How to choose virtual reality glasses. How to use virtual reality glasses? How to use virtual reality glasses for iPhone

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Hello dear friends! Today I will tell you all about virtual reality glasses.

  • What are virtual reality helmets?
  • How do virtual reality helmets work?
  • What is the difference between virtual reality helmets?
  • Why do some virtual reality helmets cost a lot of money, like the HTC Vive, while others are available to everyone, like the VR BOX 2 or FiiT VR?
You can say virtual reality helmet, you can virtual reality glasses and so and so correctly, but to call virtual reality glasses - virtual glasses, is not entirely correct. Immediately keep in mind that virtual reality helmets are different and are divided into categories: 1. Virtual reality helmet for PC; 2. Virtual reality helmet for smartphone; 3. Virtual reality helmet for consoles (set-top boxes); 4. Autonomous virtual reality helmet. And so the virtual reality helmet can be different, let's talk about everything in order, especially since I indicated them in that order for a reason.

How a virtual reality helmet works

I will describe the categories of virtual reality helmets below, but first I will tell you exactly how virtual reality glasses are arranged and work. A virtual reality helmet is just a plastic (or cardboard) case with lenses. There should be one or two screens behind the lenses, rather it is one screen divided into two images. There is also a partition that does not allow one eye to see the image intended for the other eye. The image that is displayed on the left and right half of the screen is almost the same. A 3D image is obtained by the fact that each eye sees its own image, by analogy with a normal eye, in order to feel the depth of the environment, two eyes are needed, where each eye sees the environment from its own angle, and the result is a 3D image. One eye does not allow you to feel the depth and correctly calculate the distance. In total, if you create or record a video using two cameras at once, located at a distance like eyes and start the video from the left camera for the left eye, and from the right for the right, then you will get a full-fledged 3D video. Most 3D videos do have 2 video streams, separate for each eye. We figured it out, virtual reality helmets have a screen divided into two and we see a 3D picture. But what is needed so that we can look around in the virtual space? To do this, the virtual reality helmet is equipped with a sensor - a gyroscope that tracks head turns, such sensors are also used in smartphones, in order, for example, to flip the video for you while watching, etc. It turns out that virtual reality glasses are equipped with a board with a gyroscope. But how to transfer data if the game is running on a PC? To do this, virtual reality glasses are connected to a PC when USB help cable and HDMI cable. By HDMI cable the image from the PC is sent to the screen in the glasses, and data is transmitted via the USB cable from the gyroscope about the position of the head to the PC. In addition, the new virtual reality glasses for PC also have other sensors that track the consoles in space or the virtual reality helmet itself or the position of the player in space, all this data is also transferred to the PC via USB. Now everything is clear to us and we can consider each category of virtual reality helmets.

Virtual Reality Headsets for PC

+ only work with PC; + you can play PCs designed for these glasses with modern graphics; - Requires a powerful PC + you can also run regular PC games (not designed for VR glasses), but with an inferior 3D image; - you can watch 3D movies only near a PC (not portable); + developed a lot of really interesting games that can be fun to play. It all started with virtual reality helmets for PC - Oculus Rift DK1 (the first version for developers). Virtual reality glasses could be bought in Russia at a price of about 30,000 rubles. They used a low-resolution screen and were not very comfortable to use. image was Bad quality(the pixel grid of the screen is very noticeable, the effect is comparable to how if you look at the environment through gauze). Soon the second version of the virtual reality helmet for PC was released - Oculus Rift DK2 (also a version for developers). They had 2 major changes, firstly an improved FullHD (1920 × 1080) screen, and secondly, an external camera that tracks glasses in space (you could bend over and deviate, for example, look down a cliff by leaning forward). Buying virtual reality glasses could already be a little more expensive, Oculus Rift DK2 will cost you 50,000 rubles. Now the price of virtual reality glasses of newer models is much higher, firstly because of the dollar exchange rate, and secondly, they have more advanced stuffing and equipment. Excellent body, good lenses, first-class screen with high resolution QHD, a board with a gyroscope, and in addition to the board, there is also a bunch of sensors, external cameras, a bunch of wires, gamepads (remote controls), software- today, because of this, the price of a virtual reality helmet starts at 74,000 rubles for the HTC Vive. In addition, your PC must be modern and powerful in order to run games for such glasses without brakes. Do not be upset, third-party companies are already making similar virtual reality glasses for PC at a much more affordable price, while not inferior in quality.
For example, Deepoon E2 glasses cost only 23,900 rubles. and are in no way inferior to the sensational Oculus Rift DK2, the estimated cost of which is about 50,000 rubles. Order Deepoon E2 and get the same quality, but almost 2 times cheaper. Even if you compare them with the advanced Oculus Rift CV1 for 50,000 rubles, then the Deepoon E2 for 23,900 rubles. inferior to them only in screen resolution. This is not such a significant difference to overpay 26,000 rubles! Looking ahead, I immediately want to note that, for example, glasses use a screen of the same resolution as, for example, in Sony PlayStation VR glasses. The following commercial versions of virtual reality glasses for PC are currently on the market:

Oculus Rift CV1 (commercial version)

You can buy a virtual reality helmet Oculus Rift CV1 at a price of: 50,000 rubles.

HTC Vive (Checkout)

You can buy HTC Vive virtual reality glasses at a price of 73,900 rubles.

Deepoon E2 (Checkout)

You can buy Deepoon E2 virtual reality glasses at a price of 23,900 rubles. Our review of the Deepoon E2 virtual reality glasses for PC:

Virtual reality glasses for smartphones

+ work only with a smartphone; + image quality depends on the quality of the smartphone screen; + it is already possible to play PC glasses designed for PC with modern graphics (through the RiftCat Vridge application); + do not require a powerful PC;+ You can also run regular PC games (not designed for VR glasses), but with an inferior 3D image (when connecting a smartphone to a PC via a USB cable); + You can watch 3D movies anywhere, for example, on an airplane or train (portable);+ you can play and run any mobile iOS/ Android / WindowsPhone VR applications and games (must be searched on the market for "VR" or "cardboard"); - there are practically no full-fledged games yet, there are only small games (demos), the graphics in games still lag behind games on PC or consoles; + you can run full-fledged mobile games in the mode for virtual reality glasses, such as GTA Vice City, Minecraft, Dead Trigger, Modern Combat 4, Dead Space, Final Fantasy, Fifa 15, Mass Effect, Need For Speed ​​Shift, Real Recing 3, Shadowgun and many more via the Tridef 3D Games Android app (root required). These virtual reality glasses for smartphones became the first commercial devices. The first was Google, which launched the cardboard virtual reality glasses Cardboard. Indeed, in order to plunge into the world of virtual reality, you need a body, lenses, a screen and a gyroscope. Your smartphone already has a screen and a gyroscope, and you can make the case out of cardboard and add simple lenses and you're done. Since then, virtual reality glasses for smartphones have come a long way: high-quality lenses, a comfortable body and head mount, lens adjustment for each eye, a smartphone can be conveniently taken out and put back, etc. Now our virtual reality glasses online store offers a wide selection of different virtual reality glasses for smartphones. What is the difference between them? A virtual reality helmet for a smartphone is selected for each client. Of course, there are also leaders, such as virtual reality helmets VR BOX 2 and VR Shinecon, these virtual reality glasses can be bought at a cost of about 1000 rubles. - 2000 rubles. They firmly took the position of comfortable, versatile glasses in the price / quality category. More premium sector, glasses and Ling VR occupied. You can buy virtual reality glasses of these models at a price of about 4,000 rubles. Ritech / VIGICA glasses settled in the category of very budget solutions “cheap and cheerful”. This virtual reality helmet can be bought at a cost of about 1000 and all other virtual reality glasses similar to them. FiiT VR is currently the best virtual reality glasses for smartphones, both among cheaper models and compared to more expensive models. FiiT VR is the best offer on the market with an ideal price-quality ratio.
Our review of FiiT VR glasses for smartphone: Here are a few main criteria when choosing virtual reality glasses for a smartphone: 1. What kind of smartphone do you have? What is the smartphone size? What is the screen size? What is the screen resolution? 2. What is your vision? Are you farsighted or nearsighted? Are the readings the same for both eyes or does each eye have different vision readings? 3. Why do you buy virtual reality glasses? Mostly watch 3D movies? Or maybe you want to ride a roller coaster with the maximum effect of immersion in virtual reality? 4. How much money are you willing to spend on virtual reality glasses for your smartphone? You can get answers to all these questions by looking at our review, where we talk about this in detail by comparing 14 virtual reality glasses for smartphones with each other:

Virtual reality helmets for consoles (set-top boxes)

- work only with their console (console required); + in the future they will probably work with a PC;— you can’t run regular PC games (not designed for VR glasses), but with an inferior 3D image (when connecting a smartphone to a PC via a USB cable); - you can watch 3D movies only near the console (not portable); + at the start there will be several good full-fledged games with modern graphics; The main model of virtual reality glasses for consoles at the moment are PlayStation VR glasses. PlayStation VR will go on sale in October. The price of PlayStation VR virtual reality glasses will be about 35,000 rubles. PlayStation VR is the only virtual reality headset for consoles so far.

Standalone virtual reality glasses

In fact, these are the same virtual reality glasses for a smartphone, they just do not require the presence of good smartphone. In the future, it will probably be possible to connect them to a PC and some PC games will officially support them. The essence of this virtual reality helmet is that it carries not only a screen and a board with a gyroscope, but also all the rest of the hardware - powerful processor, RAM, flash memory, battery, etc. Simply put, it's like a smartphone or laptop built into your virtual reality glasses.


At the moment, the most popular, affordable and high-quality glasses are virtual reality glasses for smartphones, such as FiiT VR (leader), Bobovr Z4, VR BOX 2, VR Shinecon, Baofeng 4. They allow you to fully enjoy 3D movies, as well as plunge into virtual reality and ride a rollercoaster, shoot zombies, walk along the bottom of the ocean, etc., but unfortunately there are no serious games (demos) with high-quality graphics yet. The main advantage of virtual reality helmets for PC is that you can play games with modern graphics in them, which gives a greater immersive effect. In addition, there are remote controls for virtual reality glasses on the PC and you can interact with the virtual space with your hands, which further enhances the effect of immersion in the virtual world. If you want to watch 3D movies, then you obviously need to buy virtual reality glasses for your smartphone. If you want to play best games for virtual reality glasses, then you can buy virtual reality glasses for PC, for example.

The best virtual reality glasses for a smartphone in the category Price / Quality, as well as the best choice - FiiT VR

The best virtual reality glasses for PC in the category Price / Quality, as well as the best choice - Deepoon E2

BESTVR virtual reality glasses online store offers you a wide selection of virtual glasses for smartphones. At the same time, the employees of the virtual reality glasses online store will provide you with all the necessary support in choosing virtual reality glasses.
Online store of virtual reality glasses BESTVR - we know a lot about virtual reality!

In this article, we will tell you about what virtual reality glasses or VR BOX for a smartphone are, as well as how to use VR BOX.

Today, there are many types of virtual reality technologies in the world, and thanks to the current level of hype around technologies, more and more companies are developing solutions that immerse users in completely the new kind interactive experience.

Thus, the challenge for VR technology right now lies in demonstrating useful content for an interactive experience, as well as creating affordable solutions that would allow every inhabitant of the world to purchase virtual reality glasses. Thus, it is required to implement this technology and make it commonplace so that it is available to everyone, both as entertainment and as a learning experience.

So, today we will talk about accessibility, and specifically speaking about virtual reality glasses VR BOX. In addition, we will look at how virtual reality glasses work, as well as talk about the TOP 8 best VR applications.

What is VR BOX or virtual reality?

Virtual reality (eng. Virtual Reality, VR) is a world created by technical means, which is transmitted to a person through his sensations: sight, hearing, touch and smell. At the same time, virtual reality imitates the impact on a person with maximum accuracy, and accordingly, his reaction to what is happening is developed.

For example, when playing a horror game, a person will experience much more sensations with virtual reality glasses than without them. This fact is also emphasized by the statistics of the experiment, in which more than 1500 people participated, they were asked to play a horror game. As a result, playing without virtual reality glasses, only 8% of the test subjects experienced fears, and in virtual reality glasses, this percentage increased to 79%.

How do virtual reality glasses work?

It is worth noting that the main reason why glasses are called VR, i.e. Virtual Reality, is that they are equipped with 3D technology, which in turn greatly affects the human subconscious, and therefore is perceived by him as reality.

Let's explain, when using the Virtual Reality mode, the screen of your smartphone will be divided into two images that duplicate each other, as a result of which one image falls into the left lens, and the second image into the right lens. Thanks to this, our brain sees only one whole picture, but due to slight movement or displacement, a 3D illusion is created in the game.

At the same time, one should not assume that more expensive analogues are distinguishable from cheap ones and work on a different principle, since the principle is the same. The only difference between cheap and expensive glasses is that you need to insert your smartphone into cheap glasses, while expensive ones have their own electronics and display.

The principle of operation of VR BOX from a technical point of view

The first thing you'll notice, if you've ever looked inside how a VR app works, you're probably talking about how weird everything looks on your smartphone screen. As a rule, what you see in virtual reality glasses is very similar to when you look into the distance with an old television tube. Sometimes on the smartphone screen you can see a white dividing line that divides the screen into two similar images, but this does not always happen, but depending on the type of application.

The image you see above, or rather the two lenses, are designed to work with the lenses that come with the purchase of the VR BOX. Such lenses are by far the most common form of virtual reality imaging. The same lenses can be seen on more expensive virtual glasses like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Thus, the biconvex lenses in virtual reality glasses take up the image on the display and warp it, which allows you to fill your field of view. In this connection, your eye perceives these images as one image, which creates the illusion of depth using stereoscopy.

Why buy VR BOX?

So, if you want to try and immerse yourself in the virtual world for a while, then you should definitely buy these glasses.

But still, let's note the advantages and disadvantages to date:

  • Firstly, the price of glasses from branded and popular companies such as Sony, Oculus will be around $300-400, although in practice the price can rise to the $500 range. Therefore, to give such a serious amount for "virtual world" nothing else is called "a step into the abyss." After all, it is still unknown what will happen in the future, since in the end the market may completely forget about such an experimental technology.
  • Secondly, there is very little free video game content created specifically with VR technology, most often the creators of such games are indie developers, but even such games lose interest after a couple of sessions. Well, such major manufacturers games like Rockstar, Activision or EA are just eyeing the platform so far and therefore don't have any big plans yet.
  • Thirdly, the cheap analogue of VR BOX is in no way inferior to more expensive analogues. Well, if we talk about the price, then it is only about $ 15, while the control panel will definitely come with the kit.

TOP 8 best applications for working with VR BOX

AAA VR Cinema - handy 3D video player

AAA VR Cinema is a video player for virtual reality glasses or VR BOX that allows you to play local content stored on your device.

This player is quite easy to use and easy to interface. To view this or that content using the AAA VR Cinema application, you need to place a video or video on your device, and then use this application to open it, specifying the path to the directory with the video. In addition, the application provides the following features:

  • You can watch videos recorded in 180° and 360° formats
  • There is an option to enable/disable head tracking
  • Supports the ability to connect a NAS, or an additional source of information storage, which can be both network and physical.

Apollo 15 Moon Landing VR is an app that will let you see the moon in detail, no matter how amazing it may sound. The application is a kind of simulation of going to the moon using VR BOX, as here you can see everything from the first person, fly in zero gravity and much more.

This application uses footage that was collected by the organization NASA, which deals with and carries out flights to the moon and space. Thus, you can see everything that the astronauts saw with their own eyes. Almost everyone who has ever used this application has enjoyed it. The only requirement here is that you need a powerful modern smartphone to be able to run the app in full 1920x1080p resolution. This is one of those apps on Google Play market which you need to try. At the same time, it is absolutely free and does not require any purchases, just download and watch.

Cardboard - Proper VR BOX Setup

The official app from Google that allows you to correct setting virtual reality glasses VR BOX. Thus, using this application, you can customize the 3D glasses for yourself.

In addition to this, in this application you can use Google Planet Earth in order to fly around the Earth, or walk around the center of Moscow in virtual reality. In addition, the application allows you to view videos, photospheres, and other virtual reality content stored on your device. More importantly, this application has a catalog of VR applications and games that can be downloaded absolutely free. Therefore, if you want to play virtual reality games, then you need to download the Cardboard application.

Expeditions - dive into expeditions

The Expeditions app is an education-focused app designed for classroom travel and exploration. However, it can be used just about anywhere you want.

The app has over 200 expeditions that you can dive into. You will be able to check different directions, landmarks, landforms, seascapes and many other places. There is a 360° mode that works without VR BOX virtual reality glasses, the application is quite easy to use and intuitive. Thus, this is a truly fantastic application in the Play Market, which you can use absolutely free of charge.

Fulldive VR - a sea of ​​content for VR Box

Fulldive VR is a virtual reality navigation platform. This means that the application will help you find and view a sea of ​​VR content from all over the internet.

In addition, the application has support for VR videos from YouTube, and also contains a built-in video player, and even a VR browser for viewing online content on the Internet. This is definitely one of those VR apps that you need to try.

VR Box 3D virtual reality glasses are popular among newcomers to the virtual reality world. Experienced players choose more solid models. Below is how to use VR Box glasses, how to set up the device, which applications are better to download. It also provides a detailed description of the performance of the model.

VR Box Performance Glasses

VR Box 2 glasses are equipped with 3D technology, which indicates a strong impact on the human brain. Putting on the device, the human subconscious sees a three-dimensional picture. The user has the ability to:

  • Movement in the virtual world
  • Exploring the surroundings
  • Rotations around yourself
  • Interactions with game characters, etc.

This effect is achieved with special system which brings the image into the eyes at a certain angle. Due to this, there is a high-quality immersion in virtual reality. Let's take a closer look at how to use the VR Case Box glasses.

Connecting the VR Box helmet to a smartphone

To connect glasses to a smartphone, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in Play Market and find a program with VR technology;
  2. Download it to your smartphone and wait for the installation to complete;
  3. After the process is completed, start the program;
  4. Turn on the video or game through the downloaded application;
  5. Insert the headphone jack into the appropriate hole.

In light of rapidly developing virtual technologies, many interested users are looking for affordable and simple options, where you can get started with VR devices. In the modern market there is a wide variety of models and their variations that are perfect for any user.

The most common are VR glasses, in particular those that work with smartphone. We will discuss how to use virtual reality glasses for a smartphone later in this article.

Glasses allow you to fully immerse yourself in the gameplay or enjoy watching videos, by creating the effect of a three-dimensional picture. Here, two slightly different images are presented for each eye, however, the brain perceives the image as solid and three-dimensional.

The technology is constantly evolving and has already gone from an uncomfortable and awkward lens box to a comfortable and lightweight design that fits securely and is conveniently adjustable.

Differences between glasses for a computer and for a smartphone insignificant However, now let's consider the second option.

The device is equipped aspherical lenses that can be adjusted and adjusted to suit your needs. Next, an image is sent from the phone, the quality and resolution of which will depend on the source file and device model. In order for the three-dimensional image to become dynamic, it is necessary to adjust the gyroscope. If the smartphone model and VR glasses match, then setup will happen automatically, otherwise you will need to download and configure everything manually. This will allow, when making movements with the head or eyes, not only to control the process, but also to perceive the image at any angle and plane. Sound will be output from the smartphone speakers or headphones connected to the VR device.

BOBOVR model glasses are manufactured by XIAOZHAI and are presented by several generations, with different functionality. In terms of cost, they are in a very affordable range. One of the distinguishing features is built-in headphones.

When ordering such a product, the package will be as follows:

  • glasses themselves;
  • controller at the choice of the buyer;
  • user guide;
  • special cloth for wiping lenses.

For those who encounter such products for the first time, a detailed and visual aid in the form of an accompanying instruction will be an excellent help. In addition, in the documentation you can find a QR code for a special setting of glasses.

You can find the QR code of your model using our website, through the site search, enter "QR" and in the issued article you will find similar instructions! Also, below in the video you will be shown and told everything in detail.

Setting and adjustment

BOBOVR glasses are made with high quality and are also comfortable to use. The materials used in the manufacture are durable and wear-resistant, and in addition, the whole structure is very light. Some parameters, if desired, can be adjusted by the user:

  • manipulation with straps for size adjustment;
  • the ability to change the distance for the headphones;
  • volume control;
  • focal length adjustment;
  • distance control between lenses.

They work together with a smartphone, for which a special stand is provided. In the stand, everything is done in such a way as to securely mount the device at the same time, but not damage it. Of course, the user needs to make sure that their smartphone is suitable for VR glasses. Depending on the model, the experience of using VR technology during use may vary significantly, and therefore it is recommended to pay attention to this point in advance.

Video review

VR glasses Samsung Gear VR was developed in collaboration with Oculus. There are different models available, depending on which smartphone the glasses will be used with. These differences are often constructive in nature, which, however, practically does not affect the functionality. To use glasses, the smartphone is connected to the appropriate port, where special mounts are located for it.

Unfortunately, these glasses do not have a battery, and therefore they use a smartphone battery or work with a connected charger.

Several built-in devices are provided to adjust various parameters, such as focus or volume. If desired, the user can connect headphones if there is not enough sound from the phone's speakers.


The design of the Samsung GearVR provides not only a secure fit, but also a comfortable use. Due to the lack of free space, difficulties in use may occur for visually impaired users who use glasses. In this case, it is recommended to use lenses or try to optimally adjust the size of the device to your individual parameters. This tight fit is due to the fact that it provides protection from the penetration of extraneous light during use of the device.

Video 360 and 3D movies

In their work, glasses support Various types videos available for viewing, such as 3D movies, 360 degree videos and so on. The quality of the picture depends on the source file, as well as on the smartphone itself, and therefore in each individual case, it may be different. In some cases, the user will even see individual pixels.

Almost any video, even your own videos, can be watched using virtual reality glasses if they are loaded into the appropriate section of the smartphone’s memory. Any downloaded or filmed 2D and 3D movies and videos will do. In addition, there is a built-in virtual cinema function with a different set of options. Of course, any other content adapted to specific device will be available, including games.

Samsung Gear VR glasses also have some flaws, For example:

  • simplified and sometimes not very convenient management;
  • some games cause discomfort;
  • most of the downloads full version looks much worse than in the preview.

Price and requirements for a smartphone

Besides, this model already goes beyond budget devices, and also puts forward serious requirements for a smartphone. Therefore, this option is more suitable for those who are already familiar with such technologies and are not afraid to invest their money in their acquisition.

Video review

Hiper VRW virtual reality glasses

The Hiper VRW device, in terms of its functionality, is more suitable for the section of virtual reality glasses for phones, however, it is classified by the manufacturer as like a helmet. This is a fairly versatile VR technology that combines many of the positive aspects of both types of accessories.

All fastenings and design features are well made and provide comfort in work.

Among the shortcomings, users note that in the nose area, the shape of the helmet is too narrow and not suitable for every type of face. However, this point can be smoothed out by fine-tuning the straps.

Setup and external controllers

The Hyper VRW virtual reality helmet does not have a single button, and therefore is a fairly passive device that does not require any software settings. Management can be carried out in two fundamentally different ways.

The first of them involves control by eye movements, where you can control the process simply by pointing your gaze at the desired object. In the second case, you can simply connect an external controller, for which you can use a gamepad or keyboard, which can even be wireless.

How to play and watch videos

Among the main purposes of using the HIPER helmet are the following points:

  • virtual travel;
  • various VR videos, for example with a 360-degree panorama;
  • games of various genres;
  • view your own content.

Regardless of the purpose for which this equipment is used, user reviews are mostly positive, and sometimes they are delighted with it. Other benefits include:

  • price affordability;
  • build quality;
  • convenient adjustment;
  • the presence of connectors for controllers and a charger.

Video review

DEXP VR ONE virtual reality glasses are designed and produced by a Russian manufacturer, and their price does not exceed a thousand rubles. For those users who are just starting to get acquainted with VR technologies, these glasses will be an excellent budget solution.

These glasses put forward a fairly good size range to smartphones, which greatly expands their range of applications. It is also a distinctive feature that goggles are compatible with almost all modern models of smartphones and operating systems.


The design is simplified, but at the same time not without comfort, and also features a shock-resistant coating. The overall weight of the structure is significantly lightened, which is a clear advantage. Among the shortcomings, one can single out an increased density of the rubber surface of the device to the face, which can cause discomfort on hot days or in an overly warm room. All elements that regulate various parameters work well and do not cause any complaints.

In terms of its functionality, DEXP VR glasses are not much different from their counterparts and support most virtual reality applications. The control aspect may cause some inconvenience, since the device itself does not provide any built-in options. For this purpose, you will need to use the smartphone itself, or some kind of controller.

What you need to know before buying VR glasses

So, after analyzing the above information, we can highlight some of the advantages and disadvantages of the considered technology.

Among the pluses are:

  • Cheapness. Simple and budget models are suitable for everyone, differing only in some aspects from expensive devices.
  • Variety of platforms. Even if the user is not the owner of a modern smartphone, then he certainly has a PC, where you can also connect VR glasses.
  • Variety of 3D content. Each user at will can try three-dimensional videos, games, films and much more;

Among the shortcomings can be identified:

  • A small amount of free 3D content. Few people like to spend $15 on points and then give back the same amount each time for new game or extended access to libraries.
  • Technology instability. The VR sphere is developing rapidly, and therefore prices are changing dynamically, and entire generations of devices are losing their relevance, and therefore it is recommended to make investments in the purchase of VR devices thoughtfully.


From the above, it becomes obvious that the current variety of goods can confuse newcomers. Therefore, it is recommended that you take some time to study and compare devices, while checking them against your own criteria.

Ilya Roiko

Until recently, immersion in the world of virtual reality was akin to a rare and expensive attraction. But technology does not stand still, and today virtual reality is gradually becoming available to the masses.

The most affordable way is to use virtual reality glasses for smartphones. However, to call these glasses actually glasses is not entirely correct. So, let's figure out what kind of device it is, and how virtual reality glasses for a smartphone work.

First, let's figure out what a similar device is. known for a long time. This is a complex device, which is a plastic case with straps attached. The device itself is put on the user's head and connected to a computer or laptop.

Inside the case there are lenses, behind which there is a screen divided into two parts. Sometimes it can be two screens. Images on the screens, in principle, do not differ, but due to the fact that each eye sees its own image, a three-dimensional effect is created. This is a consequence of the binocular vision characteristic of humans.

In order to be able to navigate in the virtual world and somehow look around, it is necessary that our device reacts to the movements of the user's head. To solve this problem, it is customary to use gyroscopes. Actually they are installed in helmets. It is curious that the same gyroscopes are available in most phones. This is an important point and we will return to it later.

In addition, sometimes there are also additional sensors that track the position of the head in space. The information received from the sensors is transmitted to a PC via a USB or HDMI cable. Actually, this is the whole device of the helmet. The only problem is. that all the necessary elements combined in one device give a high cost to the gadget, which is unaffordable for many users.

With the device of a classic virtual reality helmet, everything seems to be clear. But what is the principle of operation of virtual glasses for a smartphone, and what is their peculiarity. This device is the first commercial model intended for the general public. The pioneer in this area was a company that launched on the market made of cardboard.

As we have already discussed above, in order to get a virtual reality helmet, we need to combine in one device:

  • lenses;
  • display;
  • gyroscope;
  • frame.

The nuance here is that so many already own various models mobile devices. As you know, every smartphone is necessarily equipped with a display and a gyroscope. It is these elements that are the most expensive in a virtual reality helmet, and they are already available in our mobile device.

It remains only to add a case with lenses. This can be done relatively inexpensively and simply, which is implemented in glasses for VR. Thus, the cost of the gadget is much lower than the price of a classic PC helmet. Now it becomes clear. what are virtual reality glasses for a smartphone, and what is their purpose.

All you need is to purchase VR glasses, install a smartphone in the case. Adjust the lenses for your vision and launch the appropriate application on your smartphone. As a result, we have a full-fledged virtual reality helmet, the cost of which is much lower than that of analogues for PC.

The only thing you should pay attention to is the compatibility of the device and specific model smartphone that the user has. Many models of glasses are universal, but there are some. Which are designed for one or two models of mobile devices, and are not suitable for the rest.

Features of virtual reality glasses for smartphone:

  • designed only for work in combination with a smartphone;
  • the quality of the picture directly depends on the capabilities of the smartphone display;
  • the riftcat vridge application allows you to use games designed for PC glasses with high-quality graphics;
  • there is no need to have powerful computer;
  • it is possible to connect a smartphone to a computer via usb cable and use in regular games with a high-quality 3d picture;
  • it becomes possible to watch 3d movies almost anywhere.
  • compatible with any vr applications.

Some disadvantage is that the gaming industry in this area is somewhat behind the gaming industry of virtual reality games for PC. Therefore, there are practically no really high-quality and interesting games for phones. But this is only a matter of time, and for sure the issue will be resolved soon.

Popular Models

Since the advent of Google's Cardboard, glasses of this type have been rapidly developing and spreading. Today they are equipped with high-quality lenses, a well-thought-out and comfortable body, a reliable attachment to the head, and the ability to adjust the lenses to suit the user's vision.

Many companies have taken up their production, and there are huge selection various models of these simple and interesting devices. A legitimate question arises as to what virtual glasses for a smartphone, and what are the main differences between different models.

As in any other market segment, there are leaders here. Some manufacturers are focusing on the release of inexpensive budget versions, others have concentrated their efforts on the release of expensive options with many additional options.

So in the top products, the FiiT VR models are confidently kept, as well as, the cost of which can vary between 1000 - 2000 rubles. They are distinguished by an excellent combination of quality and price, comfort and versatility. Among the more expensive models, one can single out Ling VR or Baofeng 4. Here you will already have to pay about 4,000 rubles.

Given the wide variety of different models of virtual reality glasses for smartphones, certain criteria should be followed when choosing a specific model:

  • compatibility with your smartphone model, screen size and smartphone itself, acceptable image resolution (some Chinese models can only work with one smartphone model);
  • features of the user's vision, it is desirable to have lens adjustment, and if the vision in different eyes is different, then separate adjustment is necessary;
  • why virtual reality glasses are needed for a smartphone, the intended use of glasses: watching movies, playing games for VR or for a specific game on a PC;
  • financial capacity of the buyer, budget model or dear.

With the final version, each buyer is determined based on their needs, preferences, and, of course, financial opportunities and understanding how 3d glasses for a smartphone work.

In general, summing up, we can say that the appearance of VR glasses for smartphones has made it possible to make a real breakthrough in the industry of games for virtual reality, making it accessible to the general public. Today, almost every smartphone owner can afford to purchase this device and immerse himself in VR games or watch 3D movies in almost any place convenient for him.

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