How to calibrate the battery on a Samsung. Calibrating Android Battery: Customize and Extend Life! Manual calibration method

It is impossible to imagine a modern person without mobile phone and tablet computer.

We use these devices more than once every day, and some almost never let go of their gadget. But the more a person uses his electronic equipment, the faster its battery is discharged.

Based on this, the question arises - is it possible to somehow prolong the operation of the smartphone or personal computer? You can, and there is a solution to this problem - you just need to calibrate the battery of the gadget. When should this procedure be carried out?

  • If new smartphone actively used for about 2-3 days and the amount of charge remained the same;
  • If the phone battery starts to drain quickly.

There are two ways to calibrate the battery - using a special program and "manually". So, if the battery charge of your android device is not enough for you all the time, we proceed to the calibration.

First and easiest way to calibrate android battery:

You will need to download from the Play Market special program to calibrate the battery "Battery Calibration" and place it on electronic device.

It is suitable for all types of equipment and is installed on both a phone and a tablet with an android operating system. After installation, run the program and watch the information on the screen of your electronic device.

The battery itself will perform all the manipulations, and the calibration will be performed and completed.

One caveat - to use the "Battery Calibration" program you will need Root rights access. If you do not have them, it is recommended to use.

You can use the second way to calibrate the battery

You need free time and a great desire to have a battery with long time active use. In this case, everything is done manually.

Let's start calibration:

  1. We charge the electronic device in the switched on state for 8 hours. Before that, it is recommended to completely discharge it so that the charge is 0%.
  2. Turn off your phone or tablet completely and charge it for another 2 hours in the off state.
  3. Unplug your device and turn it on for 2 minutes.
  4. Turn off your phone and let it charge for another 1 hour.

After these manipulations, the electronic device on the android will delight its owners with a long battery charge.

This battery calibration method is suitable for both a smartphone and a tablet, since both devices charge exactly the same. Battery calibration is recommended for all types of devices that, for whatever reason, do not charge to 100%.

There are such situations, and instead of going to the service and giving your device for flashing, try to cope on your own first.

There will definitely not be any harm from this manipulation, but the battery power will definitely become more, and your gadget will keep the charge much longer.

This video shows another way to set up your battery.

When you began to notice that even with a charge of more than 80% your smartphone began to turn off for no reason or lose its charge faster, then we can say that the “Memory Effect” has worked for your battery. This means that when your battery is not fully charged, it simply loses its charge capacity. And in this way, the battery seems to remember to what limit it needs to be charged.

In order for the battery to start working as before, you need to do a calibration. She will help you return optimal mode battery life of the smartphone, that is, it will keep the charge as long as possible.

Battery calibration refers to setting the most optimal settings for the battery controllers and the device (in which the battery is directly installed).
After setting the optimal settings for the controllers, the battery will work in the normal mode provided by the manufacturer, without failures, rapid discharge and other problems.

When do you need to calibrate your android battery

There are several main signs by which you can tell that you will need to calibrate your android battery. Let's consider each in more detail:

  • If your device works fine and the charging lasts for a long time, but even with a charge of more than 80% it can turn off arbitrarily, then you have problems with your battery.
  • If every equal period of time, say, a couple of months, the battery is discharging faster and faster, then this is also a kind of signal that it is time to think about correct setting batteries.
  • If your device has been idle (turned off) for a long time.
  • These are the most common cases. To understand whether your breakdown fits this description or not, you need to observe the state of the device for several days.

How effective is calibration and how often it can be done

Calibration will help your battery return to factory state. That is, it will hold the charge as well as when buying from a store. Calibration almost always helps the user to solve the problem with the rapid loss of charge on your smartphone or tablet. But keep in mind that if you have been using the device for four to five years, then calibration will not help you here, since over such a long service life the battery has degraded so much that it needs a complete replacement, not calibration.

To summarize, we can conclude that battery calibration will be very effective for relatively young batteries (from several months to three years of use).

Preparing the battery for calibration

There are a number of things you need to do before calibrating. Otherwise, you risk losing some of your data and damaging your device.

  • Remove the cover of the device and check the integrity of the battery. If you have a device on which the cover cannot be removed, then enter the command * # * # 4636 * # * or * # 0228 #. If these codes do not work for you, then to check the battery status, you need to download the Battery Info application. In the column "Health" you will be told what condition is on this moment has a battery. If it says "Good", then everything is fine with you. If it says “Bad,” the battery is damaged and in poor condition.
  • Also check the charging socket (This can be done simply: connect Charger into the telephone and the socket. If the charge goes, everything is in order).
  • Save all device data to a flash drive. These are your photos, audio and video files, games, applications. If you have contacts on your SIM card, then you can not save them.
  • Fully charge the device (up to 100%) before performing calibration.

If you listen to these tips, then calibrating the android battery is unlikely to cause you any negative consequences in the operation of the device.

Of course, you can find a huge variety of applications on the Internet that are ready to help you with calibration, but it is better to use proven programs to avoid malfunctioning of your device.

  • One of them is Battery Calibration- program for battery calibration. If we talk about its work, then it looks like this: you connect your device to a 220V outlet using a standard charger. After the device shows a full charge, the program will give a signal in the form of a short squeak. You just have to click on "Calibrate", wait until the end of the entire procedure and restart your device. After that, your battery will work fine.
  • The second option is Advanced Battery Calibration. It will help you show the real state of your battery, how long it can hold a charge. Here the principle of operation is similar. Open the program and start charging your device through a 220V outlet. Then click on "Calibrate Now". After all this procedure, unplug the device and wait until it is fully charged in the off state. Then you can turn it on and use it, but keep in mind that the calibration does not depend on the type of device (whether it is a smartphone or a tablet), but on the capacity and processing power of the device.
  • The third program is Battery Calibration Pro Gratis. Its interface is very understandable even for a novice user. You will need to download it and go to the "Calibration" section, then watch the promotional video and click on the calibration. There, the approximate procedure time is five minutes. And the only drawback of the program is a large number of advertising. If you do not understand something, you can read the instructions in the application, because it is completely in Russian.

How to manually calibrate an android battery

If you do not want to use the above methods, then there is another solution to the problem. All your "tools" you need are a charger and your device. All steps must be performed in strict sequence.

  1. Connect your device to the charger via a 220V socket.
  2. Wait until your device is fully charged, and then disconnect the charger from the device.
  3. After disconnecting, start charging the device again without turning it on.
  4. When you are shown that the battery has reached the maximum charge level, turn on the device and go to settings. There you will need to disable sleep mode (This can be done in the display settings).
  5. Charge your phone to full again.
  6. When the phone is charged, just disconnect the power supply (charging) and wait for the device to discharge (since you turned off sleep mode, this will be twice as fast. But you can use the "Quick Discharge" application, which will allow you to discharge the device faster. check the boxes that will help discharge quickly, move the slider to 0%, then click Discharge inception).
  7. After you completely discharge the battery, you will need to charge it and restart your device.
  8. This completes the calibration. This procedure should help your battery return to normal.

First, it is recommended to look at the capacity of your battery. Information about this can be found either on the battery itself or in the box from under the phone. Use the Internet as a last resort. Next, you will need to download the CurrentWidget: Battery Monitor application. It will show you the battery charge. After installation, start charging your phone as much as possible according to the battery capacity.

Let's say the battery has 3000mAh. So we are waiting for the display of this amount of charge on the screen. Then restart your smartphone or tablet. By doing this you will "show" your battery what its real capacity is.

Note: suppose it didn't help you this method... Then take and do 5 full charges / discharges (Charge to 100% and discharge to 0%). After the fifth time, open the cover and remove the battery for thirty seconds. Then insert the battery back and do a hard reset (factory reset). If you don't know how to do it, read on!

We calibrate the battery in android using Hard Reset

To enter Hard Reset, you will need to hold down the key combination (turn on + sound), in some models this is the volume up key, and in others it is down. More details about this are described in the instructions of the phone. To return the battery to its original form, you need:

  1. Make five "approaches" of charging and discharging, about which it was written above.
  2. Take out the battery for about 30 seconds and replace it.
  3. Using the key combination to open the reset menu, the android menu will open in front of you.
  4. Next, logically, select the Hard Reset section. To go down or go up in this menu, you need to press the volume buttons of the device, unless, of course, the touch panel will work for you.
  5. Wait for the reboot to finish.

Such a procedure can not only help your battery and get it working, but also fix some other flaws (errors) in the system by deleting unnecessary cache files of applications and utilities. This completes the calibration in this way.

Consider: you can lose all phone data, since Hard Reset is a factory reset by means of full recovery factory settings, during which all your information will be deleted from the device's memory. Therefore, before the procedure, be sure to save all contacts, applications, files and photos and video files to a flash drive.

Calibration with Root in Recovery Mode

Recovery Mode- this is the recovery mode in android, i.e. correction of all system errors.

You can enter Recovery Mode in the same way as in Hard Reset. Hold down the key combination at the same time, after which a menu will appear operating system... You will need to go to the Recovery Mode subsection - "Advanced". Next, you will need to find "wipe battery stats" and click on it. This action will simply delete past, obsolete, calibrations battery made by the system, or by you. Again, you will have to discharge the battery to zero. Since your device is discharged, and therefore turned off, then put it on charge, but you do not need to turn it on. After the device is charged, turn it on without disconnecting the charger. Carry out the calibration through a special application - Battery Calibration (We already talked about it in this article, go up a little bit).

By doing so, you will make it clear to your battery how it should work. After working with the program, restart the device and everything should work normally!

It's no secret that modern phone users often have problems with the battery life of Android-based devices. A smartphone or tablet does not last long. This can lead to a number of negative consequences. Calibrating the battery can fix the problematic component. But what is required for this? Is it possible, in principle, to carry out the procedure yourself? How do I calibrate the battery on Android? All this will be discussed further.

Signs of problems

In fact, it is important to understand when the user really has problems with the battery on the phone, and under what circumstances the gadget works normally. There are several indications that it is advisable to think about calibration.

The first scenario is that a smartphone or tablet starts to turn off on its own if it has a charge. Even 1% is usually enough for autonomous work... Therefore, you will have to think about how to calibrate the battery on Android.

The second sign to which it is recommended to pay attention is the duration of the device's battery life in autonomous mode. For example, before a smartphone could work for a week, then 5 days, and after a month or two - 2-3 days. This behavior is a sure sign of a misconfigured battery.

Calibration is ...

What is calibration? Electricians are probably familiar with this term. In dictionaries, the concept stands for bringing the device to an optimal state. In other words, this is the setting of a particular device.

In the situation under study, we are talking about adjusting the battery of a smartphone / tablet so that it uses energy optimally. So how do you calibrate the battery on Android?

By yourself or with the help

To answer the question posed, everyone must decide for themselves exactly how they plan to act. You can easily calibrate the battery yourself. But beginners or people who fear for the safety of devices are not advised to take risks.

The fact is that if you do something wrong, you can come to the conclusion that the battery will hold too little charge. And this will lead to the loss of the gadget's performance. Therefore, if there is the slightest doubt, it is recommended that you simply take the device to service center... There, for a reasonable fee, they will configure the battery with 100% safety.

Calibration methods

Nevertheless, it is still necessary to know how to calibrate the battery on "Android" (manually or not - it is not so important). In fact, there is nothing difficult or special about the procedure. The main thing is to follow the instructions. They will be given below.

In practice, there are several ways to calibrate. Namely:

  • with root access;
  • without root.

You can also categorize the work ahead as follows:

  • manual calibration;
  • use of additional programs;
  • work with the engineering menu.

How exactly should you proceed? Every person should think about this in advance. After all, the success of the calibration often depends on the chosen method. In practice, with the correct actions, all of the listed methods give quick and good results.


How to properly calibrate the battery on Android? The first trick is nothing more than rootless work. Just a few minutes - and it's done!

The algorithm of actions is reduced to the following steps:

  1. Determine the battery capacity. To do this, you need to study any review of an existing smartphone or tablet. The battery capacity in mAh will be written there.
  2. Download from Play Market application called CurrentWidget: Battery Monitor.
  3. Install the downloaded program.
  4. Charge the battery to the manufacturer's rate. For this, the device is connected to the network.
  5. As soon as the desired result is achieved, turn off the phone / tablet. Switch it on immediately.

In fact, such a technique is not always effective. But it is often advised for novice users. What if the method didn't help?

Hard reset

How do I calibrate the battery? On the "Android" OS versions, it is proposed to bring the idea to life in several ways. For example, act with the so-called Hard Reset.

How to proceed if the previously proposed technique turned out to be useless? You can try to tune the battery like this:

  1. Charge and discharge the device completely 5 times.
  2. After the last charge, you need to disconnect the phone or tablet from the network, wait a few seconds (about half a minute).
  3. Carry out a Hard Reset. To do this, you need to go to engineering menu... Each device has its own method of action. As a rule, it is enough to hold down the power and volume buttons for a few seconds. Then select the appropriate operation.

The performed manipulations will help the device to perceive the received charge level as 100%. This will allow the battery to function properly.

No attachments

How to calibrate the battery on Android without root and additional software? The next technique differs in that it will be necessary to work exclusively with a charger and a battery. No further action is required.

Battery setup instructions look like this:

  1. Fully charge the device battery. After that, be sure to disconnect the gadget from the network and turn it off.
  2. Connect the charger cable to the disconnected tablet / phone and charge the device until the LED indicator turns green (does not show 100% charging).
  3. Switch on the phone and stop using automatic shutdown display. On Android, this option is usually disabled in the Display Settings - Sleep Mode menu.
  4. Charge the device again to 100% with the screen on.
  5. Now you can turn on "sleep mode" and work with your smartphone.

The actions taken are the calibration. Only all of the above options provide for the absence of root. With root, you can configure the battery in a slightly different way.

Battery Calibration

How? How to calibrate non-removable battery on Android? Just like a regular battery. The most effective settings are those with root privileges. For example, using additional software.

The calibration instructions look like this:

  1. Download and install Battery Calibration. The best way to do this is through the Play Market.
  2. After installation, fully charge the battery.
  3. Open Battery Calibration and check the battery charge. You need to charge your device to 100% in the app.
  4. Press the "Calibration" button. You only need to do this when the smartphone is fully charged.
  5. Reboot the device.

This is where all the manipulations end. But there is another good trick.

Recovery mode

How to calibrate the battery on Android through the engineering menu? You can use such a technique as working with the device recovery mode.

What Recovery image Mode will help you carry out your plans? If you follow the instructions, you will be able to successfully set up the battery of any smartphone.

This requires:

  1. Open Recovery Mode. It turns on if you press the Home button at the same time, as well as adjust the volume. After that, the power button of the device is additionally clamped. Manipulations are carried out when the phone is off.
  2. Go to the "Advanced" section.
  3. Find there and go to Wipe battery stats.
  4. Reset all previous calibrations. To do this, select the appropriate menu item.
  5. Discharge the phone / tablet until it turns off completely.
  6. Charge a disabled gadget to 100%.
  7. Turn on the device (without disconnecting from the network) and click on the "Calibration" button in the Battery Calibration program.

Ready! From now on, it is clear how to calibrate the battery on Android. In reality, everything is easier than it seems! Many people say that all of these techniques are very effective. But more often than not, old batteries are simply replaced with new ones. So you don't have to worry about battery calibration.

I have tried this method many times and it has never helped! It seems that it is only getting worse! The battery is new! I decided that if nothing helps, I will experiment, I changed the firmware beforehand completely destroying the previous one, it was first destroyed through the recovery and not dropped and then reflashed, tried numerous programs and manual calibration methods using this method as well! Now I decided to do everything on the turn, I discharged it to zero and the phone should be cut out now! I dropped into the file manager and deleted the file! The phone did not cut down, I think this hour will die by itself, the phone continued to work for a few more minutes and at the same time showed the percentage of the charge and also a frame popped up on the screen with a warning, as if 1% of the charge remained, connect the charger! I don’t know what will happen next, I’m in the process right now! This is the question from here if the file is deleted, should the phone show the% charge? After all, the information file has been deleted! ?

Now while I was here, the swami went to another site and this is what I found! I haven't tried it myself! ! ! Purely ask your opinion! ! !
1. Charge your tablet or smartphone. The process must go on for at least 8 hours, even if the system signals that charging is over. In this case, the device must be turned on.
2. Disconnect the charger or unplug it from the socket. Turn off your tablet or smartphone.
3.Start the charging process again and continue for an hour.
4. Disconnect the charger and turn on your tablet or smartphone. Keep it that way for a minute or two. 5. Turn off the device and charge again. Continue for an hour.
6. Physically disconnect the charger cable and turn on your smartphone or tablet.
The developer offers his own way to calibrate the battery. Looks strange at first glance. But everything is rational and simple. Thus, statistics are recreated and the parameters of the hardware part are maximally adjusted for all conditions.
From a physical point of view, everything looks like this:
-after the first point, the battery gains a capacity that corresponds to the maximum controller readings recorded in the system statistics;
- the second point removes the load, all consumers are disconnected;
-the third point performs additional charging with the optimal current and voltage under the hardware control of the power microcircuit;
-the fourth point forces the system to update the statistics, since the readings of the sensors may not correspond to those previously recorded;
The actions of the fifth and sixth points are control. They are intended mainly for complex devices in which power management systems use the statistics of the operating system.
The last two steps allow you to really charge the battery fully. And the inclusion of a smartphone or tablet again records a new maximum of indicators in the statistics, if they have changed.
What do you think? and a million more vouchers on the net. And no one has proven their effectiveness.

Important advice! In order for the phone battery to last longer and hold its charge perfectly, after purchasing a smartphone or tablet, make 5 full charge and discharge cycles of the battery. This will significantly increase the battery life.

Battery Calibration Methods for Android

  • Without getting Root access
  • WITH getting Root access
  • Using programs and applications
  • Using the Recovery menu

How to calibrate the battery without root access

Method 1.
First you need to find out the full capacity of your battery in milliampere-hours. To do this, you need to look under the battery, where all information about it is stored, or you can find information on the Internet, in some kind of review, where the characteristics of your model are indicated. After that, a calibration program from the Play Market should be installed on the device. There are a lot of them, but the most effective is Current Widget: Battery Monitor.

With this program, you can find out the battery charge in milliamperes (mah). From now on, you should charge the device to the maximum charge level. After that, turn off and turn on the device again. This action will tell the phone what the current and valid battery limit should be. If this way does not work, then you can try to do five cycles of charging and discharging the device and after the fifth time, remove the charger, and perform hard reset phone or tablet. Hard reset will reset all created settings to their original state, but the command does not work on all Android operating systems.

Method 2.
The next calibration method battery android very similar to the first, the only difference is that you do not need to install additional applications. To do this, you need to charge the phone to the maximum value. Then disconnect the charger and turn off the phone. Then reconnect the charging cable and wait until the LED, lit indicator turns green, indicating that the battery is fully charged. Then you need to turn on the phone and remove the auto screen off function. This action can be done using the settings. All this is needed in order for the phone to discharge faster. After a cycle of absolute discharge, recharge it to the maximum value. After all the operations, the android operating system should economically consume the battery and perform a full discharge cycle.

Battery calibration software for Android

You need to install the software for calibration with Play market... There are a lot of them, but the most common is Battery Calibration. After installing this application, you need to charge your phone or tablet to the maximum value, and then launch this application.

The charge values ​​on the display and in the application will differ significantly, so you need to wait until they reach the same value. As soon as they become the same, you need to press the "battery calibration" button. Your device's battery has now been calibrated. This method is similar to the one we did without root access.

Calibration Using Recovery

You need to go to Recovery mode on android (Usually this is holding down the power button and the + volume button when the device is off) and go to the additional settings section, where the "wipe battery stats" function is located.

It will delete all previously made settings and settings. After resetting all past settings, you should completely discharge the device. After that, put it back on charge and charge up to the maximum value. After reaching the maximum charge value, you need to go to the application again and perform a calibration. This action will strengthen the settings and increase the functionality of the android operating system.

Users have cases that each of the methods does not work. This is due to the fact that the battery he is using is over five years old and any calibration will not help here. When buying a new phone, it is recommended that you perform several full discharge and charge cycles at once. This action will increase the functionality of the phone and ensure long-term performance.