Reset battery calibration android. How to calibrate battery on android

Starting the topic of battery calibration on Android, it is difficult to imagine a person these days without a mobile device. This kind of technique has firmly entered our life, becoming its essential part.

However, few people think that each of these devices is a set of different systems, each of which has a certain level of power consumption, sometimes quite significant.

Depending on the intensity of use (in our case, we are talking about Android devices), the battery can be discharged quite quickly. What, in this case, you need to pay attention to:

  • Your device began to work on a single charge for a much shorter time;
  • The indicator on the screen after charging may not show the level at 100%;
  • The device turns off due to lack of power, although this is not reflected on the indicator.

In such cases, calibration is definitely necessary.

Why does the battery run out quickly on Android

The reasons in such cases may be different, for example, changing the firmware or replacing the battery with different parameters. It happens that it is affected by the operation of some application, which consumes a charge even in the background.

That is, it turns out that, due to some reason, your device has "memorized" the wrong power consumption, so it can turn off involuntarily. Many believe that there is only one way out - to buy new battery, but this, alas, is not so - the new battery will "sit down" with the same speed.

What can be done in such a situation?

It turns out there is a pretty simple solution - calibrate your gadget's battery ... In the cases we're looking at, calibration is just charge editing.

How do I calibrate the battery on Android? You can read about this in our material.

There are several ways, we will talk about two of the simplest and most common.

1. Calibrating the battery on Android via Root

Battery calibration program for Android « Battery Calibration", Will do everything automatically, but for it to work, you need to have a full administrator, root. The application must be downloaded and installed on your device. It is universal and suitable for any type of device running on the Android platform.

After installation and launch, we track the information on the screen: the program will independently perform all the necessary manipulations and report the completion of the calibration process.

2. Calibrating the battery on Android manually

This will require a certain amount of free time and your desire to extend the battery life on Android.

Step by step our actions:

  • We charge our device in the on state for eight hours, having previously discharged it to 0%.
  • Turn off the device completely and charge for another two hours.
  • We disconnect the smartphone from the network and turn it on for two minutes, then turn it off and put it on charge for another hour.

Actually, there is nothing complicated, but the time spent is worth it: these manipulations will allow you long time feel joy from the duration of the charge of your Android.


It is recommended to calibrate if, for some reason, the device does not fully charge. Therefore, before you fall on the fifth point and rush to the service to reflash your device, try to cope on your own and calibrate the battery yourself. There will definitely not be any harm to your gadget, but it will hold a charge much longer.

If you have any difficulties, ask your questions in the comments, and we will try to find a solution for you.

With the new gadget, users practically do not have any problems - they just need to install the necessary programs and applications and enjoy their work. But no matter how expensive and high-quality the device is, over time it will begin to lose its qualities due to wear of the parts. The first noticeable degradation in performance concerns the battery, which begins to drain faster than usual.

You can try to correct this deficiency by calibrating the battery. You will learn how to do this in this article.

What is Battery Calibration?

In any device with an operating system - a tablet or a smartphone, a special controller is responsible for the battery performance. It controls the discharge and charge limit of the battery. The longer the battery is used, the more it loses its main property - to hold a charge. Also, this indicator can be influenced by other factors, for example, installation new firmware, launcher, etc.

Calibration is the process by which a reset occurs standard settings, while the charge and discharge levels of the battery are set in accordance with its state. In most cases, the battery lasts longer after calibration.

How do I calibrate my battery?

Calibration requires a special program designed for OS Android. Battery Calibration is considered the most popular, although there are many other utilities. There is also a second - physical calibration option.

Method 1

  • Download Battery Calibration and install it on your device.
  • Run the utility and connect the charger to the device.
  • Wait until the battery is fully charged - 100%, and you will hear the corresponding sound signal.
  • Do not disconnect the charger immediately, but wait another 1 hour.
  • IN open program click on the "Battery Calibration" button and wait for completion.
  • Unplug the charger and restart your smartphone (or tablet). This completes the calibration process - thanks to the utility, the controller memory was reset, and the current technical parameters of the battery were used.

Method 2

In order not to install additional applications, you can use this method. Even if it turns out to be ineffective for your device, no damage will be done to the gadget.

Follow these steps:

  • Turn on the Android device and connect it to the charger, keeping it in this state for at least 8 hours (for a tablet - 10 hours);
  • Disconnect charging;
  • Turn off your smartphone and charge the battery for 1 hour;
  • Disconnect charging;
  • Turn on your smartphone for a minute or two and then turn it off;
  • Charge the battery again for 1 hour;
  • Disconnect charging, turn on the device. The battery life of your Android device will increase.

Remember that during calibration, the battery does not recover - only changes to the settings. Thus, for an old and brand new battery, these methods are ineffective.

When a smartphone is new, its user does not care much, because the gadget brings a lot of positive emotions and does an excellent job with the tasks assigned to it. But everything does not last forever, and technology has such properties as aging and wear of parts and deterioration common work... Probably the very first thing that starts to annoy the user - accumulator battery phone. And in today's article we will look at several methods on how to improve her condition by calibration.

What is battery calibration and what is it for?

Each smartphone or tablet based on the Android or iOS platform has a special controller that is responsible for charging and discharging the battery. With a period of use, the battery loses its ability to hold a charge, and this can also be observed when changing the firmware version or adding patches or launchers.

So, the battery calibration process resets the standard settings and sets the charge and shutdown levels according to the current technical state of the battery. As a rule, this has a positive effect on the duration and correct operation of the battery.

Battery Calibration on Android

Everything is simple here, calibration in the Android platform is done using special utility or programs. We will look at two of the most popular of them - Battery Calibration and Advanced Battery Calibrator.

How to use Battery Calibration

First you need to download the program for free from the official website here. After installation, run the utility and follow the instructions:

With the program window open, connect the charger to your smartphone or tablet;
We are waiting for the device to charge up to 100%, then a beep will sound;
After fully charging, you need to wait another hour;
Press the Battery Calibration button and wait for the end of the procedure;
Disconnect the device from the charger and overload the gadget;
The whole procedure has been completed.

The program will reset the controller memory and enter new technical values.

How to use the Advanced Battery Calibrator

Similarly, first we download the utility here, after launching we need to accept the terms of the license agreement and follow the instructions:
We connect the charger when open window programs;
Click the Calibrate Now button!
We are waiting for the completion of the process;
On completion of the procedure, turn off the device;
When Android is off, we are waiting for the full charge of the battery;
Disconnect the charger and turn on the Android.

All calibration is complete.

Remember! With the Android turned off, the time for a full charge during the calibration process is at least 6 hours for smartphones and at least 10 for tablets.

Battery Calibration on iPhone iPad

Devices running on iOS system, have always been distinguished by a long working life compared to Android. Therefore, users are much less likely to ask the question of calibration.
At the time of this writing, special programs as it was not for Android, and the whole process is reduced to standard methods increase the service life: carry out a full discharge and charge for at least 10 hours.

If you still have any questions regarding calibration, we will be happy to answer them in the comments below the article.

If you notice all sorts of signs that the battery is not working properly, you should not immediately go to service center... Try to perform a harmless operation such as battery calibration on android. You can do this yourself at home using a certain combination of actions or thanks to specialized software.

How to determine if calibration is needed

Each phone has its own battery with a certain capacity. During long-term use of the smartphone, users already know how much on average one battery charge lasts, so you can easily identify incorrect operation, respectively, the need for calibration according to the following criteria:

  • Your cell phone runs out of battery very quickly;
  • When fully charged, the indicator on the device does not show 100 percent;
  • The device spontaneously turns off, although the battery charge shows more than 10 percent.
  • The phone is not charging.

The reasons for these situations can, of course, be problems with the battery, which require the purchase of a new part. But before drawing such conclusions, try to calibrate the battery. This process will not take long, but it may be able to solve your problem and you will save your money.

If you look in the dictionary, you will find such concepts as tuning, optimization. In this context, this process means optimizing the battery consumption of the mobile device.

The problem may be that the Android system will not read the battery status correctly. As a result, even with a full charge of energy, the indicator will not show 100 percent. Also, misperception can lead to the fact that another 2-5 percent charge is shown on the phone screen, but after a second it turns off. The situation when a mobile phone “ate” up to 5 percent of the battery in a couple of seconds is extremely unlikely.

In order for the phone to "remember" the correct parameters and stop discharging very quickly, you need to perform a calibration.

A quick way for Root users

Many owners of smartphones and tablets have obtained superuser rights. With their help, you can get full access to the operating system on Android, while using various applications, thanks to which it is possible to configure system parameters.

One such application is Battery Calibration. You can download it in the official store Google Play-Market... The procedure includes several simple steps:

Your battery should now tune in and also sense the charge correctly. In this way, you show the "starting" reference point for the battery, and it remembers it. It should be noted that this technique does not extend battery life. You can find out how to increase the term on the Internet. Increase in duration autonomous work achieved through the correct charging method.

Method using Recovery mode

Another technique for superuser devices. Mobile devices on the Android operating system have a special recovery mode called. It can do a lot of different things, including calibrating.

To calibrate your battery, you need the following:

The third paragraph in this instruction removes from file system batterystats.bin, which is responsible for battery usage statistics. As soon as the phone is turned on, it is recreated, and a new "level" of battery charge is written into it. If you have done everything correctly, the battery will no longer be dramatically discharged by several percent at once.

Method 1: Manual configuration

If you can't actually get root privileges, or you just don't want to, there are several ways to calibrate without using Root.

The first one implies using only charger, as well as the auxiliary application CurrentWidget: Battery Monitor, which you can find on the Play Market. It shows the current battery charge in milliamperes.

First, you need to know the capacity of your battery. This can be done by examining the instructions for the phone, reading its specification on the box, or simply finding this information on the Internet.

The instruction includes the following steps:

By these actions, you will make it clear to the device which maximum charge level is true.

Due to the huge number of disputes about how to properly charge the phone and how to correctly calibrate, some experts decided to contact the official representative of the Internet giant Google. Since it is this company that is responsible for the development of the operating system, they will be the best answer to everyone's questions.

Google engineers gave the following instructions:

  1. Do full discharge and then charge the device for at least 8 hours.
  2. Disconnect the charger from the device and turn it off. Charge your smartphone or tablet for another hour.
  3. Disconnect charging and turn on the device. Keep it in this state for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Turn off the gadget and then charge again. Continue this for one hour.
  5. Disconnect the charger and turn on your smartphone or tablet.

But we didn't mention one simple factor. Over time, any battery loses its capacity. After about one and a half to two years, the phone starts to discharge much faster - there is nothing you can do about it. All that remains is to replace the battery. You can do this yourself if the battery is removable, or by contacting a service center. You can also try to calibrate the battery. Battery calibration will not increase the battery life, but it can eliminate other unpleasant moments.

Any electronics can age. And if on the example of some VCRs this is almost not felt, then this cannot be said about smartphones. Previously, such devices failed due to breakdowns of the case and keyboard. Now they are created from more durable materials, in connection with which the battery and screen have become a weak point. The latter may fade over time, but the battery loses a little of its working capacity with each new recharge.

The problem is that not every power controller is able to recognize the loss of capacity in time. If this component, available in any smartphone, is Android base, does not want to react to a decrease in capacity, then this turns into one unpleasant moment. Gradually operating system starts showing incorrect battery level data. You can see 7% of the charge on the screen, but the next minute the device turns off, since in fact there is not enough energy for its operation. This problem can be solved by replacing the battery. But first you can try to calibrate it.

Attention: we do not guarantee that the following steps will help. The best way out is still to replace the battery with a brand new one.

The easiest way

If you are thinking of calibrating the battery on Android, then we recommend that you do the following:

Step 1... Fully charge the smartphone battery.

Step 2... Turn off the device.

Step 3... Reconnect it to.

Step 4... Wait for the green indicator to appear - this indicates that the smartphone is charged to 100%.

Step 5 ... Turn on the device and go to " Settings", In the section" Screen».

Step 6... Select " Do not turn off the backlight". If not, then simply increase the time to enter sleep mode to the maximum possible value.

Step 7... Reconnect the device to the charger, waiting for the charge to increase to 100%.

Step 8... Disconnect the device from the charger. Let your smartphone run down to 0% so that it turns off on its own. This completes the Android battery calibration.

Another easy way

You can also calibrate the battery using a slightly different method:

Step 1... Discharge your phone completely.

Step 2... Turn on the device and connect it to the charger.

Step 3... Let it charge for eight hours.

Step 4... Turn off your phone.

Step 5... Reconnect it to the network adapter.

Step 6... It should now charge for two hours.

Step 7. Turn on your device.

Step 8... After three cons, turn it off and then charge it for one hour.

If you do everything correctly, the battery will be calibrated. But this method does not always help to calibrate the battery on Android - it all depends on specific model smartphone. However, all this applies to the first method. The main advantage of the above two methods is that they work without root. But the next method will still require root rights. How to get them - we wrote in.

Using Battery Calibration

Of course, third party developers software could not help but hurry up. They created a program for battery calibration a long time ago. If the previous methods helped to manually calibrate the battery, then the application does everything automatically. But for its functioning, as mentioned above, you will need root rights. Download Battery Calibration you can from the site Then follow the instructions:

Step 1... Charge your smartphone to 100%.

Step 2... Do not disconnect the device from the charger within 20 minutes.

Step 3... Run Battery Calibration.

Step 4... Click the button shown in the screenshot.

Step 5... Disconnect your smartphone from the charger.

Step 6... Discharge the machine completely until it turns off. This completes the calibration process.