Remote control of street light at the summer cottage. Remote control of lighting and turning on the light with the remote control

Self-installation of a simple wireless lighting control system with a radio remote control is easy and requires minimal knowledge of electrical engineering. We will understand the varieties, details and principles of connecting remote switches operating over a radio channel.

In a wireless lighting control system using a radio remote control, two main devices are used:

  1. The command device is a portable or stationary console.
  2. Executive module - power unit (radio relay, radio dimmer) or RGB controller.

Remote control of lighting: 1 - radio receiver; 2 - ceiling lamp; 3 - radio hercon; 4 - sconce; 5 - wall panel; 6 - light / motion radio sensor; 7 - portable remote control

Varieties and capabilities of radio consoles

Portable radio transmitters are similar to a TV remote control or a keychain. The latter can be in your pocket or hang in the hallway and turn off the lights throughout the apartment.

Wall-mounted radio transmitters are available in three versions:

  1. Panel with touch buttons (keys) for surface mounting, similar to a conventional switch. It is glued with double-sided tape or fixed with self-tapping screws in any dry place - where it is convenient, without thinking about laying wires.
  2. Insert-board for compatible push-button sensor. The "tablet" is installed inside a flush-mounted box or in a surface-mounted switch housing.
  3. Universal radio transmitter for modernization of the existing lighting scheme. It is located in a deep mounting box and operates from a standard switch.

In addition to the appearance, the radio controls differ in the range (up to 100 m) and functionality. The simplest models are single-channel, turning on and off a single luminaire, sometimes they can control a radio dimmer. Multichannel consoles work with several lighting zones and are configured according to individual scenarios for each power module.

You can control the light source from different places by installing one radio remote control near the door, and the other at the head of the bed. The only limitation is metal surfaces that weaken the range, so you should not mount the device on the refrigerator. When placing command and executive devices in different rooms, the decrease in the power of the radio signal when passing through walls and ceilings is taken into account, if necessary, repeaters are used.

Table. Loss of radio signal

How to choose an executive block

Communication between devices of various modifications can be carried out using different protocols. Collaboration radio switch and remote control is possible only if they are compatible, which depends on the manufacturer and the series of the product.


The selection of the power unit is made depending on the nature of the load. The power of the device, indicated as the maximum, corresponds to the load from incandescent and halogen bulbs at 220 V. For light sources connected through a transformer, a reduction factor is used:

  • 0.7 - for low-voltage "halogen";
  • 0.5 - for fluorescent lamps.

It is more difficult to determine the real load from energy-saving lamps, due to their high starting current. A simple method that does not exclude overloading and baking of contacts is to make a threefold power reserve. A guaranteed way to protect yourself from troubles is to use a special module designed to work with LED and energy-saving lamps, or with the ability to connect an external power relay.


The permissible switching power of the units is related to their dimensions. A radio relay for a load of 200-300 W will fit freely in many lamps - it is no larger than a matchbox in size. The modules, designed for 3-5 kW, are equipped with cooling radiators and are much larger in size, but have a flat layout and are easily hidden in the space behind the panels.

Separate series of devices are produced in REG-cases for mounting on DIN rails with a possible connection of an external antenna. Receiving units with increased protection (IP65) are designed for operation in humid conditions.

In addition to commands from the consoles, the power modules are capable of operating from signals from light and motion sensors equipped with a radio channel. Manufacturers of equipment for remote control of light also offer ready-made kits with standard solutions that simplify the selection of suitable devices. The most elementary option is a plug-in radio adapter, which does not require installation at all.

How to connect the power unit

The principle of connecting the entry-level executive module is easy to understand: the phase and zero of the external network are fed to the input of the device, and the load is connected to the output. The antenna wire twisted in a spiral is placed without kinks, a straight line is not wrapped around the body, but they try to straighten it as much as possible and not damage the insulation.

Attention! Electrical work is performed after disconnecting the supply network, connecting the wires efficiently and correctly.

Certain types of loads: lamp drivers, switching converters, etc., are capable of creating high frequency interference interfering correct work devices. The lamps may blink or not turn off, the malfunction is eliminated by including a ballast in the ballast circuit - an interference suppression capacitor of 0.47 μF / 275 V.

Connection of executive devices: 1 - lamp; 2 - ballast; 3 - power unit for one channel; 4 - single-function radio dimmer

Advice. To avoid problems with radio communication, devices are placed no closer than 50 cm from household appliances and more than 100 cm from each other.

Minor connection difficulties are associated with the lack of a single standard for color coding of wires, which is solved by careful study of the instructions.

Power units connection diagram: 1 - DeLUMO radio relay; 2 - two-channel radio switch GIRA-mini; 3 - lamp; 4 - load of the 1st channel; 5 - load of the 2nd channel

It is possible to modernize the existing lighting and leave the standard switches by installing both a radio transmitter and a receiving device in them, which, upon a signal from the remote control, will supply voltage to the existing electrical wiring.

Connecting built-in units: 1 - lamps; 2 - wire switches; 3 - radio receiver ROP-02; 4 - RFSAI-61B wireless relay; 5 - external switch

The remote control circuit for LED strips is calculated and assembled in the same way as a wired one, the only difference is in the controller equipped with a radio module.

Schematic diagram: 1 - power supply unit; 2 - RGB controller; 3 - three-color ribbon

A small-sized dimmer is suitable for changing the brightness of the monochrome LED strips: 1 - power supply; 2 - signal amplifier; 3 - single-channel dimmer; 4 - one-color ribbon

After connecting the equipment, the radio remote controls are "tied" to the power blocks and create the desired scenarios for the operation of lighting devices. In some models, modes are switched by jumpers, in addition to the software setting.

Having tested the simplest version, consisting only of a receiver and a transmitter, you can test the convenience of the "smart" home system and continue expanding the complex, gradually adding new household devices.

The street lamps and the street lighting control cabinet were visible to everyone. Everyone knows that this equipment is designed for comfortable and safe movement on the streets. But how the control system works is not clear to everyone.

We will tell you in detail about the system and the equipment that is used in it. In addition, we give practical advice how to implement street lighting control in your enterprise or area near your home, horticultural cooperative or enterprise where you work.

To help a video that reveals the capabilities of such systems:

It would be easier to abandon regulation altogether, just leave the street lights on all the time, but this is not cost-effective. Therefore, lighting control systems are installed.

They have several tasks:

  1. At the end of daylight hours, turn on the lights, turn off at dawn.
  2. Perform the same operations when the natural illumination of the streets deteriorates due to various natural factors.

Fifty years ago, only these functions were performed, no one cared about saving electricity, and solving more complex problems was difficult and costly. Modern lighting control systems are more functional, they can additionally do a lot.

  1. Turn off all lighting equipment or part of it in order to save energy.
  2. Determine the health of the system.
  3. Control power consumption.
  4. Remotely transmit data about the system to the street lighting dispatch control panel.

Street lighting control techniques

There are three methods of lighting control. Let's tell you more about them.

Manual control

The lights are switched on manually, each lamp or their group is controlled by the operator on the spot.

In fact, this is the oldest way. When a lamplighter walked down the street and lit every oil or gas lantern, and then extinguished them, this was the first and obvious implementation of the method. In the courtyard of our house, we also control lighting more often. by hand(about automation below).

Today, in the municipal economy, manual control is used only in emergency situations, or when performing repair work.

Remote control

When all the power supply in the village or part of it was carried out from a separate power plant, the functions of the lamplighter were transferred to their personnel. The person in charge, having determined that it was dark or dawn enough on the street, turned on or off the switch that supplies voltage to the street lighting network.

Automatic control

In this case, individual sections of street lighting, depending on the state of the sensors and the embedded algorithm, turn on and off themselves. The transition to an automatic system is due to the fact that voltage was supplied to consumers using local transformer substations that convert high-voltage voltage to standard voltage.

This created two factors that predetermined the transition to automation:

  1. It is unprofitable to install (except in some cases) separate substations only for street lighting. Transformers are now converting voltages for all power consumers in the area.
  2. In addition, for centralized control of turning on and off street lamps, it would be necessary to pull a separate line to each separate substation supplying lighting., which would further increase costs.

Therefore, in the 50s - 60s, a system was introduced automatic control lighting. She worked according to the simplest principle available at that time. Automation was installed at each substation, operating from light sensors. It became dark - the lights were energized, it became light - they turned off.

However, the sensors failed in some cases:

  1. if incorrectly calibrated, they worked indistinctly;
  2. headlights or even a full moon could cause the lights to go out at night;
  3. when the sensor was covered with snow, ice, mud or dust, the light was turned on during the day;
  4. in the end, the sensor could fail.

Then they found another significant disadvantage, which manifested itself at a time when they began to think about saving - why at night, if there is no movement of people and transport, it is in vain to burn electricity. Therefore, the light sensors were blocked with a time relay. The timer turned off either all the lights or part of them in the courtyards and sparsely populated streets in the interval, for example, from one to four in the morning.

Later, the so-called astronomical relays also appeared (pictured below). Using the entered coordinates, the software calculates the time of sunset and sunrise in a given place, and based on the calculation, gives signals to switch. The relay also implements the function of turning off and on at set hours.

Advice. If you use an astronomical relay, then the easiest way to find the coordinates of your place is not using ordinary maps, but using the navigator. It will link your location to the nearest split second.

Remained only to control the unexpected decrease in natural light, for example, due to fog. It seems that a system based on an astronomical timer is ideal (most street lighting systems in small settlements work on their basis).

But she still has disadvantages:

  1. In order to reprogram the system for a different response time (for example, during holidays), it is necessary to bypass all substations. It takes a lot of time (I know from my own experience).
  2. The presence of a person is also required to determine malfunctions, to take readings from metering devices for electricity consumption.

Therefore, today more and more use of automated control systems based on modern digital technologies. They combine automatic and manual control. Let's consider the implementation of one of the typical systems.

Automatic control system

In hardware, it consists of two levels:

  • Upper- the panel for the dispatching control of street lighting, located at the enterprise, which is responsible for the lighting networks (Gorsvet or public utilities). Controlled by a duty officer or dispatcher. All information from the lower level flows to it, and the parameters or programs of its work are changed.

  • Lower- street lighting control panels are located in the areas of lighting networks. Boards switch the work of lighting devices and monitor their condition without the presence of workers.

Communication between the upper and lower levels can be done in several ways. As a rule, equipment supplied by manufacturers supports all functions. Therefore, the company chooses the option that is most beneficial for a particular situation. Sometimes the system uses several channels at the same time.

Therefore, we list all the methods of switching:

  1. Modem channel- through the lines of the regular telephone network. One of the cheapest ways. The only drawbacks are that the telephone network is not always nearby, and laying a separate line can be costly. Also for telephone connection you need to pay at least a small, but still a fee.
  2. GSM channel- through cellular network... The equipment is inexpensive, you can connect quickly and almost anywhere. The disadvantage is a significant payment for using the network.
  3. LAN lines- the street lighting control unit and the dispatcher's equipment are connected by twisted pair. This channel does not require payment for communication to third parties, but requires the laying of lines to each cabinet. It is beneficial only when the equipment of the upper and lower levels is not very far away.
  4. Radio channel- as is understandable with the help of radio communication. The equipment is more expensive than in other cases, but there is no need to pay for the channel. Minus one - poor noise immunity.

Automatic control system capabilities

Let's list the main features of the system, and note that all operations and data transmission are carried out in real time and with the ability to work not with each control panel separately, but and group them.

Control functions:

  1. turning on and off each light source on command;
  2. programming the switching on of lighting by time or from the state of the sensors (illumination and others), it is possible to introduce hourly, calendar and seasonal work schedules;
  3. switching phases on the power lines of lighting devices, including programmatically - in time, or depending on the power parameters at the input to the cabinet;
  4. forced reboot of the control cabinet microprocessor system.

Control functions:

  1. control of the state of the lighting connection lines (whether or not there is voltage, its parameters, current, presence short circuit, phase imbalance, cosine phi);
  2. control of the state of the input lines (whether or not there is voltage, its parameters, current, phase imbalance, cosine phi);
  3. monitoring the status of contactors and circuit breakers at the outputs (on / off);
  4. control of the metering device for electricity consumption (readings, peaks, tariffs);
  5. control of unauthorized access to the closet (when opened without permission, or hacked, information is sent to the dispatcher);
  6. the state of communication lines (signal level, etc.);
  7. diagnostics of system malfunctions;
  8. fire control, sensors signal a sharp rise in temperature.

A street lighting control system almost always has a built-in power supply. When the power supply is cut off, it remains in touch for at least an hour and informs about changes in parameters.

It is also worth noting that data storage is almost always duplicated. Information about the situation is recorded and stored not only by the dispatching equipment, but also in the equipment of cabinets (control panels in the field). If there was no connection, then you can restore the course of events by reading it through the memory of the control panel (as mentioned above, it is non-volatile).

Self-control lighting

If we talk about a small area, for example, such as a plot near a house or a small production site (no more than 100 x 100 meters), then there is no need complex systems street lighting control.

Remote control is also optional (even with a smartphone). As long as you turn on desired application, then you can go up and turn on the mechanical switch. More than a dozen lanterns are rarely installed on such an area. Exception when control street lamps interconnected with the home or security system.

Therefore, we will analyze how to arrange a street lighting control system for a small area with our own hands. As practice shows, it can significantly reduce the cost of energy supply.

What do we need to light up

The most common division into the following groups of lamps:

  1. Lamps that burn all the dark time of the day (it all depends on the wishes of the owners) are usually placed in front of the main entrance.
  2. It is advisable to light the roads inside the territory only when people or equipment appear (see). This rule also applies to areas where intruders may appear (for the purpose of protection).
  3. , decorative lighting or festive illumination - it should only be lit in the evening.
  4. The area in front of the entrance gate and garage. You can only illuminate when approaching technology, not people.

What do we need for this

In addition to wires and fittings, you will need to purchase some more parts. Everything is not expensive and not in short supply, we will give approximate prices for them.

  • Time relay - price from 300 rubles.

  • Astronomical relay - from 500 rubles.
  • Light relay (twilight sensor) - from 500 rubles.

  • Capacitive relay (presence or proximity sensor) - from 500 rubles.

Note that these are Russian prices, you can buy everything cheaper on the Internet (not taking into account the quality).

How to connect

All these parts (of modern design) are powered by a standard 220 volt network and can switch a decent load. That is, intermediate relays and contactors, step-down transformers are not needed, you just need to think over the protection against overloads.

The wiring diagram is almost always indicated on the body, including the terminals for signaling blocking / unblocking. In addition, the terminal assignment is prescribed by the instruction. Even with minimal (but confident knowledge of electrical engineering) problems will not arise.

We collect schemes

We will tell you what and how to apply for each illuminated object (territory):

  1. Before entering - just connect via an astronomical relay or a lighting relay. Failures due to various circumstances are not critical, which, however, is true for all other cases.
  2. Movement paths within the territory - here the task is more difficult. We solve it this way: we install presence sensors near all the entrances and exits, they give a signal to the time relay, which should turn on the lighting, for the period of which there is more than enough for the road. In order for the system not to turn on during the day, we provide for its blocking by a light sensor or an astronomical relay.
  3. Illumination and illumination - through an astronomical relay, turn on after sunset, extinguish when everyone is asleep. If we are only talking about lighting for the holidays, you can use a regular timer (for a few days the sunset time does not change much).
  4. Entrance for a car - if you have an automatic gate, then the controller for controlling them most often has an output for controlling the lighting. If not, the best way out is to use a light sensor.

But it must be done so that it reacts only to the headlights of an approaching car. To do this, we attach a hood by eye (a tube of small length and a suitable diameter), it will exclude extraneous illumination.

We install the sensor not on the dashboard, but in a place where it will fall under the target of your headlights at the entrance. Additionally, you can block the inclusion of lighting during the day using a time relay.

That's all we wanted to tell you about what a street lighting control system is. We will be glad if our article helped you. Live in safety, but don't overpay for electricity.

Remote control of lighting in the country provides a comfortable stay. Remote switching on, as well as turning off the electricity in the apartment has become commonplace for a long time. Nevertheless, it is also not too difficult to make such a device in a country house on your own.

Remote lighting control: principle of operation and advantages of the system

Modern remote lighting control systems have the following undeniable advantages:

  • the ability to smoothly control the light, as well as turn off various lighting devices;
  • implementation of regulation of the level of lighting;
  • extending the life of a variety of electrical appliances;
  • a noticeable reduction in the indicators of electricity consumption.

Radio controlled switches and intelligent electrical control offer virtually limitless opportunities for landscape lighting systems. The outdoor version of landscape lighting allows you to give an extraordinary decorative appeal to such objects in the local area as illuminated paths and steps, a pool, flower beds and flower beds, reservoirs and fountains, as well as garden plantings. The illumination of architectural details of a country house is also widely used. Country lighting can be functional and decorative.

Remote light control: connection (video)

Ways to control light remotely

A convenient and high-quality system for the correct use of lighting equipment can be organized in different ways. Most often, for this purpose and control over all lighting devices, one controller or remote control is used.

The maximum number of functions provided by lighting control is included in the smart home system. Any modern wireless lighting system can function by means of radio wave, infrared and pulse signals.

In order to control the system, various options are used, which can be represented by wall controllers, light switches using remote control, personal computers, as well as smartphones - mobile phones.

Controlling the light in the country using your phone

Some of the most common ways to regulate various lighting fixtures include using a phone or smartphone, and the process is carried out in the following ways:

  • GSM-module in the form of sending SMS and calls;
  • Wi-Fi application.

Lighting control consists in turning off and on lamps, in adjusting the intensity of lighting, in setting a timer for various lighting fixtures.

How the wall controller works

The most technically simple option remote control is a standard wall controller. His appearance the wall controller is very similar to a conventional switch and is used to signal the switching on and off of lighting equipment.

This type of device is a modern automaton that controls any lighting fixtures in strict accordance with a certain algorithm determined by the program. The information is supplied to the wall controller from different devices, which can be represented by a remote control, sensors or buttons in manual mode... The controller is programmed using a standard computer keyboard and LCD display.

The sensors are distinguished by their accuracy of operation, in some models ultrasonic indicators are provided, which increase the recognition efficiency. Properly positioned photovoltaic cells help control the brightness of the lighting. The process of turning off and on takes place in automatic mode.

Remote turn on and off the light from the computer

Computerization of the process of controlling garden lights is a modern and convenient option. As a rule, in the "Smart Home" home remote automation system, the interface for controlling lighting devices can be implemented through a special software installed on Personal Computer, or is done through a browser, through a special web server that broadcasts a pre-configured page.

In the process of controlling lighting devices from a personal computer, the full functionality of the entire system is available, represented by turning on and off absolutely all light groups, as well as adjusting the brightness and launching various backlighting or lighting scenarios. The correct implementation of all these possibilities requires the connection of lighting devices using a special programmable device located in a special panel.

If the possibility of installing the shield is completely absent, then the control of lighting devices from a personal computer can be carried out using programmable radio relays and special dimmers that operate using the z-wave protocol.

Also, an acceptable and quite convenient option is the use of special lamps with a radio module in standard lighting devices. Such a system is well compatible with special controllers that will act as a web server. The lighting devices and controllers, which are produced in the iNels line of ready-made sets, have proven very well.

How to connect lighting control from a smartphone (video)

Radio-controlled and infrared remotes

Any set of wireless radio-controlled lighting must be equipped with a special radio transmitter that transmits a signal from a special command device via a radio channel. Signal range indicators are in direct proportion to the features specific model, but the maximum values ​​are one third of a kilometer. Installing the antenna allows you to increase the radius up to 2.5-3.0 km.

To combine all installed radio transmitters into unified system control station used, which helps to control the functioning of the luminaires. The control station connects to the computers on which the initial settings are to be set and recorded. Further functioning can be carried out in full offline.

Wireless lighting based on infrared signals is used in outdoor lighting. The principle of operation is similar to that of a TV remote control. To amplify the signal, a special device can be installed that converts the infrared signal into radio waves, which allows the transmission of commands over a long distance.

Organization of remote control of street lighting at the summer cottage

Very important properly organize lighting using a systematic set of devices that can be represented by modern automated systems management.

In this case, the lighting mode of the lighting device is controlled and the state of the system is monitored. Also, the owner of the backyard has a great opportunity to increase the energy efficiency of outdoor lighting. The advantages of such a control include work in an autonomous mode, the complete elimination of the human factor, minimization of energy losses and an increase in the efficiency of the backlight.

Features of self-installation of a remote lighting control system

Too complex circuits will require sufficient knowledge in the field of electronics, as well as the ability to independently calculate loads and correctly create competent electrical circuits. In order to independently install a remote control and lighting control system, in specialized retail outlets, you must purchase a block or panel "PIC", "AVR" or "ACUHO-GSM" ready for installation.

The cost of such equipment is determined by the principle of operation, as well as the main capabilities during operation. It should be noted that systems using radio waves are an order of magnitude more expensive than infrared circuits. If knowledge in the field of electronics and installation of electrical devices is completely absent, then it is advisable to entrust the installation of the remote control system to professionals.

If it is necessary to provide control of three or four lighting devices, it is recommended to purchase a ready-made package with a remote control and special electrical outlets. Such an affordable option is easy to use and does not require complex special installation.

Remote controlled sockets: how they work (video)

The power level of lighting fixtures should be selected depending on the intended operation and purpose. For example, it is possible to provide soft illumination of a small adjoining territory with sodium lighting devices or DRL lamps, and for decorating a rock garden, a pool area or garden paths, modern led strip.

Modern remote systems lighting on the personal plot and local area have become popular relatively recently. Nevertheless, this option for using lighting devices is convenient and practical, therefore, it is of great interest to owners of suburban real estate.


Remote lighting control means such switching circuits for lighting fixtures, in which the impact on the switches is carried out in a non-contact way using wireless technologies.

Remote control systems have been used for a long time for switching both outdoor street and indoor lighting, as well as indoor lighting. There is a wide range of devices of this kind.

By the type of technology used, remote-controlled switches can be classified into one of the following types:

  • acoustic, responsive to sound vibrations;
  • optical, triggered by light radiation;
  • radio-controlled, in which the control signal is transmitted through radio waves;
  • light switches equipped with motion sensors;
  • smart switches capable of recognizing voice commands.

The principle of operation of an acoustic light switch with a remote control is the use of an electronic acoustic relay, which is triggered and turns on the light when it is fixed sound signal a certain power. A miniature microphone is used as a sensor.

The relay is equipped with a sensitivity regulator that ensures operation at a certain settable sound level. Non-contact electronic devices or conventional electromagnetic relays with mechanical contacts can be used as actuators of the relay that directly switch lighting devices.

The lighting lamps are turned off when a repeated sound pulse is received. Alternatively, the device can be equipped with a time relay that turns off the light after a time interval set on a special scale. In this version, the device can be used to illuminate walk-through areas (corridors, entrances, etc.).

The use of acoustic relays is limited by the inconvenience of their use due to the ability to operate with any extraneous noise (low selectivity).

Optical systems for turning on and off lighting can be classified into one of two categories:

  • switches that are triggered when exposed to radiation of light of the visible spectrum;
  • remote systems for switching light and other loads using infrared (IR) radiation.

Switches of the first type are fully automatic devices. They are used to turn on and off street lighting in cities. The device is based on a photo relay that reacts to sunlight. The light intensity sensor is a photodiode built into the relay.

At dusk, when the illumination threshold falls below the set limit, the relay is triggered, including electromagnetic starters for outdoor lighting. When the sun rises and a certain threshold of daylight intensity is reached, the relay returns, turning off the street lights.


Infrared light switches with remote control are mainly used to switch lighting inside an apartment. Such a system includes two devices: a transmitter and a receiver.

Most often, the receiver is located in the place of a traditional key light switch, and a remote control for lighting devices serves as an IR signal transmitter. The prevalence of this particular configuration is due to the fact that the IR remote control kit is usually installed to replace the pre-existing wired circuit.

A system configuration using infrared rays is also used, in which both the receiver and the signal transmitter are located in the same housing in the place of the light switch. To turn on the light in this case, you must bring your hand or some object to the switch. In this case, the receiver is triggered, perceiving the reflected signal from the transmitter.

The disadvantage of systems using infrared rays is the small range of the transmitter, which is limited to just a few meters for a conventional remote control.

In addition, for successful operation, the receiver and transmitter must be located in the line of sight, since infrared rays do not bend around obstacles well.

Radio-controlled systems for remote switching on and off lighting also contain a receiver and a transmitter, but the carrier of the control action here is radio wave radiation.

As in the case of infrared systems, the radio transmitter is usually located in the remote control, and the receiver in the place of the rocker switch.

Other placement methods are also common, when the receiver is mounted directly in the chandelier.

The transmitter can be made not only in the form of a remote control, but also in the form factor of a conventional rocker switch. Such a device with the help of double-sided tape is attached in any convenient place, on the wall or on furniture.

The receiver unit, included in the light remote control kit, also includes a controller with actuators (often conventional electromechanical relays). Often, controllers have several channels, which allows you to turn on the light from the remote control, switching each chandelier lamp separately.

With appropriate wiring, multiple light sources can be switched with one remote control. Moreover, radio-controlled kits can be used to open and close electrically operated window blinds, operate electrified mechanisms for opening gates, doors and gates, fans, air conditioners and other electrical appliances.

The advantages of remote switches using radio waves include the following:

  • significant range of action of the consoles, up to 100 meters;
  • the ability of radio waves to bend around obstacles and pass through walls.

Another type of automatic lighting control is the use of motion sensors, similar to those used in alarm systems. The sensors themselves, according to the principle of operation, can be different:

  • ultrasonic;
  • infrared;
  • radio frequency.

As in the case of using a photo relay, the light control process is carried out here in a fully automatic mode. Devices of this type have a fairly narrow field of application - lighting rooms or areas of the territory during the presence of people there. Such systems are very effective for turning on and off the light in the porches, on the stairwells, lighting at the entrance to the house.

A few words about the most intelligent systems that are likely to become the basis for the smart home of the future. We are talking about devices capable of recognizing and executing various commands given by the owner's voice.

Systems of this type contain analyzers of human speech. Various commands are pre-recorded in the device memory and saved as a spectrum of audio frequencies. In this case, the individual characteristics of the voice, its timbre, intonation play a role. During the operation of the system, the received voice command is analyzed, its spectrum of sound frequencies is identified with the commands stored in the memory, and if one of them coincides, a certain action is performed.


As an example, consider a typical set designed for remote control of light from a remote control. Uniel kit UCH-P001 contains the following components:

  • a radio signal receiver combined with a controller and executive relays;
  • remote control light with built-in transmitter;
  • a special holder for the remote control, which can be fixed in a convenient place with double-sided tape or screws;
  • battery for the remote control;
  • installation and operating instructions.

1. This electric remote control switch has the following specifications:

2. It has two control channels, that is, it is possible to independently control two electrical devices, or groups of electrical devices, by means of the panel.

How to make remote control lighting

The maximum load of each channel is 1000 watts, the maximum total load is respectively 2000 watts.

4. The range of the remote control is 30 meters.

5. Dimensions of the receiver unit, controller and executive relays - 90x45x22 mm. The compact size of the block makes it easy to hide it behind decorative elements of interior decoration or place it inside a chandelier.

6. The console is equipped with three buttons - "1", "2" and "3". The buttons "1" and "2" are used to turn on and off the electrical devices of the 1st and 2nd channels, respectively, the button "3" of the remote control switches both channels simultaneously.

Descriptions of several more light control modules can be found here.




Electricity consumption for lighting a house, street, industrial facility can be reduced by 30-40% if the operation of lighting devices is optimized. Accurate accounting of the presence and intensity of daylight, the presence of people in the room is achieved through the introduction of a wireless lighting control system (LMS).

Such a system combines maximum comfort for users with the possibility of significant energy savings and can include the following functions:

  • control using motion sensors (activation occurs when motion is detected);
  • control of all light sources according to a pre-created algorithm (for example, when the TV is turned on);
  • control via infrared or radio remote control;
  • switching on / off lamps by timer (according to schedule);
  • imitation of the presence of the owners, i.e. creating the effect of the presence of people in the house;
  • long-distance control via a GSM channel using a computer or telephone.


Remote control and adjustment of lighting in a house or apartment is usually provided in one of two ways:

1.Using radio or infrared (IR) remote controllers (RCUs), as well as through voice (sound) control when you are in a room or in close proximity to it.

Radio remotes.

The light source in the house can be controlled from any point by installing one radio remote control near the door, and the other, for example, by the bed. Radio consoles, depending on their technical characteristics, differ in functionality, appearance and range (10-100 m).

The simplest single-channel remote controls turn on and off a single lamp. Multichannel ones work in several zones and are configured separately for each power unit. When placing the receiver and transmitter in different rooms, it should be borne in mind that the power of the radio signal decreases during the passage of floors and walls, to avoid this, repeaters are used.

Infrared remote control used in small premises.

This is due to its main disadvantages - the need to accurately aim the device at the signal receiver, since it works only within the line of sight of the light source, and has a short range of the beam.

One of the main advantages of a system with an infrared remote control is that it can be used to control not only the lighting of a smart home, but also a TV, home theater, ventilation, heating, etc.

The main advantage here is ease of control and the absence of the need to monitor where the remote control is, since it is not provided in this system. The disadvantage is that often any noise can turn the lights on or off.

Therefore, in order to exclude accidental operation, most modern voice switches are equipped with a tone signal differentiation system. However, these switches need careful and competent tuning.

Another disadvantage of such devices is that they can only be used with lamps plugged into an outlet, so they are convenient for turning on / off floor lamps, table lamps, etc.

2. Control via GSM channel over long distances.

The ability of the lighting control system to receive commands from any distance is the main purpose of GSM control. Installation of such a system allows you to create a "dialogue" between the owner of the house and "smart" equipment (GSM module). The principle of operation is that a GSM module and an electronic board with a SIM card slot are built into the luminaires.

Information transfer occurs through short calls or SMS messages. Installation of just such a system is relevant for those who often forget to turn off the lights in the house, even when leaving it for a long time.


Street lighting management is largely relevant for public utilities and for owners of private (country) houses. The main management methods are implemented:

Application of motion sensors.

The main function of motion sensors is to remotely control street lighting, namely, to automatically turn on / off the light when movement appears. According to the method of determining the movement, the devices are divided into:

  • infrared;
  • ultrasonic;
  • microwave;
  • combined.

The principle of their operation is quite simple.

Light control from the remote control in the apartment

When a moving object appears in the sensitivity zone of the device, it additionally determines the level of illumination and, if it is low (parameters are set during installation), then the sensor is triggered and turns on the lighting device. The transmission of the corresponding control signal can be carried out via a radio channel.

Using a photo relay.

The device switches the lights on and off in response to changes in natural light. In theory, an LMS in which a photo relay is used should clearly respond to weather conditions, for example, working earlier on cloudy days.

But practice shows that there are many third-party factors: a significant change in air temperature, sensor contamination, etc., which have a negative impact on the operation of the device. In this connection, its operation may be incorrect.

Using remote controls.

If desired, you can additionally connect motion sensors, security lighting, etc. to such a remote control. Two elements perform the main functions in controlling a radio remote control: the console is a command device and an RGB controller or power unit (radio dimmer, radio relay) is an executive device.

More complex systems work via WiFi technology, and are equipped with a timer, additional sensors, photocells.

Radio control is carried out by sending a signal from the remote control to the controller. The advantage of the radio channel console is that there is no mandatory requirement for the lighting device to be in the field of view. However, this equipment has a serious drawback - significant, in comparison with IR control, cost.


The most popular are the following LMS kits:

  • Belarusian NooLite system;
  • Polish Zamel.

The range of the equipment allows transmitting signals to light sources at a distance of up to 300 meters.

Radio-controlled equipment NooLite.

NooLite equipment is used to create a smart home lighting remote control system. The system includes a set of devices such as remote controls, power blocks and a switch that allows you to control lighting without a remote control.

Also, the kit may include:

  • motion sensor PM111;
  • humidity and temperature sensor PT111;
  • ethernet gateway PR1132.

The PR1132 gateway can be connected to a switch or wireless router, which allows turning on / off the device using a phone or computer. The advantage of NooLite is the ability to expand the kit.

Zamel control system for smart home lighting.

The set of the popular type of Zamel equipment includes: a push-button 4-channel radio transmitter RNK-04 and a built-in 2-channel radio receiver model ROP-02.

Such a receiver can be mounted in a wall or hidden form, as well as directly placed in the luminaire body.

ROP-02 is capable of operating in 5 modes: off, on, monostable, bistable and time modes.

Functional features of the Zamel wireless system:

  • the ability to control lighting equipment, as well as other receivers;
  • the presence of 2 output relays (potential-free contact at 230 V);
  • operating range up to 200 m with the possibility of increasing it when installing the RTN-01 retransmitter;
  • the presence of optical signaling;
  • low power consumption.

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Remote light switch

We are all accustomed to conventional switches that operate by pressing a button. But in addition to these traditional devices, there are other more modern and progressive devices on the market today. These are switches such as touch switches, as well as equipped with an indicator, dimmer or light regulator. And one of the most convenient is the remote control light switch. Let's take a look at its main characteristics.

Features of Remote Light Switch

Such a device has a large range (up to 100 m), which allows you to turn it on from almost anywhere in your apartment.

There are three types of such switches:

  1. Equipped with a motion sensor - they usually use an infrared port. These switches “turn on” the light when there is any movement in the room.
  2. Acoustic (with sound perception) - turn on in response to a programmed sound (clap, loudly spoken word, etc.).

    Remote control of lighting from the remote control

    Consumers mark these models as very practical.

  3. With a remote control - it works thanks to a radio signal that is transmitted from the remote control to a special receiver.

The most progressive models combine all three of these types, and also respond to a wave of the hand directly in front of the switch.

Benefits of remote switches

The convenience of using such a switch is as follows:

  • using the remote control or voice control you can turn off the light without getting up from the couch;
  • installation is quite simple, since most often remote switches are installed in place of the previous ones, without changing the wiring;
  • remote switches, as a rule, allow you to adjust the level of illumination, due to which the life of the lamps is significantly extended;
  • and finally, the timer is a very useful feature. It makes it possible to program the switching on and off of the light in the apartment at a given time, which can be used as an alarm clock or to create a “presence effect” (the light turns on and off, even if you are away).

In a word, the remote switch not only performs its main function, but also has many others, additional, which makes its operation as comfortable as possible.

As for the connection features remote switch light, it depends on which lamps the device will interact with. If these are ordinary incandescent lamps, then the connection of the device will be similar to how ordinary electrical switches... Energy saving and LED lamps there are differences - for example, they should be installed as close as possible to the lighting device itself.