How to properly charge your laptop on or off. How to properly charge a new laptop battery? Is it possible to turn off the laptop while charging the battery

The longevity of your laptop battery depends on how you feel about it. More precisely - what are your rules for its storage and use.

We will tell you not only how to properly charge your laptop, but also how to properly store the battery and work properly on your laptop.

How to charge a laptop battery

In the beginning, when you just bought a laptop, the battery charge will be negligible, so you can freely charge it to the maximum. Just do not completely discharge the battery, because it can be discharged to such a point that it will be impossible to charge it at all. So how do you charge your laptop?

  1. Do not allow the battery to be completely discharged.
  2. The battery must be stored charged at temperatures between + 15 ° C and + 35 ° C at normal, normal air humidity.
  3. If the battery is stored separately from the laptop, it will discharge itself.
  4. If the battery is left discharged for 2 weeks or more, then the reverse process occurs in all battery cells and the battery itself fails.
  5. How do I charge my laptop battery? You need to charge in laptops or in special chargers for this. Do not disassemble the battery or charge its cells yourself. If necessary, you need to contact special service centers.
  6. How much to charge a laptop? You need to charge the battery up to a maximum of 24 hours (unless otherwise indicated in the documents).
  7. The current battery status can be viewed on the battery status indicator, it exists in almost every laptop (just check where it is and how it works when buying a laptop). If suddenly, when you turn on the laptop to the electric / network, the indicator shows a malfunction for 5 minutes, then the battery is defective. You need to turn off the laptop as soon as possible and take out the battery.
  8. If the battery does not charge within 24 hours, then it is defective. In this case, the battery must be removed from the laptop immediately.
  9. If batteries are defective, they should be kept separate from laptops. Beware: Defective batteries can give off very harmful substances.
  10. The sooner a faulty battery is returned for repair, the faster and at the lowest cost it will be restored.
  11. To reduce the power consumption of your laptop, you need to change some settings. First, you need to pay attention to the display, because it is he who takes up energy the most. When the brightness is reduced, then the operating time will increase.
  12. Be careful if you are using a laptop on battery power:
    • when the battery is charging, the laptop shows this (you can hear a characteristic sound, a message will appear on your screen that warns of the completion of charging, a special light flashes), then immediately connect the laptop to the mains.
    • if you leave the laptop turned on for a while without work, then it may go into "hibernation", which is characterized by low power consumption (the screen goes out, the hard drive turns off). May accidentally make a mistake and consider the laptop turned off, leaving it in this state. Then the battery will be discharged and will soon fail. So, when you shut down, make sure to actually turn off the laptop. But the most reliable way to store the battery so that it does not run out of power (when the laptop is not plugged in) is to simply remove it from the laptop and store it separately.

Currently, you can hear different opinions on how properly charge your laptop batteryto extend its life. Some people believe that the battery should be completely discharged before charging, while others believe that it is better to keep the battery charge at the level of 30-80% and constantly recharge it to the end. All this confusion comes from the days when Nickel-Cadmium batteries were used in laptops. All modern laptops have Lithium-Ion batteries, which are quite picky about the operating conditions, but with proper handling they can last for quite a long time without noticeably losing their nominal capacity. So, what should you pay attention to.

Immediately I would like to note that you need to adhere to the operating instructions for the laptop, which comes with it upon sale. It describes in some detail under what modes the device should be used for its uninterrupted operation, the correct storage and transportation conditions, loads, etc. And yet there are factors that are the same for all Li-Ion laptop batteries from all manufacturers:

  1. Laptop battery temperature should not exceed the range from +5 to +45 degrees Celsius. The optimal mode is the ambient temperature 15-25º. Overheating of the laptop battery is very dangerous - this can lead to a quick exit of the power supply, or even explode. The battery heats up and from, therefore it is necessary to provide air access to the bottom of the laptop. Of course, it is possible that the laptop may be at subzero temperatures for some time, for example, when transporting it - in this case, after placing it in a warm place, you need to wait a while before turning on the laptop and even better leave it in your bag for this time.
  2. The number of "discharge-charge" cycles of the battery - usually equals about 1000 cycles with correct use of the battery and compliance with all conditions of its storage. But again, it is worth noting that lithium batteries do not like to be completely discharged, therefore it is recommended to recharge regularly starting from even 80% of the charge, which will increase the number of battery charging cycles.
  3. Also, do not overload the laptop when working. offline, for example, play resource-intensive games; at this point the battery runs out quickly, and lithium-ion batteries do not like this very much.

It is worth noting that lithium-ion batteries quickly degrade when stored in a discharged state, so if you are going to not use your laptop for a long time, we recommend charging the battery to 40-60% (while its self-discharge is minimal) and disconnecting it from the laptop.

There is also an opinion that with prolonged using laptop from mains it is better to remove the battery from the device. But then its meaning is lost - after all, when the light is turned off, the laptop will simply turn off and all data will be lost. Modern laptop batteries are equipped with adapted charging controllers, which are correctly programmed to work from the mains and there will be no harm to the battery from this.

When running the laptop on battery frequently, many manufacturers strongly recommend that you regularly do battery calibration... Calibration allows you to correct errors between the battery and its charging controller. Technically, this can be a separate program or settings in the BIOS, but in fact it is just a full cycle of "discharge-charge" of the battery. Therefore, in order not to rack your brains too much, we recommend that you completely discharge the battery on the laptop every three months until it is completely turned off and then, in the off state, put it on charge and leave it there until the battery is charged to 100%.

By observing these simple operating conditions for a laptop battery, you can significantly increase the battery life and save yourself from having to buy a new battery even for a couple of years.

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The author proceeds from the concepts that are - Norm, (format: Hard paper, page) Genkin B.M. Economics and Sociology of Labor. 8th ed., Revision. and add. Pages. The textbook was prepared in accordance with the approximate program of the discipline, Economics and Sociology of Labor, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The author proceeds from the concepts that are - NORM, (format: Solid paper, page).

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G27 Genkin BM Economics and sociology of labor: textbook. for universities / BM Genkin. Ch 7th ed., Add. H M .: Norma, H s. ISBN (in per.) The textbook was prepared in accordance with the model program of the discipline, Economics and Sociology of Labor, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The author proceeds from concepts that are fundamental both for the economy and for the sociology of labor: quality of life, human needs and potential, efficiency, motives, working conditions, fairness, income distribution.

Genkin BM G27 Economics and sociology of labor: textbook. for universities /. B. M. Genkin. - 7th ed., Add. - M .: Norma, - p. ISBN (in trans.) The textbook was prepared in accordance with the model program of the discipline "Economics and Sociology of Labor" approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The author proceeds from concepts that are fundamental both for the economy and for the sociology of labor: quality of life, human needs and potential, efficiency, motives, working conditions, fairness, income distribution. © Genkin B.

M. © Genkin B. M, as amended © NORMA Publishing House LLC. Content. Textbook for universities. - Moscow: Norma-Infra M, - p. The textbook has been prepared in accordance with the approximate program of the discipline "Economics and Sociology of Labor", approved by the Educational and Methodological Association in the field of production management. This is the first textbook on this discipline, recommended by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation for students of economic specialties of universities.

Laptops have long become an indispensable attribute of every modern person - a pass to the magical world of the Internet. We use them for work, play and communication from all over the world. And if you do like most, keep your laptop plugged in at home and at work. But in vain.

If you want to squeeze the maximum energy out of your laptop's batteries, unplug it as soon as the indicator shows 100 percent charge. And even a little earlier.

Isidor Buschmann, the head of Cadex Electronics, is confident that ideally you need to charge the battery to 80 percent, then turn it off, wait until the charge level drops to 40 percent and turn it back on. This technique will extend the life of your battery up to four times.

The reason lies in the voltage level of each cell of the lithium polymer battery. The higher the charge percentage, the higher the voltage level. The higher the voltage level, the higher the load on each element. This load results in a shorter discharge time. According to the Battery University website, while charging up to 100 percent, a laptop can perform 300-500 discharge cycles, while charging up to 70 percent, the number of these cycles increases to 1200-2000.

Buschmann knows this well, as his company sponsors Battery University. In addition, he argues that not only the constant connection to the network shortens the life of the battery - the temperature also plays a significant role in this process. Overheating can cause battery cells to expand and bubble. Such a battery will not last long.

To avoid these troubles, it is best not to close the laptop lid or hold it on your lap.

Buschmann admits that his advice to keep the charge level between 40 and 80 percent is easier said than done. It is not very convenient to constantly keep the indicator under control during operation. “But it’s not that hard to at least charge it to about 80 percent every time. And when you go on a trip, stop charging a little under 100 percent, ”he says.

Some users have adapted to timing the time it takes for a computer to discharge from 80 to 40 percent and start a timer. They do the same over time as the batteries are being charged.

A full discharge cycle, as well as a battery charge, makes it possible to calibrate the device. This procedure must be carried out once a month. Only in this case, after a large number of incomplete charges, it will be possible to count on the correct and correct operation of the function of indicating the exact time that remains until the laptop is completely discharged.

It is also worth noting that lithium-ion batteries last three years on average. After that, it will be desirable to replace the battery with a new one. Therefore, do not fanatically follow the recommendations on how to extend the battery life of your laptop. First of all, it is worth using the laptop as it is convenient. That is, before the trip, fully charge the battery, and do not panic when the battery is completely discharged. And follow the given recommendations when available.

It's simple: the battery is charged when the laptop is plugged into a wall outlet. As soon as the laptop is plugged into a wall outlet (AC - AC power), it is immediately disconnected from the battery (DC - DC power supply) and the laptop power manager starts charging the battery. You can charge the laptop battery regardless of whether it is completely discharged or not. It doesn't matter at all, especially if the laptop uses a lithium-ion battery.

Li-ion batteries support fast charging mode. This mode can be enabled both on a special tab of the Properties: Power Options dialog box, and using special software for working with the battery, which is usually supplied with the laptop. In case of emergency, fast charging can save you time. Under normal conditions, it is better to use a slow battery charge.

  • Whenever possible, I leave my laptop plugged into a wall outlet.
  • There is no need to completely drain your laptop's lithium-ion battery every time you use it.
  • Nickel-cadmium and nickel-magnesium batteries really need to be fully discharged before recharging. These types of batteries last longer and can hold more charge if you discharge them completely.
  • The laptop may come with an external battery charger (if not, you can buy it separately). An external charger can be used to charge spare laptop batteries, if you have them.
  • The battery continues to charge even when the laptop is turned off.
  • Don't assume that if you are working on a laptop while the battery is charging, it will take longer to recharge than if the laptop is off. It may have once been true, but today it is not; don't be afraid to use your laptop while charging the battery.
  • Never short-circuit a battery to fully discharge it. By short-circuiting, I mean the direct connection of the two terminals of the battery (positive and negative) with some kind of conductor. This is very harmful to the battery and is also dangerous and may cause a fire. Do not do that.

When buying a laptop, you probably didn't pay much attention to the option of purchasing a spare battery. It is necessary for people who are on the road for a long time or in some place remote from civilization, where they do not have the opportunity to plug a laptop into an ordinary wall outlet. Before using a spare battery, make sure it is fully charged. Otherwise, charge it in your laptop or with an external charger if you have one. Place a fully charged spare battery in a dedicated laptop bag or any other bag or suitcase that does not conduct electricity. Now you can hit the road.

If your laptop model has the ability to replace the battery while the computer is running, then when the battery runs out, you can simply remove it and quickly insert a spare. However, before you try to do this, make sure that this option is provided and your laptop can survive such a heart transplant! If this option is not provided, at the moment when the main battery is almost discharged, you need to turn off the laptop or put it into standby mode. Remove the dead battery, insert a fresh one, and then turn on the laptop again.

  • Yes, getting a laptop that supports hot swapping, especially if you plan on traveling with it often, is a really good idea.
  • I recommend signing your batteries so that you don't accidentally re-insert an empty one.
  • You can buy a replacement battery from your laptop supplier or any other place that sells extra batteries.
  • Try not to buy universal batteries! Always purchase chargers from your laptop manufacturer or approved battery model. Otherwise, you risk burning your laptop! This has happened before!

Battery charge-discharge cycle

Discharging and charging the battery is a cyclical process. If you have discharged and then recharged the battery three times, then you have repeated this cycle three times. Battery cycling requires special handling of this device. For example, immediately after purchasing a laptop with a lithium-ion battery, I recommend doing the following with the battery: repeat the cycle of its operation three or four times, i.e. use the battery, discharge it, then charge it and repeat this operation three or four times.

To prolong the life of a nickel-magnesium battery, I recommend completely discharging it every three to five cycles. So, after use, discharge and charge the nickel-magnesium battery about four times, discharge it completely, and then charge it again. This operation should slightly extend the life of the battery.

Do I need to leave the battery in my laptop if the laptop is running on AC power all the time?

Many people use a laptop as their primary computer. If you are one of those people, and your laptop is plugged into a power outlet all the time, then there is no need for the battery to be in the laptop. If you will not be using the laptop battery, for example, if the laptop is used as a desktop computer, remove the battery. The laptop will work just fine without a battery, and by removing the battery you will keep it in good condition until you really need it.

If you are not using a battery, it is best to store it in a non-conductive (for example, non-metallic) container. This should be a cool, dry place. After some time, the battery will be discharged. It is natural. So do not be surprised if a battery that has been idle for a while will be discharged. You can recharge the battery by inserting it into a laptop and charging it. After that, it will work great. But if you do sometimes take your laptop on the road, then I recommend not removing the battery. Instead, unplug your laptop and perform a charge-discharge cycle about once a week. This will keep the battery healthy for a long time.

  • Some laptops refuse to work from the mains when the battery is removed, this may be the case. If you come across just one, leave the battery in the laptop, but remember that if you do not cycle
    charge and discharge it, it will eventually deteriorate.
  • If you are using the laptop on AC power with the battery removed, try connecting the laptop to a UPS (uninterruptible power supply). During short-term power outages, the laptop battery can function as an uninterruptible power supply to keep the computer powered on. So if you are removing the battery from your laptop, you will alternatively need an uninterruptible power supply, as if it were a regular desktop computer.

What to do with a "dead" battery?

Sooner or later, your laptop battery will die. It's unavoidable. As humans are subject to death and taxes, batteries are also mortal. (Fortunately, the government has not yet figured out how to make batteries pay taxes. Not yet.) There is one characteristic that can tell if your battery is fatal: it suddenly becomes useless. It no longer holds a charge, and if it does, it is very small. Don't mourn a dead battery! Throw it away! Please note that batteries are considered toxic waste almost everywhere, check the recycling regulations for computer batteries in your country. Never throw an old computer battery into the trash. Never try to burn your battery. It is very dangerous!