Samsung smartphones for half the MTS: What is the benefit? The MTS shop has won the prices of the best smartphones of Apple, Samsung and Huawei attraction of unprecedented generosity from MTS - real discounts.

As a rule, official Russian stores that sell only "white" products, put the maximum prices for the entire range of their products. Of course, for all buyers it is extremely unprofitable, because it is necessary to overpay "for the air", but it is necessary to understand that all retailers in Russia sell certain electronic devices At the prices that were installed by the most manufacturer or supplier. Since shops are interested in the influx of buyers, because their own profits depends on this, they go to all sorts of tricks, allowing them to reduce the cost of a smartphone for buyers, but not to violate the arrangement with the manufacturer (supplier). Most often for such a trick is the store "MTS".

Online store of the MTS operator, which has an extensive network of retail outlets in Russia, has collapsed prices for the best apple smartphones, SAMSUNG, HUAWEI and SONY. Almost all of their mobile devices can be bought with huge discounts, and we are not talking about some point or other cunning advertising tricks, but about real money. In particular, the buyer will first really have to pay the full cost of one or another smartphone, but then, immediately after purchase, part of the spent money will return to the electronic wallet. Such an operation is called cachekkom.

The whole scheme works very simple. Buyer orders a smartphone from the online store apple companies, Samsung, Huawei and Sony, participating in the promotion, after which takes it in one of the sales offices "MTS", or wait for courier delivery. Payment can be made in cash or card directly upon receipt of the goods in your own hands, or bank card Online.

Then, immediately after purchase, a part of the money will go to MTS Money Wallet, which can be spent at their discretion for anything, right up to their translation to another payment System or on your bank account. Through this service, you can buy various goods, paying for fines, housing and communal services, replenish the phone, as well as make many other things that are available in all popular online wallet.

The list of goods for which you can get Cashback as part of a temporary action from the MTS operator, extremely extensive. There are all the most top smartphones Apple, Samsung, Huawei and Sony, and the amount of the return of the money is really impressive. These are not some kind of a penny to attract attention, but real money for which you can buy accessories or a whole month to fill the car.

Some of the goods involved in the action from MTS:

  • iPhone 8 - 53 990 rubles (6,000 rubles will return back)
  • iPhone 8 Plus - 62 990 rubles (6,500 rubles will return back)
  • iPhone 7 - 41 990 rubles (4 000 rubles will return back)
  • iPhone 7 Plus - 50 990 rubles (4,500 rubles will return back)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note. 8 - 69 990 rubles (5,000 rubles will return back)
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 + - 54 990 rubles (5,000 rubles will return back)
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 - 49 990 rubles (5,000 rubles will return back)
  • Samsung Galaxy S7 - 29 990 rubles (3,500 rubles will return back)
  • Sony Xperia X - 21 990 rubles (2 000 rubles return back)

How easy it is possible to notice the higher the price of a particular mobile deviceMoreover, the operator MTS will return for his purchase of money, although there are some exceptions. So, in particular, Apple's smartphones will be returned more money. The temporal action from this store, in which he hit the prices of the best smartphones of Apple, Samsung, Huawei and Sony, will be valid until November 30 inclusive.

This is a great way to save an impressive amount when buying a new smartphone, if you need a "white" modification with the official guarantee in Russia.

Do not miss your chance! Until June 2 inclusive, everyone has unique opportunity Xiaomi Redmi Airdots, spending only 2 minutes of his personal time on it.

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From December 1, the company launched a share "Samsung Galaxy on a subscription is more profitable by 50%". MTS offers triple benefits: 1) 20% - a one-time discount when buying smartphone,
2) 30% - discount when handing a smartphone to Trade-in,
3) 10% - discount for use of the MTS tariff for 12 months.

The action is valid until January 31, 2019. Whether it will be extended, depends on the activity of subscribers. In the case of popularity, it will be possible to take on the subscription to the smartphones of other brands: iPhone, Huawei, etc. The use of the use can be increased from 12 to 24 months.
MTS is not the first invented this action. In October, Samsung launched sAMSUNG program Forward for Galaxy Note 9, Galaxy S9 / S9 + models. You can read in detail about this promotion, we will focus on the offer from MTS.

How does it look in advertising? You come to the salon, take the phone on credit and pay 50% of its cost during the year, after which they change it to more new smartphone. It turns out, you own a premium smartphone for half of its cost. Attracts? Yes. But let's consider.

Step-by-step instruction
1. Choose a phone involved in the promotion. Prices for smartphones are not overpriced, but average. There is no overpayment.
2. Connect to one of four tariffs: My Smart, our Smart, Tariff X, Tariffs. If you are connected to one of these actual tariffs, you do not need to do anything.
3. Make a subscription in the MTS salon or in the online store. We remind you that you take the phone on credit.

What discounts do you get?
- At the time of buying a phone you will be given a discount of 20%.
- You will also receive a discount on a subscription in the amount of 10%. The tariff needs to use 12 months.
- If after 12 months you will hand over the phone back, you will get another 30% discount from its cost. Make it you need to 13 pay.
50% of the cost of the phone you will pay for 12 months equal payments. A single account is used to pay loan and subscription taxiplines. Money on the account must be put in advance, as the penalty is 0.1% for every day of delay.
A year later, you pay off a loan, but will find yourself without a phone. It is assumed that you will immediately take a new smartphone in MTS and continue to use it by the same scheme. The new amount of the monthly payment will be recalculated depending on the cost of the phone and the tariff.

Underwater rocks
- You can not return the phone in 12 months. In this case, you will remain paying the remaining loan payments (the loan is for a period of from 13 to 18 months depending on the selected model). The loan rate is from 7.55% to 8.05%, but MTS gives a discount equal to the amount of interest.
- The phone needs to be returned in working condition (small chips and scratches are allowed). If the model is very worn, it does not work either the device is lost, you will not receive a discount of 30%. You also need to deactivate the option "Find Phone" (Samsung) and "Phone Search" (Google). Read more:
- If ahead of time to redeem the phone, you will not receive a discount of 30%.
- After a year, the conditions for the promotion may change and become less profitable.

What do we have on the fact?
Let the phone cost 40 thousand rubles. On the action you will immediately throw off 8 thousand rubles. 20 thousand rubles you will pay within 12 months. Then you return the phone and get a discount of 12 thousand rubles. That is, we pay half the price and the year use the top telephone.

Who is profitable?
Those who are used to enjoying expensive phones and change them once a year. They almost always have a top smartphone and will not hurt the head where to give the old one. In principle, it is enough profitable propositionIf you are not frightened by loans and risks associated with loss or breakdown of your fault of your fault.

Also, this action is beneficial for MTS. Otherwise, they would not be launched. They receive a minimum for the year of the subscriber who uses not the cheapest tariff and is associated with them with a loan agreement. In addition, in a year the company receives the phone back.

Three years ago, the first release of "sofan analytics" was devoted to the sales of Note 3 in the operator retail "MegaFon" at a loss. Then the flagship from Samsung was given for a penny, and many of them bought it, who before that attraction of unprecedented generosity could not afford this device. Moreover, today, many buyers of that MegaFon Note 3 still use them and do not find anything comparable in terms of price / quality ratio. It is difficult to find a similar offer, because then the operator sold Note 3 at a price of minus 9,000 rubles from the purchase price. The discount from the retail price of other players was 16,000 rubles, in the MegaFon, the device cost 13,990 rubles, everywhere - 29,990 rubles.

MegaFon, the project did not bring any benefits to an even account, they just burned the money, spoiled relations with Samsung and did not receive any noticeable advantages in the form of market share, nor in the form of loyal subscribers. Now something like this makes MTS, but, unlike the MegaFon, the discounts concern almost the entire line of Samsung, they range from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles, and there is an important difference: these discounts are issued by alive money, which can be credited immediately And pick up. Let's look together with what happens to how the mechanics of the action acts and why it is necessary, and what it means for the market.

An attraction of unprecedented generosity from MTS - Real Discounts

The promotion with a refund of money when buying a smartphone or tablet does not attract special attention, in MTS stores try not to talk about it, as sellers are unprofitable to sell devices with a significant discount. Someone tells that the sellers are sometimes trying to return the Kesbek to themselves, but I think that it does not take such a massive such attempts to take into account.

On the MTS website, this action is described here. It is worth noting that the discount is offered at almost the entire the lineup Samsung, several LG, Huawei models and less well-known manufacturers. In the overall issue of goods, they are shown with the "Return XXXXHX RUB" icon, look at the screenshot below.

When I shared this action in social networksThe shaft of the message was collected on me that there are no such prices in the MTS store, while people brought screenshots of the same pages, on them for Galaxy S7 there was an inscription "Return 10,000 rubles". Most simply ignored this inscription, looked only for the final cost in the usual column. Therefore, my MTS Council is simple: change the cost in a regular column, add an asterisk that the price is possible only if you participate in the promotion, otherwise you lose buyers. Interestingly, in MTS could not somehow to dig this action, to make it loud, it passes unnoticed for the mass consumer, and there is no intent. So simple circumstances have developed, and MTS does not know how to create stories around such unprecedented discounts.

Even attending a reference to the description of the share with Keshbek, I encountered the fact that many people are lazy to open a page and read written, begin to invent some kind of conditions and immediately say that they are disadvantageous. Let's describe briefly, how this promotion works:

  • You buy a smartphone involved in the promotion, for cash or cashless payments, you can do this in the store or in the MTS online store, in the second case there will still be a pickup from the sales point;
  • In the store when paying and getting the goods, you specify your phone number, and for you create a wallet "MTS money", it can be created regardless of your operator;
  • As specified in the shares, the amount of Kesbek returns to your MTS Money Wallet, almost instantly, then you can manage it as you like, the withdrawal of 10,000 rubles will cost you 260 rubles of the Commission, which can be considered a good proposal;
  • MTS subscribers also receive additionally promotional code with a 30% discount for the next purchase.

The action started on August 15 and last until September 30, so if you want to buy something, it's time to do it. Please note that MTS was not fine and did not choose the most intense goods, did not remove the new items from the promotion - did not do anything, but offered the highest possible coverage of goods (the exception is Apple Mark, although the latter really want MTS to sell 9,990 rubles iPhone SE, but you do not want to give money). For example, you can find in this action as Galaxy S8 and Honor 9, which only recently came on sale and is popular (selling it with a discount there is no point, but they sell, throwing 3,000 rubles). The same Honor 9 turns out at a price of 23,990 rubles, which looks significantly less than the initial 26,990 rubles, this is a very good offer.

The most fully in this action is a line from Samsung, here and the current flagships (Note 8 is not, as it appeared on sale just that), and the model of the middle level, for example, a superpopular A-series of this and last year. Considering the size of discounts, the market simply broke into MTS and made the proposals of other players uninteresting. For example, Galaxy S7 per share costs 24,990 rubles (against the initial price of 34,990 rubles), exactly the same cost and other players.

At the same time, A5 2017 (one of the most popular models in the market) costs 20,990 rubles, A5 2016 - 12,590 rubles. The list can be continued, but the fact is that these are lower offers on the gray market, but PCT devices themselves and have a full guarantee.

Every time, buyers face similar attractions of unprecedented generosity, they are trying to explain them from the point of view of common sense and logic, typical explanations do not change the year from the year and look like this:

  • Smartphones are not for sale, so prices are thrown off on them;
  • This is the last party, there will be no more such, so low price;
  • These are showcase samples, there are no boxes or they are torn, in one word, the hell knows what;
  • It is used phones, and they are trying to sell under the guise of new ones.

It is clear that no explanation is true, although open boxes with phones can easily get caught, as the devices are often shown at points, and people do not buy them for some reason. But all the newly involved in the promotion of the device new, and nobody used them, and they did not stand on the shop windows. If you have a reverse suspicion, then simply call the security service, as a rule, it is chemistry from the sellers who want to have something to do to themselves.

And now let's figure it out for whose expense is the holiday and why MTS decided to break the market, and not for the first time.

MTS strategy in retail - Cavalry dough and reduction of expenses

The operator retail is a very specific type of business in which you need to maintain a balance between sales of SIM cards, subscriber service and what brings money, namely the realization of smartphones and accessories. It is extremely difficult to find such a balance, but all operator networks invent their bike, retail from MTS - no exception.

In recent years, in retail MTS (RTK) there was a lot of all, the top management teams were constantly changed, they put one tasks, then others did not achieve any results. In MTS, they started the price war against Euroset, in which the operator and Samsung came out the winners, but no visible victory results were visible, MTS himself lost more than earned. The only result was the peak of the market share, it was 16% of sales in Poly Expression (in the money is comparable), and this achievement has become possible at the expense of smartphones from Samsung, which some time was unlightly bought in MTS, this chocolate period lasted almost one and a half of the year.

During the price war, when MTS received a kind of exclusive on Samsung, crushing prices for many models, returned money to the subscriber's account (another stock, not as interesting as described in this issue), did not make one in MTS - did not invest money The staff did not improve the quality of employees in retail, and this applies to both the grassroots, that is, sales assistants and management at all other levels. As before, the MTS retail was non-transparent, weakly managed and was distinguished by the inability to sell the goods on a par with the same "Euroset", "connected" or "megaphone". During the year, I as the started said the same thing: the price war will end, and will have to re-sell the goods by the skill, and not at the cost, in these conditions MTS guarantees, since this ability does not possess.

What happened? The price war is over, and the share of MTS retail dropped sharply from 16 to 11%. The same "MegaFon Retail", having received smartphones from Samsung, without any noticeable and direct discounts quickly increased its sales and in some months it became the number one for these goods. "Euroset" and "connected" came to life, which again began to trade with these smartphones. The conditional exclusive MTS ended, and it turned out that for a year and a half of the war failed to create a pool of loyal buyers, they went for a commodity to other places.

These events also left the consolidation of retail (the merger of Euroset and the "connected" owner), reducing the number of stores that are no longer needed in such volumes. MTS also began to cut a retail, as it is costly and unprofitable to keep a large network that is the more, the less profitable. The landscape of the market has changed, and networks should be reduced. But in the case of MTS, it also automatically means a decrease in sales and market share. It would seem a vicious circle.

By the way, in the late summer, the wave of discussion of the fact that in retail MTS employees create uncomfortable conditions, and the latter screaming that everything lost, and dismissed, is a fully conscious MTS step. When reducing the number of retail points you need to cut people best way - If they write a statement on your own accord and leave. Created conditions primarily wash the weakest sellers and lower composition, so that there is a certain savings on payments, and it was simulated in MTS well. Since the process is managed, then no collapse of the MTS retail is not foreseen, these are emotional cries of the departed.

Now let's discuss why in MTS donated sales profitability, they sell almost a hundred names of the running goods in a tough minus. An explanation, in fact, lies on the surface: This approach makes it possible to increase the market share in piece sales in a short time, closing the eye to the unprofitability of these operations. After all, the question is how MTS shareholders and top management assesses success in earned money or in market share. It is now obvious that they are focused on the market share and "correct" to the measure of their forces and the ability to the current situation.

One of the top retail managers told me in a private conversation that MTS is ready to spend up to a billion rubles per monthly retail sales subsidies, it is enough to return to the market share of 15%. This means that the action we is discussing is far from the last. There will be other similar attractions of unprecedented generosity, but maybe with other parameters, models, and so on, it is unlikely that it will be accurate repetition of this sales.

In MTS, money for these sales is not taken from the air, this is the money of the operator, which invests them in maintaining their own retail. It is clear that these money is earned on subscribers, and not somewhere else, and all subscribers of the company pay for sale. On the one hand, it is advantageous that we can all get excellent prices for new devices, on the other hand, the MTS subscribers should have a resentment, because this is due to their monthly payments. But the market is so designed that the ordinary people rarely realize where money is taken from companies, or they believe that they will still be spent, and here at least for a good cause.

Unfortunately, the shares like this are beneficial in the short term, but they do not solve long-term tasks, for example, do not create the ability to maintain the share of sales at one level, to educate customer loyalty. In my opinion, it is about the burned money, which give a momentum result: delay from falling and then slipping the situation to the previous state. One good is that such expensive escapades can afford to MTS.

The more interesting the reaction of the market and competitors. At first glance, it is absent at all, no one reduces prices, does not try to get involved in the price war with MTS. Everyone earn money, since now is not the time to scatter them. In fact, the whole federal retail is honing its ability to sell goods at an adequate value, which is exactly the opposite of the MTS approach. And the abyss in these skills is only growing, which promises the great trouble of MTS in the near future, when subsidies leave.

But there is a real effect. The gray market after the start of the action on specific devices that participate in it, she strongly asked, the prices became comparable, and many had to get out, the resellers gave goods to a slight minus, as sales got up. On the other hand, many continue to keep high prices, so gray Galaxy S7 sell 27-29 thousand rubles, which is 2-4 thousand above the proposal from MTS.

Another point is a B2B segment, corporate procurement from companies in which the minimum price is required. Here other operators were forced to dumping so that prices correspond to the proposal from MTS - but the narrowness of this market does not allow to say that he had some serious impact on operators and their income.

Oddly enough, on the side of Samsung there is no attempt to limit MTS in this approach, since the manufacturer is beneficial. MTS as a channel stifles the gray market and does it exclusively at his own expense, that is, increases sales sales. The second important point: the limitations of the MTS channel do not affect other players, they continue to sell in former volumes, which means an increase in the share of Samsung in the market. Just for September it can be expected that this action brought 0.5% of the Russian market for Samsung, which is not bad. And people who have not had the opportunity to buy expensive models, they got this opportunity and well saved. That is, an extension of the target audience has occurred at the expense of new users. And this holiday paid MTS, which pleases both buyers and manufacturers, although the main beneficiary here is one.

P.S. Let me remind you that you have a couple of days to participate in this action, September 30th it ends.

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Terms of Promotion:

  • From December 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019 - in all retail salons of MTS 1.
  • From December 21, 2018 to January 31, 2019.

    2 From December 27, 2018 to December 31, 2018, the action is valid only in MTS salons

Buy Samsung Galaxy by subscription and get triple benefits!

Use a smartphone for 50% of its cost:

  • 20% lump sum discount when buying a smartphone;
  • 30% discount when surrendering the smartphone in the trad-in;
  • get 10% discount on the use of the MTS tariff for 12 months.

Make a monthly payment for subscribing from a mobile phone account.

With details of the promotion can be found.

Answers to popular questions:

  1. I already use one of the tariffs "My Smart", "Our Smart", "Tariff X", "Tariff" whether I need to buy a new SIM card?
  2. New SIM will not need. If you are using last version Action tariff planYou will be given a discount on communication services at a rate of 10% of the cost of communication services for the year within 5 days from the date of the acquisition of the exact product.

  3. Do I need to prepare an additional product in the subscription?
  4. Purchase additional services or accessories is not a prerequisite for the purchase of a smartphone by subscription.

  5. How to pay for subscription payments?
  6. Just replenish your balance mobile number on the amount of monthly payment according to the schedule calculated in the subscription agreement (it is recommended to make cash in advance). At the cancellation date, funds are written off automatically from the mobile number account. Payment date is indicated in the loan agreement.

  7. What is the meaning of a subscription?
  8. This is an opportunity to use a smartphone for a small monthly fee with a convenient way to make funds. After 12 months (year) (after 12 and strictly up to 13 payment, regardless of the credit period), you can hand over the relevant refund requirements for a subscription. The cost of redemption will be 30% of the initial cost and will be aimed at repaying the loan balance. You can buy a new smartphone model as well by subscription.