The primer Kleo Primer 40 how much dries. Grinding glue - a simple option to strengthen the walls before sticking wallpaper

Sticking all types of wallpaper "? How much time is the primer" Kleo to prepare the surface before sticking all types of wallpaper "?

  • And on the container, it is not indicated on the package. Well, if on the evening you are driven, you can glue in the morning. I think at least 3 hours. Print relative humidity of the air.
  • breast the room immediately and you can
  • 2-3 hours for sure

Kleo Gorrantovka

Packaging: 10 Shtzeta / Volume: 80g / 6LVES / Consumption: 65 m? Per pc. 75 R.

Kleo Gorrantovkato prepare the surface before sticking wallpaper. · Creates a contact layer on the surface, which provides reliable gluing and protection against expansion of spots

· Putures of 200 g · Pashhod: at 7-8 rolls · dries transparent · Composition: modified starch, additives · After 5 minutes ready for use · storage minimum 5 years from the date of manufacture

Primer Kleo.

Primer Kleo. - Costing for priming to prepare the surface before sticking all types of wallpaper

Special advantages:

  • 6 liters after breeding
  • Printing area - up to 40 m2
  • Prepares the wall for sticking wallpaper
  • reliably packed and protected from moisture
  • transparent after drying
  • divorced quickly and without lumps
  • easy correction when sticking
  • harmless to people and animals
  • does not allow to develop mold and fungus
  • in the ready state is kept 10 days.



Pour into the capacity of 6 liters of water room temperature. With constant stirring, gradually poucher the contents of the package closer to the edge of the tank. Wait 5. minutes, After vigorously stir up to a homogeneous mass. Everything is ready, you can proceed to priming!


Modified starch, antiseptic additives


Store with relative humidity of no more than 75%


Do not eat. Take care of children.


Produced in the EU

Kleo primer under the wallpaper, on 6l r-ra, 80 gr, price, buy

0 rub.

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November 2, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, finishing of facades, installation of electricians, plumbing and heating - for all types of work I can give detailed consultation.

The fact that the walls under the finishing finish should be prepared, everyone knows, but the subtleties of existing technologies are not fully understood. For example, it is possible to grind wallpaper glue walls, causes many disputes among specialists, there are supporters and opponents of this option, but no one will deny that such treatment improves the quality of the gluing wallpaper. In this review, I will tell you how to prepare the composition correctly, we will also deal with how to correctly organize the workflow and that it will be necessary for this.

Description of the workflow

We will analyze the three main aspects:

  • Selection of adhesive composition;
  • Preparation of primer from glue;
  • Applying a solution on the wall.

Each aspect is important in its own way, so carefully read the information below. Everything is quite simple, but you need to know several nuances that affect the quality of work. Any violations lead to unpredictable consequences, and if you do not want to get the result, as in the photo below, it is responsible for the preparation of the walls.

Selection of glue

Since both the same composition uses for sticking and for gluing, the process is simplified. As for the recommendations on the choice, there are several of them:

  • Choose glue only after choosing wallpaper, then you will know what kind of coating are in stock, and pick up the best option. There are different types of compositions, and, as practice shows, specialized options provide greater reliability than universal, especially if you use heavy coatings;

  • If there are moisture drops in the room, it will not be superfluous to have antiseptic additives. Of course, they will not provide complete protection against mold, but will significantly reduce the likelihood of its occurrence;

  • The cost consumption is the most important aspect, because the concentration can be of different and the same packaging can be enough for 20, and 60 square meters. Always read this information so that you can compare the actual amount of glue and its cost, because often a more expensive option is the most economical due to high concentration;

Sometimes manufacturers distort information and indicate a large coating area than in fact. For example, if there is an inscription "8-10" rolls on the package, but the instructions indicate that the contents need to be diluted with five liters of water, then with standard consumption, a liter for 10 square meters is easy to calculate that the composition is enough for only 5, a maximum of 6 rolls. .
This little trick allows manufacturers to mislead buyers, no one knows what rolls they mean.

  • In some compositions, the color indicator is added, the finished composition may have a pink or other shade, according to which it is easy to control, whether the surface is processed. It is very convenient, especially since after drying the glue becomes completely transparent;

  • I advise you to buy glue, which has been produced no more than a few months ago, especially if it is packed not in a sealed package, but in a regular cardboard box. Yes, and the packaged options with time, we gradually lose properties, so it is better to take the composition of the fresher to be calm for its quality;
  • Modern manufacturers always point to packaging, is it possible to adhesive for the primer of the walls. If there is no such mark, it is better to choose another option where it is, it will save you from any problems.

Now I will tell you about the most popular and demanded brands today. This is not a complete list, in the table only the compositions with which I am well acquired and which I can recommend you.

Manufacturer Features
Methilan Without a doubt, the market leader today. Products are produced in Germany and differs in unchanged high quality and wide line of compositions, you can find the optimal solution for any type of wallpaper. The price is high enough - from 270 rubles, but they are worth it, there are practically no complaints on the products from Methilan.
"Kelid" The French brand, which also produces many variants of the compositions, although the ruler is noticeably less than that of the option described above. Glue has a good quality, although periodically I hear the complaints, especially from inexperienced masters. As for the cost, it is lower than the first option, but slightly.
"Cleo" Another French company specializing in the release of adhesive compositions for wallpaper. Products of this brand differs by a democratic value (up to 200 rubles), sufficiently high quality and environmental composition of the compositions. Product line rather wide to pick up the optimal solution for almost all types of coatings

Grounding of walls by wallpaper glue involves the presence of certain devices:

  • Apply the composition best roller with a fur roller with a length of a pile up to 20 mm, I tried a lot of devices - from brush mellover to ordinary brushes and from the foam rubber, but the first option is best. The width must be 18 or 25 cm, it is convenient to work as a tool, and the rate of application is very high;

  • To evenly distribute the solution on the working part of the roller, it is best to additionally acquire a painting bath. Its width should be no less than the roller width. Do not post a hundred rubles and buy this element, it will simplify the work and reduce the cost consumption;

  • For the preparation of the grounding solution, we will need a container and a stick or another storage device. You can use any bucket of suitable size.

Preparation of the primer composition

If everything you need is at hand, you can begin the preparation of the solution. The work instructions are quite simple and consists of only several actions:

  • Modern formulations do not need to cook, they are ready for use, and this is good news. As for the norm of water, you should take it about one and a half times more, that is, if the package it is indicated that the contents should be dissolved in 4 liters of water, we will take 6 liters. Here everything is simple and understandable;
  • It is necessary to pour water into the container if there is a recommended temperature on the package, it is desirable to adhere to it, since in optimal conditions the dry mixture will be dissolved much better. But you do not need to warm the water too much, because because of this, lumps can begin to form lumps that you cannot stir.
  • The glue composition is gradually added, while it is necessary to constantly mix to ensure the best dissolution of the granules. One hand needs to be pouring the mixture, and the other interfere, if there is an assistant, then you can stir and poker;

  • After adding the entire adhesion, leave the composition at a certain time to swell it, after that it is necessary to place a mass again and check its consistency if it is too thick, then you will have to spend another step;

  • In a thick composition, you need to add warm water if you immediately poured one and a half norms, then some half of the norm (in our case, it is 2 liters) and mix the solution thoroughly. You must have a kefi-like consistency, it is easy to apply it and it is well absorbed into the walls and strengthens them.

Wall apparatus

The grinding of the walls with the glue with their own hands - the process is simple, so even a person with minimal experience in the construction sector can cope with it:

  • It is impossible to start work, without having prepared the surface properly. If there are remains of old wallpaper on the walls, then they must be removed, the exception is options, after the removal of which the paper base remains. If the surfaces are plastered or covered, they must be cleansed from dust before starting work;

  • The composition is poured into a painting bath, after which it is necessary to gently moisten in it roller from different sides. To evenly distribute the solution on the roller and remove its surplus, you need to spend several times on the squeezing grid back and forth. Thus, we have glue allocated all over the roller and does not eat from it, as always when using a regular bucket;

  • After that, you can proceed to applying the composition on the wall, it is easiest to work with top-down, to immediately remove the inclination, press the tool with moderate force. The main thing is to observe the order of application so as not to miss a single site on the wall. While the composition is fresh, it is clearly seen where it is already there, for this reason it is better to separate the entire wall of the whole wall, so that you will not search for where to continue working;

  • After processing the walls, a complete drying of the surface should be waited, this is necessary so that the composition is polymerized and completely filled all emptiness, ensuring the strength and low surface absorption. Drying can take from several hours to days, it all depends on the type of composition used and the room temperature.

After such preparation, the wallpaper will not be easy to laugh even without work experience.

Sometimes I meet the situation when a person did not figure it out in the subject and after ordinary primer, the wallpaper glue was still branded. Here, of course, there is nothing terrible, but it makes no sense to apply two layers of soil if you used the finished composition, then the treatment of wallpaper glue is not needed.


If there is no finished soil at hand or you have durable and smooth walls, then you can completely do and wallpaper glue. The main thing is to dilute it as it should be and until the surface drying does not glue the wallpaper. The video in this article will tell more information on the topic, and if you still have questions - write them in the comments under the review.

November 2, 2016.

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