. The add friend button is under the main avatar.

Some of the users who have received your friend invitation will go to your page out of interest, where they will see your posts and a pinned post (the one that is always at the top of the page). You will see the number of views in the lower right corner of each post, there is an eye icon. Considering that these will be people interested in the topic, some of them will follow the link. Q.E.D.

However, the VC system naturally has limitations. The limit for adding friends is 50 people per day. The system will warn you about this. But still, be careful not to get banned for excessive zeal. The system reacts to user actions of the same type and may regard them as spam. Combine different actions, take pauses, breaks, in general - disguise.

Even 30 people a day give 900 a month, and 10,000 friends a year! And this is again the limit, everyone else will be subscribers (however, there is not much difference). There are few such accounts on Vkontakte, but why don't you make one !?

If you have also created a group, then you can systematically invite your newly appearing friends to join it. If you have several accounts, then invite friends to and from the group. According to my observations, every third friend who is "in the subject" gladly joins the group (or maybe gritting his teeth, but it doesn't matter to us, we are thick-skinned - we will tolerate):

Gradually fill the group wall with posts. And in order not to write twice, use the repost of the entry from the group to your page (the megaphone icon). Another important point! Before publishing a post, use a timer, where you can set any time. Thus, you can "prepare" several posts in advance for a week or a month ahead!

All these simple steps will bring traffic from Vkontakte to your or partner pages on an incremental basis. But what if you need traffic quickly !? There is such a way.

Traffic from Vkontakte groups

While your own group is still growing and “gaining fat”, you can receive traffic from other thematic groups (communities). You already know how to find them, use the search: "affiliate programs", "business", "earnings", or words on the topic that interests you. Prepare in advance the text with a ref-link and an attractive picture, do not be lazy, the number of clicks on the post-ad depends on it.

Note: I use the free Punto Switcher software to quickly insert text. (Mechanism: you enter a couple of characters, press the spacebar, and massive text is entered automatically!)

Go in turn to the pages of groups (publics) and look for the form "Add entry", which says that you can place an ad here:

But take your time, here you can run into a ban. Each group may have its own rules, for violation of which a ban follows. The system will freeze your page and access to the entire network, for the first time - for a day, on the second - for a week, and then you can run into a full ban. By the way, the VK system allows you to post about a hundred posts (+ comments) per day from one account, 90 messages for sure. But it is not all that bad.

There is no time to read the rules of the groups, but they may be hidden at first glance. Therefore, it is better to focus on the following sign. There are many posts on the wall from many users (and old ones), and not only on behalf of this community or its administration (admin data is at the bottom of the right column). You will immediately understand that in this group the publication of ads is not prohibited. The same applies to comments, there should be a lot of them, and comments should be old.

The logic is simple. Group admins can visit rarely, for example, once a week. And if only fresh posts and comments are "hanging", then perhaps they simply did not have time to delete, and at the same time ban spammers. Just don't take risks in such cases. There are a lot of groups where advertising is allowed!

Small groups of 100-200 participants are of little interest to us, they have few "spectators". Numerous groups with more than 7-10 thousand people are not very interesting. They post in them with a "cosmic" speed - the post can be in 20th place in about 1 minute. It looks like a cockroach race. We are interested in groups with a “population” of 1-5 thousand people. In such groups and public places, announcements are "visible" for several days, or at least hours. Here we publish.

It would be rational to compile lists of groups (URLs) in Notepad on different topics, delimiting them into columns by population. For what? In small groups, advertisements last for a long time, while in "medium" groups you can post more often. And these lists of VK groups will come in handy if you will be engaged in automatic posting using programs.

And automatic posting by Vkontakte groups

There are several programs for automatic posting to Vkontakte groups. I will mention the best tested, where auto-posting is available in the free version. Paid versions of such programs have added the ability to work from several accounts, but at least from hundreds. The price is small, but there are other pitfalls.

Vkontakte network rules prohibit the use of programs. It is easy to run into account blocking, or, simply speaking, a ban. It's another matter if the accounts are fictitious or just bought, do you feel sorry for them? You will also need to buy a rental of proxy servers, for each account one proxy (you can find them for free to work with a couple of accounts).

Because nevertheless, it may be necessary to remove short-term system locks, then faceless SIM cards or virtual phone numbers may be required. The service of receiving SMS to a virtual number to unlock a VK account on the Internet can be easily found. However, for one account, all this hassle is not required.

While auto-posting programs can themselves find groups by keywords, it is better to use the hand-drawn lists discussed earlier. So you can completely exclude getting banned. One more thing. After all, it's better not to use your own promoted account when working with "automation", you never know! Be careful and think through every step.

Get to work immediately - it is not difficult to promote a page on Vkontakte. I wish you good luck and a lot of money! Join our affiliate marketing group.

Our group is on Vkontakte.

When someone hears about affiliate programs, and even more so that are associated with gambling, sports betting or something similar, doubts arise.

Is anyone else being led to this? Also, such affiliate programs bring good income, and many get by with simple ways to attract people to such sites.

Free traffic from VK - I'm starting a new topic, which one of our regular readers told us about. Social media helps you collect any traffic and direct it wherever you go.

Even if the domain is blocked, you can create a separate one and make a redirect, but today we will not delve into the technical side of this issue.

A clever way to get free Vkontakte traffic

We have already told you how to receive. Using this method, you have to send a lot of posts and the pages quickly freeze. Now a new method has been invented, it has already been actively used.

To attract attention, you need to create some interesting post and it is desirable that it offers an easy opportunity to earn money:

Quite a real situation, a person goes on a long journey, and he is ready to hand his pet into good hands for a reward.

Many will respond to such a "freebie", but when visiting the page of the author of this post, everything becomes clear to an experienced user, because in the first place is the advertisement of the bookmaker's office:

Ideally, it would be better to make the page more natural, provide more information, and instead of a simple advertisement add a post like this:

Again we go on a trip with our beloved, this time to Paris. Tired of answering everyone where we take so much money. Vulcan online casino helped us to get rich, in which we have already received substantial winnings many times. Nothing complicated and you can start without investments, beginners are given a bonus of 10,000 rubles. Try it without risking anything, you too can fulfill your dreams.

At first, we thought that this was nonsense and we couldn't collect a lot of traffic in this way, but when we saw the page traffic, we were surprised. Over the past week, the account has been viewed by over 1000 people, daily traffic varies from 100 to 300 users:

We were even more surprised when the author of this idea shared his earnings statistics. Over the past month, he earned over 30,000 rubles on Vkontakte traffic. In his words, it took no more than an hour a day, it was just a side job, the idea turned out to be very successful.

How to create many pages to collect traffic from VK?

To get the most out of this method, you need to use multiple accounts at the same time. Each of them should look natural, the posts are published differently, and it would be even better if. Then the audience reach will increase.

You won't be able to register pages without a phone number, so it's easier to buy them on Buyaccs. It is pointless to overpay for defrosting, let them be one-time profiles, they pay off pretty quickly:

Prepare posts right away, whether it be caring for fish, helping around the house, or something else.

The most important thing is that the work should be simple and that it must be rewarded. Don't promise too much, doubts will arise. Everything should look like the truth, users should stumble upon a post with an advertisement by accident.

VK traffic arbitration

We will not deviate from the main topic, but we will talk a little about a more effective way to get a lot of conversions from social networks.

It's really hard to attract a lot of users to your pages, it makes sense to use promoted publics and accounts with a large number of subscribers.

What does arbitration involve? Investments in advertising. You negotiate with group administrators or owners of popular profiles and add posts with links to their walls.

For beginners, we have a useful article -. Professionals actively use this method; several e-books have even been written about it. But today we are not talking about that, so we have presented this information only briefly.

Where to send traffic from Vkontakte?

The most interesting question is which affiliate program is suitable for VK traffic? In general, there is no difference, almost all systems allow transitions from social networks.

However, the conditions are not always favorable, and sometimes it is too difficult to find the target audience. Use best affiliate programs for Vkontakte:

  1. GlopArt - a huge selection of different information products with fixed royalties.
  2. BongaModels - paid erotic chats, paid 25% of the money spent by viewers.
  3. Binpartner - advertise binary options, get up to 70% from each client.
  4. Golden Tea is an economic game with a 5-level affiliate program.
  5. - another game with the withdrawal of money, where it is profitable to make money on referrals.
  6. HashFlare is a cloud mining service for investment, gives 10% of deposits.
  7. Top Shop - sell goods from a TV shop, get up to 20% of their value.
  8. EPN - invite buyers to stores like Aliexpress, give interest on purchases.
  9. Leads - about 200 offers with loans, banks, investments, insurance, etc.
  10. MinerGate is a foreign project for earning cryptocurrencies with a profitable affiliate network.

We ourselves use all these sites, however, to convert traffic from a blog, and not from social networks. In fact, there are a lot of sites with which it is profitable to cooperate.

Even the well-known cashback service LetyShops is suitable. The most important thing is that the service or product is in demand.

What to do if Vkontakte blocks a link?

When working with CPA affiliate networks and other popular services, the transition may be blocked. Most often this happens in cooperation with online casinos and bookmakers, which are prohibited in Russia.

There is a solution to the problem, and it is absolutely free:

  1. A website builder from Google allows you to create a simple resource in a few minutes and get a free domain. Head over to Blogger.com and create a new blog. It is better to choose the name in accordance with the chosen affiliate program:

  1. A minimal page setup is required. Choose any topic, come up with some kind of title. You can post information from other resources, anyway the site will not be promoted in search engines (it is better to disable the mobile version altogether):

  1. Now you need to shorten the affiliate link. This is done through the vk.com/cc service (other similar services), everything is simple there, enter the address and get a short version of the link (we will redirect to it):

  1. Now you need to go back to the site builder and click "Edit HTML". You don't have to understand programming, just add the code as shown in the image:

  1. To make it easier for you, we have prepared ready-made templates with code, where you just have to substitute your shortened links. Change the LINK value (add a link to your created blog instead:

This is added after Head:

This is after Body:

Of course, it's much better to rent your own domain and redirect from it. It's safer, more convenient and works flawlessly.

How to get traffic from VK for free. As you know, now all people are sitting on social networks and you have to be completely stupid not to use it for online sales. Everything is sold on Vkontakte, you just need to use it wisely.

As you know, they are greeted by their clothes. So your page should be designed accordingly. Spend a few minutes on this and you will get the result later. There are several prerequisites for designing your page.

The first... There must be a high quality, good photo of you. In the photography section, you don't need anything like you're in underpants, etc. Family, rest. Surname and first name are required, you must inspire confidence. It is not necessary to be called a tycoon Vasya.

Second... We must fill in the status field. Where we clearly prescribe what you do. A person who came to your page immediately understood where he was.

Third... We fill the place of work. And your site, if there is no site, you can put any affiliate link, having previously shortened it and add a small description.

Fourth. Be sure to make yourself a beautiful photostatus. And we fill in the description for each separate section. For this, there are ready-made Photostatus applications.

Interests. The first free way to traffic from VK

Be sure to register information about yourself. We must fill in the field interests. We write down interests, keywords on your topic, separated by commas. You need to assign them as much as possible and then be sure to click on the save button from below. These words then become active and people can find you by interests and begin to add to your friends.

Most importantly, you need to make it clear to the person that you are real and not fake, what you do and how you can be useful to this person. Do not neglect this way

Hashtags - free traffic

It has long been known that this method brings free customers. A hashtag is a word that starts with a # character. This symbol is placed before a word and after publication this word becomes a link. For example # self-development.

How to use it. You type a post and at the end of the post, after a space, add 10 hashtags on your topic, separated by a space. Find and write down popular hashtags, low frequency, medium frequency. Then when you publish your article at the end of each post, be sure to add 3-4 hashtags from different sections, but on this topic.

When you click on a hashtag, you get all the posts that have used this hashtag and someone will go to your post.

Where to get hashtags. Find leaders in your niche, find them on a social network, and see what hashtags they use. To find leaders, use the site https://info-hit.ru, which will make your job much easier.

Add friends

We will only work pointwise. This method still works. Only target friends need to be added. And the most important thing in social networks is communication. Start communicating with a person and then sales will come by themselves.

Before adding a person as a friend, study his page, what he is interested in and then only add as a friend. If this topic is yours. Communicate with them, immediately write how you breathe and why he was added as a friend, what problems he has, what are yours.

Find such people with the help of the same influencers and see their friends. Add to your friends those you like. This point work gives the result. Add 2-3 people per hour. When contacting, be sure to use the person's name. Your task is to bring the person into dialogue. Find out what his problem is and help him solve it with your course or service.

Communicate with people, make interesting content on your topic and there will be traffic. This method is manual. This method can be automated.

Process automation

To add friends to automate messages, use a site that allows you to automatically send messages to newly added friends. Here you can also write a list of scheduled tasks, make yourself a diary. Divide people into a group, that is, get a Ready CRM system. This application is installed as an extension in the browser and appears as a gear in the bottom right. There is a 7-day free period.

A little secret. Attend free webinars on your topic. This is where your hot target audience is. Come a little early to the webinar and write a greeting. Let's say I greet all partners, add as friends, let's communicate. This is if comments from VKontakte are attached to the page where the webinar is being held. And if people themselves leave comments, then you can go to the page of this person and then add him as a friend.

Audience retention

You need to somehow keep the audience and then somehow re-contact with them. You should definitely create a group, design it beautifully and be sure to subscribe to the news of your group. Collect subscribers using the VKontakte social network itself. Then after subscribing to your product, you can send them a series of letters. Be sure to add several products, make one of them free, the rest are paid. Be sure to include the articles on the right and include a discussion heading.

Make sections there like ask me about me. Be sure to fill out the section about me and write a story about yourself. This will increase trust in you and your recognition among friends. Then invite friends to your group.

Be sure to then lead the group. Make quality articles and give really quality material for free. You need to learn over time to write selling posts, read how to do it. A group that is not maintained will be useless. In such simple ways, you get traffic from VK.

If you are interested in the topic of traffic, I suggest reading our article on free ways to get.

Sincerely, Alexander Doroshko.

Likes don't give a real picture. Like reposts, the number of subscribers, page reach and posts. Just imagine, you have a super cool public page with 50,000 subscribers, over a hundred people repost you every day. But at least 5 people a day go to your site.What to do to increase the number of clicks? What metrics to use? We will write about this in this article.

What should you know about traffic from Vkontakte?

  1. Social media traffic is much colderthan from a search engine or contextual advertising. Therefore, the conversion to a lead can be significantly lower. But at the same time, it is cheaper and may be more loyal.
  2. Working in social networks will be effective especially in cases in the niche of low-frequency queriesas the cost of the final conversion will be lower.
  3. Unlike organic search traffic, or PPC traffic, social media audience is limited... For example, in the pressure cooker group, there will be fewer real buyers over time. This moment affects the cost of the transition and lead. After a while, the leadalways gets more expensive... You can hold the price per lead. However, if you are constantly interacting with your audience, writing content and optimizing it, then the community can become an effective source of new customers.

What are social media leads?

  1. Direct sale of a product or service... This group of leads is not complete. It is relevant for online stores. How it works? For targeted advertising or publication advertising, users go to the catalog, put the product in the basket and place an order. So you can sell webinars, books, events (concerts, seminars), book hotels.
  2. Second group - the client has not yet decided who he will buy from and is comparing options... Here, in exchange for the contact information of a potential client, you provide your commercial offer, price list for services, product catalog, demo or trial product.
  3. Collecting contacts from your audience, then to “warm up” it with the help of email-mailings, advertising publications, webinars, books for purchase.

So, what are the sources of leads and traffic from social networks:

  • The most popular, but by no means the easiest option -targeted advertising on Vkontakte.
  • Paid community publications. With the right approach, these two methods can generate targeted and reasonably cheap traffic. ( How to set up ads: chips, examples, super stories:Manual 1 , Manual 2)
  • Viral content, or content that is being shared.
  • Frending.You need to register a network of accounts without adding them to your group or page. In the latest publications, leave links to your group and page.
  • Create appointments. Events are more suited to events. From a community with your target audience, you buy a publication with an invitation to a meeting of your community or collect traffic to the meeting from targeted advertising. During the meeting there will be a link to your website, where the leader can leave his contact information.
  • Photo albums.Suitable for online stores. You buy an album in public with your audience, in which you post photos. In the signatures to them, indicate a link to your site orgroup.

But all of this might not work if you don't prepare your page.

How to prepare your social media page to avoid losing leads?

Internal ranking factors on Vkontakte:

  • The uniqueness of the description, as well as the keywords in the description.
  • The uniqueness of the posts.
  • Optimized group name.
  • Keys in the group link.

The group activity indicators taken into account by Vkontakte:

  • Followers (Average for the best groups, according to Searchengines, is 2,200).
  • How often and in what quantities the posts in the groups are commented (for the best this indicator was 2.5 comments).
  • Average number of posts per day (average number of posts for the best groups -0.4 per day).

How do I track leads?

The first thing to do: to do this, you will need to integrate UTM tags into all Vkontakte links. How do I add a UTM tag to a link? Very simple. There are special linkers for this, for example,Google link builder, or you can attach them using the SMM service - KUKU.io... You can use these links everywhere: in targeted ads, blog posts, wiki menus, etc.

Second: analyze the results. Which segments give more leads, where is the conversion higher, how much does a lead cost and how to reduce its cost. To do this, Yandex metrics or Google analytics are setgoals ... Here, goals are understood as what desired action the user should perform on the site. Add a product to the shopping cart, download a price list, subscribe to a newsletter, book a room, receive a commercial offer, etc.

Third: we calculate the cost. It is easy to calculate: the amount of money spent on attracting users is divided by the number of leads.

Beware, Trash audience! Often there is such a situation when the user takes the target action, but does not make a purchase. The problem may lie on your side, or the problem may not be at all, if your content on social networks can attract the user again, convincing him to buy or register. But direct and associative conversions in Google Analytics deserve a separate article.

So, in conclusion.

Vkontakte lead generation is a difficult and long process. And in order to ensure that your efforts to attract traffic are not unsuccessful, be sure to adapt the group in such a way that it:

  1. Had several points of entry to your site (if the sale can only be carried out through it).
  2. Solve specific questions of your clients.
  3. Make it easy to navigate in the group (place contact information in a prominent place and make sales comfortable).
  4. Add keywords to appear in organic searches on Google and Yandex.
  5. Measure your audience's metrics regularly. Set goals ...

... and follow them!


  1. Dmitry Rumyantsev's publications.
  2. Searchengines.ru